HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2004 2U4 _._.Aa_S.~GRU1illlU'.-'.J~J.'E TO OLltRE .mrELL I&:SS!:RGER QUIT-CLAIM DEED - -- -'-~---'--"--'_._---- _.". --.- - --."... ._- .. -_.-..+ .. -- ..... ~ . ..- - - ...- -.. ---.. - . -' - -~.- TillS ISOF.NTURE" Ma.lto Ihls ....-- . ....J:~~.~...._._..._..___---'b)" of.....P' ._h J..Pr..~~ p" h _._.h "__P'.. ^- I), 19. ~6 , hC'1.-tm ..________...1. .S..._~R~~_!.E._~_..~~._~~ GREEHFIE~~_.~~ ~._ w.i_1~ .._..__....._.__...._.:. '''__''_'''''_ :....._._______.____...._ 01 Ill<<- ('01..,..' oL at. Ulole and ~I"t o!_ ... 110rlda '_'_""_'__" ""rl. iOS"f I"" firsl ~rl. lnd .-.....-...--..-..-.... ~n"ire. ~6~!..!fe_s.~~~!~. __.____....p__._.. _.. ..... ..._._... ... ...._.h ... ,'_h'u,_, <,11M Cut "'I)' "I.. . S\. lA.lo.ie ..... .... '111<1 Slalt "I.. . 'lOl~ lda ... ....I. 7.. "I Ihto .C'Cond put. WITNE~::ETII. }h31 II... ~i.1 l>;Irl 1e 8 01 Ihr linl pari, I." In<l in <.....<;.kral;.'" 01 I"" sum ..I ...._ _ . _. '__ '_ ... .._..._ _. .. __ u ____._.!en ._QO.l.laI'L~n..~._.Q.:t.h.~!;_.~~ua blo oons 1 ~~,~~~I_~~l!.._ __,..__.._.._.___._._...__._.___._h._.. . ,.....,..~lIlrS, o and h)' IMS.. pnwnls 00.. ill hand paid b)' I"" <aid ~f11...... 01. Ihto sC'CWllUt ~rt, 1M rC'Ctoipl whut'lll i. ""rC'h,. a..kno.-kdlttd, ha_.v~ ___. rtmi..-d, rc-fc-a....1 lnd quit.(binotd, her r..mi..., rdn<~ and quil-<bim unlo Ihe sai<t f>llr~ ._..... of I~ _-oad par' llld .. . __ .. ... "u hr.n and !; aniRns f,'r...-r... llll Ibt' ri.l:hl: lillto, i"ltf\~',I. (uim and <I..mand .hich lhe said I'llrlle 8 of Ihe lirsl !drl ""va h_.huh in llnd 10 Iht' ''''''-,.iI'l: dt'SCrihC'd 101_.., P;C'Ce _._. or parCC'L_. 01 bnd. I;;Q;J.X sItuate, lying and be ing ttlthl! Oounty of St. Mlole, State .~~ ...~}-~.!'!_~~.~...~.~-~.'!.!~.:_..._-_.._----_._------_._-----.--..--...--.-.-.----.-..---... .-..'- -..--....-... 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MQ ord1.1lg ...~ ()..~~!..P~!l~....~ere o~~~~~e~._ll\..p:J,at. .l.Jook.~,p~~__!.a. ~~~d....~.!. ..~!r.. ~ or_13lQo~ .l~f_ ~~1,<!..s\1~~.!!!~.~_~!l ,--~s... sho.'!Xl__b.!_.!~~.pl,.a~..!"~.~!'_ded ._~~_ !'_~~~._~.~.o~. ~_~ _pagen_62,-S-t.....w.o.lQ-9.Q@t.y'...~<?_ord~.i same bei~~~.~bd~.!.is.l.~~-.-:~f a p~_~.:>!...~~~_ ~__~~____ ___\M_3Ei..9f...~~~ ..._.?l_~. 35S.R .40 E. from sai~. ~_ oorn~~ as_!..!~oi~~~~egl.~~~_~_ _:'~~~._6.9..___:te~!..~~!]~L~~~.north line of said Lot 9 to the R\Y oorner thereof; thenoe south . 50.tQ.E~t.al()_llg...t.he....~..~.~_.!~~~.__!?f said Lot 9. _~~_~~~_~as.~_~o teit '~~:a. i>O~~~~~~~~~~~=:.~~~.: ..11UEL ot__B_~lcl.1.0t...?Jrh1o~ p~~nt is 48 teet _~~ut!J.__of ..!.~~~._~~~.'!:~~..:her~.~~_~.~_~.~~_.~_~~~h ..iJJ tElet al()~_..~l1,!.._~~~~..._~~ne of said lot 9, to th~_ p~.~~~ of ~egl~l~. ______._____.__u..__...... - ...._h_._.___.__n.__..____....___._.__.._n____...__.. ._.__._.___ _____h______. --_..______n.___.___. TO "" VE AXU TO 1I01.\), Ill<- "'_, t'>gell.... .-ilh all lln.1 .in!:ular II... llPl.urlrna'''.... l"tn-uUI.. I.....",!:i,,'" nr in lln,-.-i~ "1'l'<",laini"",. lln<l all lhe t'lat~. riKhl. lilk. inh'n'l and claim 1\1u1'OC',..r oj Ill<- .ai.1 par!--leSol Iht' lir<1 IQfI, ~il".... in Ill" <>r "'I"il,., ". Ih.. <...1)' prope'r u<t. I..-Dr/il :l".1 . .., ~ ./h IOC'ho,,1 of I"" said pan -. Y:'_::-,,1 II,., .C'Cood Io:>rl. .J! _ _,~J"_ '_"_m_..___ ._.. .__ _.._ hei.. lln<l a<<iIln. I..r",'..r. IX WITXES$ \\'IIERI-:OF. Iht $:lid part.l~13 of th~ /iuI pall ha._.!~ .__. hrr..nnlo ..1 __.___.~~~,~._______.__...__ _. hallOIS _ _1l1lO! <tal S . lhe <13" and )"t2r first allO\Or .-riUC1l. ~=:~.~f~~:~~~:===--= I n ___.L..8.L g;rQel!f.t.JJ~ ________.._...___.__._.(~al.l .. ..Sarah .~r~enf1el~ . -- ------.---.=-- ."- c-(.~al.l 5TA TF. OF __Fl.oJ:' l..M_____ . ___.._.__.__n. _. st. Luoie , Counl>' of__m... ._.._____.__.__..______...__.____..___..-__._....__.___ I HEREBY CERTIFY. Thai on lI,i. <lay (>u....",Uy llppeand ""fore mt'. an OlT.c.... <I"b' llul"'.riz.... I.. lldmini,l.... nalh< 3nd lak.. ::arkno.lnl~lI', A.S. G~eenfield and Sarah Greenfield. his wI~e, -_._-----_._--._-----~--_._.. In me ....II k""",-n In .... th.. "."...n S .k',crih<-<I in and .-ho U.."IN lhe forc-goillK in,lrumml lln<l ....... . ~hey Ih.11 .__..theY_.__:...._. ___m. ___uttult11 lhe "'fftC' Ired>' llnd ...J1unlarily for I"" pU'I'O'On lhe'rrin ell'.,......... ackn.....lt,lll:...1 bd..rr ,,,,. ,\XU I FURTHF.R l'ERTIFY, Tlul Ihe <aid..____ Sarah Greenfield ----------.----------.--.-.---- ----...----_._.__.__...__ __.______ _...Oh"__.n___. A.S. Greenfield kno"n I.. me It. I... Ihe ..il.- 01 Ihe said.__..__.__. on II SC'f>llral.. llnd prit'lllr uamination, la\:nl llnd mlldC' by and LeflOre me. '''I>;Iralrb' and llpafl fr..m h.... sai.1 hu"",",,- did lldn01rl..d~ INI <he' <"....ul..1 1M 'ortltoinlt Ilttd lor IItr PUfJOOSC' of rdinquishing. alitnaling llnd c,...rq;ng lln h..r riJl:hl. lille an.1 inltrt,l. .-hC'IMr ..f do.n-. ho_'I..a.\ or 01 $tjUult / prosoerly, .lalulo9' or C'quilable. in and h> Ih.. lands dC'Jerikd lhe,..in, and lhat .he Cxttultd sai<l Iltto\ I r<<ly llnd ....Iw,"'.il)' lnd ..ilhoul llny COIII- pulsion, romlrainl. appr..hm.ion or fur 01 or irota Mr Qid husband. WITXF.sS IDJ hand and official ....,,1, llL.I'Qrl...r_~~!".~__c.:.llnl)' oL._._.__~~_. .~~!~ ..n_.._..and !:Iale of ..!~.~~~~ Ar.J~_ _.__.0\. D. 19_~6 Ihis H. J. Dame . l'fotar,--Pub Ifo-!or-tlie"StattY"o:r-'loridanQt.. Ibl'ge ;.. Jl;y oo~-;)1B8tQ~ eX];llre.8~ugu~~_1?L l!~? ...__ _'.._.. ___ Count,. 0' St. J.ocir. BF. IT RUIEMBF.Rf.D, Thai OIl thiL__~8t~_____._._:da}.o)r.:_._!r!'1~n!l~_~:45~~!~_.__n":.__^. D. 192~ p.e. El~!~_!. l~. .. -~ .:.1 1 I. i ~ I H t' 'I !: II Ii .,i:> ,~" . ~I> --$ &1)~' a...~ '. "V " __...f~9 L!S:L~_ec.'l, _____.__.__ l:y [t/);t;t ~:~__. ___._____._...__ _._..(~Il Cktk l'f<uil l'i>UfI_ ._._ _. flrputy l"rk. I; f: I, '- . ~~~~~lI)~~f~i&ti - . ,,",:\.",~-