HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2142 342 P. L. PAOAlf -------..-.----..-..TO-....-- ____.,____!ATAL!'-_~.!.__:tO'O'l', -_____ .._ _._._________,_____._ _9'-:JJ_T~9..L~~_q~~Q_m .r----..--...-... ..--..-------..-..-.--.-....--.----.--- -.----. -_. .-..--- ....-. .- -_. ....-. .... f TlllS 1~f)J-:NTUl\t-:, llad~ Ihi...._....__2CUh.._.___...____.--da7 oL..__ __..1&aroh.__._____...._.____..._._A. Il. 1927 _~ brlwtfl1 I -----..-.-.------.._.__.R..._f Etn8.tJ...L..~IU1-------__. __.__.____..____ l , i I I ! , I ! T" --1 I WITNESSF.TII. That .I~ "lid ""rt.Y... of Ih<- Ii", part, for :and in ,.....,idt-ntion of \~ 'un\ or ._ ......._............ .... ......... _................ ................. .. :1 of th~ l'ount)" "I ...... ...._......... at. . L\lole .-...._..,._..... ........_ anti St~t~ or:. _.._... ........._...... ?~ol'lda.-._._....._._.__..pa't...7.._ of t~ lirst part. and . -.---..--...-.---..--....--..-.__..__.___l{'~lll'_~t ....SQ.O'-' .....__...._......___.....__...__.__..._.__._ ._.__._. ......... .._. ._.._._._ ....._......_._._...._. v. I.... ('.,.,,* nl..... _ _..... ._. ~t · .. J:.,:,~.1e .. "_'''' ..._......._ .._. an.1 Stal~ of ......._.__... ._. 110.! 1da........ ..._._....._. parL '1 .. of Ih~ Ofwnct part. ------_..T.en~la~8. .and....o.thsL..Yaluable.ooDn1del'aUon.______.____ _.. .__ __...__..... in hand paHl b)' I~ >aid parL. '1.... of Ihe s<<Ond part, I~ r<<tipt .hutof is Mtb:r ackftowlcdgtd, ha.__......_... nmiwd. r..ln.w and qail-claimtd, and by Iht~ pr~Stnl' do ee _. r~misc. rtl~u~ and quil~laim anto the: said p:art..y._ 01 I~ _ond part and...._ hor._..._.... ...._.__....__. htin and auilCD' ionn..., "II i~ r;;:ht. lill.., intt~l. chim and d~nund which I~ said parl.y..._ nl Ih~ lint pari ha. 8....._.._ in a",f to Ih~ foll"..inlr d~scribrd , \ l 1; ; lot..._., pi<<c.__ or parc~I__ 01 bnd.~ eituate. lying end being 1n the Uount'1 ot 31;. Luoie. and _~!.t _~~.!-.!lO!.!.~~ "..-!.~-w i 1; .;.___ __.._..__._.____.__....___...._.___...... -.-- .-....-....-.---____.fh'....JJ..o.dh~u!B_\_q!lu.h.f _.Ul...E..ll4J .. of_th. ..~ollth".eB\._.____..___....__._..._.. _..._ -....-.-..--...- __qqe.r.\'.f_ Ut." .1/..L.of._.tbtl._~OI.L.~hla.B'....qu.arter _ IS..1I.1/~J. .of__. ..____._ .._: '_'_. "__._. 'm .U'_ .._ -......-... .___.-:-_._810\10D .TWeDt)'...12o.J. _.~lJWD.Bh1lL~hirt)'~flye..l.36.) .. ~ollth. of_.._._.____..._...._.......... '_"'''''.__... __.__.._.__ll.a.og... 'I.OI'..t.1_14.Q.L.Eeat..._.o.o.nta ln1n&....\.u..1 ~OL.8Qr.eB.+..JIlOr.e._or..l8Jl.8...____.__.._....___ "';, ----.-------.---.---------------.---...-----.---------.- ------------------------.-----.-----.-..--. ..-....- _.---- .._._._._.__.._______._.h..h - _....... _..._......._n__.___n..._.__._..._____..___..___. _____..____________...______ __ ..... .._....._. _. .___......_.. .__. ._. ._.... TO HA VI-: AXU TO 1101.11. I.... .aD1C', IhICIlh<-r ..ilh an and .inxular I..... appurl..u...... Ihtrrunl.. 1~lo""ir;" ." in "ny..i... app<"rtainin,l. .nd all Ih<- t'lalC". rillhl. litle:. inl<r~'1 :lOd claim .Iul<"e:nr 01 Ih~ ",id part 3..._.. of Ihc' fi"l p;.n, ..ilMr in law .or "'1';,t)". 1<> I.... .".Iy p,o!,<,r II.... 1........'1 3nd ~f of lhe: said pu. ._."3... 01 I.... 5tcQ1ld part, ___..____b.oCl.!___....__.___ ..._ __ _...... Mi.. and ""i,tn. f.\~ntr. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihc uid (IUL3... nl Ih.. lint part ha.It._.__.. ~rnmlo .~t...._._ }Jle........_._~..uhand _ ...and ,..al ., lhe: .by and ).~", firsl aoon ,..rilltn. SilCDW, ,..akd and dtli,.trffl in prNftlC~ of: ____..u.l!!~!!..~!.._g.!~):a ... . _.W. B..Wolfe... J ..-_____. .E.,._#..u...f~K!lJ'________...__($uL) ..(~al) ~T.-\n: OF _PLORIDAu__._____ {"ounly oL._._._.8f..LUCllL..-=-.......____. I HF.RI-:RY CERTIFY. That on Ihi. d"y (>n"sonall)" appnr~d ____.__...______~._L~!le_'~~_k._.PeEtan } brforc nw-, an <>fficff dul)' aUlh"rittd I.. admin;'ltr nalh, and I.k~ aeknnwlt.lottntnl<. to me: ....11 kno..n 10 t"" lhe: I'<=r......... ,k..riL...I in and ..ho t,,<<ulw t~ ror~oir.Jl: imlrumtnl and .... ..... ...._.... he acl-nn.l<<lll:td ~I"r.. ..... lhat .. .._ .~_... he . "__. .. . u<<ulW I~ >3D1C' Ir~ly and yoluntarily for I~ purp""'" lhe:rtin c'pr~'..-d. ~I> I FURTHER ('ERlllFY. Thai I~ said.... X _____~ ___________._._ X . X . X X kno...n t1i"..... 10 ~ Ihe: w,f. of Ihc rid x. ---.-..--x ____.____.__..___....__ on a up:aitc aDd prinlc e:"aJ11ilUlion~ and made: I.)' and ~Iore: D1C', ,~(lt.tltly an.1 aparr fr.1IIl Mr ",i.1 hu....n<X did ackno..-kdgt lhal .he: ~,,<<ule.1 lhe: fortl'o;.i 1><<<.1 for I.... pUfJ~ 01 ~i>hing. aliemling ~nd OlClyrying anx'~r rill:hl. lilk and inlut\t. .hethtr << do....... hocnt'l~ad or oi 5tpar~:.. pro~'ly, ,Iall.,ry or ~aitabk, in and 10 I~ land. d""ribcd Ibrrdn. and lhal .~ ur-<utw said Ilttd f'ttly ar.d y,x,nluily and ...ilhoul an)' rom. pulsion, COIl". appn~sion e.r ftar of o.llz.m ~r said hu\band. X Xx WITNESS my hand and 08ida1 snt, &1._ 'or~_.R~eroe._C>Dllt). ol._.._~~..!.._. ~UO ~.~.___.__.anct ~Ial~ nl __l'lor.l:da . _day 01____~!'..Q~__.__^. D_ t9.?.'l. ';:,. ~ ~ hay", duly rerorokd the: for~(\ing Quit.Claim ~ in t~ Publ~ Ruords 01 laid County. I ban Iwrtunto srt my hand and tht Kal of said Court I~ day and )'ftr abuye .,ittm.. ,n~ .~.."~ ; ~\: ~(>, ~~ c.o ~~ . .___..=._..._____...._~L 0 ._~:!mJm_._ .__..._.__(Snl.) () Clnk Circuit ('ourt. 0,.. '-::).~ I,. Cltrk. I ___ \'fa.. B.. ..\101t.'_. :'otal'Y PubUo. State ot .'lot'ide 8t Large. uy.qo-.t ~~.~ft~. .ftXWeJL.:JllU..:.D.~h:;;'~~ 0" -.~:~- ::::....~- } I. !IF. IT RUIEMlIF.RED, That on tbi,__.illh_ .f.._C.A_. RJ.TlIum day oL..lP.rll....flt_~: 16....j.~_H.____.A. D. 19..2;1 - __..___('Itrk of I~ Circuit Courl in and f.... ..id Counly, iS4!~~;~lm~1~$;i~~~~