HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2071 __ -~._..1Ull.PAUL..lWl.I"-;~ .~!_ J.T.. 'ro ~, 271 __.___..._....~.'l.~~I$_~~._~AR_~_QlJml.1.~ QUI.T'-CLAIM. DEED TillS INOJ-:NTUlU':' ~"dto Ihis .._'7\l:L._____....my 01........... ........~epte'Dbtr...._.n.__.._\. .0. 1926_~ btl.....cn 3.!.8n~ul. J,rulle.l.. .~.~.__~~ .11.. ~..._.~~~..l;t..._~8 Tr~..~.~~.~_.~.~~... ~.;r..~9. .!!.._t.ll&.~._.1r1~~!.<<lI~_1!.~_.~_~~Pea1- I ..I Ihto ('..u"I)' .>f i3t. Luol. .-. ...a...1 ~Ill~ oL...-.---.-.-..rlo.l'i_.-.....-.......-..-..-...-.~rl le801 lhe /irsl P3rl. alld n....... .._.._....._.'lbt .. ~tat.t .~_I!ll.u~.oJ&rtiment.o;f.\ hi __...._.._..._.._._.. ....._._._......... ..... ..._._._....._._._ ..11Is;u.x~m .. ~~Ialto of. ....Ilor 1de ,,>fl ._ '11 .. ..I lhe sf'C04ld P3", \\'IT~"5~J-:T". Th~, II... ",;'1 pari lea ,,11M fir<1 P3rr. lor :and in f<"..id..,,,Iion ..f I.... .um ..f _ _.'''_ .____.u.._. ..__.. _.._..__.._....~..'_..Q._.____..._.._.... _"'__'."" .... ......_.._.Oollar), in Iund pai.1 by ,'''' Slhl ..:aref. .-. ..I lhe .tcwlfl,1 ",rl. Ih~ r<<";P1 ...-htoruf i. huC'b)' lld".....k-'lIttl. ha_ ve _... .. . ft'lni..-.l. rtlt:a~1 and quil-<bintN, and by II...... pr..su.l. do .-._. r..mi..., rduo.. and q"il-<laim unlo th~ said parl....___. 01 I"" ~ P3rl an.1 _.....1t8 8mOeBSO.rs,du lnd . lluign. lurn.." all I"" rillhl. lirlt, illl<...." cloim llnd "..nun.t ..-hieh the said parl_lo 8 &1 1M fint pari ha ..1'1 "" in "r.d 10 Ih~ Inllo,,'ing ':..scrikd 101__, piC'U.~.._. or PUCtJ._. of land, asmr s1tuate, lying aOO being 1n the County of St. Luc1e, State of 110r14a, to...! t: ~ _...-._---_.._..._--_..__.,_.__..~--- ------.-.------.----.---------------.----.. -.-...-------...-.... _'A _..________...___._.__....._.__ "__"'m'__' ..... _..~.. ~ ~_t.fJ.Y._~~~__.~J~__t~.~~..9.t._11~.t _.~.t.r.e .~1; .. ,1.lC~1liD . aed vre Qtl. ~Cl____.__..__.__.__._.__ . >>riTe on the llja t of Un1t mmber One of ~e Townsite of lndrlo ~o~og=::l ~ ~:;;:~~~t::m~;t!~V:fO: ~~t~ ~~r:~ . a~:;tSt ~...--- ...-. ._....m___....._.___ COUl"t ~. and'b elngnflpp-rOX-lnatel-r""1S'l'1.0 fee t- 'in-length;'" Qild.--..----....u.--.. .-.------------..-..- Oon~1 ulQ8 2" ae.;. .S.Qr.G.8, _ ~;r__e J)~.J..Q!l8..__. _. ......' __._.____.m__ .h_.__..______..._..__.___.._ ._.m__.__ _.______.._ This deed 1s made and de livered for the purpoee of building _.__.m____ and ma Intai.n1n 8-- a. publlo--rQld-..-o~h91'W169- t 0 beaull--and -\'01<<1......---.----.. -_.__.._.. --.-..--.-.- ...- 'h...,.... ...---'..--__.....______.___._.______.__________._.._____...___.__._.._______._ .......___...___._....u_.__..._..._._._..__...___._..._ ...._....._.u.._ .___.__..._.h...... _......., ___.__ .., _. ....____._...._.______.__._..__u_____._._______..___ .____._._...___.....__._..._..__ ...._._. ...u...___..__......_..._.._.._..___,..._....__._._..h...._._.__._._.___ -.. "_u.._.._._.. ...._...._.._.._h_....h .. ..........._.._...._...__._..__._____._ ..._._........_._....._....._.._.__ _..._... ..'" .__........_....._._u............__...._. ..._.__.......__u.....__._____. ,..- .-..--..--.....--.---.. -..--- ..-.-.-..---.-..-..----________....__.._.. _...h_..._...._.._...._._ _.h....._.......__........._.....__...._._......_...._... ...._._ _._.....____ .__'_u". ..".- .-.._.........____.____..___.._ .___u__.....__._.____.__________ __........___._._._........__._..___. __._....h......___.... .__..uu._ "....___._ ._ __.____._._.__....___ [ TO H.\\"E Axn Tli 1If11.i>. ,'''' '~n~. h'l/;..IMr ..-ilh allllnd singuln I,,", :al.purt.......nc... th..r"""l.. I>t~"'f(in!t f'r in all}..-i~ l~'tamilll{. llr.d all lh(' ~t~h". ri"ht. titi('. iattrt'~t :Ii"" d.J.im .h.1t...(.tr"\'t"r (If tilt' ~.J.id p~rt .10_8 of thC' first part. titlxr in bow ur .....nily. Il) l~ onT~' l'rt.-.pt'r 1lq'. IlIt1ldit and khool 01 t"" o~id par: >>_._ 01 lhe \C'COIId l.;art, '00' __ __'-._.__ ltsBUCQBSBO.rS __. I~ "!'" a..i!(ns f..rn..r. IN \\'-ITNE:;;> WHERJ-:OI', Ih.. Slid par' Ie iii of th~ falSI ~r1 ha.__~. .._ _ ""r..unlo> S"I ._._. _tne 1:r and l('~r first abo,.(' "".-citten. SiKn..-1. ,..at..d llOO .klin,...l in pr..<mc~ 01: ) __....__.. Thomas li. n Anderson.__.ou .._____...___ ~ G~__.~_.. _!!~~.~ ~ng.J1..91 .... ) - __ .. I....n" e.__ a...1 s..:>1 _S, lhe' day _.__._ .'n_ Jean l'aul k'Ulle.r _ n ..____ ou.._h__. ..____ _.(Stat) ._~. '~. Ball8r(SC':at! ~T.-\TF. OF _.._'10rlcl8._____.______...__.._..__._ I C..mnly of. ...__.__..._ S_t,_Luo1e _..._~.-_.-----ou--------- I HEREII\" CERTIF\", Thai on Ihis .by' ptBonlllly ll~arro belo,e 111<'. lln off..-.., duly aull,..,i,nl 10 a.lmini-I" .",.h, 1l.,,1 la!.:.. "c1mo..Wgm......, ___h______..____n...J ean,},lau.l Uu.ller -an.I1_.g.ftO_...L.._.Bak~r .h~ru.steu for. Indrl 0_ ...._.___._.________ 10) me ...11 klljlwit 1.-. I... lhe' ,...,<on alC"-Crihed in "",I ..110 u<<ulro tI>.. lor.-gniuJt in;I'ume"l :an.1 they llckoo.....dgro bef.,re me 1""1 the~ - ..__. "_ _. '___ ___"X<<UIN II>.. '-"III<' Irrely and volunlarily I", II>.. I>"rposr. Ih..tin e'l.rr,~t __\NII I FURTIIER CJ-:RTI!Ii'. Tlul Ihto '-"i"_______.____.___h.__._~% ..___._00_.______....________..__._____ ...._.._______.____.____.___ kno.." I.. ...... 10 I... tht ..ilt or Ih.. tti.I----....-----------------.-----.---.- ..__.___._. . _...____..__.....__no__. _ __.h.__.__... _. ________. __.d... .______.___.__. on II '<'1>3,,,1< ami -p,inl.. uamin:tliun. lal,,-n llnd mad" by' llnd befor~ lIlC', s..parald).l.,,1 "l",r' Irum hrr ""i.1 hu4.;an_1. did ark"""."",,. lhal she toxC'CUt.d Ih.. for.-going l)co<od I.,r II>.. l'U'I"'''' "if r<lill'JUi.hint:. ~'ie.....ting 3n.J cc.nHyi"l':" all h... riKhr, lillt an.1 ml.....,I, ..Ildhu ,.f do>..-tr. holllC'sttad or ..I sC'pllral. propC'rl)'. "alulo'}' or "'I..it~blt, in :ar.d it' Ihto lands d..scribcd lherein, llnd I""t .~ .&...u.ro ",;'1 l)conl 1,....1). llnd \-..Iuntuil)' llnd ..-ilhoul an)' com- I.u"io." coosI",inl, . . n.ion or frar 01 or lrom ~r said huob:and. - Ihis un_.St. .Luole ...0..,1<1 SI~Ir ..I .. '~or1d.~____.__ G. ~. Nott1ngham No tari-FUbHo.--:tor-' t ho--;;it8 te- ()f--7ior Ida' a to'L'u ge :- __ :=c--c~ _".<>~~J,~~-:!.x~!e~: ~~....___E}. 1 ~Q.~c~~.:.~.:-.~-:::-~-:~_::_:_ " STATE OF Io'l.ORIOA, ('ounl, 0 f SI. I.uc~. } J L 81-: rr R"MBfIlF.RF.I,. Thai 00 Ihis_-,--.._...2..l!d _ u__h_.._._udll,.0L._9o~.....~~11i.~o__a..JIl~.__^. D. 19._?,6 I, _____.....__._______._~.!..~ ~14 :r..!.!__ __.____ ____ _._. .._.___.._u\.1..rl< 01 lhe Circuil c..oUrt in and fo>r said Coonl,. han dilly r<rordnl lhe' f'>f<'J[oinK Q..il.{,bim I....... in ,"" Public RC'(O<d. of .,,;.J C'.o<ml,. IN WITNESS \~' han t-.....n1nlo cet my Iund llnd lhe ce:a~ of said ('ourll~ dll)' a...1 ynr :abo\e ",iu..n. i '-" 1>>. Q Aldred ("--I) {t,.~t.~J9al. \" "~~~(j~=:-::~'1 \ }~ . \ ~ ~ . \ . t' .i:n'I '.'",-...-- ----,,/. i I I ! I i f I ! ;~t~\~ftA~l~~ff~;f~.~~lB~ .; .:;,'.:. .'~}JJf:~~S~~gf~:. .(