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___....lWlf__J ....DmmS~ Wi' UX
___ J.Lf.Mx.ij..._OQWn:...~.Mlir.'LQ..QJ!?MIl., JJJQ!!._
Tlm~ Uml-:NTl'IU': )Ia~ Ibis. lUJl,~.,..~p.1;.b..__...:"____..._.ctaY of....._..Jf,lU\laf~.._.._.._._....._._....._. _._....._..,. I). 19_2J.. t.rl...tftt
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uf Ihc COUIlI) of .... ......... OOOK. ........... ...... ......_..._...... ........__. and Stat~ of....._...... ....1111noi8.....................__..- .. part....1eSof I~ firs' part. and
lIal'tln Count~. Reol t:l...COii1pa1'J~ -. Ina ....8._.cOrporat 10u..ex1BUog ..1lDder...the ..loW8 ..ot.. the _.S\at.e.. 01
,~M~'~nt. oL..._ at. ..Luo 10............... ...._..._....__......... an.! '$Iat~ of ..... ......_ Plot' 1ds.... ..__...__.._........._...._........_.. pa,tlea of t~ OKond part.
WIT:':ESSETIf. ThaI I~ ",id part lee of I~ lint pa,t. for and in nl..~i&n';.'" of lhe- 'lim of ....... ._........_.....__......_........._..._. .._..........._................
____._..._............... ______.. ~ .~.!' _cJ,Ql!~.r~...Il.!!~....<>.!h.~.~._'!.!!.!_!!.$.b 1 ~.... Q.C?_n..~!.!cl.!!'.~._~.C?!1..8__.___.._______......__._.... _Dolbu,
in hand paid b)' I~ ""id parI lee of Ib~ s<<ood part. I~ r<<til't .~r~f is hc-rtby aclwo....!rd<<tcJ. ha._ Y8 _......_ rrmitN, r~a'<ffl and quil.daimW.
l and h' 1"-'''' pr~srn" do oe .._ r~mi~. Itl~a~ and quk.daim unto Ih~ u;;i part les of the S<<ond part and .__....their.__. .._........_._._. h~iu and
assign, forn"" all .~ rilChl. lill~. inl~,~.t. cbilll and dflnand ..hieh I~ said pa,t 1 es 01 Ih~ firsl part ha. S ...___ in and III the: follo.-inll: dHC"rruw
lot..... pi<<~___. <W pa'c~L._ nf land. tUJt: situate. lylng ond belng In tho County of st. 1uole County.
S~ Q.\ .~... ()t.. Plot' 1da. . t o~"l t...._..__.__..___..___...___._____..._____.___._.__._ ___._...._..__.__._..______._.._______ ___ _____
.....__..._.... ............._. Deaor 1 bed ..88 ...follows:. ~.....___..___ '__'_"_' .. ._..........___. _._.__.._......---...__..___.____..___._...__._.._._._.
..--.-..-.... "'-"--'-.-'.. .__.'to\'~y . ;).Qr.~.~...II!Q.."._~...Qr..__l., ~~lO.9~ ~~(,l..lll...:3.h._ Ll,lQht..c::9\,lJI.~y....~1~.rJ.~ {a, _._..__..._ ,__.
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..___.._...______....._(.~~J..__~~!Jg!_~I!!.!'.~y.. lUne East .!_t~~.L.!>.~~1~L~'8r~_ One h~ndl"ed aud nlnet}' fO~:"'_
_._..._____..._.__......... (. :l,.?~.) .._.___._______._..___.. .__...__.__.____...__.___
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TO HA VI-: .-\XD TO /lOtI>, Ih.. sa...... 1rt:C'.h<-r .ilh all and ,inltulu 1"-' appurlC'naocC'. IhnC'unl., 1~lonKin!i: or in anpr;i'l: a~rtaininlC. and all
t"-' e:slalC'. righl. 1111... inlcfC'<1 and c1ain. ..hal<o<<T~t 01 I~ ",id part..1ellof 1"-' l1ul part. C'ilh~r in la..' or ~uil)'. to the' onl)' pr~r use:. hc:n~1 and
bthoof 01 t~ ",id part 188 of t~ _d part, _'. -...--._______.__.__.their___...._.___._.._ __......_ ..... ~in and a..igns fo.t.-cr.
IX WITXESS W/lI-:RFJ)F, Ibc: ..id pa'11es of th~ lirsl I'arl ha.J3.__ ~rc:unlo stl....t.h~J~._____...__.___.hand~ ..and ,...1 JL t~ da)'
and ).t&l filSt abon .rilt~n.
SilCnc:d. ...akd and dcli,.trcd in I'r~~nu 01: 1
~___V1.naeDt.ll...J!1url.Dng_.______..___ (
_..__.__ll~s.~ll...J._BI.U' DS~__...____.... ___.. _ .
__..__..____..!lar.t._J.o....llurDB.______.. (Seal.)
"n. ...... _... ... ,lIe!:~Il_x.Q~~lg~r BurnB .....___..(5~a\)
::~: o~F _:~.~~~~h=~~==-=___....__._~ J
I HF.REBY CERTIFY, That on Ihi, day pn<onally appn,td btfor.. ...... an offiur duly aulhori.w 10 adm;,.i<I~' Nlh. and t.l... acknowlwKIIIC'I1I<,
_._____.____..__ ...Bat'~...J..BUrDS....8Ud_Helel1....Y_OWIg.fil'.-.B.u.rDa. ____.._...____....___.___._____.._.__.._______.__..
10 me ....t: kno....n I" .... 1M r"'''''''' B .k-<cribtd in and .ho ...<<uIW lhe: for~oinlt ii"lrulllftll and._...._ the1 ......._____... ......... ackno.-ltdJ!:w btf..rt dIC'
that. .__..the ~.-.--. ._.._._.__utcD.~d t~ ..me: frtc:ly and ..oIunluil)' for I~ purpost. I"-'r~in upr.......!.
AXD I FL'RTllI-:R CERTIFY, Thai Ihc: ..ld_.__.lie1en..YQ.unger.Bl.l.t'DB .__..______._______________.,.___.__
known to ~ 10 ~ Ih~ ....ifr of Ih.. ..id..._........Bat't._..J.uBu.rnB.....___._____._._.__._..._..=.._.__._.._..__..____________._______.._.__..._
011 a sq>aral~ and prinle: e:xamiD:ilion. taken and n..ade: by and btfore: ~, .~r."r1y and apa,1 from h~r said hu.wnd, did ackJlO1JlC'dgc lhat ,hr e:uculW
Ihr forrgoing DtW for t~ pDIJIO'e: of ,r1i"'lui,h~. al~naling and cO'1\"~yinl :all h<< rillhL litJc: and inl<r"I. ..hrth.. of do.n-, homt'ltad or ni ~pual~
ptop<<ty. ,Ulutof)' or ~iL1bk, in an<l to ~ bod. d~'Cribtd lhe:rrin, :and thai ,he: IfX<<utW said I>r<'d fr....ly and ....tWlta,ily .nd ...ilOOul any rom.
pulsion. conSln.inL apt.r.hrnsion or f~ar of or from hrr said husband_
....__.c.~~.~...._i!....._~~y.~r ~.___......____.._.__
" t
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S my band and o8iciaI stal, al._Ch.~.Q.~89._.___Coant).. OLh.._.C.9Q~.___________.__and Stair oLIl.l~nol~..
.____day oL..:t'ehruar~---------_A. D. 19E7..
County of SL I.uc:~.
Df. IT NUfUIBl-:RF.D, Tmt on Ihis_..._l~.~h..
I, ------J...-C.. ~T,JlR~
day oL..liGr ah ...J1.t....D~'O'6 ....A.. ._ll...__A. D_ 19...2 'J
____.. __.._ ___._.___._CI<<k of I~ Circuit Court in and f,,, said County,
ha.-r duly r<enrtkd lhe: (ortgoing Quil.Claim IJttd in th~ I'ubl~ Recmd. of .aid Couaty.
IX WITNF.S' 'HEREOF, I ha.... ...........10 set ...,. hand and I.... ani of said COIlfI 1"-' day and )"IfU aho,... ...ritt....
, ~'\"
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..... __..._._.__~-..-....P. ...c.._F.l,llRBD 0________._ __.....(Snl.)
n Clul< Cir...vit Court.
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