HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1997 _....__.QJURIEs...!. _.A1UfQLD.cl._'UFE..__ TO __.!.~_..~.~~~~..IlQ~~__~~M!:T.1f::N-r__QF_'LORIDA_ QtJ..IT~_GLAI.M. DEED 197 - r- I , ~ TlIiS INflHNTlIRI-:' Madr 1M, . l$1;h........ .........._........_.._-'llI), 01.... ~ Ap:rl1 ..............._.....:..A. I). 19.26. bcl.rrn -. . .~.~.!~.~..:p..._~r.~.~~~.~~(L~:}~!f!...:~.q.Ql~lI....h1.Llt1!o.._.____._......_._..... .._.._.........................__........_......_.._...____ of I~ ('....nl). of Oook . ...... ....... an,1 ~I;alr or .~... ...1111no-ia .... ..... ....... .. ...._.. p.lrlle~.. of t.... first part, and The.... ~~~~.~.._~oad . ~P~.t~R~...Qt.._t.b..f).. ......._._..............,_..._._ ...... .........._..._..__.._... ._._._ [ ~~x;,g~ . JOU&:l Sl~t.. of. Florlda. . .. parG' of Ih.. srcond par', WITN~::;~HT". TI~I II... .,;.1 I"'fl lea or I.... fir<I parI, fur and in ,..",.;.kuI;..n or ..... <I,," ,.f '\wo .... .........O"llor.. in hanel p;a;.1 I.)' .hr S:l;.1 I",rl y .. or Ihr srron.l part, t~ ",,~ipt whtrtof i. IKf.b)' lI<"nc...Io....IK...I.~ rrn.j...l. r~C'a<"" ;and qtlit.dllin~, and b)' I","~ ilrt<tllt. .t., ....... '..mi..., rrl..;asr ;all<! quit.chim unto Ih~ <;aid parI.. y.. of t.... Sfi-onol i"". and. 1 t,J .8U008eso:r8._ JriJUI and assi/(n. for~\'rr, :all I.... richl. titlr, int''''.I. ,laim alld dtlllllnrl wh;eh t.... said parI. leSof Ih.. firsl p;arl ha .ve in ;and III Ih.. r"llo.ing drscribtd 101...., pircr...... or ""reeL..._ or land, &Xi1t:altuate.lyl:ng and being in the County of St. Luoie, State o~ ~.~~~!.~~ .. ._~~.:!'!~.:..~-_-.:....__..._._.._----_...._._....._- -----.--...........-......--.......-...--. ----...........-----....-.... ....................... _......._..........!.~_~_~~~~.!.. hl~t-,~hree J.. 33 L.~~e.~._()f._!-O~._.S1~teel1... tl~L..B.J,()ok.. ~1t'Q._.__.__ .(2)8eo1;:1011 ~Jt:te~n. (lj) L_~wp" 36.. S .R.. 40.. E... Hodel. hIandCompanJ'8.__...._...._ Subd1vis~ol1. hCOJ1~qlJlt.ng ...one.. half 1I0re,.. more.. or.lesa.-......_...h h.._.___..............._ ~.hls deed is made.for .the purpo.oe.o:f_.gi.Y111g...and graDti!l8 . to. the party hO:f .thesecondjar.t a r 18ht of way. and. eas9:nent_ln.~.:ld..to hsa14...~and.s,- and is ma4e :for.. public.highway-...:. ....... ...._ purposes ui. i ~ - rte. executed. andde-llverea .with. .the' express .....understanding. &114..--........-....- " oond! 'tlon . that should the. 8Qill8.ever. be..discOlltlnuedor. abandoned has. Sh. pub1.10~ __...._.._._.._._.. .highway the . title. to ..same shallrev&l'-t-to..and reve.t in.. the party. o:r.thef'1rs1J......-...-...-.... part -- the lr _.he irs.., or_ assigns. ------:--.--________._m_._________..___.___ -+.---....-.-n..___...____...____n.__.__.n_~-..!.=___n_____& ____'_____'____'__'__Oh_____.__.__... .._____...___uu._________...____.__________________________..._ _.___..._u_._._.__._.... ___........_...... __._..____._....________ u.______._h__._ _._-._~--_._--_..- ---~-------.----...-..--------._..------..--------...-.-..-..-..-. ...-----.-.__.__.__._..___. ...._____._.__...._...____n____..____._.__...._________.___ -.-...-...- .n.__ ..... _.____ .....___..._n__.__......n ....h_.___..___._______._._._._.__.._.n _n'__.. h' { TO M.\\'I'; .-\XO TO IlOI.n. II~ "'mr. h,!,:clhrr wilh all and ..ngul>r t.... :ll'l,urlrn;a",'" III...ru"I.. 1..1011>:;,,>: or in an)....i... lIP1'trl~ining. ;and :all tlt(' ('statr. ri~ht. litJ~. intf'r~....t ~Ild (uim .lut'Ot\"t.f of lhf' qid p:ut. .lea,j the- (,rj.t ..:art. f'ilMr in 13.,,- ,~ ('Iuil,.-. Ii'" tilt' ')Ilty I)r,'\pcr ust'. bmdil ant! hd>o<,f of Ihe ",id pllll Y..... or Ihr sct\md I",.t, .....:11; IL.BUOQO.S.S.O.rS.....h...... ....._...... ... ~ '3.1Hl .:I.Uil.:IIS inrr\.tr. IN \\'ITXESS \\'III-:I.:EOl-", th~ ",i.1 po'Itee. of Ihe finl l'lI'1 IJ8.._._.... hrr..unlo> sri and )"t'ar hnt a'_l\"~ ..-ritteD_ -:_:'E:~~:;~~~~~=~~:~~-~---~= I ..... the ir hanol S lIn.1 ...1I1 8, I~ .u)' CA~les P. Arncl~ .......... (Sell!.) 1!arle Arnold.. ..(Se;al.) STAn: OF . .....Illinois .._...._____.___.___ } Conn I)' "c.... .-......... .Oook ....-.... .... ....-..---...-..--_ ._.__.._..__ J I lIF.kF.lI\" CI-:RTII'\". That on .hi. .by pcnor::ally appt'lIrcd bcrorr mr, an ofli<-.. .hl)' :a'llh.>ri,,,,1 I" :i.lmini'lrr ("'Ih. :and tllke aclmowltdgmml<, ...--""--"-"'-'" --....-.... O,harle So. P.o._Arnold. ...ancLllarie .MDAl4 __._._ h._........ ........:. _.......... 10 "'" .....11 """"" 10 ~.. III.. pcr;,JI dr....ibrd ill an.1 ..ho ~'fCulcd t~ for<"l!:oinll: imtrumml :and. they. . admo..ledg.... brror" me Ilul ... tbe.1 ... ex.....tcd I.... "'lmr f.<<ly "nd volunlllrily fM till' jlurl''''" .",..in ~'I'rrs....l. ,\X II 1 FliR'TlIEk (:F.RTfF\'. Th:rt Ih~ said .......--__.l@~1.9....A1._I101l1......_._... .._ kno.n toO ..... t., ~ th~ ,.ift or th~ said. . ...c.!1~.!~I:l...I.'...._~!l.~..r~.___..____..__...._.............._. on a >ep:aralr and p.int.. ~umi..;ali.m. Ill"'" and UllId.. b)' and "dOlt n..., uparattly and lIi'llrl fnom h..r ",id hu_I'lInd. ";'1 aclmo.-k<lg~ llut sb, ~xttUtrd Ibc forrgoinll: I~ i..r 11.... ,'url"~ or .r1in-lui<hillg, alirnllting and cOfInyin'!( all b~. riKht. li'le "",I inlrrr'I. .heth.. ..f ...'.....r. homr.t"lId or of srparal.. proprrly, 'I~Iutor)' or ",uitllbl... in and I., Ihr l;ands described t"'rein, and llut shr ufCulrd ",id n...d r.....I). an.1 s'olunlll.i!y and without any com. pulsion. constraint, apprthrrosior. ..r rrar of or fro>m hr, SlIid busbllnd. WIT:\F.S5 my hllnd and officbl ,u!, at._...___.~!!.!.9M9 ___.Count}. of... ... Cook...... ,......;and SIll Ie. of.. Illino1s....-.-- n. l.~'. ~.., , \ , STAn: 0 'f~J' Counly of St. lucie. RI-: IT Rf.!oIF.MIIF.Rf.Il. T~t on this...__.._.____?4t~____._....._.._...dlly 01...0.'__" ...Apr11..at...l: 4j.'p .Y._A, 0.1926- J. __.._h_._._.___.._...........!_.~_~l~~!......_.._______.___......____n_....._..__...Clcrlc of Ihr Circuit Court in "nd for said County. dllY or _..... _..._April. _..___..__A. O. 19.....26 Fred O. Springe, Jr. ----.--..-..--..'otarY.PUbl!o-~--..-------- has"" ,Iuly rfC'.rd.:d t~ iO'f}l:oing Quil'C\lIim IJrcd in Ihr }'''''Iie Rrcord. of sa;.1 Cm..t,. IX WlTNF.S~ WUI-:RF.OF, 1 hav~ h..rnanto set Ply hllnd :and Ibc sol of said Court t.... rby lInd )'rar "bo,,~ .-rill.... -J ei\~e~ .-.--P. C . .:",l~'d .-.-.- .~ -----~.:!>"..~""') CO\6,. ''B tit B, :.~?(r..G?-L-p~.._...._Ocput: {'1crk. e (}vi. \. . . ...' (B. ~ ~~j'Mif.~i[t11~~~~~