HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING TESTING/ SCANNED FL0 A B ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Phone: (866) 781-6889 •Fax: (866) '784-8550 wwwAlw idaengino"ingandtesting.com 250 S.W.13t'' Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 RECEIVED G. ST. Lucie County, Permitting X OF EXPLORATION Sco t Britton 626 S.W. ong Key Court Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34986 PREPARED FOR: Propose i New Residence 434 S.E. Naranja Avenue Port Sai�t Lucie, Florida Florida Engineering & Testing, Inc. th 250 S.W.13 Avenue Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 (954) 781-6889 ON: 2412016 He Coo Quality 414 A 0.lsmtrawe TABLE Of CONTENTS I.) DISCLAIMER H.) COVER LETTER • SOIL STRATAS • WATER LEVEL • FOUNDATION R III.) STANDARD (DYNAMI IV.) FIELD SKETCH V.) MAP OF SUBJECT SIT VI.) GENERAL NOTES • KEY CLASSIFIC. VH.) LIMITATIONS OF I FE :COMMENDATIONS ' CONE) PENETRATION LOG(S) TIONS & SYMBOLS Our report findings are based on present onsite oil conditions encountered. It is imperative that you read our reports in their entirety and follow all recommendations as listed. Failure to follow our recommendations, may result in delays and Idditional costs due to permitting agencies (Building Department, etc.) withholding a Certificate of Occupancy for your proposed structure(s). All recommendations shall be followed in orde� to receive a final certification, which may include but not be limited to density testing per lift of fill material, demucking verifications, piling inspections. In addition, these reports are for foundation analysis only and shall not be used for excavating, backfilling, or pricing estimates. Please schedule us at least 24 hours in ai another engineering firm for further testing provide you with the proper certification in 1 ce for all tests and inspections. If you choose to use inspections, it is your responsibility to ensure that they ig, as outlined in our report. October 24, 2016 Scott Britton 626 S.W. Long Key Court Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34986 RE: SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION Proposed New Residence 434 S.E. Naranja Avenue Port Saint Lucie, Florida Dear Sir or Madam; Pursuant to your request, Florida Engineering & October 19, 2016, at the above referenced site. conditions relative to the proposed structi recommendations are based on the assumption tl residence (approximately 3,300 square feet). ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Phone: (866) 781-6889 *Fax: (866) 784-8550 www.foiidaengineeringandtesting.com - 250 S.W.13th Awnue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Job Order No.: 16-3256 >ting, Inc., has completed a subsoil investigation on purpose of our investigation was to verify subsoil s) foundation preparation and design. Our the proposed structure(s) are as follows: one story A total of two (2) SPT borings were performed according to ASTM D-1586 down to depths of twenty- five to thirty feet (25' - 30') (BEGL) below iexisting ground level (see attached field sketch for locations), Based on our soil borings, the soil rofile'varies across the subject site (see attached SPT Test Boring Report(s) for details). Groundwater table elevation was measured im found at depths of four feet seven inches to fot water levels should be anticipated due to surfa( ground elevation, construction dewatering and familiarize themselves with site conditions v needed. The contractor shall make sure that grc by the contractors dewatering activities. Speci work below the groundwater level. inediately at the completion of the boring(s) and was r feet nine inches (47' to 4'9") BEGL. Fluctuation in I e runoff, tidal influences, seasonal variations, varying pumping activities in the area. Site contractor must i the event groundwater controls and dewatering is I amdwater levels on adjacent properties are not affected dty groundwater contractors shall be consulted for all Qnality �A I A=wr¢nce Page 2 October 22, 2016 Job Order No.16-3256 Scott Britton Proposed New Residence 434 S.E. Naranja Avenue, Port Saint Lucie, Florida: a The boring log(s) attached present(s) a detai location(s). The soil stratification shown on recovered soil samples and interpretation of the boundaries between soil types. The actual trans: Based on our understanding of the proposed boring log(s); we recommend the following pr( 1) Strip the entire construction areas plus topsoil and ground vegetation (when er 2) Saturate and compact all construction A.S.T.M. D-1557 modified proctor rr roller in each direction. description of the soils encountered at the test boring log(s) is based on the examination of the .ler's field log(s). It indicates only the approximate is between adjacent soil types maybe gradual. icture and the information obtained from our field ures for foundation preparation: feet (5) past the outer perimeter of the structure of tered) down to clean granular material. with a vibratory roller to a minimum of 95% of the 1. Make a minimum of ten (10) passes with the 3) Backfill construction areas to proper ele ation if needed using a clean granular material placed in lifts not to exceed twelve inches (12") in thickness and compacted as per item 2. 4) Care should be taken when using vibration in case of existing structures in the vicinity of the construction area. If vibration cannot be used for compaction, static compaction may be applied. However, in this case, the c mpacted layers should not exceed six inches (6") in thickness. 5) All construction fill material shall be clean granular soil, free of organics or other deleterious material, and shall contain no more than) twelve (12) percent fines passing a U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve (0.075mm). 6) Representative samples of the on -site acid proposed fill material should be collected and tested to determine the classification and compaction characteristics. 7) Verify all densification procedures by taking an adequate number of field density tests in each layer of compacted material and bottom of footing excavations. This must be scheduled immediately after Tamp and Spray land/or Compaction but before steel placement. If steel is already in -place, it must be removed from all areas to be tested prior to performing densities. 8) All Geotechnical work shall be perfon his representative. 9) After the installation of any plumbing areas be recompacted and additional d the disturbed areas. under the supervision of a Geotechnical Engineer or electrical piping; we recommend that the disturbed tests be performed to verify proper compaction of Provided the above foundation recommendations are achieved and verified; it is our opinion that the proposed structure can be designed for a shallow foundation system with a permissible soil bearing pressure not to exceed 2,500 P.S.F. Bearing capacity certification requires satisfactory completion and verification of all the above foundation recommendations. Page 3 October 22, 2016 Job Order No. 16-3256 Scott Britton Proposed New Residence 434 S.E. Naranja Avenue, Port Saint Lucie, Florida: We recommend a minimum width of 16 inches footings, even though the soil bearing pressu recommend that the bottom of footings be at least It is our opinion that the floor slab system may a vapor barrier be placed between the soil and c mesh be placed at the approximate center of the It was estimated that upon proper completion, less than one inch. Differential settlements shop; Provisions shall be made by the architect, c settlements when tying in new to existing stru used unless provided with expansion joints to structure should be inspected to verify the piling installation or excavation operations. Regardless of the thoroughness of a Geotec] conditions may be different from those of the to Inc., does not guarantee any subsoil condition portrayal of subsurface conditions, the site con site or subsurface conditions during constructic our subsoil investigation should be reported to report the client understands that all data fro analysis only and is not to be used for excavatir must familiarize themselves with the job site co: FLO A br continuous footings and 30 inches for individual may not be fully developed in all cases. We 12 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. constructed as a slab on grade. We recommend that Crete. We also recommend that the reinforcing steel b for tensile support. ng-term total settlements should be on the order of be approximately one-half of the total settlement. of record and contractor to address differential Mixing of different foundation types shall not be differential settlement. If applicable, the seawall it integrity and prevent undermining due to the ical exploration there is always a possibility that location(s); therefore Florida Engineering & Testing, .rounding the bore test hole(s). For a more accurate Lctor should perform test pits. The discovery of any which substantially deviate from the information in s immediately for our evaluation. In accepting this this soil boring report is intended for foundation backfilling, or pricing estimates. The site contractor .itions prior to bidding. As mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions, or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. All work must be conducted under the supervision of our Geotechnical engineer. All work shall be conducted in compliance with the Florida Building Code FBC and OSHA workers protection rules and all applicable Federal, State, County and City rules and Regulations. Florida Engineering & Testing, Inc., appreciates the opportunity to be -of service to you at this phase of your project. If you have any questions or comments, please give us a call. We would be pleased to help any way we can. It has been a pleasure working with you and look forward to doing so in the near future. Sincerely, Mark A. Mesiano, P.E. Florida Engineering & Testing, Inc. Florida Reg. No. 48202 Certificate of Authorization No. 6922 Client: Sco Project: Pro Address: 434 Location: SPT Test Boring Report Hole No: B-1 Date: 10/19/16 Soil Descriptions Penetration "N" Value Slightly Silty Fine Sand Fine Sand ��AAl��iii�ndmie PER M 111111 dill 111111111111111 ,Silty Fine Sand �OI�NN��111111111 �n�eiii�� im�a11 1181-251 �IIA'A IlAllddllll Light Gray Fine Sand ��ii�i►inni� 251-301 Bluish Gray Fine Sand —30 Water Level: 47' BEGL As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pening our written approval. A = Auger/Straight Rod Ref = Refusal BEGL = Below Existing Ground Level 0 = Weight of Hammer Mary A. Mesiano, P.E,_ Florida Engineeringi Testing, Inc. Florida Reg. No. 48202 Certificate of Authorization No. 6923 SPT Test Boring Re Client: Sco Project: Pro Address: 434 Location: Depth (Ft) Soil Descriptions _ 0' - 3' Mottled Grayish Brown _ Slightly Silty Fine Sand and _ Light Brown Silty Fine Sand _ 3' - 6' Grayish Brown Slightly _ Silty Fine Sand with Trace of Light Grayish Brown Silt — 6' -10' Mottled Light Grayish Brown and Grayish Brown Slightly Silty Fine Sand 10 a Aven See — 10' -18' Grayish Brown Silty Fine Sand 20 ILight 18'-23' Grayish Brown Fine 23' - 25' Bluish Gray Fine Sand Water Level: 4'9" BEGL Hammer N Blows 1 1 3 3 4 4 3 5 4 8 2 3 7 4 4 6 6 10 4 7 8 8 14 611 -- -- A 9 8 812 16 -- -- A 10 , 9 18 -- - A 1212 25 1310 As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pendirig our written approval. A = Auger/Straight Rod Ref = Refusal BEGL = Below Existing Ground Level 0 = Weight of Hammer Hole No: B-2 Date: 10/19/16 Saint Penetration "N" Value 10 20 30 40 Mark A. Mesiaho, P.E. Florida Engineering & Testi-ng, Inc. Florida Reg. No. 48202 Certificate of Authorization No. 6923 1p bing maps 434 SE Naranja Ave, Port St Lucie, FL 34983 ME GuMstream wee i ;t . �w-ray s�,_rrs[ae Avg Lbmr�'� NEPtlm?Vlsi . IV,r u-SE SE So1az Ave- p Bonita_Ci j N I i c _ �SE 8 Situ CV, �? JL_ - I Sr Castana;Ct ' �{ 4 Ufman'Avei T£ �Cucew f L I�._5�?/acrta.Cij�il 'T. Soaieto CtJ I ` _1i� "g Y 1 r Ali 'S", �ooCA Public '4"7 �e" �3rti' F;A�� eanyao-Dr-'-`� r—•' a �2at�HERE ,i} 14 6ENE NOTES FIGORIX3A l� • Soil boring(s) on unmarked vacant property br existing structure(s) to be demolished should be considered preliminary with further boring(s) to be performed after building pad(s) are staked out. • As -a mutual protection to clients, the confidential property of clients, and at extracts from or regarding our reports is • It is not our field inspector's responsibility to His/her responsibility is limited by the duties s • It is the client's responsibility to provide and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the ion for publication of statements, conclusions or pending our written approval. rvise, schedule, or stop any phase of the project. in the contract. safety for the site and personnel. S & SYMBOLS Correlation of Penetration Resistance Particle Size with Relative Density and Consistency Boulder > 12in Cobble 3 -12in Dynamic Cone Standard Gravel 4.76mm - 3in Penetrometer Penetration Relati a Sand 0.074mm - 4.76mm (Penetrometer (Hammer Densi Silt O.00Smm - 0.074mm Resistance) Blows Clay < 0.005mm 0 - 10 0 - 3 Very Loose 10 - 25 3- 8 Loose Sands 25 - 45 8 -15 Firm Modifiers 45- 75 15 - 25 Very 75 -120 25 - 40 �irm Dense 0 - 5% Slightly Silty/Clayey > 120 > 40 Very ense 5 - 30% Silty/Clayey 30 - 50% Very Silty/Clayey 0 - 6 0 - 2 Very Soft 0 - 2% Very Slight Trace Silts 6 - 15 2 - 5 Soft 2 - 5% Slight Trace & 15 - 30 5 - 10 Firm 5 - 10% Trace 30 - 45 10 -15 Stiff 10 -15% Little Clay 45- 90 15 - 30 Very Stiff 15 - 30% Some 90 -150 30 - 50 Hard � > 30% With Rock Hardness Description Soft Rock core crumbles when handled. Medium Can break co a with your hands. Moderately Hard Thin edges of� ock core can be broken with fingers. Hard Thin edges of rock core cannot be broken with fingers. Very Hard Rock core rings when struck with a hammer. LIMITATIO WARRANTY We warrant that the services performed by Flor; Engineering and Testing, Inc., are conducted in a mam consistent with the level of skill and care ordinar exercised by members of the profession currently practici under similar conditions. No other warranties, expressed implied, are made. While the services of Flor; Engineering & Testing, Inc., are an integral and valual part of the design and construction process, we do i warrant, guarantee, or insure the quality or completeness services or satisfactory performance provided by otl members of the construction process and/or the constructs plans and specifications which we have not prepared, nor 1 ultimate performance of building site materials. As mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, reports are submitted as the confidential property of clier and authorization for publication of statements, conclusic or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pendi our written approval. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by borings. The soil boring log includes sampling informa description of the materials recovered, approximate de of boundaries between soil and rock strata and groundv data. The log represents conditions specifically at location and time the boring was made. The bound; between different soil strata are indicated at specific del however, these depths are in fact approximate and depen upon the frequency of sampling. The transitions bete soil stratum are often gradual. Water level readings made at the time the boring was performed and can ch; with time, precipitation, canal levels, local well drawdc and other factors. Regardless of the thoroughness of a Gebtechnic exploration there is always a possibility that conditions in be different from those of the test locations;* therefe Florida Engineering & Testing, Inc., does not guarantee a subsoil condition surrounding the bore test holes. For more accurate portrayal of subsurface conditions, the si contractor should perform tests pits. If different conditio. are encountered, Florida Engineering & Testing, Inc., sh; be notified to review the findings and make ai recommendations as needed. LABORATORY AND FIELD TESTS Tests are performed in accordance with specific AE Standards unless otherwise indicated. All criteria inch in a given ASTM Standard are not always required performed. Each test report indicates the measurements determinations actually made. OF LIABILITY ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Geotechnical report is prepared primarily to aid in the design of site work and structural foundations. Although the information in the report is expected to be sufficient for these purposes, it is not intended to determine the cost of construction or to stand alone as'construction specifications. In accepting this report the client understands that all data from the soil boring is intended for foundation analysis only and is not to be used for excavating, backfilling or pricing estimates. The site contractor must familiarize themselves with the job site conditions. Report recommendations are based primarily on data from test borings made at the locations shown on the test boring reports. Soil variations may exist between borings and may not become evident until construction. If variations are then noted, Florida Engineering & Testing, Inc., should be contacted so that field conditions can be examined and recommendations revised if necessary. The Geotechnical report states our understanding as to the location, dimensions, and structural features proposed of the site. Any significant changes in the nature, design, or location of the site improvements must be communicated to Florida Engineering & Testing, Inc„ so that the Geotechnical analysis, conclusions, and recommendations can be appropriately adjusted. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS Construction observation and testing is an important element of Geotechnical services. The Geotechnical Engineer's Field Representative (Field Rep.) is the "owner's representative" observing the work of the contractor, performing tests, and reporting data from such tests and observations. The Geotechnical Engineer's Field Representative does not direct the contractor's construction means, methods, operations, or personnel. The Field Rep. does not interfere with the relationship between the owner and the contractor, and except as an observer, does not become a substitute owner on site. The Field Rep. is only collecting data for our Engineer to review. The Field Rep. is responsible for his/her safety only, but has no responsibility for the safety of other personnel and/or the general public at the site. If the Field Rep. does not feel that the site is offering a safe environment for him/her, the Field Rep. will stop his/her observation/ testing until he/she deems the site is safe. The Field Rep. is an important member of a team whose responsibility is to observe the test and work being done and report to the owner whether that work is being carried out in general conformance with the plans and specifications.