Open Cell Spray Foam
or GreenBuildin9Per�o�` O
ESR-3136, ES 336
Technical," Data Sheet
Natural -Therm® 0.50 PCF is a 100%water blown,itwo-component, semi -rigid spray polyurethane foam
insulation with a nominal 0.50 PCF in place density. Natural -Therm® 0.5 PCF has been tested and
complies with the International Code Council's AC377 standard and certified by GreenGuard for its
non -emissive low VOC technology. This product provides superior energy efficiency and air infiltration
control as a high performance building envelope! insulation system. Natural -Therm® 0.5 PCF offers a
self -adhering, seamless insulation that can be used in many areas of the building envelope, including,
open wall cavities, crawlspaces, perimeter rim joists, cathedral ceilings and garage ceilings.
DENSITY (lb/ftt ASTM D-1622 Nominal 0.50
AIR LEAKAGE (ft3�s ftZ): ASTM C283 0.00022 at 3.5" RECEIVED
DIMENSIONAL STABILITY: (% by volume) ASTM D-2126 APR 21.1019
-200F -0.10 Permitting Department
158°F 100% R.T. Humidity 0.40 St. Lucie County
158°F Dry -0.20
VOC CONTENT CA01350 Exceeds criteria
R-Value at 1"
R-Value per inch >_4"
ASTM E-84: Class A (Class 1)
NFPA 286 Appendix X
NFPA 286
ASTM C-1338
Flame Spread
Ignition Barrier Test
No growth
Meets Criteria with FoamKote®
50-50A Ignition Barrier Coating
15-minute Thermal Barrier Meets Criteria with DC315
Thermal Barrier Coating
www.naturalpolymersllc.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymerslic.com ,� �cc 4N325 Powis Road
J0EENi30 W "° �5�
Phone: 888-563-3111 r ®•� •.a�a.� West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therm°_,AVO.50 PCF
Open Cell Spray Foam
Surfaces to receive NATURAL -THERM® 0.50 PCF must be
clean and dry, free of dirt, oil, solvent, grease, loose par!
ticulates, frost, ice and other foreign matter which could in j
hibit adhesion. Moisture content and surface conditions
of substrate are critical to adhesion of NATURAL -THERM®
0.50 PCF and need to be verified by installing contractor
in small test areas before proceeding with full applicationl.
Plywood, OSB, and lumber shall not have greater than 18%
moisture content. Generally, a primer is not required for
these surfaces. On substrates where the moisture content
cannot be determined or exceeds 18%, a suitable primer
is recommended. Adhesion spray tests may be performed
with insulating foam and the interface line checked upon
cure for good cell structure and adhesion. Warming of these
surfaces during winter conditions may increase adhesion.
CMU, structural and poured -in -place concrete must have a mini
mum 28-day cure and moisture content below 18%. Residential
footings, stem -walls, and basements generally do not require
priming. Commercial controlled atmosphere structures, cold
storage, and freezer buildings require an appropriate primer to
insure adequate adhesion where curing agents may have been
used. Generally use, a two -component epoxy primer designed
to seal and provide adhesion to concrete surfaces. Contact a
Natural Polymers representative for suggested primer options.
Painted Steel, galvanized steel, and aluminum panels: check sur-
faces for mill oil used in the manufacturing process and moisture
condensate. All oil must be removed and the surface clean and dry
before priming. Washed and dry painted steel panels may not re-
quire priming. All aluminum and galvanized panels must be primed
using Cardinal4860-420 or Sherwin Williams® DTM Wash Primer.
Machine Mix at recommended processing temperatures
Cream Time 1.5 seconds
Tack Free Time 6.5 seconds
Initial Cure Time <1 Hour**
The nominal physical properties reported were'achieved using 'a
Graco H25 Proportioner and Fusion gun with #02 module with 'a
static proportioner pressure setting of 1200 psi. Older equipment
may be upgraded with "Arctic Booster Pack" heaters or minimum
E-20 proportioners are required to adequately pre -heat the com
ponents. Spray guns such as; D-gun, GAP gun, GX-7, Fusion gun,
or Probler guns fitted with smaller output tips (15-18 lbs./min.)
for better spray control for stud wall applications at recommend-
ed processing temperatures are recommended.
** Complete cure will depend on temperature, humidity and
degree of ventilation. Complete cure usually occurs within 24-72
Natural -Therm" 0.50 PCF should only be applied to approved
substrates in 1-inch to 6-inch lifts. This procedure is in accor-
dance with the manufacturer's recommendations detailed in the
application manual.
Minimum 32°F
Maximum 1207
For applications below 32°F, Natural Polymers, LLC technical
personnel should be consulted. Flash passes should be avoided.
Moisture in the form of rain, dew, frost can seriously affect the
quality and adhesion of the NATURAL -THERM® 0.50 PCF to the
substrate or itself. Natural Polymers does not recommend the
spraying of this system when the relative humidity (RH) exceeds
85% or within 57 of the dew point. When heating the interior
of a building the relative humidity can change dramatically and
should be constantly monitored.
Component A 135°F
Component B 135'F
Hose 1357
These temperatures are typical of those required to produce
acceptable product using conventional Gusmer or Graco equip-
ment. It is the responsibility of the applicator to determine the
specific temperature settings to match the environmental condi-
tions and specific spray equipment.
www.naturalpolymerslic.com Natural Polymers, LLC
,Natural .
mail@naturalpolymersllc.com `po�'yrr,ers,� 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 f West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural -Thermo _A�030 PCF
OpLn Cell Spray Foam
Component A 100-135°F
Component B 100-135°F
Hose 100-135°F
Processing temperatures are critical to achieve viscosity to allow
balanced pressure during spraying. Balanced chemical output
pressures are important to producing good mix. Foam output
pressures greater than 50 psi differential indicate either improp
er chemical temperatures, or worn gun/packing parts. Unequal
pressures will cause poor chemical mixing through the module
and uneven backpressure. A critical requirement for good spray
mixing requires appropriate tip/ module sizing to the proportion
er and adequate heating capacity. Unequal pressure (>50 psi)
can cause excessive pump wear.
The proportioning equipment shall be manufactured specifically
for heating, mixing, and spray application of polyurethane foam
and be able to maintain 1:1 metering with a +2% variance and adL
equate main heating capacity to deliver heated and pressurized
materials up to 150"F. Heated hose must be able, to maintain pre
set temperatures for the full length of the hose. Minimum 2:1 on
the A side and 1:1 on the B side ratio feeder pumps are required
to supply stored materials through minimum %:-inch supply hot;
es. Pressurized and heated tanks systems may be used if sized
appropriately to provide adequate flow at maximum operating
capacity and temperatures. i
Guns such as D-gun, Gap Pro, Fusion -gun, Probler with tip size
approximately 16 lbs./min are suitable for most residential appli;
cations. Commercial cold storage, freezer,applications, and large
metal buildings may utilize higher output guns.
Thin "flash passes" to very cold surfaces are not recommended.
Thin passes (1/4" or less) should be avoided. They may result in
reduced yield and loss of adhesion. It is recommended that the
total design thickness be completed each day.
This spray system should be applied in uniform minimum pass
thickness of 1-inch, maximum pass thickness 6-inches. Applica-
tion temperatures below 32"F may require reduction in single
pass application thickness. Additional thickness may be ap-
plied after a note no waiting period for %: pcf foams they cool
down fast you may spray multiple pass over the same lift. Yield
and in -place -density is dependent upon the temperature of the
substrate, ambient air temperature, gun speed application, gun
tip size, and the output of the proportioning unit. NATURAL -
THERM® 0.50 PCF is designed to provide maximum yield when
sprayed in 6" thick passes. Excessive pass thickness can reduce
density and physical properties, and cause local overheating and
possible fire.
Re -circulating the 'B' component is not recommended if the
drum temperature is below 65°F. The re -circulating of the 'B'
component can be used as a means of warming the material. If
re -circulating the 'B' component the material must be agitated
with a mixer while the material is being re -circulated. Polyure-
thane foams will burn when exposed to fire. Caution during ap-
plication must be observed with signs posted for other trades,
"Caution Combustible Insulation, No Welding or Hot Work Al-
lowed". On a daily basis remove all debris and shavings from the
job site leaving a clean work area. In freezing conditions [below
32°F], jobsite air temperature must be maintained above 32 de-
grees F. during the cure cycle so extreme temperature drops to
the curing [green) foam is not experienced.
Job Site Ventilation:
During SPF application a minimum of 30-60 ACH is recommend-
ed. Cross ventilation is required with negative pressure in the
spray area and exhaust to a secured empty area. For increased
ventilation rates a commercial unit is recommended. For more
detailed information, please visit http://polyurethane.american-
Read and understand the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product
before use. The numerical flame spread and all other data pre-
sented is not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this
or any other material under actual fire conditions. Polyurethane
foam may present a fire hazard if exposed to fire or excessive
heat (i.e. cutting torches). The use of polyurethane foam in in-
terior applications on walls or ceiling presents an unreasonable
fire risk unless protected by an approved fire resistant thermal
barrier with a fire rating of not less than 15 minutes. A UBC or
IRC code definition of an approved "thermal barrier" is a material
equal in fire resistance to %2" gypsum board. Each firm, person,
or corporation engaged in the use, manufacture, or production
or application of the polyurethane foams produced from these
resins should carefully examine the end use to determine any po-
tential fire hazard associated with such product in a specific use
and to utilize appropriate precautionary and safety measures.
Consult with local building code officials and insurance agency
personnel before application.
www.naturalpolymersilc.com aNatural Polymers, LLC
,, Natural., _
mail@naturalpolymerslic.com �Po[y:rers, 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 West Chicago, IL 60185
When using fuel fired heating units the exhaust must be vented
directly outdoors to prevent unsafe carbon monoxide condi-I
tions-in the work area. Electric heating units are preferred. A111
heaters must be turned off before the application of foam begins.
Natural Polymers Technical Personnel should be consulted in all,
cases where application conditions are marginal.
Worker exposure hazards - Both Components A and B can cause
severe inhalation and skin sensitization. For interior applica
tions: full body protection required. For more information, visit
Polyurethane-Foa m.pdf.
Storage & Shelf Life
Both components should be stored in their original containers
and away from excessive heat and moisture, especially after
the seals have been broken or some materials have been used
Drums must be stored indoors and jobsite tanks maintained be-
tween 50°F and 907. Containers should be opened carefully to
allow any pressure buildup to be vented safely while wearing full
safety protection. Excessive venting of the 'B' component may
result in higher density foam and reduced yield. Materials stored
at temperatures below 50°F will increase viscosity and some ap-
plication equipment may not reach adequate spray temperature
set points. Supply pumps and hoses must be sized to provide
adequate supply when materials are cold and at a higher viscos-
ity. Shelf Life: Excessive low or high temperatures may decrease
shelf life. When stored in the original unopened container at
50°F-90°F, the shelf life of the "Part B" component is six months.
Temperature above 90"F decreases the shelf life. The "Part A"
component has a shelf life of 12 months in unopened containers
when stored at 50°-90°F.
Disclaimer of Warranties:
The Limited Warranty is IN LIEU OF any other warranties express or implied including but not limited to any implied warranty of MER-
CHANTABILITY or fitness for a particular purpose, and we, the manufacturer, shall have no further liability of any kind including liability
for consequential or incidental damages resulting from any defects or any delays caused by replacement or otherwise. Furthermore,
all polyurethane foam burns in varying degrees, which in turn liberates toxic gasses and should be 6aluated in its -final form for com-
pliance to existing standards in your industry. The information presented herein is based on our own research and that of others and
is believed to be correct, however, no warranty is expressed or implied. No statement herein extends any license, either expressed or
implied, in connection with any patents issued or pending which may be the property of Natural Polymers or others. The manufacturer
shall not be liable (regardless of fault) to the vendor's employees, or anyone for any direct, special or consequential damages arising
out of or in connection with the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or furnishings of such information.
The data presented here should only be used as a guide since the actual foam properties are influenced by the efficiency of the spray
gun, component temperatures, foam thickness, and ambient conditions. Natural -Therm" Series should be sprayed in uniform passes
of 1" to 6" thickness. While following the technical information his based on the results of actual tests conducted by Natural Polymers,
it should only be used as a guideline for typical chemical and physical properties. The user must test and qualify the product. Final
determination of suitability is the responsibility of the user.
www.naturalpolymersllc.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymersllc.com IR"'�°" icc 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 �� a�. West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therml_,,�0.50 IB PCF
Appendix X Open Cell
Technical Data Sheet
�atiec Blown Hybrid Urerh,,n
SupenOr��een Building Pert°�an�e.
Natural -Therm® 0.50 IB PCF is a 100% water blown, two -component, semi -rigid spray polyurethane
foam insulation with a nominal 0.50 PCF in place density. Natural -Therm® 0.5 IB PCF meets the NFPA
286 Appendix X room corner test for use in attics and crawl spaces without ignition barrier coating. This
product provides superior energy efficiency and air infiltration control as a high-performance building
envelope insulation system. Natural -Therm® 0.50 IB PCF complies with the International Code Councils
AC377 standard and certified by GreenGuard for its non -emissive low VOC technology.
DENSITY (lb/ft3):
ASTM D-1622
Nominal 0.50
AIR LEAKAGE (ft3/s ftz):
0.00022 at 1"
ASTM D-6226
ASTM D-2126
158-F 100% R.T. Humidity
158-F Dry
Exceeds criteria
ASTM C-1338
No growth
R-Value at 1"
R-Value per inch >_4"
ASTM E-84: Class A (Class 1)
Flame Spread
NFPA 286 Appendix X
Ignition Barrier Test
Meets appendix X criteria
without coating
NFPA 286
115-minute Thermal Barrier
Meets Criteria with DC315
Thermal Barrier Coating
Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymersllc.com ,�IA �� �A
�Ap, W icc
. �
4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 � %_
West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therm°-,�0.50 IB PCF
Appendix X Open Cell
Surfaces to receive NATURAL -THERM® 0.50 18 PCF must be;
clean and dry, free of dirt, oil, solvent, grease, loose par-'
ticulates, frost, ice and other foreign matter which could in
hibit adhesion. Moisture content and surface conditionsi
of substrate are critical to adhesion of NATURAL-THERM®I
0.50 IB PCF and need to be verified by installing contractor
in small test areas before proceeding with full application.
Plywood, OSB, and lumber shall not have greater than 18%
moisture content. Generally, a primer is not required for
these surfaces. On substrates where the moisture content
cannot be determined or exceeds 18%, a suitable primer)
is recommended. Adhesion spray tests may, be performed
with insulating foam and the interface line checked upon
cure for good cell structure and adhesion. Warming of these
surfaces during winter conditions may increase adhesion
CMU, structural and poured -in -place concrete must have a mini i
mum 28-day cure and moisture content below 18%. Residential
footings, stem -walls, and basements generally do not require
priming. Commercial controlled atmosphere _structures, cold
storage, and freezer buildings require an appropriate primer to
insure adequate adhesion where curing agents may have been
used. Generally use, a two -component epoxy primer designed
to seal and provide adhesion to concrete surfaces. Contact a
Natural Polymers representative for suggested primer options!
Painted Steel, galvanized steel, and aluminum panels: check surf
faces for mill oil used in the manufacturing process and moisture
condensate. All oil must be removed and the surface clean and dry
before priming. Washed and dry painted steel panels may not re
quire priming. All aluminum and galvanized panels must be primed
using Cardinal4860-420 or Sherwin Williams® DTM Wash Primer.
Machine Mix at recommended processing temperatures
Cream Time 4.0 seconds
Tack Free Time On Rise
Initial Cure Time <1 Hour"
The nominal physical properties reported were achieved using a
Graco H25 Proportioner and Fusion gun with #02 module with a
static proportioner pressure setting of 1200 psi. Older equipment
may be upgraded with "Arctic Booster Pack" heaters or minimum
E-20 proportioners are required to adequately pre -heat the com
ponents. Spray guns such as; D-gun, GAP gun, GX-7, Fusion gun,
or Probler guns fitted with smaller output tips (15-18 lbs./min.)
for better spray control for stud wall applications at recommend-
ed processing temperatures are recommended.
** Complete cure will depend on temperature, humidity and
degree of ventilation. Complete cure usually occurs within 24-72
Natural -Therm® 0.5018 PCF should only be applied to approved
substrates in 1-inch to 6-inch lifts. This procedure is in accor-
dance with the manufacturer's recommendations detailed in the
application manual.
Mix the B-Side material thoroughly for a minimum of 30 minutes
prior to installation each day and throughout application.
If material sits for more than 1 hour, it is necessary to mix the
B-Side for 30 minutes to beginning application again. Material
in the lines will also require recirculating for proper material mix
after 1 hour. `
Do not mix the B-Side product with any other material.
The use of a minimum 1/2 horsepower variable speed air motor
with 30 CFM @ 100 PSI or 1/2 horse power electric mixer with
three impeller is suggested for this product.
Minimum 32'F
Maximum 120'F
For applications below 32°F, Natural Polymers, LLC technical
personnel should be consulted. Flash passes should be avoided.
Moisture in the form of rain, dew, frost can seriously affect the
quality and adhesion of the NATURAL -THERM® 0.50 IB PCF to the
substrate or itself. Natural Polymers does not recommend the
spraying of this system when the relative humidity (RH) exceeds
85% or within 5°F of the dew point. When heating the interior
of a building the relative humidity can change dramatically and
should be constantly monitored.
www.naturalpolymersllc.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymerslic.com rPolyirie 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therm°_A�0.50 IB PCF
Appendix X Open Cell
Component A
Component B
These temperatures are typical of those required to produce)
acceptable product using conventional Gusmer or Graco equip-
ment. It is the responsibility of the applicator to determine the,
specific temperature settings to match the environmental condi-I
lions and specific spray equipment. j
Component A 100-135°F
Component B 100-135°F
Hose 100-135"F
Processing temperatures are critical to achieve viscosity to allow,
balanced pressure during spraying. Balanced chemical output
pressures are important to producing good mix. Foam output
pressures greater than 50 psi differential indicate either improp
er chemical temperatures, or worn gun/packing parts. Unequal;
pressures will cause poor chemical mixing through the module,
and uneven backpressure. A critical requirement for good spray
mixing requires appropriate tip/ module sizing to the proportion-1
er and adequate heating capacity. Unequal pressure (>50 psi)'
can cause excessive pump wear.
The proportioning equipment shall be manufactured specifically
for heating, mixing, and spray application of polyurethane foam
and be able to maintain 1:1 metering with a +2% variance and ad-,
equate main heating capacity to deliver heated and pressurized,
materials up to 150°F. Heated hose must be able to maintain pre-
set temperatures for the full length of the hose. Minimum 2:1 oni
the A side and 1:1 on the B side ratio feeder pumps are required,
to supply stored materials through minimum %-inch supply hos-
es. Pressurized and heated tanks systems may be used if sized
appropriately to provide adequate flow at maximum operating.
capacity and temperatures.
Guns such as D-gun, Gap Pro, Fusion -gun, Probler with tip size
approximately 16 lbs./min are suitable for most residential appli-
cations. Commercial cold storage, freezer applications, and large
metal buildings may utilize higher output guns.
Thin "flash passes" to very cold surfaces are not recommended.
Thin passes (1/4" or less) should be avoided. They may result in
reduced yield and loss of adhesion. It is recommended that the
total design thickness be completed each day.
This spray system should be applied in uniform minimum pass
thickness of 1-inch, maximum pass thickness 6-inches. Applica-
tion temperatures below 32`F may require reduction in single
pass application thickness. Additional thickness may be ap-
plied after a note no waiting period for % pcf foams they cool
down fast you may spray multiple pass over the same lift. Yield
and in -place -density is dependent upon the temperature of the
substrate, ambient air temperature, gun speed application, gun
tip size, and the output of the proportioning unit. NATURAL -
THERM® 0.5018 PCF is designed to provide maximum yield when
sprayed in 6" thick passes. Excessive pass thickness can reduce
density and physical properties, and cause local overheating and
possible fire.
Re -circulating the 'B' component is not recommended if the
drum temperature is below 651. The re -circulating of the 'B'
component can be used as a means of warming the material. If
re -circulating the 'B' component the material must be agitated
with a mixer while the material is being re -circulated. Polyure-
thane foams will burn when exposed to fire. Caution during ap-
plication must be observed with signs posted for other trades,
"Caution Combustible Insulation, No Welding or Hot Work Al-
lowed". On a daily basis remove all debris and shavings from the
job site leaving a clean work area. In freezing conditions [below
32°F], jobsite air temperature must be maintained above 32 de-
grees F. during the cure cycle so extreme temperature drops to
the curing [green] foam is not experienced.
Job Site Ventilation:
During SPF application a minimum of 30-60 ACH is recommend-
ed. Cross ventilation is required with negative pressure in the
spray area and exhaust to a secured empty area. For increased
ventilation rates a commercial unit is recommended. For more
detailed information, please visit http://polyurethane.american-
Duri ng-I nstallation-ofl nterior-Applications-of-H igh-Pressure-SPF.
Read and understand the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product
before use. The numerical flame spread and all other data pre-
sented is not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this
or any other material under actual fire conditions. Polyurethane
foam may present a fire hazard if exposed to fire or excessive
www.naturalpolymersllc.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymerslic.com ;P'o, ym°e`rs,� 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 West Chicago, IL 60185
heat (i.e. cutting torches). The use of polyurethane foam in in-
terior applications on walls or ceiling presents an unreasonable
fire risk unless protected by an approved fire resistant thermal
barrier with a fire rating of not less than 15 minutes. A UBC or.
IRC code definition of an approved "thermal barrier" is a materials
equal in fire resistance to''/:" gypsum board. Each firm, person,
or corporation engaged in the use, manufacture, or production
or application of the polyurethane foams produced from these
resins should carefully examine the end use to determine any po
tential fire hazard associated with such product in a specific use.
and to utilize appropriate precautionary and safety measures 1
Consult with local building code officials and insurance agenc�,
personnel before application.
When using fuel fired heating units the exhaust must be vented
directly outdoors to prevent unsafe carbon monoxide conclk
tions in the work area. Electric heating units are preferred. All
heaters must be turned off before the application of foam begins
Natural Polymers Technical Personnel should be consulted in all,
cases where application conditions are marginal.
Worker exposure hazards - Both Components A and B can cause
severe inhalation and skin sensitization. For interior applica j
lions: full body protection required. For more information, visit
al iti on/G uidan ce-on-Best-Practices-for-the-Installation-of-Spray-
Storage & Shelf Life
Both components should be stored in their original containers
and away from excessive heat and moisture, especially after
the seals have been broken or some materials have been used.
Drums must be stored indoors and jobsite tanks maintained be-
tween 50°F and 90'F. Containers should be opened carefully to
allow any pressure buildup to be vented safely while wearing full
safety protection. Excessive venting of the 'B' component may
result in higher density foam and reduced yield. Materials stored
at temperatures below 507 will increase viscosity and some ap-
plication equipment may not reach adequate spray temperature
set points. Supply pumps and hoses must be sized to provide
adequate supply when materials are cold and at a higher viscos-
ity. Shelf Life: Excessive low or high temperatures may decrease
shelf life. When stored in the original unopened container at
50°F-90°F, the shelf life of the "Part B" component is six months.
Temperature above 90°F decreases the shelf life. The "Part A"
component has a shelf life of 12 months in unopened containers
when stored at 50°-90°F.
Disclaimer of Warranties: i
The Limited Warranty is IN LIEU OF any other warranties express) or implied including but not limited to any implied warranty of MER-
CHANTABILITY or fitness for a particular purpose, and we, the manufacturer, shall have no further liability of any kind including liability
for consequential or incidental damages resulting from any defects or any delays caused by replacement or otherwise. Furthermore,
all polyurethane foam burns in varying degrees, which in turn liberates toxic gasses and should be evaluated in its final form for com-
pliance to existing standards in your industry. The information presented herein is based on our own research and that of others and
is believed to be correct, however, no warranty is expressed or implied. No statement herein extends any license, either expressed or
implied, in connection with any patents issued or pending which may be the property of Natural Polymers or others. The manufacturer
shall not be liable (regardless of fault) to the vendor's employees, or anyone for any direct, special or consequential damages arising
out of or in connection with the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or furnishings of such information.
The data presented here should only be used as a guide since the actual foam properties are influenced by the efficiency of the spray
gun, component temperatures, foam thickness, and ambient conditions. Natural -Therm® Series should be sprayed in uniform passes
of 1" to 6" thickness. While following the technical information is based on the results of actual tests conducted by Natural Polymers,
it should only be used as a guideline for typical chemical and physical properties. The user must test and qualify the product. Final
determination of suitability is the responsibility of the user.
www.naturalpolymers[Ic.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymersllc.com icc 4N325 Powis Road
r�CAA {`flEEIJGURflD �5�
Phone: 888-563-3111 �•� •.m�a.�. West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therml 2.0 PCF ura. . . . . . . .!Po�lyfm�e�rs
Summer & Winter Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation
ESR-3136, ES 336
Technical !Data Sheet
Natural -Therm® 2.0 PCF is a two -component spray -applied rigid polyurethane foam insulation system
specifically formulated using a zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) blowing agent that meets the
stringent E-84 fire performance testing with a CLASS I rating. Natural -Therm® 2.0 PCF provides thermal
insulation for the interior or exterior of the building while acting as an air barrier to improve the perfor-
mance of the building envelope. ,
DENSITY (lb/ft3):
ASTM D-1622
Nominal 2.0
ASTM D-6226
ASTM D-2126
158-F 100% R.T. Humidity
158'F Dry
0.94 perms @ 1"
ASTM D-1623
55 psi
GreenGuard Gold
Exceeds criteria
ASTM D-1621
26-32, parallel, psi
R-Value at 1"
ASTM E-84: Class A (Class 1) Flame Spread <25
Smoke <450
NFPA 286 Appendix X Ignition Barrier Test Meets Criteria without an
ignition barrier
NFPA 286 15-minute Thermal Barrier Meets Criteria with DC315
Thermal Barrier Coating
www.naturalpolymersiIc.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymersllc.com MR tat ApM 1cc 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 %JPLOGU�({I"1W.�� West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therm®_-,�2.0 PCF
Summer & Winter Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation
Surfaces to receive NATURAL -THERM® 2.0 PCF must bi
clean and dry, free of dirt, oil, solvent, grease, loose par
ticulates, frost, ice � and other foreign matter which could in
hibit adhesion. Moisture content and surface condition:
of substrate are critical to adhesion of NATURAL -THERM°
2.0 PCF and need to be verified by installing contractor it
small test areas before proceeding with full application
Plywood, OSB, and lumber shall not have greater than 18%
moisture content. Generally, a primer is not required for
these surfaces. On substrates where the moisture content
cannot be determined or exceeds 18%, a suitable primer,
is recommended. Adhesion spray tests may be performed
with insulating foam and the interface line checked upon'
cure for good cell structure and adhesion. Warming of these
surfaces during winter conditions may increase adhesion.;
CMU, structural and poured -in -place concrete must have a mini;
mum 28-day cure,and moisture content below 18%. Residential;
footings, stem -walls, and basements generally do not require'
priming. Commercial controlled atmosphere structures, cold
storage, and freezer buildings require an appropriate primer to
insure adequate adhesion where curing agents may have been
used. Generally use, a two -component epoxy primer designed
to seal and provide adhesion to concrete surfaces. Contact al
Natural Polymers representative for suggested primer options.
Painted Steel, galvanized steel, and aluminum panels: check sur-
faces for mill oil used in the manufacturing process and moisture,
condensate. All oil must be removed and the surface clean and dry,
before priming. Washed and dry painted steel panels may not re
quire priming. All aluminum and galvanized panels must be primed,
using Cardinal 4860-420 or Sherwin Williams® DTM Wash Primer.,
Machine Mix at recommended processing temperatures
Cream Time 4 seconds
Tack Free Time On Rise
Initial Cure Time <1 Hour**
ponents. Spray guns such as; D-gun, GAP gun, GX-7, Fusion gun,
or Probler guns fitted with smaller output tips (15-18 lbs./min.)
for better spray control for stud wall applications at recommend-
ed processing temperatures are recommended.
** Complete cure will depend on temperature, humidity and
degree of ventilation. Complete cure usually occurs within 24-72
Natural -Therm" 2.0 PCF should only be applied to approved sub-
strates in 1-inch to 3-inch lifts. This procedure is in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations detailed in the appli-
cation manual.
Winter Blend 20'F - 65"F
Summer Blend 55'F -120°F
For applications below 20°F, Natural Polymers, LLC technical
personnel should be consulted. Flash passes should be avoided.
Moisture in the form of rain, dew, frost can seriously affect the
quality and adhesion of the NATURAL -THERM® 2.0 PCF to the
substrate or itself. Natural Polymers does not recommend the
spraying of this system when the relative humidity (RH) exceeds
85% or within 5°F of the dew point. When heating the interior
of a building the relative humiditycan change dramatically and
should be constantly monitored.
Component A _
Component B
The nominal physical properties reported were achieved using a
Graco H25 Proportioner and Fusion gun with #02 module with a!
static proportioner pressure setting of 1200 psi. Older equipments
may be upgraded with "Arctic Booster Pack" heaters or minimum
E-20 proportioners are required to adequately pre -heat the com
These temperatures are typical of those required to produce
acceptable product using conventional Gusmer or Graco equip-
ment. It is the responsibility of the applicator to determine the
specific temperature settings to match the environmental condi-
tions and specific spray equipment.
www.naturalpolymerslic.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymerslic.com PolymerVC.4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 . • West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therm°,�2.0 PCF
Summer & Winter Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation
Component A 115-130°F
Component B 115-130°F
Hose 115-130°F
Processing temperatures are critical to achieve viscosity to allow
balanced pressure during spraying. Balanced chemical output
pressures are important to producing good mix. Foam output
pressures greater than 50 psi differential indicate either improp-
er chemical temperatures, or worn gun/packing parts. Unequal
pressures will cause poor chemical mixing through the module
and uneven backpressure. A critical requirement for good spray
mixing requires appropriate tip/ module sizing to the proportion-
er and adequate heating capacity. Unequal pressure (>50 psi)
can cause excessive pump wear.
The proportioning equipment shall be manufactured specifically,
for heating, mixing, and spray application of polyurethane foam
and be able to maintain 1:1 metering with a +2% variance and ad-
equate main heating capacity to deliver heated and pressurized
materials up to 150°F. Heated hose must be able to maintain pre-
set temperatures for the full length of the hose. Minimum 2:1 on
the A side and 1:1 on the B side ratio feeder pumps are required
to supply stored materials through minimum %:-inch supply hos-
es. Pressurized and heated tanks systems may be used if sized
appropriately to provide adequate flow at maximum operating
capacity and temperatures.
Guns such as D-gun, Gap Pro, Fusion -gun, Probler with tip size
approximately 16 lbs./min are suitable for most residential appli-
cations. Commercial cold storage, freezer applications, and large
metal buildings may utilize higher output guns.
Thin "flash passes" to very cold surfaces are not recommended.
Thin passes (1/4" or less) should be avoided. They may result in
reduced yield and loss of adhesion. It is recommended that the
total design thickness be completed each day.
This spray system should be applied in uniform minimum pass
thickness of 1-inch, maximum pass thickness 3-inches. Applica-
tion temperatures below 20°F may require reduction in single
pass application thickness. Additional thickness may be applied
after waiting 10-20 minutes between passes until reaching de-
sired thickness. Yield and in -place -density is dependent upon
the temperature of the substrate, ambient air temperature, gun
speed application, gun tip size, and the output of the propor-
tioning unit. NATURAL -THERM® 2.0 PCF is designed to provide
maximum yield when sprayed in 3 inch passes. Excessive pass
thickness greater than 3 inches can reduce density and physical
properties, and cause local overheating and possible fire.
Job Site Ventilation:
During SPF application a minimum of 30-60 ACH is recommend-
ed. Cross ventilation is required with negative pressure in the
spray area and exhaust to a secured empty area. For increased
ventilation rates a commercial unit is recommended. For more
detailed information, please visit http://polyurethane.american-
Read and understand the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product
before use. The numerical flame spread and all other data pre-
sented is not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this
or any other material under actual fire conditions. Polyurethane
foam may present a fire hazard if exposed to fire or excessive
heat (i.e. cutting torches). The use of polyurethane foam in in-
terior applications on walls or ceiling presents an unreasonable
fire risk unless protected by an approved fire resistant thermal
barrier with a fire rating of not less than 15 minutes. A UBC or
IRC code definition of an approved "thermal barrier" is a material
equal in fire resistance to %" gypsum board. Each firm, person,
or corporation engaged in the use, manufacture, or production
or application of the polyurethane foams produced from these
resins should carefully examine the end use to determine any po-
tential fire hazard associated with such product in a specific use
and to utilize appropriate precautionary and safety measures.
Consult with local building code officials and insurance agency
personnel before application.
When using fuel fired heating units the exhaust must be vented
directly outdoors to prevent unsafe carbon monoxide condi-
tions in the work area. Electric heating units are preferred. All
heaters must be turned off before the application of foam begins.
Natural Polymers Technical Personnel should be consulted in all
cases where application conditions are marginal.
Worker exposure hazards - Both Components A and B can cause
severe inhalation and skin sensitization. For interior applica-
tions: full body protection required. For more information, visit
https:Hpoiyurethane.americanchem istry.com/Spray-Foam-Co-
www.naturalpolymersllc.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@natural of merslic.com N,a�turta�l
p y 'PoJyme`r"s,� 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 West Chicago, IL 60185
Storage & Shelf Life
Both components should be stored in their original containers
and away from excessive heat and moisture, especially after
the seals have been broken or some materials have been used!
Drums must be stored indoors and jobsite tanks maintained be-
tureen 50°F and 907. Containers should be opened carefully to
allow any pressure buildup to be vented safely while wearing full
safety protection. Excessive venting of the 'B' component may
result in higher density foam and reduced yield. Materials stored
at temperatures below 50"F will increase viscosity and some ap'
plication equipment may not reach adequate spray temperature
set points. Supply pumps and hoses must be sized to provide
adequate supply when materials are cold and at a higher viscos;
ity. Shelf Life: Excessive low or high temperatures may decrease
shelf life. When stored in the' original unopened container at
50°F-90°F, the shelf life of the "Part B" component is six monthsl.
Temperature above 90'F decreases the shelf life. The "Part A"
component has a shelf life of 12 months in unopened containers
when stored at 50°-90°F.
Disclaimer of Warranties:
The Limited Warranty is IN LIEU OF any other warranties express or implied including but not limited to any implied warranty of MER-
CHANTABILITY or fitness for a particular purpose, and we, the manufacturer, shall have no further liability of any kind including liability
for consequential or incidental damages resulting from any defects or any delays caused by replacement or otherwise. Furthermore,
all polyurethane foam burns in varying degrees, which in turn liberates toxic gasses and should be evaluated in its final form for com-
pliance to existing standards in your industry. The information presented herein is based on our own research and that of others and
is believed to be correct, however, no warranty is expressed or implied. No statement herein extends any license, either expressed or
implied, in connection with any patents issued or pending which maybe the property of Natural Polymers or others. The manufacturer
shall not be liable (regardless of fault) to the vendor's employees, or anyone for any direct, special or consequential damages arising
out of or in connection with the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or furnishings of such information.
The data presented here should only be used as a guide since the actual foam properties are influenced by the efficiency of the spray
gun, component temperatures, foam thickness,, and ambient conditions. Natural -Therm® Series should be sprayed in uniform passes
of 1" to 3" thickness. While following the technical information is based on the results of actual tests conducted by Natural Polymers,
it should only be used as a guideline for typical chemical and physical properties. The user must test and qualify the product. Final
determination of suitability is the responsibility of the user.
www.naturalpolymerslic.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymerslic.com i "' icc 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 `"��E����Q u� �� .,.��u West Chicago, IL 60185
10 PCF Natural
Polymr ers4,�
Summer & Winter Closed Cell Spray, Foam Insulation
ESR-3136, ES 336
Technical 'Data Sheet
Natural -Therm® 2.0 PCF is a two -component spray -applied rigid polyurethane foam insulation system
specifically formulated using a zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) blowing agent that meets the
stringent E-84 fire performance testing with a CLASS I rating. Natural-Therm®1.0 PCF provides thermal
insulation for the interior or exterior of the building while acting as an air barrier to improve the perfor-
mance of the building envelope.
DENSITY (lb/ft3): ASTM D-1622 Nominal 2.0
158*F 100% R.T. Humidity
158-F Dry
0.94 perms @ 1"
ASTM D-1623
55 psi
GreenGuard Gold
Exceeds criteria
ASTM D-1621
26-32, parallel, psi
R-Value at 1"
ASTM E-84: Class A (Class 1) Flame Spread <25
Smoke <450
NFPA 286 Appendix X Ignition Barrier Test Meets Criteria without an
ignition barrier
NFPA 286 15-minute Thermal Barrier Meets Criteria with DC315
Thermal Barrier Coating
www.naturalpolymersllc.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturaIpolymerslic.com ,I"a upM [cc 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 WO ENGIIABD'Vr West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therm°_,�2.0 PCF
Summer & Winter Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation
Surfaces to receive NATURAL -THERM® 2.0 PCF must be
clean and dry, free of dirt, oil, solvent, grease, loose par
ticulates, frost, ice and other foreign matter which could in
hibit adhesion. Moisture content and surface conditions
of substrate are critical to adhesion of NATURAL -THERM®,
2.0 PCF and need to be verified by installing contractor in!
small test areas before proceeding with full application.
Plywood, OSB, and lumber shall not have greater than 18%1
moisture content. Generally, a primer is not required for
these surfaces. On substrates where the moisture content
cannot be determined or exceeds 18%, a suitable primer
is recommended. Adhesion spray tests may be performed]
with insulating foam and the interface line checked upon
cure for good cell structure and adhesion. Warming of these,
surfaces during winter conditions may increase adhesion. 1
CMU, structural and poured -in -place concrete must have a mini-
mum 28-day cure and moisture content below 18%. Residential
footings, stem -walls, and basements generally do not require
priming. Commercial controlled atmosphere structures, cold
storage, and freezer buildings require an appropriate primer to
insure adequate adhesion where curing agents may have been
used. Generally use, a two -component epoxy primer designed
to seal and provide adhesion to concrete surfaces. Contact a
Natural Polymers representative for suggested primer options.
Painted Steel, galvanized steel, and aluminum panels: check sur-
faces for mill oil used in the manufacturing process and moisture i
condensate. All oil must be removed and the surface clean and dry
before priming. Washed and dry painted steel panels may not re-
quire priming. All aluminum and galvanized panels must be primed
using Cardinal4860-420 orSherwin Williams® DTM Wash Primer.
Machine Mix at recommended processing temperatures
Cream Time 4 seconds
Tack Free Time On Rise
Initial Cure Time <1 Hour**
The nominal physical properties reported were achieved using a
Graco H25 Proportioner and Fusion gun with #02 module with a
static proportioner pressure setting of 1200 psi. Older equipment
may be upgraded with "Arctic Booster Pack" heaters or minimum
E-20 proportioners are required to adequately pre -heat the com
ponents. Spray guns such as; D-gun, GAP gun, GX-7, Fusion gun,
or Probler guns fitted with smaller output tips (15-18 lbs./min.)
for better spray control for stud wall applications at recommend-
ed processing temperatures are recommended.
** Complete cure will depend on temperature, humidity and
degree of ventilation. Complete cure usually occurs within 24-72
Natural -Therm® 2.0 PCF should only be applied to approved sub-
strates in 1-inch to 3-inch lifts. This procedure is in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations detailed in the appli-
cation manual.
Winter Blend 20°F - 65°F
Summer Blend 55°F -120"F
For applications below 20°F, Natural Polymers, LLC technical
personnel should be consulted. Flash passes should be avoided.
Moisture in the form of rain, dew, frost can seriously affect the
quality and adhesion of the NATURAL -THERM® 2.0 PCF to the
substrate or itself. Natural Polymers does not recommend the
spraying of this system when the relative humidity (RH) exceeds
85% or within 57 of the dew point. When heating the interior
of a building the relative humidity can change dramatically and
should be constantly monitored.
Component 130°F
Component B 130'F
Hose 130°F
These temperatures are typical of those required to produce
acceptable product using conventional Gusmer or Graco equip-
ment. It is the responsibility of the applicator to determine the
specific temperature settings to match the environmental condi-
tions and specific spray equipment.
www.naturalpolymersllc.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymersllc.com :Ro'lym,e`rs, 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 West Chicago, IL 60185
Natural-Therm°_,A�2.0 PCF
Summer & Winter Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation
Component A 115-130°F
Component B 115-130°F
Hose 115-130°F
Processing temperatures are critical to achieve viscosity to allow
balanced pressure during spraying. Balanced chemical output
pressures are important to producing good mix. Foam output
pressures greater than 50 psi differential indicate either improp-
er chemical temperatures, or worn gun/packing parts. Unequal
pressures will cause poor chemical mixing through the module
and uneven backpressure. A critical requirement for good spray
mixing requires appropriate tip/ module sizing to the proportion-
er and adequate heating capacity. Unequal pressure (>So psi)
can cause excessive pump wear.
The proportioning equipment shall be manufactured specifically
for heating, mixing, and spray application of polyurethane foam
and be able to maintain 1:1 metering with a +2% variance and ad-
equate main heating capacity to deliver heated and pressurized
materials up to 150°F. Heated hose must be able to maintain pre-
set temperatures for the full length of the hose. Minimum 2:1 on
the A side and 1:1 on the B side ratio feeder pumps are required
to supply stored materials through minimum %-inch supply hos-
es. Pressurized and heated tanks systems may be used if sized
appropriately to provide adequate flow at maximum operating
capacity and temperatures.
Guns such as D-gun, Gap Pro, Fusion -gun, Probler with tip size
approximately 16 lbs./min are suitable for most residential appli-
cations. Commercial cold storage, freezer applications, and large
metal buildings may utilize higher output guns.
Thin "flash passes" to very cold surfaces are not recommended.
Thin passes (1/4" or less) should be avoided. They may result in
reduced yield and loss of adhesion. It is recommended that the
total design thickness be completed each day.
This spray system should be applied in uniform minimum pass
thickness of 1-inch, maximum pass thickness 3-inches.. Applica-
tion temperatures below 20°F may require reduction in single
pass application thickness. Additional thickness may be applied
after waiting 10-20 minutes between passes until reaching de-
sired thickness. Yield and in -place -density is dependent upon
the temperature of the substrate, ambient air temperature, gun
speed application, gun tip size, and the output of the propor-
tioning unit. NATURAL -THERM® 2.0 PCF is designed to provide
maximum yield when sprayed in 3 inch passes. Excessive pass
thickness greater than 3 inches can reduce density and physical
{ properties, and cause local overheating and possible fire.
Job Site Ventilation:
During SPF application a minimum of 30-60 ACH is recommend-
ed. Cross ventilation is required with negative pressure in the
spray area and exhaust to a secured empty area. For increased
ventilation rates a commercial unit is recommended. For more
detailed information, please visit http://polyurethane.american-
Read and understand the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product
before use. The numerical flame spread and all other data pre-
sented is not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this
or any other material under actual fire conditions. Polyurethane
foam may present a fire hazard if exposed to fire or excessive
heat (i.e. cutting torches). The use of polyurethane foam in in-
terior applications on walls or ceiling presents an unreasonable
fire risk unless protected by an approved fire resistant thermal
'barrier with a fire rating of not less than 15 minutes. A UBC or
' IRC code definition of an approved "thermal barrier" is a material
equal in fire resistance to %" gypsum board. Each firm, person,
or corporation engaged in the use, manufacture, or production
or application of the polyurethane foams produced from these
resins should carefully examine the end use to determine any po-
tential fire hazard associated with such product in a specific use
and to utilize appropriate precautionary and safety measures.
Consult with local building code officials and insurance agency
personnel before application.
When using fuel fired heating units the exhaust must be vented
directly outdoors to prevent unsafe carbon monoxide condi-
tions in the work area. Electric heating units are preferred. All
heaters must be turned off before the application of foam begins.
Natural Polymers Technical Personnel should be consulted in all
cases where application conditions are marginal.
Worker exposure hazards - Both Components A and B can cause
severe inhalation and skin sensitization. For interior applica-
tions: full body protection required. For more information, visit
a l ition/Guida nce-on-Best-Practices-for-th a -I nsta Ilation-of-Spray-
www.naturalpolymers[Ic.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@natural of mersllc.com ,N.atara
p y Po,l'ymers�.: 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 .1 1 . West Chicago, IL 60185
Storage & Shelf Life
Both components should be stored in their original containers
and -away from excessive heat and moisture, especially after
the seals have been broken or some materials have been used.
Drums must be stored indoors and jobsite tanks maintained be-
tween 50"F and 90"F. Containers should be opened carefully to,
allow any pressure buildup to be vented safely while wearing full,
safety protection. Excessive venting of the 'B' component may
result in higher density foam and reduced yield. Materials stored.
at temperatures below 50"F will increase viscosity and some ap-
plication equipment may not reach adequate spray temperature
set points. Supply pumps and hoses must be sized to provide
adequate supply when materials are cold and at a higher viscos-
ity. Shelf Life: Excessive low or high temperatures may decrease
shelf life. When stored in the original unopened container at
50°F-90"F, the shelf life of the "Part B" component is six months.
Temperature above 90"F decreases the shelf life. The "Part A"
component has a shelf life of 12 months in unopened containers
when stored at 50°-90°F.
Disclaimer of Warranties:
The Limited Warranty is IN LIEU OF any other warranties express or implied including but not limited to any implied warranty of MER-
CHANTABILITY or fitness for a particular purpose, and we, the manufacturer, shall have no further liability of any kind including liability
for consequential or incidental damages resulting from any.defects or any delays caused by replacement or otherwise. Furthermore,
all polyurethane foam burns in varying degrees, which in turn liberates toxic gasses and should be evaluated in its final form for com-
pliance to existing standards in your industry. The information presented herein is based on our own research and that of others and
is believed to be correct, however, no warranty is expressed or implied. No statement herein extends any license, either expressed or
implied, in connection with any patents issued or pending which may be the property of Natural Polymers or others. The manufacturer
shall not be liable (regardless of fault) to the vendor's employees, or anyone for any direct, special or consequential damages arising
out of or in connection with the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or furnishings of such information.
The data presented here should only be used as a guide since the actual foam properties are influenced by the efficiency of the spray
gun, component temperatures, foam thickness, and ambient conditions. Natural -Therm® Series should be sprayed in uniform passes
of 1" to 3" thickness. While following the technical information is based on the results of actual tests conducted by Natural Polymers,
it should only be used as a guideline for typical chemical and physical properties. The user must test and qualify the product. Final
determination of suitability is the responsibility of the user.
�Pb�kyym, r ,LLC
www.naturalpolymerslic.com Natural Polymers, LLC
mail@naturalpolymersllc.com ,N "�" i� 4N325 Powis Road
Phone: 888-563-3111 .a���. West Chicago, IL60185
Natural -Therm'°" 3.0 PCF Series Spray Foam Insulation is the B-component
of a two -component polyurethane foam insulation system. It has a nominal
3.0 PCF spray in place density. Natural -Therm' was developed using an EPA
approved Zero ODP blowing agent. This product provides superior energy
elciency and air in"oration control. This product is an approved
roofing material.
Natural -Therm'" 3.0 PCF is designed as a high performance building envelope
insulation system for both industrial and commercial construction.
Thermal Barrier:
IRC and IBC codes require that SPF be separated from the interior of a build-
ing by a thermal barrier, which is applied over SPF to slow thermal rise, and
delay its involvement in a fire. A building code definition of an approved ther-
mal barrier is one that is equal in fire resistance to 1/2 inch gypsum board. See
Natural -Therm" building science application guide for more information.
ASTM D1622
Density (core)
Thermal Resistance at 90 days
(R-Value per inch)
73AOF (23°C)
32°F (0°C) / 77°F (25°C)
50°F (IOoQ / 95OF (35°C)
ASTM D1621
Compressive Strength
ASTM D2126
Dimensional Stability
(%Volume Change) 7 days
158"F (700C), ambient R.H.
158OF (700C), 97% R.H.
-22°F (-300C), ambient RH
ASTM D-2842
Water Absorption
(% volume)(96 hrs. immersion)
ASTM C 273
Shear Strength (IbAn2)
ASTM D 1623
Tensile Strength Parallel to rise (lb/in')
Water Vapor Transmission
ASTM D-2856
Closed Cell Content
(% by volume closed cell)
Surface Burning
Characteristics, 4 inches thick
Flame spread index
Smoke developed
3.0Ib/ft3 43 Kg/m3)
6.66 ft2.h °F/BTU.in
6.62 ft2.h.°F/BTU.in
6.64 ft2.h 6F/BTU.in
44 psi
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air and seek medical attention. See MSDS for more details.
Eye and Skin Contact: Wearing eye protection is required. Polyurethane foam vapors can
enter the body through the lungs, eyes and skin. It is important to protect the lungs, eyes and
skin from overspray and organic vapors emitted by the foam while it is being applied.
Ingestion: If liquid is swallowed seek medical attention immediately.
The material is recommended to be stored between 50° F and 80' F. Keep material from
freezing. This material has a three-month shelf life under normal storage temperatures.
All users must wear approved chemical protection equipment. OSHA approved respirators are
required. Please see the training manual for more information.
Natural Therm'3.0 pdSeries with PASSLINE
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Natural Therm'" 3.0 Series includes three 3.0 pcf density systems designed
- 2.3
for processing on substrates of 45°F to 140°F. The following table should act as a
selection guideline.
Sprayed In -Place Density Temperature Range Product Recommendation
3.00 pcf 95°-140°F Natural -Therm' B 3.0 pcf AS
3.00 pcf 65°-1101 Natural -Therm'" B 3.0 pcf S
3.00 pcf 45°-70°1` Natural -Therm'"' B 3.0 pcfWS
> 90
For single pass applications the recommended temperature range applies to the
substrate temperature; for multiple -pass applications the temperature recom-
mendations apply to the ambient temperature. Substrate composition will influ-
ence product selection. Substrate composition will influence product selection.
Consult your Natural -Polymers representative to determine which product best
satisfies your application requirements.
All polyurethane foam bums in varying degrees which in turn liberates toxic gasses and should be evaluated In its final form for compliance to existing standards in your Industry. The information presented herein Is based on our own research and that of others and is
believed to be correct, however, no warranty Is expressed or Implied. No statement herein extends any license, either expressed or Implied, in connection with any patents Issued or pending which may be the property of natural Polymers or others.The manufacturer shall
not be liable (regardless of fault) to the vendor's employees, or anyone for any direct, special or consequential damages arising out of or In connection with the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or furnishings of such Information.
Substrate Preparation
To ensure best results, the surface to be sprayed must be free of all grease, oil,
moisture, loose particles, or other foreign matter which might adversely affect the
adhesion of the foam to the substrate. To assure proper adhesion to existing foam
substrates, coatings which hinder bonding, such as silicone, must be completely
removed prior to spraying. Insulation or sheathing with aluminum foil facers is
not considered to be a suitable substrate. Metal substrates should be cleaned by
means of commercial sandblasting, wire brush, or chemical treatment to remove
scale or rust. Special attention is to be given to galvanized steel, aluminum and
other non-ferrous metal surfaces. Such surfaces require an acid wash, a thorough
water rinse, and then complete drying prior to priming. Primer coats are recom-
mended for all iron, steel, aluminum, and galvanized steel substrates. A vapor
barrier will be necessary when it is believed that vapor transmission through the
substrate will cause an accumulation of moisture. Only qualified, experienced
spray applicators should determine the suitability of a substrate for spraying.
Climatic Considerations
When choosing the specific reactivity of NATURAL -THERM" 3.0 Series for a par-
ticular application, climatic conditions must be anticipated. To ensure proper foam
performance, all substrates to be sprayed must be dry (i.e., the application should
not take place in high moisture conditions such as rain, fog, mist, frost, or high
humidity, e.g., >85%RH). Under high wind conditions (>12 mph), problems with
texture, cure, and overspray will likely be experienced. All foams polyurethane
foams should be protected from direct prolonged contact from sunlight. To pro-
tect exposed foam surfaces from prolonged ultraviolet degradation and moisture
attack, the application of a coating is required immediately after the foam has
cured. A dean, dry foam surface is required for adequate coating adhesion.
Processing Recommendations
The processing equipment to be used must maintain, at all times, equal process-
ing ratios (50/50) by volume. The spray gun must provide thorough and intensive
mixing of the two components at all processing throughputs. Optimum compo-
nent pressures and temperatures will vary from machine to machine. Typically,
higher mixing pressures will provide improved yield, cell structure and physical
properties. A 2-to-l-transfer pump in the B-Component drum is recommended
in colder weather conditions (<607) where increased component viscosity may
limit the supply of material in the metering pump. During spray applications of
polyurethane foam systems, whether outdoors, indoors, or in a spray booth, pos-
itive -pressure air -supplied masks or hoods are mandatory. The following equip-
mentset-ups are recommended for processing NATURAL -THERM" 3.0 Series spray
foam systems. Natural-Therm''3.0 PCF has been evaluated by SGS USTC 1127557-
3 in accordance to the ASTM tests listed in this sheet.
Machine Set -Up*
Hydraulic Pressure, psi
Spray Pressure, psi
Static, A/B
Dynamic, A/B
Preheater Temperature, *F
A Component
B Component
Hose temperature, *F
Graco Fusion Air Purge Gun Set -Up*
Round Mixing Chamber AR-5252 AR-5252 AR-6060
Ibs per Minnie 20lbs/min 25-lbs/min 35 Ibs/min
*Consult your equipment supplier for any additional set-up information. NATURAL -THERM' 3.0 Series
should be sprayed in uniform passes of 1/2"to I" thickness. NATURAL -THERM' 3.0 Series has a six-
month shelf life when stored in containers at 60'F-15°F.
ra-, _( ILLC
PNO ! NY, �f mv. rF S
d. ® a. A�0�. .d a