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250 GIORGI V. ROSS If t1X ---'-'-- - .. -..-.-.....-;:0--.-. ______. ,7...._,~_J,nsO..___ QUIT.CLAIM DEED TillS I ~()"STURl-:' ~htl.. Ihi.~... ....._ ).~___..._.... _..._...._._...---<by of .'_'" ...~ e..... _"'."'_"__""_" n....A U. "\'),. ~. bc-lWffiI ________.__.._.__._....__....._.... ..~.~ I...!.!__~~. ~U~~~~..... .~~!....~.~~ ..J!!.I.m~_~~' .___.L.._.....m.__..m._ ___~........... ___._._.__._..._ ..f It-oC' COOIlI)' of, st. J.uoi. ........ an<I ~1~lt of .__. ....... .l.Or.14a.. "'''' "'_"'___'__' :....-{.arl ~..~ ..r I"" Ii"t ~rt. ~nd .....--.-..-.-......-.....-.-.- -...--...-.... _0...... ._... ._.._.._...__.....__...._......_.. J ..._1..._.'1110". _..4_..._. _._.~.nm_.._.._ ._._.._....._ _..._. _. ....._..._.. ... ...... ._. .",_",_ .___. __. _ ..r Ihe- l'ouPI)' of at. Luo1. __ "_'00 _llnt\ !'l:1lto 01 . n.._.. .10 n4a _'. ..._ _. ._ ~111.. 01 thto \frofkl ""rI, WITS"~~ETn. Thai I"" ",itl partie. 011"" Ii....t pari. f..r 3n,1 in c>",.itkuli.ltI of II... sum ..f II __._._________.001.__ Po1lar..&nll...o_'1l1.f_T.&lwl..... .ora 14.9 r. UllU' ....__.___.____._....._.._ _........___._. _m_' nMiP in hlnd paid h)' I"" said para ~_.... 01 tM _d palt, the re<<ipl wMr..or u "",..by ad.uo"kdgC'd, Iu~'__n...____. nOOwd., t..ln\Cd 3ntl quil-c:l..i_d, and by I""'t !'r.....nl. do_ _"L rtmi.... rdC'a.to anti 'luil-<Iaim unl<> Ihto said l'arl7 _.... 01 I"" S<<Oftd rara and _"._. _ . h1a ._.._. .. __ on_ _ ..._. _._h..in and llssiKns l..r"~N, all lhe righl. I.llt. inl"fC'>I. <t.im and dC'nund .-hieh lhe said pari 1.. or Iht /i"1 l..ra ba_ ...~. _____.. in an,1 h' Ihto foIlO>";"R dHo:rilOC'd IoL_. pi<<e;-...... or parc!l..._._ of hnd,&1fD 11tua'-, ,17ing aDll being 1D the OOVJlt7 of St. Luole, aitate of .. .10:r1. __..__ta-wit: ___...._.__.__....__.__..._.________._________...:....._._....... ..__..._._.__._...._. .._.._ ._ '_"_""_""_' ._ ___._.... __,_,~,___,,_,,_,__,,_,,_,_ .. __'. __. -....lhl te~fi;;~ffo;:a:.PfJn:~..~~J~~~:~m4~:1l ~1a ~~~:;e~!'::1:~ !_f ~:li~':f:~6.f):~ .' ...- \haOlerko:t " the. 91rcuU ..Court.. 01. S.t._L1101en.OoUll~ t. '1.r14~; ._,~heno.._l1Ullal~..'100 ... feet; ~henCM Borth 200 feet; ~h.noe Weet '100 te.~. thenCM Sou. 200 :teet ~o the . ......- ._<<1onlq.- - U .1.-udoretoot-~' -'low-l'and" e.-of-AlGot6l," elllbraoea 1a .. \1le a"bo~e h 4elor-lpUon ha~e heretofore been oOllYe~e4 by grantors horela ",0 I. W. -11.. 011. th. .--...- ro.4w.1....orih...8iia-SOu tll-'ot--'lcfw-oil-.--ina...tifoof'>>look'. 61-' u" jholiif"oo..n.u. "pla-t;-'40' -.-._-- anll~. fe. t.II1"-- .reapeoUTal7nh.1Dg...alao,.inGlu4ad .within ..th18..deaor1pt10Jl. ._but. ~lUe ~o 1Iihlah do.. not Teet in grantors are aleo exprue17 exoepted 11'0. thl1 oOllwymOl. ----.----.--------.-------..-.---..---...----.....--..-..--..--..------.....:..--..---------.--.--.--....--.---...--.. .. --- -.-----...-----.------.---.--------.----.---.----.-... TO H.\\'" AXU TO HO!.H, lhe' ....n..., r'>g"'''..r ..ith 311 :lnd sill!:lIlar II... "1'l.urt<IIllO<t't Iht.....IlI.. he""'lIillll ..t in an).i... ll....rl.mUII(. 3",1 :Ill all(' f'it~k. riJCht. tiltt'. intt'rt" anJ cI~im "h~t~\('r ui Iht' ~itl part 1.. of 1M lirst (Qrt. tit1i<'r in b,,' ur f"\luil)o.. tl~ thl' '-01). r"'Ptr UU".. 1't11ttit an.1 r...h.>of of lhe' said pUI7 .._.. of I.... <<<......1 I..rl, ..__.__.______._~i~ ______.._ .____. ______._..___ ... . .. .M;,' ar.tI a"i~l' ft~rf'\tr. .~ IX WITXESS WHEREOF, Ihto uid pUll.. oi Ihto rani 1"'1 ha.. ft. __ ht'"ul1lo .tl.___the1r._ _.._ 00_'__' haM 1_ an.1 .nll .., I"" tby :lnd )"tU first :lloo"t ..-rill<fl. Sign..d. snktI and .ldin....1 in I'r.....o<.. - of : ________..____B-.1PlP..__ L. ....tri6Dn. .__...___.._ :.._ 1'1l~U.P..T ...~~l.l __h. -~----l . _n____ .______..__._.________~ttO 1'8' _J !'...~II. ______m ...___.___'-...._._(Stlll.) .~r;y _ ~.!. .__~~~___. .______ _"__.' ._____ (~al) I, II 'I H.\TI-: 01-' __.l..DA!.a___.__.___._________.__. Counly ol._.._.____.__.:Lus.rn... .m_m_.......__..___m______________ I \lEREIIY CF.RTI FY. Thai ""- this "'"y I'<'r<orlllll)' llppnrC'd hefort m~. llU ,>If,,.tr oIul)" 3UI",....",1 I.. lldmiui_ttr Nlh. an.1 13".. a<"noll<l...ll!:l11C'I't-, ___.__.___...____..._.._____._.__.._._.qq~tg. .J. d_~..II_~g!ln ~~,___!Io.". _li18.. nft. 10 me ,,"'-11 "no,," 10 I,.. Iht ,,,,no,,e tk.....ikd in llnd '-00 txn:ultd I~ l.lf<'Koing iu'lrum....1 aUtI ___ _ __'h.~ ul."11Owltd(nl 'lIti'lr~ m~ ... th.1 _. '~t7 _____. ___ _ uU<<uIr-,\ the ""lit frrtly and \"o"mluily for I"" I'UfPO't'$ Ih.uin""'I'r...<td. AXI> I FLRTIII-:R CERTIFY, Tlul th. said._. ______ ~..~..._~._I___.._ _.__ ...__.....__.__.. _ _..... "noSln I., _ h) he Ih.. .-il.. or- Ihe ....id_ .-.---.-.---.______~.O.I1f. ..!. __Ros_I __.u.___._._____ __"__..'_n_.___._...__. _.__._._._ _ u___ on II ypanlt llnd pri.-al.. ....mi....t.,"'. I.".." and matk by and bdort ....., S..par.altly 31ld llparl from he'r said hu.I..DtI. did arkno.-koll:" dut s."" u<'n!tol Il:e (or..g";.'1g lJttd lor th~ I.Urpo.... 01 rdin'lui.hing, alitnatinjt llnd cOIl\"linjf 311 h..r righl. titl~ aM inltr..tr. ..hrlher 01 do>"..r. homC',lrad or oj .tpa!"t.. propC'rl)', slalulory or <"Iuitablt, in llnd 10> It.t lands d..snibtd lhertin, and Ih.1 she' Ute!!t..! ....id 1><<<1 "....1). and \o)lul1tuil)' an.l. ..ilhoul lln)" c"ln- pubion. constr:linl. llppr..hC'nsion (.r fnr 01 or Imm he'r said hu.band. Dallal, T.. WITNES}-~ nftirilll Stat, llt_.\he_Borou.ah-_of_CoUlll)' ofT__.__IUn........ __..._.. .._.-1 Slat< oi hDA!lY1-~.Dla thiSn~s.....-f~!..~......uy'~(_u._._.~l_-n_-____A. D. 19~. . _1. \. I.Pa8ealJ -----..-.-ij~tl~t.:i'~ep.-aoe;-...-..------....------. ~ Z JO' 001lll11'~Q.e~pU'08>(n\.KolUlQ.1I1.J.Il.~.~92~___~ ~--~ I I' , , -1 STATE OF Fr'ORII>..... County 01 SI. Lucie. } i1 BE IT RF.lfF.MllF.RF.D, ~bal on Ihi._._:____.1.~~._________.___. ...."'"7 or ..~n... .~~ ._;J,~ig.l._.~~~.L._.;_m_mA. U. Il)f.~ I, ___h. _._1'._~.._~4D_4_______.__..___n..._u_._uu.___.__Cktk or 1M ('ir<uit l'.ltIrl in 3",1 lor ...id (....ml).. mn duly r<corokd lhe fortg.,;nl/: Quil.Clain. Octd in I"" I'ublic R...-ords or said C"unly. IX WITNESS \\"111-:1<1-:01-', I ban hC'rnmlo .... my band and lhe _101 Illid ('OUr! lhe' day and )-..ar llLo\'e ..rillfn. (:~~:,.~~ b~\ ^:J~'~~=<<>I' \""- / ...-:'....00 ())~ J ~~~~I~r~~~~~t~~~~ , . ,. -. '.:;:, ;:;:~g~i~~~~t~~;