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270 __.JRAIL~t1DL_.lltJI,LER ..a.n. TO _..~~~JL~~.P....PlU' ~~J~.~1 0' F~..__ ...........QUIT-~LAI~ . -- dl OE:.~.P TillS l~n..;NTuRF, Madto Ihi.... .'" ~.7~ ..._.. ..' _ .... ._...._.._.day 01...._. :;Jep~~ ~__J.:...._....... ...~'......_:._......._. ..,-\. n. 19 n2.<<), ~1.'ffiI --.-.-.---...---...-- J OM\ . h\J.l.lbl.)..lIran4.l!.QQ.~n..~!..J)H.ft.r.__M. ~JV,' ~. ,..,_t.9.r._~~(\2;~9....___..........___.... "n...._..._. ..f Ihto Counl}' 01 . ... St. _ L UQ1e _.. .n._.... .. :"1<1 ~I~I~ of .. ._......... ... ._ PJ,Qr1d,a. _.._...._.._...... h_' pari ~~!I_ (.f 1M li"l I"rl, "n.1 ..._.._......_____n___....n...__......._.__n_.Tllo... ~.tn1i.d RQ QIl__!>U,-"".t.mQ.Q\Of !':J,.QrUa .._.......... '_"_,_'.nU"~' ,Z1S%JIJUJ~ .. - _... A ~I.I~ of florida () -.. n I"rt 7 . of Ih.. '<<an.1 ~rI. n I I \ 1 ~ \\ \\'ITN"~~I\TII. Thll ..,.. ."i.I....r1 leCiol "Of' finl ~rl, lor ln,1 in ...",..:'kr"lh'" ..f 1M .UnI nf _ ....--.--.-.-.._--_.______.___._.__..__.___.._.__.T. _W _0._.______._...___.. _.__.____._.__......__..__ .._ _._.. _n n__. .O..'br" in hand paN h)' I~ '-IN part.7. ~:-of Ih~ s<<<>nd ~rt, I"'~ r<<..ipl ~hnC'Of i< ""nb)' arkno"~'Ji:N, ha ~._u_..____ rtomi.ttI, r..l..a<.." 1l",1 'luil.cbimcd. and b)' lhese prrselll< .s" n . nnli..., r..'..a'to and quil.claim uni" Ihto Slid pari 7--- of ,~ wcon<l r>arl ll;.d_____ltQ e\l.ooelitlJOJ"e R. and auignt I,>rn-ft", all ."" rillhl, lillr, illltf""!. chim a~ d..~d "hkh I"" uid pari 1 e.. '" Ih~ r;UI I"''' hll . "'8 _ _...._. in and 10 Ihr f..llo"ing dC'SCnW ~ . 101___, pi..u.___u or par<<I..._. 01 bnd, lallilf a11iuate, lying ana b.l~ in the Oount, of .':it. Luole, .atate of ., ;),Q~..J,_4.~_. .._~9.~~.1_t 1_..__ ___._._.___________.___.______.__._........_..___..._...__ ._.__._____..._.___.___..__..__....__._.__.__ __..m__~-...---... :o::i~le~{..~~~ol4)th.:~~O:*.~Ar1r.!.~~~4~~ \~:~~:it . ~:iit.~il~h~ -- --....-........ -... _..__n___.____._..._ of aieot 10 11. ~18h 1; - ~ 8 l. n__~. ..3"..8....-11. "0 ..~.. . aa1d . 8 tr 1p otpland-.... ___.._....n... be1ne ehOtIQ 8a I.8guna >>r1ve on the Pla1; of U1l1li number Three .----...., .-.-...-~pof~o.n81t 8 . o.:tln4rlo '-'8a preoo r4ed--tn .. Pia t .. BOok-' DWIIb er }lITe -.-..... -.. .-.... ___._.u._..._,._._._.. .~~ it:' o:u:~:r.c~~;~oiJ,~i-x:-f1i~~d.o~'ii~~ a;~Wl..~Je ~~!f:.;~. p -.........-... u... -.--.-.-.-.------1nleo81;h. and . Qont&1111U8-1..-l!)p.a~ea,. JIIOre.or ..1._.... ._._._u__.____..._........__._. ~is deed is made and g1'Yen for the purpoa8 of build1ng and --.....-.-.-.-.-.-'-- 1M 1nte.ln1ng- a 'pub 110 n'rOa4',-"othe:rwla&ptodbe . null' snd'YotCS..--.--.-h..----......n-..-..... ...-..... ._.________.____~___.___n.__.__...._._ -.-------__________.....________.___.._______._ .___._______...____.___......__._.___._______._____...._0________.__...._..__._......___. .-------.---- ..._h_ --_.-- ---- ..--.......--.........- __..___________________ .__..______._____..._____.___.. .__.. ..___.__.__..__....._.___.......______...____._. n" .__ _._'_'_ _,,__,,'hh._...__....___ ...____. ._...___._...___.___..__._______._______.__._._._.____.__... --..-..------------...-.---..--..------.. ---...-----._.__________._....._n.__.____.__.._..__.___...__.___....__n._____....____._...._..._.._...__.__.___.. their .. h2n.-l8 1n.1 <<'21 8, ."1 ....~. ~ 1 01 ~.? -----..--"-.-.-.-.----..-.-..-.-.....-.-----...--..-.-..- h.____.._._..u_..._._.._.._.____.._.___________ __.h_h __.._.___.h__"_.__.. ___.u.. ._. TO II" VI-: .-\ X f) Tn 1I01.H. ,'''' ""'Ilt'. "'I:<'lh<<'f "ilh all 2nd sin!lulu I"" aJ1'urt.."UI<<'< I',..,nml.. ......n"i"lt ..r in lln)-..i.e llpp..,lainin!:. llml llll llu: ('~bk. riM:ht. litlr-. inlf'rt~t =md claim .hlhflle'\f'f nf the' ~3i(1 ~rt1e.1. (Ii tM fjr~t p.1rt. ('ith-t"f in bw (~ ('tluit).. ttl lht' nnl}" pn\l'f'r 1!U'. 1l(>I1C'fll 3ntl t...hoof nf I"" ""id ~rI7--.. of 1M ~I ....rl, .__._._._.___._.___1tu__ _Qu.oaes80 ru .....___. .._.._ IX WITXI-:SS \\"fmIU'OF, lit.. ."i.1 ,...rlleU 01 Ihr fir" ,'UI ha _ 'Y8 .___ __ htortounlo ...1 anfl }"t-ar firil aho,'t' .'riUt'lL .-. Al'P'antl a'~~n' ft~rt\'f'r" Signrd. <t'2'.-d 2nd .s..i....ml in pr.....-nce of: l _____. Tho.maa..Jla__J.nderIlO.n__._________._ ( _.__":.x..._G.. -~_!--.u.O.tUJlih8m.--u------n---.------=..-- I JQal\ Pa.ul ).lull'''..._.____.______.__....._.__._.__ __(SaD ___ GeO.~. .Bake:r._____ ..___ ..__. .T . (_~~U ST.-\TE OF .'l!:':rj."~______________.__._____ ('oUI1I)' "f ___ S.1; ._Luo1e__:.________..u____._.._..._.__.._.:.....___,__ ;1 I IIl\RI-:B\' ("ERTII'\', Tlul on 111i. .b)' P<'f -'onllll)' llPf>C'arrd heforr IIIC', lln nffic<<'f "nly aUlh.-..i,rd I.> ""mini'l..r "llh, _I Ill"" 1l..kr.o.....:~t!11'. Jean Paul J.:u] 1...er 8nd beo. T. ~8ker );ruf:;teea for lndrlo ---.---------------------------.-. '_n _1_._______.._.___ "_'h_ ..__00____._.__________ 10 111(' .rll known I.. "" I"" ,...r<on .....scrit....1 in 11l1<1 ;"110 C'xC'Cu,..<l I"" f..r..""inlf in'lrul11C';t1 llnd tbt1 ""1.."...,,1...1.."" t.tl..r.. rDC' llul _ ..__.___\h.~---.-u _ __._ _. rucul...1 lhe '1lfftC' Ir<<'y lied \"oIun~ri'y for I"" purpt.'I<< I....rrin ..,,'r...""'- :\NI> I I:UKTIlE~'I-:RTlF\'. nul 1hC' said.-----___-4__ .._._......______..___._.____m__ ..____.___ ~ '__n" _____h___.___..__._...___..n. __. _______ _. known 10 IDC' 10 .... Ih.. ..il.,,1 Iltr san___ ____.___._..h -.--..----..------.----..-----Jf ______.____..__.___.__.____._.___.._ _.__.._...___ _.'__ on II '-<'Par.lr llnd priule toxaminalion. ,..lcm llnd mad.. by and hC'forto _, "'I'llrlllr'}' ll...lll....rt from her ",;.1 hu\han<!. did ll<lmo.k<l!t" lhal ."" uC'Cnl...1 I.... lor<'goinlt o....d for I"" tlrl''''''" of relinquUhing. aIinlaling 2nd cvn\"C')'ing llll Mr rillh!. I.,,~ lln" inler..", .hrt'~ of do"rr. h,~_'I,,"d or 01 'C'pllUI" prop:rly. .Ialulory or C'CJ1Ii,..l>k~in llnd I.. I.... bnds .k.cribrd lherrin, andaf1a1 'M ucculrd 'said 1)crcI fr<<ly llmllt"olunlariJ~' an<l .ilhoul llny com. ,.~l;ion. a>n.trainl. llPpfC'hrnsion ~ Irar 01 or Irom hrr said b:.uband. % WITXESS my hand llnd ofIiciaI .nl, llIJor_t._R1eratL__CoanlY 0'---___ :U.._J.UO 18 _.._00.__... __and Sla'~ oL_.. .101"1 cia f. i-,:~' ~ Ihis ___day oL__.Q.9f!O'QtJ'__._.=.A. D. 19.~.~. '..,. -e::' , ji llotar . PUb. 11.. -1.0 --.-~. OT..'--&e-' ~ta.lli~.t;o~. !:ilaa---s. t..La. .-. rge .~. ----. '.-.' Lr,y 0 ~ml.alt 1l)n~.2p!_r_e_~.___!I1.~__lll _l,.~.__. '_.._., .__ __. __________._ . C OWlly 0 f SI. Lucie. } Bf. IT REI.IE!.IBl-;REI>, Thai <AI Ihis____~1!~_ I, ______.1>>.I!_...9_L~~ dred ._.__._.__.<1..,. 01.._ 9.91i! .__ ~Ji____l).;~~_~!Ill~_..___.._______A. o. 19~6, ~ 1) 'j '- p~ ~~. t~: .- _.____.___. --....- ---- _.____. (.ltr" of lhe Circuil (...."1 in al1<1 r..r <ai-l ('",mlY. 113\"1" .Iuly rft"'onkd t~ fnr~et!"! Qt!;f.e'~!m r~.J !!! ~ P!.!b!;: R~:1! c! :.:::: u!:nt}"'_ IX \\'ITNE~S~I mn hC'rnmlo srt my hand and lhe seal of <aid ('ourt lhe <lay anti ynr 2"""r ..rill"'. ~. a~-"7'--~\~: ~!I1~"~ -f).. -"".-C;,;';;' ,,;;.~""I I B~ I.V~.I~ Iltputy Ckrl. ~/ Record Vf'! ified . h p; W f {1&~;~~~~!~j~i1~~iwl~~