HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1994 194 .~J1~1~_~_&.~In._.._._________ TO .._..JJ)l7~...A.R.a;..1KIRDI_________ 9l:JIT.CL~IM DEED I ! I I TillS INIlf.NTl1RR Ma'lt this ...,._......_~th...._.. .....__.__....._...._._.....day 01......... ~().I1.._......... __. ................. ....A. n. 19J~..~. bcl...~ ...........____'..00...... _.._....y!.~..~.~.._~..~.~6!_..~~..!~~.~.!_.~_o_~~_~.t.....!!!,~._~!!~............. .._.. ......_._.........._........_._... .. ........... ._............_;.,..__._ of Ib.. (\...nly or. .. Saint .kolo .. .......... ....... amI ~Iale of.... .... .... .P101'111a '" ........._...... ... ...... p:trtle 8.. of t.... fi"l ~rt, and -,.......-......-..-....-... ..-..- .....~.!-~~~..~!!..~~..~.!..~.~~.........__..........__......n.............._ ..........._........... ...._. ...... ........... ......... ....... .............................. of Ihr ('.......1). of.. Saint.. moie...._ ..' . . . .... ...an.1 ~I:.lt. d .....~:J...~:ti~ ... ... . .... ..,... p:trl. if.... or Ih.. .rrontJ p:trt. fe n do ~ 1"ar a....an.\!...l:) t;..h.~ r 01 l , . ; WITNF.S~"TIf, ThaI I.... .ai.1 ""rt. lc~ or Iht- (inl p:trl, f..... and in cocu;.lrra';ol1 or lb(' sum of val\mble oonsiderations "'-'- ......-----..,---....-........-.........-..-... ..._.._._......_...._....~ in band paid b)' liar S:lid parl-Y._ of lht ttcoa<t p.lrl. Iht rrc..ipl whueof i. 00..1>)' ac!cno..kdllt<!, ha .. VO........... rrmiJrd. rrka~ all<! quil....bimtd, and b)' I....... pr~srnh w.... .... rrmi..., rrlta.... and 'quit.c1a'm amto Ihe said parl.Y ..... of tlar !O<'Cond part and....... his ........_..... ............_......lKin a...1 ;\uigns fl'r..,..., all liar rilChl, till.., illtrrrst, claim ar.d d~m:an" .. h;eh tlar $;ailll,,"rt ie s. of :ht finl ""rl haVe ............ in ali<I '" 1\1;: folJ.,...irK d~<criLtd 'J: ~ 101.s~" pire........ or \>:arc~L_.. of Iavd.~: situate t lying and being in the County of Saint L'UOie t State of Florl~ to-wit: . _ ! ..........',...................-.............-...... Ip.t8...~.i:x,~Y..- !.~!!_.J.6oL.~t!..~.~.~y _~.!~_. J~? ,...:_.._.__.....__._.._._... .........._...._._.................. . -.....--.--..--....;. .-............ ~--...... ()t_.~~J:J:'y!~1!_ J.>.~~L ~9..g..~.!:~.i.!.l6 ..!o.o .pJJL1... ._.____. .._.._...._......._.._....__._.._.............. ........... ..._:_..__.__..... . ._..._........._.....~.e ~9:J:'Jl.e~.l~..?.l.:~!...~Q()~~.1....P~~..?.~.. ....._...._............._............_.____.. _........__......... ...._ -"--'--'-'---"-' ..-.-...... .......-- ._.~t.r't!~)!..r~!'~_4~.~HH.on__~.9.._~M ...QJ.:ty_!>t .. J"()r.:t .1> J,~;rQ~, ......._...__.... .. ._..... ___.......... ~~.' -i ." ,: ~ ;t.. :-.i ~ -------------------.----.-------------.---.-..-------------_._-------- -----,---------~..-_._- --------.--.--. -------------------------.------------------.--------- --------------..-------------------------------...-..-.. ---------.-----------.--.---------.-----.------------------------------------------ ------.------'11.".-----------___________..____.___.....___ ",1... .---- .-----. "_..u._____.__..." _ _ _ u '_'_u.' on ----.- -.. .---. ...'- _____ __"__.._... ._____. .______________ __ ._. n. ____._._.______..n..._.... _ .__ _._ _'_.-.. _'.." TO IIA\'F. AX\) TO 1I1l1.n, Ih.. '"m... .....:<I....r ..it!, ..II ..nd sin~ular Ihr al."urlr....~. IIt.....""t,, l,don~i"ll Olr in ..n)'..i.... ap....rt.inill!:. ""d ;all Ih.. ..<I.It'. ril/hl. till.., inlrr...'I 3ml claim ..b"t'Mur "f Ih.. s;ai,1 part .leaof Ih~ 1;"1 I""rl, rilbn in b.. ,'1" "luil)'. I" I.... OlIlI)' ,"oprr ""'C'. I.......lil ;,..,,1 "..ho<>i of Ihr ."i<l p.rtY.._.._ of I.... _ond 1""1, ..... his..______...~...... .._.....~.__...._... ........ ..... b.i.. ..n,1 ~"i"n. f..rner. IN WITXF$S WHEREOF, lit.. .:",1 "arl Jes of t1,~ 6,,1 "art ha ....ye._ OO..ullh, nl . th~ ir... ....__..._...._.......h.rIl19. . and ...01 a . I.... day and )'..ar lirsl abo,'~ ,,'rillrn. Sillmd. '<"alrd .lId drlinr.rd in prrsene... of: I _.___. E.~.~Bo~~i~!~~___._____ B.K. ~'{allaoe .__ __.n. _ _.~_ _ __ ___ . __~ __._ _ .'. ~ . .___....'il ...1.. __ GQQ;ree..______.___...___.___._._. (~al.) ~tle~Georgc... ..(~a\.) :-'l-i 1 't STATE OJ: ____~__.llo.~:J~.~.__._.._ '. Saint Luoie C(,onl} of... ...............__.. _._.... _.._._..~___ , I II F.KEII\" CERTIfY. That nn Ihi, day "..nollally appcarrd befor~ 1IlC', an oK......r "'JI)' ""Ih..riznl I.. a.lmini,I.... ""lb. a...1 laic.. a"'"n..lr<I~mM11<, ~;. .~ --..-...........~-.---......--...___...._.__.....ll.J._.~o.rg~-.a.nd...J&:ir..Ue ...Ieorge.. .his. .!:,~1f'e 10 rllt" .....11 k""..... IOl ,... Ih~ l...r...,:;tJ dc:....rihnl in and ..ho.."ecutrdt.... focf'lloinll i",trulll....t ;and. .... they.. lhat . .....t):l~y _...... ..._........_.... ute"trd II", <:affl(' fr<<ly and ,'n1amtarily for I~ purpn<r. Ihudn ...'.r.....,1. arkno.I...I",rd brior.. ow . :~ AND I FURTHER CERTln", That tht !2id__...__.l(yr.fr.le__J~~.Ql"t;e ...__....__........ .._..:........ '_...._...'__' .. ._..._.... _ _...__......_.._ kno....n 10 rot: to be liar ,,'irt of Ihe s>id. ..~____..__..__...Y!.....?! Geo!:b_~.__..........__...__........._.....__ .___.__......__......._.___ .._._____..__...____ on a srpar.lt ar.d "riut~ na.ninalioo, laken alUl nude: by and bcfor~ me, "\>:a raid)' and o,,,"rt from..... $;aid hud.,.n,1. did acknowkdJl't llut shr ~","CUltd Ih~ forrxoUag Ilttd for I.... pul'J't..~ of rc-linquj,bing, alknaling and c.,.uryinK all hrr righl. Ij!1<- and inlcr....I, whelMr ,.f ""......r. homrstcad or of srparal.. property. .t&Iulory or t<Juil;abk. in and to Ib.... lands d~scribrdt""rrin, and Ihat slat ~.ttUlrd ..id I>rrd ir<<I)' arl<I ,...Iunluily and ..ithouI any com. pulsion, t'onstrainl, aPl,rrhrnsion or f....r (.f or from latr ~id hwb;and.. WITNESS lilY .....d and official sal, al~F.Y...)?lei.O~_.Coant). oL.: Sai;n:t. _.~\1oJe ... .........100 $..... "~I .:_..._daY oL....~g_tt___.____..__^. D_ 19...?_6 11 9rJ.d a '-1 81': IT REMEUllF.Rt-:I>, ThaI (;Il thiJ_l&~lJ, ._......day of _APrll.at. 2; 3.9....a.m..__..__..-\. D. 1~6 , I, p ~J!.!_Jr~l~ed ____...__.._. _..__.____.Ckrlc or IIw- ('irntil .:'ourt in and for said COItnt).. h;av~ duly r<<orclnl Ihc fortgoi~im o..-N in llat Public R<<Gr'1s or hid COlIDty. I~ WIT~t-:SS WI~.oF, 1 ha"~rfttJ11o ~t my hand aOO the sc-:aI of f;&id ('ourt t~ da)' :and fur abon ..rill<IL () ........ ...~.~ . J~ldr~~ ;.....--- "-.CkI.:k""'.Ci~;:;'il"i..;;;;"r~~I) Cti\t. Seal. .~el),. 8)' ~ .,,-~-:)~f.:'?-!--~/_.. Orputy C1trk. ~ ,-'.// .\. ~ ~~('. .- ~~~- ~eCP ~~ c\ I _~.~.f;lu.KE!Y..i1~.:U~C~n _..___........_ .... '....._..._._____...._.._... Notary PubHo for tile State of Florid.a at large. ~~. <?~~.~_to~dl_~>>i!~~8. Fe l?"'~EJ23..Q. .:-:.::=.:::::::.. :. - ....- , -~,< .-"i: .~?- .:.'" ~ f~ t} t~rtl~~t~g~~lt~~~~i~ . , . ' ':; .' '.>.:;.:'i!Ji~~g~~i~