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'__ VB._ IlN....nl" ~I their .u.___._....__....._. hantl __ S 1",1 <<,al S Ilk- oJ1\' and leu firsl abo,'e ..,;lIm. __~~.=a;_;;I_:<li\...r<..I__i~._-_:_~.<_.~___~_-.O._I._~._____-u__. ~ _lIa8e.1e_'L..Kerr .-.-=--- _ -- _ ) __.___ S~~ l_.lC...... RQW'____..._________...(~al.) __---'-- H~_~en. ;Platt~ ..Ro-o!~ _'_'m .....:.:==..:(~~Ic~ STATE OF _J"WRlDA._____________ Counly of_....._.____.....ST. ..lk""C_lF;_.____.___ I HERE8Y Cf.RTIF\'. That on Ihi, .br pC'rY>llally appnrC'd brrore _. liP nlIin-r ~ol,. aOI...'r;,...1 I., 1l.lmini"..r 03.11. :",,1 lak.. ll..kno...t.-."--rmnt', ____._nU_._._____. ~UlUe_l..K..._ RQmL~JJelel1_P1attaliowe, _Mswife , (formerly. lielen Plattsi 10 me .....11 '-nown I.. 10(" Ih.. pC'r..... S <I..""ril....1 in an.1 who "l<Kul..d lhe forC'J{lIia,~ in'Irwnc->>&- lnd.__ they llcknowll'dJrC'd h..f..r.. _ lhal_ _.__._._:t_l1ey___ ___.._. ___.,"<<ul.... the '''nit' Ir~Iy llnd ,.olu"larity fo>r lhe purpa.... IM...in ..,\.rr<<nl. ANIl I FU~TI/F.R CERTIFY, That Ihe uitL.__~~!~J),._~!.att!:LR~~._____.._.u..._.._.__u_.u....._._._.___.._...________.__ known 10 me 10 k thto ..ire of the uid_.________~~~_:L.K..L~.~l?____.__..u..___ .______.____..._ on II Mparal< and prinle C'Xammalio.,. lakr-n and mlde b)' and bt'lore ""', SCJI1ral..I)' an" llparl fr..m hu ",id hown.-!. ";'1 lld:nowlC'dge llut ,"" C'X<<uIC'd !he lortjto;nx ~ lor 1M 1'IJf1....... ..I rmnqui.hing. alim->ting llnd conveyin~ all h..r righl. lille and inlnnt, ...h<ther or OOw.... homr<I,,"d Qr of <cparah' properly, slalutory << ....Uilabk-,.. in and 10 Ihe Illnds d..scribrd I""rein, and thai ..... e"..cutC'd ",id l>ttd Ir....lr llml .-olunluil)' and ..ill",uI all)' 1'011'- pulsion, ronslrllin!. IIp(,r<Mn,ion or It'llr or or Irom h..r ....id husband. WITNESS my hand and c&ial sur. allor_t.....P1eraen-.:..__COunlr 01 St.. _Iua1e ____._______u. and Slllt~ of . . "lor ida, ..__"llr11_.____n__.__A. D. 1926. . John ... Kerr otary-PU:bHc-.toZ;-the'''State'o! jt-rlda-at'-I.6rge . Ji _.oo~1aslon. exp'1re~Oot.2!_t ..:..1923. '--'-:"':.;;.:;-:c:...:.. ..--. --- ____._____._.________u_ i-' - ---.-. ..."T__._ ------ .- , B.P.Seal. BE IT RUI":UllF.Rl-:Il, Thai on thiL_._._.2B.1;h_______..__""y oL..._~y._~.t....!J...i23___~!!{.___....._.___A D. I? ~~ P.C. Eldred in an<! rQr ~id Co..n')', ,~~ . .~,'-' ~ e,<" ~~ Qa'(}. CO ^ ~e: ~. {(a. ...._..f.!q_._J~~1.~'~n__..__._.... __..____...__._ _. _.iSr-al.) J:. . Ckrk Cir<uil ""Ur!. llY'(P~ ~;~._.. -__... Ilt-puly Cklk. .. u ~ ~ " ~ ~ 1 a c . . .. .:-: ..:~.2;~1irt~~~~ ;~~];{~~~'~tt}~}W&~~