HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2031 o--____TImRQl{.JI.;._l.IRPlf~JL.ti._Wi TO 231 --__ _____...___ .R~....LL.QQQ.l).!'l11l . QUIT-CLAIM DEED ,.-..~~ . -.---.-.-_.. -----.-. -.--------.-.----- --'-~'.-.--- ---_._--_._-._-'-----,,-_.__._-..~.._.- --. --..-. -..-.--- ------ - -~'+---'- ~-r i i TillS INOEN1'URE, Mad.. Ilti. ..... ..._.._.._..19th ._. .._~__.--<b)' oL.-----_..___...___..Tune......._...._....._h.___............_A. Il. 19._ 26, bC'lwl'ffl -'---'.-.-.-....,---.-- '" TIIEROlLH. ..GARDRElLand...pA~nl 'IF.'l'..-B...-GARmlER,..h1s ...wile ,__._._.________.__.._ "I Ihto ('OURI)' or. . . - - ... St. Luo~e -.... "_"'" . .. .lnd Slale of.___. ______.. nor1da .... ......_. ...... __..__ pUll~ g. 01 I~ liul jl.\rl. and . .-.........-.._...__n_..__._____._....._..._.__._uR,,__L.___.GOODiYIll_._..__.. _.___.:..___._._00.._____...__...._.........___.__._ ....________ st. L-uole____ ..... "" In.1 Slale 01.....__....._...__. __Fl.or 1<lA . 00 ......... ..(~rl~... 01 Ihto s<<ond ~rl, " . i . I ,.f II.., l'uUIlI)' of \\'ITNESSJ.:TJI. ThaI l~ .....;d ,..rlies_ 01 110t' li"'l ~rl. for :and in cM.idC'rali"" pi I"" sum of. _...._...n. h__ .--.----.._.__ ____..__...._0l1E ...DOLIAR._AUD...OTHER...VAIDABLE .COlISIDERATIOllS.._....._. .___._. _..._._..._._._ mJDl[ in Iund l'1id b)' lhe !'3i" pall 7..... of Ihe _d ~rt. lhe r<<..ipt wh..rt>Of Is Mull)' ackno..-Ied<<...l ha. ve..... r..rniKd, rtfC'll<cd an.1 quit-tl"im..d, and by lhe... prC'Stonls do .-.. - remi.... rd~a.... llnd quil.daim unlo Ihe said pari 7- 01 the S<<Ond pari llnd .. ._. his ...___. ,_.. _ . .._.____MitS and as.igns fOre~N, llU I"" r.ghl, IiI Ie. inlet"", cbim llnd d..nund ..-hieh lhe said pari 10 B 01 Ihe finl ~rt have ..._..__ in 'lIltl I.' Ih.. loIl.->.ing deocn'bC'd -.-----.- ..... .-...' ------_.. .-..-. .."'-'- -.--..---.--.--.-.---...------,---.---..---.---------.--.- .-.-.. ..-.-..---..- .--.... ....-..--.-.. ..--..----....---..-.-.-...-----...------- I . ~ I I j I I ; i ! i j . I ~ 1.->1___., p1tctohh"_ or "ue..L_ of land.~ ai tua te, lyiD8 and being in the County of st. Luole, State .o:t - Flori cIa, _t O'-wlt.:__.__________.________:..-___._.___.__...___._.___n___. .._.__._____...h.____~.__._..___._..._._____._..__ -- '-".." .' . ---..--. . .... . LOT ~~X:..J.?QJ_ Q~_~~ _J~I. (;!fT:). . A:) . REC.O RI>EI.l_m...____u__.__n__..___.___... ......_..___.____._h.._. UJ . FL.\'l.' BOOK ~...AT_. _;pAg~n:Uh--.S'l'. hJ..VCIECQ:oN~Y. "'Oh'__'" __._.._._____._..h_._.__._____.__. FLORIDA P.ECORDS 0 .. - ........ ...-.. . ...... .. -..-.------------------------..--------------. --.-...-.-----.----____......__.._._._..___._._n.. ___"_n___._..._._. __..__._ _.____._.___.....__.__._..h. ._.. '__"___'_'__"_.._.___ __.__._..___._.___________._..____._.__..___.._..._______._____________________________... -----.---.-..---.-.--- -.-.-.----.----.----.-..-.-.--...-----.---------------...-..------.---.----.----.--....-.-----...-..----- --.--.. --..-----.------- _________.__... _.__ __._h ____.____....._.._ __._._____._._.________.__.._____.______._____..___.__._.______.____ __..__.____.....____._.____._.__.__.___.____.______.___._._ ..'-- .h_....____.. .---..._'.__ ....___.. ..___.._____.._.n._....._.n._____...._. .-------------.-__..___.._.~__..__.__.___..__._.n________.._ ___.___._____.______ .__________ _.__"_.__d"'_.__.,__.,_.__,___n,___,. .-.......----....-.----..--...-------------.--.--.-.-------.-...----..---.---.--......----.------.-...----------.- ...------...--...---.----.-.--.-.-..-.--..-------.---.-,,-.------------------ __._n..._.._ ...._..___.... __n'._ _.....__.___.__.___ .___.____..____.___________..._..___ ..._. ....-.--.---.-.... ..----.----.... -.-' .-.--.. --...-..._.___..._____.__._u_. _____ ( TO 11-\ \'E .-\XII TO JlOI,Il. I"" urnt'. tllg..IMr will. ,,11 and '_' ..ulu I"" llPf'II.lclUnC<'< Iher"uIlI.. t...k"'King or in lln~....i... appnl"inin!!:. anti all II... ....1;.... rill"'. lille. i"t..rc.1 ;",d .laim "ful.........r of !lOt' .aid parlies. ..1 II~ Ii", p.rt. .ilh..r in bw ..r njuil",. I.' II... ."..~. pr,>pc-I u.... I...n..fit .nd kh.",i of I"" ",.1 p.rt Y..--. 01 lhe ,-<<(.nd pari. .__.._____.~_.~~. ____. .__._00__ _____,__.._.. .___. ._..__ n_ _h..ir. 1l",1 a"i..:ns I"r..~.r. IN WITr\ES3 WHERI-:OF, Ihe <:lid rarl1es of Ihr firsl parI h. -ve .__ _ ""reunln '-C'1..._the1r an.1 )'..ar firsl :lw,'r ,,'rille... __.::~~:;..a~~~\;~rro .:n pr.::.~~.______l ._. IAl.tle.!JusQ. _._......_ ... __.. ._ _ . ~ ______h,,"'1 8 llnd ...al S, II... da)' ,._.._....._.._......Theron 11. __ Gf.U'dr1~.r._.____.__.u_.______. (s.."I.) _ .. lrargaret _ B 0 _. Gardner .---.__~.:.-..-::---...(s..al.) HATF. OF ______FIDRlDA_____..__ ) Counly ol._.:i_.__Sl'. . LUCIE ..-------_____ J ( HI-:RE!-I\" t'ENTlf\'. T1u1 011 Ihis .1,,)- ,...rsoll"II)' llppnrro belore 1fW. an oftK..r dul)' lllllhori".1 10 ..lmini'l..r nalh. :",,1 lak.. ll..kno..-lC'dgmrnl<, ....-.-....-----.-. 'U'_n"_..___ ~~~01i -IJ:~.J!MIDNE~_.@~_~gA_~~___~t._Q~mma_htJL'lJ1.t_~_____.____ . ~ i ~ ~ to 10 fI1(' .dl "no..... In I... I.... ,......... S .lc-scrikd in :and ..I... u<<ulC'd Iht! lot<\Coinl( in.lru.....nl llnd _'__._ '. they __ _ _ .... __,. __.___ .,"nowlC'dgC'd belorr me Ilul ------- - .-theyn.._.._____.__. eucuh:.1 I"" $;I,"" It<d)' and ~,':unlarily I~ II... (rtafJluiC'"S Ih..r..i" .."".r.....-.I. ,\r\U I HrRTIIER CERTIFY. ThaI lhe $;lid -..--____lM.RlIAm_:a. _GARDHER_.__._..____.___.___n "no.,"" I.. me 10 he Ihto .ile 01 Ihe uid....._._____.________~!f.ROB H.!__~MD~.R.__._.___..._..____...________.____ 011 :a SC'P"ut, ",,<I J'rinl" uaminaliOll. I"ken arKl mad.. by :and helore Il1C, SC'pllralel)' and a~.1 from ....r ""i.t hu.""""- did llckno",k~ lhal she ut'CulC'd Ih.. fnrr-goinlt Ut-rd for lhe rurl"'" of relinqui.hing. lllioonaling llnd con~cying all "er righI, lille llnd inluul. ..h"""'r of .low.r. OO_'I."d or 01 SC'P"r"le properly. stalulof)' or ~uil.bk. in llnd 10 lhe land. descnbcd Ibcnin, and lhal .he ""'(OIled .aid lked Ir<<ly and .."lunla,;ly and wilhoul lln}" com. pills ion, conslrainl, ll(opr....cn.ion c>r fear 01 or from her sai.1 "u.band. ,;, WITNESS my band llnd official ...,,1, al__F.Q!'.:ti.._f1~.~O.t._COUnl). oL _.St.. _ ..~OiELn_....._._ __:and Stale oL____.F~orida_.__ Ihis U day oL..____1une..___n_._'--_A. D. '9.26.. I I I i lfotari---publnf-I~;I!~:ln~-ik-at--I@.rge_;_--- _..~___?~~~~~1~n-~~pire8:-.~~~ 6th~~~.9...-: Covnl}' of SL L!lCie. [.'....'...... I: DF. IT RJ.:'dF.l!BF.kl-:O, That 00 IhiL_____?!.~i________..___da}' oL~~_...-'l1!... 4.. ?4...~.P.l..___ __. _A. D. 192.6. . Po. C. Eldred J, ---------------__._._. ___.._ClC'rk 01 ilK' Cirellil u.url in and lur said Counl}'. ha,y'dllly rC'COrdC'd Ih.. furC'gOing Quil.Cbim lktd in the Public R<<o.ds of hid Coonl}'. I~ WITNF.S$ WIIF.RF.OF, I hay~ ~rC'Unlo .~ my Iund llnd lIJe seal of ""it! l:oarl the day ll"d )-nr lloon .riUrn. --'-' 4--.-'i~:..nu~-d.fJ)~-:~ (s..al) DT-d~lt~J~.::,: :: '- "'., ,,:\\e~ ~e.'(.\ ~O ~CCO ,- ~~it~~l~~~~~~~~~i.f~ ,. 1''-' ;;.::,;,~l~~~~~l~~! ... ~ ':"