HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2042 242 ---. - ~-4I1J:1n.a. -.II,U.t,Il>~.-I'1'-Ul--------_ ___ Y<!.R..,!.._Pl m9.!L~.~!__~_~~~1..J~{)_t______ . Qt.JI.T~CLAIM DEED TillS INIlF.STURJ.:' }.(adt' Ihi< ....18th ..n....._._.__wy oL._ _. ..... .7u.DI._._ ....n._._... ""'.n'''...n.._. .A. Il. \9.26, helwtUI .....--.-.----..---..-..--.-..-......._...._.._...hnl._B.. Ball14u alJ4.l.._g. B.a1114Q,.hQ'. bQ"a.D4'hCU7..ot.~.", Angele8 .., I'" ,......Iy .', Los .lase.... an<I SI.I" ..r . Oalito rnla ._ .. .._ _..... ... Plrl ..~.~'or I~ IIr<1 pari, ln,1 . "'U__'n'" _'_"n'''_",_, '0". ~~"n~O'. ~U. " _ Trw.-~. .~<?~..av, .... _'lor 14 a~o :rp()!a..t.~~n ._. ....... . uf Ih.. C:ount). "f Sa in t LUG 1. lln<1 SI.lto ..I . '101' i4 a _'. ~r17 _..I Ihto _...." Plrl, WITNF.SSETlI, Thll II... <...1 1~"le 8 ..f ,'''' fir<! ~rl. I..r lln" In '.on<idC'fll;.... f,r I~ <unl ..f _.____..__~!n._.~~l:la.l.'~ " f:l.~~.....~..~~.~..!~.~~bl~ __CS.~.~~_ ~!~~~~.! f?J!......__ '__..' 11 .. -'-"-. -. _n. o.-.Ib,.. h. band pai" "y lhe uid ~rt7 ....... o' Ihto S<<On.1 ~rl. lhe rN..;pl ,.h~rNf is Mreb1 ld,no"'''~l!l:,''. In __.,.. r..mind, reln"d and qail.,bimtd. and'" I~ pr....n.. do.._ ----. fC'mi...., ..<'Iu'" llnd quil.ebim unlo IlIe said r.art 7.__.01 !he 5<<00" Plrt an" 1~' _8UOO'880n..._"~ and a..iJttl' for....N, llll lhe rilhl, lill~, illl,,...I, cbim and d..ma'ld which the said parlle 8 01 Iht' fiul Plf! hl'" . .._.... in .lId 10 Ih.. 1..1I""i'lg d,scrihC'd 1018__. pim'....r ""rc..I'.. of bnd, ~ 8ituat., 17in.8 am belog in the Oount7 of Saint Luol., Stat. of-.llori4a~.. -to...1t: -.:.--.-... ------.---________.__.-,. ..._.__.._..._..._..___.._ ._.__._..................... 'n_ .. .._...__._. _..... ..__.n.. ._..._. . . ( -.....-..--..--....- n "_._n_...._....._ _..KDo.IL &ncL4...1gna ted..a... LO..t. numbere4 .tour... 4). ...... I'ourh.a (14) Eighhen (18), T.e4tY-8b (26), Tw8nt7- .... .--.-.-..-- ... ...-..- .--. .- . ... - - ... __ . t__... . ___ __.____ .____.. ___ ....__.._____... _______.__. ._.__... __ . _ __._... ______ ..__ '00 ..... .".._ .. ... .. ...... . .nine ..!29 ~ .__. !~!r..~::~!i.~_.J.~:U.... ~ ~t)'~.~ ~_~.~.. (3~) __ant .-.- ""00" --- H.' . ..-._.. -. 'n_ f)11l'~-8eYe~( ~'L 9PJl.~.'-r~__1Ap:).at .~notlll a., n~1'IlJ'~"Y .- .-..---------m..-.-.---.-._..~;ta~.~..~t..8!!'!~l!_a!._~~_J>!~!~!~m!>)'..~~_I!!~~~~_Il__)!~ ~~~.., '____.n.. ..._._.._...__... . ..__ -.---n-__.__._.__.Q1"..U ~ggi,.r:l,~.~~.__~n_~!!.,JLa at.. ~4to.~1'4I ~.~_~~.. ~e..u().:f:f~c;>>..__..._.._.__n .._n_.._..___.__....... _. __.n_. m...___.__.__..__.n O;f .theCIC' k of..t-bl_.Qiro u1.tCourt .0 ~.,. Lue 11 CO\Ult7 '._..__m __.. m_...._.._._____ _'. ---.-.-..-.-...-.--...-.--..- . Jllor.14a1n P1at--_.QQok.~our_J"L at Jlage ~Y.n__ C71. ..._.._.__. ..._..__....__..._.._.....__ ---..-.----..--..-.--------.--.--------... ._- ------------------------ -~----.-- '_"_.___.....h_._. ..__________.__h_.__._..___._____ ____.... ..... .h_...__..._........ "_ .. -.-----.-..---...-.-------.-~.--.....-----._----_.._--------..--..--...-----------.--- ..-......-.-.-.-.--.-- ...----.________ _.......____.... _. u.... ._..........___......._...__._. _.. . -.-.---...-...----.---.-- ....._u__._._.______u .-.__._ ---------__.________..__un_u_.___.___._. ..__._... . ._ _.._.. .__._.....___.. .------- ..-.-...-...--.-----.--.. _. ..-.-.---.-........-.----- ....--...- -..-- -.-._- .-.....--_..____n____h___. _un_.. __.....__..._ 1'0 H.' VF. .-\XI> Tn HO!.I>. Iht' safOC'. 1''!o(~IhC'r wilh llll llnd .ingular I"" "Pf"lflffi.""C'S 11""'mllo 1..."",,,j"!I: .... in anr\~i.... lll'l'<"rlllini~. llnol .11 Iht' f':'t3h". 1!J!bt. litlt'. illh~rt..t and claim ..ll3t<M\'~r ,~f lht' ~~id p3rl .1.G8nf tM F.r!lt roarl. rilM in I~W' ..r ("'IDit~.. II) th<- .~11}. prftPCr 11'''. 1!l"11f-flt ~n,t IX WITXF.SS WHF.RI-:OF, II... said p.:.1.1e S..r 11... /irsl p.rl luT. _. ___ htortounl<> ...., and ,.-('3r first at..,.~ .riutn. Si!l:md. .........1 lnd dtlh-...r"'I.in 1".....lIce o~: l ~=--=:.~~=.._=..~:;,;;:...~..:~.::~.;-_..=:~-~.~~~=~~~ ) th elrl:~ lund 8 .nol .nl 8. II... .h}' I -, .:~ . , !. I...hool of I"" sai.1 rarI7---u (.j lhe' ....."n.\ (art, .._n.l:te__IUQ_Q."--'_~". . ~" anti :a<~~~ rort\"tr. -- Gen1e B. Ball1cla7..____n..__...__ __ (mU =-'-.~~==_..:. !__~ C ~=-~l~-~,.!.c:..:- ceo:._.:..:.::.:.:::.: _-:=--:. {~1 ST.-\TE OF __.c.llfomw_____._.________ CoUnl}' 01....____.._ Loa. .An.&111e8_.___.__.._.__ I HERF.lI\' CERTIfY. Thai or. Ihis day f>C'r......lllly appnrC'd ~rore _. llll "tlic..r "uly alllh.-.rirnl I.. ,,"mini'l... r~lh< "I'd hl.. ll..knowkd.rm..nl<. _-lfflnle..BanJlall14&J'._.an4 .. hu_1m sbanLJ....J1._..lIall14a7._.______... . ....._..._. .._ 10 .nt' w..n known 10 I... I"" person . .I.-....rihnl ill lln" ..00 .."""ulC'd I"" for<'l':oillll: imlrumC'nl and __ m ._.. . they acknowl..d!l:nl he'r..r.. .",. Ihll . -- they. --... -. -- _. Ur-roln1 lhe ""_ frNI) and ."luIlla,ily I(>r lhe Pu~ IIt..,..in ....p....<n1. .\~O I FURTHER n:RTIFY. TIt.1 !he uid_.________-=-._1;ea1e H. ulla.1,1_1cl$7 known 10 mt' I.. I... lhe' ...ir,. ,.1 the ""id--..--.-.-.-----.__._.__...!!...._~~_..~.!!.~.~_N._._._._.___.....n..u.... on II SC'p:Irlll,. and prirale uamm.'lion. I.k..n llOO mllrk b)' and helor,. IDC'. 5qoafald)' llf1<1 aparl rrom h..r ",i.1 hu.""n.l. d;.1 lldmowl...I.:,. 1001 .he ,.:<<"c"I..1 lhe forC'll:,-,i"lt Iknt for II..- PUfl."" 01 rdirlqlli,hing, lllicnaling and cllllnying al! h", rill"!. lil~ and inl"..'I. wh"lht'r "f dr."..r. hon...,I..a" for ..I wp.UI.. pr~rly. s12lutory or equilablC'. in anti I.> Ih.. bods dunibC'd IMr..in. and_lhll she' ....cculC'd said Iknt Ir<<I)' llntl ,'olonl"'iI)' .".\ "ilhoul .")' rom. !,ulsion, wmlrainl, llppr..hm.ion or f,.u nr or from Mr said h",band. Ihi, :r1ra' (SaL) .ADgelee . ___.u an.1 ~Ialt' of California._ ~ COa....y of SI. Lucie. } ____.__ null t. .lJ.. . a~AfQ~n""______.._m..._'____"__,,___ 110 TAR Y PUBLIC '. . in and u! or.~~. ,,~~}2~1:0f ~!'~ K:.;~~-*~.1~~a8!i.' o_~.9~~ ;)rn ia ..... ---. -v oolllJl1BS.u.I&& 8iPlr88 vote . .Lv~' ~c..' . .}~: \1 .'~ >~~ .--.-.-------Jul7m.._..._...__.__A. o. 19...2G. STATI-: 01-- F1.oRIO.-\, BE IT kEill-:LifiF.kEO, Th..1 otIlhir-----17~__.__.~___d.yOL,.Jul*._at. ~;"i a.... ____.._.__A. U.\926 f. -----.--.R.....O._.l.}4rH____.___.___...___.....__..._...____.___...Ckrk..1 lhe Cireuil C,...rl ill .",1 f..r uioll'uuflly, hll\"t' dult rrro,dnl \I~ lor..g"inll: Quit.Claim 1kC'r1 in lhe Public R..-cords 01 ,air( Coanly. IS WITNF.SS WIIF.RF.Of, I ban IKrnmlo .... my ha",1 llnd lhe Inl r;1 said ,'oon lhe d..y and )-nr ll.......e .rift".. ;J;;--. - p!. ~. .~ld.re~cl . ..-- _.. -- .(Sr.!) ~ . ~ Cklk Cirruil ,'OUf!. .~\c,U ~ e~\ II. - . _' OC'ptJty Clerk. O't~ ~C.C, . I ~ I , ~L$A~~?~;~r~~llf .. · ,i :~,: :;~i'[~~1~i!