HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER ROOFING SYSTEMST(3FU.R,1,8970 - ROOrIng Systems SCANNED Pagel of I py at Lucie County .7 P-406 Bottom SEE Q 10FIEral InfbLM—ation for Rbofiiiq stems 1ENGLEPT -'JiMC ,1200 AMBOy AVE PERTKAMBOy�. N� 08861 1 -J920 USA L Deck; C-15j3_) 01. Sp6t6d sheathing -Incline. Unlimited UnclarlaVrnenft... one. layer "Versashield Und e I PIV sheetOne laver Type 30 base,sileet or pandis,: --- Steel zincor'cGpper . rocifiog,panels, "Series 7000'. or tt.�ries'2500", inecha' McRlly taste '2- DCdI14'C- 1 5,M or spaced sheathing Incline: UnIhated I Underlayntent- — One or rnore,plies "VersaShief pziheIs:'— Steel, zinc or copper roofing pOnqls, deb "Serie5:2006" cir'"s&les 2500,,., Mechanically Fiste 3. Deck: C�1,5132 111cline. 13Mfor Board. — 114 in.,inin. G-P Oypsurn Dens. Initil6tion (optional): --Ffbergiass,. pq!vjSocyji u Wizim.brane', — Any UIL Classified modified bkturhe InePanels rn sYstenl:'Suitable for.u*Yvith anyrdof i s, nL Steel Zinc. or c0per-roofing panels, tie j bra . Sere ie. 20nfr & "Serieslsdo% rnachAkay faste L-11—LUO aied'On 20,14106-17 CID-= a imps cft: 4 !rnpactz 4 00", "Serims 110 11", -series 1300% "S ri;.s isoo­,. mechanically faitened. '()00"- "Series i i00", "Series 1 10i", "SerigV4 300'%, e "Sens.1 ­ , 506% impact: 4. th,afl joints 'staggered' a: rnjri-.oli.-6 in: frcpjn,-fh wQqdjoints. -SUR system or c;PE, CS" K CSM EPDM NBA, Pl 8,pvC, TpO. or "Series lollo", -Series 110071, "Series 1101"*-, 'Series 1300.. gaostfon,7 print this Race I OF U Ter--sp Pado, Tn Tile appearance of.a 'company's naMeor p 1 0,2017 UL I.Ct product in this database does not in itself assure rfiat•prci -anbfzidvr4d under UL's Follow -Up 156rvjc(ri. Only -hose products. beiirin' flucts sd idehtIf16d.:hZn been under OL!s Fa6w;06 Se, Ythe UL lqbek��ho d b rvkc:e..AIvj*s look for Ile ark an theprodutt. ul L'cbfl�ltwe(j 'to be 126tifi6d.jidd-Covered, Guide InformatiMA'ss6niblies, Constructions, Degi6k, �'Sygtqqls, ,and/or CertM L!Dns.* 1, The UL permits the reprud '31on oftbe, Material COntai ed:in the'Dilline. Certificatior) Directory. $04ject-tio the'rollowing candi -th.e data Cor�dratvings). �.,"The �� t Wz�fd In a non ;ThWeadinq'rnanner, vat'hou't'zi-ny. rnanipulatlonl of cations(fifes) �thefr entire aeRienI; Reprintedfrcini;t nqtjiceAn tDirectory with permission fram.UL' muss m� he" copyrlgitt jacent to,.tF ex he iolfc`%�iflg format_ V 2017,011 LLr,"_ I te0al. waddltf6rij, the r0i5rihte&MateA I hit p'//dalabase.ul.c6lWcpi-bi,VXyV/tenlp ate/LISFXT/fIFRAiMP-/sho*pa�e.html?na me=T .. , .045/2-017 " �- IT �. : � r.•� � � � �. r7 wopt • •• Notilce of ir, z . R €€ >€. „an Pmssu 3MA00calble(Froni w w�....'.i._.Design,pre"Ure ram awe Method dFAIS attachment: I Type: F- ox<r� ffie.unrsaa goof slope.COY �_ ! .12 (X , nsulall on eJnbr %opq Space d I -i ype cap sty; q p ggggsngng�pp¢ ��q's- " IM Oro — SQLID ENGLERT'l-IT' UNOERLAYLiENT .7p0 aveLERT, livo. END #16 aC (Z'Y PER PAMEL' Z CLOSURE "W'3u't I pjop P.IVE7 I P4Pp'V, �IT @PA @ 24";� 0 1 12 CLmURE CUT TO, FIT SEMEN PANEL. SET IN 7 CONT SFADS OF 9 SEALANT,AND: PALILKED VEIRTICALLY -AT 1 SEAMS (SEALANT PPOWDED SY, � \� \ TO CHAiVGE WTHou'rivoTICE � { PA GL=, # 14 D E MIA L L It', C- TA SEALANT CPROVEftl By, EN ,CitutVaER F IALGL BUrit TAPE - By E14GLEU FA$TE 'o NoTr 1) APPLY �szAWrrTAPZTO IN.QibE oF pA?4F L LEG 'Y ATTACNSIDaVALLI:aS)iINGtiytlq3'rALLIN8 SERIES 7zoo PASTENTER ig ! TJiROlJGNOSkLANTTAPa RqOF PANEL, TMD rjSZOpAt4=-L, 3) C SHING,�ND,CAULKIA FIELD 6 aplamlirso FELT OY E1 is SOUP P"M (g)2,Oq4 E&GLER7-. [MC. 'PAi35-#go #EMES ROOF PANEL POP RIVET OxE DE ONLY 9 - A IfSeRF PEP mks T 5EAll %LA R0YVl'DIE"Iul' �T HI r _C FL PQ ID __ C 1. PANEL AS- llhlq ;.4 Z CL(), supE (13Y tm6L,ERT Hr utjrf;7 )2004 WC-LEM-, INa SUB,I-sor � CHAfVGEWTHoU7-jVo-,7CZ I:Snn -Molar -00 21904 RiVQ�,enr , fjVC. -10-12XV Vino'o AST P226 3©fl FELT(BY 8 LEN SAVE TRAQ 9DE-jAg IN- ti INSTALL CLEAT 6,mTo F:A IN37A To AT SUBJEC 7lOCH,4NGEWJ7jVQ UrJV6717CE ,PA6Ef,,6 AST" 0228 .30/1, M-r W EMMERT) -IAPZ1+J1 FL @2004'EMOLFR3; Ma. sufusar Tot 108'4jVC'S WTH6U7'M07jCc' ................. E 2301,flesi " gat Lane Hialeah, FL-33010 $COPE. This OOA is being issued tinder , nder the applicable: submitted has bn�,,vi used.in Maml Dade Co . ewed-an, UrItY'and'other 4r6as wh This NOA shall not be'valid after the expiration (In-Kami Dade County),andlorthe A'l-Ij (in are, Or material teSled,for quality, ass " inanufacture urance Purposes - r will 1110tWthe- expense of such test ofsuch,prodtil-tOriM4tPr,ialwithjnth eirjurisdict] determined by Nflaini-;Dade County •prqd ct Cor -0-fthe zppljcable building code. This product is apptoVed:as'described'herein,,,anI including the Hig h . wocity Hurricane zoile "on ION.- Rnglezrt-series 0 .. te es 13 0 8 el PS SEC OW orti]033175-2474 (786)311.5-2599 lies and ree, ,gulations-governing'. the accepted by, Arliarai-b'ad61C governing„the of coilst4l6tibn lngfqrial&� The ou"t -,P re allowed: by the A ' YRER: Yrodftct,Con61�s�ctf tabb "6of4tyHavilig' Jilmd ' ' '' tr ]ate- stated below. Tjle,Mjami-Dad6 County Product: Control: Section 5'Othe" than MIamiDade Count ; I y) reserve th6�rlgacce to have tW Ifthis Product Or material ,tails to I I , s product 19'and the �erfbnn'in tfie AI-IJ MY immedfatWYT evOkd Pte&manjjer,.,the or' Suspend"the use M. RER reserves the right to revoke ih., , I rolSection th Maccop! e'Afft is 4n tormaterial allsto Maas been designed to cianiply, quire ents. �' Witfith F] - -'Building,,��6de, 'FloridaBu 1, 1 P Orldit T ilding Code. 'q LW4: Each, unit shall bear a- permanent, lab' staternerit': IIT6fiami7-Dade'C0uUt Y Pr6dudt Control A, P�Di NMiVAL Ofthis NOA shall be considered afjej� in the ap plicable building code nega tively affecting T-EIRRUI WATEON Of this.NIPA will occIjr,,:L,ter the �I materials, use,a*V<)r manufacture, ofthe product Or ,idverti ales. s" 1 1. 1 1 41g-0IypherpjlrpqSes�sMjl thisNIGA shall, b I ­ hitti e Cause for term On and renloval; tD* —'i The 'NOA number P*eded e)iPiration date.may b' in, its entirety: e displayed in advertising litera Y'. Clips and 697:0ips) I With the man ' ufa'��rel"s;naMei0r;logo,.,dity si Proved", unless'atherwise noted herein. .-,atd�dnd following, ,renewal.apPlication,has been f . Bed and there has 'beenno Chimp iePelfqMa-Lice0fthis�produr-i.'f ' 1-1 ion date Or ifthere has b 'a - x.1\4i ��n revjsI0IlQr-dharlgeh-1,the Sme Of this NOA as, an e ndorselhent OfAPYptoduct, for A. the words Mliarni-Dade County, Florida;and, f011oWed b - If"any portion ._y the of the NOA is displaye��thejj it shall I'_4 N3l?'F'CTj0' NT. A copy of this entire one shall be avail NOA shall be,prIovided to the user by able fb"'nPPqGtfOII atthejob site at the,r ' I I equest of,Building the lna�ufacturer or its, distributors and This NOA consists ofp,,, 0�fj s I through S. The subraittd. documentation was reviewed by Horsley I Pacheco, R �A'MmS V �-- CIVAN-NIMIn IFX92A No-: 16-0920 14 Date.1 110a/zI - 11,6 t'P I of I I ,I I I APPaGIrAL - _ Category: huh-Caeg�rry: I Roo fing I li�aterFats: Metal, Panels(Non-Structural) Deck Type: Steel uQm n? Wood Design ress€ re , 165 psf TR, a DI P,-N.4 DUS.0V P-TIODUCTh S ; UREN D OR L.,ABELED ?SY .d;�5:��C`ANI T o .rodaet Series I300 Dig easr°= e st �oeeatiazscodere Length- variousDe---=o" Width: 16" TAS I25 Corrosion resistant; gaIvalume, preformed; Thickness 0.024 (24ga) stand' scam..Coated,.pre.friislied,:metal Milt- Meld Strength: 571 '. panels. - ?" Clip Length.: 2" Width: 1" TAS 126 Corrosion res'starit,; ga(valume,,preformed, Height:1-9/16" Thickness 0.02fl coated, pre -finished, metal clips i'ar use in Field or Perrtiter and Corner 6" Clip Area of Roof. Length: 6 %1' Width: 1" I TAS 125 Corrosion resista64, gatvaIuine, preformed; Trim Pieces Height: 1.65,' Thickness 0.0276 I coated, pre-sh=;metal,elips for :use in permizer and:Corner Areas,'of Roof. Len gth varies Ifh Width: varies Corrosion resistant, gvaIume, preformed, Thickness (T:0276, coated, pre-fIhIshed fain pieces:. Test. — peer Morton International Test Idea ' er I AS-0286-L3L- L Mortonrton International � A5-0286=9I f' y Feb. 1.986 ASalt STiri I� Spra11-r Architectural 'Vesting Inc: 01-32797, �0 1 Acceleraied' Weatherin .. ASTi� G 23 � Feb. 1986. Architectural Testing. Inc. TAS` 1.00 'Nov, 1998 01-32797.g3 Hurricane. Test Laboratory, LLC. a135-acts-OS ASTM E 2 Nov. 1998 Architectural Testing TAS 125 Feb. 2006 922!0.01-109';18 TAS 125 I Octooer, 2009 '` �Z�. 01 r x Q; ON I AA I rQ.: i,6�Q92Ip.14' Ex0r, , a-0- ! i I I Page 2 of I I ' II . i I I yst'e-M `series I300 Pan II Patzel i6°' Title l�haType., Wood, lNon jusu ated �eel�'ee�c�t���: 0 l�leZtir'Cpil$tiactio 19z for ; P Raaga: greater p1 'sVood oi'' wood Ma IZ" Or greater PlAili m'+ lralbIa Ai belo Qd In accordance .vvith�appllcable"Ing sh building code Shank nails spaced 6" o;c. In reroofrli ' but in no case slialI it be less, than '$d. (Minimum ts133„� t e above attaebtnetit Hier Qd must be eef: s less; than 1/ . >_ annular Tntle Iay eut: �� thictc lUrinimuan unde iayr ent shall be an TTvT D ? T in:adci on to eu �asiirla side -lap and=G" end-2a s. iJ s ar'acl�ment, and I2 P nderla en II instailed�w:tka-1Minimttn) 4,2 gauge I" _anuIar. . 3'firent shall be fastened with corrosion resistant fin ca , roles I2 ring ,shank nails, spaced G o c , o:c. in tine veld of the roll. Qr �l�e:t�at'rie�- at all lags and;i�No Stagg�^ Any approved ftre,b ,any aPPI` Vied unde da n7erir'i�av�i��. ered �, airwer hav y g a curl ent I'�lC3.q, xua.ratizzgs flf;this room s a currentii(�. Refer to:a cu the assernbl, i . g Y�tem.assefnbly as Yvell as.the,tocat�o r tFie fire bars er daFley�» Y fee Limitation I; g for Valley construction sT�aI1 be in compliance in and wttI, Engles is curr i current published it staiiat h R sOruct'ton Iaf etal Panels is a g Ppl?cation Standard-RAS. 7.33 "keessotles: Install the "Series I3Q s-. installation i 9 Panel" and. accessories to cam 1' nstruetion and details in P iactce.with to current.l}. Ponfrafions, valley construction anti other details shall%be o ublished Installatii�n }�riarival; I tashii�gs, �oofzng,�pphcaiian Sta>.ndard SAS 233: onstrtxct�ed in ''Compl:ande t�ith Panels shall be installed' at a max'.... listed in r approved Panel Clips IQcated at, each spaYIer tap, corrosion resi e b`eics v,Panel ; a. side la 3 $t3t2t ScrewsC3fi5 arallel to roof slop,,,..iastend'.with p spaced a mznimuin 116 of. an inch_ -i-1 U wafer head' Use ? uifxeient lengllt to peneirate tlirou screws for the,2'= gh;tite sheathing clip -add use- screws for tile. P clip. Standing seas .shall be m �cT3arucaTly seamed to a 900 degree seatr� �E {single Ioei j:,., )of A eas �9l�IFJii�� WMPSi Deseicl ' gsa -Pressures PezlMeter and ornes' { W ura pp --FS.9.2 psx I eri eteg and r'Q CUP �afl6;7 ns e 2412. c. Ins o.c. j i -rst�stn�a�c,ur� I �aiizra��n•.Y3�tet �ll63l�a: II �.pp�-avaP'`�ata��143��b I SIT ,Rls -trot pan of this ratings - 'Of this product. 2. The Ma)dMum designed;pressure lists and, comers). N6ither rational analysis . pressure Zones OmPedmeters; extent 3- tanels.may be rolls formed -in,.60ntinu Roofing APPlicaiion Standard RA§ 4- A1i. I panels shall he permane dy, label anII-; add County Pa-od below. Ali uct:'Contro . I eliPs shalt be Permanently All products listed herein sball,h Rule-6.10ZO of the Ffnr;a. a A:—: Panels maybe jObsite roll formed with VAMIMADEcOU POI refer to R current Approved P,; ofing M#l�rial,>-,Dire,.ctoryfor-fie e h6reir, s ' fiall be aPplicable to all roof nor exu Pressure zones "Onh O-ea. fie4 POtheters Opcilation shall be,pemjitted o I corners and,comers.). anced'Aisf teningat.. anced us lengths from save to ridge, w9#js.,ShAU,ba:gs ddsQrfbed-in 1 with the ManUfaeWrart ,s,name and/pi- locroj and,,&6 frill �PPrOve&4 Or with the IVIlatm-Dade Donn ib6led with the manufacturer's name o90,'imd/or modelM,as's en surance audit,i.h accordance wi the,F) Florida Buil ding ildi Cb.de,,and. jig Winded 46.l0.03:;ffOMI.EngjerP WIformed Products As on. N , '-PA.Nv.: x-o9jo,14 E- -a /22- 2 15 C:Llp, By (P"WEP A114D RAND.CQRNER - CORE AIR 0 fl, -"'RGFP A,11-z DR-AWMGS v 51411INTOODI SCREV� AT lw�MITRJC Bossul 40, ?0 degree 0 da i 5, END T.*fl-rt,9 ACCEu TANCE 40pro 1 -Paga$ 6fS< DEPAIR TlKs NT ow n. GUL,�, To"W BOARD AND 6b CaRITUS Driv a P'-"439,2.'RY, 1qJV 676854, ,F)CO-Pin., This NOA:is being issued under theapplica documentation submitted has been reviewed used in Adiam' Dade COOMY and cither,areas: This NOA shall not" be valid after the expira ,(In Miami Dade County) and/or the A14J product or material tested for quality assura, manner, the n�:anufhcturer will incur tile e.- suspend theuse -o,f such product if it is determined by- or Material v requirements fKaillf-Dade County quirements Qfthe,applicable wiidiiig code. This ;product is approved including tjie-�Iigll velOcit as described here , Y Hurricane Zone 0 Sh-leld' LABS, IAING.' Each unit shall, bear 4' statement:IIj%4iaMi7D permane, ade COun€YProduct Contr( �NZV"A'L:Pf this NOA s ihhall be considered E .Tlie applicable building' code negatively affect 7 _D� - L'F-PdVi 4AT""�'N Of this NOA will occur .efts use, and/or manufacture ofeprat for sales, advertising br,anyOther PurPoses,shaill0ftllis,N0A,sball , oe cause for termination and -re Eli (RE, R) 216. TO PrWa.131 90. r(7�6).3= rules and regulations a0VOlmin.01he use oj:� accepted by Miami=�Congtruction Dade County niAterials, -The, ere allowed' by the A obtCoriti-ot aecfion t n date stated below uthQfItY Havina jurisdiction (A#q)- d be, - The areas other than . M"tn'_D'ade'COu!ItY Product Miami 'Dade Control Section. purposes. if this pro' r�ght to 111, ave this, duct Or Material se of such testing and the ANJ may, f6ils ioperf -a -�ijj the accepted, '61T 'in flier; jurisdiction. RER irriM ediate'ly ' I Modify, or )d reserves the righi }duct Control section that this ' tic�`rOvblce thisacceptpIld Is product o'r'Material fAilss ice, to meet the and has beeii designed to, comply % rid to Flbrida,)S­ Building Florid, Buijding.,(�, -de, ui Ing Code. - 4 6 Proteolon and VersaShlel& MOM,' label with the manufacturer's name or logo_ djV sfata Approvedn, unless othenvise'hoted horej 1 11, and following -er a renewal aPP"catiO4.1las been Illed, and I_ change gthe Pehformance of this product" the e%piration date. W.' ifthere :leas been a or Process. Misuse of this. I 01sion or chang�,in the NQA as ad. utomati Ohdorsenio cally telm, ofany- I inate this KOA� Failure , product, loyal ryp*�,rn A �' uro-to'coin '1 41, aITY section A-1JIV �—F"-4TISOIMI N'T., The NOA number Preceded by the Ivords jM e,'Tikalion datq'may be dis 'Jayed � I in its P 'In advertising ji iarni�-Dade County Florida 'iture entire��. tere If arw portion and fQllowed by the Of the X0A is displayed;be* done: ,A, cOPY, of this entire shall be available for ins ectilon at the NTOA shalli be provided to the user by the manufacturer P ejqb site at thel n request Buij4jn�'Offj r Or'lt, d -NOANO. 14-1022.2 OnSIletsdial. IstributOrs and. The NOA rene"'s fie submitted docuinentg oil W, 6vdc of Pages I tfirou s reviewed by Al ex Tigera. z NEW !qG-- 16-1216.C7 Ir4k04033 Date; o21671±) AP,PY10�4 6�sz PP: 02/0"2/`k7 page 1_96 �* Rooiiiig ttaril: Underlayiment Fj)ergiass This acceptance 1s for Verse8g leld" rle� s �e1d 8F3I&A, Ise � s I� e es s nt. R€�af eclt a? .for use a Est. Sig i=Q£ee`n (a Ic.a "VersaShteld�' Un p'heel (aJLa VersaShield 501=+ derta approve Prepared roof. assemblies. L)esigriedo comply,�� yment"} an Velocit} Hdrrizcazie Zone of the. Iorida I3vitdin Cody.as described in Elns NOUde afAcceptance, with, the. FIo�,da sldrng Ccade:..end the Hi h. 'a-90W71i ON t� ���'�c�•erl- �s� . Ian ,r iEe€t lersa fe €l� i�a •. R2922299 ,s �? c �. e> 42" IO'0'rolls ftSTM.D?? Desch -eslstanr _€aof, Deej: i�Icin- p i pis Iialtic;IibrQl sbas Foie �n Type II and/orfire barrier.ect.; underlayfaent, �'ersael�� r��D�ggrs� 72?1 x 166 7' roll OF 79t3 A I?p wee 36, 166..7' Tall' Ndn-Asplialtic fiberMass-lased sli sheeg and csr fire barrier. p Conover, iilC 1 est -A.geney PRI Constrvctio als Fast 4denegge '?'estl%elet: Technologies GAI~ 7Q-t�2-02^} GAF 748-a?-o: AsT�.� 27s STD210 E�4 0p"o%olUnderwriters Laboratories Iac_ 99MC-4583 2 TAS 100 12/I2l1 IONkl 1.990 I iO. .O 09.i.. I 9�254 U090: 03L21/t?(i. 08CA31926 STISiI r2? oo I.gll'1 ok.t 140 -bLigQ 091,1310:1 Ci9123/09 171I-QI AI DI,1 T4 ersaShietdFie-Resistant Roof,Decl Prate;fion or VersaShietdSoio;+, installed in stnct: compliance .yt itii applicable Buitdena VvrsaSlneldv Fire-Tesistant I acaf L ech ? b Code Fire -Resistant SUP Sheer shall be. ii7s fled° ��ith a mini num ,i " rotection or )fersaShield° Salo ru zncii.head Ia r dire-Itesistartt Slip She sha11 lie. -�- VevsaSI3YpIdO ire> p a htngle Iayer fashion. Resistant RoofMeek Protection shall be mechanieaII fastened vrth a corripiiance:tivith Florida Buildin+� I uriderla}�nlerit. Code I8.2I'dvben used iri Iles Y roved,fasteneds it ofa code prescribed.ASTIM 226 Type.f WY �ny'u�n"XS5'. tJ R a'f� 3'�ES^^r 4$1 I r x C,3 .j tit 1'iOA. O.. 16-7216.Q7 XFira$toaiatA:' 0l07/v I 6U statement: acji�� ni-Dade it ItY,1131ellovi line tate of mail - Applicatib IV of uTe�'s ""red,bY Building ` idenilfj4ble marking of -the manjjh,6turqris,�n&r the ASTM Standard desij Rini by copies of tha followillg. or Applicable __,.""ugg, code Jppt&r VOA NOTES: 1) THt'VENT PIPE MUST BE; EXTENDED THROUGH 2) CUT THE PAN4,Tq!FlT:rijE:0)PE PROPERiCy 3) tRfM,THE R106F JACW961 PIPE. THATTHEpI pEt:WILL F 4) APPLY SEALANT'BETWEEN THE PANEL AND THE ROOF'JACK: 5). ATTACH THE-9A'SE OF THE ROOF JACK -To THE F XL-FASTENEkS. @.1-O.C, 6) APPLY Sj�ALANT - BETWFtN THE PIPE AND THE T( 7) INISULi'AS, TAINLESS.STE8L ci�AMPIN RObF:jA6K. G RING'S.N STAINLESS STEEL :HOSE ,CLAMP SCREWS (b 1 " O.C. SOLID DECK — 250.0 SERIES RANEL OF THE PANEL. e AND INS -TALL OVER,THE RTENING-RING OF THE OF THE VENT' PIPE -tEALMT By ROOF JA , CK (bIfKTITC- 'OR EQUAL) @2004 ENGLERIT, INC: SUBJECT To CHANGE WiTHOUT-NOTiCE by ASTM'D226i 30#'F-ELT' ,(,BY ENGLERTf ENGLERT HT ,UNDEk,LAYM I .. .. ENT PAGECI; I NOTES: 1). THE VENT PIPE MUSTIBE.EXTENDE61HROUGH THEFLAr OF THE PANEL. r TO FITTHE PIPE-PR6PtAIlY. .,.U,T,I*HE, PANEL' ,3Y TRIM THE R0(30,J,A. . CI.<' SQTHAT THE PIPE WILL FIT SNUGL Y AND INSTALL OVEk.-THE, ...W 4)! APPLY SEALANT BETWEEN THE PAMEL AND THE -BASE FASTENING.RING ROOF JACK OF THE 5) THE BASE "JACK TO THE P ATTA.0 E ROOF ANELUSING "#114-i4'X7,is-sTrrcH XL FAsTENER$,d,, i! O.C. ,C, .-6) APP'LV",qEAL4 - 1 7) INT aEWIEEN THE PIPE AND THE TOP OF THEIROOF JACK. ;STAINLESS' STEEl-.'.'HOSE CLAW t,70 CHANOE WITHOUTNOTICE PA GE42T.