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01 Ih.. Counl)' 01.._ S\. !Aol. .....
...... an" S~I.. 01..... ..... lll'lOl'14~L . ..... .. .... ....' . ......_ ;>arLl .. of Ih.. 'Kond part.
TillS ISm-:NTUln.:, lla.l~ Ihi,.. .._.......... 2.~nh ...._......_...____._-<hy of___... Ktfoh....__.._ .__........_.....___.._.. ..A. O. 19.. .2.'. btt.ttn
---' .~..-..._..._--.-.._,- .--.John -L....aldred..an4..-1'.aDDi. J. .Al4red..hJ S_W1:t8.__ ....-... ..-____.....__.._____
of lhe: ('OiIr.ly e>f.. ........ <;f"'.D8 __ ..... . .... ...' and Stat~ or..... .(1110.0.1...... .'''''_ .................._. pa,t~~.! nf I~ /iN pa,t, and
WITNf.SS.:TII. That Iht ..i.. ~rtt.. of Iht liut part, f.u and in ...""idt-'ali..... nf Iht 'um of
____._..___.__..OD.I...J)Ql1~.r...Il~...9_\hu._y.~.l..~.~},'_._o 0 p.J.~4~1' ~ t lOJI~__...______....__...._._._._._.._._.__ __..... .._._........... ~
i.. hand paid hy I~ said pa,1 . ,... - of Ih~ ~d ""rt, lhe: r<<~lpt ...hutal is ~r~by acknowltdJltd. ha Te __. .,...... Itmi<td. r..k-a~1 3nd qaiHlaimc-d.
and I>y I~~ 1"~~nU do .....,,_ fflOise:, rd..as~ and quit. claim unl... ~ said part.. 1.._ oi lhe _"'ODd parI and._.h.!~
_____.h~in and
a.,;gns for~""", all t~ right. 1;1.... int~~t, claim and d~mand which ~ said pa't.leD of Ih~ liut I'llrt ha ye ._._ in alld to Ih~ foll....ing d~scribtd
!ot..__. pittt._... or parcd_._ of land, tXJZX sltu.a\e. 111ug 804 being in the count)' of St. Luole. State
.o:t..lol'14a.... to~w1t:...
""---,--,--",,,''''''-''.''- The. .WeJltsevent.J~four_U4.LaQua... Q:t..theNorthwel1t. .Q.uartu..____.......... .......... .
.__............_....._.__.__......... .. t~) ..._()~~...oH~.J;I.Jf.~.!I~~.~.!l_~_.l!~J. "'''~~~'!J.~.~ ~...1.'~!! ~>."::~.~!_J~~.L....__. ......_... __""""'"
South. lt8D8e POl'tl-oDe (41) East. .
TO H.-\ \'J-; "XI> TO 1I0tH. the "'IIl<'. 1<~lhtr ..ith all and ,iOKular I~ al'Vurlnu~ IbM" ."i" h<-""'lI:illtf nr in any.i~ aPl""I.inin~. amI all
I~ ..sIal,'. ,ilChl, lill~. inl~r~1 and cbim ....I<oc-nr 01 Ih~ ...id part~'_'. ..f Iht lirsl pa,I, rilMr in la... .... "luil,.. I.. I~ ..uly I'ro>pc-r u.... ',",rlil .00
and y~ar first above: ..riU<n
~iRnc-d. .....Iw and "dinr~1 in I'r~~c of:
t>ffl(1()1 of the sai'} pnt.1 _. 01 I"" scc""" part, _......_~---.-.b.~. __...._....__ _._._ _._.... ........ hei.. and a...ign.. for~.~r.
IS WIT~ES$ WHEREOf, t~ said pa'llefl of Ih~ fint part haT., _h' '-.....~t~ ...._.. __ t.l1el.~ .....__...__..."" 8 .. amI snI8._. Ih<- .by
_____.._'If..IUQ 11. Yauglm..
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_......_..... __. .Paptlh ....l..EU'u4
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I HERF.BY CERTifY. That on Ih.. cb)' p...-sonail)' appurM before: ...... :an omen duly aUlhorind I.. adminisl.... ""lb.. and tal~ acl",n...I...IRmtnl<.
_.___...__.~._._.._.____..J~b.p.. .I-_.__~.1..cl !'!I.cl..
10 ..... .~II known 10 I... I~ I",r;oo.. .k-scribtd in and .bo nrcutw the 10r<'K"i1\ll: in..tlUmtIlt and _ _......... __ ........._ um..._..... -..llC\,;nn..I~"Rw bdnr~ _
lhat. :.._......... he..._ ..._.._____......nKulr.I t~ s._ f,,,,,1y and v<dunl~rily for Ih<- purpMr'- Ih~~in nl'rr,snl
AS!> I fURTHF.R CERTIFY, Thai Ibe said.___'.allDl!LJ ._Eldrt4.____._.__..________-----=....:___.____."_
kno..... to me: to ~ I~ ...ire: 01 the: said.._..___.Iohn..L......lUlir.e.4..
on a '~ral.. and print.. ualllinalion. tak..n and made: by and btfor~ me:, '~",ralcl)' and apa'l. j,om ~, said hu....nd, did a~Imo..!~dg.. lhat W ~xtnJlW
~ fortj!oing Dttd for t~ pu~ of r~linquishing, alienating and connying all h., ri!!:bt. tillc, and inln..st, ..hrlMr of do........ oo11'<"tnd or oj S<"paral~
prope'ty. ~tatulory or t<)uiubl~, in and to the lands describW 1~1Cin. and lhal ,h~ u<<utw ...id I~ f '""Iy and voluntarily and .ithout any rom.
pulsion, constraint. apl'r~bm,iol1 or r~ar of or lrom hc-r said buwnd.
WIT~ESS my 'aand and oflicial ...al. al_ C8~!..<!11.~O~......:_COant). of__.._@.~_~e.lltt.__..__.....and Stal~ "I _.P..l!Il.~~.~..._.__
Carrol1ton. Ill.
Coornl)' of 51. Lucie
BF. IT REMEYIlERF.D, ThaI on Ibis...~Oth _______cby of_~P!.!!~. ._t!.t_l-J.~J.!._~.!_..._^- D. 19.?..~
.......J.....c.._lUtlIlJW ..Clerk 01 I~ Circuil Court ia and for ....id ("oan!y,
fortgOing Quit-Claim Dud in t~ Public Reco,ds of hid County.
'ITNF.!':S W 'RF.oF, I han ......eunlo sd my hand aoG the scaI 01 said Coalt I~ clay and )nr above 'uinta
___...___ ..__._.__._..~._~~_ EJJ)R.~__ ._....____(~al)
Clerk Circu;: Court.
. o...~b""""1'Otputy ekr".
" ~b.