HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2029 --______](.._~.~_.!;l.II.tR...J.'LIt_ TO ,~_0<____._.J.';..J1;._JQ.OflJl 229 I~' I f QUIT-CLAIM DEED I r' -.... -.- --'. . .. - -... ..--- -.- 'nO< -- --...-.-... u.__.u.._... ! TillS INIlF.NTURR, !.Iad~ Ihi. _.n ..... fifth. ....:...___.._..._.__--di). ol._..._....;....1l.ule _____._._..__.__._._...._. .._.......-\. Il, 1926.., ~IWffil i ____h_._.___....._._..__._._..____ ---K. _11... Walker ._and._'fAuDie._l..._.1f.a1ker...h1B ..nte,_________._________ , I of Ihf- ('O""I~' nl . . jt. - LUGle......._.._.__._._... ...._and Slal~ of "_'__'_'_"'_ _ norlu. .._h.__._..___.....,.__ p"rI10.1 01 I"" 6<<1 1'".1. and I '_'_n'_ .....__. __..."_'. ..._."'" ....._.__ .._.._ _____.___._.__1.,__. C..&.._.'.Q.01.M._.......:_._.-'u_.__.__.._~_...__u___.....___.''''''__'' ____. '_"nu_n_....._._ '__"_'_"_'_ I 1 ..I Ih.. l'...."I). (of . St. Luo!. ....' 111<1. ~1aI.. ()I_._......__... _ :florida... ~rl '1_ 00 01 I"" S<<Ord \,ul. WITNE!':'ETII, Th"l I"" ",i.1 ~rlle. of I.... rani pari. for an" in "",<ilk"".", ..f I"" sum "f __..._....._._.. _.._......_.One .dollar..IoIld...o'ho.r_.y.\\J.uUl.t...ooJ1el4.0raU0J18. "" . .00__.__.. ,__'_n .... .___ __._.._._._._....__.__.~ in hll",1 Plid b)-- I"" ,,-ill \,UI7-...-. 01 Ihto ucoo.1 Pl.I, Ihto rC'Ctoipl wlt..r...,1 i. Il<<-nl,)' llclnn"....fK...1, h" ve . .___... nnli...... r<'lu~ "nd q"il.cbimtil. aoo by IhtoK 1""kllI' do> .-.. ---. nIDi..., r<'lnw and quil-c'aim "nlo tbto said parI1'-...... of Ibe 5<<OOd PUI llnd .-___._.. hill_.. _ _. ___. .__...._ _.. _h<'in llnd u.igns 10rnN. all I"" righl. lill... inl..rNI. rloim llnd d..lIW1d ....hieh lhe said part. laB of Ih.. 6"1 pari hll Te ._ _.._ in llnd I" Ib.. lollowing d..<eribro Iol_...~ l'i"'-:L._ or ~rc<,L__ 01 bnd, mma 81 tuate, ly1Dg and being in the County of S". 14l01e, state . of _.noJ' 1.~, 0< tO~J[l'~';"__"_'_'_"________._.___.___..____n..__._...__n__._____._._.___._.__....._._ ...._ ..__.._._.____.___.. __._u____.______. ..n__......_.._._____.__.___._.._n_._______ _.________________..__ ._.______. "_.._._.__.._._._.._n___.__. _______._...__.. __...______. _._..._... ....._..... .. Be8in1!~"g_~~.._~~~ 1Ior~!1east_n!~rn.~_.~....~~!t._ ~~.'!~~~':'~~..~_~~~._J~~J ..o!_..~~__.._._._. ...._._... ._." ." ..~_():U~~~~!_~~.!~_r.j~ )_~~~~ot.!-~~_ ~~~;r:.!~h.:.~..J~).' .._!~~.~~!..!_~_~y....._._.._.__.. .. ._ .... ..~1 !~..J~J...~.~~~_1.', ._~~.! Forty _~~!._~~!!..~.~!.~~~__~:~_!!~..~.~a..!!....1:e!_t..._~~_.~!:~_._ Joint 01: beginning, thenoe West 38.7 1:eet, thenoe South 1107 1:eet, thenoe '__'_,__,,_,,__,,_ .____h_ ..___.______ _...___.____.__..__._____:..______... _ .___...________._._..__.__ . ._______._.______.__________._.._____ East 88.7 ~eet. tba-noe Korth 1107 f'eet to the point of' beginning. Conta1n- ----_._.__..~_.__._.- .-------.--------.--.. --- -----------..----.-.-.----- .----..---..-.-....---.--.--..-.--.----.--.-----.--.--.--._-- Ing eleven-twelfths ot ot an aore~ .ore or le88. . _____..._.......__.___.n_...____.. ___...._.___.._____.._.._~...._______._..._.____.,..._..____..__._____._.___._._.__.__.._____..___.________.______________ ..__ -...--. -.-.-.--.....----... ...---. ..-.---..-.----.---..--..-.-----_.___.______..__..._.....___....._._..__._.__.. ._h___..____..__._..___..___.___._______ --.---...--......-- .-.-. -..-..--..---------....----.-----.----------.----.-.--.-.--.--.--.-.------.-...---.-..---...------.---...----~------ --.-....- --------..---.-.-.--.-.---.-.,---.-..----..---.---- --.--------.-----.--..--.----.-.--.-.-- ...-.--.-...--.--.-..-..-...--.------.-.---.------..- ( TO 11.\ \'1-: ,\XH TO 1I01.H. ,"" "'111<', ..'\:..I....r ..ilb "n anti sing"lar II... "l'l'url..lla...'", IhUMIIII.. ....~..,~ir.~ ,)f in ,,")-...i... "pp..rI~iJlinK. :and 311 l~ f"'U,k. ri~ht. tillt'. 1111CU..r,t and ,",aiRI ,,1...t'Of','..r ..f thr- >>.itl p.J.rt 1.0_1 (,j Iht' fir~1 IQrt. f"ilhcr in b.,,' ...r <'quit)-. t\J Ih<- ,.nl)- I'r..'t't'r U:'-(". I.....lltfi.t 3.lhl ....hoor of lite ",i.1 Plrl- 7 __.. or' I"" s<<ond parI, --____h1a_______....u__________.__. w_."_ hr-irs an.1 a'\~iKJ1' fnrt'\Tr. IN \\'ITSE<;$ WlIl-:kF.OF, Ihe '-'lid pa.llel! of !he finl ~rt mve ,_,_,,_, Mr..unlo .." . u .._~be lr. . ____.._.1",...1 B__llnd ...al. u' I"" day llnd )'C'llr ii,,1 aoove ..-rill<n. SigMd, w~kd ll"t! d<lh'""", in pr..<n1C~ of: __.._..___n_.__.__.. lu~1~.__J(g'n___.__n. ...__.. O',011__1..1)od_ . )(. .~. Jralke:r _.n____......._.__ .n__.._n($nU Vaunle 1.. Walker. _...m .(Sul.) ~TATF. OF ____nor1.da_______._.____ Counly of._____._o<S~ ...I.11.et1,____._________.___ I IIERI-:II\' CERTIJ-'Y. Thai on Ibis .by pC'rsonall,. appC'llrro ~fo>r.. _. lln nK,,-u dul)' "ulJ..-'ri,,,,! t" "clmini'l..r ""ib. 1",1 to"" a<"ll(>wlrognteJlIs, ---..-.--:-:---.-- ." _____Jl. u.I...J'.alD.:r_M!\._tl!~.~___4.!_J~~J'.. b1 ~..w.1t, 10 me ",,11 ".k.wn 10 I... lhe ~r..,.,a dcscribro in and "-00 U<<ulf'd lhe longoinl: i"'lrumml and _.._.__. ~h~1'._ llul u'____ t~7__. ._._ _.__.. _<,x<<"I<d lhe .llme Irttl,. and ,'ohmlaril,. for lhe purpo.... IMr..;n <"I.r.......l -. - -- --..' _._._..._ll<knowl~dgN .....fore me AXil 1 FURTHER CERTIFY, Th:>1 lhe !':liel J~_~~.~!..."~~e~._._._n_n.__ I' Imow" 10' me- 1<> Lt lla~ ",if.. of lla" "'id-...-_.______~.-K.-.x..-.lJalker___._.____.___._______.u._._.__..._____._ __.___..___________.___ on II ~aral.. a",I prinl.. uamilUlion. la"..,; lln:1 ","dto by and ....rore me, '''1'>-'''1<1)' llnd a~rl Irom Mr .ai.1 h...t.llrw'. d.. llclmo..k<llt<' 1""1 she toxC'Cut..... 1M for<'XoinJl: I>tt<! lor lhe I'url"- ul rdinq"i.hing. ll!iroaling ll..d con....,.inJ[ an hC'r ri!lhl. lilk an.1 inl"'~'I, ..-hC'IJ..'r 01 w....... laoo"'''I.."d or 01 ......f2I~ \,rOjlC'rl)'. >Iah:lory or C'quilabk, in llnd 10 IIw- bn<!s <kscribt'd I""...in, =dlh,,1 she u<<ul..d slli<! l>ttd fr....I). llnd ,-ol"nlaril)' a...1 wilbonl llny com. "u1sion. COO<lrainl, "ppr<'Mnsion or Inr 01 or froc" her ",id hu.band. WITNESS .m)' mnd llnd of6cial ...al. 1l1'_g!"~_~,..<<t~~_____COUnl). oL_________..._ _. __st .___ Lucie llncl Slal~ (>1 h_.___~.<!l:"h~~n_._ )' oL..h___~._~~_..__.___.__..... D. 19~.~. 0.011 J. Dowd ~;;~~il~.:~:~::i;~~~af:~~..--~~~~~ ~!.: ~ ~ i COUUI,. of SI. 1.1IC;'" NF. IT kUIF.MIU.kf.U, Tml on lhis.__._.._Y___ _~.__~.!~.!.._~4rda. _____. .da).oL.1u!lfl.-.~~-:l,),; ~.~__It...~.'---____!,. D. 19.~~ I, ___ ___._.._Ckrk of It...,- (.'ircuil Courl in llnd foe said County, han .Iul,. rC'Cl",kd lhe for<'goiog Quil.('bim I~ in lhe l'ubl~ R<<ord. 01 said Counly. IN WITNESS WIIF.Rf.OF', 1 hne MTC'anlo HI my hand and lhe ICllI "I "';01 c.....r1 lhe clay llnd lnr llbo..~ ..rillnL ------"1-F. ~Vfll..-..~. (sm.) . B~__ttd.~== . \\et\ - \1 e~\ ('I~O ~('C t L , -, . t. ff~:!\~:~5;~~i-~~i~I~~ttltj~~ftt~:;;t .~ !-'L. ..... ,i~."l:'\;";.."'":.c..,;..:}--",,. .~_ ..~.~ .~\-.&'f :.'\.~ =~-.~.;5-!~.;~..! '':..J?~~.~,<: ~"'~. ~..)~~~_.;~.;;~:€;~~ . ~ .~ '. '.~..<'.: ~:{~it~t;7\!~t~{flJ~~i: . '...,. ....,.~ -"':.?-. ~.- IMlI...."iIt'll..:t . : ", .:. ..t_' .~...: ~~~ :~~;~~~s~!~~i.~;t-;~),~~\~