HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2006 <:r: . '," :~ITNES~F.TIJ,' Tlul lhe- <3,.1 (>3rl y-_. 01 ,'''' fir<! "lrl, for lnd in OOQ..idcrali....1 01 1M ...,n "f _ --Ten Dollars and othe;' good 'and y"~-'!.a"l) ~.~U)Q~~J~~~~.!,i.~n____.___.__._______.__________.__._..._.__.__..__._.....____.0011.,.. II 206 ~a~.AlDJL.___,_._____.___ TO ...._~B.~t!J1!~TS J.t!. _l!111lAJ.lS QUIT-CLAIM DEED - __ ___._ .'___"'__'.__._'___" __._ __. ____.___.._ u_ _ "___~._____"_._._. ". 'rul~ Ism:STl!Rl\, ~adt' Ihis... ._.. ~O~_~ ..:.____ ..___..___...-----1by oL..._...Aprll__..........._._...,._..__._.____._.____^_ I) 1926._, bci..-un _ ___'_""_'_"'''' . -'__'_'__ ~f"~..~(lJ~~~ ,._a..Q.L.'ULl.~._Y1~..____._.__._ ___,.______.___._._..___..._______.. '___0_ of 1M '...."'I)' "f ,Pa ;1J!l_}JeaOl1_... . ' .. . ._.__n... and ~1~lto of _ ...._.._~:lo:ri,da '.__. ...______...._n_._.....__l"'rlyn..... 01 I"" 6f<1 "lrl, and ~_n.-..-..-- H~gU,EW1. t~)4._rl.n1.bD.\Q .. . J;._S lD81Q.....wQman..___..._.._...__..______ ......_____ _.__.____.._.__ .. ... ._ _",_,__,,_ "'" ...... '__'~ .""'()UJlI)' of _' Palm Be~.o!1.n. . . ~n.1 ~I~lr oL.. __..__ .'. "lor Ida . _____...... _'0" parlY, ...nO 01 Ihr tt'COlld Plfl. ia haad taid h)- lhe- s.tid p3rly_..m. of Ih~ S<<lllld ~rt, Ih rre..ipt ..hueof i. hert'll,. ackoo...k""'~L m S ______._._ rC'mi~l. rtk~'Cd an.1 quit.cl1imM, ud hy I~~ "r..wl" do e S . nmi<t', r"'..asto and quil.cl..im unlo Ihe said part _ Y. 01 lhe s<<or.d I'1rl llnd ..__._her __. "_'....__ ._... __....__...__.Min and usi&ns 1<>Rnt'. ..1I I"" nltht, lillr, inl..lnt. cbinl ..nd d..m.ud whkh Iht' Sllid pllrl -:1.- "I Ih.. fauI part N S..h.___.. in ~nJ to' 1M _1"llo...in~ drscr.""'1 IoL..,.. piKL'h.. or ~Wl-_.. 01 land, ~ sItuate, lying and beiD8 in the County of St. Luoie, State of I'lorida to-wIt: . . ..--......-- --.-..- . ... . -..... -- .... .. .--.-..----.-.--.-----.-------.--..- -.-----.--......-......-.-.--..-... .-..--...---.-..--- -.-_...---.._--.._---_...... ---... ...._._.._.___..._.____ _.._..____ ~o-u.t.ll.~EJ.s.t.q'!.~~~~~_{~!!.tL OL~i>_~~~!l!!.~~_LqW1r~er._ tm;!l ._~eo~l!'m_..___.._.__.._..._.. _...__.hn__"'n'''' . ........_. Twel1~Y.. (.21)J._~~y.~_~!!..i}).~hirty..":"_:t'i>.~._. (3.11._~~e... F..Q.~j;y_J-1_Q L~.~!l~!1i ,"_h..m _....._..._.___..___._h...._ _. !)()t.lttli.D,iM_t9~~y__Mr..!~jLt421.J!l9rQ. _Qr~o.as .. .exoe pting_hoYie ver_ the. h.",_. -I __._...._____._.._______.. r.Jg!~t....J>.f.~~:L.Qf._c'4_'~i_~~~~t:l.n!t>1~._()J~. -,,\i..t_o_bea 'hrailroads...rlghts ..o.f ...____. ..._ _.____ _.__.._._.__......__._~l_~_~....!t igi!.~'!..~'~!low 01'_ her~.~.~l'o :t()9.~J!.~ ~...Q~L9J'._~9!'_9_!ULt.h~_..land,!3....._~___.. TO H.\\'I-: AXil Tn 1101.1>, 1M samr. I.:>t:dhu "ilh lln an.1 sil1j!ubr Ih.. appu......~~ Ihrrnmt.. l>..locu:init .... in "ll)',,-i<t' apJl<<r~inin>(. arkl llll Iht' ..<I a..'. r'Rhl, ';11... inlu<,'1 llnd cbim ,,1u1,<<,"C'r 01 Ihc ",id pari. Y._._ of lhe' li"l p3rt. eit"'-r in In; .... <"IU;I)". I" rht' ..d)' p"'ptr u.... hmr(,1 ali<I IX WITSES:> WIIEREO!'. Ih.. ",i.1 parU'._. and )"tar fir~t atJ(t'-(' ,,:rith.~n_ S;grlC'd. scakd 1lll<1 ddh'crro in rr.....nc~ 01: of Ihto finl parI 1u_.S..._._. htornml.> ~tl. ....~~:r ___ ___.__.._..._..__. Nncl _. ._ "II<I .nl . lilt .It}. ..~.. I i 1...1..-.01 of Iht' ~..id parl._ Y.... 01 1M o<'('(.n<l ~rt, ____ h!,u...___.__.____...._......_. ._. _ ___h_.h_.. heir< ......1 ",-,iltn. fhrto\Cr. ___S...E..Moora._____....:...-._.__ ....' _E.C.._Davls l ( .____.__. I ____.....~tfi~ _!~llce.~.._____.____.___.(:'....1.) ---.--.--,:,c.-. _.(:'..at.) STATE 01-' __..!lOrid~_._____.__.___ Counl)' of .._._.~.~JlII,__~~~.{* .....__..___.__..__.__ I IIERE8Y CERTIfY. Tlul on Ihis da)" ptr......aUy ..ppnrcd-bciore m<', llll officu dul}' llulht.ri.....1 I.. ...Irnini"~r N.h. ar~1 Iak~ ,,<kno......IXfllC'nr.. _..____h.___.____._.____ Er..f!~_!~:!_J<:~!'__L~_ sing ;te _W..Q~__h____ '" nl<' wen known 10 .... Ih.. ptr""'-- . .k"'ril"'" in 1l",1 ..ho ~xtcul<"1 I"" lor<,<<oi~ il1$lrumml "nd _ _ _ she :lc-l:'''i'lwIMai/:rd bt-!,.rI9 [lit" rlul she _. _____tJ<Kul...1 the "'~ Ir<<I)' ..",I ,-ohlnl..,il}" lor I"" pur'........ Iht'rrin eXI,rr<..-.\. A!lil> I I:URTIIER CffTIF\", Thai. lhe saitL._. .--x h_._.__.____h.. no' --- Imo"" h. ~ I" hC' Ihc ..if.. 01 IlIt nid_.__.._ ._.___.__._.__..____.__ _.._____..___. ...________..___h._._._._.____________._.__. on II KPilrlltt llnd pr;.-alto rumilblWn, lann llml mad.. b}' and helore mr, ......"'lcl)" and ll~ from hC'r ",id hu....nd. did ..cknowl<"l~ 1h.11 ,"" u<<ul<<1 !he 1()fC'gomx l)r-cd for lhe PU""i" 01 rdinquuhing, alienaling and conu>;ng llU ht'r riRhl. lil~ an.1 inl.....,t. ..-MlhC'r 01 do"..,. homr",,"d or of wparal" prop"'ly, .Illlutory or t'quiuhlc, in ..cd 10 Ibto lands dcscribed lherC'in, and llul .ht' uccutro said l)r-cd Irccl,. llnd YOIWllaril}' and ..ith '.. an)" co"'- "WOO, conSlrainl. llPpr..hmsion or:llnf of or lrom ht'r <aid hu.band. WITNESS my hand llnd .-.4Eci;a1 ...,,1, ..1~_.et.l'al!!l_.!i..e.ao.h_COUIlI)" oL._.Palmlloach . _____.__day oLl..pr_iL..___._._._____A. D. 19__.26 _.and Slalt of. ___ Florida !l.P.Seal S~ATE 010' FI,Qyi..., } COUnlY'Clf~ucic. DE IT RUfF.MBF.RF.O.. TlAl <Xl this_-.ll.~____.____.__ dllY 01.. ---.-.lla.1-at h8; 32 A...ll.._.________^_ 0, 19 --.26 S.E. Moore - .-.-- .-- notaryhPtiblic;------.-.--.-h.-..-.---.-----.. My .CQ~~:9~.~O~ e;'plre8:_-~Q_-?~:_28. .-::-=:..~._:-=~c~"':.._'___= , ! ; I t f I <' ~ I. 1'._.JL._B.l.c1.I'~_____ ____.____.___..._._.__("1..." 01 I"" Circuit ,'"un in llnd lor said '".)WIly, m,"(' duly rC'COfoollhe lorC'goinx Quil.(.ltim Ilccd in lhe' P'!lh Ruorda 01 s;a;d c.-,ly. IX WITNF.SS WilE : . I lAte mnmlo ~I ~ "'fw..J llOO lhe kaI of ",id ('''''rl lhe day llnd ,-..ar llho,Yr ..rilln>. . , ~'ir ' ._. -.--. J'.. c . - El~~ d.. _._.. - Ckr,,-Ci~~uit'l;;,;~:nl) ) A~ .,~ ~. ~- ....~ 0... ~ .... '. \ \ t t. ~i;f~!!!~~ti;~~~~~!~