HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2112 '-. 1 311) .f... _-l:'Il4 rf'~ ~..JCUlf~Zi ;;;.~._.Y!l!!. \\' !to TO _lJ..\n~....lU~I.ARt......_!llil}_JYj fe .-_. ----.- --_.--.- -.--.--- -_. __...________.__g~_'.!._9.~~.~~ DEED -'."r' - _.. --------.---..--...--.---... ---.... . ---"-"-"-..~ I TillS Ism:NTURK Ma.k this......l~tlL..____/._...,__...._.__d&y of.- ._../.tmqJU.y._.._..._........_.._..___.... ....-\. I). 19..a1~ ~hr"n FR \11K P. TOn~~NCE and \VitI) v TORR.~::a~ . -----...--.....---...-..--.-_1--... '__'_ .____..I__.__~__.~____._.~...__ .------.-'.---..-.-.-_--- .....__.._..... nl lhe: ('QUIll)' "c.. - Clark .... ..... .. .._....__d........... .... . _._.. al\tl Sul~ of .... Ohi 0_. "_'h.hh' ...._._.... .......h....._.__._._pa,t .J~_!~ ~r' 1"-' Ii", pa,t. and ._.._..Q:'::!Aa~.'L!l~._.3I~r;~W_'t.. !1-_n._(Lh.t:?.._Y~Jf~.I._1?_J.:lA![ .A ~.J!!.:I:F;~gm.~... 1 ...J_bJ..~.l~y. ..___...... .._....__._.._._ ._.. ....._ ....._._. or 1M. ('ounly ..L.... _~t . .. t\lQJ.~...... ... _ .... . ._... ~nd S131" of .... .. _ FlorJ<<!~ ... .... .,.art .~~.~ of Ih~ SHOIl<1 part. 11 \\'ITNJ::;SF.TII. That II... ",i.1 1'31\ 1~ ~ or Ihc- fi"t p:art, for an,l in (Olui,krali..... ..f t.... 'lint ..r __~1i.~ -.P.9)!- X~~\1.~_or=rc::t_I~.r;:!~~ L:; GO~:S I m:~.\~~~rr l...__ .._.___._.._..._.____.___._.__.............._......:......... ~f; :.: in hand pa;.1 by I~ S3U part...J..~..!i of th~ ScroM part. I~ r<<~ipt whufOf is ~'~)' a<"no...kd&:~", ha _ V~"'d"".__ ,~mi<td. ,..Ira~1 and quil-dairnc:d, .'>d by Ihc-St pr~unts d........... -_ 'rmi~~. rrk:u~ and quit.~bim unlo th~ said pan .iO.ii or t~ _d I'3rt and. ...._~h.f!.j:r _._"__' ...... ..h_._...._. h~in ,nd auil(n' fnr......., alll~ rillht. lill... ;,lIrr....I. claim and d~mand whirh the said I'3rt..leSol the: tint part tu.V~..__.__ in and t.> I~ fu!lowing dC'OCribtd 101.._... pi<<~_._ or pa,c~I_.. or land. ~ . 5i tua;'l) ?.! . F!.~_!.d.a_,..__.~~.::.~!!_t : ...____..._______ . l:.'i:1.~ aad being in the County o:r' St.1ucie . Star.e --..:-- .______._____r he....5ol1t hus tL.._:~u.ar.t.er-(S14L Q:f _.tj.e .:r ')1' t hore at n'_ .'>i.ual't.e l~_UIJz L~n(\ ._Q.JJ,_.ih~ l; -..__.._. ..- -~ar:!i.h.Q.r.3M__.;?9!1...th'_!~.s_~____Q~!!..,.~~.I.'_.t~.Jlt_~C ~~1~__E~:J.:.t..11!i~.~~._.1u~_~~...J ~l}{' L}.Y!.!l!?_ ~~~lt h ._.___..._....._._._and._~~.~ L?.!:..!ii1C _ OkeechoE.f!..!:_ Road.: als~_~l~tha.!'__l'.Il!.!._o1'_..~~!. !:o!:~.!~~.~~_~.S~Il.~t.~~.. --.---.----. <'~i )_.Qf..._t..l1._~_it~.!'j;.h~!!.c sJ_Q,'!f!!:.~ er _U:J~.L1yj.J!eL~9..~~h._~!!L..~n. s LQf._1!he..._Q.1c.~ e ~.119.~~ e --...___...BQ~.~..~lL.!n....s.El.9!i,.Q:rL 'J.'hl.tlll::1'!<L-tJ"'1. _~Q~~hlp_ ThAI.'~Y::fi YL.! 35 L~.Q_~.~!!,. !?~_~~.l _____~hirt:.:.='"nin~L.{39J._I';as..t..__. and' CQn.~aJ.r.Jnh _:j.e.;J~L.rJ;.1.'lill._nQro Or l~.t_____._..._ --.----..-.-.---.-------.------------.....-..---------.. _._--------". I -~ ~ ...-t .;., . !< .~ .% "f ;'i< ;,!! .~ ~ i itl !1 ';>' ... ~ :2 .----.-----.__..~\c.~~~__!!-.?.~QL~~:llU1.1~ ':!!'~~J'M~_hg.1!~!~ ls....1l,~.~.. l>y,~J,J Q..J,'~_d,.!!._::~.!QA. ~hJ~...~~ d _____._.__Js ~~!l~l;l_-~-~.!?.J.~l!.~._ to _..!_ ----"-_________._. ...____________..__._ ...-.._.._...___.___.___.....___......____......U__.__h.-'--"'-- -. .---..----._____._____________ _...__.._"______.._._..." '_.".__.__.... _........ '__"'."" _ .. ___. ..........___.....0..__... __ .." TO IIA\"!-: AXI> TO HOI.I>. 1M ,,_. 1,,,,,"'lh~r ..ilh all and ,inKUlar I~ al'l'urlrnann-. Ihunrnl.. 1~I..nll:inJ( or in all)....i.~ app<.rt;a;nin~. and all 1M <"al.', ,iRhl. till~. inlrr....t 3r.d <lllim ..hal<oc:nr of 1M. ..id part .i.es ,.j Ih~ fil<l pall_ ril"'" in Ia... .... "'IU;I)'. t., t.... onl)' p">ptr ...... !"",dit .nd hehool of 1"-' ~ai<t ""rtiCS of lhe: s<<ood 1""1, _._..tMll___...:.._'_ _..___.._...... ..'.' _. .Mire &nil a.,iKn. furf'~t'r. n IX WITXESS WHERF.OI', Ih~ .aid p"'t.ies 01 Ih.. ti"l 1'31'1 ha '_. ~e ...... ""'tont" '~I "_''''_'' t.he~. ...._.._.__ hands. .. and .....1 S , I"'" ,Ia)' and )'~ar tirsl ahOl'e: ...rill~n. Si~ ...-aJ.:d and d~linrt<1 in pr...~nc~ of: ...Q<<!.9.~. ..G..W:;),..~Y .__.._.El~tlr>%r.. _J~.Qr..'e.nQ~ .-__._____.______.(~al.) __',:a.lJ.i,ar,i..J . "::lan'~D ._....... .... :.a~a..t..~arrcnce _.. . _. .. (St-lll.) ,~ LA"" } ('ounty of..__._.Y.__ .g.~..--_.---_.-...__.______ J STAn: OF' __......Y.liJ.Q_. I HF.RF.B\" C!-:RTIF\". That on Ih;. dllY pcr<<>nall)' appc:arw ~for~ tn('. an oIroru dul}' authnri.w to a.lmini.t~r ""Ih. :mcl la"~ ac-"no.....I~mmt., _.___...._.~_R-',:7....R. _~~~:g;;r:;E1 '! :t 10 file ....II known I.. he I~ I",,.,,n... oc....riht-d in a,,,1 ..ho n<<ulw t~ lor<1loing in.tlUDlftlt and......_ h~ n arkn.....lttlR'N br.f.nt"' IIW' :t lhal .....)1~...__....._ ....... .,_,_"." ~.<<<III.... lhe: "'_ Ir<<1y and v,~untarily for lhe: purpo..... Ihrrrin ...p.........t :\~D I n:RTlI EI{ <-"ERTII'\", Thai Ihe: ",id ....-_~W'~._:r._._~.~~.!'Q.!1~~.h____._.__..._..._._..___.._........ m_.._..____.......____..._._.__ ....._ ;~ .. ....'. "nown to _ 10 k the: ...i1~ 01 Ihe: ....i<l_.._.:'l:i;JJ.=_2.l.. 70rrencc _...._......:___.___.____....__.____.__.:.---.--..-..-------..-..._._.__ 00 a 5<1'&nt~ and ..ri....le: ualllimlinn, Ill"..... and made L}' and 1~lore ....... upar.al....y and apart from hcr ",id hu....nd, did a("no..l~ 111..1 .l~ ~<rcutw lhe: forfltOing I~ for I~ I'UfJ'''~ of rdinquishin~. :alirnating and (Ocn-~-ing all hrr rilCht. tilw and inlrr~". ..h~lhrr "r do.<<. homc,.t,ad or of ~p.."'t.. properly, stlllulory or ~uilahlr, in and to the: land, de'ICribcd I~rrin, and lhat .~ u<<ulW said ~ frttl)' and ....>lool"'iIY and ....ithoul any com. pDhion, ro,utrainl. al'l'lth~n,ion r.r r~ar of or Irom ~r said hu.band. '$: .:, '~-'1. r~ ~ ; -, WITNESS my hand and olfrc.:..t .w, at..s.pr.ingfie~~c.-.ullty nLClal~____.____.._and Stal~ ..Ln.. __ __.day of n~rm_l!.r.Y.._..___^. D. 19.~7 '\ Chia._____.... , ,~ _!-.~..J!hL$.~~g!J>__.______ts~;._t}___ ___... ]~ -. ~_~.~~:.13.~.!gn . I#'p !J,'!!!J... 0 9 1; .._J~ .._1~.?7.. ,,_.._..._ . CO:JlJty of 51. I.ud~_ J '. 8Y. If RUmYBF.RF.D, '[bat on thi.._~. I, -___.E.I~~9.... day OL...l:'e.b..-~....!I:~ce..1'!\L_--A. D. 1927 ~ ______(.k,k uf t~ Cirnil Courl in and. for ",id (">iDfty. I I I I I l han duly ,w>rdrd II:" foftxoinit Quil-Claim ~ in thr Public R<<ords of said Coaol)'. Il'i WITNESS WflF.RF.oF, I han Mrnanto !let fIfJ hand and 1M KaI of said ("OIIrt 1M day and ,-rar abon wrium. .::-~A:<~=~:"".l \ d "et\~t}l\ RecOf f~'~~~~~~~~%~!~~;~t;~~