HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTM PERMIT # L ' L . L. L _ C, 96S -(* 61 Company Name/Individual ame; the (Type of Trade) For the project located at I -A ff (Project It is understood that, if there is any d project, the Building and Code filing of a Change of ISSUE DATE & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT .RIN'�Y I 6z 0 1 State of Florida, County of St, L U C.1 t erulee5 Z C ,CANNE0 BY at Larne County have agreed to be Sub -contractor for S_""xk (Primary Contractor) �'o Z-c) PL La'i�" n tom, P s L 3 4 9,:r l Address or Property Tax ID #) of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the The foregoing instrument was signed before wethisI day of , 20 % by L of ► �r`l H o�� who is personally Imo or has produced a as identification. l_koAcy..sv Onnrvcl Signature of tary Public U Print Nam o Notary Public �(pRYN G DRAY MY cOMMISSION # FF198558 EXPIRES FebruatY 11 - 2019 Revis . 6 n,,k%Now 8ervk6•00* IIC713gg.o153 1i SUB -Co NTRACTO SIGNATURE ( ualiffer) PRINT NAME COUNTY ERTIFICATIONQNUMBER State of Florida, County of UL V The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this __?_ day of 20/19 by r who is personally known_Zr has produced a as identification. STAMP S of Notary Public E+� ;*; �M G 207306 b�: EXPIRES1.::A�pdi 16, 2022 '••,OF F;;,P'` Bonded 71vu Notary Pu * Undenvr" e Print Name of Notary Public 7110/2018 sub contractor form 0'01.jpg iR 77 ANN, 2 mv $I "z TR- N7f !Mj1.D sr f Til."n, �n 4 fj 'm M5 NgO T'f aft Pip a q, ANIL 'K 115 Alp; Z P, tV UR"� 4.hm lzaA, �7 3Pw WY -OR, M F 144 1 '114- https:Hmail.google.com/mail/u/O/#inbox/16480712d8O7f94a?projector--I&messagePartld=O.l 0 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE 152��o�m�r� Dry' w `S _(Company�N\ame/Individual Name) the ����Q (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project It is understood that, if there is any cha € project, the Building and Code Regulat c filing of a ChaWq of St/contractor noti ( c��iV 4A-,c, L� PRINT NAME 9114 52o p 3 L9 COUNTY CERTIFICATION N MB R State of Florida, County o ,e, The foregoing instrument was signed efore me 20j2by ♦� who is pJsonally known _or has pr aced as iden� � �cation. /i/ les'z /- . Print Name of Notary Revised 11/16/2016 G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Ing & Code Compliance Division MIT f r RFCEIVE® BUILDING PER )NTRACTOR AGREEMENT a JUL 2 7 291B ST. Lucie .have agreed to be _ Sub -contractor for S0U*V\ Ff U Y i da l J-d C ItCW ng , LLQ (Primary Contractor) 8 D'1 c P)CLn4(1A�r1r) La ems' FL N9 Sto or Property Tax ID #) of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the day of STAMP USA L WHITE MY COMMISSION # FFIM74 EXPIRES FeCruary 11, 2019 S,UBB-CO CT R SIGN RE (Qualifier) JS�o ram' �A/ Z PRINT NAME 2gIJsLD COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of SF LJC.I C— The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 10 day of 20 Ig, by �CNs�t"�l� �] I f►%et/�Z who is personally known V---Qr has produced a as identification. Print Name of NotarYVARtate of FloriEa Angie Tatiana Perdomo My Commisslon GG 024900 Expires 00/25/2020 PERMIT # `,� �I d 1 O ISSUE DATE L L .0 .Lc.; i the (Type For the project located at (Project It is understood that, if there is any project, the Building and Code filing of a Change of r52O/ State of Florida, County of SI- • L!J G C & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES g & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for slqdA &2nVa Lead K-Y r- (Primary Contractor) Address or Property Tax ID of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the The foregoing instrument was signed before 1me this Z0 1 day of Ma r LI-1 , 201M by Q011 n `4QU i who is personally imownV or has produced a as identification. Signature bfNotary Public p a'�ia 0 t7eaw ,, Print Name'df Notary Public KpRyN G DRAWDY '+ MyCO FF198558 6/ IRES February. I' - 2D19 �� • flprjQ8NOt7 gprvkc;corr - IIC:1398-015.7 STAMP SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) C(&'tts �Zealq PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION State of Florida, County foregoing instrument was sigfore me this of 20 by =or Name of Notary Public produced a •1aa�"a�., RACHEL ANN VOSSEN r°. Notary Public - State of Florida s Commission # GG 189932 9rEof Fes: My Comm. Expires Apr 16, 2022 Klt-ded through National Notary Assn. STAMP the PERMIT # of Trade) AoS oAd For the project located at (,Q 1 'P t (Project It is understood that, if there is any project, the Building filing of a 'ION NUMBER State of Florida, County The florqgoing instrument was signed before me 20LIZ�.by 61i n who is personally known or has produced s as 0, Name of Notary Public VERONICADANIEL MY COMMISS16N I GG OM EXPIRES: October 18, 2020 Wed'ThnrNotury Public Wd W ISSUE DATE G & DEVElLGP1VMNT SERVICES ing & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Sub -contractor for (Primary Contractor) Address or Property Tax ID #) RECEIVED MAY 10 2018 ST. Lucie County, pefffii!22, have agreed to be ? t? 9 3 V16 of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the aw5rp-a,, COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of S 4' UJz�)-P day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this t? day of zo I Y by i 2� who is personally known le!�O_r has produced a as identificatio STAMP STAMP Signablik of Notary P is Print Name of Notary Public RENEESMYTH .,' Commiulon 9 FF 988188 �r� Expi ms September 2, 2020 '•X,r..„9'� BwN7hmTmyftIr�utencell003MnI9 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE :. L i Lc• L..- 6 G, 1 11 U Wl (CoF/. y Name/Individual Na ) the (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Proj ect It is understood that, if there is any project, the Building and Code • filing of a Chang_q of *b-cont 1�-")20 State of Florida, County of -S(-• Lu c-i e- & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES g & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for %E..,-� d� �► �� (Primary Contractor) Address or Property Tax ID #) of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the The foregoing instrument was signed before me this v day of VAQr20!�?by who Is personally know—n--J or has produced a as Identification. 50 Signature • �% kARYN G DRAWDY •�-}1MY,COMMISSION # FF198558 •°',XPIRES February 11,1019 SUB-CO CTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) � rekc/le, e.. 3.0106o 1 PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of'o_-�r • The foregoing instrument was siggnneed�before me this � day of 20A� by/.�-'-xcutt�L�C3rhe_. who Is personally known ✓ or bas p~ a as Notary LISA L WHIM 'AY COMMISSION # FF198'S74 -"° EXPIRES February 11, 20l9 ?; :.53 floiWartota eom STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE I J� (Company Name/Individual Name) the \-\\I Vko (Type of Trade) For the project located at -kk (Project Sti It is understood that, if there is any chap project, the Building and Code Regulat filing of a Change of S b ontractor no CONTRACT IGNA (Qualifier) PRINT NAME e i5ZDi3 S COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of�� c e The foregoing instrument was signed before me this M C:Y C.L• . 20' by `10EVn 44 c- who is personally lmow:u or has produced a as Identification. Signature M Notary Public kay.-�A'l Cl DQ_A4.x) Print Nkml of Notary PubBe KARyN G DRAWDY ',. ON g FF198558 _ .•? MAY COMMISSI_. • EXPIRES Fabtuaiy 11, 2019 a � ` �fNota 4p�,ko.com G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ing & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT )NTRACTOR AGREEMENT 4 have agreed to be Sub -contractor for _S0LAh F 1 oc i Ao a -)A C-1 emi n(Z_ (Primary Contractor) Address or Property Tax ID #) of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) FhcmGLs o i i n S k; PRINT NAME 9:Dg cog1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER pp State of Florida, County of n lam. j�.+�. day of The foregoing instrument was sfpV before me this + day of 1 20�by who Is personally lmo7�or has produced a as Identification. 3A STAMP b;KST d Jr Signature of tary Pp n I Print Name of N ry rublic a . PERMIT # I ISSUE DATE L L--- (Company Name/Individual Name) the G- U C ec lC Od (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project S It is understood that, if there is any chi project, the Building and Code Reguh • filing of a Change of ub-contractor n CO NT R I (Qu fier) PRINT NAME �C l52O116 G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ing & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT )NTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be _ Sub -contractor for �n4) _ F I rY !�f (AY1 & CkQxl (Primary Contractor) S—'-a Zo i� •YIvC pSZ ,F L3�{� Address or Property Tax ID #) of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the State of Florida, County of Jet"• W ( , e-- Q The foregoing instrument was signed before me this �+ day of M a {cJk , id a by (,yl "r1L k who is personally known -or has produced a as identification. Signature oNotary Public ki Print Name of Notary Public —'— • Y YN G DRAWD ;•:: KAR Revis 3 /I 0 ti5 MY COMMISSION # 1F128558 EXPIRES February ow FbrldallorarYsorvko.corr JAC71+9a-oi53 SMCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) I 1�U _� _f♦ •r � gS"iq COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ab L L )L The foregoing, instrument was signed before me this 1% day of 201J by C 0,L-) � &3M� who is personally known �J_ior has produced a as identification. STAMP I STAMP S i nature of Notary Public JCf_ i Print Name of Notary Public 40 t;:�-qe' JADE L HARNER + * MY COMMSSION Il W 089122 EXPIRES: AM Y. 2MI 'rFof vV��'� Sondod fire Budget Notary Sermo For Vie pr�jec-t jocjte%i a-[ tande.r.5tood that if tijere is Pr*Ct, the Building and Code filirg Of-1 C"-ige O%Ilb-contl COC,14-v &(-L- 15Z01 state of Flo rj&-l"CO an t� of —LUC-1 P— Tilt, insimment �ya�j.5;2�aed belo,,. ItLl., 44 who 1%, 4 have agreed to be mge, of-stitus regardip - our partisip4tion, WpEh they above mentiotied 't'on -DD" isiOn Of ST- ucie CGUIA-Y will, be advised pursuant to the a o Stme of, Florida. county The o m-P p -, m%FU.m.c 17 t IMS k�d b a rare m e t h iy �,f 291 Sub -contractor for - (prim I OTT a L I, All r% or Propert TL. 11) PERMIT # I ISSUE DATE L L L:: \Ariu A M (Company Name/Ini the (Type of Trade) For the project located at /o + 2-1 (Project It is understood that, if there is any project, the Building and Code filing of a Change ofSub-cunt, CONTRACTOR 661,52oi 38 State of Florida, County of 5k-. W.C1-2., The foregoing instrument was signed before me MCkV'C­-V\ ,2d% by 1 who is personally imow� or has produced a as identification. J4atn �,- 0 Signature of of otary Public ., On -JeAA-,-_� KARYN G DRAWDY MY COMMISSION # FF198558 EXPIRES February 11, 2019 G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ing & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT c4"11S' C� S rx have agreed to be Sub -contractor for S4ry-� vat® VIsAvv�i c)j\ L►I(es IJ r -V• 5 L ;t Address or Property Tax ID #) &6 of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the 2— al9 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this $, day of R 20AL by 4.111 •0 MY COMMISSION # FF198574 '?�;, EXPIRES February 11, 2019 �407 �flR-0159 florfdallota ervfee.wm STAMP