HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2056 ,. r, I; I) 01 Ihc- (......nl). 01.. "....-... Dade ._......._...... __......_.... ._..and Sllle 01_ ._._..__.__....tlor1da. __..._....__._.____~rl1.'!J. of 1M linl parI. :In.1 n 256 --O-D.....GORL:.Ul.-~OUl..-------- --GEo:tG.Ll~.PLO:Uj),J.-3XCU_llUnS-me. . ____ _.._ "_'_",_,,_ ._9lJrl:~Ch-~.!M DEED I' I' .~ TillS I SIlENTl:~I-:' Mlde Ihis ..... .__.....2_!!!......_.._...__ __....----da)' 01......_.. ....__..._..1\1;1.1......_........._._. ._._.............\... O. 19 ...~~, htl..-ffiI ---.---.-...-._._____.Q...P..I._ QQRW. ~.R<<L~JJLYL-9.Q.3~...-...bJ!t_.~..~.~...__.__.___..__._._.._'_'. ...__.___~____ - ---.-.---..-....-------.--.. ..._._..g~Q~9..M:".n.Q~!.DA ...~.~.gy'~.~~~~~... .JM9~. ______.__.._..___._...._......._. ""._._. __...... ... ..-:......._. "_. nf I"" C",mly 01..._ Dade '. _"'_'0.'_" ....... .1ln.1 ~Ialto 01._ ..00._._._.._ . 'lor ida_ '...."_"" _..._ 1'..1_ ._1 .' of Ihto ,<<<",.1 f>lrt, \\'ITNE~~F.T", Thai the <1MI I'3rI18.' of Iv finl ~rl. I. lln.1 in ...",.i.I..r;atM'" of I"" "1m of ._ ...._ '. _.-~_-.~on.-~ollar_8..luJl._.Q1ih.e.r_.gQ.o.d..JUld V ..~lQ_QQnQJ4 ~tt'a...ti.1Qn'_.~..._._._._.__._._.._....._.._.__n_._.NI~ in hand paid b>" lhe '-lid pari ~-..._ of lhe ,<<ODd part, lhe r<<..il'l ",hut'Ol i. ht....h). llelmo..k<lgC'd, Iu " .._..._... rc-OOSt'd, rc-ka~1 lln.J '1uil.cbimttl. and hy lhe", pr"Wllt. do.. -__. nmise, rdel'" and quil.cbim unl.' Ihto s:1id pa<11..... 01 lhe ~ pari and _1t.1:t a:UQoess_ors.._ ..iIPand ISsigns lore"N, all tilt' righI, 1.11.., illl..r,"I. <bim alld d..mand ,.hieh lhe said l"'rl1e.s ..I Ihto Iirsl pari ha T._____. in and 10 Ihe fullo..,..;,,!: de",ribed kol-_, l'iKto...... or parcd_._. 01 boo,DlIJQt situate, lying an! beIng in the Count1 of St. Luoie. State <?~__.?l,t;)'!'.i.~.~ .,.._.~_O:'::1!.t~..:..__._~_______________._______....__._.__.___.___..00..._....._.:.....__._......_.....__.._...__._ ... -....-----. ____._...__.___.._._.__12t ..f'_Qll~~."D...Jl4l_!'_~~.!J~.b.cU!.J,~ i.~m.Jt:t. L.Q~.QD.____._..___. ___'__'__' __.__.___ . __... _... __h........__. . _._....____......__.___._ BJ..9Q ~~().. Q:Lmm__l'.lB..RC1$..JH~AOa. _a.._~ul> d~! l ~i, oQ_._____......__._____.... .__._..._.__.__.ou_.._.. _.'_" _ Qt_l.And..1n _o?1iL.Ly.o.1Q_.9_Qu.ntY. .. ,nQrlda .acoord1ng. __._...._... _ ._. -..---..-. ......-..---___..____...__...~9.~._P.~~.~___C?~..!.~,1~_...!!!b dJ..Y i8i~!!..!". eo ~.E.~~..AIl. ...~!t.~u..______...___._.._.__... __m ________.__._...__..__._______..!?!!_~~.. I) f the Cl erk 0 f t!te \;~rc ui t Court ._!..n.....!l.~____._____._..__.._ ______._...___..._.__.._...:!.~.'!.....~!!<!..~~un~l.!....___.__.__.____~____________._____._.__.___ -_._._--_._~--_._._-.-..__..-._-----------_._--------~--..-.---.--. ___..dll~ oL__..~!:18~~t.. 1._'1.~_....!..O i.~_I!:_~.__._A. o. 19~6. o _.__.___u__..._..___.__.__.._...._____._._.__.________________________ ---..--...-------.---------..--.------------------------------------------.-..--------------..-------.-----..- --...-.--.-.----..--------..--- ----_._-_._._--...-----_._------_._--------_.__._--------~.-----.---.---.---.-.- ._-_._- -...-.-.. .~.. . _ __......._ _~.n__._...__..._n..__ .___.___._...___.__._____..._.__._._....__.________.... _. _". _'._'__'_'. .... TO 11.\\'1-: A:-:n TO !lOI.n, 1hC' .am<', I'-'K~Ih..r with all llnd sinltUlu Ihr al'I'Urt~"""''''' Ih.....unl.. he....,~il1ll: ..r in anpri... aPP<'rhm",~. :lnll :>11 tht- ('st:&..... right. titlt-. inttr~,;.t and ('bi," "hat..OC'u'r 'Ir tht- ~hl p~rt l~~tf;). oi the- tint part. <,id~'r in b..' 'If ('lluil)'. tll the.'" onl)" I,rt)prr U\t. tllt11tflt .3n41 I...hool 01 Iht' said 1'3<11-- 01 I"" ........>nd I",rt, -n--.._uits__BUo..ce.saOr.B___.__h_.____.._.___...h_hlD and a<<i"m f..r..ru. I?i: WIT~ESS WJlF.((EOF, th.. ...,i,l pUll ee of Ibr 6rst ~rt Iu ._y.__..._ ""rruJ1lo 'el ..___._.1;he i1'.. ____..___ "'___ hand 8 :111<1 .ulS ., Ih.- .1.1~' .1l\1 It-~r first aoov~ ...ritten_ Signfl\, SC'a1C'd llnd ddi\CrC'd in prt'<<'fICr e.f: ~l __._.._m.__._._ 0 Ll).~_QI.,) rI.~_p___________.____ ..(~I.) 3 ir d ie ___Y ...~.O! 1:1811_...__ __.___.... <<~Ll - .- ,----- - -- - __._.~y....~t.ln!l~. .._____.__.n..__._._ .h_..~Q.!ge_~_.._J:I~rt..___.___ ... STATE OF -.l'LO.RlD.A--_.____.._ } Counl)' oL.._J).A_.D .X_.__._._._n__.________ J I HEREIl\' CERTifY, ThaI on Ihi. day pusonall}' llppeued bclorto mC'. an oIlicC'r dul)' anlb.'".... t.. lldmini'l..r <>:Ilh. llnd laic.. aclmo...k<III!RlC'I11'. -.--.-.--..--.--..--___..Q.~n~_~_..QQ;!~~C a.nd....3L~IE-.-V.ou.G03J.Wl ...__________.__....__.__.._.._._. .._._._____ __ .n 10 _ "TlI kno...n I., I... tb.. pcr....a &",ribcd in ,..... "00 uKulm tht' for'1:oinll" in<lrumml and___..__... they _." lld.-no........jI:...1 ,...1..... In<' lh2t ____.._..._____.._.__.__Un___h_...__ ..ncuted Iht' "'_ fr....ly :lnd ,'oIuntarily f.>r Iht' fOUrposn lhe'r..in C-Xl'r..s<rd. :\?i:1l I H'RTHI-:k fl-:RTIFY. 'fIu1 IhC' !aid.._ _3LliDLR..4_...30Rl:A!I.__.____..___________..__.____.___ '._.. _O_.....D_L_G.OE ;.i.Ui'._.________.___...__.._____..._.___._.__...._____..__...__.____..___ __.....____.__ Imo,.-n to me 10 be Ih" ..ife of the said_._ "" II "'\>"':11.. llod I'rh-al.. uamm..lion. labn and mad.. L}' and before fOt', s.."",raldy llnd apart Irom her said hu.'",...I, did llclcno..l..dl{e lhal ,"" UC'CUI...I Ihe ior<1l:oil1ll: Drcd ior lilt' plIrl"_ of relinqui.hing. a1ien'ling llnd CoKlnying all her r;l(hl, I;tl.. and inter..,I. ..h<'the'r ..I do....... 00_<1..:1.1 or of SC'pllrale propC'rty, stalutory or C'<JUil1L1", in llnd 10 lilt' hnd, d..scr.hed lher"in, and llul SRt' ex<cutnl said Dttd Ir....I). and \'olunlarily llOO ..ilhout any ..\Om. pul.ion, constrainl, appreh..mion <lr lur of or Irom hC'r s.aid husMnd. WITSF.SS my hand and olIicial .ul, al_.I;!!l_~!._____(:o.lnt). oL_.___],l!'l.c;l.8.____._.._..and Slal<- oLJ?lQriq_a 2~. ..<by or.__.1l,l~.Y_____A. D. 19.~._ . a1.) llotai7-.PubTl~~t:t:..oi~~o rid to a iLarge-:---.----.... _~ h~~ ~ ion: ex pif,88 ;.Hov ..~Ol' ~~_!... Counly 01 SL tude BY. 11' REME~fBF.REI>, 'fhal or. IhiL___~l!th _1:.!. G!..~l.!ire d } J, .-__.___. --.... ......__._.__.___O"r" of t"" ('ir.wI C.."'I in and lor <.lid Count).. n 'J i I i I i to. ha,~ duly nrordcd lhe' forC'ltoinl( Quil-("bim J~ in tilt' Public RttOI"ds of nid wonly. IS WI ~ \\"H.f.RI-:OF, I ban herC'UJllo HI my hand and the seal 01 said COUll 1M dll)' llnd }-nr ah.."" ..rillm. . " peA .. \ rd Vetiticd ....--71.-.-..--' _.t.__l~__ Clerk-ci~it'l;'-;';r~<:cal) ~"c','-y RCcO .~ ~__~" ""'" ~~~fi~~:~~~~~~~:~~~i;