HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2007 lIiWJl.L_JUW.I..a.tstm..~ Ulf'~ TO -_.___..__.____..E&._.J...~Yllo.a.___ QUIT:-..C'-:t-I ~ J;).~ED 207 ,. { -.. r -f -.' TillS INIlF.NTtlkF., ~bdt- Ihis.. ........ ...lOth...._......__.._.___-"a). 01__.._....._.._.__....Jl&1._................ ...._._._ ..A. D. 19..~G._. bt'lwt'e'n ._.._.J{~r&.W..IJ .f. L.lJ}.'~.~~_~_1;~.:r. ..M~-Jl~!'~lMiJlt._~_t.t.tt.o.r.._.bl~_._"U,.. .___.._n._._...._..._...___._____ I 01 Iht- l',""'I)' of_ " St.. Luoie... . ...... ..__.. amI Slale of _"'h'._. .._....__ norll1A_...__.._..._...._.._ _.m.'_,__ pard-ea.. 01 I~ liul p~rl. lint! ,-.---...-...--..----- -.-.. ....- ....-.-----------.-...----~-.. __l!t._~ram-QI' .__...___._.___......____.._._.._ _.........._. __......._._. ..____.........__._____.__~_.__.....___ ,,111...l'''UIII)' ..1.._.. ~t. Lucio .___. . ...-... and Sial" of._...... __.. .. ... Florida - .. 1''''1 ..-. of Ihe Sf.:ood pan. \\'ITSESSF.TII. Th11 II... O3iol l'lrl iea (.f 1M li,,1 ~"'I, for an,1 ia ron,iokral..", of lhe' sum ..f .-.-- "---...--..-. --.-..---..-.---. -.Q~Q...-~:r.'Jl.._____._...._..n.__.__.._ . .-....--.- ..-...-.. .-.-_. D.>!lars, in ba,td ~id It). 1M O3i.1 l"'r! y.. 01 Iht' <C'COnd ~rl, Ihe rtnipl whe'rrof i. ~r..b)' ack"""k-dgttl, haVO.. ...._. ____ n-mi;nl. rt-I.......I llnd qllit.clairr.ro. lnd b)' Ih..,.. -1.rt'ft>l< ,10 .-..-. .. r..mi.... rduse 1l1~1 qU;I.cbim unlo Ihe Slid para y.__. of I~ '-<'C'Md I",ra a.'" __ ..._....... h1e _.._. "_'_.. __. _.________h..irs llnd ""ig.u I..r..nr, llll I"" riltht. lillt-. illl.,....I, claim a..d d.iD3nd ,.-hith Ihe said parl_les 01 Iht- finl l"'rl ha VO_ _.._.._ in and h' Iht- lollo>,.-ing d...cribtd 1ot..8., piC'U.S or parceLS. of land, '-rit:4~,AN~.L~~1~;":Ux. tUtu0/ipd(:<!~ rdd',", d'&~'k-f:.-'b::1' Lots 4 5 6 7 6 and 9 and Lots ila 19 20 21 '22 23 24 25" GO and 27 ----.-..--..---.--.-.- . ...-.. -..--....-.... -.--..----.---......-.--.-.....----.--.---._...__.._.:_..._._ -._ ._Jl._._ .-.a _.... ._.._._.__. m.._ __... .__.....___...._._. ._.__.__..__.__..___..._._.. _ .. 9_~_.B1Q<;.~.:>Q J1_~~,IIl_~:r..Jf~_t~Lq1.~:t... ~~_~~_~.n..9. ~.I}1g _In...E..e..~.~l.Q.I!_~ L. ~ Q-'-~na.~l p ...3t}...~Q.\>.~1~ of.u~P.ee _.~Q__"?Q.s_ t.._._._._.u__._.____u.__..._______.__,__._._._....___._.--.:..m.___._.._... 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II.., ""mr. h~<lhC'f wilh all and singular I"" al'l'url..naOCC'. lhC'r....ml.. 1...1"..,6n>1:: nr in "n)'wi~ aPl...rlaining. and 111 II.., r.tal... ri!;hl. lillt-. i..IC'fr<I llnd claim """I>O<'\.r ..i Ihr said parllQa ,.1 1hC' lictl \'3rt, dlh..r in law or "IUlI)'. t., 1!1t- ,,,,I,. prop.., U..., I...ndil alld I..-h<'C.f of I"" ""id I',uty...- - of lhe SC'COfId I",rl. --.-.-_____._._.h.l~.._.....___.___m..___..__..__. ___ ___ n____n hric< anti lltsigns I..rr'.r. IN WITNE~S WU..:kECW. Ihr .aid ~rl les 01 Ihe first l"'rl hllYQ_.nn__ htaulllo set .their 3n41 )"rar first abU\l. .'ritteR. --~~~:~::'" ~~::~~== I __n '__ h:al101 S - an.1 ...al S , I~ day n.n_ ~erman F.. Branstetter..__n.__...__n_._.(SnI.) 3erthn ... Branstetter___(~al.) STA TE OF _"__'__'__"_ _i1,.()_!'_!~n_______ (~nl)' oL..___....___.._::?:t.. n.L.UO le__.________ I UEREB\' CEkTIFY. Thai on Ihi. da,' pC'rsonall)' llppnrtd bdor" fOt'. lln offic..r dul)' lllllh"ri..,J I.. 1l.hnini'l<r rulh, "nd 1:110:.. ",Io:I1O,.-IN!(I......I.. _.____._._..__.lI~~Il1aI1..~~n_.!J.r...~~.~~t ter _~d ..J!~~!il~_~?~_~~W1.13tEl H.~,l"L l1J'L~/lfe .____.._______._ 10 "",. _II kn..Wtl I" I.. Ihr 1......11I S ,k<erib<-.I in ami ..-ho "ucult<1 I~ for<'Koing in.:rumrr.: llnd .._.._ _ they.. ",'knu..-lrdK...1 bt'fol'e rot- Iltlll .____n they _ . n__. ___u<<ul..d the .,,~ frttly llnd ...,(unlarily for I"" purpoSH I.....rrin up....<cd. .-\NU I FURTHER CERTln'. Thai Ihe said_..__..____.~r_~~_W. Branstentt~r \"IO"n I" .fIt' I" bt' I"" ..ilr of Ihr s:aid._.____..._..nH~!'~_..~!....Er~~et_~el'....._._________.n____.___.____._..._.__..___...._n.___.______ _._ on II 1<'1'",al. and prinl" tumiruI,.m. lalo:m a...l mad" by and bdorr DlC'. s..parald,. llnd llparl fr"", hu ,-"i.1 hll,'",nd. dj,1 acknQ"koIK" lhal s~ ructllC'd the lorrguillJ[ Drcd f,.r lhe pllfloosr 01 r..tinqui,hing. alimaling llnd con~C')ing llll h..r rigb!. lilJr "n.1 illln"'I, ..-hdhu of d,n....., hofOC'slrad or 01 Up.1r;oI.. IIfOl"'rl,., .Ululof) or "'Iuilablr. in acd 10> I~ lands d"scribtd lhC'rdn, and llul sh" C'lttculC'd said Dtrd frttl,. llnd \'olunuril,. and .ilhoul any com- pul.;.JfJ. romlraia!. "l.prrhmsion or Inr of or from hC'r said hasband. .... \\.JTNE~S my band :and oIFriaJ ~~1. aL..FO.r_t_...P1e~o.e____c,unt,.. CJL.._____.w.t. ..Luoie.__... _. .and Sut~ orn_._~_or1.da___ Ihi..... ._._lOth_.. __ day of ___.__Kay_.. __.._.....u___.~ __A. D. 19__2~. (Seal) U; i f ST.\7F. OJ" FI,ORIDA. 1 Counly 01 SL l..ucie. J' BF. IT r,:liiIUIIIF..kF.D, That on Ihis_____1Qt.b.. ___l.'.._.c.!t.__ ~~.RE;O ~.-.Cl~~k..C1,r-(.Ulltj~.()~~___ ..: ..:: -:~!,::__::.Jo.~: 9..!).~"[~.(:~ ~:.___._~~ ~~__g.~~~?_::. f!. ~ ! \ \..:. ______..day oL.__.._.___.~--u--a.-( IDrI<j-5..:iL.'hz,-A. D. \9...2.~ J. --.-.--------..---__~!...g__......~~ .____.___..____..Ckrk of I~ Circuit c...Jtl in and for said Counly. ban duly fC'cm&d II.., for<'KOing Qllil.~~'.:' Ilttd in I"" Public kttords of u!t~~y. IS WJTNl-:$S WlmrE , ( hn~ her..unlc; HI mJ Iund llnd ,Iv- ~d'c)) sakI C....rt I~ da)' llnd )'C'llr aoon "rillnt. " -,' . \ "'~", --'-''''-'- ...P.. _C"'_F.l!?ll " _____(Snl) (0 ~ /: ekr" Ci...vil CourL : ~e.' t. . ~CT. CT. aW) g)I. By __...._. '. __ . ,___ . _. _. _.____Dtpuly Cluk. \"'__~' (l\(t" ' i I! .',:',. : ,": ?}.:~~~i:~rJf:~ ~~~~i~~~;~~~~f;!~!~~: