HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2092 m'.. '- .' _________Lat.ll CLllo.I'og.____~_..___.._.._.____.._ --. -_ B.'l.!I!'.U~t~. i..'Lt!lY!!S't>l(!.I1'..._C9..rl'.Q.r:~~l9.p.._ QUIT-CLAIM DEED -_.~ -.-..-.------ -_._-~--- _.~.._--~_.._--_.__.__.. -_.~- -." .--. -~- .---...-- . --- .'-'-'..~ - _.--~..._._-- _.._---~.. ... ..--~--- ---- ---.--..- ----." --..-- _.-- - .- , --.-".---. .-- ---- ----_.~- --_.-.._--.. -. ..... -..- -. - --; - - TillS INIlF,NTl.:RF.. Madt \hill!'.... 2"'h.__-.. ----..............___.day oL.. ._u.._lIQvember... .._.....__._._.u.___..._......._..-\. Il. 19 26" helWml ... Joe 0 ..Walker. .... .lTTORnBY..lll~.lCf. _ tor_.Lett.1-8.. B ...I~01'1.a- .tr..ee.. dealer_.._.__.... .....__._.___..___..._._... oIlhe' C7' of . - .. st. Lu.oi e_ -....-.. ..and Slalt of........ ..-.J110"C' ida ....._._............_....__._.. ~rl..1-- of ,'''' liut I'm. ar;d Roll1.'~.lIartln . Investment .Corporatlon.. a ..oo'rporllu'oDftx18Ung ..uud.or._ thv.:laluLot _tbo..StutOn. ot Florida of Iht l'ounl)' ..L ...- ....... 3t . Luole ... ... 00_' .... .... and ~Ialto of, . fior Ida .. .._.... .. ._._un......__. ....-....--.-,-parl..1..-. 01 It... ....-ood pan, WITNF.SSF.TIf, Thai I"" ..,id 1'"'1 "JI.. -. 0111>.- fihl pari, Ivr and in c{."itlu~lion 01 I"" sum of _._ "_""'_" __._... __.. _fen -dollars .andd other. good. and -.valauble.._o.QJlulderallons.._....___.__._______._.___._-.-----.--maac in ~nd paid b)' I"" said pari y. -. (.1 Ihto rKOOd part. Ill<<- "nil.1 ..h..rwl i. Ivr..b)' aclmo..-kd&C'd. haa .___._._____ fC'mi..-d, ".I,,"<cd a!lfl quiHlainwd, llr.d b)' II...SC' preWIlls doeS_. rtmi<C', r..lu,to and qu.t,daim unlo Ihe said part.)!_.__. 01 lhe 5C'COIId pari and_. ita .SUO08SS0rs_._.:xa and assill:n. lor....ff. all 1M rixhl. lille, inlu,"I. cloim and d..mand ..hich It... said lo.l''''-J.-.-. 01 Iht 6r.. pari ha a__.._ ___ in and 10 Ihto 1...IIo....inlf d..ocrilltd 1"1._, pitt<,---.., or ~rc..L_... nl land, 11aJ[: situate. lying and being In the County of st. Luoie. state of llorida. to-wit: . . Beginning -- at a po.~ on the 8eoti-on'line nbet-ween 'seo1:ion-e-- 23. end 26 . In.-twp,''34-- south -- ot. t:6gha~ocik:t8~~d t'fi:ri~; .~:riu~:ith::8P~~.i'..t.t:6~l-il~:r~.;.:h:t. t~ff:~e n~:~~.r.~./;f~- ;~:-r~-:t.~~:~ thano. - meander lngwlth 4ut ---sou.thsl'l.1".-to...the.__seot lonline; -thenoe nruu--..eaat_to.the .place. of beginning. )henoe run southeast to the south Une of lot 2 ;thenoe \'lost to t he bonk of thePol't 'Pieroe'out .;..thenoe--nol'thsast-<<n'17--mesndel'ing-ssld'-'out.to ..the--eeotion- HtlB __.._. !:~:-:.ff:O::.~~~'?1:-8;.~..:.~cl'o'~~vl~:d~-t/u.E':-j:.!J.:'{18~~ridPi:t:---~v~.:gi[i-~~f.te'~~~~ili~f8~~!l-~-;r .A.04er80n ,. r eool'ded-u --Book--.~RJl'L-page. .eti6-..-1Uao ..beg1nniug.st.,..a.--post_on.._the.n.wat ersnedge ._. at tbe It. Pleroe Cut and run forty yards due Northeast. all those lands lying south and--'west'of '1;h ls.' Itne --in'lot--.l;'-suO"ti'on--f5-'and--'101;-'-2 .-ind'sBot1:on'f;6',' -.twp...e.t..sou-th------ k:t~e j):~ i:~ lJ~1:0~tj~~.~1~e~~~~.~~y~~~~:ej~a-~8riX....~:{~ iniO'iil~d;;~lg~f1~-e;id~i-(/-~nrm:~~J~.!l.<!_- Bl' 1~ t, .lJovembol' a,. -l899audl'soor.cledlnpBook ..~nl! -page2L6 . Dr cvard-.c.oUllt.f._.r.8oordaa....._.._. ThIs Instrument does in no way affeot the status of an exIsting mortgage da"ted-'lIov. - 28 ~-'192f)."'8nd-recol'ded -in'-Uor1;gage'Book'-30dst.. page--20-1-.-'---------..---.-- ....._........___....._h_....._.__._..._ ...______ _..____..____.._.________________________________________...__._.____._____________._~_______...__._ _...__ .-.......--...----.-..-.--.---.---...-.- ...__._____u______._____..._________________.____________...___...h__._.____._______ -.--------____u_.__________.un_._____h. TO 11.-\ VI-: .-\NI> TO 1I01.U. I"" '~III<'. l.lft"lhC'r ..-ilh all ~"d .illJl:ular II... "PI.urt...aanu< Ih...ronh) I....."'!l:illJl: pr in lln)...i... al'l"'r1aining. an,1 llll 1M- t'''tatc.... ri;.:.ht. tillf'. int("r~l and l"b.im \\'h~t'-(llt'\'l'r nf thf' ~id part .1---.. (.f Ihl' fiut ~r1. t"ilhf'f in la,,' or C'1luity. ti"J tm- 001," ~ft)P<'r ust'. l..c-ufflt ~nJ t...houl 01 It... ....id ~rt.:/__. 01 lilt ><<ond part, 1 ts_ .auQoesso_r.a..___._.........__...__..___. .._.._.__. XIlf::IaCand as.<igr.. r,,'.....r. IX WITXF.SS WHEREOF. Iht ~ parI 1...- or Ihr lirsl part hll_I'I.._...._... Ivr..unlo <d. ____gi~ ..._______.__ ha!lfl._ . ond <<-at.. _, Ih.. d:t>. antI )"t'a.r fint aoo,'( .'rittcn. Sigm-d. ",-,al.d lint! ddiHr...1 in prtSC'flCe of: I -__.. LOl'etta..lle"JIer B....___.__..__...______...___ ____._...David. Fl1nn_._....u_..__u..._._.__..._.._u____..._..__. .-._.___.____.'10___0 o.llalk.er_--,-.___.--,---_( SuI.) ~~~rll~;;r ..In. ta.c_LtQf. Let~!!.~~-=.!..y_~y(5<-al.) STAn: OF ____....P191'idcL_._______n.._______ l"oullly or __..._._._.._.~ tad LUo ie ......._...__......_._. _._.______ I HI-:RF.IIY CERTIFY: Thai on Ihi. ria)' pC'fsonally llppC'llfC'd ""Iort IDC'. an officu dilly llllllw";7(d I" lldmini,ur 0:1Ih. and 13lt llclmowl..d!l:mtnl<. ..._J.d.C. ... Walker . ATTORU~ ..IILFA~ -~or_..Lett..1e_R.. .Ivor:l._s :free.. dealer..._.__________.._.n...._..._... _.. _._. I,) lOt ..-f11 lno..n In I... Ihr I",,.un . _ tk<crjh..<1 in llnd "Ix> ur.--UIC'd tM l"rq:oinJl: in<lrumtnl ~nd_._._ _.00. __ he lhal d____.__... he .. --._.____._.____ _...""<<ul..d lilt '-"_ (,...,1)' llnd ..olunlllrily lor IIv purpo'lC'S Ihtrtin tXl>r...~. ad,,,,.wkdlCC'd I",fort mt . ::. - "]I:,,~ F,j',l. til"""V"1r'WIrar~""" ______.___.______ ...____..._._.___. __._._____.__._.......___...______._._.__.._...___.... l"~~~~ __.____.._....__________..___.._...._.____.___._____..__. ___..____...____._.____.___._____._.__._____.___..._..,_.___.__._________.____.. ,...~III9Y....If.."'>t_'I:__cIJtII.......-".." -~_lI~M~.~~lI!.-..... ._~ ""1rl~~K':~-_.....""1t, I>>-Y...~IIII._.R.--... b .~_...,...___rl_1lIliIIia:l_..~I_~ ~'t-....a.....1III...t.---~'W'...,~--_......- ......~. A.4il-..-.. _"'.d_~c4'.."_...- _1_.~__.....1_._ .1. -r--B: ~...._._~- "'--Jl."'-~~ ._1IWIInnIJ~ -~-_ -1I~~_._I~IIIIo-...-..---QX4UGC 1-..1... ~._..:il... .......i....;....._ .._a........ af..."... ..d.~ WIT~F.::S 10)' hand llnd (&al ...,,1, :t,__.l!'or_t___Plera.o___COanlY Or....St . Luoie ._ ..._..___and St~... oL_ Florida IhiL_ 24th.._._.._____...rby (Stat) u._____._J.~!~t 1;'1...J~.ey.~r..II____ _..._...___..._._..h llotary Publio for the state of Plorlda ot ._..___~r.i!!..::~' Commi.!.81on .:lq)!!..e8"~!::.!li:':!~~' ST.-\TF. O~; i'LORW.-\. l"ounl)' of St. Locit. III': IT RUIEYUEREfJ, Tlut 00 lhis._..__.26.ih_ ___----.:___...__.____rby oL.lIovember.. _.8:t.__4:..:32..PU__ _h__A. O. 1926, I, ----.----...--...-_P___C_a.._j;;ld.red --___.__h__._.__.____.._h_.___....__..Clrrl< of I"" Circuit Courl in llnd lor ~id Counly, m,'e dul)' r<<urdrd Ihto lor<goinll: Quil.CLtim l><<d in Iht Public R<<Ofd, of said Counly. f:\ WIT:\ESS WIIERF.OF, I han Mrnmlo ...1 MY hand and 1M ....al or said Court Ill<<- day and )Tar abon ..riUm. ~ '/......_..h.__._...P.C ..~ldU!d."".'-Clttihi;i';;'ill';;"'r\~a'-). ~. t. ct. ...~\ ,<\ <.I e{\~\~~ .};;11~~..m""'" CIo,' .., e-CO ...~ , :~~~f~~~~f~~~1f1~{r~ I .0 I ! a ~ " ,\ "f i; i i : ~ . :.-~ '. ,- f '- t. L !f f' i' Ii 11. d I r. .' . r j ~ 1 . . : ~, - i'- I j- . I ! . I ,.;.. i~ . > , " . ;..~ ;-, !~ ,:1: . ):t . ill' ~ "-;; I'~~ ~r .~ .-:-1- " '.J iil ;] ''I 'a ij L'! !i ;.q J .} J , : ...;\:.:..;~*~t~W!~~~t