HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2075 - .n__._J..-C.._-'U'l'rXBS-.___.___,_ TO o____..3~~B . ROJ.1LABl'A3TJ.t!un._o!'_.no:U.DA._ QUIT-CLAIM DEED 'I' 275 - r.- ( TillS INIlF.~Tl'kF~ Ma,l~ Ihis ._....... ._. _..._ V.\h_.__.__._~. __._....da). 01....._ ,.._.... 00110 ber_.....__ -._...._...._.......~....._.-\, o. 19. l&, belw~ ih~ t:ant:;e:~: ... ...!l:p~~~~r!_g~~~ N~ mor t8!l8.~.. ~~.~~t.h.!.l\. .~<<teCl.x.:~?_~~...l~.~,~t.__~'!!Ofa!..~ ...r .1... t\'unl)..f ..- St ':'luole-..- . ,.-..- .._' _ . ....:........ and Sial.. 01..._..._.. 1'10 rid.. ., _.....__........... '___0_.._""__" r>>rl1a 8. 01 lilt' Iiut pl.I, lnd ""0.. . ......_ ..... .. ,.. !he.. ~t;ate... Bo ad J?ellar..~JIIlIU_.Q1....tbt. ___..'_'" ..___ __......._.._........._ ..._._. ....___..___._______..._ .. .. ... ~~..t.. 01...._..__... ..l'lD ndil m." - --- vul __7 " ,.1 the s<<ood ~rl. I ............u . \\'ITNE~~F.T". "~I Ilw- ~;.I ~r.1e. or 1M 6"1 pari. for and in ,"(lI"ickr:ltinn 01 1M .um ...1 - --..-.--....--.. ,-_..-._-------~!'-Q- n._____..__.._._._. _...._____...._... _,'_'_'0_'_ D.>II11rs. in hand paid by 1hC' ~i,1 ~rl . 7 --- ...1 th~ HCMtI f>lrt, lhe r<<C'ipl ,.hut'Of i. bnC'h)' llckno..lcdx...l, ... _.. .,.._ .0_.. _.. r..mi....l., r..-lC'll~1 lnd quit.ebinlC'd, llnd b)' these pr.....l1h d.....__. rC'Misto, rd~ll'" and quil.cloim unlo Ihe sllid parl_ '7 __. or the SN"o>nd plrl llnd_._.__.l\' .~o.o,e.,o"eAs and anigns lor......., "II I"" righi, litl.., inlne,t. cloim llnd demal.d which tM said p"rt1,li_' o~ th~ firs: ~rl ha ........ in a...1 I.' t"to rollowing dt'SCribc-d 101._.. pi<<to,_ or plrcel_ of bnd,. ",.,ril; ..-----..- .._..Be<<I.ruull<<a'" hectOr ner---t;o.--eeoU-&n&.. ~._.81 .- ..88 aM .. 29-. .~... 34 .~.... _-c__ -.-.----.-:-.0... B. 40 B.. thenoe - Bonh. on eeotion line, 1986.6 fee~ - . thenoe - S. ---..- '..'-- 89' 4 e g.....44..lifi1;-lr-;-;- '6'f6'.0n"feet"To"poliit'-o:fbeglnil1D'gof .waot.mreb,---..--.----..'--- '.'.__n'., relea8ed "'... ther.ce.~_S...3.4Itg."d&;i.__1n..ll.. 'H216.8. fe e'~.. thlnce ..- .on. ...__.___.__._...._ 6 4.g. 09 min. aune to the r1Fht. 901.2 feet- thenoe - S. 2. deg. . ,h. H_'" . .-. 88 m1n. ...' 70' ,Of..,. - ih:- the no-e--._-&....- 89H aeg." 6~ miD.. . B ,.'H6 6.{).lee ~ ._ .-.------.-..-.--0 ... 'H"'. .h - . ::;::~ to:. t:e4~: f'~9~~?!H:ji"\-~.g?~.~li~~-.:' ll!-~;O:e;;C?;v~Il~:!.. 1f~~--~~t6..-----.-. _'H'_',__ n._.___._._ .fee t .,...theno.lI..89.deg. ._U.m1n...W__..92..2. fe. tto. po1nt_~__.b8 g1nn1 1Ig.____.-.-.--- of traot hereb7 releaeed. oontalning 2.'16 .0r88. mON or le8e. -~_...-...- .n..___...._._._h..___.._..____..._.._._.__.... ._.__... _____-.________.__..._________..._.___.______.___ _________..___u______.____________________..____ J t I I ____.._____o__.._n ..._..... .___._ "_'._ ___.__n_.' .........._._.._.....__.._____________._._._... ._..____...u__.._..._..___..__.....__u_____._.._.____.__....______.__ _._____________________ ..................-.......- .-.-.-..-.-------....--.-..~.-.--.-_..----_________.____..._____.._._h~._.__._..._____. ____...____.....___..___._._._._______.__ [ TO 11.\ VE .\XI) TO IIIlI.I). ."" n...... 1,'Kt"lh.:r wilh ,,1\ anti singular 1M aPl'url<n~"'...' IM"..."l.. l...b'R;flJ1: ,'r in an,....i... "1'l"'II"inin!:". llnJ all ..... "<I~k. ri~hr. lille. i"'......t :ODd claim ..lui.........r "f lhe said p1flle.8_ of Ih(, li"l ,"'f1. ..ilh..r in bw .... "'luil,., I.. ...... .mly propu u.... I.......lil "nt! ....hooi (.1 th(, .,id pul _-~_ of lhe <f"C<md par!, _.__._.____.__.l~~nJjlJ~9~~e 8Qr_lt. ____._._. _._.__.n.___.___ ~ lln.1 ""iKtlS I"unr. I~ WITXESS WIIEREOF, Ihto '-'lid part 18a 01 Ihto finl pUI Iu. T8__._ hC'r..unlo> s,l ..._..__ ~he 11' '___"_00 "nd )'..ar firsl aho~e wriUC'fL ~illl""l, ...,,1...1 llnd <!..Ii~..fC'd in pr....-nc~ 01: I - Allae_ChlBholm.1l0t8Z7__.Pub11A_____ _.___ .._ _. J. C.. Wat,Untl.._.h_________._.___._.___.._.__.___._<s.."I.) ., J. ... ICe ll.enber~~ ------ :--- ---- -.-::-.~--------' -,-,--~_~~~..3.~_~t ~_~=-==':::::'::C==:""-'-"~ h~...1 ., ...and ...,,18_ __, 1hC' d"y ~::~::o~~.'.. ~::~~:Ol1na ....__._________ } I IIERElI\' ('ERTIF\'. Tlul on Ihi. thy '.....sonally llPl'e.arC'd bC'lore ml'. an oK.....r duly "ulh"ri....1 I" ".lmini<l..r ""lh. lln.1 ..".. llck""..IMKtnftll<. _. J ...0 e. Jiatkl.na..and wlt e _~fa \ha..~.._~fl.~.______.__.__h.__._.__.....__...__.___.......________..______ 10"'" .....1\ kn....n tn I,. Ih(, 1'<''''''' 8.kscribt-t1 in lln.1 who ~uculC'd thC' lor<1toiflJ1: instrumenl ,,0<1 ._tbe7__..__ lld:n.:....ledli:...1 klor.. me 11,",1- -- -thel --. ..:...cnt...I I"" <"'"" Jr..d)' and ,'oIunlarily for I"" purpo.... lherdn <,,<!>r(<....!. ,\ND I H1RTimR CERTIF\'. Thot 1M ~id_.._______.ll.~;r~ba~._~atk1J1I_..u_.__.___.___......_.____._m.__.____.___._. ImollTl I.'''''' I" I... Ih, ..if.. ollhto s"id.._..______:______~.!_~_.!.~.~~~_!.I1.8 _..__.__..___.00__.____.______________________ on II "'1''''''-1'' an.1 pri,.,.,.. Uaf)Ji""I~""', '"k.... and m.tdl' by and hC'lole me. SC'pllrald)' and "part Ir..m Mr ~id h,,"..nd. d~1 1l,kno..-IMIt.. tlul she tol<<<ul...1 th~' 1",<1toinl< Ilttd i..r tlx- !>ur'...... "I rd.nqui,hing. lllicmting llnd con....ying llll hu rilChl, lilk and inl..rt>l. ..-h<1....r or do>wcr. homcil'ad or of wparllloe "rupcny. sl~lulor}' or C'Juilahk', in ll..... I., Ih.. Jam'. d..scribC'd thC'r..in, and llut ,h(, u<<ul...1 ~id l>tttl rr....I). ,,1..1 .."lunaarily "nd ..itlwul llny com- !>ulsion. conslr"inl. llpvf<'hC'nsiOl1 Cor feu 01 ,or Ir."" h..r said hu.band. WITSES~ my lun.1 and oIIici". wal. llL__GI'~'_qlf)).Q_;t'~___.c.unl}. ,.r .._.~JJ.for4 _2nd Sial.. oL.B~.~~ .~~.9.J._wa I \1 III I , I i I i!li '11 , n' i .~. i . 1 [~ I J . . Ihis -- - -.9hh .. "y or -- .____Clot ober --._ ^. D. 19.26. (s.."l) ~ ,/~, .AUoe W. Qh1eholm, B.P. . lI.P .Seal.1 ~~~~O=~~ ~-~~~~~~~_i~__.~..~~~_~!~!::_=__== \, I _d. ...... ,_"n_ --------------. STATE OF~~'ORID~/lJ County 01 SL' J.utie. HE IT RF.Mf.UBF.RF.l), That on Ihis_-'--_-.-!:J..~~__.______ ....yoL.___9~.~..,.~.~;~__P....~!......___._.^. D.19~~. I, _._____l'___f!__.I14x.t.d. _______...______.._._____.___.__.nnl; of II,., (lrcail Coutl in "...1 f." said Coonly, hue duly r(CO(dC'd I.... f..rrguing Quil.(1ainl Ilttd in Ih(, Public RKOfJ. 01 ,,,HI County. I~ WITNF.SS WflF.IlF.OF, J hne hUWfllo ut fDJ Iund llnd 1M Kal of sa~1 ('oorl 1M .by and )"ftr llbon ..riltm. //-~--'" .~~i:> --r..C' _ll.UnA.-j)___CiiikP_ <:;;;.\......, Gt.C t.~e~. 4 e,<''\ 8y.___..._. ___... -~-~Dqiuty Ckrk. J {~ (,0 ~fl1 , ./ .-' , t~~~~~~t1t~~~~~i;tif:i7~ 1" ..~~;;.:M~~it~;~>>;.