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A B GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 20 ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft. l 4 5 7 Ig _SS_ 9 10 2 CEP (FINAL) USE COMMERCIAL DRIVE FOR FINAL ACCESS SBA P•0.B (DO NOT USE FOR TEMPORARY ACCESS) LB7705 \� I RF Cr n'q 0.25' WEST I P — — — — _ — —. _ _ � i i i i r 13 f i /� i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i13 i i i a i i i i i y i i i i i i i i i i i i i 13 i i i i i i i i r r i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I KF i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i s� i i r i i i 14 V i i i i i i i i i i i i i r i r i r i i r i r i i i i r • i i i r r r i i i r r r i i r i r a=> —i 1 .� 14 i_------+�..i��p _—_5 _ 4 13 14 ` �- � LOADING ZONE APPROX. OUTFALL LOCATION r, I OP IP O I n p I n � 27 20 04.8 N 80 19 31.1 W �\ F LEGEND BENCHMARK CRF A CAPPED ROD FOUND CRS 0 CAPPED ROD SET RIGHT-OF-WAY F — — PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE (ADJACENT) EXIST. EASEMENT LINE FP EXIST. OVERHEAD UTILITY AND UTILITY POLE — GUY — —®PP - EXIST. GUY WIRE AND UTILITY POLE W W EXIST. WATER LINE ss ss EXIST. SANITARY SEWER LINE TEL TEL EXIST. TELEPHONE LINE EXIST. FENCE LINE _--________ EXIST. PIPE PROPOSED SETBACK LINE PROPOSED 24" CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER PROPOSED 6" CONCRETE CURB ®°P EXIST. CONIC. POWER POLE EXIST. LIGHT POLE \ © EXIST. WATER METER k1w EXIST. WATER VALVE \ EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT EXIST. ASPHALT PAVING EXIST. CONCRETE PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT K PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT PROPOSED ASPHALT OVERLAY PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY CONCRETE (BROOM FINISH) I_ PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE (BROOM FINISH) 74 -- — EXIST. 1 FOOT CONTOUR �- 75 — EXIST. 5 FOOT CONTOUR X14.60 EXIST. GRADE SPOT ELEVATION M 16 PROPOSED 1 FOOT CONTOUR 15 PROPOSED 5 FOOT CONTOUR 13.50 T.O.C. FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION (TOP OF CURB) 13.00 FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION `�♦ DRAINAGE DIRECTION N PROPOSED RIP RAP W/ FILTER BLANKET D OP ig • i __ V � i ✓� / - i la 5 SPA� 5 SP1 ICES / // '\4 "i�. � ~p• // { i i i i i.^� i i r 1$ °e i i i � —_ i i I AN D RAI / , I I P t° I M i r i i i i r tea% i i i i i i r i i-1 i r r i j i i ti r i r i r i iG /r i i r r r i r a r♦ r r a r> r � � B \\-'-0 P NIt O7 O 1 IPi ( � i hi tii Mi ^ vJ /ice. �Q �)15 � o F.�• 15• Oh • r i i i k IP i•\ iVi ___i , o o a OP Y \ 7i ^ OP ' 1�9 \i \ i �- i r i r i i ♦ i i r i i i i i i i L i� i > r i i i i i i i i i i i i �i i� i i i i i \ � > i i i i i i i i — 15 i i '�-14„�� �-- y' �✓+ i i i i i 1 i ♦ > i i i i i i i i i i r r i i i i i , i i i i i i i i i a_=i--T� i j�> i i i' 14 i i \\ i iTi i -i � i i i i i i i i i- ♦ i i a i i i i i i i i i j i �—i i�•y i i i i i i i i i r \\ r 14 > i i i li r i i i a ^RF 13 'Ck 12 SPACES i i \\ SBA (TEMP) SS CEP (TEMP) USE EXISTING DRIVE FOR INITIAL ACCESS - - -- -- - - J \\\ \ RAINFALL INSPECTION NOTE: \\ NOTES ALL EROSION CONTROLS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A QUALIFIED \\ \ \\ PERSON WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A RAINFALL EVENT OF 7' INCH OR \\ 1. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE INSTALLED AND GREATER AND REPAIRED AS NEEDED. MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST FDEP STANDARDS. SITE CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS DISPOSAL NOTE: 2. ALL AREAS LEFT UNATTENDED FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS A DUMPSTER OF SUITABLE SIZE SHALL BE OWSITE DURING ALL SHALL BE COVERED WITH SEASONAL TEMPORARY SEEDING AND PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND EMPTIED AT A MULCHING. SUITABLE PERMITTED DISPOSAL SITE AND REPLACED AS NEEDED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ALL DISPOSAL \ 3. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE TRACKED PERPENDICULAR TO THE SHALL MEET ALL LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL CODES AND SLOPE. REGULATIONS. \ 4. NO WORK SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL ALL APPLICABLE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED, INSPECTED BY THE 16 i � N M M w "wo v 0 0 ry N 0 N Q w � v7 O cO M N r o y�y p N V N cc cq EROSION CONTROL LEGEND CEP Construction Exit Pad OP Outlet Protection IP Inlet Protection LS Lined Swale CLS Concrete Lined Swale SBA Sediment Barrier(Silt Fence, Type A) SDB Stormwater Basin SS Solid Sod Silt Fence (SBA) Wattles ILL] i SS (Solid Sod I Seed & Mulch) iiii ALL AREAS REQUIRED TO BE PROPERLY STABILIZED PROJECT ENGINEER, AND APPROVED. _CONSTRUCTION PHASE SEQUENCE 5. STORMWATER DETENTION POND OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL PHASE ONE BE CONTRUCTED, INSPECTED, AND APPROVED PRIOR TO WORK • INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/IXIT PHASE SIX ON ANY OTHER TASK, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. 0CLEAR AREA REQUIRED FOR SILT FENCE PLACEMENT • CONSTRUCT ROADS (PAVING, INLET PROTECTION, CURB AND GUTTER, • INSTALL SILT FENCE (SBA) SIDEWALKS) 6. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE SOLID SODDED. PHASE TWO • BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES \ • CONSTRUCT AND STABILIZE WATER QUALITY POND/SEDIMENT BASIN PHASE SEVEN • INLET AND OUTLET PROTECTION TO BE INSTALLED • BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED \ • STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS WITH SOLID SOD PHASE THREE • INSTALL PERMANENT LANDSCAPING • DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF DEMO DEBRIS • CLEAR/GRUB REMAINING SITE AREAS PHASE EIGHT • REMOVE BMP MEASURES PHASE FOUR • GRADE SITE TO ROUGH GRADES PHASE NINE • CONVERT SEDIMENT BASIN TO PERMANENT FUNCTION BY REMOVING PHASE FIVE CAPTURED SEDIMENT AND INSTALL PERMANENT VEGETATION IN • CONSTRUCT UTILITIES (WATER, SEWER) DISTURBED AREAS. • BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BEGINS . PROJECT COMPLETE, FINAL INSPECTION, FILE NOTICE OF TERMINATION \ \O A o cz�00 !7 M M M � o Mtn V. U —� N U .. HU o b ram^ vI w�ff w Q' U FF��1IkJ ti •N NO. 612W F STATE OF F G F 0 Q M Ch V1 N V1 M �p �D ='i"; Lim h b ri H O Icy O v I J M 00 z W 3 ° K U � � r •� z 0 y� M PROJECT NO: JADE 1611 DRAWN BY: PWM CHKD BY: PCJ SHEET NO 1 C13 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 13 14 15 16 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C C F G W K M N 1 I 2 3 4 5 '-i DOZER TREADS CREATE GROVES PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE SURFACE ROUGHENING NTS STORM DRAIN PIPE d J DUMPED RIP —RAP PLAN VIEW d fDUMPEl STORM SEWER PIPE 6 STEEL AN APPI EQUAL APPROXIM 6"x6" 3xd Y ROCK BERM ROCK BERM RIPRAP� �12" MIN. 6 x d ►I <1%GRADE FILTER BLANKET O SITE VIEW R FABRIC RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION NTS 7 SECTION 8 TERIAL i BACKFILL STORM DRAIN INLET WATTLE ,yyvy STORM DRAIN ,PIPE, y SURROUNDING STABILIZED AREA y 9 10 11 12 13 15 2 WIRES TWISTED TO 3'— 0" MIN. 7'— 0" MAX. 7'— 0" MAX. 3'— 0" MIN. SINGING TAUTNESS (12 GA. MINIMUM) —� GROUND LINE F II I II II II II II II I u u u� STEEL "T" POST HOLES SHALL BE PROPERLY OR AN APPROVED BACKFILLED AND TAMPED WITH EQUAL (TYPICAL) SOIL TO APPROXIMATE DENSITY OF EXISTING SOIL SILT FENCE TYPICAL SILT FENCE INSTALLATION STORM DRAIN INLET WATTLE WATTLE STORM DRAINPIPE ASPHALT TYPICAL INLET EROSION CONTROL NTS ADJACENT ROLLS SHALL TIGHTLY ABUT t\7 �y SLOPE ISOMETRIC NTS LIVE STAKE c NTS 3"-10" DIA. NTS 6" MIN. N.S.A. R-2(1.5"-3.5") COARSE AGGREGATE GEOTEXTILE UNDERLI GENERAL NOTES 16 U N N M (� M A W o m O 00 C N y a N 7o o : Qw0 cap V w 0d pv c of ro M 0 rn 0 C o rrT, C G �E . � M M F n ��• N0. e F :-o ocp STA np WIDTH = FULL WIDTH OF VEHICULAR 1. TYPE "A" SILT FENCE SHALL NOT BE USED IN AREAS OF ACCESS, 20' MINIMUM. CONCENTRATED FLOW. PROVIDE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH 2. SILT FENCES ARE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL ITEMS THAT 2' STONE, AS NECESSARY. SHALL BE ERECTED OPPOSITE ERODIBLE AREAS SUCH AS NEWLY GRADED FILL SLOPES AND ADJACENT TO STREAMS AND STONE SIZE = 1 1/2"TO31/2" DIA. CHANNELS. \ 3. REPAIR OR REPLACE DAMAGED FABRIC AND SUPPORTS AS NEEDED AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN IT HAS ACCUMULATED 50' OVER 1/3 OF THE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE. SEDIMENT MUST BE MINIMUM RETURNED TO SUITABLE ONSITE SEDIMENT STOCKPILE OR TRUCKED OFFSITE AND DEPOSITED IN AN APPROPRIATE DIRT STORAGE FACILITY. 4. WHEREVER POSSIBLE, SILT FENCES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS ACROSS A FLAT AREA IN THE SHAPE OF A HORSESHOE. THIS REQUIRED AIDS IN PONDING OF RUNOFF AND FACILITATES SEDIMENTATION. 5. AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION AREA IS STABILIZED AND EROSION ACTIVITY CURTAILED, SILT FENCES SHALL BE REMOVED. 6. RING FASTENERS USED TO SECURE GEOTEXTILES TO WOVEN WIRE SHALL BE 13 GA. (AMERICAN). 7. IF WOOD POSTS ARE USED, STAPLES FOR SECURING WOVEN WIRE TO POSTS SHALL BE NINE (9) GAUGE, GALVANIZED, 1 1/2 LONG, FIVE (5) PER POST 0 APPROXIMATELY 1'-0" ON CENTER. 20' MIN. 8. WOVEN WIRE TO BE 12 1/2 GAUGE (MINIMUM). STONE PAD CONSTRUCTION EXIT SPECIFICATIONS WOOD OR METAL STAKES (2 PER BALE) STRAW BALES (2 BALES HIGH MAX) ORIGINAL GROUND GRAVEL -FILLED BAGS IN CORNERS r 1"xi" STAKE \�� SEDIMENT, ORGANIC MATTER, NTS SPACING DEPENDS ON AND NATIVE SEEDS ARE 0 A SOIL TYPE AND SLOPE CAPTURED BEHIND THE ROLLS STEEPNESS. 0 SLOPE SECTION \� NOTES: I 1. INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. J� 2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 3. STRAW ROLL INSTALLATION REQUIRES THE PLACEMENT AND SECURE STAKING OF THE ROLL IN A TRENCH, 3" - 5" DEEP, DUG ON CONTOUR. RUNOFF MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO RUN UNDER OR AROUND ROLL. WATTLES SLOPE STABILIZATION INSTALLATION DETAIL 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 NTS CURRENT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ///—STAPLES PLASTIC LINER -PLYWOOD (2 PER BALE) TM :I SECTION A -A 14'-9" MIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 + + CONCRETE WASHOUT + + —STRAW BALES WOOD OR METAL Q�STAKES �l WEDGE LOOSE STRAW BETWEEN BALES GRAVEL —FILLED BAGS IN CORNERS 4'-0" X 2'-0" PAINTED WHITE BLACK LETTERS 6" HEIGHT LAG SCREWS K') o WOSp POST X X 8'-0") CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN DETAIL mL II STEELAUGE WIRE STAPLE DETAIL PLANPLAN TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT FACILITY (ON GRADE) 12 3 4 5 16 F c F 6 � F. 5 A G m sod, c A N N .W7 c"; v • w H �'! P-4 0 E-A 0^ F�1 Fm O _0 U K 0 a z miiI C, O yc*0 r M PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: SHE] NC ERC CONTR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 A B C D F WORK L WHEN WORKERS PRESENT END ROAD WORK DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS Speed Spacing (ft.) A B 40 mph or less 200 200 45 mph 350 3150 50 mph or greater 500 500 A ■ ■ ■ IS IS B Taper Length = YIL Work Area { See Table Il END ROAD WORK Device Spacing -Taper Device Spacing -Tangent 500' See Table I See Table I Table I Device Spacing Max. Distance Between Devices (ft.) Speed Canes or Type i or Type fI (mph) Tubular Markers Barricades or Vertical Panels or Drums Taper Tangent Taper Tangent 25 25 50 25 50 30 to 45 25 50 30 50 50 to 70 25 50 50 too Table 11 Taper Length - Shoulder speed (Mph) hL (ft) Notes ✓Y SNdr. 70 Sider. I2 Shier. 25 28 35 42 I= WSr 60 30 40 50 60 35 55 66 82 40 72 90 707 45 120 ISO 180 L=WS 50 133 167 200 55 147 183 1 220 60 160 200 1 240 65 173 277 260 70 187 233 280 *Midway between signs. 0 minimum shoulder width KL = Length of shoulder taper In feet SYMBOLS GENERAL NOTES DURATION NOTES W = Width of total shoulder in feet (combined paved and unpaved width) ® Work Area 1. When four or more work vehicles enter the through traffic lanes in a one hour 1. Signs and channelizing devices may be omitted if all of the period or less (excluding establishing and terminating the work area), the advanced following conditions are met: 5 = Posted speed limit (mph) FLAGGER sign shall be substituted for the WORKERS sign. For location of flaggers a. Work operations are 60 minutes or less. ■ Channelizing Device (See Index 102-600) and FLAGGER signs, see Index 102-603. b. Vehicles in the work area have high -intensity, rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe lights operating. [p Work Zone Sign 2. SHOULDER WORK sign may be used as an alternate to the WORKER symbol sign only on the side where the shoulder work is being performed. b Lane Identification + Direction of Traffic 3. When a side road intersects the highway within the TTC zone, additional TTC devices shall be placed In accordance with other applicable TCZ Indexes. CONDITIONS \ 4. For general TCZ requirements and additional informal ion, refer to Index 102-600. WHERE ANY VEHICLE. EQUIPMENT, yi WORKERS OR THEIR ACTIVITIES B ENCROACH THE AREA CLOSER THAN IT BUT NOT CLOSER THAN 2' TO THE EDGE OF TRAVEL WAY. tz LAST DESCRIPTION: FY 2018-19 INDEX SHEET REVISION � 18� FDd TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY, WORK ON SHOULDER 11101117 W � STANDARD PLANS 102-602 1 of I V Median 03 K LI MI NI Cp [� x ROAD WORK SFEEOI NG FINES NHEAD DOUBLED ■TEN NORNERS PRESENT DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS Speed Spacing (ft.) A F 8 40 mph or less 200 200 45 mph 350 350 50 mph or greater 500 500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ IS■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • / n Work Area B Taper Length = V4L See Table If Device Spacing -Taper Device S cin-Tongent 500 See Table I See Table I Table 1 Device Spacing Max. Distance Between Devices (ft.) Speed cones or Type I or Type II (mph) Tubular Markers Barricades or Vertical Panels or Drums Taper Tangent Taper Tangent _T5 25 50 25 50 30 to 45 25 50 30 so 50 to 70 25 50 50 Wo END ROAD WORK Table 11 Taper Length - Shoulder_ Speed (mph) YyL (ft,) lvole5 B' Shidr. 10 Shldr. 12 Shldr. 25 28 35 42 I- WS' 6o 30 40 50 60 35 55 68 82 40 72 90 107 45 120 ISO 180 L-WS 50 133 167 2 00 55 147 I83 220 60 1 160 200 240 65 173 217 260 ]0 ]87 233 280 w250 beyond the ROAD WORK AHEAD sign or midway between signs whichever is less. W = Width of total shoulder in feet (combined paved and unpaved width) GENERAL NOTES DURATION NOTES 1. When a high volume of work vehicles are entering and leaving the Work Area at 1. Signs and channelizing devices may be omitted if all of the S . Posted speed limit (mph) SYMBOLS speeds slower than 10 MPH below the posted speed, place an MDT-5-06 sign in the following conditions are met: ROAD WORK AHEAD sign Location and shift the ROAD WO AK AHEAD sign upstream g p a. Work operations are 60 minutes or less. ® Work Area Soo f[. rotating, b. Vehicles in the work area have hightfights flashing. oscillating. or strobe fights operating. operatty,in 2. This TCZ plan also applies to work performed in the median more than 2 but less Channelizing Device (See Index 102-600) than IS from the edge of travelway, n•, ty Work Zone Sign 3. When work is being performed an a multilane undivided roadway the signs normally mounted in the median (as shown) shall be omitted. Lane Identification + Direction of Traffic 4. WORKERS signs to be removed or fully covered when no work is being Performed. CONDITIONS 5. SHOULDER WORK sign may be used as an alternate to the WORKER symbol sign. WHERE ANY VEHICLE, EQUIPMENT. WORKERS OR THEIR ACTIVITIES 6. When a side road intersects the highway within the TTC zone, additional TTC ENCROACH THE AREA CLOSER THAN devices shall be placed in accordance with other applicable TCZ Indexes. IN BUT NOT CLOSER THAN 2' TO THE EDGE OF TRAVEL WAY. 7. For general TCZ requirements and additional information, refer to Index 102-600, 'R L&ST REVISION DESCRIPTION: FY 1018-19 rwoex SHEET F� MULTILANE WORK ON SHOULDER 11101117 ��r�'-' STANDARD PLANS 102-612 ]of I SYMBOLS: ® Work Area a Channelizing Device (See Index 102-600) [p Work Zone Sign Buffer Space Q' Flogger ee Table 1 Lane Identification + Direction of Traffic a b -- - Work ) LP LP Lt LP rtaao ■ Tangent w EAD Eno ta�ao msro�r Taper Length D 50 To 100 / Device Spacing (See Table 1) .w May Be omitted H ROAD WORK AHEAD sign Is Installed upstream within the project limits. VVITHOUT TEMPORARY RAISED RUMBLE STRIPS GENERAL NOTES: 1. Special Conditions may be required in accordance with these notes 4. When a side road intersects the highway within the TrC zone, place additional TTC devices In accordance with other applicable TCZ Indexes. and the fallowing sheets: A. Railroad Crossings: . The ices direct! in front of the work area and be 5 e two channelizing devices y y a. /f an active railroad crossing is located closer to the Work Area than omitted provided vehicles in the work area have high -Intensity rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe lights operating. the queue length plus 300 feet, extend the Buffer Space as shown on Sheet 3. b. If the queuing of vehicles across an active railroad crossing cannot be 6. When Buffer Space cannot be attained due to geometric constraints, use the greatest attainable length, not less than 200 ft, for posted speeds avoided, provide a uniformed traffic control officer or flogger at the greater than 25 mph. highwayrailgrade crossing to prevent vehicles from stopping within the highway -rail grade crossing, even if automatic train warning devices are in place. 7, ROAD WORK AHEAD and the BE PREPARED TO STOP signs may be omitted if B. If the Work Area encroaches on the Centerline, use the Layout for all of the fallowing conditions are met: Temporary Lane Shift to Shoulder on Sheet 3 only if the Existing Paved Shoulder width is sufficient to provide for an 11' lane A. Work operations are 60 minutes or less. between the Work Area and the Edge of Existing Paved Shoulder. 8. Speed limit is 45 mph or less. C. There are no sight obstructions to vehicles approaching the work area for Reduce the posted speed when appropriate. a distance equal to the Buffer Space shown In Table 1. 2. Temporary Raised Rumble Strips: D. Vehicles in the work area have high -intensity, rotating, flashing, oscillating. or strobe lights operating. A. Use when both of the following conditions are met concurrently: E. Volume and complexity of the roadway has been considered. F. If a railroad crossing is present, vehicles will not queue across rail tracks. a. Existing Posted Speed is 55 mph or greater; b. Work duration is greater than 60 minutes. 6. AFADs are not in use. B. Use a consistent Strip color throughout the work zone. C. Place each Rumble Strip Set transversely across the lane at locations B. See Index 102-600 for general TCZ requirements and additional information. shown. D. Use Option I or Option 2 as shown on Sheet 2. Use only am option 9. Automated Flogger Assistance Devices (AFAD5) may be used in accordance with Specifications Section 101, 990 and the APL vendor drawings. throughout work zone. TABLE 1 Posted Speed DEVICE SPACING Distance Between Signs Buffer Space Maximum Spacing of Cones or Tubular Markers Maximum Spacing of Type I or Type 11 Barrlcades7Ponels/Drums On a Taper On a Tangent On a Taper On a Tangent A B C D 25 20 50 20' 50 200 200 2017 100' 155' 30 20 so, 20' 50 2W 200 200 100 200' 35 20 so, 20' S0 200 700 200' 100 25U 40 20 so, 20 50 200 200 200' IOU 305 45 10 50' 20 50 150 330 350 775' 360 5o 20 50' 20 100 500, 500 500 250 425' 55 20 50, 20 IOU 2640' 1500' 1000 500 495' 60 20' 50, 20 100, 2640' 1500' 1000 500 570' 65 20 50' 20' 700 2640 1500 1000 500, 64Y 70 20 so, 20 IOU 2640' 1SLIF ]000 500 730 3. Additional one-way control may be provided by the following means: CONDITIONS 4 A. Flag -carrying vehicle; B. Official vehicle; WHERE ANY VEHICLE, EQUIPMENT, 3 C. Pilot vehicles; WORKERS OR THEIR ACTIVITIES D. Traffic signals. ENCROACH THE AREA BETWEEN When flaggers are the sole means of one-way control, the flaggers THE CENTERLINE AND A LINE 2 OUTSIDE THE EDGE OF TRAVEL WAY. R must be In sight of each other or In direct communication at all times. C LAST REVISION 20 DESCRIPTION: FY 2018-19 TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY, SHEET niovn W FDO �.►- STANDARD PLANS WORK WITHIN THE TRAVEL WAY 2-6 102-603 1 of 3 n GENERAL NOTES: SYMBOLS ® Work Area 1. When encroacher work requires a sidewalk closure for 60 9 9a 6. Provide cros - s slope with a maximum value of 0.02 for all temporary walkways. minutes or greater, provide an alternate pedestrian route. ■ Channelizing Device 7. Maintain temporary walkway surfaces and ramps that are stable, firm, slip -resistant, [p Work Zone Sign 2. For spacing of vehicular Channelizing Devices, see applicable and free of any obstructions or hazards such as holes, debris, mud, construction vehicular temporary traffic control Indexes. equipment, and stored material. CR Required Locations For Either Temporary Or Permanent Curb Ramps. 3. Cover or deactivate pedestrian traffic signal display(s) controlling 8. Remove temporary walkways immediately after reopening of the sidewalk, unless closed crosswalks. otherwise noted in the plans. b Lam Identification + Direction of Traffic Pedestrian Longitudinal Channelizing Device (LCD) with 4. For post mounted signs located near or adjacent to a sidewalk, 9. Meet the requirements of Index 522-002 for temporary curb ramps. Mounted Work Zone Sign or separate Work Zone Sign maintain a minimum 7 clearance from the bottom of the sign panel to the surface of the sidewalk. 10. Place pedestrian longitudinal channelizing devices) across the full width of the N Pedestrian Longitudinal Channelizing Device (LCD) closed sidewalk. For temporary walkways, similar to the Sidewalk Diversion, Provide a S wide temporary walkway, except where space restrictions place LCDs to delineate both sides of the temporary walkway. ®S. Temporary Sidewalk warrant a minimum width of 4'. Provide a S x S passing space for temporary walkways less than S in width at intervals not to 17. For sidewalk diversions, ensure that there is sufficient R7W for placement of exceed 200'. temporary sidewalk and pedestrian longitudinal channelizing devices. m a 4 a 44 U\\--4 b 4 f'J 1` 1 .l III i�\`������Ar�av':■aTa a�������wni I � ' �\� \ � �i':'t: j - -�X. l •- - - ill _ ..� _ ■■fir ■■aaa� �I ..to WORK AHEM CROSSWALK CLOSURE AND SIDEWALK DETOUR SIDEWALK DIVERSION n PEDESTRIAN DETOUR LAST REVISION IX0 a DESCRIPTION: FD&M FY 2018-19 PEDESTRIAN CONTROL FOR CLOSURE OR SIDEWALKS INDEX SHEET 11101117 STANDARD PLANS 102-660 1 of 1 to 4-4 U bhp t' SkE 00 W ' o goo M all o��NN Q (si 0PP N U ri o w U g d t 1:447�4rx044 U Cq rrnn Cq o b c. t N tail �yJ o Cn C' I--�� O a d Go by U 00 CA Cl 'H^U v1UD /1 vS1 L ;'1 O . F-1 ii--��■■■■11 ND I■■�■I -+ O D Q��s ENS N0. 61289 LIVO %l STATE OF lki_4 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SPEED ALL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL COMPLY WITH PART 6 OF THE LIMIT MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) CURRENT EDITION. �� POSTED SPEED LIMIT WITHIN PROJECT AREA IS 45 MPH POSTED SPEED LIMIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 6 F UD 3 S� O � w U Qt U Ww Q N tri a vi vi �o �o W a on rV M d' Vl %O l-: W LL I! O pC N J O M c W � ct p W °�T� Y-1 K n r 1 Z �k O U o _ a TO V 1 M PROJECT NO: JADE 1611 DRAWN BY: PWM CHKDBY: PCJ SHEET NO N C15 TRAFFIC CONTROL DTLS 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 14 15 1 16 FA i I I E FI KI LI MI C ti NI FD 5/8"IR/C LB8030 6" SYAGRUS ROMANZOFFIANA, QUEEN PALM .c ' 14 13 tea. 13 13 14 14 14.5 -- -- - �i —�J7 ----- - - -� - 14 13 \ — / 12" FICUS BENJAMINA, FICUS w1 ZE 6" FICUS BENJAMINA, Lu FICUS /\ U) a al aIJL X.11 liu ,fir, ..� e saa aai-sr,.utr�s�grsa ,gym �p `l �t6 � �a ¢�" �� 12" FICUS BENJAMINA, FICUS ° 0 is l �12" FICUS BENJAMINA,10 < � z. FICUS ° 13 \ MpI \ 18" FICUS BENJAMINA & SCHINUS TEREBENTHIFOLIA, o� ° go w FICUS & BRAZILLIAN PEPPER INTERTWINED 0,0 6" SYAGRUS ROMANZOFFIANA, 0 Lnr I -QUEEN PALM d I � 3' \\ 8" SYAGRUS ROMANZOFFIANA, \\ A QUEEN PALM PARCEL3 /� \ o PRoP� i BUT,DIIC o \ \ o ©9100E 1 F. Fes. 15. 19 \ O RVII _ 18" SABAL PALMETTO, — .. — .. (:Y�CABBAGE PALM -as 14 I _ I I_ I L 1A \ 7 P OPO ED 18' PARKING E, RECIPROCAL PARKING EASEMENT ETBACK ~ T } (O.R.B. 455, PAGE 2957) --14.5 14 TREE REMOVAL PLAN Scale: 1 "= 20' 1 2 3 4 5 LB--- 70 C 0.25' WEST ry I i 8"MELALEUCA VIMINALIS, BOTTLE BRUSH I it I 4. 13' 3—ems 0 20' Q. r z TREE PRESERVATION NOTES TREE SURVEY DISCLAIMER 1. ALL TREE SURVEY INFORMATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY ENGINEERING, DESIGN, & CONSTRUCTION, INC.. TREE PRESERVATION/REMOVAL NOTES: 1. ALL TREES PROPOSED FOR REMOVAL ARE SHOWN WITH AN "X" ON TOP OF TREE SYMBOL TREE REMOVAL & MITIGATION Total Trees To Be Removed: 10 Trees Required Trees To Be Replaced: 1Palm Provided Replacement Trees: 1 palm D13H GENUS SPECIES COMMON NAMF OTY MITIGATION MITIGATION S17P 6" Ficus benjamina Ficus 1 no N/A 12" Ficus benjamina Ficus 1 no N/A 12" Ficus benjamina Ficus 1 no N/A 12" Ficus benjamina Ficus 1 no N/A 18" Ficus benjamina Ficus 1 no N/A Schinus terebenthifolia Brazillian Pepper 8" Melaleuca viminalis Bottle Brush 1 no N/A 18" Sabal palmetto Cabbage Palm 1 yes 10' CTPalm 6" Syagrus romanzoffiana Queen Palm 1 no N/A 6" Syagrus romanzoffiana Queen Palm 1 no N/A 8" Syagrus romanzoffiana Queen Palm 1 no N/A 10 A o cr, --,r Oo ON=�m M 3da�j� CNN O rn U C5 O w B a; v�Ow 0 C aj �o ��L) U v� QUU� D E June 20,2019 F F aaU U 5gF ZO a rx3 ii QN tV vi t+ -N+ N ri vi b b u'i �d H C) C) r--4 c� �Z�o K U a? C z O L C)C)a yv/ r IW z M PROJECT NO: 19-011 DRAWN BY; CIUCD BY: SHEET NO: N TP200 6 1 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 PLANT SCHEDULE A TREES CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT CAL HT Ar 7 Acer rubrum Red Maple 30 gal 2.5" dbh 12' /IND UQv2 11 Ilex x attenuata'East Palatka' East Palatka Holly 45 gal 2.5" dbh 12' OQV 7 Quercus virginiana Southern Live Oak 30 gal 2.5" dbh 12' B SS 1 Saba] palmetto Cabbage Palm FG 10' CT U TD 7 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 30 gal 2.5" dbh 12' TR 9 Thrinax radiata Florida Thatch Palm 30 gal 5' 7' SHRUBS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT HT C BW 136 Conocarpus erectus Buttonwood 7 gal �} OL 17 Nerium oleander'Petite Pink' Petite Pink Oleander 3 gal + RS2 30 Rhaphiolepis indica'Snow White' Snow White Indian Hawthorn 3 gal +0 CG 84 Spartina baked Sand Cord Grass 3 gal D O ZF 66 Zamia f oridana Coontie Palm 3 gal GROUND COVERS CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT AB 59 Agapanthus africanus *Blue' Blue Lily of the Nile 1 gal SOD/SEED CODE QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT E — SEED 4,629 sf Cynodon dactylon Bermuda Hydroseeding na El F L SOD 19,194sf Cynodon dactylon 'Tif 419' ►�!i♦♦i♦♦♦i!i♦i♦i♦i♦i000,0��►, �aO`iAJ♦�♦♦♦i♦i�♦♦i�►,O�♦�0.�� �♦ip♦pi♦i♦i♦i♦�9♦9,Op,� ♦��i,�i♦ii♦i♦i`♦♦di%♦i♦i Bermuda Grass na 6 % 8 9 I 10 FRONTAGE ROW REQ. REMARKS NATIVE RANGE Full head, specimen quality Native Standard, Full head, Florida#1 Native Quality Specimen quality Native Native Specimen quality Native Single Trunk Native SPACING REMARKS 48" o.c Native 54" o.c. Non -Native 36" o.c. Full Non -Native 36" o.c. Native 42" o.c. Native SPACING REMARKS 24" o.c. Non -Native SPACING REMARKS Non -Native Hydroseed all disturb areas as required even if not indicated on plans Well rooted healthy sod Non -Native 1 tree per 30 LF ROW 4 149.6 LF = 4.99 trees Total Frontage Trees Required: 5 trees 5trees 1 shrub per 3 LF ROW @ 149.6 LF = 49.87 trees Total Frontage Shrubs Required: 50 shrubs 50 shrubs BUILDING FACADE LDSC STRIP REQ. 1 shrub per 3 LF of BLDG perimeter @ 150.0 LF = 50.00 shrubs Total Shrubs Required: 50 shrubs 505hrubs INTERIOR VEHICULAR USE AREA REQUIREMENTS Required Interior Landscape Area 21675 sf VUA - 18 sf = 1,204 sf Total Interior Landscape Area Required: 1.205 sf 1,608 sf Required Interior Trees 1204 sf - 180 sf = 6.69 trees Total Interior Trees Required: 7 trees 7trees NORTH LDSC BUFFER B/T VUA & ABUTTING PROPERTY 1 tree per 30 LF VUA @ 285.0 LF = 9.50 trees Total Frontage Trees Required: 10 trees 10 trees 1 shrub per 4 LF VUA @ 285.0 LF = 71.25trees Total Frontage Shrubs Required: 72 shrubs 72shrubs SOUTH LDSC BUFFER BIT VUA & ABUTTING PROPERTY 1 tree per 30 LF VUA @ 154.0 LF = 5.13 trees Total Frontage Trees Required: 6 trees 1 shrub per 4 LF VUA @ 154.0 LF = 38.50trees Total Frontage Shrubs Required: 39 shrubs INTERIOR VUA & TERMINAL ISLAND TREES REQUIRED = 10 TREES PROVIDED = 10 TREES 39 shrubs HATCH SYMBOL LEGEND ASPHALT CONCRETE W W W y y SEED SOD GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL PLANTED TREES ARE TO BE 5 FEET AT PLANTING AND 15 FEET AT MATURE HEIGHT IN CROWN SPREAD. 2. ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE INSTALLED ARE TO CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF FLORIDA NO. 1 OR BETTER. 3. ALL LANDSCAPING TO BE WATERED BY AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 4. ALL CATEGORY I LISTED INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES SHALL BE ERADICATED FROM THE SITE. PARCEL SHALL BE MAINTAINED FREE OF ALL FLEPCC CATEGORY I SPECIES. BASE OF LEAF BUD BASE OF HEART/NUT OF x PALM w Y z Y O �I-- of M V CROWNEDGE IN A BERM -LIKE SHOWNMULCH LAYER MANNER AS • .• PREPARED .. SUBGRA• LAWN - i. per. 1I �I�'�Oj�OIpj�OI`��OI`j♦I�OI�j�OI`j�ielpj. pj +�`+.�♦�.'Obi� pril �ILI:0 I —I y`'�:NI�j�OI�I `I` �'�,�•�1, • yAN��N�.�,Np�Oi I I-1 I I —I � I —III —III —III —I � I—IIIOR TOP OF =1 I I_II 11=1 11=1 11=1 ;III G B/PAVING —III—III—III- GRADE ,I~ C v O TRENCH EDGE TO BE LOCATED BETWEEN ALL PLANTING BED AREAS AND ADJACENT TURF AREAS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. T/1 O U ABOVE TRENCH EDGE NOTE: BUD SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO GROUND PLANE. 3" = V-0" 329413.23-02 Tx�1 V sU�-� TRUNK SHALL BE STRAIGHT AND WITHOUT CURVES. NO DAMAGED, SCARRED OR D BLACKENED TRUNKS. FORM 3" SET ROOTBALL CROWN HURRICANE CUT OR FULL CONTINUOUS 1 HIGHER HEAD, AS INDICATED IN SAUCER AROUND THAN SURROUNDING GENERAL NOTES. PLANTING PIT FINISHED GRADE. SLOPE FINISHED GRADE AT BACKFILL AWAY FROM BURLAP TO PROTECT ROOTBALL. TREE-- MINIMUM 5 LAYERS MULCH TO DEPTH AT WATER WELL. E 2 NON -SLIP METAL FINISHED GRADE. COLLARS (6) 2 X 4 WOODEN STRIPS OVER BURLAP I —III —III -III—III—III—III- MULCH PER SPECS (3) 2 X 4 BRACES J ¢ -III- —, ROOTBALL III=III- NAILED TO 2 X 4 m PLANTING TABLETS, WOODEN STRIPS O AGRIFORM OR EQUAL, PER MANUF. RECOMMENDATIONS. June 20,2019 I— 2"x4"x3' STAKE BACKFILL WITH A MIXTURE SOIL SAUCER OF PLANTING PIT SPOIL F 2 X ROOTBALL AND PREPARED PLANTING PLANT PALM 0 2" NOTE: - SOIL, PER SPECS, FROM J TO BE PRESSURE TREATED PINE UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE ALL WOOD ASSEMBLY PARTS GRADE ADJACENT PLANTING AREA • PLANTING SOIL + T 14: + + UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE z x x x w -- (Q� PALM TREE PLANTING SHRUB PLANTING Q Q -- -- _ -1-------- 4 5 / 13 W 3/8" = V-0" 329343-02 1" = 1'-� DETAIL -FILE > GENERAL CONDITIONS Q ' I y • y CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SITE INSPECTION PRIOR TO C c W BW(12) to ° • W W \ W I • LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION IN ORDER TO ACQUAINT H a ° W 6' TALL WOODEN PRIVACY FENCE ° •I \ �� HIMSELF WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE ¢ N I' v' � N N FOR LOCATING ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BEFORE BEGINNING ca " c ENCLOSURE FOR WASTE a 31 y y y N ° _ � = W W W �(\O .• •. CONSTRUCTION. d ( j` RECEPTACLE AREA. REFER TO w-� 1. INN+ y y y CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION OF LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AT r x+a :�� 3 OL % CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS .� W W W ALL TIMES. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE SAFE STAGING AREA (18)ZF( ` (8)ZF I W W W . W W W W WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER. ARBORGUY TREE ANCHOR AipI I • CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL, INCLUDING GRASS, SYSTEM, INSTALL APPROPRIATE U • 15 ( i �, is y a . W W W W W W • FOR 365 CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS FROM SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF TENSION BAR MODEL PER MANUFACTURER'S Q rs W W i W + W y w ` THE WORK, AS DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. INSTRUCTIONS + * fW `"" • • ' ALL AREAS IMPACTED NEGATIVELY BY CONSTRUCTION PROCESSES SHALL BE H { I RETURNED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION OR BETTER PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL Q' o� COMPLETION. 1GUYLINE LANDSCAPE AREA SOIL PREPARATION ARROWHEAD ANCHOR O W W W W W o W PLANTING SOIL SHALL BE CREATED BY AMENDING TOPSOIL WITH THE WEBBING O + + • OR DECOMPOSED PINE BARK, AND SHALL ADDITION OF COMPOST. COMPOST TYPE SHALL BE MUSHROOM COMPOST O + �• W W BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE FINISHED Of + W W W W W I ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PURCHASE. COMPOST SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED O,�/ + W W W W W W y y OVER PLANTING BEDS AT AN AVERAGE DEPTH OF 2 INCHES AND OVER SOD P4 N ++ I? W W W W W AREAS AT AN AVERAGE DEPTH OF 3/4 INCH. GRADE _ _ — • 11 INCORPORATE UNIFORMLY IN PLANTING BEDS TO A DEPTH OF 6 INCHES AND IN SOD AREAS TO A DEPTH OF 3 INCHES USING A ROTARY TILLER OR �I I I —I —I I III RS2(9) Q l �p� p� PAA�R�T�CEL / `'`;\ W jd� OTHER APPROPRIATE EQUIPMENT. PRE -PLANT FERTILIZER AND PH III —III III— I 1- O Y .la[l_JP \.)S3�J o� �° • y W * W y W yz QO�� • ADJUSTING AGENTS (E.G., LIME AND SULFUR) MAY BE APPLIED IN III— I ROOTBALL CONJUNCTION WITH COMPOST INCORPORATION, AS REQUIRED PER SOIL TEST -I —) I- AB(6) �BU,DIl W W��CFNS� \may (IF REQUESTED BY OWNER). -I I III .—f rl C�C� © RAKE SOIL SURFACE SMOOTH PRIOR TO PLANTING. EXISTING WQFL W W W • REMOVE STONES LARGER THAN 1 INCH IN ANY DIMENSION AND STICKS, ROOTS, 1 SUBSOIL F--I o =M9 1 O(i�1i�. o y y + y tl. I RUBBISH, AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATTER AND LEGALLY DISPOSE OF THEM OFF O 7 ll J OWNER'S PROPERTY. r'S Od Q Q F,FzE, 15, W W W W W W I• • WATER THOROUGHLY AFTER PLANTING. O 6 !9 • y • CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING 3% POSITIVE DRAINAGE STAKING DETAIL ~ AB(6) o 0 0 0 o d W W IN ALL PLANTING BEDS. ANY OTHER PROPOSED DRAINAGE METHODS SHALL ��� ` bA W Nil BE COORDINATED WITH PLANTING EFFORTS TO MINIMIZE CONFLICTS AND K V `� N RS2(9)� o 0 0 PLANT PROPER FUNCTION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. SET ROOTBALL CROWN 1 1/2" HIGHER � SO •� J D - W W W NT MATERIAL AND PLANTING THAN THE SURROUNDING FINISHED (43)CG I , j PLANT QUANTITIES ARE OFFERED AS A CONVENIENCE TO THE CONTRACTOR, GRADE. SLOPE BACKFILL AWAY FROM (� . W + . AND ARE NOT ABSOLUTE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PLANT COUNT FROM ROOTBALL FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE. ++ o a O O o 0 0 0 1--1 ' OL(3) ++ • W W W W W W W • E PLAN AND REPORT DIFFERENCES. PLANTING AT PLANTING AT + W ALL PLANT MATERIALS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OR REFUSAL BY THE TURF AREAS. SHRUB AREAS. AB(14) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +J OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT ANY TIME. — " 16— -1as PLANTS SHALL BE WELL FORMED, VIGOROUS, GROWING SPECIMENS WITH KEEP TURF CLEAR FOR A 24" _ + + F.% �F _. -... • KEEP MULCH 2" 3" O GROWTH TYPICAL OF VARIETIES SPECIFIED AND SHALL BE FREE FROM RADIUS CIRCLE AROUND THE y� /�B(22) o 14 � . . � . . ._ . . � FROM BASE OF TREE. - - T INJURY, INSECTS AND DISEASES. PLANTS SHALL EQUAL OR SURPASS TREE. MULCH WITH A 3" THICK OL(6} - - La �YI� � E QUALITY AS DEFINED IN THE CURRENT ISSUE OF "AMERICAN STANDARDS LAYER OF SHREDDED BARK. MULCH WATER WELL w (� B. iiifff7 ED 18' PARKING EASEMENT S�� • FOR NURSERY STOCK" AS PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN NURSERYMEN, INC. AREA TO 3" DEPTH. L /1 CG(5) RECIPROCAL PARKING EASEMENT \ Cs E UNLESS NOTED SPECIFICALLY, ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE BALLED AND TRENCH EDGE, RE: 3" HIGH WATER i•r--I 4-- -4 \ + + \ (O.R.B. 455, PAGE 2957) 14 13URLAPPED OR CONTAINER GROWN. DETAIL WELL AT SHRUB 0 + • (5)OL • + * • 13 FRONT ROW OF SHRUBS SHALL BE PLANTED FROM CENTER OF PLANT A AREAS. + AT LAWN. FINISHED GRADE H is i s (13)CG i1� - MINIMUM OF 24' BEHIND BED LINE @ LAWNS OR WALKS AND A MINIMUM FINISHED GRADE C/] - -° 13 -- OF 36" BACK OF CURB @ PARKING SPACES. _ AT SHRUBS. NO PRUNING SHOULD BE PERFORMED DURING FIRST GROWING SEASON T EXCEPT FOR REMOVING DAMAGED OF DEAD GROWTH. WOUND PAINT IS NOT ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦000000 ♦ WWWWWOi♦i0♦O�♦♦OOi♦0,♦♦00000 �Oo�iO♦�i �i�000i♦�i�!♦♦oi�0♦�i�i�00 ♦i ♦i�i�i� - AREAS INDICATED ON PLANS + ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦oo ♦ ♦♦♦♦ SHALL - i i�♦�0♦i�♦ ♦O�i,09�♦9�Di��iO �+Di i�♦♦,Oi♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i� ♦♦♦i♦ioi'i♦i♦i♦♦♦i♦i♦i�.'♦ 0♦� �ii�♦ice♦ �♦O�i�♦'i�i�J�yi�i�ii�i�♦♦ DEPTH ;. �• '' ,♦O,M,♦9♦iii♦iIMMMII ♦♦♦♦♦♦ii�i�♦�ii�i�i�♦ i,♦♦ i♦ ♦♦♦L?�0��♦,�♦4i!o!♦�i!o♦i�G`caw►♦♦,♦,♦,♦,♦,♦O,♦,♦�►,�0,♦,♦,♦O,JiO�♦,,.♦,,,♦,♦,♦,♦,p♦,♦,♦,♦♦�►,♦,♦,♦,O,♦ �i♦,♦,♦,o�♦��i,♦,O,♦,�i,♦p♦,♦�♦,♦,♦,♦,♦,�i y��j ,p♦,♦,♦ ,♦,♦,♦,�i3.4ROM e♦♦♦♦i � =i♦�o�o��o�♦i♦O�ioioiW�si♦��o'� ♦i�:♦i♦i♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦�S♦i♦0ioi9♦♦9♦oi♦i�0i♦♦♦i►O♦i♦i El , " DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH ,?. .. ♦�"♦�♦�♦�♦o♦o�:♦♦♦�♦♦,p♦�•,♦i►♦!=%��:♦9♦♦♦••♦♦o�♦♦i♦ 0ioyi♦♦Oo♦♦♦♦i♦Oid°Li♦►,♦,p0♦erp,♦o00♦�E4o�♦3i♦i♦i♦i♦i0♦�i0♦'�i`i♦i♦�000♦,ypo♦,o♦♦♦♦,♦ti♦�►,,O♦♦,pp�i,♦,p0♦'♦,►,Oo,♦,♦O ♦o: �:♦•:'�a:�3' �� ►3:�°:'�:, �::�:ti��:♦::°ti�'♦:�♦�'�:: �� DEPTH SETTLED .•: ti�►•:::••o:°oo�. ::�tio� : :a:. �w.:::'°:�:+:�:'�o�:�::►:' :+::gib°i • ROOTBALLD ;•i♦.ioti♦i;p. �;►o.;..v�ti�►..;3.;�y•.ti;.:;.:;..;..;.♦;.';�.;..;.;r.;�.;:.;.;o.`.;♦ :�..,�,��°.,�,� ,� ;:�,�.�,�,.,�:,��,,.,:.ti�. .;ti �.t;.;a:�ti. : `• ' ` RB . �.;..;:.�;.ti�;.:;.:3 .o•.:�.•3:o:-�%5❖'::•:5.3Z:�.*►A•:�:❖: � DOTHERWISE. ... REMOVE • ' ' •. PRO _•M EXCESSIVE ALL TREE -STAKING APPARATUS SHALL BE REMOVED . PERIOD. ONE YEAR OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE FROM SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION PLANT PIT DETAIL 20' 140' SHALL BE INCLUDED AS AN OPTIONAL BID ITEM TO THE OWNER. ®, GENERAL PLANTING NOTES 3 TREE PLANTING - GUY STRAP 329399-01 1" = 1'-0" 329343.26-02 11 12 13 14 15 16 "I LP200 3 IS Ill rel I 1 10 U TURF POP UP HEAD. 5 Z 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL. B BARB ELL X MIPT. N 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL. 77 2 3 4 5 I 6 6" CLEAR TO FENCE OR n Iwi==111 I I d HARDSCAPE, WHERE I ° APPLICABLE. FINISHED GRADE. III -III -=III -II 4" Q TO CURB OR TURF ROTOR POP UP. WALK. a W m MARLEX STREET ELLS, > INLET SIZE DIAMETER. z iv C L PVC TEE (SXSXT) OR ELL. 1/2" POLYETHYLENE FLEXIBLE LATERAL LINE. TUBING, LENGTH AS REQUIRED. TURF SPRAY FLEX ASSEMBLY 3" - 12" 328403.13-02 1 11 F H NOTE: INSTALLER OF SLEEVES SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO LOCATE SLEEVES IF NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED. SLEEVING DETAIL Y U, it i ♦ i ii�lr � i 4♦Di♦i`9i!►♦i♦i0♦i♦ 328409.76-05 7 8 9 2" MINIMUM, 4" MAXIMUM 2" ABOVE FINISH BELOW TOP OF BOX. GRADE AT SHRUBS. 1OX15 RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX. 3/4" ABOVE FINISH REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, ONE PER BOX. GRADE AT LAWN. PLASTIC I.R. TAG AT EACH VALVE, WATER PROOF WIRE CONNECTORS ON 30" LOOPED WIRES. L� OUTLET PIPE SAME SIZE iv -III-I ¢ AS VALVE, 24" MIN. 2 III -III- TO FIRST FITTING.LR III=III-' 0 45 DOWN AS f w REQ. TO 1 ' 0° LATERAL PIPE _ DEPTH. {r _ 10 CONTROLLER AS SPECIFIED. - SECURELY BOLT CONTROLLER TO WALL. INSTALL BACKUP BATTERIES AS REQUIRED. GROUND AS PER MFG. SPECIFICATIONS. 1/2" DIAMETER RIGID STEEL CONDUIT FOR 110 VAC ELECTRICAL SOURCE. INSTALL AS PER LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES. 12 SET CONTROLLER 60" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 1 1/2" DIAMETER RIGID STEEL CONDUIT FOR RCV WIRES. J U oU II I II r 000 0 10� C� Ilull INCREASE LATERAL I O O a O O o LINE AS PER - - - - - - - - - - - FINISHED GRADE. IRRIGATION PLAN. SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONCRETE BRICK SUPPORT, SOIL NIPPLE AS REQUIRED, TWO ON EACH SIDE, SEPARATOR 00 LONG SWEEP ELL. SET AT 45 DEGREE ANGLE. FABRIC, INLET PIPE, SAME SIZE 6" THICK WRAP UP AS OUTLET PIPE. LAYER OF PEA SIDES OF GRAVEL OR 57 VALVE BOX USE PVC SCH. 40 MAIN LINE. STONE. AS SHOWN BELOW GRADE. TURF ROTOR MARLEX ASSEMBLY 3 ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER 3" = 12" 10"X15" RECTANGULAR BOX WITH 6" EXTENSION. ISOLATION BALL VALVE AS SPECIFIED, SAME SIZE AS MAIN LINE. SCHEDULE 80 THREADED NIPPLE AS REQUIRED. ADAPTER. PVC MAIN LINE. -� 3 12 328403.16-01 1 1/2" = 12" 328406.13-01 1" = 12" 328409.13-01 1. ALL MAINLINES TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF 18" OF COVER. (CLASS 200 PVC PIPE). 16. CONTRACTOR TO UTILIZE APPROPRIATE AUTOMATIC DRAIN DEVICE WHERE LOW HEAD DRAINAGE 2. ALL LATERAL AND SUB -MAIN PIPE TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF 12" OF COVER. (CLASS 200 MAY OCCUR. PVC PIPE). 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE VALVE I.D. TAGS ON ALL REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, 3. NO ROCKS, BOULDER, OR OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIALS TO BE USED IN BACKFILLING OF 18. 24 VOLT WIRE SHALL BE COLOR CODED; COMMON -WHITE, CONTROL -RED. TRENCH. 19. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDED GROUNDING EQUIPMENT FOR 4. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURERS' SPECIFICATIONS. POWER SUPPLY AND VALVE OUTPUT WITH (2) 5/8" COPPER CLAD GROUND RODS. 5. ALL THREADED JOINTS TO BE COATED WITH TEFLON TAPE OR LIQUID TEFLON. 20. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATION ON FAULT GROUND AND SET BOX FLUSH 6. ALL LINES TO BE THOROUGHLY FLUSHED BEFORE INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS. LIGHTNING PROTECTION. TO GRADE. T SPRINKLER AND RELATED EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED AS PER DETAILS. 21. ALL MATERIAL TO BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR TO OWNER: 8. ALL ELECTRICAL JOINTS TO BE MADE USING WATERPROOF CONNECTIONS AS SHOWN ON A. TWO WRENCHES FOR DISASSEMBUNG AND ADJUSTING EACH TYPE OF SPRINKLER HEADS DETAILS. AND VALVE SUPPLIED. - - - _ 9. ALL EQUIPMENT NOT SPECIFIED IN THE LEGEND SHALL BE DETERMINED AND FURNISHED BY B. TWO KEYS FOR EACH OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS. I=III=III-I THE CONTRACTOR. C. TWO QUICK COUPLER KEYS WITH MATCHING HOSE SWIVELS. 10, NO ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE IN THE FIELD EXCEPT AT A VALVE CONTROL 22. SYSTEM IS DIAGRAMMATIC TO IMPROVE CLARITY. ALL MAINLINE PIPING ELECTRIC VALVES AND II-I�I-I�I- BOX OR ANOTHER VALVE BOX SPECIFICALLY FOR CONNECTIONS. WIRING ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN LANDSCAPE AREAS AND WITHIN PROPERTY BOUNDARIES. 11. ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THIS SHEET AND OTHERS IN THIS SEr MUST BE REFERRED TO CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE THE LANDSCAPE PLAN PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF PIPING TO -III-III- -IiII THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH AVOID CONTACT WITH PLANT MATERIALS EXISTING OR NEW. THE WORK. 23. CONTRACTOR TO ADD EXTENSION RISER TO POP-UP HEADS WHEN NEEDED FOR PROPER 12. ALL 24 VOLT WIRE SHALL BE #12 OF/UL FOR COMMON WIRE, AND #14 OF/UL FOR COVERAGE. CONTROL WIRES, DIRECT BURIAL, SOLID COPPER. 24. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT 12" FROM FOUNDATIONS. ALSO INSTALL ] 13. CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPER COVERAGE OF AREAS TO BE WATERED. I.E. SPRINKLERS 4" FROM CURB OR WALKS.. ADJUST HEADS WITH INSUFFICIENT COVERAGE DUE TO BLOCKAGE BY EXISTING OR PROPOSED 25. PRIOR TO BID, IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND BACKFLOW SITE FEATURES. REQUIREMENTS. NO LATER THAN FIVE DAYS BEFORE BID SUBMITTALS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY (I 14. CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN TO KEEP SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT AND CONSULTANT OF ANY CHANGES FROM PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ACCESSORY MATERIAL FROM INTERFERING WITH PROPER PLANTING, i.e. VERIFY ROOT BALL SIZE 26. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WITH A FOR PLANTING. REPRODUCIBLE CROSS MEASURED AS -BUILT DRAWING OF THE INSTALLED IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN 15, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EXPANSION COILS AT EACH WIRE CONNECTION IN VALVE BOX AUTOCAD 2000 FORMAT BEFORE FINAL ACCEPTANCE. (WRAP AROUND 4" PIPE TIMES 27 A 1-YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR SYSTEM AFTER SUBSTANTIAL TWO 6X2X16 CONCRETE BLOCK CAPS, J / ) COMPLETION IS ACCEPTED. START UP AND ADJUSTING OF SYSTEM IN SPRING TIME SHALL BE ONE ON EACH SIDE OF BOX. INCLUDED IN WARRANTY. ) TRUE UNION BALL ISOLATION VALVE GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES 1 1/2" 12" 328406.33-04 1" = 1" 328415-01 =77- s3tsN!!�- N)v W .11-=gsNYsN MIA NEW 5� e �t��♦�� ♦yam♦���♦� ���♦ ®� �♦�♦� ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦��♦♦♦♦♦.!♦��� - >. ��"'%fix ��.�♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦i♦ .♦♦ ® 1„ m � fix. 'i4 .. /Sy ► ♦O♦Oi0'►♦�i♦i♦i�i ` �`Oi ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦�► 1 .: � f • _ is� /s�, /s� /s /s /s� /s� p � /s� �►♦♦ ��+♦♦♦♦1♦♦♦♦♦♦ ■ 5 ♦+♦♦♦ fib♦i♦�i♦<i♦i♦♦♦N♦iWrl ♦ m /�� - - ® ♦ ►♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦�♦ •+♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦�♦♦�.:♦�♦�♦.ice♦♦♦♦♦ /q rn IN ♦�♦y�♦M,♦♦t�a♦�,�♦i♦i♦i♦i♦`+25 " ��r�i�i♦Li�i♦iOO►i`i♦ !�`�♦i♦i♦iZi♦i�.♦i♦i♦♦00♦�i ♦i►i♦i♦i♦i♦O♦♦i�t�i?♦♦i♦iO�i�� m - WN �.♦.♦♦♦♦�t�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦�.�� ® rs� �J / CFO R 13 1 H- 12i, Z a Lll 97100 SF -� Ii¢If�1 ( it F.F.E. 15.75 _ � in 25 I 12 H 35 1" 17.3 �s 11 10 9 - 1" 9.12 1" 17.1 H �` 1„ 1„ 14.3 25 w l 1y2" ---rs-----� H \ zA 25 \ 1�2" ��„16 PARK -IN G'EASEMENT ?q n 15 12 12 _._ Q351 25 H V 12 10 -- --. - -- N 's 1 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN D"P6mm•I' -� Scale: 1"= 20' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 3 13 1 EXTEND CONCRETE PAD 12" BEYOND BACKFLOW AT ALL SIDES. 12" -Pi 14 I 15 16 -- REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW DEVICE AS SPECIFIED. GALVANIZED NIPPLES 7- AND ELL AS REQUIRED. a GALVANIZED UNIONS 0 AT EACH SIDE. = J w_ w o GALVANIZED uj RISERS. 4" THICK CONCRETE Mill i II I I -I I I - PAD. GALVANIZED ELL AND CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS, NIPPLE. SERVICE 90 LBS. OF CONCRETE EACH SLIP/THREAD ADAPTER SIDE. AS REQUIRED. ° n n ° d MAIN LINE, SIZE AS PER PLANS. REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW 1 1/2" = 12" NOTE: MAINLINE AND VALVES SHOWN OUTSIDE OF TRENCH FOR GRAPHIC CLARITY. ALL EQUIPMENT AND PIPE SHALL BE WITHIN PROPERTY BOUNDARIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SLEEVE SIZES TO BE DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR. 328409.43-02 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SYMBOL MANUFACTURER/MODEUDESCRIPTION QTY PSI Rain Bird 1806-PRS 15 Strip Series 29 30 Turf Spray 6.0" Pop -Up Sprinkler with Co -Molded. Wiper Seal. Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/2" NPT Female Threaded Inlet. Pressure Regulating. Rain Bird 1806-PRS 8 Series MPR 3 30 Turf Spray 6.0" Pop -Up Sprinkler with Co -Molded Wiper Seal. Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/Z' NPT Female Threaded Inlet. Pressure Regulating. ?004P Rain Bird 1806-PRS 10 Series MPR 13 30 Turf Spray 6.0" Pop -Up Sprinkler with Co -Molded Wiper Seal, Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/Z' NPT Female Threaded Inlet. Pressure Regulating. ®"Or4 Rain Bird 1806-PRS 12 Series MPR 13 30 Turf Spray 6.0" Pop -Up Sprinkler with Co -Molded Wiper Seal. Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/Z' NPT Female Threaded Inlet. Pressure Regulating. 0001VP Rain Bird 1806-PRS 15 Series MPR 11 30 Turf Spray 6.0" Pop -Up Sprinkler with Co -Molded Wiper Seal. Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/2" NPT Female Threaded Inlet. Pressure Regulating. tip Rain Bird 1812-PRS 15 Strip Series 72 25 Shrub Spray 12.0" Pop -Up Sprinkler with Co -Molded Wiper Seal. Side and Bottom Inlet. 12" NPT Female Threaded Inlet. With Pressure Regulating Device. t!!' Rain Bird 1812-PRS 10 Series MPR 3 25 Shrub Spray 12.0' Pop -Up Sprinkler with Co -Molded Wiper Seal. Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/2" NPT Female Threaded. Inlet, With. Pressure Regulating Device. ®®�� Rain Bird 1812-PRS 12 Series MPR 4 25 Shrub Spray 12.0' Pop -Up Sprinkler v'th Co -Molded Wiper Seal. Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/2" NPT Female Threaded Inlet. With Pressure Regulating Device. O®®Rip Rain Bird 1812-PRS 15 Series MPR 11 25 Shrub Spray 12.0' Pop -Up Sprinkler with Co -Molded Wiper Seal. Side and Bottom Inlet. 1/2" NPT Female Threaded Inlet. With Pressure Regulating Device. SYMBOL MANUFACTURER/MODEUDESCRIPTION QTY PSI GPM RADIUS if Rain Bird 5006-R-PC,FC-MPR 13 25 23' Turf Rotor, 6 0" Pop -Up Plastic Riser, Matched Precipitation Rotor (MPR nozzle). Arc and Radius as per Symbol. 25 ft=red, 30 ft=green, 35ft=beige. Pressure Regulating. ire Rain Bird 5006-R-PC,FC-MPR 2 25 29 Turf Rotor, 6.0" Pop -Up, Plastic Riser, Matched Precipitation Rotor (MPR nozzle). Are and. Radiusas. per Symbol. 25 ft=red, 30 ft=green, 35ft=beige Pressure Regulating. Rain Bird 5006-R-PC FC-MPR 12 25 32' Turf Rotor, 6 0" Pop -Up, Plastic Riser Matched Precipitation Rotor (MPR nozzle) Arc and Radius as per Symbol 25 ft=red 30 ft-green, 35ft=belge. Pressure Regulating. SYMBOL MANUFACTURER/MODEUDESCRIPTION OTY 9 Rain Bird PGA Globe 1" 13 1", 1-12", 2" Electric Remote Control Valve, Globe ® Ram Bird ESP4ME with (3) ESPSM3 1 13 Station, Hybrid Modular Outdoor Controller. For Residential or Light Commercial Applications. 0 Rain Bird RSD-CEx 1 Rain Sensing Device, conduit mount With threaded adapter, extension wire. POC 1 Basis of design: Point of Connection w/ 40 gpm & 60 psi. Contractor to verify & size accordingty. Irrigation Lateral Line. PVC Class 200 SDR 21 1" 2,961 l.f. Only lateral transition pipe sizes 1 14' and above are indicated on the plan, with all others being V in size. Irrigation Lateral Line: PVC Class 200 SDR 21 1 12" 94.71.f. Only lateral transition pipe sizes 1 1/4" and above are indicated on the plan, with all others being 1" in size. - -Irrigation Mainline: PVC Class 200 SDR 21 1 1/2" 663.6 I.f. .. ,.....•}„".j; Pipe Sleeve: PVC CI■ss 200 SDR 21 156.9 Lf. ■rW r .. i. f` to A00 z�°O M M bA Q' c 1 ^ O U U N O D Q L June 20, 2019 F F_ ILI to Vi �O �O �D i0 ci ri v h � H 0 E-' PN CN J OCR M Z `V O K r�-f O � L O w M PROJECT NO: 19-011 DRAWN BY: CHK'D BY: SHEET NO: N L 1 Zoo 12 e 13 14 I 15 1 16 1 3 Ld 5 0 7 0 10 12 13 14 15 16 C E F G H J L N ME, GENERAL NOTES: A. These GENERAL NOTES present and/or summarize key project Information for the plans reader's convenience. See also individual PLAN NOTES and project specifications for further details and requirements. B. These notes shall apply unless otherwise indicated by drawings or specifications. C. Where a detail is shown for one condition it shall apply for all like or similar conditions even though not specifically marked on the drawings. D. Contractor shall provide adequate bracing or shoring for all work during the construction period. PART II. DESIGN CRITERIA: A. Building Code 2017 FBC—B 1609/ASCE 7-10 (FBC—B/1603.1.4) B. Superimposed Design Loads (See Pre —Engineered Metal Building Drawings): 1. See plan notes. 2. Basic wind speed: 158 mph — Basic wind speed 7G� C. Per Pre —Engineered Metal Building Design: 1. Vult = 158 mph 2. Vosd = 122 mph 3. Risk Category = 2 4. Wind Exposure = C 5. Internal Pressure Coefficient = t0.18 D. Foundations: 1. See Geotechnical/Subsurface Investigation Report by Universal Engineering Sciences Project No. 0330.18000154.0000 Dated Dec. 24, 2018. 2. Spread footings with a minimum soil bearing capacity of 2000 psf. a. All column and wall footing excavations shall be checked by a geotechnical engineer for a minimum soil bearing capacity. The results are to be submitted to the structural engineer. b. If, after excavation, the condition of the soil indicates a bearing capacity of less than the minimum, the structural engineer shall be notified and the footings revised as necessary. 3. All footings shall bear on original undisturbed soil, where possible. Any fill shall be compacted to 95% Standard Proctor. E. For roof top equipment location and weights see Mechanical Drawings. F. P.E.M.B. design is not to exceed allowable horizontal deflections for brick veneer and EFIS construction. A. See SO.2 for Concrete and Finish Specs. B. Concrete shall be proportioned, mixed and placed in accordance with ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" and ACI 301 "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings." Minimum compressive strengths of concrete at the end of 28 days shall be: Footings: 3000 psi Interior Slab: 4000 psi Exterior Slab: 4500 psi C. Cement to be Portland type I or approved equal. D. Mix design shall be documented in accord with Aci 301, Chapter 3 "Proportioning". Mix designs which are submitted without the required documentation will be rejected. Field slumps recorded at job site shall not exceed the slump established for the mix design. E. Concrete clear cover dimensions are 3 inches for faces cast against earth and 2 inches for all other faces except as noted. F. Concrete shall be cast against firm soil. G. Concrete shall not be poured in water or on frozen ground and shall be protected from frost during construction. H. All footing excavations shall be inspected by Geo. Engineer before any concrete is placed. I. Slabs: 1. Construction or control joints shall be provided in slabs on grade as shown or maximum area of slab between joints shall be 300 square feet. 2. Place welded wire fabric 1 inch from top of concrete unless otherwise noted. J. Reinforcement: 1. All detailing, fabrication and placing of reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with the latest "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures" ACI 315. Reinforcing bars shall be new billet steel conforming to ASTM A615, Grade 60. PART IV. TESTING AND INSPECTION: A. Foundations and Earthwork, Geotechnical engineer/testing laboratory to be engaged by Contractor. B. Materials and Procedures. Testing laboratory to be engaged by Contractor. C. Concrete Testing: One (1) set of three (3) cylinders shall be made for each fifty (50) cubic yards or fraction thereof for each class of concrete in each days' pour. Of each set of test cylinders, one (1) shall be broken at seven (7) days, one (1) shall be broken at twenty eight (28) days, and one (1) held in reserve. 0 C 0 E FI a M REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE N ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC �n Z ao �O M_ CMM � 3Q�010� ON Ow � g, P4 0 w ct r� H L G PROJECT NO: 19-011 / S09i SHEET NO: GENERAL NOTE; SO.1 2 3 C! 7 0 10 12 13 14 15 2 1 3 1 4 5 7 E 10 12 13 1 14 1 15 16 0 C X E F C I J a L M 0 1) GENERAL A. The building shall be designed such that there is maintained an absolute minimum of 68'-0" from face -of -column to face -of -column on the sales floor. 2) FOUNDATIONS A. The concrete foundations shall be designed, detailed and constructed to provide for the safe, serviceable support of the pre -manufactured metal building structure and all prescribed loads applied thereto. The foundations shall conform to the latest editions of all applicable standards of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), the Building Code(s) enforced by the Authority Having Jurisdiction and these requirements. B. The soils supporting the foundation shall be prepared and compacted in accordance with a geotechnical testing based investigation and site specific recommendations provided by a Professional Engineer registered to practice in the State where the project is located. C. The slab on grade shall not be utilized to resist horizontal thrust forces at the base of the pre-engineered building frames. Tie beams below and separate from the building slab may be utilized. D. The bearing materials shall be free of organic, expansive or corrosive material, and shall support the foundation in accordance with the following twenty five year criteria: 1. Maximum differential movement due to either settlement or heave shall not exceed 1/2" over a distance of 50 feet. 2. Maximum total movement due to either settlement or heave shall not exceed V. E. The foundations shall be of sufficient depth to bear below local frost depth where exposed, attain minimum design bearing pressure, achieve sufficient protection from settlement or heave, and where adjacent to existing construction, avoid application of lateral earth pressure to adjacent construction. 3) SLAB ON GRADE A. The subgrade for the slab on grade shall be compacted and prepared in accordance with a geotechnical testing based investigation and site specific recommendations provided by a Professional Engineer registered to practice in the State where the project is located. The subgrade shall provide a minimum of 100 pounds per cubic inch (pci) modulus of sub -grade reaction and shall be proof -rolled to ensure that there are no pumping or soft zones greater than'/z" (ACI 302, "Guide for Concrete Floor Slab Construction'7). B. The slab on grade shall conform to the latest editions of all applicable standards of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), the Building Code(s) enforced by the Authority Having Jurisdiction and these requirements. The slab on grade shall be a minimum of 4" thick and reinforced with a minimum 6" x 6" x W 1.4 x W 1.4 welded wire fabric located in the center of the slab. C. Except at doors at the perimeter of the facility, the slab on grade shall be isolated from the building columns and any perimeter grade beams or walls. The slab on grade shall receive a hard steel trowel finish. Saw -cut contraction joints a minimum of /. the depth of the slab shall be provided in both principal directions across the entire floor slab, spaced no further than 13 feet on center and providing panels with an aspect ratio no greater that 1.5:1. Refer to Control Joint Spacing Plan on Sheet S3. The slab shall be protected from the effects of heat or wind as necessary to avoid any curling of the slab segments. 4) CONCRETE SALES FLOOR PRE -INSTALLATION CONFERENCE: A. At least 30 days prior to the start of the concrete slab construction, the general contractor shall conduct a meeting to review the proposed concrete mix designs and to discuss the required methods and procedures to achieve the requirements of this specification. The general contractor shall send a pre -concrete conference agenda to all attendees 20 days prior to the scheduled date of the conference. B. The general contractor shall require responsible representatives of every party concerned with the concrete work to attend the conference, including, but not limited to, the following: General contractor's superintendent 1. Laboratory responsible for concrete mixes, field quality control and floor tolerance testing 2. Ready -mix concrete producer 3. Concrete contractor 4. Chemical admixture manufacturer 5. Liquid densifier and sealer manufacturer 6. Liquid densifier and sealer applicator 7. Joint filling manufacturer 8. Joint filling applicator C. Minutes of the meeting shall be recorded, typed and printed by the general contractor and distributed to all concerned parties, including the owner's representative, the architect and the structural engineer, within five days of the meeting. D. The minutes shall include a statement by the concrete supplier stating that the proposed concrete mix design will produce the concrete quality required by these specifications. E. The minutes shall include a statement by the concrete contractor that the proposed concrete mix design will provide appropriate workability and setting times, to ensure that the concrete contractor can achieve the requirements of this specification. 5) CONCRETE CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATION: A. The concrete contractor shall include in their bid package to the general contractor, sufficient data, including a minimum of three similar and successful projects that clearly indicates the concrete contractor's ability to successfully perform the work and to achieve the interior sales floor slab tolerances required in this specification. The concrete contractor's team shall have participated in the majority of these projects, and that team shall remain the same through the duration of this project. 6) CONCRETE MATERIALS: A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type 1. Use one brand of cement throughout the project. B. Coarse and fine aggregates: ASTM C 33. Combined aggregate gradation for slabs on grade and other designated concrete shall be 8% - 18% for large top size aggregates (1 Y:") or 8% - 22% for smaller top size aggregates (1" or'/I') retained on each sieve below the top size and above the no. 100 sieve. Slabs on grade shall have a maximum aggregate size of 1 /� footings and 3 .. piers 1" and beams /< . C. Water: complying with ASTM C 94. D. Air-entraining admixtures: Shall conform to ASTM C-260. Admixture manufacturer shall provide written certification that the air -entraining admixture is compatible with other required admixtures. All exterior slabs shall be air -entrained (4% - 6%). Acceptableproducts: Euclid Chemical AEA-92 or Air 40; BASF Micro Air; W.R. Grace Dazavair 1000 or Darex- 1. 1. Note: Air -entraining admixture shall not be used on interior concrete. E. Water -reducing admixture: Shall conform to ASTM C494, Type A and contain no more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products: Euclid Chemical Eucon series; BASF Pozzolith series; W.R. Grace WRDA or Daracem series.. F. Water -reducing, retarding admixture: Shall conform to ASTM C494, Type D, and contain no more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products: Euclid Chemical Retarder 75; BASF Pozzolith series; W.R. Grace Danuard 17. G. High range water -reducing admixture (superplasticizer): Shall conform to ASTM C494, Type F or Type G and contain no more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products: Euclid Chemical Eucon 37; BASF Rheobuild 1000; W.R. Grace daracem-100. H. Water -reducing, non -corrosive accelerating admixture: Shall conform to ASTM C494, Type C or E, and contain no more chloride ions than are present in municipal drinking water. The admixture manufacturer must have long-term, non -corrosive test data from an independent testing laboratory (of at least a year's duration) using an acceptable accelerated corrosion test method such as that using electrical potential measures. Acceptable products: Euclid Chemical Accelguard 80/90 or Accelguard NCA; BASF NC534 or Pozzutec 20; W.R. Grace Polarset. I. Prohibited admixtures: 1. Calcium chloride or admixtures containing more than 0.05% chloride ions are not permitted. 2. Flyash is not permitted. 7) EVAPORATION RETARDER: A. Waterborne, monomoleeular film forming, manufactured for application to fresh concrete. 1. Acceptable products: a. "Bucobar" by Euclid Chemical - Phil Brandt 877-438-3826 8) CURING MATERIALS: A. Exterior curing: All exterior concrete slabs shall be cured using a liquid membrane -forming curing compound. The liquid membrane -forming curing compound shall meet the requirements of ASTM C1315 with a maximum V.O.C. Content of 700 g/1: 1. Acceptable products: a. "Super Rez Seal" or "Super Aqua Cure" by Euclid Chemical -Phil Brandt 877-438- 3826 B. Interior curing (building not enclosed/sales floor slab is placed first : The interior sales floor slab shall be cured using a reduced odor, dissipating liquid membrane forming curing compound that is formulated from hydrocarbon resins. The dissipating liquid membrane forming curing compound shall meet the requirements of ASTM C309 and V.O.C. contents i n accordance to EPA 40 C FR art 59 table 1 compounds with a maximum V.O.C. content of 350g/l. P subpart D for concrete curing 1. Acceptable product: a. "Kurez DR VOX" by Euclid Chemical - Phil Brandt 877-438-3826 C. Interior curing (building enclosed/sales floor slab is placed last : The interior sales floor slab shall be cured using a removable, low odor, fast drying liquid membrane forming curing compound. The removable liquid membrane forming curing compound shall meet the requirements of ASTM C309, AASHTO M 148, USDA compliancy and V.O.C. contents in accordance to EPA 40 CFR, part 59, Table 1, subpart D for concrete curing compounds with a maximum V.O.C. Content of 350g/I. 1. Acceptable product: a. "Kurez RC" by Euclid Chemical - Phil Brandt 877438-3826 9) LIQUID DENSIFIER / SEALER FOR INTERIOR SALES FLOOR: A. Liquid densifier / sealer shall be a sodium silicate / siliconate blend. Manufacturer of liquid densifier and sealer must be contacted prior to bidding for pricing and application requirements. 1. Acceptable liquid densifier and sealer manufacturer: a. "Euco Diamond Hard" by Euclid Chemical - Phil Brandt 877-438-3826 b. "RetroPlate 99" by RetroPlate Systems - Curtis Turnbull 888-942-3144 B. Approval: All general contractors bidding or negotiating a Dollar General project shall contact Euclid Chemical or RetroPlate to obtain a list of approved applicators located within the geographic region of the project. General contractors shall solicit and accept pricing only from those applicators as provided by Euclid Chemical or RetroPlate. The approved applicator selected for the initial application of lianid densifier / polishing process. Within ten days after completion of work, the approved applicator shall famish Euclid Chemical or RetroPlate a copy of the invoice, as well as square footage and coverage rate data confirming that the specified application rates were achieved. C. Project service: at least 10 days prior to application of liquid densifier and sealer, the general contractor shall notify the Euclid Chemical or RetroPlate representative for jobsite service. The representative will be on the project site during the first application on of liquid densifier /sealer and will follow the project through to completion. 10) SEMI -RIGID POLYUREA JOINT FILLER: A. UV Resistant, semi -rigid polyureajoint filler shall be a two (2) component, 100% solids compound, with minimum Shore "A" hardness of 80. Joint filler color shall match the adjacent concrete surface. 1. Acceptable semi -rigid polyureajoint filler manufacturer: a. "Euco QWIKJoint UVR" by Euclid Chemical - Phil Brandt 877-438-3826 B. Non -UV Resistant, semi -rigid polyurea joint filler shall be a two (2) component, 100% solids compound, with a minimum Shore "A" hardness of 75. Joint filler color shall match the adjacent concrete surface. 1. Acceptable semi -rigid polyureajoint filler: a. "CreteFill Pro 75" by CureCrete - Curtis Turnbull 888-942-3144 C. Approval: All general contractors bidding or negotiating a Dollar General project shall contact the Euclid Chemical company or Retroplate to obtain a list of approved applicators located within the geographic region of the project. General contractors shall solicit and accept pricing only from those applicators as provided by Euclid Chemical or RetroPlate. The approved applicator selected for the initial application of liquid densifier / sealer shall be the same as for the inint flllino and addition,.] anntiration of ]in...d d"...in- i 11) CONCRETE MIXES: A. Comply with ACI 301 requirements for concrete mixtures. B. Concrete mix design(s) shall be proportioned according to ACI 301, for normal -weight concrete determined by either laboratory trial mix or field test data as follows: 1. Compressive strength (28 days): 4000psi (27.6mpa), with a maximum water/cement ratio of .53, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. Concrete materials included in the mix design shall be the same materials provided to the project, and shall be prepared by an independent testing laboratory approved by the owner. If sufficient backup data is not available, the Iaboratory mix design shall exceed the desired job strength of concrete by 1,200psi. Four copies of the [nix design shall be submitted to the owner before concrete work begins. 2. Slump: Concrete containing mid or high range water reducer shall have a maximum slump of 5 %2' for the interior sales floor slab and 8" (200 mm) for other areas. All other concrete shall not exceed 4 inches (100 mm) unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. 3. Adjustment to concrete mixes: Mix design adjustments may be requested by General Contractor when characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, test results or other circumstances warrant; at no additional cost to owner and as accepted by owner. Laboratory test data for revised mix design and strength results must be submitted to and accepted by owner before using in work. Both the concrete testing and inspection agency and the concrete contractor shall satisfy themselves that the concrete mix design will produce a concrete which will meet the specifications for this project. In addition, the General Contractor and Concrete shall Contractor v a l verify fy that the workability, fmishabrlity and setting times are appropriate for slab installations. Placement shall be made directly from concrete trucks by chute. If pumping of the concrete is an special 1 contemplated for p y locations, oc ions, the proportions established above shall not altered to suit the capabilities of the pumping equipment. For concrete containingmacro-synthetic fibers, adjustments requited to provide required placement conditions may warrant use of additional water reducer. No additional water is permitted into concrete mixture after addition of macro -synthetic fibers. 4 Interior concrete sales floor: Concrete shall be designed to meet 4000 psi compressive strength @ 28 days and exhibit <0.04% shrinkage @ 28 days. The mix shall contain approximately 12 cubic feet of #467 aggregate (TI/2" top size), the specified water reducing admixture and achieve a w/crn ratio of 0.53 (max.). Concrete shall be non air -entrained and in no case shall the concrete be designed for less than 4000 psi (27.6mpa) @ 28 days. Proposed mix design shall be similar to the following Prototype mix: Materials Prototype mix Cement 517-564lbs. Fly ask/slag Prohibited Coarse aggregate 12 cubic feet +/- .50 (#467 stone) Fine aggregate 7 cubic feet +/- (adjust as necessary) Water content 250 - 300lbs. Air content (Entrapped Air Only) 3.0% (max.) Water Reducer (type a/f) 3oz: l0oz./100wt+/_ (mid range preferred) W/cm 0.53 (max.) Initial slump (water) 3" Final Slump (with water reducer) 5.5" (max) Shrinkage <0.04% @ 28 days 12) FLOOR SLAB FINISH AND TOLERANCES: A. General: Unless otherwise noted by owner, concrete sales floor slab shall be cast in one continuous placement. Concrete shall be placed, screeded, re -straightened, and finished as necessary to meet the FF and FL tolerance requirements. Do not wet concrete surfaces during finishing operations. B. Trowel finish (sales floor): Apply a hard trowel finish to surfaces as follows: 1. Laser screeds, vibratory screeds, highway straightedges and wood bull floats shall be used to initiate screeding and floating process to form a uniform and open -textured surface plane before excess moisture or bleed water appears on the surface. A back-up laser screed is required during concrete placement of the interior sales floor slab. Remove excess water before starting floating operations. Do not further disturb surfaces before starting finishing operations 2. Highway straightedge operations shall continue before, during and after troweling operation, until specified floor tolerances are achieved. 3. Trowel finish with gas operated troweling machine with adjustable blades on all finishing equipment. Use steel -reinforced blades on ride -on power trowels. Trowel the surface sufficiently to produce a smooth, tight, abrasion resistant surface. Care shall be taken not to overwork or bum the surface. Use 6" wide finish style steel -reinforced blades on fin al al asses, Finishing blades shall be in new b ad condition and completely 1 P g p yceanofany deleterious materials. Interior machine trowel finish shall be achieved within a 3" tolerance of all walls columns and partitions. 4. Protection: Care shalt be taken to protect the interior sales floor. Entrances shall include clean floor mats to prevent mud stains and all equipment on the floor shall be diapered to prevent spills. Cutting oils, etc, are not allowed on the sales floor slab at any time during the construction process. C. Comply with ACI 117 "Specifications p y For Tolerances For Concrete Construction and Materials." Interior sales floor slab shall meet the requirements of a type 5, single course, hard steel -troweled finish as described in ACI 302. 1. All perimeter areas and edges of the concrete floor shall exhibit the same finish as the sales floor, including but not limited to, hallways, offices, restrooms, etc. 2.The general contractor is responsible for contracting with the testing laboratory for all costs associated with floor tolerance testing. A copy of the final floor tolerance report shall be provided by the general contractor to the owner within 24 hours of receiving the report from the testing laboratory. The sales floor slab shall conform to the following flatness and levelness criteria: Flatness Overall Floor Flatness rating of at least 35 Levelness Overall Floor Levelness rating of at least 30 Tolerance Band for Entire Floor +/- 0.375 inch D. Failure to achieve the above criteria shall be cause for replacement of the offending segments or grinding/polishing at no cost to the Owner or Tenant. E. Trowel finish (other than sales floor): Apply a hard trowel finish to surfaces indicated and to floor and slab surfaces exposed to view or to be covered with resilient flooring, carpet, ceramic or quarry file set over a cleavage membrane, paint, or another thin film -finish coating system. F. Heavy broom finish: As noted on drawings. 13) CONCRETE PROTECTION AND CURING: A. General: Normalize concrete set time and protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply with ACI 305 for hot -weather protection and ACI 306 for cold -weather protection during curing. During concrete placement operations, ventilate and exhaust all Fumes from construction equipment and heaters to avoid potential early concrete carbonation. Apply the specified curing compound as quickly as possible for maximum protection. For concrete placement during hot, dry and windy conditions, concrete contractor shall use evaporation retarder as per manufacturer's instructions to maintain a moist condition and to minimize plastic drying shrinkage cracking at the surface of the freshly placed concrete. 1. Curing - Exterior Slabs: All exterior concrete slabs shall be cured using the specified liquid membrane -forming curing compound. Per manufacturer's instructions, application shall be applied evenly and uniformly as soon as possible after final finishing. Surface shall be clean and damp, but not wet and can no longer be marred by walking workmen. All applications shall be made by an approved applicator of the manufacturer, and when surface and air temperature is above 50' f. Apply "Super Rez Sea)" or "Super Aqua Cure" at an application rate of 400sf/gallon. Begin curing immediately after finishing concrete, but not before free water has disappeared from concrete surface. 2. Curing - Interior slabs: The interior sales floor slab shall be cured using the specified dissipating or removable liquid membrane -forming curing compound. Per manufacturer's instructions, application shall be applied evenly and uniformly as soon as possible after final finishing. Surface shall be damp, but not wet and can no longer be marred by walking workmen. All applications shall be made by an approved applicator of the manufacturer, and when surface and air temperature is above 50' f Apply "Kurez DR VOX" (slab first) or "Kurez RC" (slab last) at an application rate of 350sf/gallon. Begin curing immediately after finishing concrete, but not before free water has disappeared from concrete surface. 14) CONTRACTION JOINTS IN SLABS -ON -GRADE: A. Form weakened -plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated on drawings. Contraction joints shall be sawn to a depth equal to at least one-fourth of the concrete thickness, as follows: B. Sawed joints: All saw cutting shall be accomplished with a "Soff-Cut" saw and vacuum system equipped with a new blade and plate, as soon as the slab will support the weight of the saw and operator. Note: Concrete dust shall be removed completely and immediately. If chalk lines are used for sawcuts, all chalk remaining on the slab shall be removed completely and immediately after sawing. 15) INTERIOR SALES FLOOR SLAB PROTECTION: A. Take the following measures to protect the interior sales floor slab: 1. Wrap or "diaper" all motorized and hydraulic equipment to prevent fluid leaks 2. Provide non -marking tires on rubber tired vehicles or equip rubber tires with tire boots made of nylon fabric 3. Provide mats at all entrances to prevent mud stains 16 TEWN F G O JOINT FILLER LIQUID DENSIFER AND POLISIIDVG PROCESS: A. Do not commenc e installation of semi -rigid polyurea joint filler, liquid densifier and sealer or polishing processes until the building is completely enclosed, permanent power and lighting is operating and the building is thermostatically controlled. Installation of these materials shall commence approximately two weeks prior to "fixture date." 17) INSTALLATION OF SEMI -RIGID POLYUREA JOINT FILLER: A. All General Contractors ene Co actors biddingor negotiating General r ' a Dollar project shall contact Euclid Chemical or P J RetroPlate to t 'n ob az a list of approved applicators ithin th pp located w e geographic region of the project. General contractors shall solicit and accept pricing only from those applicators as provided by Euclid Chemical or RetroPlate. B. Joint filler installation: Comply with recommendations in ACI 302 for use of joint filler as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. C. Surface cleaning of joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint filler. Remove foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with adhesion of joint tiller by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading, or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint filler. Remove loose particles remaining from above cleaning operations by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil -free compressed air. Also remove all laitance and form -release agents from concrete surface. Clean nonporous surfaces with chemical cleaners or other means that do not stain, harm substrates, or leave residues could interfere with adhesion ofjoint sealants. All surfaces to be filled shall be clean and dry. D. For proper load transfer, joints must be filled full depth, but in no case should the joint filler be any less than 1" deep in the joint. E. Mixing: Joint filler is a two part product requiring machine mixing and placing. Premix part b separately before using. Follow pump manufacturer's equipment instructions. F. Placement: Joint filler shall be filled full depth. No backer rod is allowed. Joints should be overfilled and shaved even with the surrounding joint edge giving the floorjoints a flat, smooth appearance. Shaving of excess joint filler can be approximately 30 minutes after placement, and up to 24 hours later, depending on jobsite conditions such as concrete and ambient temperatures. G. Joint filler separation: The approved joint filling applicator shall include in their bid a cost per linear foot to make one return trip to refill joints if joint filler sidewall separation or splitting exceeds 1/16," or if surface profile is concave, chattered or if voids occur. This shall take place one week prior to grand opening. A. Interior sales floor slab: Thoroughly clean the interior sales floor slab prior to initial application of liquid densifier and sealer by completely removing the specified dissipating or removable curing compound from the floor surface. The following floor stripper or removal solution shall be applied to the floor to thoroughly 0 oughly strip, clean and remove all curing compound residue: 1. If Kurez DR VOX (slab first) was used to cure the slab, use "Euco Clean & Strip" by Euclid Chemical, applied at the proper water to floor stripper ratio and coverage rate that will completely remove the Kurez DR VOX. Contact: Phil Brandt (877) 438-3826 2. If Kurez RC (slab last) was used to cure the slab, use "Karez OFF" by Euclid Chemical, applied at the proper water to floor cleaner ratio and coverage rate that will completely remove the Kurez RC. Contact: Phil Brandt (877) 438-3826 19) POLISHING PROCESS AND APPLICATION OF LIOUID DENSIFIER / SEALER: A. All Applicators must be certified by Euclid Chemical or Retro-Plate. B. The revised process can be used in both "Wet" and "Dry" applications. C. This process assumes a quality concrete finish (meets and/or exceeds the specified floor tolerances) by the floor finisher. Failure to achieve the above criteria shall he cause for replacement of the offending segments or grinding/polishing at no cost to the Owner or Tenant. D. Only the Sales Floor will receive the full 8 step process outlined below under item K. E. All other areas will only receive steps 1 through 3, no additional work is necessary. The yellow safety striping will remain. F. The Black painted border will not be required in areas behind fixtures, etc .... it will only be installed at the main entry door, office doors, egress doors and doorways into the receiving area and transitions that can be seen by the customers. G. Steps 2 & 4 are combo steps using different grits of resin bond diamonds on each pass. H. This is a "Resin" only grind that does not tear away as much of the surface area. The Resin grind will remove a minimal top layer of the concrete surface and should greatly reduce the amount of Waste Product created when compared to the old Metal grind process. I. If a Cure-n-Seal product is required at the time of slab placement only Water Based Dissipating Sealers are allowed. NO Acrylic Cure-N-Seals are allowed. J. Prior to application, inspect interior sales floor slab to ensure that slab is clean and free of dust, grease, oils, or other contaminants that might prohibit the proper application and penetration of the liquid densifier and sealer. K. Process Steps 1. Cut, clean out, prep and fill the concrete floor joints with the Euclid QWIKjoint UVR polyurea joint filler. 2. Grind Concrete Floor with a combo set of 45/50 grit resin bond diamonds 3. Grind Concrete Floor with a combo set of 60/100 grit resin bond diamonds 4.Thoroughly clean the concrete floor and apply Diamond Hard densifier at 225 square feet per gallon 5. Polish concrete floor with a combo set of 100/200 grit resin bond diamonds. 6. Polish concrete floor with 400 grit resin bond diamonds. 7. Thoroughly clean the concrete floor and apply Diamond Hard densifier at 700 square feet per gallon 8. Burnish / Polish concrete floor with 800 Grit Diamond Impregnated pads 9.Bumish / Polish concrete floor with 1500 Grit Diamond Impregnated pads L. All edges must be polished to match concrete floor with coinciding SASE 5" resin Polishing pads or HTC EZ Grind polishing 5" diamond tools. M. Polish results: Perform polishing process to attain an overall gloss reading of235 specified overall gloss value (SOGV) as measured using a Iforiba IG-320, and a specified minimum gloss reading of>30 minimum local gloss value (MGLV). A minimum of 75 readings shall be taken throughout the interior sales floor. The approved applicator shall take four gloss measurement readings at 90' from each other, and then averaged for one reading at each location. The overall measurement shall be reported to Dollar General within 24 hours of the polishing process. Gloss shall be considered as a quantitative value that expresses the degree of reflection when light hits the concrete floor surface. Gloss measurements will be taken independent of ambient lighting and will be taken within a sealed measurement win dow located n c d beneath the test unit. tr, A Z° `�M 0� M M D\ C N N O� h B C1rN045 C6 -d C W bA O ' \ v .O ZI r� _ ` rTl ~-•I a CA 0 ~ U COD p D F W H 0 E..,l 0/ F-� a O J F9 a, W Z � W 0 V K P; O O in x L C) rW 9 REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE N ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROJECT NO: 19-011 / S0919 SHEET NO: CONCRETE & FINISH NOTES SO.2 2 1 3 1 4 5 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 �a K'. s 61 7 _A 10 12 13 ILl 15 16 0 LJ C 01 C E F Ce] W J 0 K L 4 S3. 2 0 3 4 53.1 0 5 0 -----I VB — — — — — — — — — — — — #5 HAIRPIN (TYP) ' I 1 I ��° I / I 1 I I ' I 1 ( I I 1 I 1_ �' J —J �� ' 1 I �_�= I I 1 1 I I I ' 1 I I I I I I I L —I F3 L —+—� F3 L —+—� F3 L —4- J F3 —4- J — I I I FIN. FL. EL. +15.75' I I F5 I F2 I I I I (REFERENCE EL. +0'-0") I I I I J FJ 4 S3.1 I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — n F— ——L_ INTERIOR SLAB NOTES: 3'- 1. 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/ 2. 6 x 6 19tio WELDED WIRE MESH 3. ON 6 POLYI I I 4. ON 4"MIL COM ACTED POR P ROUSRIEFIL I I I (SEE GEO—TECH REPORT) 1 I 5. ON COMPACTED EARTH I S3.1 _ I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I i 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I F4 F4 F4 F4 ----I----I �---I----I---1---� I----I---� F5 — r` - -� � L—— — I— --J L—— — I— --J L—— —I---J L—— —I---J I " T TG. INTERIOR TYP —0 —4 ICAL I I i I I I - -- -- m -- -- --I -- —� -- —i— -- -- -- f— -- �— -- I -- I I I I I I F2 1 1 F2 1 1 F2 1 / F2 1 / Z r 1 1 1L I I 1 I 1 I 1 L — — —— — — — — —J L J -- — —— — — — — —� J I — — — — —- L J -- — —— — — — — —� L J -- — —— — — — — � MARK SIZE REINFORCEMENT REMARKS F1 5'-0" SQ x 2'-0" DEEP (7) # 6's E.W. 6/S3.1 F2 7'-0" SQ x 2'-0" DEEP (9) # 6's E.W. 6/S3.1 F3 9'-6" SQ x 2'-0" DEEP (12) # 6's E.W. T & B 6/S3.1 F4 11'-6" SQ x 2'-0" DEEP (13) # 6's E.W. T & B 10/S3.1 F5 8'-0" SQ x 2'-0" DEEP (10) # 6's E.W. 6/S3.1 SCHEDULE M NOTE: COLUMN FOUNDATION DESIGN MEETS THE REACTIONS OF THE METAL BUILDING. METAL BUILDING JOB NUMBER (14979) FOUNDATION PLAN N SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" L VB I I FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES: 1'-0" 12'-0" 4 1. FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE SHEET S0.1. FLOOR DESIGN LOADS: LIVE LOAD = 125 psf CONTRACTOR NOTE: 1. COLUMN FOOTING ELEVATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WHEN FINAL CIVIL GRADING PLAN IS SUBMITTED TO ENGINEER. 2. FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 2. FOR SECTIONS AND DETAILS SEE SHEET S3.1. 3. FINISH SLAB ELEVATION EQUALS REFERENCE SLAB ELEVATION +0'-0" U.N. 4. ALL EXTERIOR FOOTINGS TO BEAR A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES BELOW FINISH GRADES. 5. FJ INDICATES CONTROL OR CONSTRUCTION JOINT IN FLOOR SLAB. SEE DETAIL 1, 2 AND 3 ON S3.1 6. COORDINATE ALL UNDER SLAB UTILITIES WITH OTHER TRADES. 7. FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLT PLACEMENT SEE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER'S SETTING PLAN. 8. INDICATES FOOTING TYPE. FOR SIZE AND F# REINFORCEMENT SEE FOOTING SCHEDULE THIS SHEET. 9. INDICATES TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATION BELOW FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION +0'-0". 10. VB INDICATES VERTICAL BRACING. 11. Mo INDICATES MASONRY OPENING, SEE ARCHITECTURAL FOR DIMENSIONS. 12• x+##•##' INDICATES FIN. GRADE EL. CO—ORD WITH CIVIL DRAWINGS. REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 1` it M A Z � � M > Qo,a, � 3cz ox B a:cla:Ow U o W G w 0 0 � o rr ll D ^ a/ 'g No, 377M E f� ®®�sios/oNAL EEC /itttlllil'®` F N o 3 a W a � 6 0 00 .QW7 G V N M M PROJECT NO: 19-011 / SOS SHEET NO: FOUNDATION PL. N 51.1 2 1 3 1 4 5 0 7 0 0 10 12 1 13 14 15 1 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 15 1 16 I c E E F c H J K L M 2 @ EPEP51 Ni-10 C0 EPEP51� EN n � A - SERVICE COUNTER PLAN B - ELEVATION SERVICE COUNTER DETAILS SCALE: 114"=1'-(Y" FIXTURE PLAN SCALE: 1/9'=T-0" PLAN NORTH NOTE: FRONT CHECKOUT COUNTER TO BE PROVIDED BY DOLLAR GENERAL AND INSTALLED AT DOLLAR GENERAL'S DIRECTION. COUNTERS SHALL INCLUDE A PORTION OF AT LEAST 36" IN LENGTH WHICH IS NO MORE THEN 34' ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR. COUNTERS SHALL BE ON AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE. WRITING SURFACE r- A Z�d00 ��O M_ MM � cq W.)�NN y^'r oz w CU v� G ai B �N Ow wNaw0w � W .o H U � 0 o D c,- L F � O yWW c C4 Q N .7 fL) H Lr O C7 J � � O cr o� W O z o ct� V1 O V. U � L Q 0 F-+ v1 w z M PROJECT NO: 19-011 DRAWN BY: RJD CHK'D BY: TFS SHEET NO: FIXTURE REVIEWED FOR PLAN CODE COMPLIANCE N ST. LUCIE COUNTY F01 BOCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 - - 1 ¢ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C 12 13 14 15 16 8 B C D E _ F -I L --------------- - I 130'-0„ 26-0„ 26-0„ 26'-0„ 26,_0„ 25.0„ g A02 A03 29 12 A ------------ I DIMENSIONS FROM INTERIOR 7 M FACE OF COLUMN. b o � 21 104 10 A p 56-0" BEVERAGE ANCHOR BOARD, REFER TO A01 1'48 4„ 1 21 6 CO FIRM LOCATIONS AND LENGTHS WITH FINAL DG F TURE PLAN N 104--------- -- - SALES102 AREA 4,_0„ I 5 I �ALLWA > 1 1 107 1 - -------v - 3 - - I N 13 A01 w ADDITIONAL REGISTERS MAY BE 26 21 1? N 6 105 14 Z REQUIRED IF THE ANNUAL SALES N I 1 PROJECTION EXCEEDS THE )S I OMEN 5 -- Z PERFORMANCE OF A STANDARD STORE. @ ALL TOILET 6A 105 J C -- ------ - ¢ - - -- ---- --- ROOM WALLS A01 m I -j - � ----- --- 21 ZB -1 - 26 21 r COORDINATE THE FINAL LOCATION AND 21 26 j 1 AMOUNT OF THE REGISTERS WITH THE 13 - APPROVED FIXTURE PLAN. O I 1 6A ANOTE: METAL BUILDING COLUMNS SHALL 13'-7 1/2" I I j 02 A01 w 1 24 BE STRAIGHT. TAPERED COLUMNS 1 - SIM. 20'-41/2" 16 - REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL. MAINTAIN I I RECEIVING AREA p INTERIOR CLEARANCE OF 68'-0" BETWEEN 28'-3 1/2" r 0 0 Ir FACE OF COLUMNS ON SALES FLOOR._ _ 1 N J i NOTE: THE CLEAR DISTANCE BETWEEN WALL 19 THE BACK OF THE SALES FIXTURE AND WALL I 1 O z 10 THE GYPSUM BOARD SHALL NOT EXCEED KEY W 14 1 1/2'. IF GREATER THAN 1 1/2", FURRING r ; I 15 w I I STRIPS SHALL BE INSTALLED TO THE FACE IIHM Lu OF THE GYPSUM BOARD, TOP OF STRIPS O I 28 II' iLLWIJJ N AT 78" A.F.F., PAINT TO MATCH WALL. 0 I I 1 B — - - — - - - - - N1�2;2 - - - — - — - — - - - - - 22 1 NOTE: IF A UNIQUE WALL ASSEMBLY IS 1 22 22 6'-4" FICE 5 2$ UTILIZED PER LOCAL GOVERNMENT 25 25 101 11 REQUIREMENTS, THE BUILDING 6 1 it ( 1 I 1 FOOTPRINT SHALL GROW OUTWARD TO 1 - MAINTAIN THE MINIMUM SALES AREA 23 (',-------- - 9 4 DIMENSIONS. L J 3'-0" &-6" 1 1 6 1 I 101 1 13. �4 �i MIN. �z iN 100 1� -->--- ---`_w - m 4A 24,-4' a I BREAKROC 1 1 1 100 N @ OFFICE & 7 0 o q 11 12 ao BREAKROOM A01 4-___------- - WALLS 03 w.encs 1 I ---- -- 3 J 102 29 15 - ------------ _L_------- ---- 12' _ _ 1T-0 104'_6" (MINIMUM CLEAR DIMENSION, MINI 'UM IMESION MUST BEM INT INED) 1 I I. FLOOR PLAN I LINE OF FREEZER --y�COOLERS BEYOND J I 1 I rl SCALE: 1/8"=T-0" CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL 2x6 WHITE PINE GRADE 2 OR BETTER Lo II i I FIXTURE SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY DOLLAR GENERAL I MERCHANDISING DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR TO FURR OUT ANCHOR BOARDS AS REQUIRED TO BE CD j I CONTRACTOR TO FLUSH WITH STEEL I PROVIDE AND FRAMES 1 INSTALL 2x4 WHITE PINE GRADE 2 OR i II BETTER N ANCHOR BOARD DETAIL PLAN NORTH -INTERIOR FACE OF PEMB DRINK FIXTURE WALL MOUNTING SUPPORT FRAMING BEYOND NOTES: ANCHOR BOARD: CONTRACTOR 1, PROVIDE AND INSTALL 2X6 WHITE PINE - TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL 2x6 GRADE 2 OR BETTER. WHITE PINE GRADE 2 OR BETTER, 2. PROVIDE AND INSTALL 2X4 WHITE PINE - FURR OUT A REQ'D TO BE FLUSH GRADE 2 OR BETTER. WITH FACE OF STL FRAMES 3. FASTEN THE 2X6 TO THE WALL WITH THE TOP OF FIXTURE TO BE AFFIXED TOP EDGE OF THE BOARD AT 78" A.F.F., TO DRIED PINE NAILER BY REFER TO FINAL DG FIXTURE PLAN FOR DOLLAR GENERAL LENGTH AND LOCATION OF BOARD. MERCHANDISING DEPT 4. FASTEN THE 2X4 TO THE WALL WITH THE TOP EDGE OF THE BOARD AT 12" A.F.F., REFER TO FIXTURE PLAN FOR LENGTH AND FIXTURE SUPPLIED & INSTALLED LOCATION OF BOARD. BY DOLLAR GENERAL 5. PRE -DRILL PILOT HOLES IN ALL BOARDS MERCHANDISING DEPT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TO PREVENT WOOD SPLITS. 6. SECURE THE 2X6 WITH TWO SELF -TAPPING MTL LINER PANELS SCREWS. MINIMUM SCREW SIZE IS 4"x 1/4". 7. FASTEN THE 2X4 WITH WITH SELF -TAPPING ANCHOR BOARD: CONTRACTOR SCREW PER WALL STUD. MINIMUM SCREW TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL 2X4 SIZE IS 4"x 1/4". WHITE PINE GRADE 2 OR BETTER, 8. CAULK THE EDGES OF THE 2X6 AT THE TOP FURR OUT AS REQ'D TO BE FLUSH AND BOTTOM WHERE IT MEETS THE WALL WITH STEEL FRAMES PRIOR TO PAINTING. 9. PRIME AND PAINT BOTH BOARDS TO MATCH FINISHED FLOOR WALL COLOR. 1!2" GYPSUM BOARD 21'-0" BI-PART WITH TRANSOM METAL LINER PANELS (BY AND GLASS. COLOR: BRONZE PEMB) INSTALLED DIRECTLY 2X WOOD FINISH. DOOR STOP TO METAL BUILDING GIRTS BLOCKING _\ SHIM AND ANC OR ER II UF 8'-0" HIGH ,' ,' SALES/ 1 INSULATION WITH RECOMMENDA ION PROVIDE S. WING WALL ' RECEIVING VAPOR BARRIER CONT SEALAN & BACKER ROD %F DOOR POST: (2) BOTH SIDES ( P.),,}' M ALUMINUM ,' 40OS162-16 WITH CORNER GUARD < O _ (2) 400T125-16 FULL HEIGHT 3'-0" OF 48" HIGH FRP— PRE -FINISHED METAL FAUCET THIS WALL MOP HOLDER I WALL PANELS I ` 1 1 8" SPLIT FACE WATER HEATER MOP SINK METAL BUILDING COLUMNS SHALL CMU PAINTED "EWH-2" ON SHELF BE STRAIGHT. TAPERED COLUMNS 3 5/8" (20 GA.) METAL STUDS-- TO MATCH ABOVE MOP SINK REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL. @ 16" O.C. TO UNDERSIDE _ _ - 1 SIDE WALL 5'-0" OF 48" MAINTAIN INTERIOR CLEARANCE OF STRUCTURE ABOVE AT PANELS. Ile3'-0" HIGH FRP OF 68'-0" BETWEEN FACE OF EXTERIOR WALLS. N COLUMNS ON SALES FLOOR. ENLARGED MOP SINK PLAN DETAIL AT COLUMN �5 EXTERIOR CORNER DETAIL A01 SCALE: 1/2"=V-0" ACM SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" A01 SCALE: 1/2"=V-0" 2 3 4 5 6 PEMB ROOF TYP. PURLIN/GIRT. SPACING (5'-0" O.C.) PANELS PEMB INSULATION, COMPRESSED AS REQ'D. FOR BLOCKING PEMB PURLIN/GIRTS. METAL STUDS, ATTACHED GALVANIZED DEFLECTION TO PEMB PURLINS/GIRTS. TRACK WITH OFFSET LEGS TO ACCOMMODATE GYP. BOARD ON METAL RUNNER, FASTEN TO TRACK @ 24" O.C. CONTINUOUS DEFLECTION RUNNER R I 8 1/2" MIN. GYPSUM BOARD ON 3-5/8", 20GA. METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C. TO UNDERSIDE OF DECK, ACOUSTICAL TILE GYPSUM BOARD TO RUN TO CEILING AND GRID UNDERSIDE OF DECK ABOVE (WHERE OCCURS, AT ALL "OPEN TO DECK ABOVE" REFER TO AREAS OR TO 6" ABOVE REFLECTED CEILINGS. (USE MOISTURE O CEILING PLAN) RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD O AT WET LOCATIONS). R-13 INSULATION (@ TOILET ROOM WALLS) SEALANT (BOTH SIDES) BASE TRACK, FASTEN TO FINISHED FLOOR FLOOR w/0.177"O x1-7/16" P.A.F., SHOT THRU A VO x 16GA. HOLELESS WASHER 6A TYPICAL PARTITION SCALE: 9 10 FLOOR PLAN KEYED NOTES RECEIVING DOOR BUZZER -TORK MDL.#TA725 OR EQUAL 2❑ DOOR SCOPE. REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE. WEATHER STRIP & LOW PROFILE THRESHOLD. SEE DOOR SCHEDULE. �q STRIPE FLOOR FOR DESIGNATED EGRESS PATH (PAINT YELLOW) AND 3'-0" DESIGNATED EMS PANEL CLEARANCE (PAINT RED). ® STRIPE FLOOR FOR DESIGNATED ADA EGRESS PATH (PAINT YELLOW). PROVIDE AND INSTALL A TEN GALLON WATER HEATER (OR LARGER IF REQUIRED BY CODE) ABOVE THE MOP SINK. ❑g 3 5/8" METAL STUD WITH 112" MINIMUM GYPSUM BOARD (BOTH SIDES). REFER TO NOTED WALL SECTION. REFER TO ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE FOR GYPSUM BOARD HEIGHT AT ANY PARTICULAR WALL. nj METAL LINER PANELS TO 8'4" A.F.F. (BY PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING MANUFACTURER). �a DIMENSIONS ARE TO COLUMN LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ns METAL BUILDING PANELS (BY PEMB). PROVIDE TAMPER -RESISTANT FASTENERS FOR BOTTOM 8'-0". to CONCRETE SLAB WITH STRUCTURAL MIN. 6x6xW1.4 WELDED WIRE MESH OVER POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER (MIN. 10 MM THICK) OVER CRUSHED STONE BASE, TYPICAL, OR EQUIVALENT. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS. PROVIDE CONTROL JOINTS AS SHOWN ON S03. it METAL BUILDING FRAME. REFER TO NOTED WALL SECTION FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. i2 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD (TO 10'4" A.F.F.) OVER METAL LINER PANELS AND INSULATION WITH VAPOR BARRIER. to NICHIHA BRICK PANEL INSTALLED OVER METAL WALL PANEL. a SLOPE CONCRETE 1/8" PER FOOT AWAY FROM BUILDING. 15 COORDINATE CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITH CIIVL AND BROOM FINISH, TYPICAL. 1s BRONZE STOREFRONT SYSTEM. REFER TO NOTED WALL SECTION FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. CONTINUE GYPSUM BOARD ABOVE STOREFRONT TO DECK. t7 LINE OF SOFFIT OR CANOPY ABOVE. is A.D.A. COMPLIANT ACCESSIBLE RAMP WITH YELLOW PAINTED SIDES TO ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS. is MC CUE CART AND BUMPER GUARDS. TOP INSTALLED @ 3'-5" A.F.F. ORDER TRIM KIT FOR THIS PROTOTYPE. 20 WALL HYDRANT. REFER TO PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 2t REFRIGERATION BY DOLLAR GENERAL. BEAUTY AND COSMETICS SHELVING AND EQUIPMENT. 22 ROUND PIPE STEEL COLUMN WITH RECESSED BASE PLATE. PAINT SW7005 PURE WHITE. WRAP COLUMN WITH TIGHT LOOP CARPET (BLACK) FROM BASE TO 48" A.F.F. za POWER POLE. COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION WITH FINAL DOLLAR GENERAL FIXTURE PLAN (F01). 2a CONTROL JOINTS ARE TO BE PLACED ALONG COLUMN LINES AND MID POINT BEWTEEN COLUMN LINES. COORDINATE WITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. 25 FLOOR AREA AT BASE OF COLUMNS, WITHIN THE CONST JOINTS, TO BE PAINTED BLACK MAGIC TINT. 2s ENDCAP COOLER/FREEZER AND DISPLAY LIGHTING AS NEEDED TO BE HARDWIRED THROUGH WHITE SO CORD. GC TO LEAVE BOTTOM HANGING AT 80" A.F.F. (SEE ELECTRICAL). CORD ANCHORED TO PURLINS ABOVE. COORDINATE LOCATION WITH FINAL DOLLAR GENERAL FIXTURE PLAN. A 0 ct 00 MM cd l-- l� N ��y y 1...1c�NN 0 to N U B ON Ow � OLT H V o Q C C/� O v` u U 0 D 1"� ~ C Q O 3 0 0 © BEAUTY STATION TO BE HARDWIRED THROUGH WHITE SO CORD. GC TO LEAVE BOTTOM HANGING AT 48" A.F.F. (SEE ELECTRICAL). CORD ANCHORED TO PURLINS W ABOVE. COORDINATE LOCATION WITH FINAL DOLLAR Q,r GENERAL FIXTURE PLAN. © WALL OUTLETS FOR BANKS OF COOLERS AND FREEZERS AND COSMETICS VALANCE, SEE ELECTRICAL FOR DETAILS. O 27 MC CUE RAILING IN FRONT OF ELECTRICAL PANELS. &4' LONG WITH TOP TWO RAILINGS AND NO MIDDLE POST. — O 2s CART AREA. REFER TO 5 & 6/A06. C zs METAL STUD FRAMING AT ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE. a ® l _ ALUMINUM TRIM (PAINTED) WOOD NAILER —WOOD REQ'D.) METALTRACK 1/2" MIN. GYPSUM -BOARD ON 3-5/8", 20GA. METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C. SIMPSON HTT4 —(AS REQ'D.) SEALANT T (BOTH SIDES) "'�BASE TRACK, FASTEN TO FLOOR w/0.177' 0 x1-7/16" P.A.F., FINISHED SHOT THRU A 1" O x 16GA. FLOOR HOLELESS WASHER 7 PARTITION -OFFICE & BREAKROOM A01 SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 11 12 3 ��i 1L) a, W - z Z CC$ r F I� o w 0 F...I W M PROJECT NO: 19-011 DRAWN BY: RJD CHK'D BY: TFS SHEET NO: FLOOR PLAN, REVIEWED FOR N DETAILS, & CODE COMPLIANC PARTITIONS ST. LUCIE COUN A01 16 I 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 12 1� 16 e O E 0 i K L M LIFE SAFETY PLAN 1.1 SCALE: 3/16"=V-0" N 0 4' 8' I,' OCCUPANT LOAD CALCULATIONS: Table 1004.1.1 Retail Sales Area 7,263 S.F. @ 30 Gross = 242 Occupants (Egress Calculated Occupancy Stock/Shipping: 1,111 S.F. @ 300 Gross = 4 Occupants (Egress Calculated Occupancy Actual Occupancy Actual Occupancy Exit Capacity of Egress Doors PLAN NORTH 246 Total Occupants 320 (Based on Min. # of exits required and 0.2" of exit width per occupant) DRAWING LEGEND EXIT SIGN/ERM LIGHT COMBO EMERGENCY EGRESS LIGHT TYPE ABC, FIRE EXTINGUISHER ISLE WIDTHS ARE TYP. MINIMUM 44" EMR/EXIT SIGN AND LIGHT EXIT DOOR, EGRESS CAPACITY 160 OCCUPANTS ATH OF L EXIT r- .M z MM o� 3Q�rn N N r' N �<. ox g rac�wOw 1•—JI L+ U1wa� Cn E--+ o x o � .r UCD a/ E w O O M z o toe U •� � Q w o � a O w M PROJECT NO: 19-011 DRAWN BY: RJD SHEET NO: LIFE SAFETY REVIEWED FOR N PLAN CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY A01.1 1 1 2 1 3 1 0 7 BOCC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 3 5 7 F:3 10 12 13 14 1 15 16 A i F I 5'_0" TYP. L NICo H1 I J LI N 8 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8"=T-0" RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8"=V-0" LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 8 53'4' 12'-0 5'-0" TYP. 12 1 3/8 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 8 EIFS TRIM COLOR 1 SHUTTERS AND DOOR TRIMS EIFS TRIM COLOR 2 ACCENT BANDS EIFS FIELD COLOR BRICK WAINSCOT ELEVATION KEYED NOTES SIGN FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY DOLLAR GENERAL CORP. WITH CIRCUIT AS NOTED ON ELECTRICAL PLAN. SIGN TO BE CENTERED ON FRONT OF BUILDING. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED BY SIGN MANUFACTURER TO SUPPORT SIGN WEIGHT OF UP TO 1,400 LES. EXTERIOR CANOPY SIGN SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY THE FACE OF THE CANOPY. COORDINATE THE PROPER SIGNAGE TO BE USED WITH DOLLAR GENERAL. 2❑ NOT USED. FLOOD LIGHT. REFER TO ELEC. DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. ❑4 6'-0' X T-0" EXTERIOR REVEIVING DOOR. SEE DOOR SCHEDULE. WALL PACK. REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. © 3'-0" X 7'-0" EMERGENCY EXIT DOOR. SEE DOOR SCHEDULE. 7❑ TRIM - SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COLOR. ® GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT - SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COLOR. NICHIHA BRICK PANEL INSTALLED OVER METAL WALL PANEL. 70 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF. 11 METAL WALL PANELS WITH REVERSE RIB PROFILE WITH STUCCO FINISH (COLOR BAUHAUS BUFF SW 7552. i2 LOUVERED SCREEN FOR HVAC UNITS. 13 VENT FOR BATHROOM EXHAUST. REFER TO M01 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 14 DOOR BUZZER. REFER TO E01 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. ,5 METAL AWNING BY PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. 16 HVAC UNITS MOUNTED ON ROOF. REFER TO MECHANICAL SHEET M1 FOR MORE INFORMATION. 97 OUTSIDE AIR TEMP. SENSOR MOUNTED OVER RECEIVING DOORS @ 8'-0" A.F.F. 18 MINIMUM EAVE HEIGHT IS 14'-0" A.F.F. ig FINISHED GRADE AT EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" BELOW FINISHED FLOOR AT ALL NON PAVED AREAS. 20 INSTALL NON CORROSIVE METAL SNOW GUARDS IN COLD CLIMATE DESIGN LOCATIONS. 21 21'-0" X 10'4" STOREFRONT ENTRANCE. ® PAINTED DECORATIVE SHUTTERS. 23 FAUX WINDOWS. SW 7008 Alabaster 'nzerior / E%tonor _c,ew,NuIb] r-255-Q SW 7747 Recycled Glass V D FOR 04PLIANqCE EICOUNTY A z Cc; 00 o MM ccl r` r- N y N rq OrT A ppkn N U g AP, v P4 0 4 [—� U o 110 U v1 a ' �.�/ � u 1 � � F—�1 Fri • D E H� H 0 0 Ln a � J O M O o, W � •� H � W t� � ,�r w K U t•-� • Q,-�i �ll O U � �4 L a O N C/) wl M PROJECT NO: 19-011 DRAWN BY: RJD CHK'D BY: TFS SHEET NO: EXTERIOR N ELEVATIONS A02 2 1 3 1 4 5 m E3 9 I I' 17 15 16