HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL MODIFIED BITUMENT ROOF SYSTEM66S, ;Home, a W9,1 Product; 6pduaApproval Monu 11, Is I ml Applicatio, Ty Zode,Versioh i 0nrnents Archived` ;PrWutt AUih6riield, Qilaity A Ad'dres§A t6fegory, ,Cornplian� Florida Building Cqde.',0hIIne, 7, Hot Topics 5615mksurchiM ,eL Stjtj &,FaC 'BCIS Sltd Map' links Sd ts Pjjbj1cd,6ns-,J. 456S�if 1 SCANNED BY St Lucie Couhfy in list $, A001tentlen 08tall ST LUCIS COUNTY R6y!$10m BUILDING DIVISION 20�i7 [REVIEWE Appe.6Ved FOR COMPLO MOM 0 R C"' BY DATE &0_j� r PLANS AND PERMIT MUST 13E KEPT ON JOB ON NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE and Hide PrddUCtS:Co., Me: - 1195, Pr*e,HaII--Dr - 3elolt,'W1 53511 -5481 (608), 365-5111 E:kt 869 -niiidthy, MdFd-r1ihd 6d6,T1th@,,,tri,h1t, , m yqrd.cP -Tirri McFarl6nd ,1195 Prince,Hall Or Suite Beloit, -WI 05115.4.81 (608) 365-3111, tjm.mCfarlan0@m4I6h1de.c'om'- ,ftoo6ng. Modified 6itumen.koof ty4tern THESE PLANS -AN.0 AU, PROW' -jai' 0 ARE SURIECT TOW-i'l W.RRE.'UTIONN3 REQUIFF-11,2D Dy Flu I w,,- n-C,roM,mm COMIPLY WITFl AIL AfrFUCARLECOM &'aluation.Report from a Florida Re ISSte red,,Architett or,16 Ueehse&FIbc- g kofestionil,E ' n&ee'r' E40.�tlone ,Rdiport - H ..aMq00,y :Received:. ' , " Florida- Engineer, or, AechIfi--ct,.N6jjje who 4eVelooeid, Evaluat on Report'CONCEALED Robe.r,,t,Ni.eml'neh FASTENERS OR ATTACHMEN-1 e Florida Ll nse c:ur PE-59166 OLiLd ARE THE RFSPONSIsILITy QOalitv ance Entity, I ua,ilt-Y.,��'utanceContract'Ekoration'Date 10/0612018 OF THE CONTRACTOP Or RECOg 'Validatied By John, W., knezeVlch,..Pt Validation Checklist- Hardco y:Recelvel' %rrtifieafe Of 4600P064e6c FL10497 '116 001 2017 01 dOl IVieminen of, d 1161`06nde J Standaird, and nd Year (qf,-Stan ard) Standard -d AS-fM D66i 2008 ASTM D6222 2011, FM 4470s. 2012 FM 4474' 2011 rommAgior-vNrlvwfhrniiienr[14AIARWh.qKANhywHRXAtkSF34nbZPSiB5zrdCnP%2fw `3d%3d 1/2 'Fforfd6rBuildih.g'Qbde.'Qpline� Equivalence of Pt�4uctStcjndard§; Certified _0 By Sectlonsfrom,:ffie Code Product,Approvat 14ethod 4;ate�Submltted 'bi& Validated, Date-Pdndino, FBC Approval DAte.AOprbv0 f Methb'O 1 Option D 09/11/2017 M'4/2617, 0/21/2017 12j12/2017 �Fll. # i 'Model; !klltlimlie'k or'Naivie- Description —10497.1 Mule-hllder58§ and APP Modified Self -adhering modified bittimen roof. systems Bitumen Roof Systems 70 Of 1- Approved. ,f,O'F,use n,HVH,Z:,.No J:W407 k611 Ai-Qg FNAL..Af -ER MU ' The.design pressure In this application, relates to Evaluation Reports rtieuldr assernbjygy6r concret,e, deck.".Refer to, ihe E� FLI:640 gra AE p77 09 FiNAL, ER MULE -HIDE FilAO - and ,deckitypes.2.), kieferto E R, R6,Dd ;n,S,,for other'Lim! , is of Use. Created by Indeliefident Third,Party: Yes The St6te,cUlorida'I., an.AA/EEO employer. Copyright 207-2013 State of Florida.:, Privacy Statement ::,A"cCesS1bllltv Statement :'Reltl4d Slate Product ApprovaiAcieptk M Credit'Card Safe Aff 212 IC ID Wood -Wood wnnd FOR WIND V Application New or Rent New, Reroof r-Off) A-1 A_2 Anchor T' Nil Y Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 4 Bonded Insulation, Bonded ROofCover 5' nase5neet (nails), Bonded Roof Cover. g Base Sheet (screws & plates); Bonded Roof Cover 9. _.. - -.._..............,.,....c..nw�.uve� 12-14 36; Concrete New or Reroof (Tear -Off) p Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 14. 4A LWIC New.or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 15-16 46 6WlG N ----�'� A-2 -- 4G LWIC SA CWF 5B CWF Sc CWF 6A Gyps 6B Gyps ew.or Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover Reroof I E wu mauiduvn, aonoet alated, tech. Attached Base Sheet; Bonded Roof Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover" ttached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonde< Alated-Meth. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover elated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover Cover 16 17-18 19• 19. 20 1. The roof'system evaluation herein pertains to above=deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to;the satisfaction; of the Authority Having:Jurisdi6on. Load resistance'of the roof deckshail be'documented through propel codified and [or FBC Approval.documentation. 2. Insulation] base sheet fasteners shall:66 of sufficient length for the follow, ing.deck engagement: > Wood: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration. Y'Steel: Minimum 0.75-inch penetratiom anc engage the top flEi a of thesteel-deck--- - - --- - y Concrete: Minimum 1-inch embedment mtopil6t hole in accordance with fastener manufacturers; published installation instructions. - 3. Unless otherwise noted, insulation may be any one layer or combination of polyisocyanu�ate,,polystyrene,, wood fiberboard, perlite; gypsum based roof board -or mineral -wool roof board that meets the' requirements of F,A.C. Rule 62G20 3 and is documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and,.forfoam plastic, FBC.Chapter26; when i istalied w€th the roof cover. QA 4. Minirnum-200 otil minimum 2-inch,thickdfghtweight:ifisulating conirete may be substituted for rigid insulation board for'System Type 0 (mechanically attached base sheet, bonded roofrcover' where6 the: base sheet fasteners are installed" through the LWIC to' engage the structural steel or concrete deck. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater configuration to the steel and concrete :deck )istings: Roof decks and structural members"shall he in accordance with FBC requirements to.the satislict16h,of the Author ty;Having.lurisdiction: Load resistance of the roof deck shag be"documenfeil through proper codified'and/or FBC Approval'documentation. S. Preliminary idsulation.attachmertt for System Type Or Unless"otheivuiseuoted, refer to Section 2.210.13 of FM Loss. Prevention Data Sheet-1-28{January2016). Exterior Rmarch:and Design, LLC, d/b/iTihiftyIERD Certificate of Authorization #9503' nr Eyal0ation Report M10000.03.08-R&for F110497-t 6 6 EDRIQIV (2037) FBC'NDN-HVHY EVALUATION Revision 6: 09/08/2017 ' Prepared,by. Robert Niemineo, PE-59166' "Mlle -Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systems (608) 3654111 Appendix 1, Page 1 of 22 6.references IS. Unless 6therVis "noted, refer to:the D*ini fli, b,idd kiacp n1v �r-,h� �,u� T Reference , layer Material Application S9S-SA NK-S'eff-Adbering . Base Oif6:br�."m(5iLi�'�lie9SA,PpseShe,�,tSABas�6Shdt!iiF R �§elf-'Ajhering� 'Ca SA-SliS 0 ,Cao �A:_�B�*Cap Sheet e'((FRj Note-, Self -adhering membranes shall not -lie InsWied everAOXM -memb rwes: Base PN'br-ply j0hebr more ,pyres APP T&6 Base, orrorch SL (400, Torch -Applied) Cap- APP Torch S, APP TOrchG,APP TOrifi.G,PkAOFi.To --Kb6(CapG'APPTbtchKo6l rch I Cao G FR Torch -Applied APPSA (APP,"�;elp��cihering) P, SA-APP Cap' SKeet, SA-APP Cap Sheet (OR), SA-APP Kob[Up,G; SA-APP X&ICap, G (FR) - Adhering Note: I shogn 4elf--odbefffig nli�Mbltn- ot be Installed oi,&APP-TA Miin�nm: 16.. Any ,FkApproved coating list6dfor-IuseWitWS8 . Materials ' Approved - -1 - - _S�PrAPP modified bitumen'roofin6maY be aPPjied to the top roof, membrane without adver'se,e.ffect on the,., atefials' Dlrect6i*forfire ratio _systemminci load performance. Refer to cu�i6titkogring I tingsas ia dw*Wcoatirvg,usigij!: -,-W,te 17. Dens Mckshall be,field-primed" with'P.GlOO70dortd�6if-adh-er'in'grnembrape a -table hereinIbiothe Prim n require ents, Pp.hcatlon., 1140fto ..r, ft m 14. -Vapor bar(lAr r op.tionsto use over strudW-aij�nqtte,opik (611 lappfies� _qwed byadhered insulation tarry, *9 following Maximum Desith Pressure'(M.DP) limijae, The lesser ofthe, MOP listings below Vs. Those inTable lA YAPolIBAI�ttERGvnptd;7U"("Mm D004 AoHER bWs4(4IWN,_P_,ER'TIAKE­ Optionq Primer Vapor Barrier ;Type,_ 'IVIDPOso V614. -'SA lli§.,Sheet Self -Adhering frita75tik or L06,41-iro-C. -60.6 VB-2- Mule4ilde.,:122 0.0 -to" Bqs.e- Torch-appll6d lntaLStilk or, t -20- ---inch ox - -75D VS-3. Mule -Hide 121 .1 , ps c apshgdt. Self -,Adhering l6ita'Stikj2-inch ox- 75.0 v8z4:. Mule -Hide 121 1 SA-SBSLUP,Sheet; Self -Adhering ftiillernium doeStep Foamable Adhesive,12-inc6bx., -1573 vit=s. Mu16-Hide.121 - S,A4'S'Cap Sheet. Self -Adhering C1140,' j2-knch-9.c. -270.0- `VB-6. Mule -Hide 121 SA base Sheet, SA:Bas.el Sbeet,(FR) Self -Adhering 'Millennium One Step Foarnable Adlidsive; - Millennium PP-AOump Grade. Ad]6eiive,,_0ly'Bond 500 or-CR-19; 124n6-o,c.­ ­V-111-111 UCZ0%FI rue5sure ks me result attesunglor wind load resistance based'on allowable Wind loads; Refer to'FBC 2669 for determination oi,designwirid bads. 6ited6r kesea4-and Degiin, LLt, d16 /a -trii.atyIt I lip Certir-cateofAuthorinitio-n-i65O3 EvaluiUbnReport "C�0,616ER6'for.'fiid4i7-Ri' repar 6�" EriftioN Oom FiC NON44VHZ EVALUAT16N P' Mule44[d Modified .- jftqdBitumen Roof SVste -is; 608),365-iUl Appendix 1; flase 4 of 22. "JTRJNjTY'ERO TABLE 1111-2:-WOOD Dedcs—IIEW CONSMUCT110111, REMOO F (TEAR-Oid OR RtCOVk; R SYSTEIV11TYPEAQ M'ECHANICALLYATTACHEDANrHORSHEET,'BON INSULA7109, SON096 ROOF'COVtR System Deck Anchorshieet Tolifilsulation -Roof CoVer (Notd 'No. YPe L_�Vndl 'Attailk Type, Base 'Ply Cap M1100- CPSO Ply- 42-incli o.c. in 4-inch (optional) Min.15-inch W-7 Min. 19/32- inch plywood Nail Base QMG Fla Bottom Plates Is quare)%vith'Rootrip9l, lap an,012-0choc. In two.(2), e equally ACFcannII,Poly ISO 2, ENRGY-3, H-Shieldi Poly Min. 0.254ndi Dens D6ck, Dens Deck Prime,Hot �APP-TA (Optional) ed to spaced, staggered [Hot asphalt ISO 2, H-Shield CG, Mufti- 'SEC UAOCK Gypsum- it asphalt APP-TA APP-tA -60.6 center rows Max FA3 Fiber Roof Board Dekfast Hej Plates with Deld'ast #14, OMG31 Rou6d Metal Plate with c 9-Inch o.In 4-inch ((Optional}Min. 1.5-inch Min. 15/32. POI OMG HP, OMG Rat' lap and 9-inch O.c. in ' 'ACFoam 11, Poly ISO. 2; Min. 0.25-inch Dens, (fich'Olywbod G2 Use. Botto rn Plate (Accutrac) ' ' four-(4).jequally ii;i � I Hot RGY-3, H-,Shield, PoIj asphalt Deck, Dens Deck Prime, SECUROCKGV�suffi- Hot (Optional) APP-TA APP-TA with Ro ofgrip #14 or spaced, staggered �pac ISO 1; H-Shield CG, Multi- asphalt APP-TA Trttfaqt q! M.t.j center rows Max FA3- Fiber Roof Board 124nch o.c. in 4-inch (Optional) Min. 1.5-inch 'Min. 19/32- lap and 12466 o.c. ACFoam Poly IS' Min. 015-inc W-9 [at Bottom Plates il, P 02, h Dens- _OMc,1 Hot Dec Dens Dec Prime; Hot SeS-SA, mchplywood Nail Base (sq arq).with.Roofgrip #I! 'in twd, equally, EISIRGY-3,H-Shleld, Poly k, k m (Op�iona _u S W6ced;Staggered' ISO Z, t- SOS, -SA, SBS�SA,-AP?- APP-SA, 760.0 H-Shield Cf.,.,Multi- asphalECUROCK Gypsum- asphalt TA APP4A cenfe�'rows Max FA3 Fiber-RoofBoard D"dor Oesearch and Design, LLC� d/b/a VWW jERV Certiftate-OfAuthcgization, . #9503 fNrqluationR.eoortMI0000.03.08-R6foi.FUOW-Ft6 6� EOITIO,N (?917) FBC NoN-HvHz EVALUATION Prepared W: _�obert Nieidnen PE-59iq 'ReVision 6- 09/68/201-7 Mule�- Ide Modified altumdri R6ofsjfstd -m'; (Boat 365-31i1, hpp6ndix-1, Page 5,,6f 22 TI I1' IiY- ER _- TABLE SD W{>�D DENS' NEW CONSiRUCitON'REROOF (TEAR-aEFj oR RECOVER - TYPED;";PREEiMI_WARf�Y:ARACHEOINSU ATICN,MECHANl6i4 1YA*ACIfERBj�S tQVER: �Y'M E SHEET, BONDED ROOF ern Detk (Note iJ - Illation LayertsJ Base'Siiet<; `_ [over (Nate 1 No Roof - Type :Attach - Base Attach 11ADP (psf) _ Fasten' Base'vy 5j�p To�af-Bror�BASEPtw w s-�-, _ ..., w :. • . L W=13. Mln.r19/32- ' ' " Crop or more a any Prelim Nail Base; Polyglass G2 Base, CertainTeed Glastiase Firestone MB, QMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) with.Roofgrip'#14, pekfast"Hexwtth - 12-inch a c in4 mchlapand 12- Inch Plywood ombi combination Attached; Base, JM Perma=Ply 28, Tanikd'61ass Ih?kfast p14 orTrufast 3" Meta[ Inch o c to two (2J, equally (Optional} APP-TA -APP-TA Base or GAFGLAS 875 Insulation HD spaced, staggered center rdi A W-14 Min 19%32- _ mth One oe more layers , any '' Prelim.. 'Nail Base OMG Flat Bottom:P(ates (square} 12-inch o c in 4 mch lap and 12- inch ood Plyv?- ,. combination' Attached � wtth Roo fgripf112 o c intwo (2) equally (Optional}"APP;TA AP$ -TA 60:0: spaced; staggeredcenterrows: ' Dekfast Hex Plates with Dekfast W=1S Mtn 1�32- One or more fa ers; an y y Prelim; Polyglass G2 Base; Nail ii14, OMG,3 Round Metal Plate. with OMG HD, OMG Flat Bottom Winch o c in .inch tap and 10- mch ,plywood ' - combinaton Attached � Plate - - inch o c m three(3),e uall' ,q y ., (OptwnalJAPP=TA APP-TA - �orTrvfast3" Metal Insulabon'Plate ' spaced; staggered center'ro6g wittfTrufast 1`16 • Dekfast Hex Plateslwith-DekfasY W-16 Min 15 2- /3 One or more layers any, Preiini. #14 OMG3 RoundMetaiPlate- with OMG HD OMG Flat Bottom 9-inch o c in.4 Inch lap and 9- Inch plywood combination -Attached PoWlass.G2.Base .Nail Base Plate (Accut* with Roofgdp #14. inch o c m four {4J equal) y -(OpUonalJ APP=TA APP-TA -90.0 •or Trufast3" Metal Insulatron Plate spaced ,`staggered center rows -- m6h Trufast HD.. _. - tN'17 ' _ Mm:19/12 One 0� mare = tayers arty, Prelim. _ -- Nail - - Dekfasf Hex with Dekfast#14 or' 12-inch o c in 4mch lap_and 12- SBS-SA, mch plywood combination Attached Base. Mule -Hide Insulation Platew�th inchpc Qtwo (2J,'equaily 585-SA. APP-SAi =$2:5" Mute-Hide'HDP Fastener spaced, staggered centerrows APP TA W+18 'Min.19J32-, One or mare layers any Prelim. "I Base, OM6`FIat.Bottom'Plates (square)' 12-inch ox in 4-inch lap and 12- SOS -SA, inch, ood F combination Attached with Roofgnp #12 inch,o c. intwo,(2), equally' 585 5A, APP- 60;0" spaced, -staggered center rows APP-TA DdedorResearchaodJOasign',1LC d/IijaTritiityJERI? Certificate'gf Authorizatipn`J19503 Prepared by: Robert Nieininen,,PE-59156 6tH:fDtT10W (2017),FBG NON-HVH2 EVALUATION MiecleMdifiedmste;(fio•m08)365 31: Ev_ahiap nReportM16W6.030&R6&rFL10497-R6: -Revision bi 09/08/2017,: Appeddi r1,'Page7"of'22; TABLED-2: WOOPOEd(S—NEWCO' NSTRUCTION, RER00FOW-Off) aft RECOM SYffEMTYegt: NdN.INSULATEDmEcHAwicALiYATtACHEDiMEStiEET(SeREM&PLA7iS),BONI)EDR6,OFCO1Eit. Sys".. I i ��; �kl (Note tbe 1), Base Sheet Ro6l"Covir (Note is) BaseNo. Fasten Attach gam. ply Cao MD? WS9 TOWWWWOBASE PLY. Nail Base, Polyglass G2 Base� W-33 Min. 19/32= inch CertainTided Glasb;Ae, Firestone MB'Bas6, OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) with Root'grip #14, Dekfast Hex with Dekfast #14 or-Trufast r 12-4nch o.c. in 44nch lap and i2-inch oc. in t�Vor - - 1 plywood Jim Perma-Ply 28, Tamko Glass Base.or GAFGtAS #75 Metal Insulation'.Plate' with Tiufast HD (2), e equally spaced, staggered center rows (Optional} AOP-TA APP-TA` -52. 5 W-34 Min. 19J32- Nail Base 0MG1 Flat Bottom Plates (square) With Roagrip ' 12-Inch ow. . in 4-inch lap and I 12-Inch o.c. in two spaced, staggered center rows (Optional) APP _T4 APP-TA ­60.0 Dek4st Hex Plates with Dekfast #14, OMG a- W-35 Min. 15/32- inch Polygfns G2 Base, Nail Base Round Metal P . late with OMG HD, OMG Flat 10-Inch o.c. in 4-Inch lap and'10-inch oc. in,three plywood Bottom Plate (Acbwac) with Roof rip #14 or (3), equally.spaced, staggered center -rows (Optional)APP APP TA. -75.0 Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plate withjrufait Hp:, Dekfast HexPlates-with Dekfast #14, OMG Y W-36 Min. IS/32- inch PIlyglass G2 Base, Nail Base Round Metal Plate WitKOMG HD, OMG Flat 9-inch ' ' o.c.,In 4-inch laand9-inch o.c.in four (4), (Optional) plywood Bottom Plate�(Accutirac) with Roofgrip#14or equally paced, staggered center rows APP-TAAPP TA -90.0 _Tfufast 3" Metal Insulation Plate With Trufast HD. Min. 15/12- o inch plywoodDuty- APP Torch Base of Nail Base OMG #12 Standard Robfgrilp of OMG 4124 HeavyW37 '(m in. I-S/8-inch long) With OPAG 3' Round 646ch ox� 4t*hich la lap 6-inch o.c. In three (Optional] APP APO Metal Platei'ok. OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plat - - es (3),,equalty, spaced, staggered center rows -Tx -TA -90.0 W-38 N�jn� inch plywood APP Torch e Basejqr Nail Base OMG #12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG I Duty (min. 1-5/84n6 long) with OMG 6 inch at flinch lap' and 6-inch o.,c..I.n five'(S)' APP-TA Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Mel equally iced, staggered�center rows I ptlonall APP-TX ;120 0 SELF-AMV NG BASE PLY: W-39 -Min -19 /32 Inch plywo "od Nail Base, Dekfast Hex with-Dekfait#14 or MulezHid.e-3— - -12cho.c:irt244nehlap,and-i2�inch-o.c.intvibi SBS�SA, 'APP-SA; Insulation Plate,Wth Mule -Hide HOP Fastener, eqluall�.spaced'siagger staggered center rows SBIS -SA APP-TA: -52.5* W-40 Min. 19/32- inch plywood Nail Base OMGFlat Bottom Plates (sOuare) with Roofgrip 12-inch ox.� in 4 . 4 . inch lap, and.12­inchox� in two, I : SBS-��,.App-s& V121 ua eq Ilyspacedstaggered,centerrows SBS-SA APP -�--TABLElF--WOODDECKS'—NEWCONSTRUtnONoR REROOF (TLU-OF#) --SYSTEM TYPE F. NOWNSULATED, BONDED ROOF COVER Mck-(Noteil) Primer Roof Cover{Note 15 JOIM_Treatmrent Base Ply- —ply tap --limpip"A MInAS/32- (Optonal) Mul"Ide.121 Nofie� SBS-A (Optional) SSS:SA, APP�' SBSSX APP-SA, APP�'nth,pIywood — IA_ -90.0 W.42 10-0711V� I bd nch plywo - ' _T6 an are c�gvere�dwitK�minlinum4-in�h:vAdeitrios of SARaseShee� SEIS-SA'- (Optional) SBS:SA, APPr SRS-SA, APP-SAAPP- rolled into plate_t'o create contin66us'bond. TA TA -235.0 Exterior Research and Design, LIC. J' /b/aTrinityj!ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503, Prepired by: .Rqbert. N_Iemlnen,- PE-59166 e� EDITION (2017)'FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUTICitj - Mule. -Hide Modified Biturnen Roof SysteFmS.46W) 36 S-32il Evaluation Rep0 ttM10000.03.08-Rfi,f6rFLiO497-R6' Rdifisforv6:09/08/2017 'APp6inclix 1,'Pag6 9 of 21' I TABLE2B S7EELOIt00NCItEE"DECI(S NEWCbN5TltU7(ON,RROOF{TEAR-OisjoitRtCOVER - n SYSTEWiiYPEOs'PREUMCNARILYA7TA0(Et}INSULATION,NiEGHAt+IFMilYAiTACHEQBASESHEET,.BON[}EdROOF:COVER ° _.. , NOTE:.INSUTATIONIS"OPPONALFORKE OVERAPPLICARdNS, System Deck; Insulation Layers} Base SheeC - .. Y Roof Covet (Note 15) MDP tuo (Note i) (Psfi Type . Attach.' ewe Fasten Attach Base_Ply Cap -SC-1 Mm. 22, a g , type B Grade 33'steel or min.3,500 psi One or mole; layers; arty Prelim. Nail Base:or-1M Pe`rma=Ply OMG Flat Bottom Plates s uare w�fh, (q ) ; Roofgrip #I4 Oekfast Hex with Dekfast. 12 mch o.c, in 4-Inch lap and 18• inch stmarual concrete combination. Attach"ed 28 till orTrufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate o c, it �two;'egiiailyspaced,• (Optional) ARM APP•TA 45.0 with TrufastCiD staggered. center rows_ Nall Base'Polygiass G2 Belie, SC 6: Min. 22 ga type B,Grade- 33 One or more: `Prelim. CertainTeed Giasbase, OMG"Flat Bottom Plates{59uare) with Roofgrip #14 Dekfast Hex with Dekfast 124inch o.c in•4-inch I p and 12- steelor min.•2 $OO,p;i sfruitrirai concrete layers any combination Attached Firestone MB Base,1M #SR orTrufast 3 Metal insulation plate inch o c in'tvao, equaliyspaced; ) P A (Optional ,AP -T" APP•T A 52 5 Perma Piy 28 Tamko Glass: - wrth frufast;Np' ;staggered center rows, Base or GAFGIAS #75' Min. 22 ga., type.8; Grade- One or more Pielim: 0MG Flat Bottom Plates (square)'with _ - 12 inch o:c m 4-inch lap and 12,- SG-7L 33 stee{`or min. 2 SOD psi structrualcunciete layers, ;, any: combination combination Attacheed'; Nail Base Roof rip N14; Oekfast MexwRh Dekfast #14 oi. Mui"ide 3" Insulation Plate: inch o.c..in,two egpaliy "spaced; SBS SA APP A =52:5R - =- with Mule=Hide HDP Fastener staggeiedtanteirows SC-B Mm.22ga type`B, Grade 33 steel of min,. 2,5 psi One if mote layers any Prelim Naii Base OMG Flat'Bottom Plates(square)'tvith. 12 inch o.c. m 4-inch lap anii 12- structruaiconcrete combination" Attached Rvofgrip#12(steeloniy}or>i14 inch o:c, in two ,equally spaced (optional) APP-7A APPTA' ;staggered center rows. SC-9, Min. 22 ga type B,.Grade 33 steel or min 2,SOD;pSi One or more layers any' Prelim. Nail OMG.Fiat Bottom Plates (square}with 12 mch o_cT in flinch lap and,1-2 in S A` st►u ctruai concrete. combination Attached Roof rip #12 steel on or #14 g P ( h) ch o c in two equally s aced; p B 5 S S- A APP•SA -60.0's _ . staggered -center rows: Mmr22ga typeB,,Grade :OneoFmore Str10. 80 steei or min 2'S06 psi rs an ', I?Ye y y Prelim. ... Attachei! APPTorchS_ - Dekfast isofast tF2.375 AT;Plates_with, _ _ f5sf i7S_ —� - 12-inch a c. wtthiinafie 5-lath-wid_ e, - - - -- (oPt<onai}AeP TA A — APP.•TA. 82.5 _ `structruai concrete combination Dekfasi #15 H5 heat?weided'side lap Mm 22'ga., type B; Grade One ormore - SC-iL -80 steel or min. 2,S00 psi P layers, any' V Y Prelim' Attached APP Torch 5, Trufast 2 4 in. Barbed Seam Plates with 12-inch o.c. within the 6-inchwide„ (Optional) APP-TA APP-TA -825 siructrual concrete combination f Truast EHOfasteners" ..:heat-tivelded'side.la p SG12. Min 22 ga., type B, Grade One or more Prelim Dekfast Hex With Dekfast #14 or U4nch o c withinthe 4 inchlap 33 steel or min. 2,500'psi layers, any Attached APP Torch S Fiat Bottom Plates with OM Roofgrp and i8•inth o.c irrtwo, equally (Optional) APP=TA APP TA =112.5 structrual concrete combination #14 spacedstaggered center rows Exterior Research and Desigh, iiC d/b/a Tnnity(ERo= :Evaliiation Repoit,flE_IS000003:0&R6 forFl1A497 R6° tertiared'j gffRober i L n #95D3 6-EDITION (2011) FBCNON HVHZEVALtUIT[OiV Revisron 6 U9/D8/2011. Prepered.isy. Robeit Nleminen,PE 59166 Mule=H&ie Modified Bitumen Roof Systems, (6118)M65-3111. Appendix 1; Page 11'.of ZZ 7 TABLE3A- C0NCRETEDECKS—NEW COiWtFRUd1 ONCMRElROOF(rEAR.QFr-) SYSTEMTYPEA-1: 130N.DEP INSULATIONiSONDED ROOF COVER NOTE:: FOR VAPOR BARR['ERoPnaNsREFERTo NoTE 17 ,System Deck Base insulation layer(Note To Insulation'll-aver Roof Cover (Note 15) MDO I pso ( Type —Attach Type Attach Base Ply Ply Cap C-16 Concrete None. Min. 1S-Iniih ACFoam II, Poly ISO 2, ENRGY 3, OBE Min. 0.25-Inch Dens Deck - WShield, Poly 150 1 oj ISO 95+6L 'Prime OBSbd 08S-SA (Optional) SaS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA 72.5 C-17 Concrete None Min. 1.5-inch ENRGY 3, 08500 Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, - 08500 S8S.SA (Optional) APP-TA A11PP7A 427.5 Dens; Deck,Prime C-18 Concrete None Min. 1.5-inchAUciam 11; Poly 150 2, H-Shield,, OBSOO Min. 0.25-inch Dens Deck, Poly ISO 1, ISO 95+GL Dens Deck Prime PBSOO S8S_$A (Optional) APPkTA AOP-TA -1501.0 C-19 Concrete None j Min..2-inch ACFoam Ili Poly ISO 1, ENRGY-3, H-' - 08-ROO Min. 0.25-inch SECIUROCK SBS-SA, APP-SA, Shield, Poly ISO 1 6 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board OBSOO SBS-SA - (Optional) SSS SA, APP-TA m �247.5 APP4A C-20 Concrete Noni! Min, 1.54nchACFoam II,Poly ISO 2, ENRGY3,1 M-WA Min. 0.25-Inch Dens, Deck SBS-S,%.A.PP-SA,, H-Shield, Poly ISO 1, MuItiWjx FA3 Prime M-OSFA SSS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, APP-TA -72.5 APmA t!-21 Conqete. -None Min.1.5-inch AC-Fobin 11, Poly ISO 2, ENRGY 4, M-OSFA Min. 0 - 25-inch'SECUROCK q8S­SA, APP-SA, H-Shield,polyISO-1, Multi-MaxFA3 GypsuWFiber Roof Board QSFA M-OSFA SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, APP-TA =2325, APP-TA C-22 Concrete None -Min. 24nch ACFoSm 11, Poly ISO 2, ENRGY-3, H_ M-OSFA Min. US-incliSECUROCK S�S�SA, APP-SA, Shield, Poly ISO 1 Gypsum Roof Board M-OSFA SBS-SA' (Optional) SBS-Sk,APP.-TA -i0.'s -fiber APP-TA C-23 -Concrete None Min., LS-inch, min. 2.0 pr-f ASTIvItSIS CR-20 " 0 1 Min .25 . winch.Dens Deck. Expanded Polystyijine' prime CR-20 SBS-SA (Opt!DnaQ SOS -SA 58S-SA, APP-SA 41.5 C-24 Concrete None Min. I.j-lqch, min'l.0 pcfASTM C578. Min. 6.25-Inch Dens Deck, Expanded PolystVrene "CRr2O Dens Deck Prime CR-20 SmSA (Optional) APP -TA APP� -TA -240.'0 Min, 1.54rich - Ultra -Max, Multi -Max FA-3, mkf. C-25 Coricr6te 'None 1.3-inch AC o Foam III or min. LO-inch ISO S154GL, cA -10 Min. 0154nch SECUR6CK CR_ SBS-SA S'S_SA' (0 na"S (Opt, (Optional) BS-SA,.APP-TA SBS-SA, APP--S,% ;'240�p _I-1--Shield, -RoWso 1, H-ShWd CG, ENRGY 3 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board. APP-TA C46. None 'Min. 2�ilnch AC17oarn 11joly [.So 2, ENRGY-3,,H- CR-20 MIn.0.2S_inChS&6kO CK, SBS-SA, APP-SA,.. Shield, Poly ISO I Gypsym-Fiber Rocif6bard CR__20 SIBS -SA topt. (Optiqnal) SBS-SA, APP-TA - 14 TS APP-TA C-27 Concretid None Min. 2-IPch ACFoarn 11, Poly ISO 2, H-Shield- Poly 08 Classic Min. 0.254nch SECUROCK Oil SBS-SA, APP-SA, ISO i GYPsum-Fiber Roof Board c6wc SOSS SOS -SA (0 pt. (Optional) SBS-5A, APP-TA APP'4A -350.0 Mule -Hide Min.1.5-In ch ACFQam 11, Poly ISO 2, ACFbam'' 11j, C-28 concrete 121- - ENIRGY3,H-Shield,-PdlytSO.1,H-ShieldCG,- 1 Hot Min. 0.25-winch SECUROCK Gypsum Hot S8S-SA (Optional) §BS-SA,,APP-�TA SBS-SA,-SA,_ -350.0 f 7MLjIt1;Max _ajphaft -Fiber Roof Board asphalt APP-TA T66C14 WE PiY: C-29 Concrete'Non6 Min. 2-inch ACFoaM 11, Poly ISO 2, H-Shidid, Poly,' Min. 015-Inch SECUR'O'CK ISO I C�15 Gypsum -IS Board D-M APP-T.A - (Optional) APP-TA a APP. C-40 C6ncrete None Min. Vnch AUojrn 11, Poly ISO.2-, H-Shield, PoIj Min. 6.254nch SE'CUROCK ISO 1- 08500 'gypsum Fiber -F 011500 Alip-�TA on (Optional) ApmA AP P�TA �232. q , 4 , I Concrete None Min. -2-inch ACFoarrfli, Poly IS() 1, Min.:01S-Inch SECUFWCK _WShield,'Polv iSO1 M-OSFA GypiwrrtFiber Roof Board M-OSFA APP�TA (Optional) APP-TA APP-TA -7-32.5 Exterior Research and Design; Ltc. d/h/a Tri#dyl ER6 ,Certificate,ofAuthorization #9563 ' Prepared 6y: -,Robertkiernifien, PE-54166 -0EDM0M(2017)_FBC__N_ dN_­'NVH_Z'EVA_LU:ATI'0N_ Mule-HideModified Bitumen Roof W�ms', ki hrbluiticin Report,M10000.". 010846 for FL164W46 Revision 6.69%68/2617 .Appendix 1, Page 13 of-22 TABLE 0iUiG}1iVtfEIOaHTCON1,CRMOECKS=WEWCONSTRUCT(ONORRER0QF(TEAttOFF� ' SYSTEM TYPE **BONDED 1NSULATiON, BOWED ROOF_COVER L De'dt(Notei) - i i4insulatton Layer Cover6oard- RoofCover.(Note'35) No; Struct LWC DedF T.. , YPe Attach TYR? Attach Base P.Iy Ply Cap MDP {psfj S�11ofrFnrweBwsEPtrwrt►tB;uElmtsrs�t�uu�Or'trorut.Toallr�seitntbaS�lweliYPE..` -_ ,, ,- .. tWC 1 Concrete Min. 200 psi, min Min 1 5 inch min: 2.t1 pcf ASTM C578 (Optional) Additional layers 2-InchElast2etl expanded polystyrene_ 08500 -of base insulation OBSOD $B5 5A O tlonal) SBS;5A (- p - -- . SE& APP SA 120.0 LWC=2 Concrete Min. 200 psi, min Min,1.5-Inch ACFoam ti, Poly 1502; ENRGY OB500 (Optional) Additional layers 08500 585 SA (Optional)585 SA, APP- 5B5 SA, APP SA,. 2-inch Elastizell -3, SO95+GL, H-Shield, Poly 150-1 -of base insulation TA APP-TA 225.0, LWC-:3 :Concrete Min. 200 Psi, Min. M n.1.5-Tisch 'min., pcf ASTM'C578, (Optional) Additional layers .271hch Elastizell , expanded polystyrene CR-20 of base insulatlon ,CR-20! SIRS-SA(Optional) S85-5A_, SBS-SA, APP-SA; -180A LWG4 Eoncrete Min 200:psi; min ;Min 1S-inch ACFoam ll, PolY ISO 2,ACFoam iII; ENRGY3,150 9S+�L k Sh_Id',Poly ISO L CR=20 (Optional) Addidonailayers •- CR-20 58S•SA (Optional) SBSS-SA,,APP- SSS-SA, APRSA;, 2ynch,Elastizell - .H-Shield CG Mufti -Max FA3 of base insulatlon TA APP TA -180:0 LLVC-5, Concrete Min 200;0sf;min. 2-inch Celcore or Min LS-irich Mtn-2ApcfASTM-GS78: CR-20. (OR000ai)Additionallayers 5 Mearlcrete expanded ofytyrene - p s of base insulation CR_24 SIR 4A (Optional) SBS=SA SBS-SA,APP SA -222.5 Viri: 200 psi; min Min 15-incfi ACFoam 11, Poly ISO 2 •ACFoam LWC=6. Concrete 2-inch Ctkore or ill; ENRGY 3 iS0 95+GL, H Shiehi, Poly iS0;1 CR-20 (Optional) Additional layers CR-20 585 5A (Opt anai)SBS=SA; APP• SB5 SA APRSA, 222.5' Mearkrete . H-Shteld'.CG, Mlulti Max FA3 of base insulation. TA. APP TA 4FA"Haumia BASE PLY WRH BASE INSUUlTIDN JWV6 OVERBDARD:' ;LWC-7 Concrete, Min 2 - psi,'min Min 1 5 inch min.3A:pcf ASTM C578 OB500 Min.0.25-inch SECUROCt( (OpFiogal) SSS5 SA, APP- :SBS-SA, AP.P-SA, 2-Inch i7astieii expanded polystyrene Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board 08500 SBS=SA _ .TA- - APP. TA 120:A: LWGS Concrete_. Min 200 psi, min '.2:inchElastizeli Min 1.5-inch ACFoam.lf; P,oty ISO 2, ENRGY OBS00 Min: 0.25airichSECUROCK SBS=SA (Optional) 585-5 APP= (OP_-:,. ) . A . SBS SA, APP-SA; 3;.IS095+%4-Shleld,;PolylS0;1 G ypsum'F.iber Roof Board oestw TA APPTA 225.0 Min 1 5 inch'ACFoam 11, PolyiSO.2, ACFoam LWC-9 Concrete Mim 200 " €, min. III, ENRGY3, i5095+ G4 H Shield, Poly,6Q i; •= - - CR-20 Min; 0.254richSECUROCK CR-20 'SOS (Optipnal) SBS-SA, APP.- S85 SA, AP.P3A, IStLO' st 2-incfi Elastiieil li Shield CG,'Muib Niax FA3'or min. 2.D pcf Gypsum- al76er'Roof eoa�d -SA TA APPTA ASTM C578 expanded polystyrene Min 200,, min psi'(!1; . Min 154rich ACFoam l Poly IS02, ACFoam LWC-10. Concrete 2-inch Celcore or ENRGY 3, fS0 45+ GL, H Shield, Poly ISO S; H-Shield CG;MukilMax FA3 CR-20 Min: 0.254rich3ECUROCK CR-20 SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA, AP.P,- 'SBS-SA; APP-SA ' -222:5, Mearicrete, ormin.,2A pcf Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board; TA :APP.TA ,ASTM'15 kerpandedpalystyrene _ Torm AHUED BAR ftri = ,LWC=11 Concrete Min 200 psi, min 'Min 1-5 inch Adoam,11, Poly'IS62, ENRGY OBS00 'Min.D 25 inch SECUROGIE BP Afi,.SBS (Optioria!) BP=AA; SBS SBS AA 565 TA' 2-inch Elasttzell 3,150.95+GL, H-Shield, :Qoly;150:1. - • Gypsum-Fil eir Roof,16rd; OB500 AA APP TA- AA,.SB$ T9o[AP,F TA - APPTA 225,0? Min 1,5-inch ACFoam lf, PolyIS02 ACFoam _.._.. , LWC=12` Concrete Min 200 psi;°min ; Ill;` ENRGY3, iS0 95+GL,H Shjeld, Poly 1S01, CR=20 Min. us-tneh SECUROGK CR-20 BP=AA,;SOS (Optional) BP -AA SBS- SBS AA; 585 TA 2<Inch Elast€zell H Shield CG; Multi N1ax fA3 ormin 20 pif Gypsum ElberRoof Board AA APP<TA` AA,' SBS TA or APPTA APPJA _1804: ASTM C578:expanded;polystyrene - Exterior Research and Design; LLC d/b/a ]riniryf ERD Evaluation Repbrt M10000:03.08-R6, for FC10497-R6 Ceri ate of Authorization N4503 6-EDiTION'(201» FBC WON-KWZEVALUATHJN Revision H: 09/08[2017 Prepared liy Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 Mule Hide Modified Bitumee Roof System; (609) 8653111 Appendix:l, Page l5 0f,22 TRINITY ER LABILE 4C: RERfJOF(TEAR-OFEj ' SYSTEM WPE E: MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDWROOF COVER System Deck (Nwei) Base Sheet Roatoter (Note "15) IVIDP No. Structural Deck -1 Type. Fasten Attach Base Ply cap (Osf) CHCDMCUWURLXHWMGHFIMULAMC.CONOUM. LWC-15 Min. 22 ga.,'type Biteel at max 5 Min.225 psi, min. 2-Inch thick. Polyglass G2 Base, Nail Base TiufastT�vin 9-inch O.0 I P a flinch lap and 18-inch o.c., In two, (Optional) ft spans or structural concrete- ft Celcore MF Loc-Nail equally spaced, staggered rows In.thefield uf the'sheet -APP-TA APIP-TA - 45.0 LWC_16 ,Min. 22 ga.,'type 8 steel at max 5 Min. 225 psi, min. 24nch tjiick Nail Base trufast Twin 94nch o.c in a 4-inch lap and 18-inch o.c. in hvo, S95-SA, It spans or structural concrete Celcoreo MF` Loc-Nail equally spaced, Staggered rows intthefield of the sheet '5115-SA AVR-SA, -45.0 App-TA LWC-17 -Min. 22 ga., type B steel ,at max 5 Min,. 300 psi, min. 2-inch thick Nail Base, Trufast FW90 8-inch o.c. in a 4-inch lap -inch o.c. in three _and 8 (Optional) ft spans or structural concrete Celcore MF equally spaced, staggered center. rows 4 AP137TA AIPP-TA -60.0 LWC _18 Min- 22 ga., type p-steel Min. 300 psi, mid.1-Inch thick Nail Base Trufast FM' 8-IficKox- in a flinch lip and 8-inch o.c. in three SBS-SA, it spans or structural concrete Celc6re MF,' equally spaced, staggeredcenter rows tas-sA APP-SA, -60.6 - - ---------- APP-TA Polygtiss G2 Hate; Nail Base. GAFGLAS 475, GAFGLAS_Strqtav-ent I , LWC-19 Mln.;22 ga, type Bstoel at'maxS. Min. 300 ' psi, min. 24thick- Nidable Venting Base stwe%„ GAFGLAs Ply 4;GAFGLAS FlezP V 6, Trufast FM-9O 7-inch o.c. in a`3-inch lap and 7-in6h cLc. in two equally fts.pans or structural concrete Ulcore )m Parne Ply No;,28"jm or OMG CR BPF spaced, staggered- . _ _ AWTA APP-tA _75.9 Vepsuiition; im GlasPly IV. Glasply 'rowsinibe.fieldoftfiesfieet Premier. Timko Gtass•Efase, Tamko por-Chan, I LWC-20 Min. 22 ga., type 8 s Itsoans,orstructura Amh thick Nail Base -290 I Trufast FJVF �O -inch o.c.,In allinch lap and 10-inch mc. in'three .(Optl onal) 'APP=TA APP-TA-. _9910 equally spaced,,staggered center rcivis ELMTMUCELWLARUGHTWECHTINSULAWMCDNCtETE: Polygliss G2 Base; Nail Wse, I 7, Min. 0.0179-inch Tensifform-S-75 G4GL AS 975; G AFGLASStratave nt- " LWC-21, or min. 0.02054nc1h Tensifform Min 200 psi, min. 246h thick Nailable Venting Saw shiitt_ GAFGLAS Ply 4, GArGLAS Fl4xply,fi, . TrufastFW90 7.5-inch o.c. in a3-inch lap and 7.5-Inch o.c. in two. 75* at max � 5 ft spans or Elastizell Rhnge�ll JM P eima I Ply No. 28, JM or OMG CR BPF equally spaced, staggered rows inthe�,eld'ioflhesheet APP-TA AOP-TA- -30.0 structural concrete Vensulation, JM GtiasPly IV. Glas!){y Premle.r. Tainko Glas;s-ease, Tamko Vapof Chan. Miri,�'0.0179-inch Unsilf&m S-75 YWC-22 -or min*-'0.020S-in,cti-Tensilform-- -Min;-200 psi;-mIn.-24nch thick- I Nail Base. -TrulistTM-90- - - 7,54nch o.c..in zk.34nch lap and,7.5-lnch_ox� inuva, I ! - — SBS- SA 75at -T Elast If Range 11 I ize or OM­G CR. BPF ­ -_ equally spaced, -staggered rows In -the field.of thesheet SA___ APP-Sk-- - --30.0- strOctural.conc.rete APP-TA Poy&iir ��z 8`av4'Naii Base;- GArGLAS #75, GAYGLAS Suacavent LWC,23 Min. 22 ga., type B steel it max'S 2-inch Min.-200 psi, min. 2-1 thick Nallabte-Venting Base Sheet. GAF.isms Plj.4, dAFGtAS flex'Ply 6, VUh-&FIVIr4o Nncho-cJna.tI-fnchI3pa'nd In'two, equally fispainSorstructural concrete ElestizelI Range 1111 JM Perma Ply No. 28,JIVI or OMG CR BPF ..7-inch lox. spaced, staggered rows in the field of We sheet APP-TA 45.6 Vensuiatjon,wGlasPIVW.Gla Ply,, P.niier. Tamko Gliss-EWE, T"amko Vapor -Chan, t4erjorkesearch, and Design, LEC.'djb/a TrfniivjIt1kD Gertiftcateof,,Authorizatiori #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nlerninen, PE-50166 6"`i!DITION(2017) FBCNON-HVHiEVAWA*IdN, Mule -Hide Modified Bltumenftof,Systerns, (668) 365-3121 Evaluation Rep ort M10000;03.08-R6 for FL1049746 A6W6,6: 09/08/2017 Alipendix-1; RageA7 of 22 �i�NnTrl <` , " TEIBLSAt CEMENTITIOUS WOOU.FIBER DEClt5 HEW C(INSTRUCi1C1Nol RER00F(t�itt-0_- SYSTEtti11YFEA-3%DONDEDINSULA, - TIOl1), BONDED ROOF,(3DVER .System Dedr (NoteAj Base'Insptationwo, Topkisuh iondaOr Roottover(NoteiSj. MDP (p`sf} Type Attach Type Attach Base Pty Pty ;Cap. CWF-1 Mm 2 5=inchTectum Plank oftectum LS P,lank Min 15-inch ACFoarn tl, Poly ISO 2, ISO 9S+GL, H Shield; Poiy ISO ; D-IS or Min.,0.2S=inch Dehs Deck Dens'beckPnme, D-IS or0BWD SBS•SA,,APP Tit O Uona SgS SA t P l) SBS=SA, APP,=SA; -410 " Polytherm�ENRGY=1 OBSO SECUROCKGiypsuin-Fib iitoofdoarci APp,TA CWE 2 Min.2.5-inch Tectum Min, 15 inch ACFoam It,, ISO 2, ISO 95+GL, H•Shield Poiy ISd2; CR=20 Min 0.254rich Dens Deck, Dens Deck Prime, CR-20 (Optional) SBS-SA,; ) BS SBS SA, P. ank or Tectum L5 Plank Poiytherm, ENRGY 3. SECUROCKGypsurn-Fiber Roof;Boatd SBS S&O-P=TA APPTA APP.-Sk -525 APP-TA , TABLE 5B MCEMENTM0US_WOOD FIBER Dt cr NEW CONSfRUCiION,OR REROQF (TEAR-oFF]i ... SYSTEMTYPEA.2-';MECHAH11CALLYA7TACHEDANCHI SHEET BONDEDfhi5Ut131ION,'BOP�DEDROOFQOVElt System '. deck Anchor Sheet Base'Insulattom 7op'Insdiatbn Roof cover(Notei5l No. (Note 1) MDP Type ;Fasten Attach Type A#Wth Type Attadi Base Rty Pty Cap Mm- 2h Pnth 9 mch o c in flinch Min. LS mch ACFoam CNtF-3• Tectum Plank Nail Base, Poiyglass G2. Trufast- lnuldek a and ii4rich o.c. P in two, ti Poly1S0 2 *iFoam III 15095+61r N-Shield, "' Hot Mm.0;25-inch Dens.'beck, Hot SBS SA; [Optional) SBS Sgs $A nrTectumLS - Plank Base, Loc Nail equally s aced sta eyed Poly ISO 1, ENRGY3,, asphalt DensbeckPrime,SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Bgard' asphalt. APP-TA SA; APP TA APP=SA;_ -30:0t ' °P � •- center -rows =PolYtherm or Multi= APO -TA _ EAaVther Mm 2.5 ncfi 9 mch o p in 4=inch Min; 2.5-inch ACFoam ' G1AtF 4 Tedum Plank Nail Base, PolySlass G2 Tiufast wio,loc- la and . inch ox. P - in two; eguaily li Poly ISO 2 ACFoam 111 .ISCt95+GL, H-Shield, Hot,- Min 0.25=inch Dens Deck; Dens Deck Prime, SECUROCK- Hot, = - 565 5A _- (Qptionai)$65 . SgS SA APP-SA orTectum LS Plank gase Nail - space, s p tagge it Poly'tSl)1, ENRGY-3,- ' asphalt Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board asphalt APP=TA SA, AFP-TA PP -TA, centerrows, PotyfhermorMulti- Max FA3, TABLE 5C:- GEMENTITIOUS WOOD.FIBER DECKS NEW CONSTRUCTION gR REftOQF (TEAR-0FF) SYSTEMTYPE'E-"NO(4-I16UlATED,M£CHANtCALYATTACHEd84ESF1EBOND E(3 ROOF COVER .. SY*m De.'d . _. . � Base Sheet Roof.Cov_er (Note-1,5) No. (Hotel) MDP .(psf) ..Base Fasten Attack,IBwgPly tap Min. 1546ch Tectiim CWF-5 'Plank orTegUm LS` Nail Base, Polyglass G2 Base ' Trufast lnuldek Loc Niall 9=1nch'a G in 4-tnch lap and 12-inch o.c in two, (Optional) APP-TA P AP TA p _ r 30 0 . .. Plank, _. _. _.. equally spaced, staggered center rows Mitir2:5-incfiTectum CWF 6 w Piank:orTectum LS 'Nail Base,_Polygiass G2 Base TiufastTwin Loc-Nails. 9-inch o c in 4 inch lap and U& ncho.c. intwo; (Opt onal)APP-7A' APR TA 4 5 `0° Plank' equailyspacedstaggeredcenter roves; . Exterior Rese&61 andDestn,UC-#/b/aTrini3y(ERD Evaluation Repoh M1o000 03;o8-R6 for F110497-RG CertrRdte'ofAuthoriia "qon 9503 " -, 6 EDITION [ 017j fBC NON ii 12 E1tALUATION? Revision 6.091 O8%2017; Prepared by., Robet Ntemmen;;FE 59166 Mute=Hide'Modified B"en'Roof Systems;:(608) 3GS-3111 Appendix 1, Page 19,,of 22 TABLE6B: GYPSUM DECKS-REROpF(TEiii-OFF]; '- SYSTEM TYPE E: NOWINSUlATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEEP, BONDED 1tO00 GO!!Ef system Deck Base sheet No (Note,ij Base Fasten' Attach 14 G 11 'E)Csting sound poured gypsum Trufast FM-75 or FW90 9-inch o.c in flinch lap and 18 inch q,c: in or gypsum lack deck Nall Base, Polyglass G2 Base p orTwIn Loc-Na€ls two, (Optional) APP-TA egualiy spaced, staggered center rows '0 TKINIiYI ERD Cap MDP (psi) APPTA 45.00 TABLE 7A: RECOVER APPLICATIONS VMM TYPEA4: BONDED INSULATIOklBONDED ROOF COVER System No.` Substrate (Noted 8c 11) Base Insulation Layer Top Insulation1ayer Roof Cover (Note 15) 11ADP Type Attach, Type,Attach Base PtK Ply, Cap IPs!I SUF-AoH t; Buse Piw, ----------------- R-i Existing (Optional) additional layers(s) of base. asphaltic roof Mia.1S inch Multi -Max FA3 D-IS insulation and/or min'. 0.25-inch SECUROCK 0-IS SBS-SA {Optional] SBS-SA APP-TA. S85 SA APP- Gypsum4aber Roof Board SA, APP Td Existing Min. 1.5-Inch ACFoam II; Poly ISO 2; ENRGY 3 or R-2 asphatticroof Multi -Marc FA3 or min. 2.0 pcf EPS insulation D-IS Min.,0.25-inch Dens Deck Prime D-tS A SBS-S-SA,•APP (Optional) SBS TA SBS APP -72.5 board SA, APP-TA R3 Existing asphaltic roof - Min. 3:S-inch min,-2.0 pcf EPS:in'sulation board D-IS (Optional) insutattoo additional tayers(s) of base, D-1S• 3t35 SA (Optionai)S85-SA 585-5A APP=SA. -30.0 RA Existing asphaltic roof Min.1.5-inch, min.. 2.0 pcf EPS insulation -board D=15 Min. 0.254nch SECUROCK'Gppsum-Fiber Roof D-15 §85-SA (Optional) SBS-SA Board ;APP-TA SBS-SA APR -SA -90.0 R-5 Existing _ (Opti6nal)'additional layers(s) of base asphaltic roof MM 3.S-inch ACFoamR, Poly 150 2 orENRGY 3- - -D=IS - - -- €nsulationand/or mm 0.254nch SECUROCK D-15 'SBS-SA -_{Optional) SBS; APP-TA" - SBS-SA;APP- `Gyps"urti-fiber Roof Board SA, APP: TA Existing Min.1Sdnch ACFoam II, Poly ISO i, ENRGY 3, H- R 6 asphalticroof Shield, Poly 150-1 or.min. 2.0.p5f-EPS insulation board Q8500. [vlin. 0:25-inch Dens 0eck'Prime. OB500 SBS SA. (Optional) S6S-SA, APP-TA SBS-SA, APP- -7,2.5, .... 5A APP-TA R-7 — Existing asphaltic roof — — Min.1.5-3ncli, min:,2.0 pcf EPS insulation board _— OB50o (Optional) additional layers of base insulation 08500 SBS-SA (Optional] SBS SA SBS SA .APP-SA -- -120;0 — — R=8, Existing asphalNcroof Min 15-inch, min. 2.0 pcf EPS insulation board pg5pp' Min. 0.25 inch SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof -Hoard OB500 - 585 SA, - (Optional) SBS-SA, APPTA, SBS=SA, APP- SA ARP -TA -120;0 R-9 Existing Mim 1.5-inch ACFoam 11, Poly150 2, ENRGY-3 or (Optional) additional layers(s) of base asphaltic roof ;H-Shield, Pot I501 Y OB5001 insulation and/orinn: 0:25-Inch SECUROGK 08500 SBS SA (Dptional)SBS-SA, APP-TA SBS-SA, APP- -127;5 Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board' SA, API?=TA R-10 Existing Min. 1.5-inch ACFoamli, Poty'150 2, ENRGY 3, H- SBS SA APP- -72.5: asphalt€croof Shield; PolyiSOlorM,ult1-Max,FA3. M-OSFA Min. 0.25-inch,Dens Deck Prime, M-0SFA • SBS SA (Optional)SBS-SA;ApP-TA SA, APP-TA R-il Existing Min.1:51nch ACFoam 11, Poly ISO 2,-ENRGY3, H- (Optional) additional layers(s) of base " asphaltic roof Shield, Poly ISO I or Mu►ti•Max FA3 M 05FA insulation and/or min: 0.25,intti SECUROLK M 05FA SBS SA (Optional) SBS-SA; APO -TA SBS-SA; APP- -157.5 Gypsum=Fiber Roof Board SAjAPP,-TA: Exterior Research and Design, LLC- d/b/a Trinity ) ERD 7- Evaluat€on Report M10000 03.08 R5 for FL1049 Certfficate ofAuthorization #9503- 6�"'EDITiON �(2017) FBG NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Prepared, by: Robert Nieminen, PE 59166 Revision 6.09J08/201Z Mule H€de Mod€f€ed BitumenBoof Systems, (608) 365 3311 dppendGc i, Page 21 of 72