HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1965 - .... . L v.L_f.RQ.,lII.Ju\._lUn TO _.GIOn.Q~..ll.~.:J~._...t!M~ltU_~._lU~ ____..___.___.._._____Q~lI-_Qt__~Jl~t .Q.~~P_. 165 &. ~,." --,-- I f , . 1 TUI~ l!-Im~NTllIlF.. 1IA,lr IhiL_._.. '''.000 _la.1ih.___.. "&y of.....Jla.roh._...~_.._....._._........._........____ ___...A. n. 19..g~.~ ~tw(CG _.....1' .-"..!._~~<!.~~J:!.~~..!.allle _CL._ Trowell L hls wife _____......___..__..__.__.....___.__.______ I "t Ih~ COUllt). or PalDl Beaoh _...... ..... "'"'' ........ and ~I&I~ or .rJ.Q;rlc1a.. ._......._._.................._..... ._.u[o&r~.!f~_ or t~ lirst put, and .. _._._..~.9.rg9....'.!!M:!!..J.I~O'~.~1._~l!~__q~~.~....~......~~~el,. ..~~~__~~.!'!!.....__......._, ._...._.__..._.._.....___ St. Luoie ,Florida ....... .. ........... .-........ . ...... and ~I~I~ or ........_.. ........ ....... H .. . .... .... . ('3rde 8. of thr .ffilfld pari. . i ~ , I ! , . , I ~ in ha'HI l~i.1 by I.... sa;.1 \'3rll0 B. or lhe .ttOntl p:trt, Ihe rtcript ......rcot i< htr~b)' aclmowktlll:w' h" Y8............. nmi.cd, rrlra...,1 :l1l,1 quil.d"imed. i f .- and by I....~ "'......,.. <It> .......... r<1'lli~, "Iu... and quiHbim unto Ihr said part .108 of lhe s<<ond put alld ....._ ...the.ir ..._..........:. .__.... h..irs and "I I.... '.......1,. of WITNf.$~RTII. Til>l ,.... <.;aid pari 10 B nr I.... li..I patl, for and in c-......i<!rralion nr I.... sum of ....~~~ Ml:J,arf:>. ~n~... ~:t!hf}.!"....!~luable_'='oJ!..!.!.!erat ~~~.~.._..... ........_................... ....._...~ assigns i"r~.~r, all 1M rixhl. lill~, illlr"".. claim ard dcm.u:d ..h;eh t.... said rart.. 10 8"r thr firsl pi" ~ ..ve ......... in and to Ihe following d..cribtd 1oL.~ pirc~ .~.. or p..c~I,_ or land, lIED: s1 tua'te. lying and be Lng in the County of St. !nole .8tate of __'!.;I,.or.1.~.. ..!o~!!~:!.: .______.___.___.____..__..._...___..______.._.._ _'_..._.._., ....._..__.... Co~!!.oi~...!~o ._ hundre d ~~~ _!.?~~~..l~~~J. .!~.":.~_!~.~~_ of...~~e_..S ou theas1;_..._._ 'ooruer of Blook ft~ in the Town of Vort Pieroe on the Borth line of Palmetto Avenuei .n_.. . .. ..". ___....._._.._____._ __ _____ _________..___....~u.___.n..._._.._.._.._.._._...___._..__.__..._..____ ._._.. _+ ....__ ..____._.___._ run from then~~.n~!~.~t~~~ ..~~~t;r._J.~~.L!e~t._!_.!:~.~.._~~~...:!'.~:~.~:~_i~!....~~_.~a.-o~.~~~': A V&~~~L_, __... ~henoe. at r18b.tangle....~i"ba~Q~.II~!~....!tll<<t. ...~ .liorther17..t.wo .ll~~~~J_?Q9L.~e~i_._ .__........ tllenoe run. FAete:r.13_PM'~).:\,~.l.~H.~..u~~.t<1,..!?~~~ to. .~y.~!1ueu..~ ~:x.~l_u(~.Ql!~~.!.L..~en~..!_~ _ ..--_.~~~~~~!_~m~!~_..~~~_e_~..J~~..~t_f.~..l:l~_..:~~..._~~!. :p.~~':l.~....~.~__~~~~~.~_~.._...._._..._._...__._..___..._ ..._._.__ -..---...-........-.. . ._.._..._._.___.._..u__...___.._______...___~ .....( $7.l)() . ~!!.~.~.u.S.~~II1PI!..~.!l.l\~~L._...___..._._u_ . .____... ___.. ___.___u___ 0_ _____..___________._.___._._.__..____._.___.____________ ____._..._._. ....._.__... -----~---------.-- ---.---.-----.-.-------.---.-----.-.-------.-----.--.-..---.---------.--.--.-----------.-.-.- ------.----.----------..-------- -------------. -----.---_.------- -- _._----_..__._-------.--_.._--~------------ _..___._.__.h__._ ------...- ....--...-....-.-....-.-----..-._.. -._._____.________._____..__._.___..__._._ ...__. .'___"_"__" ,___._._. .._n._._. I TO 11e\\"E ,\~\) TO 1I0'.l>. Ih~ umr. I'>grlhrr ...ilh ;all alld singular t.... al'l'Urltrlancr< Ib.....unl.. bel'''l~ill!( '" in an),.i~ app<rt~illinJli', and aU t.... ..,I a I... righi, ,il!... ill:~r~,I and claim "b;al~"rr (,f Ih~ said pUli~.~... of Ih~ lir't """. ~ilhrr ill law (.r C't}Uil,'. I.. I"" 001)' l''''l'<r u,... 1><<<<1;1 alld behoof or t..... said part l8a or I~ "':.",d par" _.__the.1r. .__~..n.__...._.__.____. '_'_'_"_h._.__. _.hrir:, and a~iKns 'c)rt-\.tr. Ir-; WITNESS WIIEKEOI'. th.. s;aj,J ,."rliea of Ih~ first 1';&11 ha.Ve.d..... b~r~ulll.. ".. .... .their_.. and )car first a'.-.wr \1rriUC1l.. $igM'tJ. ~;J..'cl :&1141 tkJi,trr.) in prrJmCe or: I _..__..__Opal..'1.11oox_.______.. ..:=--...-.l..9ct.. RQi!.~ll..._.----'--_....---_::--. ---'_ SalU..l! C. _ Trowell . .. .._....(Sn1.) ... h,ndQ .am! ....al $. I..... dAY B. J. 'frowell ....... ... ..........-....__..........__........_._(Sul.) STAn: 0... _.__.........__..n()rJ~..._____.. "('''''''1,. (.f .___........l)ad8..___________._.__._ I IIERRIIY CERTifY. Tb;al on ,hi. .by I'<"onally a~ar<d ""for~ ....., an "fTocrr dul)' aulh..hzrd '0 ".llIIin;,I..r ""ths amI I"". '"'''nowl.dgmnat>, __~__._.__..._..._._....B. J._TrQJ(Ql1..an.d..J?alU~....Q..~~Q.!1.!~.l.l. .ld.s.. w1t~....._..-.... ........ 10 ..... WIn kn....n In I" lhe ""<..,,~, ...."'ri~1 in ami wbo ('~rrulrd I~ for~.)inl: in'lrumrnl ;and .~..h ....,.admo..lcdg..1 ""for~ mr I....t .theYd.. . .~~rrlll~1 I"" .._ rrrrly and ..oIuntuily for I.... pur",-,... II~rrill npr~.;rd. ANI) I 1'1lRTHEI~ CF.IlTlfY. T1ut the saiJ......_.Sallle_C...... hOR8 ll..__.............._..._~.., ..__............. kno...n 10 _ 10 I... th.. ..if. ,,( the <;aid...._.......B..J....Tr.oiY.Qll.____.____._.__........_.._d_._............_.____..d_ on a s<pa,~t(' .n.1 prit"t. cuminalioo, la","" alld made, by and "rfor~ me. srparal.ty ali<I &part rrnm hrr <;aid hu.har..I, did arlmo..-I..I!lc llut sbr ~"ttl1lrd Ihe rorrgoill!l: Ilrrd for I"" ,..ui'.,... d rrli"'l"i<hing. alienating and connying all htr ri"hl. titl~ and illl".,I. ..brlhrr ,.f do...". homtstrad or of S<p:trate rro~rl)., st.tutor}' or -coluiuNr, in ;and I', Ih~ bnds d"scri~1 I.....tio, and Ib;at shr u<<utcd said Drrd frttl}' an.1 "ulu'Iluily and wilhout any com- pulsion, Cl>oSlrainl. :a",>rrh('Psion or rrar (of (.r from hu said husband. WITI'\F.SS m)' "'nd and officj:al \fal. al_~~.t._.___.C<>unty of. Dade . dh and Stat.. or Phi-Ida Ihis___d'd...l3t~ (SuI.) ~Q~d'_____"'_"'''''_''^' D. 19..?~ -li'ot~;'~ .~~ If~ ~-state'-oi""FforI'if8Iit-rege . .1q=,o~81~: .~1.L~~; :.:...6L~'lJ ~~h~::-~~==.:;::-=-:- ~ IIF. IT 1<F.J.IEMIlf.lu-:n, Th;.I on thls___..____!Q..tJL._._..__......uy or....._J'.A!'.~~...at.~:.3~....J..h..~~.._---^. D. 19~ r, _________.l'_LC...!.....!.+dred _..___.....Ckrk of the ("ireuit Court in and for said County, ~..c .Iuly rccor<kd the- re>r<going Qo~it.Cbim Dttd in the Public R<<Ord. of hid Coacty. IS WrTN~:" WIfRkF.O..., I ~1'~ ....r~to srt my hand and th" sca' of ",id (',,un Ihr dAY :and )'<'ar aOOl'~ .rittm. __._..f. C. .~}.~~.4 ''''___''_,,_ ...._. __(Seal) ]I J ,_/ ~Ckrk Circuit Court. Byd._LRA..tX.._J,.(;1t,(t:t.~rL..__.__.....DtpuI). Clerk. . ..,\\CO ,'r." ~ ,..~. " . , ~ec.O' ~ ~. ~.~y ~~t$~1}:~~I~i;~~1~~~~~~~ :"---..!..-.."~ (: 1..n.:~\.~.1-A ~ ~'t-'~ i'~.'!"~.J-.l...'"Q;.:t:( -. ~~ - rt.' .'i~~...~...-_:.--:..,,4r....~ii::'~....:a:'"~(.!~~."-:.'\...J;, -..:.~: ~~#.,.r..F-: .:...~:.~~..