HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2011 t l ,. JWmu..t.LJIOLLI1ULUD._nft. TO m:J.mD ..KOLDUG.CCBPC>.BUlOI 211 QUI~~q~~I~. _Q~~.~.. ( TIIIS:1NOF.NTURR, l"d~ Ihis u..... _..._.li_.th.__.._.____day oL.___..__.._._.._._._~. _..__..,_, ......._._..___._^. D. 1926..., II--Iw....., .ftQP~. .r.. _qO#.ltw. .uo..BRluJl. ..CO~tl;.:,:olJ1....-------....--.-.~'--.-.------------ r.1 1M ('oUIII)' 01.... '1."Mlarf. _0. 011i1 uot_. r.~d Slal~ of.-.-......-..-l'101"lc1& ...-.......-..-....-.....-.-.parl...... 01 lhe firsl part. llnd u_.__.._...... uxai'OD...BOLDmQ..COJUlO1l.&.!IOJi~. anor1da ..Corpora1iJ.on _ ot-theuCU,.otullollpoOd \'; " ..... '" I"" '.......1). of . - ~ro.ard . m... In'' Sllle "I__....m. ...... noricla "_00 _ . l>arl 1-... of 1M "<<On" plfi, WIT:-:I-::;:;.-TII. Tlul I"" ",id pari ie8 01 II... !in: ,,~.l, lor llnd ill COIl\i....ulj,>n of the sum ..f _ .... ......_.._.._._u_u_.__.____._..~,.~.._~O,_._...QI't_.__..__._.._.... __.... . _ __u____......_._.__. -.__ __'u_' _ ..___.._...._..__. DuUau, ill Nnol pai-l h)' II... <3i.1 ,..'I 7... 01 Ihto ....-ond ~rl, Ihto rettipl whuC'Of i. Mrr"~ lcknowkdlCC'<1. 1u7. ......._.. nOO<n1. rd,,"<cd :a...1 'lUil.c1aimro, lllloi by 1ll<'SC' pr.....n.. ,I<> -.---.- - nmi..to, - ...Ieue llnd quil-claim unlo the said l'llfI7-..--- 01 lhe SttOIlti pari ancli 1;8 8UOOeS80h_._ JbI%lD and ll.signs f,,,e.-ft, llll 1M rill"I, lille. inl.....sl. claim and delJU'ld ..-hieh I"" said pa,l 1.08 of Ih.. 6rsl pari Mr._ __ "'_" in and 10 Ihe following de<cribC'd k>14U, piC'U___ or ~rctoL._ of Illnd,lEiUIl 8it;uate. 171ng and be1Dc J.n the Count7 o~ st. Luoie and -j ! ~t.~~...Qtu n.Ol"l~._.~.o~n':. .____A)..}._o~_3 O\1,~~.R'g1g...;p...lu_..3ulJJ.1y.JJtlQD...lJ..l..ot_. BloGa. One.. (1)_ ~o...(~l.!hre. -!3}_.__ ~o~_.(~l..lPiv.. (5)_ ~~-l~l~~~__.C?.L~$..g!\_~..1~l..:lf.1J:J,~_( 71. tJ1G.d ~e.n.. {lOL Ly1IJ.g .:3Quthnot_____._ ~dlr9' ~oad ~Il. Se~~.,.o!l._ (~t.!~l.1s,p _l~.~L.I!~e.J 40) 'HJae't .eH;t'ooori.od.1uPla1iBoDk .COll_ ~I _ (61 l_ . St.. . ~~~!n_~~~~l_~_~~~r~.!.__._..__._...._...__________.._. ..._m__.H___..__.....u.__u___.._._.__ ___.==_ - -...:..-_-----_._~--------_.._-~---------- _n_._.__ .'" .0...._ ______h' __ __ ....-u.--_____..__....______._____....___________n.__.._____'_.__"~ ___ _ '_'_"__'" .__________.._..___..__.______...._._________.....___ -.----------. .-.".,. ....----- -.- ----------.-----.-------.-------- --------------....-------------..---------.--...-----..._.-._-.--- -----_._---------~_.._-- .--.-. --.-... "_.._U""'_" .-. .--- _ - ... ___h.._.._.... ....--.---.--.-----______._____.__....__..__.___n____.___..._____.._____ __..... ______n________h_ ______~____._.__ . --.. .. .h.' .__. .. _._..._.__u__.."__+_.___.__._____~__~ "U___".._._ ._.. ......_......____...__._......_....___._.__.._____.._..._h._.~..d_._..._.__...__._.__.__ .-.--__ - _.__.____ _..~ .n__.n'~' _______._._.._.________.....__.._____..___.______ .._._.__.__...._...._._____..__.__._._..__..._..._____._.___ _._._-_..._..__._._---_.._-~- ---_._._------.-...-._.-...._..._---_.._~._-.-.._.__._-.-.--_......---_...._-..._-..._--_.._....._--_._-~-- -_._._----~_..-._-_...__._.. -..--..-.--.--..-...---.---.-.-.-.------.---- .....----. ._n__ ____u.h.. - u.___n._.__n ....... ...---..------ -.-._. -.--~------_'___..__'__.___n'''_._._.''''''''___'_n.__u_._... ..___......._.. _u ._..._______..._.____..__._._.___ ( TO 11.\\"1-: :\:\11 TO 110 I ,Il. Ihto '..me. l,'!;rlh~r ..-ith all and singular ."" llPl'urh'l:ann'. Ihto""I1I" 1",J."'lIir.g or in llny..-i,.. llPPNt~ining. llr.,1 ,,1\ Ihe e'l:al~. "lObl. lille, i"IC'fC"1 ~I'" "aim "IuI>OC'nr of Ih.. ""i,1 parti'.. of Ih.. (,"1 part, .ith.. in Ia... .'r .-quilY. I., the oll'y ,orDl'fr ",... t........(,1 llnd I~.f 01 the ""id pUI7..-.. of I"" .....ond pa'!, __i~_._auo_O'8.._0D_._......____..__.____. .~_ .nh'_.JIiJiJl lln.1 ll<<ign. f.'r..nr. IX WITXE:;:; WIIEREOF, Ihc <:lid loar,le. 01 Ihe 6rsl pllrl ha .ye h__ "",,,ulllo> ~I h their .. _'_'_ ._.' h~nd 8 _ lll<J ...al .. lhe d~y and )'('ar fir~: allO\:t ,,'riU(fl. -:~~~:~~:~~~. '=~--=~-l .__.h___._.__.___h_ n Bandall.. F. .Coll1na__.__._(Selll.) _ __. .'. : VarY:. K. OoUW__._.__... _-=-..__.(~llt.) ::T,\TE OF _______..'.::_.__._____________ } C.",nly Ol._.h.____ .__..._:::.~_:__.._u._.__..__..______.._.______ J I JlEREHY CERTIF\". 'Thal on Ihi. my f>C'rsonally llppC'llfC'd before m<'. lln o/foeer ..u,~. lllJlbo,;",.! I" 1l.lmini\ltr (03lh, llnd bJ.:.. ackno....lC'dgmt'lll<. -: _._----....---.u~ 7..!.__9Q:g.PJ~_~~u.~ ~.Q.~1Ii.._____._. .____n_._____._.__._____h to ...... ..ell lm<.....n l.t t... lhe' l>C'rson 8.k..-ribtJ in lln" ..00 euculC'd lhe 'I~rcgom"g inslrumnll and h_ .__.. . _ 1ihey n._. .__u. _._.u. llclmowlC'dlCC'd Lefor.. me Iml ._ t;.I117 _u m __ uu . ..eucnl..d lire '~rne freely llnJ .-oIunl~ril, for lhe pu,po..... IMr..in ul.ressM. .\NI> I I'UkTIIER CERTIFY, 'flul Ihe '-lli".___JlABY._Jl. __GOLLIliS_.__..______.._.n___..__._..__.___.._h._________.__ kno.n 10"'" l<> he the ..-ife 01 Ihe .aid-----.------_RAlD.ALL._L___COLLIBS..__._____.___.__._____h.._._.______________. on II ~u:e "II<I p<inl" uamin;alion, laken a",1 mlldto by llnd belore me, SelQr.llrly llnd apa,l from hn ",id hUt""nd. did llckn""k.lge lhal she ..ucul..d ,he lorqcoing ~ for lhe pUfPO'C' 01 relinquishing, aliC'nating and connying "II her rillh!, lilk llnd inluMI. ..hC'Ihe'r .,f do.....r. homc'ltad or 01 wpaule ,',ol'frl)', sIU"lroI)' or co,u,.abl... in and 10 lhe lands de<cribe<l lherdn, and IIi>I she ~"ttul<d saj,l l>ttd Ir....I). 1l~1 "...Iw,.nily llnd Wilhoul any co>m- p"lsion. constrainl. lll'l'nhensi"" (,r fnr of (of IrOOl hC'r said husband. . WIT~F~<;S my hlln" llnd official sui, llL__llol.~QO_cl .__CoUnl}' oL.__ Brawar4n.h._.___.. .:_.and Slal.- (,L---h.n.01"14&___ Ibis....U~.I1_h (Seat) ---.Jfay------__.____^. D. 19l2."-. ------.jy.rett..H._Hwlt. _.J;t!~it;J~~ ~~~U:t::U~_~~::a~:_~~... Ut... ~ i 11I-: IT J(~UF.imF.RF.f), TNI on >.hiJ__._.?j.~.h J. -.----..----_.u_h____.P.L_a...._~BD .___.m)' of.. -.n--.-D7.o.k._~ :S._1 o.,.~""rh.--A D. 19..2_G .___.____..__hu__(1..rk of the Circuil Coml in and lor ...'-1 ('"",",,', 1-.,,,.. dilly '......,.....1 Ih.- lor<go>ing Quil.C1..im Il<<d in II-.. FlIblic Ra:ords of said County. IS WITNI:$$ WIIEI<F.OF, I e MrC'UDlo wi my fund aud Ih.t seal 01 said {'nurl Ill<<- "ay an" year ab.we ",illen. 8~ l ,...6 '\\" ~ e~\ (}--' G Q7' cP ~ -"' ~e, \Y' ~. __._.. .-P. _ c. h EIiDBKDh--..h---.-.-..-_____(SeaJ.) 0--f!L.- o"P 2-. 't Cluk Circuit OMan.. BY-.h. .__..._n.__._C_u..._.. n',_ u___....__ -.r-.-~ly Ckrlt. II. I i ~ ; ! ~~~~f~t~~J*~ii~~~~ _i ..>\':5~ii~~~Ir~:~~~~~J