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Luoi, .. .. _ an.1 SUlto or.......__..._....J~o rl4a ~rl ,...... ollhto _d I'1rt, \\'I1'N"::::::ETII, Tlnl II... uitl 1>3'1 '7 of I"" r;r<1 ~rt, ror and in .....,idual;.'" of I"" s..m of _'_""__'" on >>o.;r,:IA#t ~_O'!~!L!~.'!.~B1I 0011 Sl~~~P_~~.__ ____..__......_ - .-----.---.. --..--.-..-.... in hlnd ~;.t hy I"" <aid tut7 .._... of It,~ 'fCOIIlI ~rl, the rtc..ipl ...hu.:ol j. ht'rw)' llclmo...kd!l:..,l ha _ . ._. ..___.. nmi~l r.....a....1 llllCl q..it~bimC'd, and b~ I""SC' J>r""~ll' do_ e. nmi,r, ,dra... llr.d quit.cbi.n unlo Ihto said pari 7 . __. 01 d~ '-<'COlI" r>>rl a,,,I. "__.." her_____.... _"'''___..... ht'irs and ...sign. I,>rr....r, all I"" righl. lid.., inl..""I. claim alld d..man.1 ...hich Ihr said I,art. 7 ... (.f Iloto fiut I,",rl ha . ._.__.... in an.1 In Ih.. loIlo...ing d.....ribffl IoL-'-o pir.:'-_.. or pared___.. of land, ID1SX .1\uat.. ll1D8 and b.ll18 in \he 000\7 of 8t, Luo1e, state .__~, ~:J.Q:r..i_. ._ \Q~IIJ ~'_l________.._._..__.._.._._ __ __..__.___..._.__...___...__._ .' . '_'_" .___ ____..~_ .__._____.___.__..._____._._...__. __ _. ...._ _._._. ..._. ..__. . ._d..... ... '.__ !U.._'.ta.lt._!)1.._~ll'_...!.__.~ _.~.U__9.1 .~~~.lIouthtt,~~..___..__._._...__...._.__._____..____ _____... _...._....._ ..... . . . ._...._.._~~_~.:r._.9~._ tl.1~L..t).~~I!~,-e~ _~a1'~_~"ht).fn..~ ~ t~on_u~~r9~.._...__..u___n_.__u.._____. __h"", hUh_ ,h.h .... . n_ ..._...._. f~.!ir..~~~~p~l.~..:.~l'"._~_~~~~t..~II_ fh.~~l.~._._._u._..__.____.__ __h. _.__..... n._....'. _..m_...:__..~1l1a~.~-!~ L~_~~~_~~~.L!~h_O~.Q>..__....~!'~~.,. 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Ilt'Iattit and I""hool of the Qitt v~rt7- ____ of lhe <C'Cond pari, _..__.__._111..______.__.__._._._.._ _..... _._. .._._.___..I...in .n,1 1l.siKlIS lon....r. I~ WIT~f.~S WIIEJ:F.Ol', '''to ..-.id pari 7.-- of -Ihe firsl part.... _.._._.. ""r..unlo '-<'1_.. __.hi. ___.._ ..___. '_"_ hand _.. .._lln.1 snl 00'__' I~ da)' and l~~r first abo\'~ ,,-ri!.en.. ~;,:ned. ...aJed In.1 dolinr..t in pr....."1lCe ..f: I _.__..._._ 4, _B, Orlt.~h.l.,_.__...__=_._____ .__ . BdUh J"ok'OIl _ _ ___ ._ . I, 0., .__~!~~P.____.______.. __.____._.__.___ .(~al.) (Snl. ) gTATE OF -----I'LCJ!UD.l..-- County ..f___..__.__S'l.__LDCIB______._______ I IIEREB\' CF.RTIF\'. Thai on this da)' P<'rsOllllIl}' :oppeor..d heforr 1fW'. lln offiur .Inl}' ll..II....ri..d I" 1l.lministtr ..alh, :m,1 I'll:.. llrl:no.......lgmml.. .__________n.___._..______________I~_~~__ BISII>P t_llIlarr \~._._____.___.~ 10 me .....11 Imo.-n I" br thto I..r"." _. .l.....rikd in at..1 ...ho rx<<ulC'd lhe fo,..going inslrumml and _ .1lt .n - _ _llC'kno...lrdll:N btlor~ Ifk" t121 _.._._ _ h. _..._.__,..____._. .___....nculC'd IIor ""mr "....Iy and volunlarily lor ~M I'urposn Ihc...in ""p,..'",,!. ANI> I ~RTllf.R ('ERTfF\', Tlut llor said__._._.____.__..---!. .___mu.__________.___________.._..______Z. ___________..__________..._ known I.. fII(' to I'-Ihe ...ar of thto said... .______________._.__:--..____._________.____..______.______ Z-__:-.__ _'_n_ on a <cparal.. antI '.....'11.. toxaminatioo. lal,,'n anti mad" by llnd bt["rr n.... sC'Jl'Il(ldy 1lll<1 aparl Ir.,m hu said hllsband. d~ark'lO..lt.h:r that she u<<utC'd lhr lor..!:oin!l: I~ f..!1r pufl".... ,-if rdinqui.hi:1g. aliC'naliilg and COll'-") ing al~..r righl. lilk lln,l inl..,..,!, wh.lhu "f ."....r. holDC'slead or of separal(' I>fOprny. .talulor)" or ,~il~blc-. in llnd !,~ thto lands ducribc:d Ihrr..ir>, anJ lhal 1f r"..."lro ""itl f>ff<t fr<<I)' lln" "olunl~ly llnd ..ilhoul any _com- pll!>ion. conslrainl. ai".Jfd~,'" or Inr 01 or Irom hrr said husband. Z Z Z WITNESS my hand a"" officiat Kill. aLh.zt....R.1.ro..__._c..UnIY oL_____8'. _ .Luole._.m__.__ and Sllllr of _... nO..ru&__.___ Ihis .__. 28\h_. _,....___day 0; .__..._.711118. (Sral.) / - ---......., \ ! . -_._____..___^. D. 19.26.. ,. ( ...I.a.al. ____.______1l41\!l. JaUIOA..._ _JlL~iK..m~~.i1~:-~:~:~~~~~~~_~~;=::;~~=._=__~-=m--~ D~.'.'.. ~ f ~~ STAn: OF FI.ORlDA, ..} ('oliOly of SL J.uc.;c. Pol': IT RF.lIEMHERF.U. Thai on Ihi.______..l.m__~_______dlYoL4Wl~~.-.~~-~;Q9 1l.!.~...___^. D.19_~~ I. _______.._._________~.!_ 0,_ .B~r~4 .______________<.'Iul< 01 I~ CirlUilCourt in and for said Cooanly, ....r dul)' ruo.tkcl I"" f"rtguing Quil.Claim J)o.<<l in llor 1'.Jblk Ruord. of uid Counly. IN WITNF.S;i_W~f.OF. I hn~ hC'rmhlo WI my band and t~ Kat ..I said ('ourl Ill<<- dll)' llnd )"nr llbon ...rillm.. / ", , p, Q. .Bl4roeS . f')~ ---'1;.--.....-..------~.-.:.-~ -Cluic CircuitCoar~SuJ.) Ot.O',8.1. .",">~~"". · B~~a,,-&!!~.lkputy CII...". ..0- ("0- , ... ~ - r -'. / ''''->..._-~/''' ~ ~. . i ~, I ~ ~. . . . t -. ;~~i~i~rl;~~i~~1~it~~~ '" ';.. · ..; :..';)~~wr~~~J~~i