HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2136 336 -----.----- ~Aut. 'DepAlCU--- --__... lLO.BlltA..llaB.OU'.Kr!l!...CC8Pll__ QUI:t'-:CLAIM DEED _.. - - - u. -.... TillS IN()F.NTURF~ M".I~ t"iL.. ." 3~th .._...... _. ...-. ..__.........cby of~.. -........_ Apr11.. ...:...... ......\. D. 19 2'1. klw~n ........_..__.._.............__....._..._..._.... ._ rJ.l!l... ..por l.ob._______~~_._..__......_...._..._____.._._ ......._.___...... _...__..._.,.....__...... _......_ ___._......__....__. of I~ (\>lItIl)' of. . 3t. Luole .. .... .... and ~Ialt of .... ..' . ....)'101' ide :...__....._. pari. ,... of l~ lir.t put. an.1 .... ....._......._.__...... ....'~.O.l'~.~~..IIlPr~!e'A.e,nt. ~l'l'~!tlH.o..~... '.._. ....... ...... _ ....... ..... .._.... ..... ............. ... _ of Ih.. l'o""I)' ..f .. - :Jt. .1.'101. _. ... ... &11<1 ~Ial~ of }'lol'ida . part 1.8 ..f Ih" 'r.:-ood 1'''1. WITNF.~SETII. That I.... ",i.l p3f1 7. '" of t~ first pa,t, fur and in ........idcnlio... <' th<- sum ..I ------.-. ODe .DOlla r. and. _.Qthtlr._Yal.uah18_. QQnalderBt10n8...._._.__.__._ _..____.____._. ..._.___.__. ..........Ilollars, in hand paid b) t~ said part .$.08. 01 Ih.. _.....,1 part, Iht rtttipt whtrtof i. Mrrb)- &~kno....kd~...L ha B .._ . ... ... ftlni.td. rtln.w and quil.dairnrd, and It). I~~ P'''Wllls do 08 .. rrmi'~, rrl~as~ and quil.tla;,n unlo tht !!.lid part._l.. of I~ SC'Cond part and ........ their.... ..._..__....._. hrirs and assigns forntr. all I~ ,ilChl, till~, inl..r.....l, clailll and d~ll\3nd ,..hkh I~ uid pa''--7.- of Ih~ liut ,.." ha. 8.__ _ ia &nd h. Ihr fullow;"1: dtsCrihc-d situate, 17ing and ~eing in the County ot st. Luoie, ~tate ot 'lorid8, ' k>t..__, pir""..__. or pare~L... of Iand.}.,...it: ~be We8t three hundred tOl't)' nins and eighty one-hundl'sd the .1349.80 J tee" ot the Southeast Quartel' 1 sDt J ot the soutbw.eot. .Qu.~l't!~.1 ~!tt~t_.!3_~~t.!~~ ~w~ (2 );-"fO.bjbll-.tbli'tr~81x-l36r1JOutli-1l8Qgetlil:r~elglit.-.( 3"9 lEast, oontainlng ten and sixty oDe_~lJ.~.~~~ft~~..JL (}'QL.QJ.Q.o.r~e...lIlOr.' _o.r_lt.8D..._.__._ .'_.__._......__ .________.______ _.__....___ The !eat 81x hund~ed ten and len one-hundredths (610.10) teet ot the Southwest Quarte~ (swl) ot~bl(S.O\l'h.18\. Quartrf..( ati ...Seo.t.1on-.ho_L.2.).....!owoah1p_thldll..aix_I36) .-South.Rang. Thlrh- - seven 37J !as', oonta ning-e ghteen and torty-nine one-hundredthe 80res (18.49) more or le&s. ,Beginuing. at -th.No~.th..at.401'DS&' - ~-th..lIo~thw.at.Qul't.I'..... H~ )--. ot...the. 1Io"bwe8\-- Qual'h!'. ~:::~.~.i:i:~~~li!-1:::r~~!~i~{;n:~~.P8::I ~~.~t;i~.n~~~~:~.;:.:h:~r::2;:M~~:::v:: -~~;~~~:~:~- ~.:: .~ _ ----..-.----.-----....--.---.--.,,---...--.-- --- r 19bt'''ot--'i8j''lfii.-.tb "'tbtt-'..tatii'liIgii_7-,ir;- t'uO"tiieiio8 'southwsstel'l)' six hundred tIfty three and....to.t~..oD.-hun4u4 the ., 663.-4Ol..feet-alopg--88 14 'l'lgh\--ot.way--H ne- -'o"'a"'etake-- thence- -North . EIgl.J:~___l!.\l!!.d.!~~__!!.~~~t .7~.~.!~.. ~.~~L.~.~!LQ!1-'~_~!1..!lJ!~~!J.!!.!h.I)I_.l!1~.~!.lQ_} _1~:~1_.!9...~_~~Qk'_o.lL~.h '...n 0 rlh_llne 0 t . the__liQrth.e~l_Quat't'el'__. (JIWt).o~ ..the .-1l0~.thw8st..-Quart.e~n-umt) not. asoUou..elev8u..(.lll, -towDaMp thi_!"_~.1:"~_~_.(.~~.~.n~.~'!t~: ~~~8~ .-!~.!!)1-l!.~g~!_1~~L_~!'~ ..._~_b.~J~.9,~",~,'~_..~.~_.b~4r...,_~.ten..8gcl..~.~u.. ..__ . one.:..~i1.!l.c1~_!_c1!.~=!...J.~!Q.!..~Q L~fJ.f3.1;~1;C?_.t..~~_..P~!.!lt of b~g!!Jn l.rJgL.9~Jl~fl1.!l1Ilgt~tJ .~lHltl1tl.etY~(m~...~...' oDe:.~_~~.~!~h!_(.~.O.n~! ).tl()r.~.lSn~~~_!._ or. leB~.!.....____._______....:.__....._...__..___._ _. _.~________...._._...._ ._. ..__ . .'h~__'___._._..._ _________0.._.._ .....". n..,. ._._..__.___.. '__..h_..._._ _.._. ._______.______---__._______......... ...._..._."h._.__"_.. '_'0 _.. ._._.... TO 11.-\ \'E AX!) TO Jlill.\), Ih~ .~,~. "'!IClh<-r _ilh all ~n.! ,in!,:ular I~ "I'l'urtma",," Ihnt'llllh. htJ....ltil1ll: or in an)"_i", ap",rt~ininK. ~1l.1 :rll I.... ~"al... ';I(hl_ lill~. inlrrr'l and .laim .. hal..~nr "f I~ ..i.1 pa,t 7.-- 01 Ih.. I>r'l pall. ..;Ih.... in la..' or "Juil)'. I., Ih.. onl)' pro~r U". I"",rlil ~nd hchoof of lire .~id partl.. 01 I!>t- <<<ODd P:lft, -....-.-...---.._.__..___1ilutlr ._.. !wir.. and a,~iKn" ft-rt,"tr. I~ WfTXE::S WIIEkEOf, Ih~ ",;'1 pari Y ... of t~ Ii", ""It ha 8.... .._... hc-rMJl>I<l .;1 . 21ul )"f'ar first at~w~ _Fittro. Si~ ...al...1 and dtlh.tlc,1 in pr~...nee: "f: ) _ .__.nKr"!. ..lI._D.Hlokman __ .__ _..__._.._____ ~ __...... 11lohaelnJ(ohOl' ~~.-._.-...-.--:_-.-_---.-_._---_---. ) h1D_ _"_._.' . han<l . _ . 'In" <~al ... Ih<- "')' ____._. __...___...-'-_._...._ pa u.l Dor.1ah .__._.__._____.. ($nl.) 1::"'1.) ~nTF. 01' __.J'lorU.._______..___..___:......_.__ } COUnl)' of ._.___.~~d. . ~~.~,---...-_.....___.._____ J 1 HERF.BY CERTIfY. ThaI on Ihi. .lay pcr';""II)' awnrtd ~f,,", mt'. an oK...... duly aUlh..rjud I.. ~dmini<I'" ""Ih. and 13k.. acknowkd~mnll'. ...-.----...-.----...---....-__.Pa.ul..Dorloh._ 10 n~ ..tll 'mown I.. loc t1~ I~r...",ft oJ.....rih,d in.",' who "ueultd tire for<x"ill/l: in..runtn1t and _.. .... he ackno...l~dICW ""fur.. m~ lhat . .... .'_. he ._ _.._.. . _...._ ..ute-ulrd Ih.. oa_ frr-tl)' and .;..Iunl~rily lor lhe: purs""" Ihrrrin ul'r......t. kno...~\:I~ 1:~:::E:if:':~~:::i:~~~ht...=~~=.-_..... ___~_' ~~==~=~:::_~~~::~-:~=~~~.:....XX..~~:=~~--~.:::.=-~~~:::=-~~~=~:=~:~:~.:.:.~ on a Kpa'at~ and ~val~ ~qrni..~ti<>n. I.krn ttnd made: b)' and brfor.. ~ ",,,,raid,. and apart fr.)m Irer "';,1 hu.....~ did acknowkd~~ lhat .he: u<<ttl.., the fortjl:..ing l>ttd tl the- purlOOJr 0\ r"'inlJ1l~inll. ali.....ting and COIIn)-iuK all.J.., riJ{ht. litk an<l ;"lrrC<t. .h~lhrrxl do..~r. homr'l~ad or 0; srp",al.. proptrlY, .1.lutof)' or "uilable-, in and to Ihe: Ifds d~""ribc:i". Ihrrcin, and that ,hl..".....ttd <aid l>ttd (rrtly and ,'..Iuntarily and with<>ul an)' .<..10- I.ul.ion, con.lrai..I. appr~%n.i"" or f....r of or froll( hc:r sa;.J husband. '.. X X WIT:-;F.SS m)' hand and 08icia1 sea'. al__Jt ..~1er.08.-County 01. at .~~18..,---.-...-..--.and SIal" 01.... lUorlda. , ._.d:iy oL...APrU____ ____.-A. D. 19..2.7. - . - -..-.. ----~--Ju~1.a-R...Xng.elalalm_---__--- __u~'~r la ~g~~~a~~~D~e~:.~A~~.l~~ ~t._..~_~~~' ~. } Counly of SL Lucie. HE IT RF.MF.ilBl-:RF.U, That on tbis._._?.tll. .___._..d:iroLAprl1.a\.ll~.3.fL~...U..____.:\_ D.1927.. < I, ____.--2&_.C..._WT.1lRR1J. ._________._._.....__..__..___l.krk of I~ Circuit COII,t in and for said Cuunl)', have: duly rtcOfok<J Ih~ for<xo;.,g Qnil.('laim f>ttd. in lire Public Rtcord, of uid Coanty. 1~ WITNESS Wllf. . 1", 1 h...~ her~unto .~t 11I)'. hand and th~ suI "f said Court the day and )Tar abo..~ ..iltm.. \ vef\ned 'Recore ._.__..._._.._'___ -C...... n.__P... c&._ltt.nnm _n..._ __.... ...__.(~al.) . C1nk l'ircuit l'OIIrt_ ",B~~~~ I I I I ./ :a .~ :~ 4~ 1 c';-~ "''f-; ~ ~ , '.~ . ~t ~", ;,,':. :~r c;: ., " :l ... :~: '.i;.' -i- ~~ ) j .:~ .~) .:: .5" ~ :-'0 .~ ..il:.' ~ 1 i ~ ~r?i~f~;t$t]j~~%i~W~