HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALrida Building Code,Online Wd=rNNFM r Gt Lurie County�� . li`�i Stats & Facts ; Publications 4 FBC'Staff j BCIS Site Map: ! Unks I Se bFbdda Product Approval r USER: Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or Aopliwtion Search > Application List>, Applicetlon Detail FL # FL10497-R6 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status i Approved u BCIS Home Log in j User Registration I Hot Topics i' . Submit Surcharge Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category. Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect'Naine Who developed the Evaivation Report Florida License .Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence A.T. LUCIE CWNIY BUILDING DIVISION FOR COMP!JCS: Ik1CB REVIEWE 9)BY DATE 6Z-fiB �ne, PLANS AND MRMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE Mule -Hide Products Co., Inc. 1195 Prince Hail Dr Beloit, WI 53511-5481 (6081365-3111 Ext809 Iindareith@trinityerd.com;,FSE PUNS A140 AU PRO AI( F a 10 iUO" -Cy TO MY REC i IOWS Timothy McFarland, 1 I"TI � Iindareith@trinityerd_co ���I, (� .'1 nU IMPECTO;S THAT lJ-A>1 BE l�flt e,�,�Y !�! f�R®�!1 TO Tim McFarland C-G),'—Ky WITH ALL CAE GODES. 1195 Prince Hall D_ r Suite A Beloit, WI 535115481 (608)365-3111 tim,mcfariand@mulehide.com Roofing Modified Bitumen Roof System, Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or.a Licensed Flc° Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nleminen-X-EALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHIMENi,- PE-59166 r'+RE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UL LLC OONTRACTOP OF RE00130 '10/06/2018 John W. Knezevich, PE V Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL10497 R6 COI 2017 01 COI Nieminen.odf Referenced Standard: and,Year (of Standard) standard e r ASTM D6163 2008 ASTM.D6164 2011 ASTM D6222 '2011. FM 4470 2012' FM 4474 2011 ,._ .,a.....,n . +.�:.:iu:.:....f...r... �,,.. atl .....')n�—rr+-..:r_c\nrn,.; nni,rionriWAIA'AwhSKANhywHRXAtk864abzpse5zracnP"/o2fw%9d%o3d 112 115/2018. tforidASUildinj C.00e.0hilhe el Eqtilval6nce,of Prod uct,Standa rcls't Certified By, Sections from. the Code Product Approval I IMethod Method 1 Option D ..ptq1S4bmifted 09/11/20,17 . Date Valldated, 09/13/2017 Date Pending FBCApor0al 05/21[20V Date Approved` 12/12/2Oi7 Cit, Tw Model,r, eor, aTe Description- - ' 4 7 10497.1 mule-mlde;SRS.and APP Modifie'd` . Self -adhering modified biturnerf roof systems 9 Bitumen goof *Aems- L Limits of Use Installation Instructions m 0' U" Appt,dived for uiel Ih HVHZ:,No fLIQ497 R(5'11 '26i7 �0§-.FNAL.AIA MULE- fo P M ed r use Approved _ S 0 .Apo., W60 f6T uj_�,i oyliside A,VHZvY6S HIDE' EL10497wRE.Ad AP r Ved fo r use Approved mp act 'Res V.drified qV:..Robert'Nierhlhdn"PE-59166 Xrnpi�ct'lkesilstant* N/A tant.+ VID _ I ' 7 P _'Th -'Yes Design Oress�re:+'hjA/-480 C�ea.t6db,� Independent I rd,� Party, : Pressure. • e . 1.) design pressure in.this application Other:. 1.) The 11tatfori relates to Eyaluaillon Reliorts 9 d _ esig assembly over concreie:deck,. Refer to1he Elk i, muLE--me one particular a' 0407 RG A 09 FINAL ER, ME �-, O�io 'A' nd r Oth otli& g�stqmd�kddecktypes;:'2.), Refento ER, ro er systems, _4 ppehdl� for! Appendix S for 0 treated by Independent Thlrd�,126rty Section S for. other Limits of Use. Yes Section r L 'i EE ED Contad-V :,;,2601 81gir stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850;487;4824, The State of Florida Is an.AAlEgo employer., State ofFlarl ::Privacy. Statement;:: -Accessibility Statement":Refund Statement Product Approval "AC60pts- Credit Card �i safe .212 T�I ERD APvatiunlx1:ATrnc�InaENiRrqu1REM tsloFOR.WINDUPMRESISt_At2CE , Table Deck Appifcatian Type -Description 1A Wood, Page New or Reroof (Tear -Off} A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 184 Wood 4 New or.Reroof (Tear -Off) A=2 Mech- Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded RoofCover 16-2 Wood _ New, Reroof (Tear-Off):or Recover A2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Banded RoofCover , 5 1C Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech, Attachedlnsulation, Bonded RoofCover iD Wood New, Reroof ear- 6 (Tear -Off) Recover TJ Prelir». Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached Base Sheet,. Bonded Roof Cover 7 1E71 Wood New or Reroof.(Tear Off) E Non -insulated, Mech. Attached Base:Sheet (nails); Bonded RoofCover 5E=3 Wood 8. New; Reroof (Tea`r` 0ffj orRecover E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet (screws & plates), Bonded Roof Cover SF Wood Newer Reroof (Tear -Off). - 9. ' F Non -Insulated, Bonded-RoofCover g, 2A SteetbrConc.. NeW, Reroof Tear ( . - Off) or Recover C' Mech..Attached insulation, Bonded RoofCover Steel o1D, 2B: or New; Reroof (Tear Off} or Recover D Prelim- Attached Insulation, Mech: Attached Base Sheet, Bonded RoofCover 3A- Concrete New orReroof(Tear-Off) 38` Concrete A71 Bonded Insulation,' Bonded Roof Cover 1244 New or Reroof (Tear -Off} F Non -Insulated; Bonded Roof Cover, 4A LWIC' NeworReroaf ear-O 14 (T ff) A-1 Bonded Insulation; Bonded RoofCover 15-I6. 48 LWIC New. orReroof(Tear-Off) Mech: Attache A 2 d Anchor'Sheet, Bonded Insulation; Bonded Roof Cover 16 `i� L1NIC New'ar Re"roof (Tear-Of_f_) _ _Non Insulated, Mech. Attached. Base Sheet, Bonded Roof [over I7-18 SA CWF_,_,E_ A-1 Bonded Insulation, Bonded RoofCover 19 58 CWF New, New,r Rofof ae 0 or -Recover A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover Sc CWF 19' fT E Non -insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet; Bonded RoofCover 6A Gypsum' Reroof (Tear -Off) - _. A-1 Bonded Insulation; Bonded RoofCover y, 68Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sh 7A -eet, Bonded Roof Cover 20 various - 21 The following notes anoly to the A-1• Bonded Insulation, Bonded RoofCover` - - - - - - - - - - - 1-systems outlined herein: 22 - 2 1. The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above -deck roof components. Roofdecks and structural members shall be in accordance with f8[ requirements tothesatisfaction of the Load resistance of the roof deck shall be.documented through,propgt codified andiorFBC Approval do_ cumentation: Authors tY Having Jurisdiction. .2. Insulation /,base sheet fasteners shall 'be ofsufficient length for.the following.deck engagement: 9'Wood: Minimum0.75-incfipenetration: Y Steel: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration, and "engagethe top flute of the steel deck. Y Concrete: Mfnfmum 1-inch embedment into pilot hole'In accordance with fastener manufacturers published installation instructions. 3; unless he se noted, insulation may be any one layer or combination of o! iso - P Y cyanurate polystyrene, woo& fiberboard;,perlite, gypsum=based roof board or mineraiwoot roof board that meets the QA requirements of F.A.C. Rule 61620-3 an' documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and, for foam plaAc,`FBC Chapter 26, when installed with the -roof cover. 4: Minimum 200 psi; minimum, 2-inch.tfiick lightweight insulating concrete maybe substituted for rigid insulation board for System Type D,(mechanicallyaltached base sheet, bonded roof coy sheet fasteners are Installedthrough.the LWIC to -en gage thestru - 9, steel orconaete deck.- Thestructur_ deck shall•be ofequal ar greater configuiation.to the steel cover), whereby the base and;concrete_deck listings. Roof decks and s Approval documentation., be t tion.,be in accordance witfi F8C requirements to the'.'satisfaction of the Authority,Having Jurisdiction.. ,Load resistance of3he roof,dedc shall be: documented through proper codifled.and/or Pk Approval documentation: ' S. Preliminaryinsulation attachment forSystem Type D Unlessotherwise noted, refer to Section of Wl dss Prevention Data'Sheet 1-29 (January,2016)., Exterior Research and Design, LLC, d/bja Trinity)ERD Certifii Prepared by: RabertNieminen, PE-59166cate,ofAuthorization 0503 6r" Evaluation Repdtt M1000o.03:08-R6 for F1.10497-R6 EDft7Q111(2017) FBC NDN-HVHZ EVALUATION ReV. ision'6 0 1.08/2017 ' Male -Hide Modified Bitumen Roof Systerns; (608) 365=3111 Apidix,i per, Page -of 22 <° TABLEiE-2. WOODDkId N1EWCONSiRUCi(OM,RERGOF(%at%Q F}aaREcovet - SYS1EM71fPEE •NON=iNSULATEQ,ME HAI (CAILYAfi�ACHEDDMSHEE'&davits&"TI3)1 IOMA6OECOItER _ _.. _ - Systent Deck(Mote 1) _ _. `Base Stwet. .. _ -. Roof Cover (Note i5) No. _ N ppipsf Base, Fasten Atiach Base'PIy �P W Min-19%32- NaUBase; Potyglass G2 Base CertainUed Glasbase,:Firestone OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) with Roofgrip Rogf o 12-Inch o c In-4-inch lap 12 inch o.c.in two- inch plywood MB'Base JM Perma-P1y28, 7amko #14;Dekfast Hexwrth Uekfas2"#14 of t Metal insuladon,Platewlth Jtvfast.HD- -and (2); equallyspaced 'staggered center cows (Optional) APP: TA APP TA' -52i5 Glass Base otGAFGCAS #75'. W-34 Min 19/32- inch Nail Base OMG PiatBottorn Plates (square] witkRoofgrip 12-incho.c in A'- inch,lap and 12 inch off. in two. (Optional)APRTA APP-TA 60:0 plywood ff12 (2),,equa8y spaced, staggered center rows Dekfast Hex Plates with Dekfast #14, OMG 3" 0735 Mm,15/32- inch`plya obd Palygtass G2.Base, Nail Base Round,Metal Plate with OMG HD, OMG flat 10 inch o.c in 4-inch lap and,10-fncko.c in three (Optional] APP-TA APP-TA -75.0 Bottom Plate Accutrac) ivftfi RoofgHp k14or (3), equalty,spaced,,staggered center rows Trubst3"Metal`hisulation'Plate' wifhTri stHD. Dekfast Hex Plates wlih.Dekfast #14;'OMG 3" W-36 Mlm lS/32- Potygiass G? Base,;NaihBase Round,Metal;Plale with OMG HD, OM6Flat Tinch o c in 44nch lap and 9-inch o.c- in fow (4), tionai (OP i APP TA APP: TA -90:0 mch.piywood Bottom Plate Actutrac with' Roof ri #14,or a uafl s aced; staggered center rows Trufast3" Metal Insulation Plate.with Tnifest HD. W Min .15 _ - inch APPTorchBase or Nail Base OMB #12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG #14 Heavy Duty (min.1-5f8;inch iong).unth OMd,3" Round 6=inch o c at 4-inch lap and_6-rnch o,e.1n three (Optional] APP:TA- APP-TA. -96 0 PNvtood Metal PlatesbsOMG Flat Bottom NletatPlates, j3), etiva!!y,spaced; staggered center rows W=3B' Min 15/32- . inch plywood APP Torch Base or Nail:Base .0M6 �12 Standard Roofgrip`or OMG #14 Heavy Duty (min-1-5/94fich Iongj with OMG 3" Round 6-ibctr o t at 4-inch is and 64nch o.c in five 5 p O' (Optlonan APP-TA APP-TA 120:0' -- .. -Mehl Plates orO IS-FIA'Bottom'Metal Plates equallyspaced; staggered eenter,rows W-39 Min.19/32= inch Nail ease 'Dekfa, t Hex with.Qekfast #14 or Mule44ide 3" 121Ancko.c. in 4-inch iap'and 12 inch o.c. intwo, 585 SA SBS SA, A_ PP -SA, 5 2 5` pEYwo`od ,InWlationPlate'.,Wth Mule=Hide HDP Fastener a ua s aced; sta eyed center q _ nY P gg APP TA iN 40 Win .19/32= Nail Base: OMG fyatBottom Plates jsquare7. with Roofgrip. 12=inch o c in 4=inch lap and 12-inch o.t in two, SBS-SA, ABP-5d inch•plywood #12 equaltyspaced,;staggered center'raws S85 SA APP-TA �0.0• F uvoao DEcxs-NEw coHSTR6iMaN oR RERoaF jr-oei j System Deck (Note'1) Primer Roof cover (Note 15) MDP t' Joint Treatment, 'Base P,ly Ply tap Min.15/32- W 41 (Opfronai):SBS SA: Ii_PP SB5 5A'APP-SA; ?APP-. inch plywood- (Optional) -Mule Hide.121 -None 56S=5A TA TA+ ' 40,0 Exterior Research and Design,°LLC d/b/a.7rieiity(ERD EvaiuiWoh Report M16000.01WR.6 for. FL10497-R6, -- GertdipteafAuthorization#9503 6"kprho '(2017)fK.NON-HVH%EVALUATION, Rewslon&'09)08/2017, eieparedby:, RobertNieminen,-PEc591K Mule Hide Modified eftucitari Roof Systems; (608)`365-33111, !Appendix:, Page 9:of"22'