HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER-RESPONSE TO COMMENTSr'night, McGuire & Associates, binc. Consulting Engineers and Planners 80 Royal Palm Pointe, Suite 401 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 David S. Knight, P.E. Phone: (772) 569-5505 Scott B. McGuire, P.E. Fax: (772) 569-1455 February 8, 2019 Lydia Galbraith, Zoning Specialist I Planning & Development Department St. Lucie County v 2300 Virginia Avenue I Li I Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 St Lucie County RE: AcquaVista Lo (a.k.a. Queen Island Preserve, Block A, Lot 1) -.'i i PERMIT - 190►1-0540 In response to comment(s) for the above stated project (dated February 5, 2019), the following changes have been affected to the re -submitted (comments in italics; responses in bold). PLEASE NOTE: this letter and the associated resubmittal addresses revisions from several design professionals under the same cover: •` INDICATE THE ELEVATION OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE ROAD. ACKNOWLEDGED. Centerline elevation along Highway A1A has been included in the survey. • -,1PROPOSED ELEVATION GARAGE IS NOT MATCHING WITH THE BUILDING PLANS. SURVEY INDICATES 9, BUILDING PLANS INDICATE 9.17'. The elevation listed on the survey describes the lowest elevation of the garage. The elevation on the Architectural Plans represents the highest point. The garage floor is sloped. •�,;. STAIRS IN THE REAR ON THE SURVEYARE NOT MATCHING WITH THE BUILDING PLAN. The stairs match; the survey simply shows less'lof them. For the purposes of demonstrating their impact on the ground (footprint), we would say that they are identical. Mama —PLEASE INDICATE THE OVERHANG FROM FIRST FLOOR ON THE SURVEY AS DASHED LINES. ACKNOWLEDGED. Survey now delineates the first floor overhang, as directed. FRONT OF HOUSE ON SURVEY IS NOT MATCHING WITH THE BUILDING PLANS. SEE NORTH SIDE OF THE FRONT PORCH. ACKNOWLEDGED. Architectural feature at front of proposed residence has been included in the revised survey. PLEASE PROVIDE 4 UPDATED SIGNED AND SEALED SURVEYS. (2 FOR HOUSE PERMIT, 2 FOR FOUNDATION PERMIT). ACKNOWLEDGED. • PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE GROUND LEVEL (EXCEPT GARAGE) IS REQUIRED TO MEET THE FLOOD ZONE AO DEPTH 2' + I'FOR FREEBOARD. THIS MEANS THIS FLOOR IS REQUIRED TO BE AT 15'. (THE HIGHEST GRADE ELEVATION NEXT TO THE BUILDING (12) + 2' FOR DEPTH AND V FOR FREEBOARD = 15). ACKNOWLEDGED. Please refer to notes regarding flooding concerns on sheet A200 of the Architectural Plans. Similar notifications are also included on the structural plans. • PLEASE INDICATE AT LEAST ON ONE ELEVATION PAGE THE ACTUAL ELEVATION STARTING AT GRADE, THAN THE GARAGE LEVEL AND UP UNTIL MEAN HIGH ROOF LINE. THE MEAN HIGH ROOF LINE CAN'T BE HIGHER THAN 53.41' ACKONOWLEDGED. Architectural sheet A301 has been revised to demonstrate mean roof height in N.A.V.D. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. We appreciate your considerations and your timely review of our resubmittal. Sincerely, David S. Pnig4.E. Planning & Development Services Department Building & Code Regulations Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 — (772) 462-1553 Certification for Design Load Compliance Project Name: AcquaVista Lot 1- Single Family Residence Project Address: 4410 North Al A (Hutchinson Island); Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 (St. Lucie Co.) Permit #: Occupancy Type: R-3 Construction Type: Type Vb INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: • This certification must be completed, signed, and sealed by the design professional of record. i • Submit (2) copies for residential, (3) copies for commercial with all permit applications involving the following: o New Residences (single or multi -family) RECEIVED o Residential Addition o Any accessory structure requiring a building permit JAN `l 5 2919 o Any non-residential structure. * Note: Form not required for interior renovations provided that rra3e4c�eilutitttl�irfA� s are affected and certain minor building permits at the discretion of the, local building official. Contact the # above for questions. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: (complete all that apply) 1. DESIGN CODE: Florida Building Code Fifth Edition with 20 17 Supplements using ASCE 7-10 2. Structure Designed as (check one): X Enclosed Partially Enclosed Open 3. Risk Category: _I X II III IV Exposure Category: B C X D 4. Design Wind Velocity 170 Vult mph X ASD LRFD End Zone Width: 5.1 ft 5. Mean Roof Height 30' ft Roof Pitch: 4.5 :12 3 O Parapet: N/A ft 6. Components & Cladding Design Pressures Used: (PSF, based on 10sgft @,Z'MRH, clearly label on all plan openings): Zone 1: -47.4 Zone 2: -82.4 Zone 3: -821.4 Zone 4: -56.1 Zone 5: -69.3 Garage: -52.1 7. Design Loads: Floor: 55 PSF Roof/Dead; 25 PSF Roof/Live: 20 Balcony: too PSF Dock: N/A PSF Deck: 100 PSF Stairs: 60 PSF Fence: N/A PSF Railings: 200 PSF 1 8. Were Shear Walls Considered For Structure? X Yes Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 9. Is A Continuous Load Path Provided? X Yes Not Applicable Explain Why Not: 10. Design Soil Bearing Pressure: 2500 PSF Soil Test Reports Submitted? X Yes DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,, the attached plans & specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the design forces specified: =% NOU 1 6 3018. Signature, Date, and Seal David S. Knight, P.E. 41060 Print Name Cert # & Co. Cert Auth. Knight McGuire & Associates, Inc. 80 Royal Palm Pointe Suite 401; Vero Beach, FL 32960 Company Name & Address Revised 07/25/2014 Knight, McGuire & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers and Planners 80 Royal Palm Pointe, Suite 401 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 David S. Knight, P.E. Scott B. McGuire, P.E. March 13, 2019 Planning & Development' Department Building & Code Regulation Division St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 SCANNED BY St Lucie County RE: AcquaVista Lot 1 (a.k.a. Queen Island Preserve, Block A, Lot 1) PERMIT #1901-0540 Phone: (772) 569-5505 Fax: (772) 569-1455 In response to comment(s) for the above stated project (dated February 21, 2019), the following changes have been made to the plans (comments in italics; responses in bold). PLEASE NOTE: Zoning Review comments have been addressed under a separate cover. 1) PLEASE UPDATE TO THE CURRENT BUILDING CODE EDITION- SITE DRAINAGE PLAN. (FAC 61G20-1.001 (1)) ACKNOWLEDGED. Sheet 2of5 from the FDEP CCCL Plan Set has been updated. 2) FLOOD ZONES ON THE HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN DOES NOT MATCH THE SURVEY. ACKNOWLEDGED. FDEP CCCL Horizontal Control Plan (sheet 1of5) has been updated. I [) 3) STRUCTURAL PLANS STATE DRAWINGS ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT CONSTRUCTION STAMP. ([A] 107.2.1). ACKNOWLEDGED. Structural Plans are now stamped "CONSTRUCTION SET". 4) STAIRWELL FRAMING PLANS ARE INCOMPLETE. ([A] 107.2.1) ACKNOWLEDGED. Refer to sheet S-12 for structural framing details.: Refer to Architectural sheet A8001 for interior stairway details. Q 5) NO DETAILS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR THE INTERIOR STAIRS. ([A] 107.2.1) Addressed by Architect. Refer to Architectural sheet A8001 for interior stairway details. 6) NO PLUMBING DOCUMENTS PROVIDED, PROVIDE A RISER DIAGRAM AT MINIMUM. ([A] 107.2.1). Addressed by Architect. Refer;to Architectural sheet A303 for plumbing riser diagram. 7) PLEASE REVIEW THE POWER RECEPTACLE SPACING & REVISE PER SECTION (E3901). Addressed by Architect. Architectural sheets E201 and E202 have been updated in accordance with FBC Electrical E3901. [j 8) PLEASE LABEL THE ARC -FAULT& GFCI CIRCUITS. (E3902) Addressed by Architect. Refer to sheets Ell 01 ELECTRICAL NOTES, GENERAL #12 for Arc -Fault note. GFI receptacles are labeled on the electrical plans sheets E201 and E202. Q 9) PROVIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FLOOR SHEATHING & ATTACHMENT. ([A] 107.2.1) ACKNOWLEDGED. Wall sections (sheets S-7, S-8, & S-10) include specifications for sub - flooring attachment. AND by Architect.... Refer to TYPICAL WALL SECTIONS sheet A801; plans. call for 314" T&G plywood glued & screwed to floor trusses. 10) PROVIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROOF SHEATHING & ATTACHMENT. ([A] 107.2.1) ACKNOWLEDGED. Refer to sheet S-7, S-8, & S-10, all BUILD/NGMALL SECTION(s) address attachment of roof sheathing to wood trusses. Architectural sheet A801 has detailed specifications for type of roof sheathing. ;�^11) PLEASE PROVIDE ATTACHMENT FOR EXTERIOR RAILING. ([A] 107.2.1. Addressed by Architect. Attachment details for railing added to Architectural Sheet A801. •/ 12) CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS ON THE ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ARE IN CONFLICT, REVISE AS NEEDED. ([A] 107.2.1). ACKNOWLEDGED. Specifications on Structural Plans are correct. Architectural Sheet A001 has been updated. -/1 13) PLEASE PROVIDE CUT SHEETS FOR,THE FLOOD VENT. ([A] 107.2.1). ACKNOWLEDGED. Flood vent cut sheets have been included with this submittal. • 14) PROVIDE CUT SHEETS FOR A) EXHAUST HOOD AT COOKTOP, B) FIREPLACE, C) ELEVATOR. ([A] 107.2.1) ACKNOWLEDGED. Cut sheets have been included with this submittal. 15) PLEASE PROVIDE THE R-VALUE FOR INSULATION AT CEILING OVER GARAGE. ([A] 107.2.1) Addressed by Architect. R-Value for garage ceiling has been added to Architectural Sheet A200. 16) CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS REQUIRED (R315.1) Addressed by Architect. Carbon Monoxide detectors are called out on Architectural Sheet E101 under Smoke Detector Notes #3. 17) PLEASE PROVIDE VAPOR BARRIER & TERMITE TREATMENT. (R318.1). ACKNOWLEDGED. Refer to sheet S-3 for general call -out of vapor barrier and termite treatment below frangible slabs; further denotation can be found on individual foundation details of sheet S-9, as well as the building/wall sections on sheets S-7,' S-8, & S-10. �/ 18) PLEASE PROVIDE THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT WITH FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS. (R401.1). ACKNOWLEDGED. Geotechnical Report has been included with this submittal. 6' 19) THE MULLION PRODUCT APPROVAL 17-1212.24 IS EXPIRED, THEALUMINUM SWING DOOR 17-1212.09 IS EXPIRED. (R609.1). Addressed by Architect. Product approvals for mullions and aluminum swing door have been updated. 20) PLEASE PROVIDEATTIC ACCESS. (R807.1). ACKNOWLEDGED. Attic access included on sheets A201, A202, E201, & E202 of the Architectural Plans. Attic Access included, per Architect revision; refer to sheet S-6 of the Structural Plans. • 21) PLEASE PROVIDE 'CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS' FLOOD ELEVATION CERTIFICATE. (3109.1.3). Elevation Certificate, in accordance with FBC 3109.1.3, shall be provided upon completion of the LHSM, prior to further vertical development. 22) (3109.4) FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE PREPARED, SIGNED, AND SEALED BYA QUALIFIED FLORIDA-REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL- FOR SHEAR WALLS, THE CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED IN SECTION (3109.3.2) ACKNOWLEDGED. Refer to sheet S-3; sections of shearwall footing (grade beam) have been removed from the under the front entry adjacent to the elevator shaft, as they are unnecessary. This will improve the flow,of water through the superstructure in the event of catastrophic flooding. All East-West shreawalls are within 20-degrees of shore normal. The total length of shore -parallel shearwall as a projection on the shoreline is less than the allowed 20% of the shore -parallel building projection. An exception to section 3109.3.2.2 shall not be 2 I •� required. PLEASE NOTE:' The certification that you are referring to only applies to low rise structures. 23) (1612.52 2.2). CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL INCLUDE STATEMENT THAT THE BUILDING IS DESIGNED INACCORDANCE WITH ASCE 24, INCLUDING THAT THE PILE OR COLUMN FOUNDATION AND BUILDING OR STRUCTURE TO BE ATTACHED THERETO IS DESIGNED TO BE ANCHORED TO RESIST FLOTATION, COLLAPSE AND LATERAL MOVEMENT DUE TO THE EFFECTS OF WIND AND FLOOD LOADS ACTING SIMULTANEOUSLY ON ALL BUILDING COMPONENTS, AND OTHER LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 16. ACKNOWLEDGED. The structure has been designed in accordance with Florida Building Code and the ASCE 24, with all applicable considerations with regard to Chapter 16 loads in conjunction with wind/water'loads. A Note has been added on Sheet S-1 under FOUNDATION NOTES #7. 24) (1612.52 2.3). FOR BREAKAWAY WALLS DESIGNED TO HAVEA RESISTANCE OF MORE THAN 20 PSF DETERMINED USING ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL INCLUDE A STATEMENT THAT THE BREAKAWAY WALL IS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASCE 24. ACKNOWLEDGED. Frangible (breakaway) walls have been designed in accordance with the ASCE 24, the Florida Building Code, and FEMA recommendations. A note has been added on sheet S-1 under MASONRY NOTES #11. 25) (R322.3.6) THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL INCLUDE DOCUMENTATION THAT IS PREPARED AND SEALED BYA REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL THAT THE DESIGNAND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION TO BE USED MEET THE APPLICABLE CRITERIA OF THIS SECTION (FLOOD RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION). Addressed by Architect. Documentation regarding flood resistant construction isl included on Architectural Sheets A200, A303, A801, & E201. 90 26) (R322.3.4) WHERE WIND LOADING VALUES, OF THIS CODE EXCEED 20 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT, AS DETERMINED USING ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN, THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL INCLUDE DOCUMENTATION PREPARED AND SEALED BYA REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL THAT (4.1.) THE WALLS AND PARTITIONS BELOW THE DESIGN FLOOD ELEVATION HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLAPSE FROMA WATER LOAD LESS THAN THAT WHICH WOULD OCCUR DURING THE BASE FLOOD. (4.2.) THE ELEVATED PORTION OF THE BUILDING AND SUPPORTING FOUNDATION SYSTEM HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND THE EFFECTS OF WIND AND FLOOD LOADS ACTING SIMULTANEOUSLY ON STRUCTURAL AND NONSTRUCTURAL BUILDING COMPONENTS. ACKNOWLEDGED. Frangible walls have been designed in accordance with FBC requirements and ASCE 24 guidelines, in conjunction with FEMA recommendations. A Note has been added on Sheet S-1 under GENERAL NOTES #11 & #12. 27) PLEASE CLEARLY IDENTIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL FRANGIBLE WALLS AND SLABS ON THE FOUNDATION PLAN, REQUIRED PER (R322.3.2, R322.3.4, 3109.3.4). ACKNOWLEDGED. All slabs below the DFE are intended to be frangible; a note has been added to sheet S-3 to reflect this. Further callouts have been added through the slab plan (sheet S-3). It had been noted on sheet S-4 (bottom -left) that all masonry walls below the DFE are to be frangible, as well as a designation for masonry shearwalls; further call -outs have been added to clarify (sheet S-4). • 28) ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING SYSTEM COMPONENTS ARE NOT TO BE MOUNTED ON OR PENETRATE THROUGH WALLS THAT ARE DESIGNED TO BREAK AWAY UNDER FLOOD LOADS. (R322.3.4). Addressed by Architect. Notes regarding MEP components have been added and electrical plan has been modified; refer to Architectural Sheet E201. 29) IN AREAS OF SHALLOW FLOODING (AO ZONES), BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SHALL HAVE THE LOWEST FLOOR (INCLUDING BASEMENT) ELEVATED TO A HEIGHT ABOVE THE 3 HIGHEST ADJACENT GRADE OF NOT LESS THAN THE DEPTH NUMBER SPECIFIED IN FEET (MM) ON THE FIRM PLUS 1 FOOT (R322.2.1). ACKNOWLEDGED. Habitable space, as defined in the FBC, is restricted to the first & second floors. The use of enclosed spaces below the DFE has been defined on Architectural Sheet A200. '30) ENCLOSED AREAS BELOW THE DESIGN FLOOD ELEVATION SHALL BE USED SOLELY FOR PARKING OF VEHICLES, BUILDING ACCESS OR STORAGE. (R322.3.5). ACKNOWLEDGED. Habitable space, as defined in the FBC, is restricted to the first & second floors. The use of enclosed spaces below the DFE has been defined on Architectural Sheet A200. • 31) ENSURE ELEVATOR CONTROLS SHALL COMPLY WITH (3109.3.4). Addressed by Architect. Elevator control note added to Architectural Sheet A200. 32) SEE (R322.3.5.1) PROTECTION OF BUILDING ENVELOPE. AN EXTERIOR DOOR THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION R609 SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE TOP OF STAIRS THAT PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE BUILDING AND THAT ARE ENCLOSED WITH WALLS DESIGNED TO BREAK AWAY INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R322.3.4. Per discussions with building officials, it has been determinedthat the proposed home does not lie in a Coastal A Zone, and is thus not required to meet the design standards as outlined in section R322.3 of the FBC. C 1 33) ENGINEER TO CLARIFY- THE TRUSSES ARE DESIGNED FOR AN ENCLOSEDBUILDING. THE BUILDING COULD POTENTIALLY BE�OPENED IN A WIND/FLOOD EVENT WHEN GROUND LEVEL WALLS BREAK AWAYCREATING AN OPEN/PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BUILDING. CLARIFICATION. The house has been designed as an enclosed building, in accordance with Florida Building Code. The collapse of frangible elements of the building shall not have a noticeable impact the function of the roof system. j 34 EXHAUST FAN IS MISSING FROM CABANA BATH. M1507.4 Addressed b Architect. An ( ) Y exhaust fan has been included on Architectural Sheet E201 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. We appreciate your considerations and your timely review of our resubmittal. Sincerely, -V�i) David S. Knight, P.E. 4