HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2124 324 ___.__>>1S3a..ADDI30lL__ TO .______M.U....uL..~Alt.ilB._.__ ~-~-- QUIT-CLAIM DEED ..._-- -- .---_._---~-_.._---_._--_..--_... +---_._-_.----'--- ~----- ._--_.--,-~-- +,. I ,J 11 .1 II Ii ,- .- - TIII~ lNm:NTURF~ Ma.1c: lhi.. ...._....__.11 \h_.__._.____--'!.ay or..._ _ .tobruarJ: -_____...___._.____._..A. D. 19.2 7., ~I...~n _________.____. Be.al.e_ A44.11.0D_L_w.1d.o.W___ WITNHS~F.T". That l~ .aid "",t ...y... nf 1"-' liNt "",t, rilr and in ('(....iakralion ..f lhe: "'"' uf 11 of t~ ('UQIlly uf . ....u......_ ~.lntJ.uole...._...._...__..... _. and Slal~ of .... _ -.........rlo rlda._....._._.._________.pan .._1._ of 1"-' Ii"t p3rl. and '-'-'---'''--'.--.--...-...._._ _____.JuUa. 11.. ..'l81~Qr..____._.._._.___._..._.._._._. ..__.._... '_"_'__"'_'___'__'_"'_'_'" ....._..._......_......_.... ...__ ..f I~ ('''''''I)' of_.... ...... ._. >sa1p~. l,yo i. ... _....._......... antI SI~I~ of........n__... '1,01,' J.d...__n.. ..u......_....._._._........pa,t .-1.. 01 th~ 'KtIt,d p3rt. On e HltDel ~ed....Dolla~~..and....Othel'-_Vall\ab.le..\iOn8id81'.atwn8.._._.___.__ ..n...__...._..__. n..lbrs, in hand ~id b)' l~ said pan..J'..... ..I lh~ S<<on.1 part. lh~ n<:cipt whu~i is ~,fby acknowkdxnl. ha _.8._..___._ nmiud. nkaqd and quit-dai-.J, and 1>)' l"-'SC: pr~'~tlt. d.ea .._. nmi.~. rd~1SC: and quit.c1aim unto th~ uid parl.. y__ of I~ !<<ilnd part and..___ .h1.8 '__..._. ..._......_.._..... "-'itS and assign' f,'rnn. all I~ ril(ht. litl~. int~""'t. cbim and d~llQnd .hich the said part..1..- of Ih~ lirsl pan ha 8..-. __._ in and 10' Ihe: followir.!t dt<Cribtd 101__., pi<<~__._ or pamL._ of land, Jt'IJIIII:I: situate. 11ing and being in the County of Saint .LuOie, :itate Qt_"llQ.t.1da ._to~lIU; ______._....__._._._._.._...___._..__.__......_ ...___.....___ ..___.... --._.-. -----~.-.-- _.-_. LQ\._~_ot_l11&hl.and....AY..e.nWL~dgMjJ. _8 OOQl"CU..l1gd \Q _~ la~.___._.__.._...___..__..._._.._.. ...-.---.-.. ...__...._._.._d____.__ roo.ordod_1D..Pla td.~_o.o.k...~..__page...61._r Qoorde..JJt._Sa 1 nt...__..._...... ...n...... -------....... '-'''-''-''-'- ...._...l.Uo1.e -CQunt.;)r~ ....1l'1.or.lda....--:_______.__..__._.___._____._______...._..___ ._......_............. ._...._._. _. I, ----.----- "---------- --.---------- _______..__________._u___._.__.._.__._________._ -------------------..-...-.-------.-------..-..---- _...~~_.~..__.._.__._---- -- -----...-----.----.----------.-.-.-.-.----.------ ---._--- .-----...--------.--------.------ -------------------------------------------..-. "--"'- .--- .._h___________.__........__....__. ...._._.__.___. _.....__._.. ____.____ ___._____ .______..__ 0"'___"'_'_"" _......___.n........._......_....n.._..___._n.__. ._.__n._.n. _..... TO II,\\"E AXil Tn 1101.1>. I~ ~_. "~Ih~, with all and ,inj(ubr I.... al'l'url"n.n<<-< t~'tunlo I~.""j(in~ t" in any...i... "~'I.ini"l(. .1Il1 .11 I.... "Slal<,. ,ixhl. lill~. inl~r~.1 and claim "NI~\U nf}"-' ,.i.1 part 1-- of 1"-' li..t p:irl. ~ilhu in la... or ...auil}'. to, I.... onl}' I'...~r u.... I.........' 'IntI khoof of I~ !'aid part;)r-- of 1"-' !'<<Ond rart. _________-..h1a __....._._.__. _ ..:.......__.._. ....i.. and a..ij(n~ f"'~nr. IX WITNESS WIIEREOF, I"~ uid 1"'1 ..1 _ 01 lhe: 6rst part and y~~r 6..1 aho~ ...rilh". Si!{md. .ulttl and ddi\ ",...1 in pr~.mc~ ..I: l _____..l.ud.__~tt_ ---- i _______.VJrglnla..!.U.clQn __.-=- ______ STATE OF --.r-LORlD.l..___.______ } Counl}' oL.__._S.Allli'..L.UCIE .----.--___ J I HF.RF.RY CERTIFY. That on Ibis d"y ~'<onally appc:arw ~for~ _. an <>lIirn duly aUlh"rilW In admini.ttr <>:llh. and lak.. ~<knn.""I~""""I'. lu. ... _'.. hC'frllnto ..-, ..._ her _"'___n___'_'__"" .hand .. .. a...J ..-al .... 1"-' d3}' i~;. 'f i .._._____.__. ..__..__ __ Hess 1e.Add1son __.____.._..__.i:;nl.) ._'=C'=.C:':.:.:::::'" \:;nl.) _____..B.t_Q.!I..U.....A4lU...8.2n ._(L.wJ_~.. If).~ ..~II !mown to I~ I~ ~rson... dr'CribC'<l in ,,00 ..ho UfCDtM t~ for<'X'.in!i:: inolrumftll and. ____. ahe IhaL..._.._. ._._ Q:b.e ._.....__..... uttUl...I I~ .a_ fr<<1y ,..... "t"unta,ily for I.... purposoes I"-'rnn u"......Kol . _..a"knowl...llfW ~f"r~ m.. .\Nt> I FURTHER l'HRTlFY, Thai I~ ",ilL Icno'llJl to or 10 ~ t.... wif~ oi I.... so.id.. ____...__._______.. __._______. _'___'__"'___"_'_"''''___'___ on a "p"l2lc and p,i....t" ~:ur.1ilUlilll1, I"nn and mad~ b)' and ~Ior~ _, 'rJ"ll2ld)' and aparl from her said h......nd, did aclcllt\wlw~ Ih.1 .~ ~"fCUIW 1M for~~ ~ for I~ Pllrpr.." of rdinquishing. a1imaling and cOtlHying all btf rillhl. lilk and inl~n". .h~l"-'r of do...er. home'l"ad .... oi ..-paral... "r~lIy. .lalulo'y or t<Juitahk, in anti 10 I~ bod. d~5CribC'<l I~rdn, and INI ,he: utCulttl said Dud f,<<ly and voluntarily and ..il'-'I an)' rom- pubion, constrainl. appr~hm,ion or Inr of O~ from hu .aid husband. WITNESS my hand and 08icia1 st-al. at_.Lor.1_.,t'l~f..Q.~_County ol..._....j,;jl'.1.n..t...J.J1oie .__.and Slat~ fL. .l!'lor Ida _... .d:i)' <>L_...,(.~brRa.rl'.___.^. D. 19..~ . :1 Ot8 ry l'ubiiC~i~f~~&o11~~~i.d8.:_.-.---.----.--.. .:Y.r', ft~l ~R I on.e.!~.!'.!\..!'__..!.Ulft..:.-ll..~:19~~~-=::.:.-~.~. COUIlly of I, __ BR IT REYElJ:BERF.I>, T~t 011 this ~ . C. EL>>REJ) b.th.._______d:iy rL..tl8Ulh'"_.at..Jl.;_16..A....ll..__.^. U. 1\1 27. _____Cluk of .~ Circuil Court in and fOC' said {'oUDly. ~ tI ban duly .<<urdrd the for~ing Quit-Claim Ilrtd in l~ Public &:ords of said Co.,tT. IN WITNE~S \\'flF.RHOF, l lu..~ ~nunto fCt IllJ' hand and the seal of sald COUTt I~ d:iy and ynr abon w..ittea. ___..l..._____..__.E...__C . .-!::LDRRD.-..-.-.--.---...-..( ~i. j () .. Ckrk Circuit {'ourl. ., \~,.~,Qo.....,. <1<.' , (\. 1J \~{\\\e F-er.o((\ If:} i}~~t@~~~~~f;~;~Jg{~~j .' . '. ':, ;. .tfWii~~~tf~{~~,