HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2041 .-- ----.---~.J ..I.._..hAd....l...1J.L_ TO ___._Ii> n.l'l'-r.Q'-_.El.M.._fLtr."'l_ .gh QUIT-CLAIM DEED ". . ".-- - -. -- --. -. .- ..-.-- - --. -.-- --.- ~ _.. .'.--.--... ---"--- - -------- . .-.. ~----- - -. .-. --- - - .. --- 241 :~ra I 'rlIIS n.;nE~iURK Mallto Ihis....._.___ ~1.~..~..__...._......_.__._--'~). oL.. ..~l......_.._....._....._.._...:........h. ......._hA. D. 19..._~~ btl......"\ "-"''''-'''-'- ........ -..-...-.....- __~.~....a:1Ul4..:DJ\...P..!!.a~.3.qM..._.h~ ~'!~~~~...L .~ ~ V...~..~...~'!.._~~!..!~..!.-_ ..I Ihto C'''IIlI)' "f Los .lng.lea ......_.. ...._.... an<I Slat~ of _......California.: ........._..__...._......._..~rl 1" of 1M Ii.., p~rl. and .....-......-. ......... ..... .10 r'il'l'o.....~aU'..~.rWl~._q~.~!\y".__"....!~.O~~I\a...J'~_rpo.! ~~.J~~..._.m...........:.___....__.._ ..I II... (....11I1). of Sa 1.u. ~ Luo>> " .... _. _. an<I SI~I.. 01 _..__...._.......__. ... _ 'l(Jr1cl~ ..:art ,_... of thto sC'COOd ~r1. \\.IT~f.gg..:TII. Th~1 d... "';'1 1""1 lea of tIlt' r;r<1 ~rl, lor llnd in C'M'~rali'"1 of I~ sum of -.. .__~n..~o llan.ln 4. ._Q\h.'r___Y~tJ..~!'.l'.._~.Q~__1l!. ra.~ o.n.~ -.. ._..__._DoUars, in Iur.d 1>a;.1 b)" lhe '-1;'1 !')f1 7 .. of Ihto ...."'0011 ~rl, Ihe rC'Uipl ...huC'OI i. Muhy aelmm.kdg...l. Ju Y. . r..OO<b1, ...1..a....1 lint! ,'ll1it.c~il1lC'd, an.1 by I....'to pr..wnl< 00._ ... _. r<,mi.':". ...Ito.i... 3",1 quiH.bim unlo th~ uid pari 7_._ ..I ,'''' ~-ond ~rl and .its. 8UOO'8~O l1I._____.._lGDIXand ,..signs I..,c....r, all the righi, lill... inle,..,I, ebim amI dunlnd ,,'hieh lhe said part. 1. 8 of IlIto iirsl p.ul h~ Y' ___.... in and 1<> Ihto loI"'",ing d~scribC'd 10....piC'c...' or pa,e..L' 01 bnd, __ 81tuate, lying aal belq in tbe Count7 of Saint Lucie. State of _ if 101' ida, ~ ()oowl t.l__.._.._.._._..___.._.._._..__ ____.___.._._.._ ._______.__......._._..___.........:__..._..............____..__.._________.___ . ..._........_.__._.~~1!tn.... ~.~..A~_~n1.8_~~!..~~_~t~.I!~b.~_~_"...!~u~u_~~)'.....n__._ ._..__._.____ lPourt..n (14) B1ghteeo. (18), '-ent7"Ux (26), ~.nty- -------- ... ... ---- - - -....--...--, ...- .-. ..---.--........--.. .. . _..'_.....m__. ___..._.._..._. .__._._____...0._.. . ._ __...00.... _ ..._.._......_._ _'_'_ ..._ ...... .nine.. (29.J.lt__~.1_r.tl~~!l_e__ (31) t..~_l.~;V~~_~~_~...J~~)..~~.m....._.._...~... ... .._....__m._...._ ...n_._~1~1::~~_!~~.. 1.3.11 on a oe~.~ )).~.!..!~~~u.~_._~Par~~~...._...._..._n_.__ _____ . _ __~._1'la.0._~ It -_l1....~.!~l.e4 anclpla ~_~.cl_.~'__.~~.~~~_!t.n~~!~~.!!~_.___._. 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"Pl...:I~ining. lle.1 311 tiN:' ("st.J.h.~.. r;~ht. tit1C'~ inh'r('...t and claim "-h..,,t.....~'rr (If th(" nit. p.1.rt_~_~_~ nf t~""! iir...t ~rt. ('itN-r in law,', C'lluity. t'll th.... ,,,,"1~. ,'r'optr UIiof'. 1<IIt-fit and hdt""i of I"" ""i.II'3f17___. of It... _ond loarl, ___..__._..__..._!~lJ_...~.~~SIlOr8 _..____h___._ ~. -_ ~ 2n" :a'~;,aln~ furC',orr. Iii: WIT~E:;$ WHEREOF, Illto said p3rl le 8 r.f Ih~ firsl ";1ft ... y. __.._._ OO.unlo scL.___. the 1 r..__ :ami )-C",;u first aoo\'e . ritten. SiyMd. Staled "1',1 "r1i,'..r..d in pr..srnc. of: ! ____._._____._(;epl. H, .~1.:ucl..7-_.______..___ __ ....n' .BltQltd UaU.i4v_ __. __.~.__.. .. _ ....__ __ __ Jun."_ ._ 3n,1 St'al 8 . II... Iby "_"_.__..nm_._ Va J7._~ .. ~~__m...m_u_._nn.__.___.._______u (Sn.I.) :I)e!,ey~~___. H n. "_____,00 __.._ ,_,.._.(SC'al.) STATE OF - Q~U~9;r_g.~_.__.___.__.__ I C..unl)' oi ..__. X,()8 Allgtl.lAt.~. __n_____.._..__._.___________ 1 HEREIn' l'EI{TIF\'. TJuI on Ihi. .b)' ....rsonall,. llppnrrd belor.. fIlC". lln oW.....r .1..1)' llutl...,i'(-II t.. lldmini_lrr .",Ih. llnd bk...lckoo.-1c"gm..nl', __._ ._.__... _n..lIIlr}'~. _~~_.~tlc!._..Pe~l_~un4f her )m8ba~____m__.___n___ .... ___..__..___._______________ 10 n.... ,,-.-II kn"""f'.I., I,. Ih.. I~r.."'. .J.....ril....1 in llnd \\00 u<<ulw the I"rrgo>ing in,lrumn.I ami '_ _.. 1;hey _ 3ckno"IC'dIl:C'd bc,io,. "'" Ih31 . 1;he~ -.--- --. __"leC'Culed I~ ,ame ir..d)' llnd vr~UI1larily for I"" purpoSM IM...;n tole I""''''!. .-\XI) I Fl'RTIIER CERTIFY, That Ih~ ..id ~q-~._~ _ ---------. .--.--..- \.:00"" I" Ill<' 10 I... I~ ",i.. 01 Ihto s.lid_.._...___._.um.__~!.l~~~______._..______._.____._.__..__._____._.._.__.______._________._.__ 011 II s<'Paral.. and pri"al~ namilUl;on. lak<-n lln.1 mad~ b,. and bc,for. fIlC". s..par.lld,. lln" llparl ir..m I...r ,"i.1 hnsl",nd. did llckno...I....gc lhal ,he uC'eUtC'd lhe ior..~C)ini( Iknl ior Ihc f'u'I'..... ..I rdinqui,hing. alicnaling and connying all IItr ri~hl. 1.llc an<I inl.."'I. "h..IMr 01 d..,....r. oome<lud or (,I wparal. "roper I)'. 'Ialnlor)" or rquilabl... in llud I" lhe lands d<'SCribed lhercin, and thai .hto ~lCC'cu....1 ",,~I o..ro Ir<<I)' llnd ,-..Iulllaril)' lln" ..ithoul any cum. pur.ion. romlrainl, 3Pl.r..bc-nsi.", or lur (;1 ..r from ~r said husband. WITNESS m,. ""no! llnd ,oIf.oal ...31. lll. _~.~P.se.~L__COul\l). 01 ....~_~..~88l-..~~.. _...._. 3nd SIal. oL.Ca11:torn1a__ ._..__JW_._._____A. D. 19_26. . i ! i I' n.... It ST.-\TI-: 0 . F!:.~~JOA,.A ("ol1nly 01 SL I.~ J flR IT RF.!JUIBF.Rf.(), Tbat on Ihis___.__l7t.!......._____m_._....._m._da,.oL..__!~.!_._...!.._~:_~~--...II!___A. D. 19_~ _ I, -.----.---___."__,~~.!.~! ~.ct..____ __________._... ____.____. ul'!~rk 01 1M Circuil Courl in llnd- lor said Counly, ha,~ dul)' r<<"rdc-d It... 1....<'ll"inJ( QlIil.('laim IJ<<d in I~ Public Rcamls of said CouDly. IN ROF. I hur t....C'Unlo set my Iund and lhe seal ..I sa;'! (....Ift 1M da)' llnd )"nr abo,'. ..-rillm. '"7.~-----..-._.Jlio'1a ''1ft~ic--'-'''_:'''''_------- 1n...a.ndfor - the.. Countv 1) t. Loa.Aqe1.::,_ .~..ta.tI-- . --.0 -O~~:o-al-n'Onl.. =--rO~miinj8Ion. i%pi .~--c--: Oot. 10, 1928. ,\\et\ ~et\ tt\ \1.c,CO . :.. --/!._-;_i.~."c.,,}~~-~-'Lj,;?-----~k arcuitCou~SW.) ~n{)Jv..~.~IY Ckrk I .1 I i I I ~A1~~~~~~~&~i[~fl~