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_.H.~..#_C.RO~r REA.LTy....cO~__
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TillS ISOF.NTURF~ lIad~ thi.. -. 22nlL...._._._.____.._____--day of.. JanuarY.----___.._.._._________A" D. 19..27., bet"'~ll
_._..~~~.Y.~.~!.r:L.R.Etd~r.Qr____.and._ Emma . Re.d.eror his .-wl.fe..--.-.., ...__
"r I~ County or... st. . Luoie .-.......--...--....-.. ............_. and ~tat~ of.._Floride. .._.._...~__..___.._.._._.______ ~rtJl_. 01 t~ Ii... part, and
.-.-.-. ____R.A ...Crooko U . Realty. C orp.ordlQJI..__.__.__...___.......___.__ _._..__..__...:._ ._....._......_....:..._._. __.._.. _'__"_'
,.f ,h(' ("oUnt1 01. .'. .. St.... Luole . .___._ ..... ... ...__"-. and Stat~ of. F1,9rlda ..._ ...... .......
. . .-. . __part..!.El_~..f t~ _and part.
\\'ITNE$$F.TII. That I~ '-lid rarl Y '" of ,~ lint ~rt, lor and in ........iJ~'atio.... of I~ ':lm of.
__'.~.!m.-M.U~.~__~ml..Q.1!h.e.!'_!fl,!!.~~l?_!.~ cons idera t i o..!!!______---.- _'_ _.._ --...--..--..----..--......._..n.,lIan.
in ~nd p.id b)' ,~ sai.l pa,t ..1eSof Ih~ ~" p;ut, t~ "nipt whe:rtof i. bc:;~)' ack~..ItdlI:td, ha~.._.__._ r~rni.""" rdc-a..~1 and qui....lairnM,
and b)' lhe~ rr~.mu doe9.... remi~, rdu~ and quit-claim Ulto the: said 1'&rt..1ea 01 t~ W<OIId part and ...the ir..-__. ._.....__.___.Miu and
auiet>' forcn.., all Ihe: riaht. tille. illt~rcst, claim and dttnand .hicb ~ said part...y.... 01 tM first part haS..____ in and to the: follo.ing d~r~
situate, lying and beil~ in the County o~ st . Luoie state of
Iot__~ pi<<L.__ or parccl.__ oi land, CIEJI:ItX
Florida to-wit:
--'--'---.. ',t'!1..e._~.Q.lJ,thLJ..;?'Q -.t..!.!.._Q..f....J!R.~Q1_i;J,.~.~ ...Qf._ Q_~~d~.tl -QHy_J.'gm~...~_Q_Q9.~~JM _.!;..q._lI..1~.1;u.....
--.--_.. ..---.---ot..sarJ.e..r.e.Qorde.d..on..P-~~LD.....-1lla.t_ . Book.....2..u.Public . Raoords...o.LSalnt .Luoie__. .._.
..-----------.-- Florida .li.Being.a.. subdi vitU.oll...ot_the_ ..\Yi_ot,_the.umt;-. of_ the S'Nt...of. Sea.t1on _.
___.__..____1..I.'!'~__;;.:J.__S.~_uth .I.. R~e 40 E. ____._________________..__.......
.-___.~___..__.___.._.__._n___._._.._____._..___ __,,___.__. ___._.___._._ . ..________.
TO HAVE ASH TO 1I01.D. lhe sa-. 1(~I"~r ..ith all and ,;njtular I"" appul\CJUIKN II,tI""'tn hca."'Rintr or in an).,.i... apprrt~illinK. al;,1 all
I~ C:S1~Ic-, riKhl. li'~. illl~r~.t and claim ,.hal<on-cr 01 the said ~r1.Y _uol lhe: 1i..1 pari. ei,"'" in la. ,or <'Ioil)-. I" lhe: (...1)' r,O\'<"r u.... I.....~lit and
t.choof 01 I~ ...id part iff 9 01 t~ _II part, ___.the.1r_
____h____.._ __________.___.Mn and a':t~n" forr"~r.
IS ,WITSESS WHF.REO.... Ihc ...i.1 rart y..__ 01 the: lint part ha S _._..._. ~",nto ,ct b;\~. ._.. "." ._.... __ _ ...hand .._ ...:and .~al ......, 1"-' .h)'
....d )Tolr fiist a"""~ ,.rillm.
Si~ _\cd and ddinr<tl in rrNnXC 01:
. ___u_____ )
~-~=.~;~; ~~:lers.
STATE OF _~lori..da_
('ounly of_._St.....Luaie.
I IIEMEBY ('ERTIFY, That on Ihi, cb)' pe:nonally appnrftJ ....Ior~ ...... an oIIiccr dut). aUlhno<w in ..dmini<lff O:Ilh, and I..k. ackno.I~.~mml<.
_ ___.S.L~ed~:r~~~-.---..-_--_._--,--($cal)
.~'Hederer ._._._...._____...__.... .._.__. _... _....u.(SnI)
.-.__-4.-__~___._____.._________ __
to _ wr~1I !mown 10 I~ tl.(' IW'........ ......ril.... in and ,.,ho cx<OJIW t~ lor<1ltoing in,tru..-;ft1t and
. .... arl,-no,..lcdR~d hel.... .....
IhaL... ....!J:~__._........__. .__.... cx~ulw lhe: ~~ freely and volUllluil)' iot 1"-' PUrpo5<'S t~ri,n cxrr~.snI.
AND I FURTIIER ('F.RTIFY, That tM ..id........~!lUL~re.;r.-_________.__.._....._.___..._._.__._____. __..._..
knowrn 10 me: 10 k tM .i1r 01 I~ S2KL___s.~yerill I!_ederer ____________._________...___...___._.._
on a scpa....t~ aDd rriUlr eumin'lli...., I>I<cn and III.1de: by and belore: -. se""....leI)' and ..pari f,,,,,, ~r said husl.and. diet acknoukdgc 1""1 ,~ cx<<tltcd
~ fortgOinx Drcd for lhe: po'P'''~ of rrlinqu;.hing. ;oJirnating and tonnyiOlC ..n h.... riRhl. tilk and inlcrc:sl. .'hrther (,{ do,.cr, ho_..tad or of <tpa....l~
proputy. ,talutory or ~oiublc. in and 10 Ihe: land, d<5CribW I~rin, ....d thai .he: rxrn:trd saKI D<<d frcrly and ,...Iunluily and ..ithout ....y c..m.
,.ubion, constraint, apl,,~~.iOlI or f....r 01 or j,om Mr said husband.
WITNESS my hand alld oIIirial suI, aL.Fort P~~rQL_.Cou"ty oL_.S~~.._~Qi.e..___.___._3nd Slat~ oC._Florida..
Ihis_~~2.nd__ -,,--_day oL...!..QJl.\La,ry ____A. D. 19J:/
( . '\
\ _.Lor.e.:t t a .1.!ey.e.r. a.
I (HP SEAL1! ljot~y .~u~!..~~f~r _~h~ _~~.~!~_QfJl_Q~~.~_.~t..1Qge.
\ 11Y comm18slon~pIres .~r~'I93IT
COUIIty of~
DE IT RE1II-:l.IBERED, 1k! 011 this._.28..___ ..___.day oL--.ranuary--~nZ.;Z4_PTM.--A. D. 11J2Z
. J, _X~ El~ed Ckrk of I~ Circuit Court in and 1M said ('OIIIIly,
ha.r duly r<<o,dW t~ lorrguing Quit-(u,im Ilttd in t~ Public Re<ords of said COUll"'.
INr~'1 KF.SS' "'"EKE <W', I hue ~""'to set my hand and the snl of >aid Court t~ da)' and )ur Don .rittm.:
. \ 4. --'---. ~~,..-a...~ldre~..d.-. .. .---... ___.___.__(Snl.)
..-')- ,. '\ an Circuit l'oOlrt.
(0 . CT. SEJ.Lr (;)'<)... I'
. J . ''Q.P' By.__.... .. . ". ... . ... ty CIc,Ic.
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