HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1985 I i ~ I . _ ._.___.. .S.rP!fO~L!~.....Tt~.K~R & WIrE TO St~r~ ROAD DEPAR~u&NT 185 QUIT.CLAIM DE.2D -".- 'f' . .-. f I TIII~ l~m:N TURF, ~b"r Ihis.. ...-.... ... ....... 3rd....__n.....____A..). 01...... .... J.pr j ~_ ...................._.._..........._._:\. o. 19...2.t?., ~I.rrn Svdnor J. ~uo~or and Blla B. ~uoker. his wife ........ -..~_. "."- . . --........---..........._. ......_._ ________.a.-..___.. .___~~ _________.._____...._.... _...._.__._ __....._.._...__...___._....._.__.___ ..llhr ('....nh. ..f Palm. Beaoh ....... .. ....... .... ...... and Slol~ oL_..'lQ1'1 dA ......._. ......... ....,.... ...._........... ....1 l.e.!, of I.... first puI, and ....... ..._, .,. ... ...... fl~a~~_ _ltoa4 .D.ep~.:!i~e.~.!.._..,_.. ..._.................._.00..0. ..........._..........._.._...._ _"""'_'__'_"_"_"'_ ul "'" (""""I,' of 01'1.1 S"I~ of....._..... ...I.'lor Ida " .. .. . .I''''"Y.... of tI,,, srronJ put, \\'ITN"~~"T". Tbll II... ",,;'1 ""rl 1e S.,f 11M' (,1\1 ...rl, lor and in romidn'Ii..... 01 tl... sum of .. ...... One. ( $1, .9.Ql._......_._.__.____._n________.._~__...._...... '''_ ............ . ....~ .Dvllars. in h;anol ('3i.1 I.)' lb.' ","hI ('3rl Y.. . "f Ih~ '<COII" ""rl. Ihr r<<dpt WhrrNr i. hr",h~' acl<no..I."lltd. lu V~ ... .. '" rrmi....1. r..k~....1 .11'1.1 quil.clairntd, and by I....~ '.r......I. do ......... r~mi.., rd....i.. and quil.d..im untll th.. .oid p.lrt7..... or I.... stC'(>II<l "..rl .111<1. 1. t a ..su,()oessors.... .....~ and "ssign. Ivr~...., "n Ihr ril(hl. till.., i.oItr..sl. chim and d~nund ....hich '.... s..i" ('utie s or Ih~ fiuI loart h" YEP . ...... in and 10 Ihr 10Iio,,'ing dr..ribtd I,)t......, pitt...... or parcd_...... 01 land, 8988 situate. lying and being in the County of it. Lucie. State of Flori<l;a ....t.o~.wi t s _.--------- ---.------.-----..----------.,.-..---..-....-.--..--...-..-...-.--..----.-----.--.--.....-.....-----..-- ........;...h........._...4.r.Jgl!~::__():f'::\!~__!~.'!~~_~~.E~ beginnill8 at a point 121.3 feat East of the · North West corner of lot eight (8) Block one..-(.i)....oi..St.~--LUoie..Ge;d.enB..Subdivi8ion ofh'S'eotion 35 . ...~. ......~~ ..s..~.~:~~~~~.;.=~;~:;~~~~~:~~?..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.:~~.;.~.::~.~~.;~~::.!~.~~~~.~=~~.-s_~..~t:~l.:~.~~.~~~~~~..i=~igh t . thence. - East. .76 .6teeth.-:.. ...t;.I!~nc.~__.l!...?..7_~.!~.!._-41.. ~~n.~n"'~"!h~5_.~...~~.~~ ...._~.}1!-:.~?~._~~_~~....?_4 .~..f~.!.t to. point of beginn.ing ._~~~!~!.~..!.~.~~~~~~_~!..~~.~.!~..~~~~~~.~~....!.~~.~~_~.~~~~__~?re_...~~!:.:.~s. and bt1rg a tract of land sixt~ six feet wide entirely across said LOt 8. Sec. 35. ~wp.36. S. R. -. - -- _n___._." "_...- . ....... __.. _"____ --_____.__.._.._..__._n_._____._.____..... _, __._.hh.__h.._U_._.__..___.__.._....____.._....n.______._..._._._...___. . __._.___.___._... 40.J:. !hisdeed is unde for the purpose of giving and granting to the partyu of the second part. ita suooes8or8.~..legai..repr.es.entaiTve88.iid . assigns ;- a .right~ot-..ay'and"ea'seiiieiit'-in and to"~'~id 'iM"d"B':tor"publ:10'" iilghway-pUrpose's;andhis-'made-;'-exe'outed"and"<teH.vered ",,,lth-.the" cx- ~'~;'~';-~d;'~;t~dln8-"'~d'''~'o~di t i on-'tha t shoulCi-the-"same-ever''''j)e-Cil sc-ontlnued.-orablindonEld as a:"'publ lo-'h.ig'hway-"ihe...tItle 'to"the-'same"-snaTr't neretipotfre vert. to uandt'll vesthttrhthe"parti e s o.t 'the"f frat-. part;-- t he' II' " heirs --or..-a:sslgn:s-;----....-.--..-----..-.... -...- ...... .._____...h__...._.__.____._..____.. ..-.--'..--' _"__._._n.h .___..__...___ h _.___..____ n ...._._..___.________.._.hU __..... ( Tn fI.\ \'" A:->\) TO 110 I.\). Iht' ""n..., IL'!<:<Ih..r ...j!h all "nd .ingulu I.... al'\>urtn"nc... Iht'r..u,,!.. ''''~'II~;tl!f or in all)...is~ ,,~rl;tinin!\, ;and all .h~ ,...:...1('. ri~tl~. lilk. illtt'ff':,t an~ ,-bim Wo.tu.t'-ot,'r-r pI th(' !-aid part.J~Q oi 1M fir~t I"1r'. dthcr in 13,,' ur f"1IU1t).. t,_ the=- unl~' pr-:Jptr USf'. IlIr;nt-fit anJ 1..."""1 of II", <aiJ p3rtY h.... oi lit..' .<coo.1 I'ul. ..1 t.IL au()()~.!H!.Q~'L.._ -..-_...-.... _.. . .n.. ... ~ 2ntl auign-t fnrt'\'C'f. IX WITXE~:; WIIEI.:EOl-'. tI... ...;.1 ('211 Ie s oi tit<' first I'ut h;t.. ve .... h..rrunlo....1 the ir . awl )"t'ar lint aoon:' l\,i:lrn. SiK.ttd, ...~lcJ an'l .ltli........tI in I'rrsmct 01: 1 Vera V. Freeland ( ~.':'''''=''.!110 !.~...";ar'd;'~;=.=--..~=.==:=-~__=~ ~ . ".n.S an. I ~a' S ,tilt' d;t)" .....h..h~ydnOl'....J . ..~.:ctC~el...._.._.......__......_.... .__....(5",,1.) ....Ella B. 'Rucker. '''.h .... (~I.) STATE OF . F19ri~. COU111y oL_....Palm B&aoh ....___...___..._....__.._...._...__ I HEREM\" CERTIl-'\', Tk.t on Ihi, do)' I'tBonaU)' ..ppnr..d bt'forr rot. ..n .-./rICer dul)' alltl~'ril..,1 t.. :a.lminist..r ""II.. 3n.1 I""" acl<oowlttl!(mn'I<. . . SvdnOl' J. Tucker and Ella B. !uc~el'. his \'life .__;___u...___.__.._. ..-..-.-....--......-.---.__._-_.... -._________._ __..__.___.__ ___.._._._.h...._ __.___._,.._.._..._____.__..___ ________ It... fI1(' ..~1I kn...n ,.. I..~ tht' ,""'nun 8 tk'-criLrd in and .ho ~,<<ut~1 .he f')rt'K.-.uJK ill\lrutnf'nt anti t_ ~lt3Y .__ _ 2t.ktM.I~,tgN .btlore nw ""'I they. . ",...ut...1 lit" "Ullt Ir~d)' an<l \'(.Iunlarily fnr II", pu"",...; Ilttt..in t"I're<~1. .\Sf) I l'lIRTIIER CERT!FY. ThaI lIlt' ..id... .lCl.lfi...B.! ..!.\!cJce~ h..___..h...h. ......._.__........: kw...., t" Jr." I" I... th.. "if.. of Ih~ ..i.l. ... ... _.~.Y~Qr.."..h_~ok..r h.______.....__..___...__.................__ ........._._0.........___.___- on a srp;tralc amI ,r;"31.. ..umin'I;".., lahn "n.) madl.' by and Lrfor.. Dlt', ...p:ar"lci)' ;au.1 aparl from brr ...i.1 In1<I",nd. dwl ac"no..kdg.. thaI she ~l{<<ut..d Ih~ fL)f~in!l: 0....., inr Ih.. l'urIO(.... 01 rrlinqui_hing. alintating and c..n.....ying "II btr rjKhl. titl~ ar.1 intcrQI, ..hrthcr nl do"", M_;I..a.1 or 01 v.-p:lral~ prvpuly. sl"IutOf)' or ,""uil'''''', in and t.. Iht I..nds drscribt'd Ihrr..in, and 1-....1 sht ~...ttutc<1 sai.l Ort-<I (r<<I)' an" \"<.luntuily "n.1 without ;tny com~ pulsion. constr..int. al'l"rh~mi!'n <>r frar ..lor from hrr ..id hu.band. WITNESS my I...n.J anti "fficial .tal, at \'{~~.~..F.!l.J,.n1...!!.~h~<?!J,.COunty oLI.J~~IIl._~.~~_l1..._......u. ._..and Stat~ nr .u'lor 1.Ua .____._ lI,isu 3rd ._ .,l.P~.!!..___..___.__.A. D, 19~6 ( ..K!i!rm!i!.th.~L~QQ~n.____.__ '_ notary Public. L\v commIssion e:>"1>ires i'eb:-lat ;i930. --.--------- --_.~ ------ -. - -....- -.-+. _..- .---- ---- -- - ...-. .- -+ - ) Counly 01 S!. Lucie. J ~. ~ f. m~ IT RBIElllll-:RF.!>, Th>t on thiL__.__.~~____.__.____,...u.d>y of.~:P.!:.~:t...~ ~.!.~ i ~~..~~~~._. -'---..A. u. )L~!' r. --:..-.....-.P.~9.,...~ltM'~.<!...__._.__.__h,_..__~..____.._......u_.. .uu Ckrl< 01 I~ l'ircuit Court in an.1 lor said Cuunty, I....~ .Iuly r<<,...lnl tilt' j"rttl"ing Quit.Claim Ikrtl ;n lhr Pubiic Records of $;lid County. IN \\'ITNESS . . :Or', f h;a\~ lI<'r..unto .n my h:.nd :ul<! t:1e seal uf sa;.IC"url Iht'day anti J<2r ;t....r.. ..riu..n. ..__..'h_~.!~.~.!!l1!:f}hd.:._ '_U'h_"_'''_'h__.___(~a1.) ;j . . ' C1nk Circuit C.ourt. ! ~ . r;"" By...~'~! '..-'"-.' ~... ."o.,J\-ft:;~..,f/\,::,.Ju.....u__. ..Drpuly Cuk. . eO. ~0~CY ~o. ' o~ ~ '9-eCJ ~. . <@' . ~~J~'1!t~~~~~~ ,,:', ::~~S'f;~ujb1~~