HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2048 ~y . y. ...-.~. "-...-- ---- 1 .- I . _ .. J 1 ! 248 -----Qlcwm....A..-OI.J:n'~'hUI. _____.J..~._,... .J.u..IOI.__ Q~~T:-.gJ.~.AH~t 9_E.~P TillS ISI>l-:NTURF., Ma,lto Ihis.._._.__._.U\lL..____.__.._..._.tb)' OL...-......--.....-....bru&rJ..._.._.._____.._._n.A. D. 1911'1 bclw<<n ::~~8 Ot~.':.oti-.~~.:~b .!~r" ~.:-;i..;~:.~ii~~~~L.~C)~.!.~...~!.~B~_~-!-..Q~lJI~~L.~!~_.~~_bui, r.. I"" "001l1)' (\(. ""_'" . -. 8t. Jolla... .... _.. _._ __..._._ ami ~1"lto of _._ ._.._.' .......lor14& ..-.-......-...-.-......-."-I'lrl-' _. 01 IM6r'I ~rl, lnd . . .....----... _. "-'-"-'--"'" --.-..--.-.--....-..-.-...- --__.. _.; _J...~'_..Jr.ll'.QI..._...._.._.._.._.__.n ._._._...._........ _... ._........... ...........____..00 ...._._ ._.. ......... ._._..._...._.__.. "' 1M- ('.""'1)' ..I.. .. - ~1i. I.~.._ .. _. ..._.. :..,,1 ~I"tto of . .. _"'"_''' llar-ll11. _..._ ....1 J ...f Ih~ _on,1 pari. WITJI:"~~I\TII. TI..l1 I.... ~id l'3rl _ ft' tM .finl ~rl, lor 111.1 in <<41.;...."'1;.0<1 01 I"" ",nl of.. __ .._. _..... _._______...__.____.._...Q~~~!la!:__._~~ ther !!.~ab~~ ~~~__!~.~.~~.~_~~__._n_ _.___.._...._.. ..00.... _. .... -..-..-...XAR [] I 1 I ~ .} in hand paid h)' I"" ,-,,;'1 pari ,-._.. of th.. .ttt....I ~rl, the r<<..;pl ..h~r..ol i. hC'r..h)' llcl",o..I<'tI~t'l1. ... 8_,,,00, .__. r..mi....l r..........d ".,,\ quil.c1"hntt!, and h,. IM~ P"'SC'OIl do -.......- r..mi.... rtlu... lnd quit.c1aim uolo Ih uid pa,l 7-.00 01 I"" <C'COI1d pari '''1<1.....__... .._ _. hie __ . ___._.. ..____ _. . h..in and l..ig~S I;r",-..,., :II! I"" rilChl, lill.., iOI.,,-'I, cbim and d..nun.1 ..hieh lhe said pa,t_..~: _._ ..I Ihto first pari ha .4 ~___. _. in and 10 th.. I........ing d~rihed :..t..., f'i<<..... or pa....... 01 Iand,..nr al'uate. 171n8 aD! bllng 1a the Ooun1iil of St. Luole. Ste.. .ot.._'l.o_:r1_4a . ___ti_o-_n~ :_._____ ___._.__~__ ,___..._._____..._.__....__. __..._. _.__...___._._.._._ ._..._. ..._____..__!.._......_._... '.. '_.._.' .._.____~~... 1_ ~~~d..?J.I1..~~.()-".Jt.. ~.!_.!~~r4~.!1S.~_~.~~_~~!._~~._~_~.~!._~.!tJ_A.o.!.. ()11_~.1!.._.. !Il. ..: _.n..._._. ._'.h.!n~_~.~... .ot__~e.~l_e_r.!_.~~_.~!. .~1 ~u It_..~~~~_n_!~...~4t._~.()~.~n..o_f__~~!...:I:"~_._~~!:l:~~ ot_ _nC)~J,_4..._ ____.___.._____...__.._.._ ___._._.____. _ _...._..__.__.___..._.______..._._.....__.______.___n ._..00_.____... .__.___ _ ..__.____.__..__u.._______________.____. .____________._____..~.__._...____ ________....__....._ . "'-~ __._.__..'fl\4t _~~.$.4.. p~~J~-rep~-~-8en.Lt~~._~~_~~.~~~u_.()~._~.I!~.__~~~....~~. .ar~~y._ ~~.!~~.14.__~~__.____._.. ___._ll."a..."~. ~1.'_4.....u4...~.\__\b!t~_'___~_'.~9__Q~~~!:.J:\4t..l~....'_~~.,p~ _~~'-....t..Q~.8Q~g.. ~.~ ..n~~~. .~..~. :t.e .--.----_._&):'... 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II' WITXESS WIIJ-:!U~OF. 1M ...i.1 .",rl le8 01 Ih.. fiul ~rl haTe'__d _. oo~utlh'....t .__.0.. _'})Ill' _. and ,.tar 6nt abcnoe 'trrith-a ~iJtnW, ......rt'll an.1 ddinrffl in pr..<n1C.. 0>1: l _____.9~.P~~~"..~~. _!~._~~.~~.__ __' ( ___.__.g-'-~.~~u~Q_.__J:la.a.O.._.:.._._ ________ 1 han<l. llntl <to"l- . Ih.. .b)" ____.__.__.0._. Kr_s. ._~~().!..~"._O) ben .__ndd__...__.d._ ..(:'.-at.) U=:-C':-:':_-=: G(;.--'()-::.lJ. .,0 l b~ ;"! . __ :~.-::.:-:.___~ _~.: "'~"l_) STATE OF _._'L_JLB. I.JLA __________ Counly 0'--_00____0. _JOBBS ._.0_00_______..______ I IIERECY CERTIfY. Thai on Ihi$ d.). ....rsonall)' "1'P"""d belor.. 1flC'. an offlCC'r .Iul)' llUlh..rilt<1 In :ulmini'l..r '<Ilh, "n.1 "k.. llckll""..I...I"mml'. -.----.-- J1r. ..G.8.0r."d~.__01b.rt. aIld._Ge.IU'.'nd~._O.1b.. rt"'d_ _. .0_._.__..._.._.0. n____. ..___n_ !oJ JM .....11 k"""n I.. .... I.... ....r".... ot.-.criht<1 in lml ..ho ....<<utM tt.., (or<1l:oinJt in-'trumnal an.. __ __. 'hi)" _ lhat -. ___ th 4lr '-'''.._ ___n........<<ult<l lhe '-"_ {rttl,. an.1 ,'oIunluily for Iht' !""POiN Ih..,...in ....p,...qol a_-kno\'Ikd~~1 brfurt"' UH' MW I FUHTIIJ-:H ('J-:RTlFY. Tlut t.... said._____lIr8..~eOr.... Olbert 1.00).... to> "'" 10 be tl~ ...ir.. 01 Ih.. uid...__ ____.____~~&.,. ..._.___.Q1....1'. .___.______...____.__.____.._____ .___ .'_ on II ""Paral" and pri....l~ ....amination, I"k..n llnd I1Ydto bi and belor" IDC', ...parllldy an<I aparl i,..m hu sai.1 hu.J",nd, did ackt!()..It<lK~ t~t s"" ..~<<ulro the (orC'ltOing ~ lor t"" l",rlOOl(' 01 rdinqui,hing. lllim"ling and connyinJt all hn righl. lid.. lln.1 inltr...t. ..h~IMr ..I do...... t.........tC'ad or ..i s..par~l.. prOpC'rly. .lll",tory or <"luilllbl... in and to Ih" bnds <k5.:ribC'd t"",dn, and llut .hto ....<<utM sai,I D<-cd rr....ly llnd ""lw'l~ril)' and ..ithoul llny com- pulsion, comlnint, al'l'r..hton,ion or IC'ar ..f or iror,I her $aid husband. WITNESS my hand .nd official suI, llt._..8t.___Augu.at.1na._Cc-'IJIII)' 01....._ st.-aTohu __...._. ._day oL_.___'-'~~ _______A. D. 19.U. \ __._.llnt! SI.t" of -..-morJ4a ~ . .ota~ PUblica;-- Btat. ._g;-.~o~:-j~tLa....;-..---..-. -..' --...--- .. ._._.. _~ ~O~__I!_~~. .~~r~~. 8.~~~!~._~~_~_~JJ7:.-_-:..::~:.:.-'-~ Counl,. of SL I.uci.-, } BF. IT RElIU'BF.REO, Tlul on lhis.~.~._.18..\IL__________._uday oL.lugu8\. __., .11;21.... .____.__.::1\. o. I') 26. I. '--____.i!!.. C.. ~14re. ._______._..._...____.____..l'I..I" of IJ-... ('ircui! Cnul!,in llnd I.'r sai.l COJ\Jnl)'. ban duly rn-ord<d II~ 'or<'!l:'>inl( Quit.Claim Ill-C'd in I"" (,ubIie R<<orch of hid Counly. . IN WITNF.~'S \. ,~han hC'rmlllo 1<1 my ...nd and lhe _I 01 said Court .he da,. llnd )nr abo.... .rill~n. . \. . 'rr"--" ~~ __~l~~ .-a;;:k--6~;;I.(;~~.~~"1) Ot.Ot.~..l.} /)r}l.ll. R)'~ , !~ ~t-o..paty l.....rk. . / '01,:) '-', / /f /) '- ~() ')~q I .tk L- ;~ !i t:;' 1~ i~< i':~ ~.. . !~ . i- i ! I{- !i" it H ~~~~~~14~t~~~f~t~l~