HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2100 aou _.Al._L.t..~..Alm....1f1D-_._____ TO ..L-L-lURRlS.OlLA!llLnr.LJJID....l._O......J'JU~a.. .urn .m. QUIT-CLAIM DEED - - - TillS ll'.nF.NTURF~ IJa.!e: Ihis ....._.._._16th.___.._~ .hy 0(_...._.._.. ])eO.lAb.,. ..............._..._.._....._..._....._.-\. D. 19.26., hHwmt ---. A.._L.....BarDh1U.and..Ol1.Y1A..Bu'llh111.....ll1a..JlUe ...__.___.._.__.__________....__._.._......____. of I~ (">ant). of ...... ". ...... .. 011"1ob.... ..... ...._.._ '., .,..... .._..and Slalf of .......... Georgia....... ".... ......~.._._......__.\>&,tes.- of I~ (;"t part. and .- J ._R~ ...Harrison, ..L1.zz1o~.ll1..Harr1aOn,....h1s.-1r1fe..,...and..A. ..Q..J'.riDk~ .Sr. ,- .and..Vermoll.o. 0... "I':f~~IY ~.s.....~.~~'._. S~..IA\ole '._ .._......... ....- .aml Slal~ (.f........... .._. Flor1~ ...._ ... ........ ...... ...... .'__ part10S of Ih~ 'f('OC!., pan. WITNESSETH. Thai 11... 5:1;'1 I'&rl 10s ,.( lhe: firsl l",rl, f"r and in ........I..rat;.lIl of 11M' sum ,.f. ._._......................... _....__.....0........ ................ - -.!lQD...Do.llara....IUl.<1....0t.bi.r._Y.flluab~Q.....O'Qnll1.m~UO:nJ:L.___..__ .__._.___.______.__.......___. o.,lIu5, III I , 14 ;~ in ha.... paHl by Ihe said "",des. ot Ih~ 't(Uld part. lhe: re.:eipt wbrno( is Mnl>y arlmo...kdl:<'<1. have ............ ftmiwd. rtf~3.w and '1l1iHlai"",d, and by I~~ pn'~nu do........_ ftmi.~. rd~a~ and quit-claim unto th~ said part'10B of the: S<<ond p~n and..._...tho1r....__. ."_'_ .... _ ......... briu and assi<<ns fornft', all lhe: right. till~. int~,...t. clailll and d~mand ..hich ~ said pa,t1e B hf lhe: liul rart ha VO.._._. Us and t.. lhe fnll.'.in!f d~'Cribttl lot..._~ pi<<...__. or parcd_. of land, IDa: situate, IyiD8 and beiD6 in the County of st. Luoie, state o~.._~!-~~!~..._~~~!!i;_____. .._.__._._____._.__.._...____.._____.__..._....__... ___._. _.._.. '_..... .-..."-.....-.....--. -....-_..._..LQ1!....SQnnt~.'-~...Jl7.LQ.t. ...Bl.o.o.k.B2...of. K11lo1.! a Subd1 vlalon.._____.. ....._._._........_ ...._ -----.__. "'--'.' "'-""_-'-'_, of.tin _~Qr.~Q..1lLib.o_. .sO'\l.~m8.~.._Corne,.._otihe.hSou1;hna:L.. _._...... '_". ... '_"_" "n '___'_'_"_"_'___ .._~~f;t:l."_.{::iti L~1"..~.~_~~r~~.!.I3~_...~.~~.~ ...trn}_ot~~~..!.!~~..__._._...._.h._._ .. --.--...--....--.-------.- ....I~'_{~.l.a._~Q.~~.P.._~~~.!Z..!.!V8 _(~13~c~:!1.~~,....~~_l.Q.!"_~_'__"_"h'_'h'''___'_____ _______..__._..____--'-.('!1QL..~~~.L.~~~~!:dl~..!~_P..l:.at ~t_ same ~l3.~p.P._e~~._~f._..~~~_. ..___..___.___:.._.___. _...___...__....._... _.._____.o~~<<!mJ~~J.a t _ Bo~k . .L~~~.!~.t._2.!...!..he _R.~~:J.l~.h~~~.~:r.'<<:l.l3._.c>.f____.. ___.._________.._ _____........._..._._............_.__...s..~.~.._~o~.~~.Q~!lL~!.C?!'.~~._____ ___._.._.__.__...___..___________._._._.__..___ 11 ~ ~ ~! ---------_...-.-- ----......---..------------.---------------..-......-.-_.._.----_.---~.-._--------_._.-_.__._- -----. --.--- IN WIT1\ESS WHEREOF, Ih~ s:li.1 part loa 01 the: fiur p.a,t ha..ve ._... MMlnlo !'tt ... their and }"~U tint aoo\'e "',illcn. _ Si~~::._~;:;:i~~r~1 i:,,::::~~____ ~ . . ) __'~~II. ~c>.:r.4:.___~. lI.}> .--cn:noh-cO-:Ge:. STATE OF --=-___..Goo.rglf'______ County of..........___..___.___Cl1noh___..________ . ham!. tI and ,~al 8 . Ilw- <In + .- i t: f~ ~., a ~~ !!, j;i; iJ ',tJ it q $/ ':,.< ~: .;,.- . ~, ! l- i , . ! , . ~ .' i ijt ~ :~ -----_._.._.._-_._._-----.._._--_.__._-----~------_._-- --------------.-.-.- . . -.----------.--.-----.------.----.-..-.--.--.----- ------------------------..-.-..--..---------..----.... -----.....-.-.- TO .", "E Axn TO 1101.1). th.. samr-. t<'l:<lhu .ith aU and sin!:u!ar 1"-' ap"ur!ctlanc... Ihu~u\ll.. 1,..t.'ru6R/C or in an)...is.. 3{'1,<,rI310101:. all., "II Ihf' ...'a.... ,i!{ht. litlf. inIU~.1 and claim ..lut"~..u ..i t1~ said putie.a oi 1"-' Ii"t ""rt. ri"~r i~ law ur "Iuil)'. I., th.. (,..I)' ,.r.'Pft' ".... I...n",t :and I...hoof of I~ .ai,1 ""rties. 01 lhe: ..-rond part, ___. ___:\M.~_____......_..._._.__ _ _. ....._.. ." "-'i.. and :a"it:ns fur~\'fr. ...____...._.A. _L. ..Barnhill... ......__________.___..( Stal.) . .lb:-S.. .O:J.,iv.ia ~~~ll.:.:.:..:::::.::~~.o~, (~!l I IIERF.J1Y CERTIFY, Thai on thi. .by pttsonaUy appe:arM bclor~ _, an oftic., .Iuly a..tho,"7~' I.. a.lmini'ltr Nlh. :an,1 I,k~ adm....I~I~lnu.t.. - .::...__..~ Ll:,.~. ..!J~JJ...~p~LQ1,.yl!l._~..~____._.__._..._.. ..__..._..__._____.__.._._.. __...._.______. .. 10 _ wdl I<OO1rll 10 t.r t"" 1><'("~'8 (lr-srri"'" in .nd .ho, ..,,<<ptw t~ fongoiDll/ iMtrurn....t and . . .'" they. aclm..,....lroI![...1 hf'f...r.. '<If' that ...... they .____........_... ru..':'IM t~ .._ fr~ly and ..olunl.rily f<>r Ihf' pmpov:s I"-'rrin U"-l"wd. ANn I FURTlIER ('F.RTIFY, Tlul the saiL. 01i via_1J~ll___..__.__ ._..._._.._...._.____.___. ...._.__..__......._..._ lmolOl 1<> 1M 10 be Ih~ wife: of lhe: said....__.. ._.A.. _ L....Barnh11l. ..._._._......___.._.........___.__...__.._ _...__''''',' on a ...pa'al~ and private: ~nminati<>n. lalcro an.1 made by and ~Iorf _, ,..\Oralel,. and apart from ....r '<aid hu.....nd. did acl.:.....rkdltf' ''''1 .Iac u...u:w th~ forrgoing Ilrtd for ~ puf1'05l: of rdinquuhing. a1itnaling and ronnying ~II hu riJfhl. titk and intrr~'I. ...htt.....r of do...~r, ho.-nc.t~'Id ur of ..-paul< property. .Ialutory or c:quitabk, in and to th~ lands d~5I:ribfd I~rdn, and lhat ,he fX......lro sai,t Dttd fn..l)' and ..olunl....ly and ...ithout an)' cum- pubion, ron,lrainl, app,~h~nsion or fnr of or from her said hu,band. WITNESS my haacl load oI6cial sa" at__HQmo.rY.1lu___CounIY oL.Ol1noh.__..___._. ...._.___."'nd Slal~ nf. Georgia.. Ihi'__~___c-_' ..,~______._^. D. 19..27. (Seal.) ~~ o . .~co . r (f t'. eril' leq __.___...__._._HP L_Ca..E.ldrad.._ _ H.._..____......(ml) ., ....~. .x.aT:::,: ::~ I _H""'_"""_"'.' .._.lQ_U;p...H~Q:r!1.._________._..__.._.... B. P. Clinoh Co. Ga. .~~Omm1~s1on.. .Expires.June 5.~~!-~~~c"-'c_=,=,-=-:~~.." County of SL J.1Y.ie. I, BF. IT REMUIUJ.:RF.D, That on this_.__61ih.__ P ......G......nU'.e.d___ .__....day 01...__ -.___l~ry.-.d:.IZ.;(lQAJr.f.A. D. 19..?..7 ..__ ____._._..__.Ck,k of t~ l'iltuit C...tlft ill and I.... said l'ounl)'. ha..~ duly r...,.rd.-.J t~ for~g Qail.Claim ~ in the Public Rerords of hid County. . IN WITNESS WIIF.RF.OF, I hue Mrrunto Sd my hand and the: sal of said l'ourt t~ clay and )"n' ahon ...illrn. ~l~~J;~i~~~~\;~t~i