HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2091 ..-----....-J... -J)o.V.1lL&DILwU4...____._ .._ TO ---....---_llo1IblCar.UJLIJ11.e.B.tment.-C~.por.a.t.ion- _ .__. _._.__. ._.. __Q~!I~~l:_~!M..DEF;P_ .. ~u/ I "--T - -. .-. -- --..-.- I "lIIS n~lmNl'URK Made Ihi5..... ... _.. 2~'h...._._.___.__.__--<h)' 01....-.. Noyember .'-"_'" . ....._.._......_......... A. D. 19. 26., bclwC'C1l i ...._B.._..J.a.D& v1. .8 nd .. ICa t ....Dl1v la....h18_.IIUe-.pa.d_l 81.______.._._____.___.._ ..__....__........._______.__._...__.__~_.__ I l 'If II... C..unl)' of .. -.... ...Indian BI Vel" - . .- .__......__._ at1<1 Slal~ of ... ..1'10r ida..._ . .._..... -.. -.-. ._. .,0. .-I>>rl .118 of I"" fiul parI, and ._H.l~l(art1n ..InveBtment..Cotpoto.tlon._a_.QOr.pDratlon 8xlat.1og . under _ tho ..laws of ..the _ Stat.e ot Plorida. ..t 1M "(lUIII)' 01 .... .. .. st e. Luo Ie -. - ....... . . .... an.1 gl~lto 01, 0000 ]'10 rids . _ . '.._ ... I"'rt-Y ..... of Ih~ stCOOd pari, Wn-NF.SSf.TII. Th>1 lilt' <a;.1 I.UI ie3 01 I.... fir<! folrt, for lnJ in ......;.IU:>I;..., 01 I"" .unl 01 __.!en. dollara.-8nd-o.thor-good..antLvalaubla._o.onsiderations. ...... .... .__........... " - -.-...-...-..- -.---.....-.-lDriJUEC in h>I1l1 ~id h)' I"" !<:lid parl-.J ._.. ,.f Ih( ~.I part, lhe ~..ipl wMrC'Or i. hC're-h)' 1.kno..kJ~nI, haye..._... ... noo....l, rr-kaSt'd lln.1 <;Uil.cbi~, "lid b)' I....~ pr"swI' <10.________ r..miSt', rtle-a.e and quil-<lairn unlo> Ihe said parl._...)'.. oIlhe' -" pan llnd_..ltB..BUlrOOB80t'e. ..-*U and assigns lore,'n. all 1M ri~hl, lille-. ;lllt...,I, claim llnd d.n>uIIt which 1M sai" oar1188. 01 Ihe fiul pari ha_Ve.__.._.. in alld I" Ihto f.-.IJo..ing dtoscribC'd 10L_, piC'tt-_.._ or parcd._. or bnd.JllCaZ: si tuate. lying and being in the County of st. Luole, State of '10rid8, to-witt ---.-.--------..... -----.--.. -_._...~------_.._.._---._--------- Beglnniog at a post on the seotion line ~~tween seotlons t3 and 26 in twp. 34 south of !'ange-~O..8'..and.8bot1t-two--hundt'ed-fi-f1IT.. f-260 )':y&rd8 uesat- ot;the watet'Bu edge..a nd-be-u-, tween two hammooks l'ld thenoe run Borthwest to the banks of the Ind!6n River o't Pt. 1>>1'er08" Clit;'tbenoe-meande'flo!f"o81d--out-s'outnerlyto'the'- sEIo'Utili-- Une;- 'tli"eiIce run-esst.- :to._ the..pl8ceo:t...beglnn1ng. _thence ,t'unnsoutheast.. to_nthe. Bouth .li08_ o~lot. 2; _ thonlle.."8a.t to the blink of the Port Pierce Cut: thenoe northeasterly mealldering said out to the sBotion' .11ne between' seotlons'23 'and' 26.'-~henoe-.t'un'. e8st. to . the uplaoe of"'beglnnlllg-i--' oon- ~j!-:tiff1:~~:~e~'~~ri; "-i~~~r'd'~cf!i:--8.~o~k-~;~'~~:~e!'e6':~';i8~-!~:giri:r~~.:i':!~~8~~~Ii"1r{i:~n- wate~ a.edge. a t-.the-I'.t e.-Pleroan_C-Ut... and..-run....orty ._yarda dnellorthesat ,.. all..those .landa._ lying south and wcst of this line in lot I, seotion 23 and lot 2, in seotion 26, twp Zl4'south- range- 40: eo'st-'OOlltalni"ng'1;hlrty'wores"mol'e . or'1 eSB .-- DOW belonging uton. E.'-3. ._..-- ~~-~li~' ~i:,~ii~:~m~-~; ";~!i88;:'~8~~~:~'o"~d'~def~dBci~~..' ~~~1'~~g~a~~6:-'~i~Z~~dli:C~-~u)ty - Reool'da ...-.--------.---.-.-.--.----__ .__.___._._______________._.._.._.___._._.._._____._..__"___ .._.___ [ TO II.\\'E :\XI> TO 1101.1>. Ih.. <a_. "-.gdMr "ilh all llnJ s;nl(llbr 1M ll(.p"'lrllallC<" Ih..~unl" I...k>ol~;"g or in any"i... llppC'rlaining. llnJ a\l thC' n!~t..... r~ht. tid,... inlt'u,..t- 3Utl d..lim \\lut'4.lt',of"f I"\f l~ ~aid part~."'f '''to fir"-l (l3rt. t'ilhcr in 101.. or t"tluily_ ll' ,Il(" unJ)- I)fl~r u~(". brndlt antI 1...11001 of I"" <aiJ ""nil - "r lhe' _d pari. _it.s__ aUQCeSBOra. ........___.....__.__.__._.....____ __ _ JaEJt"n.1 a..i!:D< r,.re-,.tr. JX WITNES$ \\'UERF.OI', Illto ..>i.1 I~rl ies of Ih~ firsl plrl mYe _00.... hC'....ulllo wt. .. theIr __._, han.IS :>11.1 ~I 8, 1M d.l)' 3.n.l )'car first abon~ written. $i!:nro, ...,.\ro and dtlivtre-d in prC'SC':lc" 01: --I ..__._.___._.._ E. ..J. _ ])avis..._.__..... ___.___.___________.(S....I.) 1:ate Davis _ .__:. _._.(&-al.) ____w .--R. --stttwo.r.t B.. . H..Wooda gTATF. 01' __J'lor.1da__.______ } CoUnl)' ..f _..___..Indian Hi ver -.____ J I IIERE!:\' l'~RTfI:\'. ThaI on Ihis day (...r;onally lppeuC'd ~r"re rnt'. lln oIIKe-r dul)' llulh..n7(<1 In 1l.lmini<l..r <>alh< :and lak.. :orkno...I...I!(m",li, :B.. __J a__ .DaVis . and _ Kat.e.l>o.v.i8_ hia.1I1.te. 10 mto .nll kno.-n 10 I... Ihe- pC'Bon 8 IkKrittc-.1 in all.1 "bo necultd lhe' l<>rC'J:oinK inSlrumtnl and who llrkJlo)wl..J!(td ~f"re _ Ih>I__.they -- --. __e-!U'C1II..d I"" .alflt' fr<<I)' lnJ ,'u1unlarily lor 1M purpcKC'< IMr..in e-"I',.......1. :\~" I l:l:RTIIER CERTIF\", Th..1 lhe !\:lid ____..XSts__.Davla ._.____n..._..___ 1m"'.... I.. _ I.. ~ 1hC' .-if.. or Iht '-"i.L_____.____......~_!'u_J~ .DI,l~~_~._ ,____..___.__ ._______. - f on II '-<'1O:lralc llnd I'rinl" touminlllion,- lak..n ll"d mlld~ by and bc:f(}r~ me. 5t(1llr:alely and llparl- frum h..r ~id hu,ba..,1. di,1 :ackno.-ltdK~ 1h>1 .he eucul..d Ihe forC'J:oml! IltC'ol r..r 1M pUfJ'OSe- 01 rdinqui.hing, :alimaling and com..ying:all h..r ri>:hl. Iii'" and inln...I. ..h.-tMr of do....r. hofnC'sl..;ad or or SC'parale propnl)', .lalo1ory OC tl,uilaLk. ill and 101M land, dC'SCribtd Ihtrdn, and thai .M e"tcultd .llid l>ttd Ir....I)' ll",J ....lunl"';I,. a"d ..ilhoul llny com- pulsion, COIlstr;a;nl. llppr..h.....ion <>r fnr 01 or Irom Mr said -husband. WIT~ESS my hand llnd official snl III __ YarO-..Beaoh-___.cuunl). 0;.__ Indian _ Blver___.___ alld SI:aI.. 01 "" J'lor.1d..a ....__ 1"".____.24 th (SC';aI.) ndaY~ ~a. , }' STAn: OF fl.ORIOA, County ..I SL t..cie. .0 __it. ..._C.1Uluiu8hWl._ .n P Stat!' of P1a ~~_ ~r~!..._1~!.~~i8sio_n .. .~1-u~2/UI28_ "'___d' ._ _... _. ._.. .___ I ,- :(..-.... , .:;. BE IT RUIF.~rnERF.(). Thai on Ihis.____2tit.h J. _~___..__~._Q_,._~U.r_t!\.__. ___eb)' of___llOv.cmbor ..0.1; .~:..31LPlt__A. D. 1926... -__ ____.______l'lc-rk nl 1M Circuil Courl in llnd lor said Counly, haw duly r......rdro lhe lurC'if'-oing Quil.Cbim D<<d in 1M Public R<<Ofds of said CoGnly, IS WITNf.SS WIIF.RF.OF, I m>'~ hn<'Unto ut my hand lint! !he seal 01 said Cn..rt III.. day ;and yc-ar llbo.-c- .-rill..". ,~\c~ "-l C\ \: ~ CC~ .~C. .____.._.n______..__~._- C ._lUdre4___(&-aJ.) B~/.(J2.~~ 0:== . ~, 'i ~ : ~;~~~tt~(l;t.~~}j~~~~~~ . ". .....:).~f;~i~~~i;:;i~