HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2009 , I I I. t:!JIII::- ..--__.__.... I. ~ Al101WU'l_____ '[0 .._.___..______1. . 1,..,. olIIm.ll.AlILIllI._ _._ _. 9_LJ..IT:-:9L:A.I.~ DEED 20H "'-r'- TillS Isnr,STU':F.. ~Ia.lt Ihis . ...-...____~O'})_....___..____...da)' 91.u...._. 'u_" Jra7.. '---"_""'_. I.L.ll.. CI"U.ohl..7._UL1Aa.."O'I'UOAl.7.. .blt..n.t... ..._._..__.....__......__.......__________ -..... ..... f), 1986 , bthfffil I ..I Iht- ('..unl)- "I St.. LUG1. _, .... ._.. -'_ ._._......_ al1<l l'Iale 01...._._..... n'_ nOl'l_ ... ..__ .... .... .. '_u__. 1'1'.1.',-.. 01 1M finl pa.I, llnd ..... - _ a. x,.t .leDkw.. .Nlo.Jn.J'A'_.lt.uJoU1u t. M.' . wli.f. .. St, LuGle al1<l :-,al....1 ....... ..l'lorl4a ..." I,art It. of Ihto s<<ood (>.1ft, I..f thfl l\""nl)~ nr WITNHSSHTII. T~I ,'''' <1;'1 pari 1'. 011"" fir<! parI, for lnd in ...""idtf3li.lt, of 1I~ .um (If. ~'n Dollars andothtl'._. . .....yaluble .oon.ll~l"J!~lQJlO...~..__.~~_~~~.~=__._=_=_:.~...~~...~~ .-~..":".':". _~~. '~.~.-.-_. ::'.-n _':".._..:':':......:'. .:':':--u..._.Dollus, in ~I..I loaid b)' Ihr sa;.1 parI 108..r Ihto SC'(\)I;.I 1>1rt. Iht n<<i~1 ..huC'OI " h<'r..b)' lldmo......,l/..l. have ...' _ r..oo...... rtlc-a...1 a",I quil.cbirntol, and by ,''''... l'...SC'nls do_ - r..miSt'. r.......'.. and quil--c1aim unlo the said pari te. 01 I"" '-<'CMd pari alld .._ ~h'll' .__ "'__'. ...._. heirs and ~..igns 10""". all ,'''' righl. lillt, inl.....'I, cbim and d...nand which lhe' said pari. lea 01 the firsl roan ha..... . in an.1 I.. Ihe r"llo>wing "..scribed 10>1__. ri<<...,__ or parcel_._ 01 land, &;;UDt e1tua~et lying and beiDC in the County o~ S~. Luo1e. stat. of norUat h-wl t: _._....._...._._. _h_...__'_._'._'.__ ,__,_._h_____. .________._____ ______--1.__..___._._._..___..___....._......_..__.__. ....__.._._.__.____-:... __..__.__.______ _._.___._...~e _:~. o~__~~mS~~_!:_~~~J~.!_ ~lu~_.~.!._~_~!~! _~1.'~.~~_~X.o..~...~_~.~~.~~~_.!'. 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I~ onl)' I.'oper uSt'. 1.....,..61 lllld I...hooi 01 lhe ...id pUll.. of 1M '-<<ODd pa.t, .__.________.~~.'~_;r_._ ..___hm..__._...__. .._..._h<f'ir.. ~uu, assi~ns fvrr\.tr_ 'S \\ ITl'>E~~ W"E~F.OF. Ille ",i.1 ,,,,.1 1e ~\S1 pori h:a.... ._. h<'r..unlo> 'd and )'<,ar fiot abo\~ ,:"rittm.. . Sll:nnI. ,-<,aled amI .leli.........1 in l'rHnlCe " : 1 '1;~~fu~~~p~o~t(;~k::'~~I_~_c~_.. -__=~ B~r~~;~::.7 .. :.-,~=-~=:o,::~ :::::o~:_n~.==...-~~J~.:~~~~.~~.=~..~_=~===--- 1 I HEREBY CENTIF\--. Thlll on Ihi. .by ,...r..mally llf>purC'd belore ...... all off..... dulJ..llUlh..ri....1 10> a,lminisl..r .",Ih, lln.1 bk~ ackn"wl.-dgm-"t't" 1.11.11' h~,... 111.1 ,,:al. , lhe' dlY __.____..__.____. .._______~__nA._..!l ~_~J,"J._!(t_~].~7_~t!_~_e.._.c;:~! t~~lel. .' ~.__!_~~, __m___n_______~_..:__ 10 DtC' w"'l kn.,wn 10 I.. lhe' 1'<'''''0. .k<cri....I in :..,,1 who ..xeorulC'd I"" lor"K..m~ inslrumnll _, n the7 llrkoo"I<<d~N bdor.. me tlul '1117 . .. -.-. - utttllcd lhe' '"DtC' rr....I~. lln,l ,'oIl111l:arily lor I"" pu.....-. IMr..;n ""I""'<cd. :\NU I FUNTlIER CENT/H, Tlul Ihe said.._______nIMn~I"!~Ohl~t-.---.u-.-_m-- ___"m" _._....._n.__.. L-no..-n I" lit<' I.. I... Ih<' ..ii.. f.r lhe oaid.._._.__ .n---..._.___.A.'n_D..__Orl.toh1..7.___m_.__.___..___.___.__m___.n.n_.._____...__...______._____ 00 II ......r.l.. llnd prinlt' toumiWlli.oft, 1"lo-.cn and "",dto b)' and "..lore DtC'. <<,,,,,r.td)' :and aparl lrum h<'r <ai,I hu,~nd. ,1;'1 llr"nowle"~e lhal s~ u<<ultd IIJe lor~ntf 1>>tC'd ior lhe l'Uf!~'''' oi rdinqui,hing. llitnaliug acd conn)'ing ,"II her righi, lille a.,,1 inl..,...I. "h..lhrr 01 dow.... homc'I,,"d or 01 ..-p:arale I'ropcorl)', sI1IUlof)' or <'quibble, in and I.) Ill.. lands d..scribtd lher..in. :and Ihal ."" Utttllttl ,aid I,...d frt'e1)' llr..1 ..olunl.,il)' and withoul llny ~_ pul.io:t, conllrllinl. appr..h<'mion or Ir:.r 01 (>r fr._ Mr .aid husband. J WITSF.$S m)' h"...1 llud official snl, llL__.Or~ .1>>1o_hln_c..un!y of... .S~ .wol. thi'n.._2;1. ~. __ daJ' (.1 _ (SuI.) n __ :and Sial.. of. FlO~lOAn_____ n-n--rr\o.----.-....-A. D. 19.:Lh. ___mO. ._.._Jl.. K.LX.Nl'~-----n-..-.-.-.. ___._ lIotaq Publ1 ~or- the state o~ Florida at Large. ___X,-C~,10Jl~1,'81l"'~.:.,2a.. ::}.iaQ...=-=--;-=~.:..-:-:--.:- STAn: OF FI.OIUIJA, J U~. i ~- ("ounly 01 Sl I.ude. lit.: If RF.MUIIlF.Rlm, Thai Oft Ihis.._____....:.22~L_.____.__day..r-..u.---.---.-n~.ak-lQ.L~_O..A,~..A. D.19_~~ - I. ---....----_..__._.:ll_._~L._ ~~ _____.....___.______-'-. __Cl.-r1: of lbe Circuil u.uU in lnd for uid Counl)', Ita... dilly rC'Corokd t~ i..rtg......lf Quil-Cbim Il<<<l in lhe' Public Record. Cof $;aid Connl)'_ IN WfTNESS WIII-:KEOF, I m,'e ""r..unlo WI my mnd llnd !he sal 01 u~1 (",urt I~ .by aud }<"llr ab...... .rill..1I. j . ('\\ .. ,\\ (C!. Cu S) ...1P~. \. _ ..., 0' '~ (\~\\ ..... \~. ~.r. .y' T"-~. _ n_._h_. h _P.n_ C.. miDBD_. .___ _.____(Sul) .,._Uda/ p~'7'::':::: ;~~~~~~~~~2t~~fi~}~ . " . .'.:.;' {;:l:i~&tl~?rt~