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-- ___.L,-'_L_"jI.!~.r .1.....!..L u.~,L-_ TO _._-,-_-..nOl'lu..Impro.n'''tJl~.~9r>>-,-:--- QUIT.CLAIM DEED 223 - -"-1'" -~-. --- ~--_. -- - - --- .~- - ----.. --- - -- ~'---- ---. ~ . -- -.--. ---- ( ,,11M C"'nlll}" ..1 .... . TillS l~f)J:NTllRK Ma'~ Il,is .'-" ..-..I'1r.\.__......_..._._....br c.L~..._ ........A1)I'11_.-...._._..._..._.__..__...._ .... .A. D. 19!!... bel..C't'n ---.. ...-. ..-....-......... 'n ......I.._'t.bo.t.'-1:.. .~~._~ ~l!~1n.!...!!.~.!~!r ..J~!!_.!!!!._.'-.__.________.___... Dauphin '__" . . -...__.._.--.nor14aImpr.DY8I11&D.\J'orl1ora bOD. __...._.._.__ ...._._,. ..___...... ___._.____._.__ St. . !-uole. ..._ . . ... '" .... ~n.1 Slalto nf. ..._...... ~;L~J:'1~......... ......... . plrl ,._.. of tht' srcond f>lrl. . '-"-'--'..- ...._.....and Stale of_..h_B'lV&Dl.__u.....__..u__._.._.....~I,.'-..__ 01 I"" firsl f>lrl, lnd u. lfha ,'......t.t). n' ~ \\'ITN"!'~"TIf. Thai II... ..i.1 [>.1rl lell.1 I"" fir<1 pari, lor and in "oIl.i.lualion nl I"" sun, of "'-" ... . . Te.. .Dolle.r~~tl,__9~ M:r....~;l,~.~~~~_..~.P~~ l~_r_I!~~~~.._....______._... ___ ........_...._... ._....... .___.._...._ ...._..__.~ in hand paid h}' I"" sai<l part'. -.. 01 1M 'ff(llltl f>lll. Ihto r......ipa - ...h~rNf is s.......b). lld"'........I.(...1, h" TO .._ _. .. nOO~-d, r.-l..a<nl an.1 '1nil.cbi_d, llnd b)' the... I'r~<nll< .!., "-'._. r~mi5c-, rtlc-a.to and qnil.t1aim unlo ts... said pari 7.. nf ts... S<<Oad f>lrl and 00 .-.-..1 tll _..00"__' ..__ Mi.. llnd assigns lor..,...... all I"" ri'lhl. lill~. inle~t. cbim an:! demand ..hich 1hC' ~id pari .-lea III Ihe fiul f>lrl ha ve __""'. in In.1 10 Iht' follo...ing delCribC'd rax, pi...'C'.... - or parceL_... of land, DUIIIt, 01 tuate, lying and belug In the Oount.y o-r St. ..tole, State o-r J'lori4a to-wit: _ _....___..__._ ..__.J...__.._.._.._._. ___.______._____...._________..._._.______.__...._______._._.__.___.________ ___..____. .-..__.-_...._-..-. . --.--------..". -----.----- ..----.----------.-....-----.-. --_.-.-._._---_._--.-_.~-------_.------_.- ..-......--.. 'm fJeoUcma. '~n'~Il._{~L~~_B;~.p~.~~!'-.h,g ).I~n.TOWI1.,h1p. ~b1~"-Qh:__(~jL .___.______ . Sou~~ Rqg~L ',rhln-7~Q'nu. (~1.LI&.8.~a___ __._._.__..__. ..._...____._.__...._._.._......_.____..._-'-_._.____ . SooUon ~n.'7~t1 D__ J20J._tQWDJlh11L.~blr~7..81x. (36) South -Rang..._._.__.~u______._.___n.__.. "'m_. ..... ....d. Th1rt7~elg~~ _ (~81. kft.ttd..... ---_____.___.__._.u.._~_._...._..__.__._..____.__._,_____.__.__..h___ . .-.----...--..- .......-.....--------.-..----..-.-..-.-..-..---..-.-.-.------------.---------------.-------------.---------------.---.---.--.------------- ......-. --. -.-.. .-_.. '-'.'....__ ...0 n. ._.. h_' _. ____.'_n._._.. .._. ._____..______.._____.__.__...._..._____.....__. ._____......__.__.._..___________...___.._~__~_ _..__~n........__ .h__.n..._.h.._.__.__._~...~._h._.._.......__.._.._.___..-.-___.____..._..4...._ _..._._._.....___.__...._....__. _.___._._____.__._.___._..___._____ ....------.--.-----..-...--..-..--.-..--.--...---------..--.-.-..-.-----------..---.-.--.---...- .---.-...---- ~..__._---~---- ~._-_._..._._.--..-._-_.-..._.__.- . --_......-----_._~--_.__._---.------_._.._--_.._--_...--.-.---.---.-..--.---.--.....---...-...--..----.---"'-- ._......_._h_.._.._______ ....___.__._..._......___.______._________ . . ---. _.n._." ........n .n no. '_". __.____._.__._________......_...._..., .u._____... [ TO lle\ \'1'.: AXI) TO 1101.1). II.., sa_, logdMr vilh all and singub. 1hC' llppurt...'-"ncC'< Ihu"ullt.. he"-,"~i"1l: ..r in all}";'" al'!'erl..ining. lnd all lh~ C'~:jlh.". ,iJo:,hl. titlC'. inh:1"f'...t :;and claim "lu.t'(lC"\'rf l\f tiN" ~id p.lrtle.. of tht' fjr~l rut. tither in b.. .,r ('luit~.. t.. ,Jx.. '.01). ",optr U~. IIC11<,fil :llld I.d__i of 1M '-'Oid p~!1 Y .... 01 1hC' second pour, .--.-.______.___.1 ta .___...___..... __ _U_.__h____ __h"" ._._._00 h..i,. llml ll<siRn. lor....cr. alld ,...", first alooy.. ...ri""1L ~iKIIC'd, .......kd alltl .klh'..re,1 in prf'Sft'Cc of: 11'\ WIT~F.SS WIIEREOF. Ihe said part 10. of I~e first ~rt ha.. TO .. _ 00..."'10 1<'1..___ their. --_.__._._._halltl 8 .. llnd .eal8 _. Ihto d.1r -...---.. El.IMz Balser ----.-.._ B..D. :?OJMroZ._ ) -.----..---- ~ u_. _ _._ __) .------ ____.II.S. \1'ebster -.---u.--.________.~______._(SC'lI) 'C ~th81"~~. Walltel" 'n_ .________._00__.._ .( SuI.) STATE OF ._u. ~~XLY.4JlU._.___.____ J Counl}' of. _. m_. DJ.UPlUB____...__________.__________ I IIEREU\' CERTIFY. Thai on Ihi. day f>C'r"'MII)' llppc-ared belorc ...... lln offICer dul)' aUlh..riud II) a.lminislC'f .>alh, lllltl bl.:~ afl.:""w,...IKmer.I.. .--.-...--.---- H. _ S.lEBSTER. aD4... XATHER.I1JE. 1rDS~. . h1.s..vi-re.,.-_.___ _.____h__.__ 10 me ....II I"",...n 10 I.. Ihe pC'r"".8 _ .k<cr.bn1 in lln,1 ..110 ne.:uled tloot for"f(oiog in.lrulllft1l amI _ __ tbe7 __ llul_ . ----::. _.tbe7 ---. ____.. _. u...:ulcd II.., 'a~ Irttly' llnd ,'<>Iombril)' fo>r I"" pmpo.... IMfC'in "~I>rrs.w. - llfl.:no..-ledgN hefore m" .\)111> I FUNTIIER l'ERTIF\', Thai th.- said. . _n~IlID.vmBSTIR__..__u____.__,_-- -H...Jl.._BBSTm___________.____________..____._____ l.:no.-n 10' _ 10 be 1M ...ife oi Ihe said__.____._ _"_ on II SC'parale and prinl" uamin:.li,,"- laken lllltl matk br llnd before _, separat..". and llparl f",m her said hu<l>anol. did llfl.:no.-k.lge lh:1t she u<<utcd the loregoill!: l>ftd lor 1I1C ,.ur\...... ,.1 rdinqnishi~. a1imating llnd cOflnyinK llll her righl. lill.. llnd inl..re'I. ...helMr 01 do.....r. homt:.lelld or of SC'P2ral" \'ropC'rty. slalutory roC "'jUil2bk, in ""d I" 1hC' I~lds d..scribed lherein, and lha. .he u<<ultd said Ilttd i,....!y llml yvlwlIarily llnd ..ithoul any com- ",,!.ion, C(.r.slrainl, aPl>r..htnsi~>n or lear .,f or Irom mr ~id hu.band. my Iulltl llnd official ...,,1. lll_ C1t7--~.lI&rrla__t~f oL_.Dauph1n _____. n___. _ llnd Sllllto o! _1'~~;LYM11a.. da). of__.__ .~, ____________A. D. 19_~~. _ \ STAT~) COllnl)' of SL I.acie. _-_._ _._._._~.~.lIaJ._~~~. lIOTARY PUBLIO. _....JIJ=-9~t~l~ ~..~J:NmIU7'J;9.=:~'._ 1 1 i III! IT RF.MIiMIlIiRI:'O, Tlul on lbi.. ~-___:ML...... I, -----.-__.____.l.... :..q..._,~,G.. ___.:..._d2Y of.lmle. ., .11; "9..&....._ ~_-^. D. 1926. .______(.I...k ol'lht' Cir("uit Court in and f." said Counly, ha,-.. daly r......,.s.-.I 1hC' for'1twng Quil.('bim fJeN in I"" Public: ~Kords of uid eovnty. I~ Wfr-W :1(1-'.01', I ha.~ h..r..unlO Kl my hand and lhe seal of said t.(,(lfl lhe day llOO ynr 'aho,e ...rillcn. L: to, '. 6 ----rf--;;---.-;-{L ~.. ~~~'-Ck;kO~;;m c-ft.SW) \C\.Ct.soal." ~ e'{\\\e BY~: 11'f..lM::{,~,y Clerk.. . o'{l\ _ ~eC i f ~~[~~~t~t~1fN~lt~