HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2015 -_llWWl...r.W1U 'fIFI__. TO !!!!._!.!XRC!. BAmC_~_~R~'t OOllPANY -- -----------..-....-.---- ,. --... ____..__..___._____hq~! I:q_~~!.~._Q_~_~_I;?__._.._.. ~ 215 [ Tm~ INm;NTURR lflldt' this ..-............._...u.....l2\h...._..__----day 01.__ ,\p),"11_............_...____._._h__.._..__.._.._._A. o. 19_26... btlwt'm _..!tor~_._~~~t~!__!.1!.~~_~._~1f~~. Helen S. Plath _____.______.________________ , St. Luole . Vlorlda lea ,,11M lOUIII)' 01 .... -. .'.-"-"-" . . ....-..00. .... . ..--. "'-"_" _'_. and $Ialto or..__....._ .. P.. -.__.... _.. _.__... ..___..._<......._._._ ~rl .____ 01 lhe finl I'3rl, llnd lQ;l't.. Pl~r~e..~.~....~._~~~.~__~~~~~L_~~pora~.~~~ _~~~~_!~~~.. -~~!!~--~..~-.!.~.~~~~~.~...___._._u_..._.._...._ "I I~ l...."'ly 01 _ St. moi.ft_ .. . . an,l ~tal.. of _. "lor 1 da .. _ ._ " ...._._. __..... ~r'-- y. _. of Ih.. SfCOOJ I'3rl. \\'r-rN"!:~"T", Th3111... ",,~II..rl iesol lilt' fir<! ~rl. lor anJ in'"tlIIuio.kUl~"" of t~ 'um of.. Ten Dollars and_()t~er..m...._. .... y.a.1.~.al>!.e.. G~~~.!~.~!~!!.~.~_______________.._._m....__ ._.... ..._..__...___h...... ..__._._. ..:._._... '__'... ._.__ ~ in hl",1 l'aiJ b)' II.... sai.l ~rl Y ...-. 01 tht' SC'CnO<I ~rl, Ihto r<<";PI ,.b..rNf is he'rt'b). ukno"....lg...l. hl ..u!~.___.. rton.;....!, rd..a....1 and q..il.cbimtd. alld by. IheSCO I'r......... d,L._...... umiit', rdt-a... and quil.c111im unlo Ihe said I'arl- Y._ 01 1M -" put llnd. .1.~_~. .~_~_().~~.~:or.~. _.___. K:!IX and llssigns 10r..,C'f, all lhe rillhl, litl... illtt-r...I. cl.im alld d..nund ..hkh I~ said part Iii .,f Ihe firsl part ha va in and h' Ihe f.,lIowing deiCribC'd lot _._, pi<<L..... or parceL_._ 01 Iand,~ sItuate. lying and beIng in the Oounty of St. mole, State of !..!.~r_~!~....._~_~.:"'_~!.~.._.....___._.._._..__.____.______.___.______._..._.h____._..___......_.......___._____. .____..___ ---..----..---.--....--.---.. . 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I.......fil alld I...""'.f of .~ sai.l I,a" Yu.c 01 11-.., <<<ond ,,,".. .i ~~___._S_1J9~_~.~.S c ~_""___"'_h_h"_ _..______ _. __....__._ ~ 2nd a..i!l:n. f"r""rr. IN WI1'XESS "'"EREOI-'. Ihe ""i.1 ,.arl ie ~,I all" firsl 1'3rl m _ _..,.~_ . ~....mh>...1 the ir ~n4J ).("~r fiut abo,'e wrium.. =:~;:~:::~;~~~~~=-- - ! _m. m",1 S.. anJ ...31 S . lho, d3Y Norman Platts .--.------...--.---.-------- ..- -'-'---'. .__.____..___.._.m.__.__ ___(5<'..1.) Helen S. Platts .___ ._. :::-_(Snl.) ~To\T~: OF .JPUmIDA __________h__.__ ..---- J Counly ,.1 hUh.._....m.. ..~!-...-.~g.~__._.._..._.m.h_._ J IIf.REHY l."JtTIFY. Thai on d.is da}' I'<'rsonally llf>PC'll....d bef"re rrr('. "" off.ur r1..I,. llud,,-..;,...I 10 llaln.ini,trr ''''Ih. anal 13k" lld",o...I",I!l:mml<. Borman Platts and his wife. Helen S. Platts I" fnC' ...,,11 Im.....n 10 I", I',.. ,o(r..-",_ _ ~ribr<1 in ..r.d ..ho ..urutt'd I"" r"f<I(Qin!( in,lrumml and _moooo_ they. ""kalO...Jt'dgro bdore me llul.__t~ey..oo neculro Iht' same fr<<ly and vulul1larily for lhe purpoiC'S IM....in "~prusrd. \.;oo..-n I.. ItIC' I" be Ih.. ...il.. ,.1 Ih" sai.t._.n_ "XIJ J FURTHER CERTiFY, Th>1 Iht' <aiL._~!-~~.~ ~__1.>;t~!~_~_______.. ''''_'_'.__.__m'', _._ Norman Platts -. ----. _.-------._-----_._._--_._.__..._-,.._~_._..---_..._----_._-----~------_. on II SC'parat.. an,1 Ir:h";ltto ..~a'flin.>lion, lakm llnd mad" lo}' alld belor" :tk', s..parlltdy and IIp.,t lra>m ""r said husl",nd. die! ackno...k.1g(' dut .he e~ecutN Ih" for<'!l:oinl( Dttd ior t"" pllrl"- ..i rdiuqui>hinlf. alienaling and c,,""C'Yinlt all hrr rillhl. 1.11" llnd in I"'..... ..hdh.., ..i do."r, homr'I,,"d or or ...puale propt'rty, slalutof}' or equilabl.., in arod 10 t"" lands d..scribC'd I~rdn, and Ihll she' u<<ult'd <ai.l o.,...t 1:<<ly and .-olllnlarily llnd ..illto-~I llny com. pllhion. c(.ln~traint. al'l.r~!lt"n~it.>l1 or ftar of or from Mr uid husband.. WITNESS my 'unal lln.1 dfx-ial. SC'al aL_l!'Or.~_Rle!:~!_.._.COunl). oL.~~~__~_~_e___._oo__.._ _..and Sial" ..f~!:~rl_~...__._._._____ u '.. day of ._ qr 11 oo____._.___A. D. t92_Q_. ~~~~~!1lH!ls.~n.._._...___..._. 00____ ~ot&ry Publio'for the State of Florida at Large. ~~,e~s.a10J1,.~uil&::.:ll;lJ:l..='lOF1~~~.~_____-_.-:-_:. Ihis_ } llay at 11;24 J.JI. 26 -----.. day 0'--...._._..______.. ._.. .________00_ ..___.___A. D. J9_.~ J. __.______.__.P .0. ~_(tCl______.____. .------ - .____.__.Ckrk or lilt' Cirruit Court in and for said Counly, hur i rC'Cth-~ht'. lurC'going QlIil.Cb:'i1 IJ<<,I in lhe Public: R<<ords or said County. ~ tN \\'JTN":':,WtlEkF.OF, I m.., herC'Unlo WI my hand and !he ~aI of SAid Courl lhe' dllY ;lnd yur aoou ...rilt..n. O'.Ct.Seal.J , {\\\Cf.\ ..____..___J'~g!_~l~.<<J.~-h--.-.-.--.- /' oeCO{~ ~:~(l.. By.:.kA,,-.fi.'k~_ J.... ~. Q>. . _(SuI.) Ckrk Circuit Court. __-..Dtpul, Clrrlc. '- , t