HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2043 \. -.------.IQWL-R...._QBQ1!lIl-X!.. ut TO -_...._____._If. .. ~mOl..~jjOC..l_mmf_c.oL- ___.........__ _.___H .U.__ _ .n. '.__ _.__.._._._ .____QU 1T.-.9_~~~M .~~r;D 243 I TIII~ nmF.NTlIRF.. Ma.lt Ihis :-.._. :fU"__.__.__. ..____.d~y oL..........-Jull-..-.......-._............__....._.._.__._A. Il. 19._2'. bC'twcoen ......-.--...._.._... ........_ _ -'.. .._.__ ___10._ ..1i.. ..Cr_oDlllL_...an.d..JloDl'_d._I._.. Cl'QJ..IL.._.b.~_Jm,.~..q4 ..__q~~l_._.~.t..~~L!!!&!.le 8. ..f Ibto '....Inl). nl to" Angele,. ..-...._ ....... ..' and !\Iat.. 01. __._....H.. ('..l.~tQ.r~.f.~_ ........-...-_u..__..pllrl!!! of lhe 6rsl pari, llnd .... "__"00"'" ..._..'" ..' 'O.rt ,.~,~~lt_..~.I!k._.~.!!.~~t CO~Il1. .~.~~r~4.~ ..~O:tpO:r:t' tl~!l..._..___u..____.':"._._._ ..I II... l.,....II~. of SaJ.nt LW) 1. _. _. " __ _ __lln,1 !\bl~ of H' ._.. 'lorlda Hh.... ._.... H pari" .._.. of lhe' ~ond pari, \\TrNF.~SF.T/I, Tml I".. ...1 ~rlie I of I"" firsl part, lor lnd in Cl"\ft\idenl.", of lhe' 'UI\I 01 ............ ..... ~.n.~olla:r..~ _~~.~u_~~~!_.! a l~~le ~o~.~.~.~~~H~~.~~..... _.. ... -'__"_'_'.,,,,,, . ._____[).)Ibrl, in Iun" paid b)' Iht' ~.I parl;r .-.. 01 lhe ...-ood ,"I. Iht' .......ipl whuMr i. he'r..b)' ll..kn""k-:;lt11. m .'Y' __..____. fC'miwd, n-klSt'tl 1",1 qnil.cbi_d, llnd by lhew prHt'nl' doL.._: . fC'mi,~. rd"",,, lln,1 qU.I-cb.im unlo the s:>id 1'..17...... 01 1M S<<1.)fId ~rl "",,-.. _1\1I.'lJQg,.eOrfi._,-iM.aoi. assigns 10fC'~N, all I"" ~h:, I.".., illl.......I. cbiln llnd d..nunct ...hieh the said r.ud...., 01 Ihe firsl part hl 'Ye .. ... _. in llnd 10 Ihe 1..llowing d..saibffl 101.1, piCl't'..'.. oc parrt'--'. oi land, _.... situat., 1,ing.at b.ing1n the Oount7 of Saint Luole, State ~f_~.!.~:r..!~.!..... ~.~~_!.;.L___._____.__ .. ________ _____.______._._._._.__._..______.___..____ __..___ ._.._.._..__.__.IilQlrll.~_.4...!lJ.g!Ml~!.~._~_~~~_ ..~ er~cl.!'~~_J. .1.._____._______.___ . . u.u..'.~!l.r~.!_!~._.J.~_~J_.--.!.~.~hte 8Il ~~l_.._~_~~::~~.J_~~.)~...~e ntJ.:._ .._.__. .._.___n_.m_._ - nlnt_. (~J . . ~bl!'.~z.~~Jl~'__J~.l...~~~r1;J'~~ ~.. . J 3~Lu.~_..._..__ .____.__.___. ___.u.__._. .. .... !hlnZ-..YIA...(371. _on. .~u_Q..J'~l"p1J.' q~P.__M. _.~IY'~;r_.._,_____._.___.....:._..__ -. '....n ..: .u: -Plaoe '!. ..U1'.~.1'84ancLplat.t8clull7uJhUlD1nghaan a.. Hallo.lln. .._ ______.___.h___h_ ".- "_"'U_..._.h",h_U..._.hu' Ci'Y 11.. Br181J1t1I'... ..llJ4u.tJ.l.tO"h0A4u.:I'.8.QQ 1'4.<< _.iA..tbf._.Q.ttlQf.u.__.__.______.____...__u..___ . U .. __._ ....~.~_..!l!~_._~!.!.~~. o~_~h. C 1r~u it_ C~~_~_.~~._~~.~u_~~_~!n_~~~7.!____hn_...____.__.____ fior14a in Plat Boot 'our (4). at P8Be ~'Yell (7). . . .h_.._ .____ .._._...u_______ . .__... __..__..u____.u__ ._._._. ._.__ '_'u'_"_ ___.___._._.________ .________.___.._-_ -.-----.---..----....-.-...---...-.-.-..---.-----.-.--.--.-------------...----.-..-----.-..-..-....---------------.-------.---- - .___nu___....__..._______d.____..._______..____ ____...____ ._._____.. _____.'h..U_._.. ____." _ ____.___.....__0__......__.._...._... __.........._.____n...._..__.__.__.__..._._ __ ( TO 11.\ \"F: AXil TO 1101.1). I"" ,~__ 1<'I:<I""r "ill. all and singular lhe llppur!<nancro< Ih..rru;,lo> 1...loll1>:inl: <or in an)',,-i... apprr\;linin!r. ~t:d all Ihe ..lak. r~111. lill... i..I"''''1 and cbim wml,,-ewr oilhe' .aid pUll.. o(..lhe fi"l \o3rt. ,ilhec in b... .'r C'luil)'. I., Ih..- ,,,,I~' :'r......r u.... I..."di~ llnd 1d1.,of 01 lhe ~i.1 part "7 ---. oi lhe _0,"1 ~rt. ._...__1ts .BUQ.oe.eorl _....._.,_._._____ _...____._...lIf'1r'! an.1 ll"il(ns I,.re~er. IX WITXESS "'""REOI', Ih.. said pari 1.. 01 1hC' first pari hll. 'Yeu__ he'reunlo SCOI :and }'rar hrst ab.,n~ _ riflC1L Si!(nro, ~~ktl llncl d.linrffl in pr..s."Ct' 01: I _.___ . Genie .H. Ball14I1'.___________ J. ._~. 1[.111487 _..__. ____._.___.._ _ _ their __ . m"'I~_anll q-al B , II,." d.1}" .\ ! i ! .._ lQ"" B... c:~Q~G~.__...__..._,__._______..___CSt'at.) Howard L. CrouGh -_.:.cSrat.) STATF: OF ....California.. 0..."1). oLu.. ..... 1.08;\08elea_._n_____ 1 t1F.RF:RY CERTIFY. Thai on Ihis <by pC'r....ully apptar.d bc:fore ....., an oRK-cr dul)" aUlh",riud 10 ll,lmini'l..r .-.alh. :u1I1 1.11<.. admn...IC'djtfllC'nl<, I ._.__..__..___._u.1p5 _~..._C.J'Q~h..Q!_J!C)~~.J.. CrC!..~.~.._.~~ _~~~A _.____.___.____ 10 ..... "..II k"""" 10 I... Ih.. I'<'r"",' .!t...rib<-<I in ami ..ho uKulC'd the for..jtoin!l" in;lrumflll ar.d _____ __d.theJ_..... ___ _ _ arknowlroll:w bC'forto me ....1 ..... theJ m ----.. _u<<uIW lhe "1111<' fredy llnd volllnlarily for lhe purl"'.... 11",,,in toxl.r.....,.J. :\~n I HINT"ER l'EkTfFY. 'fml lIle ~id..___.__....!.t!!~_1.I._..~!:~.!~_._._....._n.__._.___.._._.__.______n__._' kno..." I" nr t.. .... Ihe .if! of II... saie'- ____u..__.______.__If~~~~___~._. ~_~UOJ:l.____.____.n___. ._._...._...._..._.___._________... on II separale llrnl rri,-al. uamilUlio". Ial.:m and maJ.. by and I...rore fIV'. s..parald)" ~nd aparl Irom h<'r said hn<hand, did llckno...I....".. IIlaI .he ..x<<ulw Ihe for<'X<.illlC IJttd lur Ih. purl"'~ oi rdinquuhin!l". lllirnaling and conn)'inK all h<'r ri!!hl. lilk- and inl......I. ...htolhe'r ..I do....... homC'.l..lld or 01 SC'~rale \,rOl><'rl)'. >Ialulorr c,r "'Iuilabl... in llnoJ 10 II... bnd. d.....ribN lhC'rcin, and Iml .h.. ~xCful..d <aiel 1lC'C'd 1fC'~Iy and ,..Junlaril)' and wilhout any cum- pul.ion., rorulrllir.t. llppr..hC'nsion or lear of or Imm 1:... said huswnd, WITNF.SS my mnd llnd official .ul, llIL_Q'_.~.8I!:J,~..___.Counly 01. .. !P~..~ll ~1-~~ _......._..H and 5111.. oL.Qa.J.~~~.!,llJa.____ Ihis J'ir8~ (1s oLm _._. JUll'________^. D, 19_",?J). CSt'~I.) H. )I. Binfor4 1n and fO;-~h;sglHr-5~...~.;d~3tate of Callfornia, - --.JCF-"00ftll__~1I'ft,'-'--96..F-10ic.198'. :---- -'--'.- --- .:' fi II. ~ UFo IT 'kum!oIlJEREU, "fml on Ihi< ~__1...!!.~_____n_._.__ _.day oL__!J~l J ._~~. ~;49 .~..!~.!___^. D. I'L!;! I. --.-____ _________..l.!..~~._ J;1.~~._~__. ,.__ .____..._.u_.H._. Ckrk of I~ Circuil Court in llnd I", said C<.'IIIII)'. ha..., duly rr-c<>r,koll"" r.>ffltoilllt O..il-('bim IIttd in lhe Public R<<ords of uid Counly. IN WITNF.S' '~IU:OF' 1 hne he'r..unIQ sea my fund and doe se~1 01 said ('ourt Ill<<- <by and )"C':lr above .rillfll. C,.~ .a.i. \\Vl'~ ~~~-r1c--~~ .:,.J,~~___=,; Citto'< c..!;"'" ~ eJ BJd~ r 1f.1Adf:.~..Dcputy Ckrk. . CO{O . ~e. ~ 1 ~w~~~ia~~~~f~f~