HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2010 210 ~...I.....~..w...IIlI.___._______.__ "0 nws_~mJ.M~t.Q.QI}'j,lt..__..________ .n__'___.... ..n_.._.'"".," .QUIT-CLAIM DEED TillS ISm-:NTURF~ Ma.l~ Ihis...... ...... ..It'h..~____..._...___--,Ia)' or......... .ApI'11 . . .n......... ._... ... ._:\ n, N. 26., ~Iwttn Mv~_ ~.!. ~ll....go. ...Q"m_.~.,.. lIt.l.l.....hlJ_."1t''''n___.__..___.u.__._._._..._.._.._.~_'__..._..~_...__..._ .._........__._..u_u. ___.'_ 01 allt' (',"'"ly of ... h_... . .$1;. ... Lv,<tl. _.. . ........... ........ an,1 ~I~lr ..r. .. ... _ m' norl~ .... .._.___.._.._._.._..._ .ull..$. ..11M fir<1 PUI, aud 1I.".~1~tt..D8 .9oll~~ .:..... .~.~.lr'P9.~~~1~~_~~~~U~ un~.rth..lt.~. ~~,.nOrl~. .with ~ tit. prinolpal il~~t!..~ f~~~ne~~. in st. . Luo1e.. ...... and ~1~lr 01 l'lor14a. .'. .... ....rl."7 ..f Ihe 'N'l.."1 put, \\'IT"F'~=,F.TII. TI-.31 I"" ",;.1 1'3,,1.8. or 1M finl \>lIrl, lor :",,1 in ...-...It;.ltr~Ij,,,, ..f I"" .um 01 _ ten 1>o11uli and otber _ ~}.~~.l.~... o~~J~~~~!..~~...._._._.___.______._..._.____n........_.__._......__._._._..n_........ ..._.............n_..__.......__.. "'_..' ..._ .~ Ul I in hand paid h..- I"" ~id ~rt7 _00_ of Ihe .<<>......1 curt, lhe rttC'ipl ..-I-treol i. I......to). ad;no......III:td. lu YI_. ._.. _. nn,jO('t1, rC'l,,"~1 alKI qbil-cbimtd. and to)' Ibt~ prC'KIII' d,) - -_.. nmitt. rdC'~t" llnd quil-claim linin Ih~ ~id pall 7.-.. or I"" o<<ond pari ,",,1 1", .Iuoo...or. .._._XiQt and 1 .1 I .... ~ , ll..ij(ns lor.,.tr, all I"" rillhl. lill... illl-,:;I, ct.im alld d..mand ..-hieh Ihe said ,':Ulll' of IIIe for>I I",rl haY' ______.... in llntl 10 Iht' follo>wing dc-scribN ......-, pitt..__.._ or paFeeL__ "f land, IroII:; altuate, l71Dg and belDg in the Oounty o~ 8t. Luoi., State ot ~~~.~.cl.~. _._~_~m-:..._i t: .._ .___. -__.__....._..._____-=_.______...._.____..___.__._.._n._._._.___._...._. ...._...____...__._._. ._..00. .____.__..____m____._..:._._.._... _ ___. ... n_''''__'''__. ..........._.._....._.__ _.._........~_n....._...J.O~.nM.. _n"k._~_q~a.. ..~'t...4 M~l ~lQI1 _ to..__...___. .. ..._m.___...__.__.__....... .. ,.h... ..... _.. ..._.U.n "m___h hh ._.m_.._._u:F.OJ"ti. )?l'r.Q_,..__nttl~'u1D a_'0:t1011. 9 ,._fo.wnal\1p u'" ._.,..___._. _.....Hu._.____.._._ ......... .h.h_...._.hu._U_ ~5S.0l1,~h..~;t.R~_I.W__~~_L,u____'_'h~,.uhu..""",--'"--,, __.' ..~......--- .__.._..........._n......___....._._..._.._..u_._..._..__...._ ...-.-_.___.___._.______.____.___._..n.___.__.h_......_n.___._n.....__... ..._......_._.__.u_..u____. '''_____h.______.._n __...___.._.... ._....._ n____"_'U'.'__'_' ...__.__._.._......_. ...... ._.... 0.. .u.._.u____.._n________.______________._ _______"h____.______.u..._._ .____..._._u____.._ ..__....u....__._~..n._._......__..n...__._..u____. ... ...-....--- ____..._u._nUhn___._..__ _ ._._.......___..._____._n_____....___.__________ ___.___... ..._..____.o_.__u.___.____.._ _.____.__._h.__________.. .___....___....__._ _.__u____._..___ I~hoor "f I~ .~id part y ..... or I~ tC'Cond I'nt, ..1 tl QUO_OO'l'.ore. ___._.h.__._n_...h_ _.n_._._n JallJDta~.1 a"i~n. for....C'r. IX WITXE~S WII F.R EOF, Ih.. ..-.i.1 I'~rllel of lilt' Corsi pari ha ve .._.... hC'ffll"I<> ql.._ their___ _ _ __.__ ..__ hanclS l"J ...al 8 , II... .by 3ml ~;('ar first ab(wt' .-riu:=-n_ ~;:~~...~;: ~~Io;~\'..ml in prC'tC'nCe or: l ~.~=~~~_..~~l~~~.~.==.~.==~:===-~.~~:~~ ) .__.__.__..u... ._ulfarra~ ~.n Ball. _n_._.____...__u.CSC'al.) Sarah B. Hall.._. ._'___.. ~ :1" ~ ;f ~I :'l ..t TO 11.-\ \'F. ,\XI> TO II01.11, I.... .amC'. 1'~IhC'r ..ith all an4 ,;ngubr Iix- ~1'I,Url<n.a1l(TO IMn-unl.. 1~"'ll!li"" .tf in lln~.,..itC' llW<'rl.inin;r. amI "II Iht' r~latl". riR"t. lidf'. intf'rr..t an(l.cbim wh3.t~,.t'r of Iht' ~id partie. _ ui tht- hri-t (":UI. C'ith..~r in I~",.' 01'" ("luit)-. I,.' Ih~ onl~. pr~r U~("I lo('11('lit and - ---c- e:'C'a I.) ~T.-\TE OF ____1'1,~~i,~_.___..___.____....___ 1 Cou"I)- Or.h_U._.__.__~~~_~O_!~n..m_.._m..__._ _ I IIEREIIY CERTIfY. Thai on Ihis dA~' ....r"""'lIy llJlllC'arC'd ""r"r., 111<". lln nffi<C'f dul~' 111l,ho'n'MI I.. llrlmin;'IC'f '''Ih- amI b\.< llckr.o..I...I~mcnl'. ...._~~_~..___~!~__~d.~~~_ B.__.J!.a1:!.t. his .U~,---..:______n..___ 10 me ...11 \;"".... I.. to. Ih.. ,,<,..un dC'tcribC',1 in lml ...ho ..,...culro lhe r..rC'J:"ing ill_lnlmml ami ___ . they af'L."lIO'lll,lro1Zt'1t tlf'i"h- M(" IJuI .t!le7 . nn___. ""C'\:ulnl 11M: '-"mC' fred)' and ",,!uhlarily lor I"" pllrpoK'- lhC'r..;n "~I.r.._....1. AXI> 1 FURTJ:HR l'f.RTWY. Tlul Iht' sllid n_._..__llCU'&hJ3....HtP.ll __..._._.__.___ Imo\\" 1<> DIC' I.. 1,<, Ihe ...ire 01 IhC' ~id n__.__n______________.lt1\U"J:'a7._J__ _ 1tall ._. ._.__.____. _ ._.nn._ ___.__.__. .h_. n..._..._._____ '''' a Kf>llrale llnd pri'~I.. C'uminati.,." laken and ~<k by and hefo>r~ rr..... seto:tralcly llnd "l'"rl Ir.,m ....r .ai.1 hu,han.l, "~I ll.-Imowl..d/:r 1"'1 ,"" uttUlr-ol Ih.. lor~ing IJc-cd lor I"" pu"..- of rdill'llli>hinK, :aliC'...ling lllld c"",,,,'illg llll her riJ(hl, 1.11<' ami inler..<I. ...h..IMr of cI....n_ hollRC"l..a.1 or ..I sC'f'llr~I" properly, sUlulo!)' or "'luilaW.., in am:! Ie. Ih.. bnds d.."'ribed therein, and thai .h.. Uttulro said Iltttl fr....ly and ,'"Iullluil)' llnd Wil.......1 llny c..m. (.ulsion, ron5lr~inl. appr..h..ntion or I..n of or lrom ""r said bUtband. " WITNf.SS my' lund llnd oIIicial SC'1l1, aL .l"Dri__E.1oro_tl___Co""I~' 01 n__..__._..3_t.Luole_ -"1111 ~Ial.. or lPlorida. n 8F. IT RF.MU18ERF.n, That on Ihi,__.____2?Jlo. I, ________~.!_Q~.J:Lll~.. _______._.dAy"f _____ nlillJ" . oJ._J 1.;..0 o.1J ~N'\ ~_.__.A fl, 19 26 ~ ~.; r.~ .... I -, Ihi. .___.AR;rll__~~h.._..__..__..... D. 19n.2.6. _.._.......__ _. '_n' Ceoll J. . Dowd . ______._____... _.._______.....n.._ Notary Publio tor the state ot ~orlda at Large. . h n. ~~18819,!1::.~~re.1l_~ 'l~ao.. = ::C:'o'._' ..~"-.::~.,:.:._.:.n: ~__._.___c___ _n.____.U_ __._._._____(.Ierk 01 I"" Circuil ('....rl in llnd for u.id (\"'"ly, m\'C' dIJI,. recorded I.... lorC'J:oing Quil.(,4.m Ilttd in I"" PnWk R<<ordl of said wlIIIly. 'e hnfllnto WI mr halll: llnd 11M: suI ..f ...itl ('oun Ill<<- dAy and ynr "b....... "'rillm. -\ " '. "......- ..\\V' ~ L"," . ...p <Y - cf.O ~' ~ #l~ ..y '" (b. , O~. sRih) " /J .....,---..------- .....__.__. ... P, ,C__~,Jl .__._. .___. -.exal) ~. Ckrk (',rcuil ("'un. Il)'. . --t<-_~.cT-' -- ; ._- __ _ D..p.al, (.'J..rk.