HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2046 246 I.!IJJ!l.1Y. 3..JUll.~_ UX _______ TO _--KOlllL._..WlL.Q.QMUlII__.____ ..Ql,JtT":_CLAI~. .QI;;:J;!:O.. _ '" .- ...--...-.. ..-.---.OrTglilal -----..---...- TillS lSnl':NTURt:, Mad~ Ihis.......__~3r4..__...___._. ._._.___---'b~. ol...._....._....J _. U 1.1..-..-... _.__. ._......... A. O. 1926 _. .......c-cn ------ .--.-...--..------- "-. ~..~~ra.v..--~....Ha1.La.Jld...Sar.ah...B.-Hall,nh18 ..11 ._n._._.___...... '''_'_'''_'__''''_''__''_._ ..I Ihe ('0111\1)' of . --. ....._. _St. . Luoie .._ .. and SI.I~ ..1__....._... _.. __ _.' 110 rlds... _. .__._..._..... ...~. .I'arl 188 or I"" flf<1 plrl. lncl .. UQdelkndCoUlpuDY ..BQOrllorat1on..o.rganlzed ..andexlat lne:. under.thonlawe of . the .. X~IJDr"Gunl)rml: ___ .... JNRt~lalto 0'. ___110rlda ... _...._parl)'. . of 1M '<<00.1 pari, ~ . ,_. \\'ITNE~:;"T", Thai .t... ...id loarl 01 I"" lif<1 ~rl. for In.1 in c.~..i"cnl~on or "'" 1..01 ..I -.-----....---....-..--- ~~.U ..'p.o 1;W J"_Q .Jlflcl._.Q~b.Q.;r___:tJA1UJlb.le.:.Q ons 1d 8 It.. t1 Q ns. ~ I I i I ! I I . i ... ;~ lUI:EX in Iund pai<l by I"" u;<J par'. ....-.. of Ihto s<<ond ~rl. Ihe r<<..ipl ,.htrfi>r i. hC'rt'h). :I.kno..ltd,:td, Iu .00.._.........._. nmi~1. rt'lult>tl llnd 'lllit-clainxd, and b)' lhew presen.. do -.- -... nOli..., rtlu'to and quil-<Iaim unl" Ihe said pari)' . .__. of lhe _d ~rl and .._..It.s. succeeso r8.~ .nd .<sillns ro.......r. all .he rillihl. lill,'. il't..rc.l, .bim and dtomand .hkh the said loa,1. le 8 of Iht li"l ~rt ha V~ .. in and 10 Ih~ loIlowi"lC d.....riMd ,I; Iol.~. pkceAl or parctlP 01 land, ~ sltuute. lying and beIng in the Oounty of st. 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IN WITNESS WIIERI~OF. lhe ~id ""rl ___.... or Iht firsl plrl ha .__. _. ._. . h<-r..unl<' .... -- _. ha",1 In<J ....1 " I"" .by ~~: j 1 h..._....______..__~_._.__... ...... "'_. ..._..__.._... ... .. 'u....._ ._..___.____.___.__...___..___._..__.._.. .n _on' ...._.._._ _ _.._. _. TO IIA VI-: Axn TO nO!.D. I~ sam<<'. l"flt"lhrr ..ilh all llllll sin;(ular Ihc- IIp\lurt,'I1llIK"<'' Iht"..."I., h..lonRiOK "r r.. an)....i... al'l'C'rlaini,w. ","1 all 1M ("t3.h-. ri'tht, littt'. int('rt~t anti claim .tu.t~'-tr of tilt !o~id p;trt ~~.~ "i Ill(' fint p.'\rt.. t'ith.:-r in 1.1... hI' ('fluit~.. hI I~ ..,,:1)' ,.r''ltt'f U~. 11('Ilt'fll 3ml I~h""l of I"" >aid pUll.-.-. "f ,'''' ...Ct."''' part, ----.-.._..1.ts..suc.c.essars .___......m..n ____ ~nd 3.ui!r:lI4. lurf'\""f'r. 3tHI )-(,3.f fint :dJo,-r .'ritkn. ~~~~~7~_~;j:;~.7OU_:~==-=~ I . --.. -m-_.1{urray. A. Hallnnu-_....-..nn--._..-.-. .__..____..(~al.) 3arah.8. H.all .. ._..__.__...___...__..I~nl.l ---_.._--- --------.--- --- -'--- -- ---- STATE OF _~_'lQr_~_"'~. --.------..-.---- 1 Counly or ..___.__.__St ._L.tl~~_~..___~________ J -I HRRER\" CEItTlfY. Tml on Ihi. day rusonall)' aPPt'llfcd belor.. mto. lln offittr dul)' llulh<'r;ud I.' 1l.lminj-Itr foalh. llnd lak.. acknowl..d,mrnl'. .---.-.-------m----.---_.__1.!ur8.1__..E...__Hall__ an.d.....iarah_~.... Hal ~-_.-.-u--.-..-..-...-.---_-.--n-... _____..__._. ..__~__..._____._____~___ 10 me .....11 kn",.n I.. I.. Iht I...,..-.n a .......ri""'l in lnd "00 rx...,ulC'd Ih.. fort<!/)inlt i!l<lrulf\C'nl antl__..__... they 1l,k""...lto!R..d I...r..r.. ..... llu.l n__ ____t~)'-..-.-.n------ .____..x..cuwt I~ ,amr frtody _"nd v,dunluily for lhe Imrpo<n IMrcin "I,...,,<t<I. Arm 1 FURTIIER CI-:RTIf\'. T1u1 Ih.. said__.____._.~~..!"~.h.__~. _a~ 1 n_.."_' ._. __~.__ kno..n 10 IIIC' 10 Lr Iht ..il.. of Ih.. ~id_..__ -------____l.r!u'ra.;v __~L Ha11 _._._.__00_..__._ ___.___.____.____.._..._______._.__...__. __.__00_____.__._. on .. stpaul.. a"d prinl" tUminalion, lak.." and Rt;"k b)' llnd heror.. mC', sC'J"fllld.r llnd "l,arl ir."" I,,'r ~id hll<hantl. did arkno..ltodll:" llul she' ..ucu....1 th.. iorC'lCOing ~ for I"" purpn'.. of rdinqui,hing. ~itnaling :and cGII\tying_ lln h..r righl. IiiI<' an,l inl..."I. ..h..htr ...r ""....r. 00=.1....1 nr 01 ...~ral.. prOJlC'rly. ,lalulory or <"Iuiu.b1t'. in .nd 10 Ih.. bnds d..scribcd lhercin, and IIu.I .ht u<<vlC'd said Dtt<I ilttl)' an" n,lunlarily llnd ..ilhoul llny ....m- pulsion. conslraml. 2pprm..mio" f.r f....r of or hum hu s..id hllsband. WITl'ESS my mnd and official _I, a:j'QJ1;._.l'~.r.Qtt___CoUnl)' oL.____St.__.Luoie___._u. ____lln" Sial.. oL._. 'lorlda n___uoJ~lY ________.__A. D. 19.26.. ~ .~ _________ __.q~.o..~.~ .._J..._u.P9,,\\....._____________..___. liotal')' l'ublla .-)tllte of i'loridn at Large. _.".QQmmJ.s s-1oa---:& ~tH&uo JtWU8toy=-'1-j--':':'193e-6''''':':'-::::::::::::c:,:,'::,:;- i ~ :~: - ',\co \Jet\. {(} ~eCO ~ '. . jl; ~~ i~M~~1.~~r~t~{4f~t J .. ... .... .::_{:}~~~~~~~!j~?