HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1969 _.._....Q.,_~..__!ml@_4U ~1V1 'TO _._~Q..~.!.-JtERTE~_. .. ._______..____.______..._ _..... ___ __,_...____~QlJJ.T-qL~l.M.PJ::_gJ?n'...' 169 i'~ I I - I TI/IS ISIlENTUkF~ Madr IIIi................n..16th._.__.__...._-----"a). or...... ....lraroh "'_"'" ___.._.._....._..__..._....._... A. n. 19_.~9, belwem __'0.._._.0.. B.. . MQrJ;'Q' .an~.~'...r......!'9.r.r.y..J_~is wlt'-.~____._____ .___.__.__.._..__..____....,.-=-==.~~:-===>.-! ullh~ COUnl)' of ...0., ..... ... ..... St. . wole....___........ ..... and Stalt of __... F.).,Qri,de,...._... ........... .................... P"I!.~_E! or I.... firsl part, a"d .._....._.............. John. ~... Ho.r.1;~l._..._..._..._..___.____.._ ___................ ._...._...__...._..... _...._._..........._.._......._...._......__._.__..._....._._ ..I lit" l'uU"I~' or.... . St. . Luoie .. ..._. ._. :llld 5t... of... __..~l()l'lda. I>"rl 7 ... .. (.r 1M stCOftd parI, WITNE~~HTII. Th>I III.. ':l;.1 ""rllea of thr firsl pari, f~r and in '.......i<krali..... or Ihr .un' of. .._...... ....._ ................._.te.n .._.__..............__00________..._.._...... ... ._.. ....... ......h.....Oolla.., in 1.....1 (",;'1 b)' III.. said palt T.. . or In.. stronll ""rl. I~ rruipt ",b,,~1 i. ~rtb)' ;l{"no,,""I~(t1. It:l .ve .... . .. rrmiw.1. rrlnw.1 :In,1 quil-claimrd, and by I......., p,-.,srub .!o........... r..mi.... rC'I..a<~ ..nd q";I'cbim ..nto the said part.y........ of I.... 5o<'COOd part aud... t, his ............_ .. '__." _....._...hriu and assigns rOr"'ff, aU d.~ rillhl. litl.., inl~,~>t. <<bim and dtnund "hieh Ihr .aid pard.oa.. of Ih~ finl pari ha. ve ..... in and I.' 1M rollowu.g t1..scr;btd 101_._. pi<<r....... or pmrl.__ or land, ~:sltuate. lying and boing in the County of st. Luoie.State o-t nQrJt\a. ....:~.9::~U:____.. _ .__________0.__..._____.___._______...___ ._...:._._....___..._.._.~.~i...P~t _o-t ~~i3 of_!he )(od!!.._~~..~~li1.P_~~!_ S~bd:~~..~!:.~~_.~:....~he So~th.: east uarter (SEi) of Seotion 23 in TownShip 35 South of Range 39 East. more partioularlT . .... .- ....., q .... .. ...... .-..' "-""- -.--.-.--.........---.--..............--...,....... .-..... ~...._........................ .....-..................--.-.....-..-..--...--. de sor lbe d as foll 0.1'.8:.... Beg1.'J1.l:l.!E-s...~.~.~!....!'~~.~_~~~e.....~:t:__!~~...~~e.~~~~~!!:!.~~_t.....~.~~.~~....!':.~.~.~~ _. rQad . at. a llo~llt.. ?~Q . .-re~t ..~f'l:3t._o1'.yh!.. We at ~~.~~_.~...~._~~.~<!._!>.~~....~.~_..~~_!~.~.....~...o:~.~_..~_~~~...~!....~~d lot 13" thence run East on said Borth line 75 feet; thenoe run South on a line parallel 0. .. ..... .... . ..... .. ....._..... '___'.._. ___...__..........__.____.__...___.__...._.........._._._...._....._....__..._._.....____..__._..._.._______............ -.ift~'f~}' :~!-:~;:;.;~~~oi.~~~.~~o~~.t~~hrcl~~ 8~~.~._.~~b- ..... .. .... ....0. ^ . .._......._..P._._..._.__._........ .__.....___.........,___.....__......._._........ ......__..........._...._..._.._...._......_.._..._._______.._______ "._4__" . __.._.....__..._ __.__...._____.___..____________.__.__..__..._......_.._.._._..____ .__0_.. _.-._____.__n__u__.___.___.___.h..___.._..._____._.._______._ "-- .... .-.... --------.--.-.--. -.---.------ -.-- -----.----____.______ _____.____._ ".4__._ ...___.____..____.__.._._..n..._ _..._ _..__..____._.___. ______..__ u____......_.__._.. __... .n_....__..n...__..._..____n_.__n_...__.______._.______~._n___._._u._____.__._n_____ _. .._ ___.._". ..____.....__ _______..__.__ ____u__.__ '__'___0_ ( TO 11.\\"1-: A~\) TO HO!.Il. 1M "'"n.... '''grlhrc ..ilh all and .ingular I..... aPl'urlena"'.... Ih~r"""l" ......."'!li.,g ..c in an}.....i~ a~rl;aini!lg. :and aU 1M ,""t.:i.h-.- rixhl. tillf'. illtcrc..t ~ntl cbim .hal"c.~ur (If tht' '-aid p3.rtiea. of lh~ IiHI p~!t. either in 13..- .u , ~. ;1)'. h~ Ifwo t),!1ly 1"PPt'r u.st'. btllt'f:1 :and !othoor of I"" <:aid p..t. 7.. or I.... uc.)ft,1 p..l. _... h1G_._.._.__.h........................._. . ._.... IX WITXF.gS WHEREOF, Ih~ ....id p,orl 1~ 8 or l:'~ liul p,ort It:a .ve. ....... htrtnnl" .... _ 3nd )'("ar fiut at..w~ "oUeD. u ht'ir<lii 2,fkl a'l.signs fnrr,.t-r. . ~~e ir........ .haml .8 all.1 ....1 8 , t.... d;a~' ~~-::~~:f:~~~~~,,~~.,~U~=~ I ._......... C .B. Jlnrray ...._...0.__.... . ................._....._.........._.. (~al.) .Anna P. ~r&7.. .. :..~(Sc:al.) ST.\TI-: OF __.__~....f])).8J~A...._,__._....__.._...___ u.unt~. oL_.......__.ST. ....LUC~ .....__...._...._...._.~..._..____._ I HERE!!Y l'ERTIFY, 1''''1 on Ihis .by ~nonally "'ppr.:lr<'d brror~ mr. all "If...... duly aUlhori...t I" :a.ln.inker ootl.. an.1 t;al.:" acknowltclgmnll<, _.____..._..__........_.._._.__.__.C.~..JlI~!'.Y~~ Anna 2.!._~!~l ,____ I" m.. ..dl I.:no..-n I.. I.. Ih" ,...u",S .ksrril...d in :amI ..110 ut('utrd t.... rorrg...illll in..rummt aud. t h.e 7... 1"'1 .. they..... ...._ ....... ........ ",,("(ulro I.... ':a~ frttly and YoIllntarilr f"r 1M pur"".... IhuC'in u,.rrs",,1. .\XIl I FURTHER l'ERTIF\-, Th..1 Ih~ said ..__._..~...~.!._~!"tl7_.h_.._.._..........=__..... _........... acl.:no..ltdllro brror" _ kno,,'n 10 0'" to br Ih.. ..-if.. (.r th.. s:aid......_......___.... c.~.J3..!._.~r9._...__..___._....._._..._........_..___............_.._.._._....... _...._.______._.._.._ on a srpaul.. and rrinl<' ~urnin.'l;...., taken and ma<le L~' an<l J,dor~ rot. s..par:ald)' :and aparl from hre s:ai.1 hust-aml. did a"mo"lcdlt~ t""t sht ~uculrd 1M for("l!:oinx Iltt,l fl'r I"" "Ufl>O'C' of rrlin'Juishing, alitruting :and connyinl: all htr ri!lhl. lil'~ and inll'r"'l. "h~IMr of do.-re. ho"",.t..ad or of srparat" I'roperl)'. stalUtof)' .... ~Uil'bJ.o, in and 10 11-... land. dC'scribtd ""'rnn. and lhal she UC'CUlnl S:lit\ I>rnl frrtly an.1 ..olunlarily and wilhout any C:om. pulsion. ..un'Irainl. :aPI'rrhrn.iun (,r fr:ar of or rr...m Mr nid husband. WITNESS 01)' hand and oflicial .....1. :at f()r..~_:P.J.~.~.<:'6--.-_.c.,unty or....~.~.~..~~.!~...... ._......... and Slalr of Illi.s.__..l7..~h . or ...~.Cll....._____...._.._^. D. 19....~G (~al.) Florida G.R. Nottingham 1fotary'Pub11:o.:torthe' State" of" Plori-ria--at.. Iarge-. J(r .~~~~.~~~~..~_~.P~~!.~.~~........~ '...~.~.~..~ -------- .-.---- --~------ "-----~ --.- --_._~-- ....- I BF. IT RUlf.l.f11I-:Rlm. That on this.. .~Utlh_._____._____..d;ay oL..~~lJ.. .~ t..~ ~.57______ __....A. D. 19..~~ f. __._.....______.._..._~ ._Q~l~~~ ______ ___Cltrk of Ihr Circuit COllrt in and for $;aid Coanly, hue dol)' r"'--oroo' tl... io.""oing Quil-Clajrn Ilttd in t.... Public }~orda or said County. IN WITNESS WlmRF.OF, \ ha.. herrunlu Kt Iny hand and 1M ~:ll of ..id ('ourt lhe d;ay and ynr aboy.. ..rillen. I I I I J J (~ " .J ~ ,(:\,,,,d ,. -..t"..\. - .\ ...... . CCO~'''' . ~()J' ~ e.\.~ ""'\ '-'''-''-ld'' _..___F 'C!n_~l~~L..___(Sral.) . Clrrk Circuit Court- By...._. .Ctt:;. ~l/V:.'1-:v---~ty Cltrlt. .~ .._-- ._'~ - ,'.', /:<:',):~i:?g~~~l;~t~