HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2133 I -H..Jh T.m.,~ TO __~______._~!. A. WILLlAUS 333 QUIT-CLAIM DEED .._.__.._... .____. o. ~".,_ ...._._~ _._...... ._ ___. _.".__ _ .__ 'd._.._~.,__.. _ _~._. .' , \ I - 1 1 . i .~__ _n. ......._. ~_ _ _.___'__._..___" _. ,'_ __ _ .___ ~ . Till:; INIH':NTURF~ )Ja'~ thi, ....... 2lL_....___.___ ....____......day oL......llaroh ..__.._.__._......._...-::___...........A. U. 19..2 7, ~1.to:tI . ''''_''''___'___", .___.._._ 1I.!._.~.!.-!-et te ____.______.__.__._...____.._________ I' 'of .Ih<- ('ount). ..f ... 'h." Saint .I,uole . .' .. .................._.. ..... ,nd Stat~ of....__..____........_. )llo1'14a_....._._......_.__ put ~..~ of I~ lint pa,t, and ~...__.....__........... ...._.. ....________.J.....A. ..IU T.T, r ~Jlg ul Ih~ CUlllIl)' (,f.... .. . ...... Sa 1DtLuc 1e ................_...._.~nd Stlt~ oL.._.......... 110 l' ldl. ......... ...._.. ............... .... pJlL 1-. of lhe: .<<00<1 part, \\'ITNF.~SF.TIf. That Ih<- ...1 P",t. '1 ~n: I;oliut :rt'8f:~ a~~'~;~:8~1:1f :U:n:fi~~;~~.l.~.n~ _ __' '_:"~ ..~_....m.. --.......-...-.-.-................-.... __...._.__..._......_._._..11~L__...._..__..._ __... ....._. .... .. ._.... .......... .........._..._... . ...._..._.__. __........_ .__'.. ._Dellan. ill hand pai..l b)' II", lUid pa,t. ..;y. ~f Ihe: 't>.-ond part, I~ ft'('~ipt w~nof I, ~nbJ a,kno..~~ N. ~..._.._._._ nmilM, rdn~1 aOtI quit-c1airwd, alld b)' I~ P'~KnI'- do__.eU nmis~. rd~..~ and quit.daim unto th~ said part.-.'1__ of lhi 'tt<'OOd part and ........bI8 .._.._.... .__.........._....: hdn and auign, fon.tt, all I~ right. titl~, inl~~t, claim and d~rund wMeh t~ said part '1...- of the: lint part ha . B._....._ in amI lu the: following d~scribtd . \ IoL~ pi<<~.__ or parceL_ of land,laIIbl Bltuate. lylng ond belng In the Coullty of Saint Luole, state QLllQr.t!i.$,.. _p~Q~,..U.l. .._..__._______._________ _._____...._.. ..1&1; 8_.1... pn<l..JLln...>>l.Q.O.k..J~__1p_~qt1'.~_Ll'.hl ~_~._Cl.~Y..~"tb~cU.'{ ~".l9!!._.~9.QQ!4Jpg_.~~.._~..____ _'_......"'" _... ..pl& 'tn. r Q o.Qrd~~.. ..1D.._~l:flLB.9..Q..i._~....._~{!g'__9~._Q,.._~h~L.~~ l.J1l..LQ.Q .Mt_c..()..1!~l~..R~o Qrd,.~_.:.__.____ ............._...Re Q t ,,1 Q t.1Q.nQ~._lf.Qn.J.".,JJ.\~~pQ..~._t<?....~L~!U_hn..~.~_r..~L.~.@P. J~.~...~~~.~.....f!'.()lIln..~h~. ..f.1'.I)r:t~_..__._ ....._..........._...l1ne_of881d.1Q1; &..8od..88p.UCL.1i.ank....nqulr.e.d. _f.OLQ~~ 1et....fQL t..o.llQ.1;~L~ncl..f;lJ.pk!J.. __ : .'. . :: ----- -.-------.. .------------ ----------------------------- ~===t:;il~~!~rCO~~-~~~~ ~<<.,.&..L4=~= _(~al.) ( TO Il.-\V": AS\) TO II Ot.D. I~ ...~. 1~lhtf ...ilh all and singular lhe: al'Purt~I\llnc.-. Ihtnunl.. ~t.."KinK or in .n)-wi<~ a~rt..ininlC. and all Ih~ ..'I...... riRhl. lill~. ;nl~...t and d.im "hal'M..r of Ih~ s:aid part._.~_ 0; Ih~ 1i,,1 part. tilhn ill law or ('qtIit).. t., I.... '~11)' p"'~r Use'. lomdil and bdtool of the said part..1._ 01 I~ ,reon<l J'lrt, _____~!.8 .._____________ _________ hdn and a~,ign, for("'~r. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. lite: said pa".. y._ of Ih~ r;UI pa,t ha.. 8 '__ ~r~lInto '~I..___.___. _.h.l.B._..._.....hand .. ... :10,1 se'31 ,I~ day and y~ar lint aoon ...rilt~n.' ~iRnc:d. ...,,1<<1 and d~li~'utd in p'r<nK~ of: ----..-..--.4ulia-ll.-EDgeJ.manl1 _' D...C ..Ld tBu ~-l ._..__.._.__._..._.ll....J{.....LB.t:t.B.______...__(Sn!) STAn: OF __j'lorida County oL___ S81nt.-Luo18 I !IF.REBY ('F.RTIFY. Thai on J Ihi, day \N'uonall,. appnrtd before mr, an oIlic~r <Iul)- aUlhori,..1 ... aolmini<l.r ""Ih. an,l take: :admowla\xmtnl<. ._______If.L.uL..L.,j;_~. 10 mr _II !mown ,.. I... Ihe: Jlt',......... ,k..-ribrd in ..nd \000 e:Xtoltw the: fO....l(oinlC inolrumftlt '"nd..._._._......~~. lhat .......__ ...h.)le._..:.._u........_..rx..,UI~ lhe: samr fr<<ly and voluntarily for lhe: purpo_ Ih~,~in ~''1.,..,...J. .....-..-... ..a<k""wlwRW ~ior~ mr - AND I FURTIIER CERTIFY, That th~ said.... known t.. ,,,.. I" be Ih~ ...if~ 01 Ih~ .aid_.._ 00 a ..-parat< and pri....... rxamin.lion, taken and made: by and ~fore: me. '..p",..ldy and apall Imlll hu ""id huJ.and. did a<kno...le<llt~ 1....1 s~ ~xrculro lite: for~'inK IJrro for I~ purpost' of ,~Iin'lui,hing, a\inJ..ting and ."nv~ying all hu righl. ti.l~ ..nd inlu~<t, ...latthtr of do...rr, homrslnd or of .c:parat~ I)rapt")'. statutory or "'luil..bl~. in and 13 the lands d~s.:ribrd I~r~;,.. and Ih.t she e:x<<utro said ~ fretly and Tnlunl..ril,. and wit"""l any com- pulsion. conslrainl. appr~hnuion or f~u 01 or from lte:r said husband. WITNESS my hand and otlicial seal, at_PQU_.P.1e.r..o.e......_.COunt). or.__3alnt....Luole _._.and Slal~ oL.Plor.1da..___ Ihis_~~._.._:___day oL~~~~.~___^. D. 19.. ~7 . (SnI.) . lfotn;~oE~n~,]g~~;l.i~~~~.i~b&~_ 8\ L8r~e. ~: BE IT RUIF.LIIlf.REI>, Tmt 011 lhi,_.~b day oL.U8ro.h... .Il\_2:..3.9...P.....1I...__-^. D. 19..27 1,__.- _1>...-0. F.T,mlm _Clerk of the Circuit Court in and lor saj.J Counly. ,I i ha... dilly r......led Ihe f'''r-goiu& Ouil.Claim DtaI in the Public Rccor.u or said County. IN WITN":SS \V .0..., I hne he:rnanlo set m,. hand and the ~al 01 said Court I~ da,. and )Tar above written.. :~~~r~=-' ~. ,~,e.(\ ~ e't'\ . <\\ CO> ~~' :~I f j ~K~')~~2~~\~i~I~~t!p~ .. .':{:;;~:,~~~~1i'~}Jl~