HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2008 2U~ ...L])~_ERitIlI.. &.-JIn.._._.__...__._-_.~.._._-- TO Pr.oRID!-~S,!,_..Q.9.!~.!..MJ.m~y JlO'L__ QUIT"Cl.:AI.M DEED I I I ... - 1 I I I . TlIIg ISIlENTl'RF~ Mati.. lI,i... ............_._._.....6'h.. ..__..._..........._~Ill,. 01 ..' Ka7 .. ..... . .... -^- I). 19. 2~ , ....1..C'en ....._..A,l)! .~~.11\ ~C\Mt;r..*n1n.mh1a.- 'IlUCl___....._._..___...._.........._... _...... ...._.. ......-............. ....... ........--.-...-.-..-.--.. 01 1M l',>lully 01 '. St.. Luo1e __. and ~Ial.. of .. ..._ Florida. ... __h.... .._ IIndea. 01 ,'''' Sr<I I.arl. and _ .. ..rJ.orida~ll.st.Qoa"1! 'l\8,lb~y.. Qompany... a .0orpJ)l"ation organiz.4 and ex1st1DB. under .-the laws of the State of rlorida, party of the seoond part m~~~mr~~-~-----------~---.__~.-.W...~..4~__________________________+u~..--~L~~~~~~_ \\'ITNF.~~ETII, Th11 I.... ...1 ~rlle. of ,he fir'l ~rl. I.)f an.1 in "",<id~nli.", of IN-. <UIIl of One Dolls,l' ~ ."" ... ..._.._....__O'>lbfS, in h~"" paid b)' I~ S3id parI Yom. 01 Ih~ .......""1 l'-lrt, I"" r.....il'l ..b..rt'Ol i< Io..nb)" llckno.-kdlrd. ba VO ....__.... remi.....!. r.....ll~d ali<I 'lUiHbimcd. and b)' lhes.. preSC'nl< do> _ nmi..., nlu,t and quit-<laim unlo Ih~ said parI. 1._. or the s<coo'" pari andlt8..SUOOeS80rS . - ~ and auigu5 fort\..,. a~1 1M righl. lilk illl<r.-,.I. cbim lint! dem>nd' ...hkh lhe. ui,l parl....1"lif Ihe linl parI ha_ __ "i.._.... in ln,l 10 Ih.. full....i,,!{ d....,ribffl ...'1...., piC'C"._.._ or I>&rc..'-.... of bnd,EIDt lyIng and beiD8 in the Oount,. (If St. Luoie, and State of Florida, ~~!1..~:__.!-__.~~:r:lp ..C).f.. :l.anllf!1x~Y..J60 Lto.d_..w1so_,. being ..thir.t,y . . (30 )~ee~ wide. on eaoh aide of .._!~.~.~ell.~e1.'.~~l1e.. ()f.~~e p~e 1J~I1~ ._~lll_tra.;t...ot. . t.be Flo~1da East n Coast. . 1& 11.ay .. aowos. .t.le t . . ",raQt.of land aonve,yedio A..D.--J.fer.in-.b;y-~. Berth.naUelfWin. a'wldow b)"Q.uit-Olaim Deed ....dat8ll,.:l-uguS1;18th,192Q, andrQoorded. 1n_.P.eed.Qook .62,P888 68, -pubUoreoords- of St. Luo1e _.~.~~~!....._~~~.!.~-,. _~~.!~_.~...par.!...~!_~~e~~ut.!!!!!.8~_.. q~.ter_. ot_1*~.BQr.taaBt. quarter_ (~) , ,._~.~_.~~~~! ~~.~ ...!.~!'!l!J~P_ 37 _~_o.~t~L R~.~_..~.L~.s.t~ _.1,'h.1JI.~e~d.1s g inn be Qaus-e .. of-the...erzone OU9 _..~~_~~~pH_~Il.iJ1_tl1a.t.()~,r.t~.1R_.~~<<!.d rrOIL.a.....J~&rthen1a llerwinand ...Pwnond.~ .nlferwln ,.-elated lfonmber ....~~!!~,:J.~?~, _tt.l!<!__.~ool"declJJl~f!(I,...l!Q.ok..!'Z'!..llage..17 2.. Brevard COUl1t~Beoords..- whe:Sleln the land ._1s ..cle.139r1b~dafLbelng 1n.th~1...SQ_U~I.st..quarter.o:t_ the SoiLtheaat. nquart81'.(S~SKt}.. of.. SeoUon ....9... _~~.~~~ip ..~_!.~.~~t~~n~~!.. 41._~st _L.!Est!~~_~!...~n _~~~_~~~~efJ1;.q~~.~el'.. 9t..~nQlf.Ortheast mq~~~_~_. (~_\!t-:.~il ~_.~~___~f),!~~.~~ti Q..Il.I..' '1 OW!!.~~lL~cl_~_llge. ..__..______.._._.__.....m.________.__.____.__n.._....... .... __'._n___. ._.._..__._.___n~._n...___.u____....______.h ___. . TO II.\ \'1-: AXD TO II01.D. I.... >llltlC', I"g.,tl...r ,,-ilh all alld sin!(ubr I~ al.purlwantn 1....""Utll.. '........1/;11" or in lll~..-i... aPl'<"<'ainin". ami all the- r~t.k. ri){ht. lit.lt'. intt"'rrH :md cbint "tu!",~u'r ...f the- ~3id p~rt. 108..r Ihl' flr~l ~rt. tith.:r in law ul" ("flui!.)-. t., th(" ..nt)~ I~ro(l<'r "If'. flt'11tfi: 3.00 ....hoc.r 01 Ibe .aid pl"T-'S ..r I"" '-C'Cood loau. . l.ia~ suoauaora ..m_.._____...__ _._ _..._ ..m. ..... .-._lIdaI:aml a"iJ:n. l..r..Hr. IX WITXE~~ WHEREOF, .h.. ""j,1 parI les 01 Ihe fiul p:nl ha .._ V8 _._ ....nllnlo 'fl_ _ t.h81r____. _'_ ..m_... .han.l. _ 1n,I ...al II ' Ih~ .b~' . and )-('al" fin! o:.!.:n~e ~nittt'll_ ~i!i:ntd, ...akd and dtliHfC'd in p...<t'nct of: ! William H. ~rnold . . ___._.__._.._ .~ ._11. .!,~_er ___ ---..-.----..-..m;----...--.-:::-c==:::.-::::-:.-. ~ ___..___._____._.._...A..D... Ji:lrw1A _. _.._.._h_._._._____._._... (S..al. ) ..._______ ... -'-".}~~!_. - .Jle!".!fJ~=_.::..:.::::._==".=-_" ,_", (ScoaU ~TAn: OF _nor1d&_.__..._h_.___._______ } (""unly oL...._..______...S"t. .._luol. ___.______.__ ) - I IIEREDY CERTIFY, Tlul on Ihi. da~: .",r...nally appC'uC'd bC'fore Int'. lln "lflter dul~' alllhohlnl I;' 1l.lnrilli"..r .",Ih< "-OIl 1.1"~ ac!."h,..Ic.!"lIln.". 10 me ,....11 "".>.-0 I.. I... II", P<'r..~.,8 .kril...-.\ in ami .00 ""Kured 1M 1c.r<"RoinK in'lrumC'nl 1...1 h. .._..._....._.n_....__....._____._A~J.)..~.I1'J,R_andJJ..!..~_._~.rlfln. his wIfe. ..they ;a.,.1.'"1'1O~.1('''(:f''t' hc-iurl mt' Ibal they_ __._ .._n. ". ..__.. e~C'Clllcd 1M ""lilt hed)' _I v,~unluily If" lhe f'UfPO<t< lhC'rtin <"I'r. ,....L .\XU I FURTHER CERTIFY, Tlut the Sllid____Kt.L..~~1D.. ....._._.m_._.__....m__.__..___n_...._...._..__ ~.D. Kerwin known 1<' me 10 be lilt- .ift 01 Iht said._ .___.____..___.____n __m_.___._.__..___.___._._._ _.____.._ _._._____._..._ _.._____.m_ -._....._. _____._...._n_.__.___.n_.____. on II SC'pllf2!" and prinl~ uaminalion. labn llnd Imdt' by and before mt', 5C'pll....ld}. llnd l\.arl Ir.>IIl hcr sa;.' hu.I"'"... di<l aelmowltdg... lhal ..... ..XC'cul...1 Ihe ff,rcl("ing IIttd lor I.... purpose .,1 relinquuhing. alienating and ennnying llll h..r righl. lilk llncl inlnesl. ..helh.., "f .Io..~r. homolead or 01 ...pa....l.. propC'rly. .talulory or "'lllilaLlc. in llDd to Iht' buds <kscribC'd therein, and Iml sM u....ulro sa;.1 Iltt.I frctly llnd vulunlarily and ..ilhoul llny c.>IIl- pulsion, conslrainl. "PI.r..htnsiOll or Inr 0>( or Irom ""r said. husband. \Ilt:\"~SiLnHmm." I. bere~'(IBet my hand:-and otf101&1 seal th1s 6th day.ofVay, 1926. ... .... - ~ .,.-.. ___~.".~'t9_ . Bota:r~~Jfibrnll~~e.teornF10rida-.at 'Larg8~--'- _.._n... B.P.Seal. J _~_~~~_~_~~~._~~~~~~~..J~~ n 7~_~~.~?~n-:::__:..:__:.:..:..="=-~:.., '..STAn: OF Fll'RtDA, } "Coonly .,1 Aq( I.ude. :;;~EMF.MBF.RF.O, Thai 6n tbis..____.__....l2.t h _____... rillY OLn_._.~7....._~~._.~ : :g_.~.._~.!. .__.'_A. D. 19~~ . P . C. Eldre d _ ('Ink ..; I.... l'ircuil COO" in an<I lor ~i" l"ounl)'. J, .. __________________._____._._.__..._ __m'" - ------ hut' dul, rKorded Iht rort!:OinlI: <....il.Claim ~ in I"" I'ublic l(C'Cord. 01 said Coonly. 11'; WITNESS WHEkEOF, I han ""r..ulllo ...1 .",. hand ahd llae scal t.1 ~;.I COUrl.IM da)' and )nr aboyc ..rilltIL eM ~",,~~~"~ _~,_r~-~~:~::...1l CO ,>-. ~e ' ".\ y (I .' \..1 I t . t II i i 1~;~;~~~~fg1!~~tfil~ '.' .- . :.. :; ~ O.:::A:~~!~~~~~i?