HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1989 -.-_._.~~IJnl.Ut..Rm.l1SSlt..LmE TO t/ror 189 _..._'1'Jm..SU:U...BQAILJ)1mARt~1iLQl....lIJlRIPL.. " ._ on_ ___.__"..._.Ql:JXI.~CLAI M DEED ,. I -'-1"""-"'.'" .. h", . 'l"tIlS lSIlRNiliRJo:" llatl~ ,his.h-............_.l~.'b____._n.__..._.._.~h____-lb). of. .... _.. .., .J.prl1....__._._.._____....:..~..._........_..__.__..\. D. 19..26.... bet..ttn '.... ._..~~~.!l..!..~~.~.f)l~~~.~..~..<\..A~....~.!... .r~l~~!J~n~.!t_~.t1:.t..__.._.__.._._.._..._.._._.__...._....00__.._'..00__.____ ..f ..... l......lli). of Browart!..... "d." ......h..h... ...... an.! SIalr of.....i lO1:i4a .............. .......... ....._....hh...._.I':1I1 le.B of I~ linl P3rl. and ....._.h...._...~~<<t.._~a.~e....~.C?~~. .~.P~.~~l!ll. t....~~.-.~h~.____....._.._.h..._..._._..._....h.n..h.._ 'd",_ ....nh..._............... ...._..... __....__..._...._ ~.. . __. -- . ... JadCSI>I.. of.. ........llOl.'lda . ...... . . 1>,",1 ~~:~ .,f Ihr srcood t"r1. \\'IT!l:E:-;~t-:"II. Th:ll Ih.. ",,;'1 ('3r/ie8 of I.... 6r'I pari, for :lnd in ro",;.I~ralinn or th.. .um ,.f. two .. .............-.. .... '_"_h _.......u._ ......_--...--.~.._..._-_._.______._____..___..._._...____.__.._._ _......__._... __... on . 'h._ '.n ...h.......... ........ .. .n.._.. DoUau. in hand ".i.1 I.)' I.... u;.1 p,orL.Y.... or Ihr srrooul ('3rt, IItr rrc~ipl wh...~r i. hrr~'" ...-k""\\k-d,:hl, l-.a ve .... n :: .rtmi~l. t,'I~a.td an<I "uit.~laintW, and b)' I~ pr~stfll' do ... ...... r~mi.... rd~asr alltl qujHlaim unlo Ih~ said I>:>rl .Y .. (If I.... sca>nd P3rt and 1 tS8uooeS99rfJ ......~ and assigns lur~..rr, all ..... ril:hl. litl.., inlrre<I. claim and draund wMrh I.... said pari 1e 8 or Ih~ firsl P3rl ha va . in a...' h' Ih~ f"II.'lIring dr<cribN IvL.., p;rcLh.. or ...rr~I...... of Iand,XilDalC situate, lying and being in the County of St. Luoio, State of F1C?~.!.~ ,..~o-:~'it: _...._..__.._.'--.__. ___._.___...__.....__....__...___..__...._....._........__........_"_..__ -...-......-........-. ........ B~8.1nnlng.a.t ..B.lI.O.1nt...284...3..!ee.t. ..weat-..of.. tho. S outheast.comer... o~-.SeoU on..-, 22~Twp.. 36 S. Jl. .40~._thence.."'.S.._2Ldeg...41m1n. ....,..612.4-feet....thene6 -Southi...--.- ],42.?fee.t, thenoe...:-lf.. !:.:,' deg~...4l.J.n.tn..I._1'l2.Q teet,thenQe..-..F..a.st..7~.6.feet .to..po1nt.._ ofbeginnin,g, oonta.ming..one..andti.vo..hun.d.redths aores, more ..or.le.8~, . and.being..a.. t.ract. otland. sixty gixfeet \Yide.h!n..the..1.a'E...~14_o1' ..N..F....l/4....of U.E....1/4...0f. Seotion..&7j.'l'wp....... a6 S. ..n 4Q. E. _..................___..h........hh____...____..__.___.._.._...................._..............._....._.__....._............ __ ........ ...........__....__.._....._.._ . .... ......... . "" ~h1ede e.d ls.5 Iv~ n . ttt_t.he.. .purp.<?9 e. ot 0. 0 ans t.ruQ t. log and .!llB.lntUning...__._......_..... a publio hi5hway...by..the...se.td Stat~ ..RQft.d...DepaI"t-ment .. or.. ~ ta8.i~ent;s.....other...ise._to be.. nulL.. IPld. void ..... ................ ._. ........__ ....._._...___.__________....._.......___._..0._....__..._......0......._.... ...... .............. ._....... .........._....._.........._... -..---- ------ .-.-. .on .- -----.-. ...,,_Uh._.._ . -.-.----.----..-_.___.__..._____._______.__.___.....__ .-_.-"-.___,__,,._.__u. __n_n_...._.__._____._o.' __..._...___..____.....__.. __._______.__._ .--.- .-.-.-..----.- . --- --____..__..___.._n_._._______ -- ----.----0-.-...-.--.-.-----..-.. .______ ._______....___h __ ______._.___ . - -- _.-- _u ___,_ .-___.____0____.__.___._____.___ __h_.......___n_. ._._ . ( .. TO II.\\"E ..\XI) TO II()I.\.. Ih.. "-1n1<', t"K"lhrr .ilh all and singular II,.. al'l'u'InLllIIC'("~ 'h""ou'.I.. I..t.'"!Cinx or in :anpoi... aPl~I;ailling. :an.1 all ll~ f'~'.J.k. ril(hL lillf'. julf'rC"1 =tlid cl.1iID "hab(~\-rr ,...i lht' ~1id p3.rlle.s. ni the- fint part, r-ithr.f in 1.l'K (.r <'Iuity. t., lhe 'lnl). proptr tI~t". btn~fit ;aOO l..h(1(l! oi thr ...,id p:lrty..... .,( Ihr srcond part, ..1:t;.~..!;l1JQOQS.Q9.r.1iI......_....... ........h............_... ~nd :a..ign. f..rtHr. I!-: WITXE~:' WlIEREOF, tl,~ ...i.1 ('3rt1e 8 of Ih.. lim p;all ha. ve. ...... ~r~ulllo srI... . the ir ... ..... . .. hanJ S an.1 \tal 8. tbr day 3t1~ )~ar rir~t 3fJlO\"f' l\"rith:n.. ~ign~l ,...;oW and drli\"f,,-d in (>"'<mc~ or: I Thomao E. Swanson .. ..._...~_~_T. ..~eman . ..__..__.. ...._ ..._... ......._____. - . ... Sa.::nu.e 1 pe tersen .... Alma J. Petersen ..- .... .........._....._... (Stal.) '. .(Stal.) . STATE OF .. J'~orida.__....______....____ C....nly of .......... Bl"Q:\YU'.d_...__ ,_._ ......:....__..h. ....____.__ I IIEREIl\' CF.RTlI"'. That on thi. d;ay J><<'non;ally appurM brfor~ mr. an ofIiccr dill)' auth.>rirrol I.> 3.lmin;.r~r ",11.. :an" bt.:e ad,rKlllrl~dgmml" "'-""-"-'--.- '___'''h~'~~ 1. ..~~.~~J;'S.~~..~!)ma....J.!....~tl:!;eI'S~Jl ~'_._'._h._.___' ._.__ . ...____..._____._..__._________ ______ 'tn Ill(' .....11 kn......n ,.. I... II... ......00. ".....rit.ro in and "00 .......UIM t~ forrJ(..inll: in.lrum....t an<I .. they .0.. Ih.I .. they. ac ~no..I~JKrd bd .,,~ m~ h .~...culrd the .a_ fr<<ly and ",>luntaril,. f... Ibr pnrpo..-s I....rriu ~~I'rr<,..,d. Anna Yarn Jlot8.1"Y-W15U('fh'for' .tfi8....State-of P'Torlda.-iit"1.6.jge; ~= o~~~:.:~l!."~n:.:.~_:~~~!~.~ A~~~-:.1!.t :~..~?~=-o:..:.:.-:~._=:_:_:~.~-.: I I ! i I I .\!I: () I Hanllf.R t;F.RTfF\', ThaI lhe uid. __..A~ oJ ~....:r.~_ t,~ f.!en..........__... .. ....... 0._.......... '. .......__...._____.__._.._ . . Samue 1 Petersen · klkJ.-ll (0 r.~ tft !< ll,ro ".fC' ..~f lh~ salll_..,..._. ._._.._________ _____.____________._____.+_.__.__..~. ._._._____.__._.___._____.__.___.~.________ on a ~oaral... ,,,,,I p,ioat.. uamihalion, lat.:m and nud... by and l..f",e me, scp>ralcl)' and ap>r1 fmm Mr ...i.1 hu<lallCl. d;.1 act.:no.l~d!:~ lhal ,.... ~xrcut~d I.... forrJ("inR IJtt-J i"r Ii", pur(...... oi rrlinqui.bing. alimaling and c..nnying :all b~r riltht, Ijll.. and inlrr~>" ..hrtMr 01 do"er, OOmtilrad or of srparat~ I'r"....rl).. stalu!..r)' or ~uit,b1... in and to lhe lands "~scriLt-d t.....eln, and lhat .h~ uceutrd ,aid fltt,1 ir<<l,. and ..olunluil)' and wilhout any com. puhion, <oetstr:ainl. ;aPI.rrbrn.;..., f>( fnr "f. or irom hu s:aid husband. d11le . WfT~F.S:-; In)' bnd an" official snl ~I .11"Qrt...Itm.<lor..::~__COant). oL.~Q~~d._...._ and Sl;at~ of .'l.Qr.1.!).r:l. __.._......_ this 13th (Stal.) ~t.': t. t< ,. Counl,. of 51. l"cie. BE IT RUIF.illlf.Rf.O, That 00 Ihis_____l!~l1..._____...........do). oL.--.Apri~at.8:.2LA.M.__....__A. O. lQ.26 P.O. Eldred I, ----..--.-0.-----.-...----_.._._. ---_____...._..__._...n~rk of Ihr Cirruil c.,.,rt in aud for said Coanly, ha.... dul,. rrc.",lcd I.... fortgoing Quil.t'laim I...... in 1M Public R<<Ords of said Coaaty_ ha,'C' hrr("Uolo srt 10" ~ and tbr seal of said ('curl I~ do,. and )T:lIr ab"..C' writlnt. . ,~tz; .__.."2. C ....E.ldred,.__ "'_..._.._.....__ .....--_~__(Snl.) .' -:<' :~ . . ('1nk Circuit Court. {~,. , B,.. "-'~~'~CL,:.._.....~ty CItric. ~ aC . i-" \ ~ .~ .... ! :;;~i~~~~]1~lt~~~ -' <~:"'.::"..~~}~~~i~;