HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOAM IAM 1•DADE om ,-. DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND EC •= BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DI NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Lawson Industries, Inc. 8501 NW 90 Street Medley, FL 33166 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the a materials. The documentation submittee Product Control Section to be used in N Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the exl Section (In Miami -Dade County) and/ or to have this product or material tested perform in the accepted manner, the ma immediately revoke, modify, or suspend reserves the right to revoke this accept Section that this product or material fails This product is approved as described I Code, including the High Velocity Hurric DESCRIPTION: Clipped Extruded A APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing through 10 of 10, dated 04/27/10, with re sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E., bearing Notice of Acceptance number and expira MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large LABELING: Each unit shall bear a p series, and following statement: "Miami herein. RESOURCES (RER) MIA.MI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.miamidade.%!ov/economy plicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - ami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority iration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control the AHJ (in areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right .or quality' assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to iufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER ince, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Eo meet the requirements of the applicable building code. .rein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building ane Zone.- uminum Tube Mullion w/ and w/o Steel Reinforcement — L.M.I. I �o. LAW-ML-1001, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions" sheets 1 qsion E dated 05/14/18, prepared by manufacturer, signed and :he Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the ion date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. Small Missile Impact Resistant ;nt label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occurlafter the expiration date or if there has been a, revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be dilsplayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. i INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOA No.17-1212.24 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1, E-2, E-3 and E-4, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed Iby Manuel Perez, P.E. NOA No. 18-0529.03 MiAMi•D�4ne COuw nr Expiration Date: May 30, 2023 Approval Date: June 14, 2018 Page 1 Y RANDALL E. STOFFT ARCHITEC7% Pia 3379 A 90011105 I' APPROVED ® REVISE & RESUBMIT :H ® APPROVED A' 'CORRECTED ® REJECTED This review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve the contractor from compliance with the regcire- menls of the plans and specifications. Approval of a specific item shall not include approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. Con- tractor is responsible for. Dimensions to be confirmed and co. related at the job site; Information that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of conshm— tion: coordination of the work of all other fides: and for performing all work in a safe and satisfactory manner. j --------"--- --- DATE: Sy. MIAMI-DADS MIAMI-DADE COUNTY r PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCn (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/economy Lawson Industries, Inc. 8501 NW 90 Street Medley, FL 33166 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in ami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). ai This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami -Dade County) and/ orb the AHJ (in areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone: DESCRIPTION: Clipped Extruded Aluminum Tube Mullion w/. and w/o Steel Reinforcement — L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. LAW-ML-1001, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions" sheets 1 through 10 of 10, dated 04/27/10, with revision E dated 05/14/18, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control'Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large land Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each .unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, and following statement: "MiamilDade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occ r after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufactures of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOA No.17-1212.24 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1, E-2, E-3 and E-4, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez, P.E. NOA No.18-0529.03 1gj r 6t Expiration Date: May 30, 2023 f C! Approval Date: June 14, 2018 Page 1 FHe Copy Lawson Industries, Inc. ANCE: 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS NOA's A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NOA Is No. 02-0501.05 and 95-1212.09) 2. Drawing No. LAW-ML-1001, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions", sheets 1 through 10 of 10, dated 04/27/10, with revision D dated 11/21/17, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Tensile Test report on (.10" thick wall aluminum tube mullion, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. HETI-02-T071, dated 09/16/02, tested per ASTM E8, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02-0501.05) 2. Test report on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of 120" span aluminum tube mullions with C4 x 4.5 steel channel reinforcement, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, �nc., Test Report No. HETI-02-1714, dated 08/27/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02-0501.05) 3. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94. 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up d awings and installation diagram of 120" span aluminum tube mullion with C4 x 4.5 steel channel reinforcement, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. HETI-02-1716, dated 8/27/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02-0501.05) 4. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94. 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum sliding glass door, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. BETI-02-1718, dated 8/l7/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOAVo. 02-0501.05) 5. Test report on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an -aluminum sliding glass door, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. HETI-02-1717, dated 08/27/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02-0501.05) Manuel Perez, PA.I.Ir Product Control Exa ine NOA No.18-0 Expiration Date: May 30, 2023 Approval Date: June 14, 2018 E-1 r Lawson Industries, Inc. B. TESTS (coNTDwED) 6. Test report on: 1) Unif along with marked -up, door, prepared by Fene dated 01/31/96, signed (Submitted under NO., 7. Test report on: 1) Unif along with marked -up sliding windows mulle on top, prepared by Fei dated 02/13/96, signed (Submitted under N01 C. , CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calc prepared by manufactur and sealed by Thomas J (Submitted under NOA D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Depart E. MATERIAL 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of confc no financial interest, dat J. Sotos, P.E. 2. Laboratory compliance 1 HETI-02-1717, HETI-1 all issued by Hurricane 1 Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOA 3. Laboratory compliance 1 FTL-1383, dated 02/13/ signed and sealed by Gil (Submitted under NOA rm Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 rawings and installation diagram of an aluminum sliding glass tration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-1376, and sealed by Gilbert Diamond, P.E. No. 95-1212.09) rm Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 rawings and installation diagram of two aluminum horizontal at top with a 90" span mullion and a 45" high fixed window -stration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-1383, and sealed by Gilbert Diamond, P.E. No. 95-1212.09) nations and structural analysis, complying with FBC-2010, r, dated 05/17/10 and updated on 01/25/12, prepared, signed Sotos, P.E. Vo.12-0127.07) of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). lance, complying with the FBC Wh Edition (2017), and of November 17, 2017, issued, signed and sealed by Thomas r for Test Reports No. HETI-02-1714, B ETI-02-1716, 718, dated 8/27/02 and HETI-02-T071, dated 09/16/02, neering & Testing, Inc., signed and sealed by Rafael E. 02-0501.05) r for Test Reports No. FTL-1376, dated 01/31/96, and both issued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., t Diamond, P.E. 02-0501.05) E-2 Manuel P P.E. Product Control xa iner NOA No. 1 29.03 Expiration Date: May 30, 2023 Approval Date: June 14, 2018 liv Lawson Industries, Inc. F. STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) 4. Laboratory compliance FTL-3622, FTL-3623, 11/27/02, issued by Fer Joseph C. Chan, P.E. (Submitted under NOA 5. Letter from manufactur verification test, dated ( G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance Clipped Extruded Ali L.M.I.", approved on 2. One year approval, su 2. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMB A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. LAW-1V of 10, dated 04/27/10, signed and sealed by I B. TESTS 1. Test report on: 1) Unif( along with marked -up ( 2" x 4"tube mullion wi Testing, Inc., Test Rep( Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P 2. Test reports on: 1) Lard 2) Cyc] along with marked -up ( 2" x 4"tube mullions w Testing, Inc., Test Rep( Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P for Test Reports No.: FTL-3619, FTL-3620, FTL-3621, •3624, FTL-3625, FTL-3626, FTL-3627, all dated ion Testing Laboratory, Inc., and signed and sealed by No. 03-0128.06) r requesting a 1-year extension to allow time to perform 4/07/17, signed by Nelson Erazo. . 17-0222.13 issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their xum Tube Mullion w/ and w/o Steel Reinforcement — 13/17 and expiring on 05/30/18. ,ted to successful verification test. 101, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions", sheets 1 through 10 revision E dated 05/14/18, prepared by manufacturer, as J. Sotos, P.E. n Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 swings and installation diagram of 108-1/2" span aluminum no reinforcement, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & No. HETI-18-6036, dated 05/04/18, signed and sealed by Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94. Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 swings and installation diagram of 108-1/2" span aluminum 1 no reinforcement, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & No. HETI-18-6037, dated 05/04/18, signed and sealed by E-3 Manuel Per Product Control E mine . NOA No. 18- 9 Expiration Date: May 30, 2023 Approval Date: June 14, 2018 Lawson Industries, Inc. B. TESTS (coNmuu) 3. Test report on: 1) Uni# along with marked -up 74" vertical span, 2" x reinforcement, prepare HETI-18-6038, dated 4. Test reports on: 1) Lar, 2) Cyc along with marked -up 74" vertical span, 2" x reinforcement, prepare HETI-18-6040, dated C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification cf Edition (2017), prepa Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Depart E. MATERIAL CERTIFICA 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. None. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance Clipped Extruded Alu L.M.I.", approved on m Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 -awings and installation diagram of 120" horizontal span and " aluminum tube mullions with C4 x 4.5 steel channel by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. 5/22/18, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94. c Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 -awings and installation diagram of 120" horizontal span and " aluminum tube mullions with C4 x 4.5 steel channel by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. i/22/18, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. lations and structural analysis, complying with FBC 611 by manufacturer, dated 05/24/18, signed and sealed by of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) 17-1212.24 issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their im Tube Mullion w/ and w/o Steel Reinforcement — 1/18 and expiring on 05/30/18. E-4 Manuel erez, . Product Control Ex i r NOA No.18 52 03 Expiration Date: May , 2023 Approval Date: June 14, 2018 ANCHOR/CLIP THESE MULLIONS ARE RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT AND CAN BE USED WITH ALL LAWSON'S MIAMI-DADE APPROVED y c ANCHOR/CLIP GLAZING COUNTY IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT PRODUCTS. PRODUCT HORIZONTAL MULLION RECTANGULAR ALUMINUM TUBE MULLIONS o q e e :o ANCHOR/CLIP HORIZONTAL MULLION 3 a ?: USING MULLION PROPERTIES ONLY y F w o o m o GLAZING PRODUCT 3 + N . ��. r GENERAL NOTES: o a . a m o M Q F o Z �� f •\ �� 3 '\ N 1.. THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE 3 y • J + REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (2014-51h Edition & 2017-61h Edilien) INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE = y 6 c VERTICAL It N ZONE (HVHZ). . z [K MULLION VERTICAL MULLION 3 2. ALL GLAZING PRODUCTS USED WITH THESE MULLIONS MUST MEET THE w = ` '0 Z o APPLICABLE FLORIDA BLDG. CODE REQUIREMENTS LE: WIND LOAD, WATER INFILTRATION, FORCED ENTRY RESISTANCE, v SAFEGUARDS ETC. a O Z = N II 3. MULLIONS ARE APPROVED FOR IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING WINDOWS, 2 GLAZING GLAZING GLAZING H GLAZING DOORS OR COMBINATIONS MAY SE MULLED. +Z w PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT j N PRODUCT 4. WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS. MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO TRANSFER y LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE. FE 5 } r 5. ANCHORS SHALL BE AS LISTED, SPACED AS,SHOWN ON DETAILS, ANCHORS U F ANCHOR/CLI 3 EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO. 7. v x ' 6. ANCHORING OR LOADING CONDITIONS NOT SHOWN IN THESE DETAILS t+ z a t ` ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. ® ¢ 6 t 7. A LOAD DURATION INCREASE IN ALLOWABLE STRESS IS USED IN DESIGN OF WOOD ANCHORS ONLY. C W7 — ------.-r'-- W2 W3 MULLION .SPAN —B._MATERWS_INCLUDING_BUT-NOT-UMRED_TO_STEEL-OR-METAL-SCREWS, _ THAT COME INTO CONTACT WITH OTHER DISSIMILAR MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BLDG. CODE.- .- SECTION 2003.8.4. N F - MULLION SPAN WIDTH (W) = w1 + W2 + W3 2 ANCHOR/CLIP ANCHOR/CLIP HORIZONTAL MULLION \ VERTICAL MULLION GLAZING GLAZING m < PRODUCT PRODUCT vai GLAZING PRODUCT GLAZING GLAZING PRODUCT PRODUCT o z a J¢ 3 VERTICAL N MULLION r ANCHOR/CLIP W1 W2 - MULLION SPAN WIDTH (W) .— wt 2 Wz WIDTH (W) = WT + W2 2 TYPICAL MULLION ARRANGEMENTS MULLION & CLIP NOTES: 1. FOR MULLIONS WITHOUT REINFORCEMENT REFER TO SHEET 2 OF 10 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. • REFER TO SHEET 3 OF 10 FOR MAX. MULL 'DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS 2. FOR MULLIONS WITH STEEL REINFORCEMENT REFER TO SHEET' 4 OF 10 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. • REFER TO SHEET 5 OF 10 FOR MAX. MULL DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS 3. FOR CLIP TYPES AND ANCHOR CONDITIONS REFER TO SHEETS 3 6, 7, 8, & 9 OF 10 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. + a • REFER TO SHEET 10 OF 10 FOR MAX. ANCHOR DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS 3 . II . 3 2 0 3 PRODUCTREVISED w canplying wish 01e Florida Qwlding Code Ac qgm- Nn �8• i jz9. a�l n s' II 2X MULLION CLIP 6063-T6 -- -750- 2.000 .125 2250 4.500 1X MULLION CLIP 6063-TB NOTCH OPTIONAL Hz 0 0 .001 NOTCH T OPTIONAL .125 MIN. 2.000 LI ANGLE CLIP V--2-000� 6063-T6 L 3zs .062� 1.500 4.000 .I15 1.7: 3.000 2 X 4 TYPICAL STD. TUBE WINDOW FRAME 2 Lr I a9erl L062-I �I.000+i IL uea 2 X 6 1 X 4 1 X 3 STD, TUBE CUSTOM MULLION CUSTOM MULLION MULLION S063-T6 6063-T6 Ixx: 2.070 ir° IXX: 1.000 in Sxx: 1.035 in3 Sxx: 0.667 in3 -Z000 (FLANGE FRAME) (FIN FRAME) STANDARD TUBULAR SHAPES -TYP. WALL a .125' ALL I I ALLOY - 6063-T6 -TYPICAL - - �- GLAZING PRODUCT 1�D0 I---a.000---1 6000 4.000 .125 -a000 3.0004.000 MULLIONS CONTAINING L- TYPICAL GLAZING PRODUCTS 2 X 6 2 x a __ HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL -- STD. TUBE MULLION STD. TUBE MULLION SEE WINDOW OR DOOR APPROVAL FOR 6063-T6 Ixx: 8.280 in.. 6063-TS Ixx: 2.980 in! FASTENERS SIZES AND SPACING Sxx: 2.760 in3 Sxx: 1.490 in3 INSTRUCTIONS: USE CHARTS AND GRAPHS AS FOLLOWS. STEP 1 DETERMINE DESIGN LOAD REQUIRED FOR PARTICULAR OPENING. STEP 2 USE APPROVED GLAZING PRODUCTS MEETING ABOVE LOAD REQUIREMENTS. STEP 3 USE CONNECTION TO MULLION A5 PER PRODUCT APPROVAL STEP' 4 SPECIFY LIMMUM SHIM SPACING. USING CHARTS ON SHEET 3 OF 10 SELECT MULLION SIZE 1. ALL CUPS AND ANGLES ARE TO FIT STEP 5 WITH DESIGN RATING MORE THAN DESIGN LOAD SPECIFIED SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. IN STEP I ABOVE. 2. WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT FIT SNUG USING ANCHOR TYPES ON SHEET 6 TNRU 9 AND ANCHOR CHARTS INTO TUBE MULLIONS. SEE OPTIONAL STEPS ON SHEET 9• SELECT ANCHOR TYPE WITH DESIGN RATING ANCHOR DETAIL AT SHEET 9 OF 10. MORE THAN THE DESIGN LOADS SPECIFIED W STEP I ABOVE. CLIP LENGTH MULL 'T' 1 X 2 1.688' 1 X 3 2.688' 1 X 4 3.GBB' 2 X 4 3.688' 2 x 6 S.G88' r .062 .I25 1.500 1 3.000 .115 i1.732 2162 2 .156�I 102 II{,,. 1-1A00� ,I56� A7B Ir� F1A62-�I LIES �1.062 '1 1 X 3 1 X 2 1 X 2 CUSTOM MULLION CUSTOM MULLION CUSTOM MULLION 6063-T6 6063-T6 6063-T6 Ixx: 0.950 in Ixx: 0.370 in: Ixx: 0.330 in. Sxx: 0.633 in3 Sxx: 0.370 ins Sxx: 0.330 in3 (FLANGE FRAME) (FIN FRAME) (FLANGE FRAME) S® asc0. P1ytrgwlth the Florida 1 X 4 1 X 3 1 X 2 STD, TUBE MULLION STD. TUBE MULLION STD. TUBE MULLION 6063-T6 6063-T6 6063-T6 Ixx: 2.070 ir� Ixx: 0.950 in Ixx: 0.330 iri Sxx: 1.035 in3 Sxx: 0.633 in3 Sxx: 0.330 in RECTANGULAR ALUMINUM TUBE MULLIONS USING MULLION PROPERTIES ONLY THESE MULLIONS ARE RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT AND CAN BE USED WITH ALL LAWSON'S MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT PRODUCTS. NOTES' 1. REFER TO THE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET 1 OF 10 FOR BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. MULLIONS MAY BE ORIENTED VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLY. 3. REFER TO SHEET 1 OF 10 FOR TYPICAL MULLION ARRANGEMENTS OR STACK CONFIGURATIONS. a o " g m m ti M m C w a r~A� t0 V p O °z Inoue J O C Z O 03 z c Ir^oi wx � O c o o msn R a Z a � U V o ® y a °r .z a ad a ro N o al wl ul o LII� Ie N N 2X MULLION CLIP 6G63-T6 2 - - - - .75D- - - - 2.000 .125 2.250 a.soo 1X MULLION CLIP 6063-T6 NOTCH OPTIONAL ��.125 MIN. ANGLE CLIP 6063-TG 2 X 6 iTD. TUBA MULLION STANDARD TUBULAR SHAPES IYP. WALL = 125" ALL ALLOY " 6061-T6 rPICAL AZING PRODUCT 1�N�7 II1 �0 /.000 1 ,I25 1.000 � .0621 .6BB .125 r012 T 4.000 4D000625 -.10.156IZ L062-1 1 X 4 1 X 4 CUSTOM MULLION STD. TUBE MULLION 1 X 3 6063-T6 6063-T6. CUSTOM MULLION 6063-T6 Ixx: 4.709 in Ixx: 4.7D9 int Ixx: 2.168 in! Sxx: 2.355 ins Sxx: 2.355 ins Sxx: 1.445 ins (FLANGE FRAME) (FLANGE FRAME) D.C. .688 1 X 3 STD, TUBE MULLION 6063-T6 Ixx: 2.16E init Sxx: 1.445 ins 1 X 3 TOM ML 6063-TS Ixx: 2.218 in Sxx: 1.479 ins (FIN FRAME) MULLIONS CONTAINING �I Ilj� II TYPICAL GLAZING PRODUCTS Lcaxs.a JII II Ilj[�i ICI III II HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL � 1 pROOUcrnVISID .� plyimg gththeplww- SEE WINDOW OR DOOR APPROVAL FOR 2 X 6 2 X 4 BmIdtDLCO& FASTENERS SIZES AND SPACING STD TU E MU LION STD TUBE MULLION Accept. 1-b Zo2S CLIP LENGTH MULL "L" 1 X 2 1.GBB' 1 X 3 2.GBB' I X 4 3.688' 2 X 4 3.688" 2 X 6 5.688' 1. ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES ARE TO FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. 2. WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. SEE OPTIONAL ANCHOR DETAIL AT SHEET 9 OF 10. B L 6063-T6 606.7-T6 Elgirenan D2W Ixx:19.648 ina Ixx: 7.649 it BY Sxx: 6.549 ins Sxx: 3.825 ins NT Ode ' RECTANGULAR ALUMINUM TUBE MULLIONS INSTRUCTIONS: USING MULLION PROPERTIES ONLY USE CHARTS AND GRAPHS AS FOLLOWS. STEP 1 DETERMINE DESIGNLOAD REQUIRED FOR PARTICULAR OPENING. MULLIONS ARE RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACTcuLAR m AND CAN BE USED WITH ALL LAWSON'S MIAMI-DADE� STEP 2 USE APPROVED GLAZING PRODUCTS MEETING ABOVE LOAD REOUIREUENTS. COUNTY APPROVED IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT PRODUCTS. STEP 3 USE CONNECTION TO MULLION AS PER PRODUCT APPROVAL NOTESx +! STEP 4 SPECIFY MAXIMUM SHIM SPACING. 1. REFER TO THE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET zv �04 USING CHARTS ON SHEET 5 OF 10 SELECT MULUON SIZE 1 OF 10 FOR BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE. o STEP S WRH DESIGN RATING MORE THAN DESIGN LOAD SPECIFIED 1 ABOVE. 2. MULLIONS MAY BE ORIENTED VERTICALLY OR IN STEP HORIZONTALLY. a USING ANCHOR TYPES ON SHEET 6 THRU 9 AND ANCHOR CHARTS STEP 6 ON SHEET 9, SELECT ANCHOR TYPE WITH DESIGN RATING 3. REFER TO SHEET 1 OF 10 FOR TYPICAL MULLION tY MORE THAN THE DESIGN LOADS SPECIFIED IN STEP 1 ABOVE ARRANGEMENTS OR STACK CONFIGURATIONS. h rn t w Mm y to o � cl z o 3 v y. a ' h 2i W c c W y E- x W � V I o a Q Er v gE cr " O Ir® C U i c 8 r3 o x`1 d� 41 fj3< IL N 0 N O o \\ p nO_ -i n LEI / W2 V'—', C O 2 Z m c O m 2 D O .. o rO r Z D {N �Z � oo� SA II• y'o z 2 A Z A N� N+ m Z m D f Zym czi _ m Z N tj i D (A r O K m m 0 m m O m -4 m 0 O IJ OUl N 0 NiNll 0 0 ,tNn CNN 0 m W V fJ O N N•iN)1 O O UI Q G iTN?01v G O O W N V2000 snp!m GI O UNi ,fN/l O O VNl Ul C O ,(NI.N O O tNiIN O O fNT ,(Ntl O O (Nil iNll O O fNllNX O O W rm., �ANN N N �1 ill iT N N �1 .��JNNN fa t>t N N NN N N NNN to p tT to NNN Ul tT N tll (T NN Ul t11 t�N Vl (/1 t� N in (Il N NNNNNt�t� to N N F "` 2 ? A b O O O O O O C O O O C O O C O O O O O O C G C C O O O p O O VI O O fT to O C N (n O O fT ill O O tNll C O ,(N)1 O O X O A A mn icn t_iJJ •p .. .I ll�� Gl l\_i\�i IT N fNT N (Nil (NT N N �_]] 0N1 N tt�� N flt li��i UI iNll ti�� Vl N NN N N N-- — -- N Im N N NN fNil N tN� lN�Ul N N N X m O O O O O G G O O O O O O O O O O O G G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O •UNl O C A 01 N N iNll Vl iNil N N 0i N N N iT iN)t Nl 0N1 fN)t N fNil Ul U 41 Rn N N N N 3 d .0N1 •iNll ,(Nil •iNll ,(Nil ,(Nil •(Nn •iNli .iNn ,iNll ,CNiI .iNn iNT UNi N f>t 0) C C ,VNI O O a) ill 0I aP O SAP. WW yy,, W pp ii N l� N aP W ((.. ff N W AA W pp i� a o A 0 N W N W W as A y, N Ol NVli3l- XW + w A IpN UwVW DOC CO 0 b CWA W C VVO0 •tWOa •(NOil mV a (,u O N W CUTA ,VWi •tWD tAD (nil pi rA fn tp N -NO N pp O O W N yy ti�J O ill ��iI A tOD m _OVI 4i (p pp W A p n ti�� Vl iNll IgIp � O ��,,�ai A t1�.] Ni N X O V NNCI VAN-+V G'�41-+�i.�? V� V OCC,N OCO NG�i.I .N.. C)CCCCOO N U1 (Nii ,4N1 ,iNT A .� m ail pi W + ti�� ti�� c tAD W tJ W ? -.O iJ0 �iD 001 AOI V Vl CO VI O OlO ,iV11 N W O t��P ill iNli N�ipp Uf Nll A W W' VWN00N0NN lie�ii tt��I li�� NN ti��iI NNNNNmW tt��ii tt�� tt��ii ti��ii IJ 0.0 00 COO OO OO CG OO mtO C _ N WW A NN N NN N NtJ NN NN N N NNNNN NNN NNNN N N N N Ni� N N N A P A m V U O O ff!/1l N O O tlI N O O (T N O O fli N O O o tT O Q (il Vl C O to (n C O (>t N O O 41 ill O O tT to O G N tT O 0 41 iT 0 0 N f!t 0 0 N {T 0 0 fll N 0 0 (ll (>t 0 0 t�t�i Ul UI 0 0 N N UI N 0 0 fI) tll 0 0 N N UI (il 0 0 O X Z 0I y p ((7qi nv V W +� O CI N O W 0a fOJ 4i O O O (T •OWD fT N N O W O O N W (T Ul ()t fil N m m f0 W {AO fll ill f>t N fNll X Z . K5 C tT 01 O O O Cl N C O O O' f0 tb � v O O O C O �I (a I r 10NAS-1.—g&M§ 25 Z 'B' - R-lsed date for the FBC-2014 LJA 1 8501 N,W. 90 ST. om C. Cpliance w/ FBC Sl11 Edition (2014) INDUSTRIES, MEDLEY, FLORIDA 33166 NC. D. Compliance r FBC Btn EdiUon (2017) PH No. (305) 696-8660 OF : wU1Z E. 11P LOWS caPPed of 125pst MANUFACTURER OF QUALITY ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND CLASS DOORS OP✓.1C�`� N.FRAZO Pwoa eaea to ALUMINUM TUBE MULLIONS �1� fir+ AM.m N. ERAZO aW os%i4/1e REINFORCED TUBE MULLIONS DESIGN. PRESSURE CHARTS AND GENERAL NOTES A.W(on w.o E sm,•• PmEuai s./ m.,,em o..wl,p xe,.e.r, LAW-ML-1001 4 1 1 1 4" MIN. / 5/16' TAPGDNS MIN. WOOD PENETRATION 12 3/16' TAPCONS MIN. EDGE DIST. 2-3/16" CONCRETE OR EDGE DIST. PER z PER CUP (1 ON EACH WINO) 1-1/2' YIN. WOOD PENETRATION 1 PER AN 4" OLLOW BL CK co " 5/16' TAPCONS 5/16- TAPCONS O - 3/4" 1-3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 1-3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 4 PER CUP (2 ON Fi1CH WINO) 2 PER ANCIE O M) e w 14 ° N \Z MIN. ? � I 1p m y Q z o I I I O `• , '�I, OK. q I 1 � O 0 U 1•v O � 3 z>: ci m z IL_JI \IW I I 11 'I II I I G p L-: 2 x2 x 1/B2 7/16"---------11. 11 11 IL 11 m z a a Vj 7 N BOATING CUP U u ALUM ANGLE MIN. -it ii 1i a< \ WOOD BUCK I I f - ____________ 1 1 BY WOOL)BUCK J I' •I IX FLOATING CUP II II 2 x 2 X 1/B' ALUM ANGLE a C $ I 1 I 1 I 1 N I 1 I I U U z s I I I 1 I MIN. EDGE DIST. 5/16- TAPCONS ANCHORS TYPE 'D' (INTO BLOCK) U a 1-1/2' MIN. WOOD Z y z 'PENETRAToN PQ2 ANGL ANCHORS TYPE 'G' (INTO CONCRETE) a z - - ALL CUPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG 4 ANCHORS THRU 1X BUCK INTO CONCRETE OR BLOCK ®" � U o � w a INTO TUBE MULLIONS. TAPCONS MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD. 1 "x4" & 2"x4' MULL a -- - --�- - ---- -- - - a -a -I MIN. EDGE DIST. ggE 1I n 2-3/15" CONCRETE OR U) rQ,, z 2 4" HOLLOW BLO K 5/16- TAPCONS 5/16- TAPCONS z t 1 11 II 1-3/4' MN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 1-3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY C Q G I 1 --------_i I I 2 BY WOOD BUCK II II I I It u 2 X 2 X 1/9' ALUM ANGLE ALL CUPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG' 2 PER �z Z CUP (1 ON EACH WING) �Z `� 1 PER ANGLE rc g ALTERNATE INTO TUBE MULLIONS. +I " ANCHOR LOCATION MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD. }— $ $ n as ANCHORS TYPE 'A' a 3 2 ANCHORS INTO WOOD I1 11 I II 1 II I I n I I d N a W W u - a < 1 --------- 1BY wooD etoy II 11 IL-_JI I 1 IX FLOATING CUP II II II It n n 1I II z x z x I/6' ALUM ANGLE OL h « 4 m E 1 1/4" MIN. 5/16' TAPCONS 1-1/2' MIN. WOOD PENETRATION 5/16- TAPCON$ 1-1/2' YIN. WOOD PENETRATION N \ 1 I 1 I U U N $ E GE DI T. 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH YANG) 2 PER ANGLE ANCHORS TYPE 'C' (INTO BLOCK) 3 o W I I .-� •-� 1 I 1 MZ ANCHORS TYPE 'F' (INTO CONCRETE)2 ` ANCHORS II 11 11 11 1• INTO CONCRETERORIBLOCKK 1 1 4" J11 F2X /N '--------'--- N f I BOATING CLIP II II 11 it 11 2 X 1/B' ALUM ANGLE 1 1 U. `sy"IL=JI.s� 1.0 .T Iry �2-_•I \ 1 2 BY 1 WOODBUCK I 1 I I'_1 U I I I 1� _• V�Y Jli �r I uRcumU� with DKI FIalida PYHH ••.) I I 1 1 I Building Code I AcaplAlwo NO I ��{ o Fz• �Qt = f(,�a" � ANCHORS TYPE 'B' [io IY�e .•., 0..p�`aa', 4 ANCHORS INTO WOOD ALTERNATE ANCHOR BY' LOCATION ull ,�, w...fiMlr FI 5/16' TAPCONS MIN. EDGE DIST. 1-3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 2-3 DR 2 PER CUP (1 ON EACH WING) 5/16' TAPCONS 1-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 4 HOLLOW BLO K 3 1 4" 1 PER ANGLE s MIN. 1 L II II II II II II II 11 II Ij CONCRETE OR II II CONCRETE OR IL-J1 l: CEMENT BLOCK ALUN2ANCI.E8" ........... CEMENT BLOCK I . • - a MULL-1 z ANCHORS TYPE 'C' (INTO BLOCK) - - - ---- - - - - ANCHORS -TYPE `F' (INTO-CONCRETEi-- i i 2 ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCK I 1 1 1 I I ALTERNATE MULL I . I ANCHOR LOCATION /I6" 4' LC INTO 2 PER CUP (1 ON EACH WING) MIN. EDGE DIST, C " 2-3/ E OR 5/16' TAPCONS 5/16' TAPCONS o 4" DLLOW BL CK 1-J/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH WWC) 1-3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 2 PER ANCIE O O O to N W F MIN. .. I'�1 mz.1 0 . n •1. 'II 2 W o m�u1 oo W L s e z 11 II 11 II Z p zO:d II II 11 II II I I O W= Z r} � O IL 11 -'I -- ----- --- (; - CONCRETE OR I I CEMENT BLOCK I11 I I I I 2 X 2 X 1/B' a I I 2 7 16 I I I FLOATING CUP I I 11 11 U U ALUM ANGLE ? Z m MIN. 1 v 2 E- e E_ F 3 1 4" V MIN. MULL D z z ®z ANCHORS TYPE V (INTO BLOCK) a � - - ANCHOR-S TYPE-G-ANTO-CONCRETE-) 4 ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCK 1"K4" & 2"x4" MULL MULL I I 1 I FLOATING CUP y I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 11 1 /12 SPAS 14•PER-mCUP (2ON EACH WING) I I I 1 2 PER ANGLE I = I I 1 I 11 \ X 1 I II Q I I I I 11 11 � 1 I I I 11 11 I I 1 •t X ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. • .. TAPCONS MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD. as CLIPS OR ANGLES CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO MASONRY TO BE PROTECTED IWITH ALKALI -RESISTANT COATINGS, SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT OR WATER -WHITE METHACRYLATE LACQUER. '1-J/4" MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY - I PER ANGLE REVISED It r MIN. EDGE DIST. 5/16" TAPCONS 1-3/4" MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) CLIP LENGTH MULL "L" 2 X 4 3.68B' 2 X 6 5.688' ..] MIN. EDGE DIST. 2-3/16" CONCRETE OR 4" HOLLOW 11 K 3-3/4" 5/16" TAPCONS y C ' MIN. 1-3/4" MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY O 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) p O w zz .. ... '^ mrIn Q z m M 3 y rW3 y 1 z>i C 2 y X = p 0 z 6 - f = N W= �' 0 / p NULL 5/16' TAPCONS IWOOD BUCK Ea" Il 1-3/4" MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY \ !s 2X6 MULL 5/16' TAPCONS ::1 -. W { PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) t 1-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 1 3/4" 4 PER CUP 2 ON EACH WING j � p d ( ) MIN. 1 3 4" ----------------------------- / e E ' MIN. 3/4 t I z y �g Y&i I 1 Z O 2X6 MULL _- ' 'r a n CLIP LENGTH -MULL - - - - L" 2 X 4 3.688' 2 X 6 5.688' 2X6 MULL -T n ``--------- I 3-3/4- MIN. LOCK) 5 11/16" � ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG ANCHORS TYPE 'E' (INTO B INTO TUBE MULLIONS. ANCHORS TYPE 'H' (INTO CONCRETE) WOOD BUCCK ANCHORS TYPE 'E' (INTO BLOCK) TAPCONS MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD. 4 ANCHORS THRU 1X BUCK ANCHORS TYPE 'H' (INTO CONCRETE) CLIPS OR ANGLES CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO MASONRY TO BE PROTECTED INTO CONCRETE OR BLOCK ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE or BLOCK WITH ALKALI -RESISTANT COATINGS, SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT OR 2"X6" MULL SHOWN 2"X6" MULL SHOWN WATER -WHITE METHACRYLATE LACQUER. PRODUCCREVISFD asro 20yi.8 with the Florida Buildie3Code .- _-w.. 41 it MIN. EDGE DIST. 5/16' TAPCONS ' 2-3/16" CONCRETE OR 1-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 3-3/4" 4:' OW BLOCK s rorAl. (2 ON EACH WING) MIN. t 1 1 I n 2 -7/16" MIN. 11 2.4 01 2.6 M.Il CUPS OR ANGLES CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO MASONRY TO BE PROTECTED WITH ALKALI —RESISTANT COATINGS, SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT OR WATER —WHITE METHACRYLATE LACOUER. MIN. EDGE DIST. 2-3/16. CONCRETE OR 4' HOLLOW BLOCK a LOCATION OF SCREWS CONNECTING — ANGLES TO TUBES WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. I I I 5/8"(2) i L_ ___________ _J 5/16' TAPCONS 114 SMS I' 3" I 1-3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 4 PER AN 1 'j 2 PER ANGLE I I j 2 X 2 X 1/8' ALUM ANGLE 1 3/4" OPTIONAL ANCHOR DETAIL MIN. ,ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCK CLIP LENGTH MULL "L" 1 X 2 1.688' 1 X 3 2.688' 1 X 4 3.688- 2 X 41 3.688' 2 X 6 1 5.688' 1. ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES ARE TO FIT 2 X 2 X 1/4' SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. ALUM ANGLE 11 2. WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS, SEE OPTIONAL ANCHOR DETAIL AT SHEET 9 OF 10. /' 14 S.M.S. 2/ CHANNEL-1 rTUBE MULLION #12 F.H.2/ SIDE 11 1/8-TMCK_ALUM_CHANNEL— I LENGTH TO FIT SNUG 1TF INTO MULLIONTUBE MULLION TUBES MAY BE NOTCHED IAS SHOWN TO ALLOW INSTALLATIONI OF CUP ANGLE CAULK JOINT AFTER ASSEMBLY #14 FH SMS 2 PER Cup ACCESS HOLE 1-1/2' O.C. MIN. I THIS SCREW CAN BE 1 I INSTALLED IN OTHER I I 112 FH SMS j I DIRECTION �p �I I I 2 PER CUP 1 1' O.C. MIN. I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1-3/4' X 2' X 1/8' (FOR By TUBE) 3/4' X 2' X 1/8' FOR (1BY TUBE) ALUM ANGLE CUT TO FIT SNUG INSIDE TUBE ANCHORS TYPE 'I' METAL TO METAL CONNECTION USE CHARTS FOR ANCHOR TYPE 'I' TO VERIFY CAPACITY OF CONNECTION PRODUCT REVISID . c4mP"igg with ton Flotidn ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG BPBdi gCoda INTO TUBE MULLIONS. AconPl�a tz:`� 5Zdi. TAPCONS MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD. Fxp'Re1iat Date r y 0 0 0 Q M� z r4 o R v 2 J Z a C4 z z z a z 2 o m a a � 2 Q i _ w z !i:: V Q � F S F z z z F ,.167: bP3b:" 3 TYPES Widh MULLSPAN A B C D E F G 1 H 1 W1dh tM MULL SPAN A 9 C D I E I F O H I NdhtA MULLSPAN A 13 C D yIr , r F G H I 18 38318 125.00 125.OD 12500 12500 125.00 12500 125D0 1125.00 12500 18 74114 90.72 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 12500 12S00 12500 18 120 56-13 11227 129.07 125.0D 129.00 144.27 12500 125.00 125.00 131.65 125.OD 12M00 125-00 125.00 12500 1250D 12500 12500 24 W.04 136.08 125.00 125.00 125.00 125W 125.00 12SOO 125.00 24 24 30 36 42.10 33-68 84.20 67.36 98.80 77.44 145.60 110.48 125.00 125.00 tOfl21 89.56 12500 13724 12500 125.00 115.70 9256 16522 125.00 12500 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 12500 30 54.43 108.66 125.16 125.00 125.00 139.89 12500 125.00 149.59 30 87.T7 125.00 12500 125W 12500 12530 12500 12500 12500 36 45.3R 90.72 104.30 125.00 125.00 116.58 125.00 125W 124.68 36 28.07 55.13 54.53 g7.61 1D.00 -13 10853 14420 77.13 42 48 75Z] 125.W 12500 12500 12500 12500 12500 125W 125.W 42 38.88 7738 89A0 134.46 124.00 9992 125W 12500 10a85 42 24-CO 48.11 5531 832D 110.57 81.63 9303 123.60 Ball BE& 131.05 12500 12500 125AD 12500 12500 125W 125.D0 48 34.02 68.04 78.22 117.66 125.00 87.43 131.56 125.W 9349 48 21.05 4210 48.40 7280 98.75 54.10 81.40 10815 57.85 64 6D 58.51 117.02 134.53 125.00 12SOO 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.DO 64 30.24 80.48 69.53 1D4.5B 138.99 77.72 116.94 12500 83,11 64 18.71 � 37.42 43.02 64.71 8fl00 48.09 7236 9613 51.42 52.66 10532 121.08 125.00 12SOO 125.00 12500 125.00 14472 so 2722 54.43 6258 94.13 42509 W95 10524 13983 7480 60 16.84 33-BB 39.72 5BL24 77.40 43.28 65.12 86.52 4628 fifi 72 4737 9574 11607 125-00 125.W 125D0 125.00 12SOO 131.56 68 24.74 49.48 5flW 85.57 113.72 6359 9568 127.12 6fl00 66 15.31 30.ffi 3520 5295 7D38 3935 5920 7fl65 4207 43.68 87.77 100.90 lZ.O0 12500 125.00 12500 12500 120MM 72 2268 45M SZ15 7844 104.24 5B29 9770 11653 6233 72 14-T 28.07 3227 4fl53 64.50 3607 54.27 7210 3857 78 4051 81.01 9314 140.09 12500 104.11 12500 125W 111.32 78 2D.94 41.97 4814 7240 9622 53.81 80.96 107.58 57-54 78 1295 2591 29.78 44.80 69.54 3329 5D.09 6155 35W 18 24 50516 133.08 125.00 12500 145W 125.00 125.00 12500 12500 125W 18 84 W.19 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 12500 12500 12SOO 18 132 51.03 102116 11733 175.00 125.00 131.15 12500 125.00 14024 99.79 125.00 12EOD 125.00 12500 125.00 12500 125W 1250D 24 W.14 12029 13829 12500 12500 125.00 125.00 125DO 12500 24 3827 30.62 76.55 6124 88.00 70.40 13236 105.89 125.00 140.73 9B.38 7869 148.00 11840 12`i.00 12500 1051E 84.15 30 38 79-93 125.00 12500 12500 12500 125.00 12SOO 125.00 12500 30 48.11 98M 110.63 125.00 12i0D 123.66 125.00 MD 13223 30 fiB.S3 133.06 12500 12500 125W 125.00 12500 12500 125L10 36 40.10 W.19 9 119 138.67 125.00 10305 12500 12SOO 110.19 36 25.52 51.Q3 58.67 8824 117.27 655E 9fl67 131.09 70-12 42 48 57.02 114.05 731.12 12i00 125W ]4fl58 12500 1?S00 125W 42 34.37 68.73 79.02 t18.85 125.00 88.33 M90 125.00 94.45 ' 42 21.87 43.74 SOTS 7664 lOat2 5R.21 8457 112.36 60.10 49.90 9979 114.73 125.00 12500 12824 12500 125W 13713 48 W.OT 60.14 69.14 104.00 138.21 7729 11629125.00 8264 48 19.14 3B.27 44.00 66.18 97.95 49.18 74.00 9fl32 5259 64 60 44M 6fl70 101.98 12500 125W 11399 125.00 12500 121.89 54 25.73 53-46 61.46 9244 12280 68.70 10337 13733 7346 64 17.01 34.ffi 39.11 5883 78.18 4372 6578 8739 4675 39.92 7483 91.78 13fl05 125W 10259 12500 12500 109.70 60 24.00 48.11 M31 83-20 110.57 81.83 93.03 121W 66.11 60 15.31 30.82 3520 5295 70.36 39.35 5920 7865 4207 66 72 3529 7258 83.44 12550 125.00 9326 140.33 12500 99.73 66 21.87 43.74 50.29 7564 100.52 W21 84.5T 11238 60.10 66 1392 27-83 3200 48.13 6197 3577 53.82 71.5D 38.25 3325 fi653 7648 11SO4 125.00 8549 12A83 12500 91A2 . 72 2(1.05 40:10 4610 . W.33 9214 51.52 T752 103W 5510 72 1276 2552 27.33 44.12 Sfl84 3279 4933 8555 3508 78 30.71 61.41 70.60 10&19 141.13 78.92 1118.741125.00 8439 78 1851 37.01 4255 64.00 8505 47.56 7t58 ROB 5aW 78 11.76 n..55 27.0E 40.73 54.13 3027 4654 W-60 3238 18 24 57 11618 125.00 125.00 12500 125W 12500 I 1500 125.00 12500 18 70.17 14033 125.00 125.00 12501) 12500.125W 12500 l2aO01 18 144 4678 93.55 1D7.56 125.00 125.00 120.22 12.500 125.00 121156 BB.63 125.W 12500 725.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 12500 12500 ?b SZ63 10525 121.00 125.00 125.OD 135.25 125.00 125.00 144.631 24 35.08 70.17 80.67 121.33 125-OD 90.17 135.67 12500 91142 30 36 70.91 14131 125.00 125.DO 125.00 12500 125.00 125.00 12500 3D 4210 84A 96.80 145W 12500 10120 12500 125.00 11570 30 28.07 58.13 64.53 97.D7 129.W 7213 10153 14420 7713 59.09 118.18 135.86 125.00 12500 125.00 12500 125.00 125W 36 35.08- _70.17- -W67_ _121.33 -12SOD _90.17-. _13567- -12500- -98A2- --36-- -23.39- -46.78- -53.78- -80 W- -107:50 -W:11- -9044- -120:17 -8428- 42 48 95 50.65 10129 11fl45 125.00 12500 130.17 12500 125.00 139.19 42 30.67 60.14 W.14 1D4.00 138.21 77.29 11629 12600 8264 42 20.05 40.10 46.10 6933 9214 51.52 7752 103W 5510 44.32 8B.63 101.89 125.00 12500 113B9 12i.00 125.00 121.79 48 26.31 52.63 6050 91.W 120.94 8T.63 101.75 13519 7231 048 t7.54 35.08 4033 60.67 8063 45.08 67.83 90.13 4821 64 60 39.39 78.78 90.57 13523.125,00 10124 125D0 1Z500 10826 54 23M 45.78 5378 8089 107.50 W.11 90. 120.17 M28 64 15.69 31.19 35.85 53.93 71.67 400T 60.30 W-11 4285 35.45 70.91 8152 12261 125.00 91.12 137.09 125.9 97.43 W 21.05 42.10 48.40 7780 96.75 54.10 81.40 10915 57.85 W 14.03 28.07 3227 4a53 64.W 3fl07 5427 7210 3857 68 72 3223 64.46 74.11 111A6 14813 6283 124.63 12500 88.67 66 19.14 3B27 44.00 66.18 6795 49-18 74.00 9fl32 5259 66 1276 25M 29.33 44.12 5fl64 3279 49.33 6555 3506 29.54 5909 6793 H1218 135.79 75M 11425 12500 81.19 72 1754 35.08 40.33 60.07 8OL63 4508 67.83 91113 4a21 72 11.W 23.39 28.89 4D44 5175 30.06 4522 W.OB 3214 78 27.27 54.54 6270 9432 125.34 70.09 1D545 140.11 74.95 78 18.19, 32-38 37.23 '5600- 74.42 41.62 6262 8319 44.50 78 10.79 21-59 24.82 3733 49.62 7774 41.74 5546 2967 18 24 63 1D8.92 125.00 1250D 125.00 125W 12500 125W 125.00 125W 18 108 6237 124.74 143.41 125.00 125.00 IMOO 12500 125W 125W 18 150 44.91 8981 103.25 125.00 125.00 115.41 173.65 125W 12341 80.19 125.00 125.00 125W 125W 12SOO 12500 125.00 12500 24 46.78 93.515 107.58 125.W 125W 12022 12500 12i00 128.55 24 30 36 33.68 26.94 6T38. 54.89 77.44 61.95 116.48 9318 125OD 123.84 8656 6925 1W24 104.19 12500 13843 9256 74.05 64.15 12830 147.50 12500 12500 12500 12500 25.00 12500 30 37.42 7434 B604 129-42 125W 9fl18 144.71 12500 10284 30 534fi 10692 17292 173.W 12500 137.40 125W 12500 14692 31.19 8237 71.70 10785 14333 8915 12059 -12500 8570 35 2245 "Al 51.63 77.65 1032D 57.71 86.B3 115.36 61.71 42 48 45.ffi 91.65 f0538 125W 12500 11777 125.W 12500 12593 42 23.73 53.48 61.48 9244 12286 6fl70 10337 137.33 7346 42 19.25 38.49 44.25 M56 8fl46 49.46 7442 98.88 5289 40.10 80.19 9219 13867 12500 10305 12500 12500 11 D.19 48 23.39 46.78 5378 8D89 107.50 W.11 90.44 120.17 6428 48 16.84 33.6E 38.72 .5824 77.40 4328 6412 8652 4fl28 64 W 35.64 71-28 81.95 12326 125.00 91.60 137.82 125W 97.95 64 21.79 41.5E 47.W 71M 95.56 5343 8140 106.81 5714 64 14.97 29.94 34.42 51.77 Bald 38.47 5T.88 76.91 41.14 3208 04.15 73.75 M-93 147.43 BZ44 124.04 12500 68.15 W 18.71 37.42 4302 64.71 88.00 41L09 7236 9R.13 51.42 60 13.47 2R94 30.98 46W 81.92 34.62 5L10 6922 37.02 66 72 29.]6 5832 67.05 100.85 134.03 7494 11276 144ffi W.14 86 1701 34.02 391] 5fl83 7fl18 4372 6578 87.39 4d75 68 1225 24.49 28.16 4236 5fl29 31.48 4736 ffi92 3386 26.73 5348 61.48 9241 12288 6870 10337 13733 73.46 72 15.59 31.19 3585 5393 71.87 40.07 W30 BD71 4285 7Z 1123 7L45 25.81 3863 S1.W 78.85 4341 57.W 3D65 78 24.67 49.35 5673 8533 11341 6341 9541 12fl71 67.61 7B 14.39 28.79 33W 49.78 6fl15 -99 5566 7395 39.56 7B 10.36 20.73 23.83 3584 47.63 2fl63 40.07 5324 2848 /-ANCHOR/CUP VERTICAL Z MULLION J GLAZING GLAZING m PRODUCT PRODUCT U CHOR/CU t- j 1 n ANCHOR/CUP HORIZONTAL MULLION GLAZING i ' / t 0 GLAZING AZING PRODUCT PR UCT m ¢IL 3 V) ANCHOR/CUP U F 1 IC w W7 W2 HORIZONTAL MULLION SPAN TYPICAL MULLION CLIP ARRANGEMENTS ANCHOR CLIP NOTES: 1. FOR CLIP TYPES AND ANCHOR CONDITIONS REFER TO SHEETS 6, 7, 8, & 9 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. 2. REFER TO CHARTS ABOVE FOR MAX. DESIGN PRESSURE 3. SELECT ANCHOR TYPE WITH DESIGN RATING MORE THAN THE DESIGN LOADS REQUIRED FOR PARTICULAR OPENING. 4. ANY ANCHOR CONDITION SHOWN HEREIN MAY COVER LOCATIONS AT HEAD, SILL OR JAMB ENDS. 5. INTERPOLATION BETWEEN WIDTHS OR SPANS ALLOWED. O O � o q y eo MMI m 0 V~a m V Z o a e mo u1 2 a y z w :. N Z J= o z °t 0 0 0z 4 1S Cl 777 C F F n w z a za ® V o DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) ` BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DMSION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA Interwrap, Inc. 32923 Mission Way Mission, BC, Canada V2V-6E4 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786)315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.miamidade.gov/economy SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expirat Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the A have this product or material tested for quality the accepted manner, the manufacturer will ii revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such pro( revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by material fails to meet the requirements of the of date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to ❑rance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to mi-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or able building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Titanium® UDL-30 / Titanium® PSU-30, Titanium® UDL-25 PLUS / Titanium® PSU-30, and UDL-MD (2 ply) / Titanium® PSU-30 Underlayment System LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent ,label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product i Contro'1 Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shalI automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising !literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews and revises NOA# 13-0730.01 and consists of pages 1 through 7. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. I NOA No.: 14-0603.19 Mu�ru•o�EC ouNr�r Expiration Date: 01/26/22 Approval Date: 02/02/17 Page 1 of 7 RANDALL Ea STO,FFT ARCHITECTS5 " 3379 AR90011105 APPROVED ® REVISE & RESUBMIT ® APPROVEDA2�30RRECTED ® REJECTED This rev Gw Is only for general confor finance with the design concept of the projeci and general compliance Nith the information given in the contract rfccurrants. Correc`uons or comments made on the shop drawings during phis revi v do not relieve the contractor from compliance vrith the require- m3nis of the plans and specifications. Approval of a specific item shall not inc'uda approval of an assembly of vehich the item is a component. Con- tactor is responsible for. Dimensions to be confamed and cc; related at the ! job site; Intm;a5on that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of wnstruc- tion: coordination of the vrork of all othar trades: and for parforming ail viA in a safe and satisfactory manner. j: y DATE: ay, - -- S P1I MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOM C RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION) T (786)315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.niianddade.gov/economy Interwrap, Inc. 32923 Mission Way Mission, BC, Canada V2V-6E4 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable pules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Titanium® UDL-30 / Titanium® PSU-30, Titanium® UDL-25 PLUS / Titanium® PSU-30, and UDL-MD (2 ply) / Tits nium@ PSU-30 Underlayment System LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product ControApproved", unless otherwise noted -herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,.use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall �be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews and revises NOA# 13-0730.01 I d consists of pages 1 through 7. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. NOA No.: 14-0603.19 Expiration Date: 01/26/22 Approval Date: 02/02/17 Page 1 of 7 File COPY, ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Underlayment Material: Polypropylene TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUF. Product Dimensions Titanium® UDL-25 4V x 250' rolls PLUS Manufacturing Location #1& #2 UDL-MD (2P1y system) 48" x 250' rolls Manufacturing Location #2 Titanium® UDL-30 48" x 250' rolls Manufacturing Location #1& #2 Titanium® PSU-30 Manufacturing Location #3 ;TUBED BY APPLICANT TABLE 1 Test Product Specification Description ASTM D226 Woven synthetic polymer underlayment with one Type I & H side coated with UV protected and slip resistant polymer stabilized polypropylene on both sides. ASTM D226 Woven synthetic polymer underlayment with a Type I & H chemical slip resistant and UV protected coating on both sides. ASTM D226 Woven synthetic polymer underlayment with two Type I & II sides coated with LTV protected and slip resistant polymer stabilized polypropylene on both sides. 36" x 72' rolls TAS 103 Unreinforced polymer modified bitumen material adhered to the underside of a polymer -coated, synthetic woven sheet. The underside is backed with a release film. MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS: 1. MLl 2. ML3 3. ML4 NOA No.: 14-0603.19 Expiration Date: 01/26/22 Approval Date: 02/02/17 Page 2 of 7 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agencv Tes Identifier Test Name/Report Date Intertek Testing Services i #3031783 TAS 104 02/19/03 3124826-01 ASTM E108 02/19/08 3119607COQ-003B ICC-ES AC48 02/20/08 3130639COQ-002A ASTM D226 02/20/08 3124826MID-007 ASTM E108 02/25/08 3146738COQ-003B ASTM D 1876/ TAS 117 03/28/08 3146738COQ-003A ASTM D226 04/22/08 Trinity ERD I35520.06.11 TAS 103 / TAS 104 06/15/11 I35520.06.11 TAS 103 / TAS 104 06/15/11 I38010.08.11 ASTM D226 08/11/11 I35520.08.11-1 TAS 114 08/12/11 I35520.08.11 ASTM D2523 / D1781 08/17/11 144970.07.13-R1 ASTM D226, ASTM D1876 09/09/13 and TAS 114(C) NOA No.: 14-0603.19 MIAWDADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 01/26/22 Approval Date: 02/02/17 Page 3 of 7 APPROVED TITANIUM UNDERLA Deck Type 1: Deck Description: System E(1): Wood 19/32" or greater plywood Base sheet mechanically All General and System Limitations shall SYSTEM ASSEMBLIES: wood plank ;tend to deck, subsequent cap membrane self- adhered. Base sheet: One or more plies of Titanium® UDL-25 PLUS or Titanium® UDL-30 applied with minimum 4" horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps and mechanically fastened as noted below. Note: Titanium® UDL-30 shall be inverted to provide a smooth bonding surface. Primer is not required when Titanium® UDL-30 is installed inverted (printed side facing down) Fastening: Miami -Dade approved nails & metal/tin caps spaced 6" o.c. at the 4" horizontal laps and 8" o.c. in a grid pattern having three, equally spaced, staggered rows in the field of the sheet. Primer: Metal/Tin caps shall lie primed with ASTM D41 primer Ply Sheet: (Optional) Titanium PSU-30, self -adhered with minimum 3" horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps. Membrane: Titanium® PSU-30, self -adhered, with minimum 3" horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps. Place the first course of Titanium® PSU-30 parallel to the eave and field, using a heavy pressure roller under safe conditions to further secure the membrane. Surfacing: Approved for asphalt shingle, mechanically fastened roof tile, foam -on roof tile, metal roofing, wood shakes & shingles or slate roof assemblies. Note: For tile roof assemblies, refer to RAS 118, 119 or 120 and the tile manufacturer's NOA. For foam -on tile roof assemblies, approved use with ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 and Dow TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive. NOA No.: 14-0603.19 rtrat�N TEIT cour�r�r UMP Expiration Date: 01/26/22 Approval Date: 02/02/17 Page 4 of 7 Deck Type 1: Wood Deck Description:- 19/3211 or greater plywood oar wood plank System E (2): Base sheet mechanically fastened to deck, subsequent cap membrane self - adhered. , All General and System Limitations shall apply. Base sheet: One or more plies Titanium® UDL-30 applied with minimum 4" horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps and mechanically fastened as noted below. Fastening: Miami -Dade approved nails & metal/tin caps spaced 6" o.c. at the 4" horizontal laps and 8" o.c. in a grid pattern having three, equally spaced, staggered rows in the field of the sheet. Primer: Titanium® UDL-30 shall be primed on the printed side with ASTM D41 primer prior to placement of cap sheet. Ply Sheet: (Optional) Titanium® PSU-30, self -adhered, with minimum 3" horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps. Membrane: Titanium® PSU-30, self -adhered, with minimum 3" horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps. Place the first course of Titanium® PSU-30 parallel to the eave, using a heavy pressure roller under safe conditions to further secure the membrane. Surfacing: Approved for asphalt shingle, mechanically fastened roof tile, foam -on roof tile, metal roofing, wood shakes & shingles or slate roof assemblies. Note: For tile roof assemblies, refer to RAS 118, 119 or 120 and the tile manufacturer's NOA. For foam -on tile roof assemblies, approved use with ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 and Dow TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive. NOA No.: 14-0603.19 MuuMNnaoecourrnr Expiration Date: 01/26/22 �® -Approval Date: 02/02/17 Page 5 of 7 Deck Type 1: Wood Deck Description: 19/32" or greater plywood o System E(3): Base sheet mechanically f All General and System Limitations shall app Base sheet: Fastening: Ply Sheet: Membrane: Surfacing: Note: MIAM IIAM COUNTY One or more plies of minimum 6" vertical wood plank .stened to deck, subsequent cap membrane self- adhered. MD (2Ply system) applied with minimum 4" horizontal laps and and mechanically fastened as noted below. Miami -Dade approved nails & metal/tin caps spaced 6" o.c. at the 4" horizontal laps and 8" o.c. in a grid pattern having three, equally spaced, staggered rows in the field of the sheet. i (Optional) Titanium®'PSU-30, self -adhered with minimum 3" horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps. Titanium® PSU-30, self -adhered, with minimum 3" horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps. Place the first course of Titanium® PSU-30 parallel to the eave and field, using a heavy pressure roller under safe conditions to further secure the membrane. Approved for asphalt shingle, mechanically fastened roof tile, foam -on roof tile, metal roofing, wood shakes & shingles or slate roof assemblies. For tile roof assemi foam -on tile roof a; TILE BOND Roof refer to RAS 118, 119 or 120 and the tile manufacturer's NOA. For flies, approved use with ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 and Dow adhesive. NOA No.: 14-0603.19 Expiration Date: 01/26/22 Approval Date: 02/02/17 Page 6 of 7 BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Application for building permit shall be accomp 1. This Notice of Acceptance. 2. Any other documents required by the evaluate4he installation of this material. LIMITATIONS 1. Fire classification is not part of this acct fire ratings of this product. 2. This acceptance is for prepared roofing, a applicable building code. 3. Titanium Synthetic Underlayments shall irregularities. All nails in the deck shall b panels. Sweep the deck thoroughly to rein 4. Titanium® UDL-25 PLUS / Titanium® system) / Titanium(D PSU-30 two-ply u fastened roof tile, foam -on roof tile, metal 5. The standard maximum roof pitch for the / Titanium® PSU-30, UDL-MD (2Ply sy, for flat tiles and 6:12 on profiled tiles vw shall be staged 2 base tiles perpendicuk maximum 7 tiles high on the slope atop 1 than the above limitations, the use of load 6. Titanium Synthetic Underlayments shall t 7. Titanium® UDL-30 / Titanium® PSU-30 system) / Titanium® PSU-30 two-ply and longer than 90 days of application. 8. Titanium Synthetic Underlayments are co approved under a specific Notice of Accc Acceptance for listed approval of this pros 9. Titanium Synthetic Underlayments may t Titanium Synthetic Underlayments as a Titanium Synthetic Underlayments are nc (AHJ) or the Miami -Dade County Prc documentation is provided to detail comp; 10. All membranes or packaging shall bear tl and the following statement: "Miami -De Product Control Seal as shown below. END OF MIAMaDADE COUNTY by copies of the following: Official or applicable building code in order to properly refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with be applied to a smooth, clean and dry surface with deck free of carefully checked for protruding. heads. Re -fasten any loose decking ove any dust and debris prior to application. PSU-30, Titanium® UDL-30 / Titanium® PSU-30, UDL-MD (2P1y iderlayment system, may be used in asphalt shingle, mechanically roofing, wood shakes & shingles or slate roof assemblies. Titanium® UDL-25 PLUS / Titanium® PSU-30, Titanium® UDL-30 .ern) / Titanium® PSU-30 two-ply underlayment system shall be 5:12 th lugs. For flat tile applications at slopes exceeding 5:12, flat tiles to slope behind a mechanically attached batten or toe board with ase tiles (Total of stack not to exceed 9 tiles). At roof slopes greater ng battens or toe boards are required to load the roof tile. :)t be applied over an existing roof membrane as a recover system. Titanium® UDL-25 PLUS / Titanium® PSU-30, UDL-MD (2Ply x1ayment system shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for ponents used in roof system assemblies. Roof system assemblies are :ance. Refer to Prepared Roofing System Product Control Notice of ict with specific prepared roofing products. used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing omponent part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. If listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction act Control Department for approval provided that appropriate bility of the products, wind uplift resistance, and fire testing results. imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo County Product Control Approved" or the Miami -Dade County ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 14-0603.19 Expiration Date: 01/26/22 Approval Date: 02/02/17 Page 7 of 7 I ), 0 Lawson Industries, Inc. 8501 NW 90 Street Medley, FL 33166 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable documentation submitted has been reviewed a be used in Miami Dade County and other area: This NOA shall not be valid after the expiratic (In Miami -Dade County) and/ or the AHJ (ir product or material tested for quality assuranc manner, the manufacturer will incur the expe suspend the use of such product or materia acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dada meet the requirements of the applicable buildu This product is approved as described herein including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. - DESCRIPTION: Clipped Extruded Alumin APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. through 10 of 10, dated 04/27/10 and last revi! Thomas J. Sotos, P.E., bearing the Miami - Acceptance number and expiration date by the MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Limitations: 1. See Non -reinforced mullion tributary width width (W) VS span and type in sheet 5. See 2. See clip anchors type selection in sheet 10 3. Lower design pressure of the mullion and/o reviewed by AHJ. MIA H-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www. miamid ade.Qov/economy rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The .d accepted by Miami -Dade County RER -Product Control Section to where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). i date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this purposes: If this product or material fails to. perform in the accepted se of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to code. and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, Tube Mullion w/ and w/o Steel Reinforcement — L.M.I. W-ML-1001. Rev D, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions" sheets 1 on NOV 21, 2017, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by le County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of ami-Dade County Product Control Section. Missile Impact Resistant W) VS span and type in sheet 3. See reinforced mullion tributary iullion types and properties in sheets 2 & 4. .d installation in sheets 6 thru 9. glazing product may control for the entire assembly and to be ZP LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or Iogo, city, state, series, and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been fled and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the prods ct or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. j - INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA No. 17-0222.13 and consists of this page I and evidence pages E-1, E-2 and E-3, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq I. Chanda, P.E. •� ' NOA No. 17-1212.24 ML4t•14DAD COUNTY 7 Expiration Date: May 30 2018 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 Page 1 y NDAILL E. STDFn ARCH] 9 END Ci 8g P.& ' 3379 AR90071105 t APPROVED ® REVISE & I' %ESuBVIIT ® APPROVED Ar.1 CORRECTED 0 REJECTED This revlw is only for gorwal conformance with the design concept of the Projeci and geno-al con:Pliance With the information given in the, contract docur ents. Corrections or comments made on the shop dry afnga during ibis rMe:d do not relieve the contractor from compliance Mft the requlre- mants of the Plans and spaclfications. Approval of a specific itenf shall r>~t Con - include arrroval of an assembly of Which the item is a component. Con- tractor is rsparslble for: Dimensions to be conkMad and correlated at the r job site; that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to the moons, mat hods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construc- Von: coordinaVOn Of the Worlc of all other trades: and for Worming allwork in a sA and satsfacIOj manrar. - ,Z f , ti i Lawson Industries, Inc. 8501 NW 90 Street Medley, FL 33166 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable documentation submitted has been reviewed at be used in Miami Dade County and other areas This NOA shall not be valid after the expiratiol (In Miami -Dade County) and/ or the AHJ (in product or material tested for quality assurance manner, the manufacturer will incur the expen suspend the use of such product or material acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade meet the requirements of the applicable buildin, This product is approved as described herein, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. - DESCRIPTION: Clipped Extruded Alumini APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. I through 10 of 10, dated 04/27/10 and last revis( Thomas J.' Sotos, P.E., bearing the Miami -I Acceptance number and expiration date by the ] MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and S Limitations: 1. See Non -reinforced mullion tributary width I width (W) VS span and type in sheet 5. See i 2. See clip anchors type selection in sheet 10 aj 3. Lower design pressure of the mullion and/or reviewed by AHJ. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanei following statement: "Miami -Dade County Pro( RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considere, change in the applicable building code negative TERMINATION of this NOA will occur aftc materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the prodi for sales, advertising or any other purposes s] section of this NOA shall be cause for terminat ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preci expiration date may be displayed in advertising done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA sh, shall be available for inspection at the job site ai This NOA revises NOA No.17-0222.13 and cc approval document mentioned above. The submitted'documentation was reviewed by NE AMMI DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.m iamidade.aov/economy_ ules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The I accepted by Miami -Dade County RER -Product Control Section to vhere allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section treas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this purposes: If this product or material fails to. perform in the accepted e of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this -ounty Product Control Section that this product or material fails to code. and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, Tube Mullion w/ and w/o Steel Reinforcement — L.M.L W-AIL-1001 Rev D, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions" sheets 1 on NOV 21, 2017, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by 3e County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of iami-Dade County Product Control Section. Missile impact Resistant ) VS span and type in sheet 3. See reinforced mullion tributary Ilion types and properties in sheets 2 & 4. installation in sheets 6 thru 9. azing product may control for the entire assembly and to be label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, and ect Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no affecting the performance of this product. the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the t or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, ell automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any n and removal ofNOA. led by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the literature. if any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be 11 be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and the request of the Building Official. asists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1, E-2 and E-3, as well as L Chanda, P.E. NOA No.174212.24 Expiration Date: May 30, 2018 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 Page 1 File COPY Lawson Industries,, Inc. 1. Evidence submitted in previous files. A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections.(Submitted under NOA's No. 02-0501.05 & 95- 1212.09) 2. Drawing No. LAW-ML-1001, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions", sheets 1 through 10 of 10, dated 04/27/10, with revision C dated 02/16/17, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Tensile Test report on 0.10" thick wall aluminum tube mullion, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. HETI-02-T071, dated 09/16/02, tested per ASTM E8, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02-0501.05) 2. Test report on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of 120" span aluminum tube mullions with C4 x 4.5 steel channel reinforcement, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. AETI-02-1714, dated 08/27/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E.(Submitted under NOA No. 02-0501.05) 3. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94. 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of 120" span aluminum tube mullion with C4 x 4.5 steel channel reinforcement, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. IIETI-02-1716, dated 8/27/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02-0501.05) 4. Test reports on: 1) Large Miss �le Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94. 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum sliding glass door, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Report No. HETI 02-1718, dated 8/27/021, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Sella, P.E. (Submitted tinder NOA No. 02-0501.05) 5. Test report on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum sliding glass door, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing,. Inc., Test Report No. HETI-02-1717, dated 08/27/02, signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02-0501.05) 6. Test report on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum sliding glass door, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-1376, dated 01/31/96, signed and sealed by Gilbert Diamond, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 95-1212.09) 7. Test report on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of two aluminum horizontal sliding windows' mulled at top with a 90" span mullion and a 45" high fixed window on top, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-1383, dated 02/13/96, signed and sealed by Gilbert Diamond, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 95-1212) Tsh q 1. Chanda, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1212.24 Expiration Date: May 30, 2018 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 E-1 Lawson Industries, Inc. CtTO C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC 2010, prepared by manufacturer, dated 05/17/10 and updated on 01/25/12, prepared, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E.(Submitted under NOA No.12-0127.07) D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIOP 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformanc 17, 2017, issued, signed and sc 2. Statement letter -of no fmancia Sotos, P.E. (Submitted under 3. Laboratory compliance letter i 1717, HETI-02-1718, dated Hurricane Engineering & Test: (Submitted under NOA No. 0. 4. Laboratory compliance letter I dated 02/13/96, both issued 1 Gilbert Diamond, P.E.(Submit 5. Letter from manufacturer regi test, dated 04/07/17, signed by G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. Extruded Aluminum Tube b 11/06/14 and expiring on 051 2. One year approval, subjected 2. New Evidence submitted. and Economic Resources (RER). :, complying with the FBC 5`Edition (2014), dated February pled by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. interest, dated 05/20/12, issued, signed and sealed by Thomas J. OA No. 12- 012 7.0 7) )r Test Reports No. HETI-02-1714, HETI-02-1716, HETI-02- 8/27/02 and HETI-02-T071, dated 09/16/02, all issued by ►g, Inc., signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda, P.E. •0501.05) �r Test Reports No. FTL-1376, dated 01/31/96, and FTL-1383, Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., signed and sealed by !d under NOA No. 02-0501.05) -sting a 1-year extension to allow time to perform verification Belson Erazo. 8.08, issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their Clipped � w/ and w/o Steel Reinforcement — L.M.I.", approved on 17. successful verification test. A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. LAW-ML-1001 Rev D, titled "Aluminum Tube Mullions" sheets 1 through 10 of 10, dated 04/27/10 and last revised on NOV 21, 2017, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. Note: This revision consist of editorial changes of FBC 17 (6`h Edition) code compliance. B. Test 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None E-2 W&1^1 i . C- -�� Is aq I. Chanda, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1212.24 Expiration Date: May 30, 2018 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 J Lawson Industries, Inc. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Reg ilatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2017 (61 Edition) and "No financial interest" dated 11/17117, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas 3. Sotos, P.E. 2. Letter from manufacturer requesting a 1-year extension to allow time to perform verification test, dated 04/07/17, signed by Nelson Erazo, Senior Design Engineer (Submitted under file # 17-0222.13) G. OTHER 1. This NOA conditionally' revises # 17-0222.13, expiring 05/30/18, subjected to successful verification test. Ish q 1. Chanda, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-1212.24 Expiration Date: May 30, 2018 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 E-3 GLAZING PRODUCT ANCHOR CLIP HORIZONTAL MULLION +N VERTICAL VERTICAL II MULLION MULLION 3 GLAZING GLAZING GLAZING r=- PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT =e , w 3 WIDTH (W) = w1 + w2 + 113 2 /-- ANCHOR/CLIP GLAZING PRODUCT -VERTICAL MULLION it GLAZING z 9z PRODUCT 3 N z W ANCHOR/CLIP rHORIZONTAL MULLION GLAZING PRODUCT 3I GLAZING PRODUCT ANCHOR/CLIP HORIZONTAL MULLION RODUCT\ LAZING:-;G t� i GLAZING GLAZING PRODUCT PRODUCT z z 3 VERTICAL 0 In MULLION i� ANCHOR/CLIP W1 W2 MULLION SPAN Wl + W2 I WIDTH (W) = W7 + W2 2 2 ? TYPICAL MULLION ARRANGEMENTS THESE MULLIONS ARE RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT AND CAN BE USED WITH ALL LAWSON'S MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED'IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT PRODUCTS. RECTANGULAR ALUMINUM TUBE MULLIONS USING MULLION PROPERTIES ONLY GENERAL NOTES: 3 1. THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (2014-5th Edition & 2017-61h + N Edition) INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ). 3 2. ALL GLAZING PRODUCTS USED WITH THESE MULUONS MUST MEET THE APPLICABLE FLORIDA BLDG. CODE REQUIREMENTS LE: WIND LOAD, WATER INFILTRATION, FORCED ENTRY RESISTANCE. SAFEGUARDS ETC. II 3. MULLIONS ARE APPROVED FOR IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING WINDOWS, DOORS OR COMBINATIONS MAY BE MULLED. 4. WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS, MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO TRANSFER LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE. 5. ANCHORS SHALL BE AS LISTED, SPACED AS SHOWN ON DETAILS, ANCHORS 3 EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO. ._� 6. ANCHORING OR LOADING CONDITIONS NOT SHOWN IN THESE DETAILS ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. 7. A LOAD DURATION INCREASE IN ALLOWABLE STRESS IS USED IN DESIGN OF _WOOD ANCHORS ONLY. _ 8. MATERIALS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEEL OR METAL SCREWS, THAT COME INTO CONTACT WITH OTHER DISSIMILAR MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BLDG. CODE - SECTION 2003.8.4. MULLION & CLIP NOTES- 1. P'OR MULLIONS WITHOUT REINFORCEMENT REFER TO SHEET 2 OF 10 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. REFER TO SHEET 3 OF 10 FOR MAX. MULL DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS 2. FOR MULLIONS WITH STEEL REINFORCEMENT REFER TO SHEET 4 OF 10 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. " REFER TO SHEET 5 OF 10 FOR MAX. MULL DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS 3. FOR CLIP TYPES AND ANCHOR CONDITIONS REFER TO SHEETS 3 6, 7, 8, & 9 OF 10 FOR DETAILS AND NOTES. + N ' REFER TO SHEET 10 OF 10 FOR MAX. ANCHOR DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS 3 II 3 = rtlooucr>Rsvrs¢e _� A+�Pb1ne.Hti toe FTa�x 3 Aamw,o tv.11-Izlz•24 �piglts OAhMtiY aP�?o 18 � a ESL- 1 . LL t V U a 0 s m V C f O .156 TYP.- [j 3-0W 1.405 IA00 �4500- 2X MULLION CLIP 6063-TS 4NOT:CH -L' 6.000 o L .750 2.D00 .125 -50 4.500 1X MULLION CLIP 6063-T6 NOTCH OPTIONAL a NOTCH T--' OPTIONAL .125 MIN. 2.000 LANGLE CLIP I 6063-T6 2.000--I L .125 A62� I.500 r� 4.000 .IIS 1.73 7.000 2 X 4 TYPICAL STD. TUBE WINDOW FRAME MULLIO .lee-��.IDz � I I F-T.DDD-I 1.D62 1.188 2 X 6 1 X 4 1 X 3 STD. TUBE CUSTOM MULLION CUSTOM MULUON 6063-TG Ixx:1.000 in! Sxx: 0.667 in3 MULLION 6063-T5 Ixx: 2.070 in4 Sxz: 1.035 in3 -2.Doa (FLANGE FRAME) (FIN FRAME) STANDARD TUBULAR SHAPES PT. WALL-_.125- ALL Alin v-6nTii-T6 PRODUCT MULLIONS CONTAINING TYPICAL GLAZING PRODUCTS HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SEE WINDOW OR DOOR APPROVAL FOR FASTENERS SIZES AND SPACING �z.000� DOB .125 4.000 2 X 6 L I 2 X 4 STD. TUBE MULLION STD. TUBE MULLION 606}-T6 6063-TS Ixx: 8.280 in Ixx: 2.980 in! Sxx: 2.760 in3 Sxx: 1.490 in3 INSTRUCTIONS: USE CHARTS AND GRAPHS AS FOLLOWS. STEP 1 DETERMINE DESIGN LOAD REQUIRED FOR PARTICULAR OPENING. STEP 2 USE APPROVED GLAZING PRODUCTS MEETING ABOVE LOAD REQUIREMENTS. STEP 3 USE CONNECTION TO MULLION AS PER PRODUCT APPROVAL. STEP 4 SPECIFY MAXIMUM SHIM SPACING. USING CHARTS ON SHEET 3 OF 10 SELECT MULLION SIZE 1. ALL CUPS AND ANGLES ARE TO FIT STEP 5 WITH DESIGN RATING MORE THAN DESIGN LOAD SPECIFIED SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. IN STEP I ABOVE. 2. WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT FIT SNUG USING ANCHOR TYPES ON SHEET 6 THRU 9 AND ANCHOR CHARTS INTO TUBE MULLIONS. SEE OPTIONAL STEP 6 ON SHEET 9. SELECT ANCHOR TYPE VATH DESIGN RATING ANCHOR DETAIL AT SHEET 9 OF 10. MORE THAN THE DESIGN LOADS SPECIFIED IN STEP I ABOVE. CLIP LENGTH MULL 1 X 2 1.688' 1 X 3 2.688' 1 X 4 3.688• 2 X 4 3.688- 2 X 6 5.688• 1 X 3 CUSTOM MULLION 6063-T6 Ixx: 0.950 in Sxx: 0.633 in3 (FLANGE FRAME) I LoCoI 4.000 1 X 4 STD. TUBE MULLION 6063-T6 Ixx: 2.070 in Sxx: 1.035 in3 I X 2 TOM Ml 6063-T6 Ixx: 0.370 in! Sxx: 0.370 in3 (FIN FRAME) j-IADD-{ I I .12s _f 3.000 1 1 X 3 STD. TUBE MULLION 60fi3-Tfi Ixx: 0.950 in Sxx: 0.633 in3 1 X 2 TOM ML 5063-T6 Ixx: 0.330 in4 Sxx: 0.330 in3 (FLANGE FRAME) �I-1A00-{ I I .t25 z.coo L 1 X 2 STD. TUBE MULLION 6063-T6 Ixx: 0.330 in Sxx: 0.330 in RECTANGULAR ALUMINUM TUBE MULLIONS USING MULLION PROPERTIES ONLY THESE MULLIONS ARE RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT AND CAN BE USED WITH ALL LAWSON'S MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT PRODUCTS. NOTES: 1. REFER TO THE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET 1 OF 10 FOR BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. MULLIONS MAY BE ORIENTED VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLY. 3. REFER TO SHEET 1 bF 10 FOR TYPICAL MULLION ARRANGEMENTS OR STACK CONFIGURATIONS. o� o yn ``�\� �� a n� o� �� A � 05 CN / y � // I/ w2 W� e Avo It Q X M n I ION IP 606J--T6 OPNOTCH NALI'(''L. ® a ", Ilii 750 2.000 .125 2.25a d.500 1X MULLION CLIP 6063-T6 NOTCH OFIT ��6 NOTCH ��IFI11 OPTIONAL �j j�.123 MIN. 2 X 6 6400 T M I �2.oa0--J STANDARD TUBULAR SHAPES I 1. WALL = 125' ALL --- I — ALLOY_._6063_T5 II D.� 7YPZCAL I II GLAZING PRODUCT -3.DD0 4.000 1-- MULLIONS CONTAINING TYPICAL GLAZING PRODUCTS HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SEE WINDOW OR DOOR APPROVAL FOR FASTENERS SIZES AND SPACING }_ 125 LORD .062 .688 .li 4ADO 4A00 3b25 Ll .IBBr�.102 L062 1 X 4 1 X 4 CUSTOM MULLION STD. TUBE MULLION 6063-TB 6063-T6 Ixx: 4.709 in Ixx: 4.709 in Sxx: 2.355 in3 Sxx: 2.355 in3 (FLANGE FRAME) S.M.S. O.C. 2 X 6 2 X 4 STD. TUBE MULLION STD. TUBE MULLION 6063-T6 6063-T6 Ixx:19.648 ink Ixx: 7.649 in! Sxx: 6.549 in� Sxx: 3.825 in 1 X 3 USTOM MU 6063-T6 Ixx: 2.165 in Sxx: 1.445 in' (FLANGE FRAME) 1.000 .690 125 3.00D II 1 X 3 STD. TUBE MULLION 6063-T6 Ixx: 2.168 in! Sxx: 1.445 in 1 X 3 TOM MULLIO 6063-T5 Ixx: 2,218 in Sxx: 1.479 in� (FIN FRAME) FWDUCr Rrvgw auv wwLemvAdIb LvwlftLi . ..`— RECTANGULAR ALUMINUM TUB MU YIONS INSTRUCTIONS: USING MULLION PROPERTIES ON USE CHARTS AND GRAPHS AS FOLLOWS. STEP 1 DETERMINE DESIGN LOAD REQUIRED FOR PARTICULAR OPENING. [THESE MULLIONS ARE RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT AND CAN BE USED WITH ALL LAWSON'S MIAMI-DADE STEP 2 USE APPROVED GLAZING PRODUCTS MEETING ABOVE LOAD UNTY APPROVED IMPACT AND NON -IMPACT PRODUCTS, REQUIREMENTS. STEP_3 UPE CONNECTION TO MULLION AS PER PRODUCT NOTES: STEP 44 SPECIFY MAxIMUM SHIM SPACING. 1. REFER TO THE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET 1. ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES ARE TO FlT ST p USING CHARTS ON SHEET 5 OF 10 SELECT MULLION SIZE 1 OF 10 FOR BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE. _� WITH DESIGN RATING MORE THAN DESIGN LOAD SPECIFIED 2 SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. IN STEP I ABOVE, . MULLIONS MAY BE ORIENTED VERTICALLY OR ANGLE CLIP 2. WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT FIT SNUG USING ANCHOR TYPES ON SHEET 6 THRU 9 AND ANCHOR CHARTS HORIZONTALLY. 5063-76 INTO TUBE MULLIONS, SEE OPTIONAL STEP 66 ON SHEET 9, SELECT ANCHOR TYPE WITH DESIGN RATING 3. REFER TO SHEET I OF 10 FOR TYPICAL MULLION ANCHOR DETAIL AT SHEET 9 OF 10. MORE THAN THE DESIGN LOADS SPECIFIED IN STEP I ABOVE, ARRANGEMENTS OR STACK CONFIGURATIONS. CLIP LENGTH MULL "L" I x 2 1.688' 1 x 3 2.688' 1 X 4 3.688' 2,X 4 3.688' 2 X 6 5.688' O � F U £ p O Z M m � L-iaO z O 0 v z a a W - F Z c a z w m � o � U I 2 + w w y 1 � a e In Foz i a z W ®z In r� U) V/ O In ¢ O r' a dl a � z z W� r � 0 0 v s s z t I v V °m m y i E .0 a a�taTL5;�12!SLe`tise3•• ... 6I V a• •• ••. 15 'j IL ui w iH % FL= JLLSPAM STEEL iX3 REINFORCED 1X4 TUBE MULLIONS 2X4 2X6 Width w MULLSPAN STEEL 1 X 3 REINFORCED 1X4 TUBE MULLIONS 2X4 2X6 Width w MULLS 38- 318" 150.0 150.D 150.0 150.0ff48 74-1/4" 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 18 120" 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 139.5 150.0 150.6 150.0 24 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 111.6 150.0 150.0 150.0 30 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 93.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 36 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 79.7 150.0 150.0 150.0 42 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 69.7 15D.0 150.0 150.0 48 24 30 50.518" 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 48 84" 48.2 104.6 150.0 150.0 48 132" 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 54 42.8' 93.0 150.0 150.0' 54 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 60 38.5 83.7 135.9 150.0 60 147.7 150.0 150.0 .150.0 66 35.0 76.1 123.6 1566 135.3-150:0---150:0---150.0- -72- _32.1_ _69.7 113.3 150.00.0 72 124.9 1 150.0 150.0 150.1 78 29.6 64.4 1048--- 48 67" 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 48 96" 32.3 70.1 113.8 150.0 48 144" 54 137.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 54 28.7' 62.3 101.2 150.0 54 60 123.3 150.0 160.0 150.0 60 25.8 56.1 91.1 150.0 60 ' 66 112.1 150.0 150.0 150.0 66 23.5. 51.0 82.8 ' 150.0 . 66 72 102.8 150.0 150.0 150.0 72 21.5 46.7 75.9 150.0 72 78 94.8 150.0 150.0 150.0 78 19.9 43.1 70.0 150.0 78 18 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 18 60.4 131.2 150.0 150.0 18 24 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 24 45.3 98.4 15D.0 150.0 24 30 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 30 36.3 78.7 127.9 150.0 30 36 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 36 30.2 65.6 106.6 150.0 36 42 13D.5 150.0 150.0 150.0 42 25.9 56.2 91.4 150.0 42 48 63" 114.2 150.0 150.0 150.0 46 108" 22.7 49.2 79.9 150.0 48 150" I GLAZING PRODUCT IIII GLAZING PRODUCT N66 18.5 35.8 58.1 147.0 I� 0.0 72 15.1 32.8 53.3 134.8 7 TO78 - 3D.3 492 12d d 7 HORIZONTAL 11ULUON �ZZ NO PRODUCT 3 3 GLAZING GLAZING PRODUCT PRODUCT TYPICAL MULLION ARRANGEMENTS ARCHES TO BE INSCRIBED INSIDE RECTANGULAR SHAPE NOTE: MULLIONS RATED IN THESE CHARTS MAY BE ORIENTED VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLY. (INTERPOLATION BETWEEN WIDTHS ALLOWED) I WIDTH I-N = SPAN � w1 + wz -_z STEEL 1X3 REINFORCED 1X4 TUBE MULLIONS 2X4 2X6 44.0 95.7 150.0 150.0 33.0 71.6 116.6 150.0 26.4 57.4 93.2 150.0 22.0 47.8 77.7 150.0 18.9 41.0 66.6 150.0 16.5 . 35.9 58.3 149.7 31.9 51.8 133.1 28.7 46.6 119.8 26.1 42.4 108.9 23.9 38.9 99.8 22.1 35.9 92.1 33.1 71.9 116.6 150.0 24.8 53.9 87.6 150.0 19.9 43.1 70.1 150.0 16.5 35.9 58A 150.0 30.6 50.0 128.5 27.0 43.8 1 112.5 24.6 38.9 100.0 21.6 35.0 90.0 19.6 31.8 81.8 .18.0 29.2 .. 75.0 - -- - -16.6- -26.9- -69.2- _ 25.5 55.4 89.9 150.0 19.1 41.5 67.5 150.0 15.3 54.0 • 138.6 45.0 115.5 - 1223.8 38.5 99.0 - 33.7 86.6 30.0 7 ..0 �27.0 69.3 15.1 24.5 63.0 22.5 57.8 20.6 53.3 22.6 49.0 79.6 150.0. 16.9 36.7 59.7 150.0 29.4 47.7 122.6 24.5 39.8 102.2 21.0 34.1 87.6 18.4 29.8 76.6 16.3 26.5 68.1 23.9 61.3 a 21.7 55.7 z - - 1909 511 1 18.4 °paPeeft me lb" Karel ' l F�+� Ceahn7 1 1/4" MIN. 5/16- TAPCONS 1_1/2• MIN. WOOD PENETRATION 5/16' TAPCONS MIN. EDGE DIST. 2-3/16" CONCRETE OR EDGE DIST. 2 PER CLIP (1 ON EACH WWC) 1-1/2' MIN. WOOD PENETRATION 1 PER AN 4 JOLUD BL CK 5/16- TAPCONS 5/16- TAPCONS - 1-3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO MASON Ri 1-3/4' MN. EMBE"UASO MIN. 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) 1 a f:a N O I I • 1 I l O C Ot 0 II q I I 11 J 3 r` • ii ii [I. li it --------- IL-JI �; -� FLOATING CLIP n n 11 I I 2 x 2 'NGUE xQ 2 7/16" a 71 I I I I II II n I I I I o 0 Nam+ N I 1 I 2 ", BUCK I 1 I I I I U U AlU4 ANGLE i MIN. ------------- I WOOD DUCK II (L) 1X FLOATING CUP I I I I .1. II II II 2 x 2 X ALUM ANGLE m f I 1 U U I I 1 I 3/4" MIN. 5/16' TAPCONS ANCHORS TYPE V (INTO BLOCK EDGE DIST' 1-7/2" MIN. WOOD PENETRATION 'PER ANGL ANCHORS TYPE 'G' (INTO CONCRETE) - - - - -" - ---- - — ALL CUPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG 1X BUCK 4 ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE OR THRR BLOCK INTO -TUBE -MULLIONS. t>z 1"K4"-&-2"X4"-MULL T 1 I I TAPCONS MAY BE HEX OR MIN. EDGE DIST. FLAT HEAD. 1 1 2-3/16" CONCRETE OR II 4" HOLLOW BLO K s 16- TAPCONS SINTO 1 1 II I I I I 1-3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO UASONRY i-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO NA MASONRY 1 1 2 0'f II II T % 2 X 1/B' 2 PER CUP (1 ON EACH WING) I PER ANGLE ANGLE F---------- I I I W000 BUCK I I I I ALUM ANGLE - ALL CUPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG •I "' '� •' n ALTERNATE INTO TUBE MULLIONS.'' e ANCHOR LOCATION TAPCONS MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD. 4 ANCHORS TYPE 'A' r 2 2 ANCHORS INTO WOOD . II 11 u n II rl II 1m it i7�. d N r -'------- 18r - H i/B' 1 1/4" MIN. 5/16' TAPCONS 5/16' TAPCONS - I I WOOD BUCK i 1 I I I I 1x FLOATING CUP I 1 1.1 ALUM ANGLE c 1-1/2" MIN. WOOD PENETRATION 1-1 2' MIN. WOOD PENETRATION I I I EDGE DIST. 4 PER CLIP (2 ON EACH vnNc) 2 PER ANGLE I i 5� `< N N ANCHORS TYPE 'C' (INTO BLOCK) \ Z_ � • 1O _Z ANCHORS TYPE 'F' (INTO CONCRETE) s 2 ANCHORS THRU 1 X BUCK .LQ,s6 II II II II 1 INTO CONCRETE OR BLOCK n II /4" MI ii ii ii ii L_J L I FLOADNo CLIP I I 1 I II II 2 U 2% 1/6' ALU4 ANGLE 1 RZC1p�D Oz��±f•" 2DYU U 1 L 41 theimdiog WOOD BUCK Code��I 1 I 1 ____-_- AaepleelxN. 17-1212•Zy f �Rf •r' 'B UZI- O '6 ANCHORS TYPE ALTERNATE 4 ANCHORS INTO WOOD ANCHOR LOCATION 5/16- TAPCONS MIN. EDGE DIST. 1-3/4" MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 2 PER CUP (1 ON EACH WING) 5/16' TAPCONS 2-3 OR 1-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 4' HOLLOW OLD K 3 1 4' 1 PER ANGLE 4MIN. , L �� �� II 11 • n II II N CONCRETE OR II II CONCRETE OR IL_JI CEMENT BLOCK II II --------- CEMENT BLOCK �' '� 11 11 2 % 2 % 1/B" 11 II ALUM ANGLE FLOATING CUP U U I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 MULL ANCHORS TYPE 'C' (INTO—BEOCK) ANCHORS TYPE 'F' (INTO CONCRETE) i 2 ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCK ALTERNATE MULL I . 1 ANCHOR LOCATION • • • I `M Z. .1 5/16' TAPCONS 1-3/4' YIN. EMBED INTO MASONRYI• 2 PER CUP _I (1 ON EACH WING) MIN. EDGE DIST. C ' 2-3/ E OR 5/16" TAPCONS 5I TASONR O 4" OLLOW BL CK 1-3/4" MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 1-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY C 1 3 4" 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) 2 PER ANGLE O NUN In 0 pa • z r 'Z M 2 h - II 11 II II o 2 0 Q z • II II II II I'I 11 II p0 Mf W S Z Eyms• II II CONCRETE OR 11 I I CEMENT BLOCK II II m a a a o II 11 2 X 2% 1/B' ALUM ANGLE ' j I FLOATING CLIP j} Lj 1 2 7 16 1 I 1 .Z 3 a MIN. I I 1 I Vin .-7 E- F 3 1/4" MIN.. V Z MULL ® z cr ig w ANCHORS TYPE 'D' (INTO BLOCK) o a a. F ANCHORS TYPE 'G' INTO CONCRFfE) �!n a 4 ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCK ci a E 1"K4" & 2'x4' MULL 4 x z 1 1 I MULL I I A z by ¢ X I F FLoanec CUP ^ ------------- N "- \ CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCK Ir-TI II 11 m n n y� It 11 11 II � ~ c o W Po v ^ ii E 3 yi�o S/16' TAPCONS ? I uP Li � 1-3 4 MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY a I i i i ®12 SMS I / �$Y I I I I 2 PER ANGLE 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH WINC) m I c I I I I 11 ��l555 1 I II Qyy;9i5$ld;r6. le PROW ALL CUPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG 12=004iss-%ii4y - b+•���' II INTO TUBE MULLIONS A� ) oz,`�._`•cn: v '�; C.) pS a f xeee No -f 21�.2 . ... TAPCONS MAY BE HE OR FLAT HEAD. a .•I CUPS OR ANGLES CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO MASONRY TO BE PROTECTED • 1 n FEEMBED WITH ALKALI -RESISTANT COATINGS, SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT OR WATER -WHITE MEDiACRYLATE LACQUER.5116' TAPCONS 1-}/4• MIN. INTO MASONRY - 1 PER ANGLE 1 MIN. EDGE DIST- 2-3/16" CONCRETE OR MIN. EDGE DIST- 2-3/16" CONCRETE OR LLV" ULU K 3-3/4" 5/16' TAPCONS 4" HOLLOW BLOCK 3-3/4" 5/16• TAPCONS MIN. 1-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY MIN. 1-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY a PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) a PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) a to • \z I I a tO to I A !j! i CLIP LENGTH MULL "L" 2 X 4 3.688' 2 X 6 5.688' � O 3 � � 1 Z W O t .-. J 2 1 f o0 j ,BY cola y 2X6 MULL 5/16' TAPCON$ N WOOD BUCK + 1-3/4" MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) 1 3 4" \ j/1 2X6 MULL 16' TAPCONS L 15 /3/4- MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 4 PER CUP (2 ON EACH WING) MIN, r-----------------------------1 i 3/4" MIN 3/4 I 6 H _2X6 YULL ® c G 2X6 MULL \ 1 \z M —CLIP-LENGTH- MULL "L" 2 X 4 3.688' 2 X r. 5.688' _2X6_MULL _ C \z N e n Q O ------ H 3_3/4• ------------- MIN.' ANCHORS TYPE 'E' (INTO BLOCK as 5 11/I6" ALL CLIPS AND ANGLES TO FlT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. ANCHORS TYPE 'H' (INTO CONCRETE) wooD BDac = " ANCHORS TYPE 'E' (INTO BLOCK) TAPCONS MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD- « o 4 ANCHORS THRU 1X BUCK ANCHORS TYPE 'H' (INTO CONCRETE) CLIPS OR ANGLES CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO MASONRY TO BE PROTECTED INTO CONCRETE OR BLOCK " e $ e a s a WITH ALKALI -RESISTANT COATINGS, SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT OR 2"X6' MULL SHOWN y w ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE or BLOCK c 2"X6" MULL SHOWN WATER -WHITE MEIHACRriATE LACQUER. z° - - _ z z J a cE uE @ rnoMucrAevtsea a TOM hmcu code �"� ya 36•`"^�•''' .._•: .0 b He ^ �l: 'n 4N. te) 12/2.1 SI � -J�•(Jia7 Cl t 0 MIN. EDGE DIST. I/16" CONCRETE OR " HOLLOW BLOCK I2-7/16"I 5/16- TAPCONS 1-3/4' MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 3-3/4" 4 TOTAL (2 ON EACH WING) MIN. I MIN. 2x4 or 2x6 M"II 1 I I I ______________J LJ LJ ALUM ANGLE I I I 1 1 I I I I CLIPS OR ANGLES CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO MASONRY TO BE PROTECTED WITH ALKALI -RESISTANT COATINGS, SUCH AS BITUMINOUS PAINT OR WATER -WHITE METRACRYLATE LACQUER. _ MIN. EDGE DIST. -------- - --- --- ---- _2-3/16"_CONCRETE OR 4" HOLLOW BLO K r-i LOCATION OF SCREWS CONNECTING— ANGLES TO TUBES WHERE ANGLES iv ARE NOT FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. I I O 1 I T5/8"(2) Q 5/16- TAPCONS #14 < 1-3/4-MIN. EMBED INTO MASONRY 2 PER ANGLE 4 PER ANI 2 X2X 1/B' ALUM ANGLE OPTIONAL ANCHOR DETAIL ANCHORS INTO CONCRETE OR CEMENT BLOCK CLIP LENGTH MULL "L" 1 X 2 1.688' 1 X 3 2.688' 1 X 4 3.688' 2 X 4 3.688' 2 X 6 5.688' 1. ALL CUPS AND ANGLES ARE TO FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS. 2. WHERE ANGLES ARE NOT FIT SNUG INTO TUBE MULLIONS, SEE OPTIONAL ANCHOR DETAIL AT SHEET 9 OF 10. 11 14 S.M.S, 2/ CHANNEL I [TUBE MULLION #12 F.H. S.'MS.f 2/DE-- 1/4 THICK ALUM CHANNEL I LENGTH TO FlT SNUG I INTO MULLION I TUBE MULLION TUBES MAY BE NOTCHED I I AS SHOWN TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF CUP ANGLE I I CAULK JOINT AFTER ASSEMBLY 014 FH SMS 2 PER CUP ACCESS HOLE 1-1/2"'O.C. MIN. ______ _____ 1 I I THIS SCREW CAN BE I I 1 INSTALLED IN EITHER I I #12 FH SUS 1 DIRECTION qjp 1 I 2 PER CUP y I I 1 I I I 1. O.C. MIN. I I I j I 1-3/4" X 2• X 1/8' (FOR 23Y TUBE) � oI"Cil 3/4• X 2" X 1/B' FOR (iBY TUBE) ALUM ANGLE CUT TO FIT SNUG INSIDE TURF ANCHORS TYPE 'I' ast .� METAL TO METAL CONNECTION U�� USE CHARTS FOR ANCHOR TYPE '1' TO VERIFY CAPACITY OF CONNECTION ALL CUPS AND ANGLES TO FIT SNUG NTO TUBE MULLIONS. APCONS MAY BE HEX OR FLAT HEAD. U m C F ¢ n V z y Qp 03 C o ;9v Q h V 2 ?Iz q o U3 z 2 m •7 F I z y m qqF U � m a zr. ®z � � w _ W a W D U U C C F N w s N o z z o o U C 1g®ty64tltittt`ta a� o2_ a �n a� O 0 0 zi r Z $E3kavd91919jSgjgp$£f5$b"i5bob"b:-flSSb$ESb$SSg$bg1g41441i i es>s���gmggg��®�xpgIssgAstsg>�gg�sggwggsstsssggg n � I 88�,a�iSl4i5fSlS$�Y.�4A'�f9$(5i515$SS+o'+.d'$£S$£4iS$E9F4i9(9ESSSES£5$I9$$(S$ (n (n fn ��i�ssO�ss>��Oss$}SISISOSSIYts�s�00o1$ssoOg�ISIS+jgjggo0tT 0fn Ogg Z p 8zg S 23 O O O a m +p O O O mmIp 0 N O NN O O g+ qN aO O O C. O 9 W mq uq pp ttJJ uy N .J+ O� mm eGw aa uy y VV yy eNn ny yy W NN V mm pp,1 q a 4f E a Cf+ A W N Z z x m m 0 0 x N m m a N AgO cmmmN�>�d�.Ci^J.��Rom�.Et9i�WAk�A��;.^Jffi$$ffiffi�S3N�b'S�fKffim`�D �ozvW S5 �tZ11)5. � na9ffi8o�SDi88m$�vffio&b18�$&SE3Sffiffi8PTE5$£o$8ffi�m®f�f9R z z~n�rpy°'v Zp 8>YaG$SCm;38; pN!$S$XEffij°J^+145£$(SiFWffi�i3� i9$f3J8�mffiS�GBfS�n pOfn�aWZ ffi�ffi8n im�8�diiffi'ffi�m�8�$$ffiSffi�8(S&AYdffiiii9nlmffig8mkffiffidffi®O p minomm oR' �o=�x71�� ffi t�Ss98w�diiffi>m���;fco$�o��'s�'.d SoS��B +^ mm BnmfAbel4ffi$$ISF rpm � ti$$$E9®f88ffi d$Al5C8ffi (4 8affidd83&?Jof3 T Z�N gg gNg�r��Ia®ae3'p g�s�sg' O p c' co fm0 >F )ES8�S8�y 'gg�8ffiom8fdm£ iSi4i9�m8i38m(SIS44iS$mffiffi��f3i5ES£S£SES � tnZ_� p1 m g��c�i�c�-izzn>85i89�g$'SSiSoBi3iSg'�Y�n�+do�b84+Na�19i9iSISES+dS�^+3$iSd£SiS45f9 x j5 ;z0A0 Bc@&T v 88 my � m u�$&of3 iS ES gP3 >n�8w j��b bib — OO�+ Olgp L1 J pp,,qq yy Y py W O AZx C N 0 Nef OAOo NO+OY m ObN W O� OI iJ mP 0 m siffi $$ N W ii S'm dNSI ffi$S N N OAOo 0 Z r1 m H V m N V N N NN yy ttJJ ((JJ ((nn mm mm NN ++�� NN NN 11JJ qq 11p +� L1 > V _ NN 4411 aa mm ro i ��Npp 01 m N V tnJ V ems( 4lm' f z� a5 +i $(3dPnfo}S�FnJf% 'm$lS0o; •$vfBRffi�F�8AE5$S$�ffi��($SmiSoSCffi�ziaf�ortIt 8���E$4' g$19Mm, 1 F N p♦NL. $$�€5Yoffia%8 $NGcdSSmffi'g5'°'g$$S ffiffio�A°dm$$SIT ffiMja'198�L�^5�G1' a C� ®R' g yn p nn U / VERTICAL MULLIO SPAN W1 W2 OF p @' (n V fO t� +� (� (n O1 N tDr9i Ts"s p� �IU, m Vto ffiffiVV +ON mOOMER8isi-yO fn p� VapO W �Wf �N�uf fyVO V gtn pN�� d O m IS t-9� �Ny. v � " g pA� J� �g N O 9 x W {n A V Ol N N W N V IJ p O $ O+ IA N a m 8 V 8 W z— No4s.• b — eha a this Sheet .�Ij �/� S ®' ]0 % `H/.ILNy Vdp'/IeHi/ I 1 dp7// 8501 N.W..90 5T. - Revi ed dote Far the Fec-eola MEDLEY, FLORIDA 33166 :omplicnce w/ FBC 5th Edition (2014) DU STRIAE S, ' 'I PH No. (305) 696-8660 :—Pli c♦ w/ FSC 6th Edition (2017) MANUFACTURER OF QUALITY ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND CLASS DOORS u• N. ERA20 A�Oa 2i 10 : ALUMINUM TUBE MULLIONS N. ERA20 0o1i111/01/17 CLIP/ANCHORS DESIGN PRESSURE CHARTS AND GENERAL NOTES LML' D See4: P,vNol Ay • NvmE.n A+uWN NumAm. R�rLfen /+ LAW-ML-1001 —11,10 OF m c' M IAM I•DADE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY o PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/economy Lawson Industries, Inc. 8501 NW 90 Street Mediey�, FL MIA6 7aa�ca 7s APPROVED ® APPROVED K-CORRECTED ® REVI lSE & RESUBMIT REJECTED Thls review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the protect and general compfianco with the information given in the contract d'-""Mo ts. Corrections or comments made on the shop dra►rings during. Ehl niri3: do not relieve the c0ntractor from compliance with the require. rt -- oft;e PIzns end speclucations. Approval of a spa Ific item shall not locluda&sambly of which the item is aconiponent. Con- s;; resp;uncbla for: Di rsrsions to be cOIfhTr ed antl eorreisted at the , that pertains se11e111 to the, fabrication prdce>ses or to `t%r mt.;- ',, ,;scJ'ods, techniques, ssquenwl and procedures of consbuc- Vor,: ocmonfination of' he work of all ether tr-ddes:-and for t rforming all wor k in a saf0 Bred satisfsct6y manner. j UAT@: 4Y241 v 0Y. MIAMI-DADE DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND EC BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION Dr NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Lawson Industries, Inca 8501 NW 90 Street Medley, FL 33166 MIAMI DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 ON T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 OA) www.miamidade.gov/economy SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami -Dade County) and/ of the AHJ (in areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone.- C DESCRIPTION: Series "SH-7700 (Flange Frame)" Aluminum Single Hung Window - LALL APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawn Impact Window", sheets 1 through 5 manufacturer, signed and sealed by T1 Revision stamp with the Notice of 0 Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Lar LnmTATIONS: Insulated Glazing C height without external protection devi LABELING: Each unit shall bear a p and following statement: "Miami -Dade RENEWAL of this NOA shall be coi no change in the applicable building cc TERMINATION of this NOA will o in the materials, use, and/ or manufact of any product, for sales, advertising c to comply with any section of this NO) ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA ni followed by the expiration date may 1 displayed, then it shall be done in its er No. L7700-0901, titled "Series-7700 Single Hung Flange Frame ' 5, dated 05/27/09, with revision C dated 09/21/16, prepared by ias J. Sotos, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control eptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County and Small Missile Impact Resistant tions Types 6 and 7 are not approved to be installed above 30 feet in (shutters) manent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, ounty Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. idered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been e negatively affecting the performance of this product. nr after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change -e of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. fiber preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOA No. 14-0908.10 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez, P.E. raj$ NOA No.16-1003.01 Expiration Date: Decembe7, 2021 !l fp Approval Date: 1 ....-.. r.-- • .Page l Lawson Industries, Inc. A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NO� No. 09-0706.09) 2. Drawing No. L7700-0901, titled "Series-7700 Single Hung Flange Frame Impact Window",. sheets 1 through 5 of 5, dated 05/27/09 with revision C dated 09/21/16, prepared by manufactuter, and signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up idrawings and installation diagram of an aluminum single hung window, prepared by I urricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports No. IHETI- 09-2530A and HETI-09-2530B, dated 03/02/09, signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 09-0 706.09) 2. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum single hung window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., all Test Reports No. HETI-08-2003C, HETI-08-2004A, HETI-08-2060A & B, HETI-08-2061.A & B, HETI-08-2062A & B� HETI-08-2063A & B, HETI-08-2064A & B, dated 03/15/08, signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 08-0825.17) 3. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3) W ter Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Lage Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6) Fo�'ced Entry Test, per FBC 2411 3.2.1, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum single hung window, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Reports No. FTL- 2987 and FTL-2986, dated 04/03/01 and 03/27/01, all signed and sealed by Luis Antonio Figueredo, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 0X-1009.01) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC, prepared by Lawson Industries, Inc., dated 05/28/09, revised on 01/18/10, signed and sealed by Thomas J, Sotos, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No.11-0705.09) 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 erez, P.E. Man", Product Co r Examiner NOA No. 16-1003.01 Expiration Date: December 27, 2021 Approval Date: December 15, 2016 E-1 Lawson Industries, Inc. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Depart E. MATERIAL CERTIFICAT 1. Notice of Acceptance "SentryGlas® (Clear 07/04/18. 2. Notice of Acceptance "Butacite® PVB Gla, 3. Notice of Acceptance i for their "Sa#Iex Cleaz 05/21/16. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of c financial interest, & sealed by Thomas J. 2. Statement letter of signed and sealed by 3. Laboratory complian Hurricane Engineeru F. Font, P.E. 4. Laboratory complian 2004A, IIETI-08 20 HETI-08-2063A & l Testing, Inc., dated 0 G. 5. Laboratory compli by Fenestration T sealed by Luis Ani OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance Series "SH-7700 (Fla approved on 11/06/14 of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). o.14-0916.11 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their end White) Glass Interlayers" dated 06/25/15, expiring on ro.14-0916.10 issued to Kuraray America, Inc. for their i Interlayer" dated 04/25/15; expiring on 12/11/16. fo.14-0423.17 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) and Color Glass Interlayers" dated 06/19/14, expiring on Lformance, complying with FBC-5'b Edition (2014), and of no sd September 30, 2016, issued by manufacturer, signed and dos, P.E. fimancial interest, dated 05/28/09, issued by manufacturer, homas J. Sotos, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No.11-0705.09) letter for all Test Reports No. HETI-09-2530A & B, issued by & Testing, Inc., dated 03/02/09, signed and sealed by Candido (Submitted under NOA No. 09-0706.09) letter for Test Reports No. HETI-08-2003C, HETI-08- �A & B, BETI-08-2061A & B, HETI-08-2062A & B, HETI-08-2064A &B, issued by Hurricane Engineering & 15/08, signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 08-0825.17) letter for Test Reports No. FTL-2987 and FTL-2986, issued g Laboratory, Inc., dated 04/03/01 and 03/27/01, signed and Figueredo, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 01-0406 08) No. 14-0908.10, issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for their age Frame)" Aluminum Single Hung Window — L.M.L", and expiring on 12/27/16. E-2 Manuel P ez, .E. Product Control xa iner NOA No. 16- 03.01 Expiration Date: December 27, 2021 Approval Date: December 15, 2016 i// ii 11 II II II nII X u o F s W S ov In U N n I� 0 z } ® ALL CORNERS) 11 11 � _ - Wf•--==_ in H J II J III/ 20 _j z v to 3/l6- . 1- ww W W I j > T MAX. ABOVE X. Max. I.L.O. Widt{� ¢y D _ MEETING RAILS 48 11/16"i; aW W O'�• 0 la B 11 II 11 II ,, _' z3 4 AT 6' MEETING n O pp 'o a P Z MAX. BELO II II y IyI� rn E MEETING RAILS `_- �/ I 0J t _ MAY.. 11 — f D �W =o WQ W WW � W CJ x O� T VI ICJ W f7ID r PWy t`zc 3 a I 0 o 2 4- = 3 Qm 3� M1 -,'ALL CORNERS) + i II 11 it 11 L ( Lo 9 3/el ABOVE LY- o II � : X Mo 1 D.L.O. WitIth 2 rY =:�48 ll/1q'I 11 : I AT - 1 / O 10 3/4' y MAX. BEL W MEETING RAILS y u It I I - (j •- ' I I 1,' I I J 11 � N 6'MAX. -- -- - LINT. FALSE COLONIAL 47.000' - �2�z5=•— =-- --- - -- MIINIINS ARE APPLIED W/ W/-SIL-1[ONE--AND-ARE -_52.125" -- WINDOW BUCK WIDTH WINDOW C,If.K WIDTH AVAILABLE AS OPTIONAL. OCK-WIDTH-- WINDOW B--- 78" EQUAL LITE ELEVATION UN —EQUAL LITE RADIUS ELEVATION UN —EQUAL LITE ELEVATI UN —EQUAL LITE AND RADIUS HEAD (LIMITED TO LOADS ON SHEET 4 OF 5) (LIMITED TO LOADS ON SHEET 4 TO LOADS ON SHEET 4 OF 5) SERIES-71700 SINGLE HUNG IMPACT WINDOW — FLANGE FRAME D AND TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS CODE 5th EDITION INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE INSTALLATION ANCHORS:----- � WINDOW FLAIJ;E•FRAME WIDTH [ 1300-09. THIS PRODUCT IS IMPACT RESISTANT. " (A) .1 MAX. AT. FRAME HEAD (B) NONE PER FRAME SILL' 13 3/4' CC) FRAME JAMBS (SEE SHEET 114) I Ei MAX. O.C. AND ANCHORED SO THAT THE BUILDING c r (MAX.) )S IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS ITyp D BY BUILDING OFFICIAL. ?ER TEST UNITS. ANCHORS ON ALL WINDOW SIZES ICAL AT 6' ALL CORNERS) T MUM SPACINGS ON CENTER (O.C.) AND AS TABULATED � IED IN THESE DRAWING'S ARE TO BE f 9 s/e' BASIS, UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND =o }MAX. ABOVE 'FICIAL. I- w P 3 STING iC R WITH SINGLE GLAZE LAMINATED GLASS Law Z A HEET #3), AND FOR USE WITH DOUBLE GLAZE ES TABULATED HEREIN (SEE SHEET #3). QW W y 6• MEETING & OPTIONS. warn � J RAIL JRES AND GLASS TYPES. t, = X zo, N DETAILS SEE SHEET 3. Om fW C3 �+ TINS ARE OPTIONAL & AND ARE APPLIED W/ SILICONE r gMAX BELOW )NCRETE MUST BE PRESSURE TREATED AND ANCHORED _RAILS MEETING RAILS NSTALLATION. (SEE SHEET #2 FOR DETAIL & NOTES) I COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2014 FBC CHAPTER 24, ITS OR SIDE BY SIDE MULLED UNITS. T X• Mop D.L.O. Width 48 11 1 q I / = po u u n u II II 11 X II n p II B II It I .CT N 00 F= - 4 J I � It II , II M II II II Y II II � II II v W O Y In U N L7 R1 0 a PRODUCT REVISED as eampdyie 8 with tam Fiorl& suilal1 0 de rloc.ptsuce P. 4 o • •. 1 1/4' MIN. a •°. .v aEMBEDMENT d v a d d. v v d a :ETING _%ILS__ _ i 1 i � 14 SILICONE ADHESIVE BEDDING COMPOUND -}LAMINATED GLASS INTERIOR EXT. GRADE CAULK m C 4. 4 v a- a eo 4 a. • I' MTN I.1 Z�z l 1/4' w r¢ E,MBEC EXT. GRADE / I O INTERIOR I , EXTERIOR 0 EXTERIOR GRADE---J PERIMETER CAULKING v 1/4' TAPC❑N MIN. EMBEDME (SEE ELEVAI FOR MAX. FA' e 1 1/4' MIN. EMBEDMENT ° EDGE I a. I WINDDW FRAME WIDTH #14 S.M.S. W/ 1 1/4' V MIN. MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO WOOD. DGE DISfANCE WINDOW INSTALLATION NOTES: (SEE ELEVATION AT- SHEET #1- FOR MAX. FASTENER SPACING) 1. THE WINDOW FRAME FLANGE TO BE BACK -BEDDED W/ GRADE CAULK THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF --- - -- ---EXT;-GRADE -- -- --- - •-� -- ---___ ___ __ _-_ _ BY WINDQW INSTALLER (TYP.) CAULK 2. THE EXPOSED EXT. PERIMETER ❑F-THE-WINDOW-FRAME-"-- MIN. BE SEALED W/ AN APPROVED EXTERIOR GRADE CAULK :NT BY OTHERS (TYP.) Al • WHEN THE GAP BETWEEN THE WINDOW FRAME AND THE _ MASONRY IS LESS THAN 1/8", SHIMS ARE NOT REQUIRED - ' ANCHORS NOTE: ANCHORS TO BE #12 SMS OR WD. SCREWS INTO W❑❑ t 1/4' TAPCONS or APPROVED CONC. FASTENERS INTO WITH A MINIMUM OF 1 1/4' PENETRATION INTO W❑O'I CONC, CREFER TO LOAD TABLES AT SHEET 4 OF 5 F ' QUANTITIES REQUIRED) 4' MAX. SHIM TYP PRODIJCT REVISES) as co- in with fhe Aasicl:e Build' Cody eceptamcc ?401 O'- —OOP, d i �Fi1E�'1!'Atra� »� I�•� 7 rREMCO SPECTRUM 2 )N - TYPE 2 3 DETAIL LAMINATE DESCRIPTION _ SAFLEX PVB by -- --' Eastman Chemical ca. 1 2 a3401 )N —TYPE 3 S DETAIL LAMINATE DESCRIPTION - - _ - -- - - SENTRYGLAS by Kuroray America, Inc. 1 a34V — TYPE 4 DETAIL -� LAMINATE DESCRIPTION _ i BUTACITE PVB by TI Kuraray America, Inc. IN — TYPE 5 _ DETAIL LAMINATE DESCRIPTION - BUTACITE PVB by Kuraray America, Inc. 1 0.340• CONE OPTIONS'= 7W CORNING 899 2HNEE-MOREHEAD 5731 REMCO SPECTRUM 2 5 DETAIL LAMINATE DBSCRIPTION BUTACITE PVB by Kuraray America, Inc. 0340 WEATHERPROOF MOISTURE BARS BY OTHERS (T) ...... : ---------- - EXT, GRADE BACK NG TO BE APPLIED BEHIND � 2x 2x _ F I N S WINDOW L FRAME FLANGE BY 1/4' MIN. EXTERIOR EXT. GRADE PERIMETER CAULKING NOT BY 'LAWSON INDUSTRIES', TO BE Apr-_IED BY OTHERS C 1 JAMB CTYP.) STUCCO LIVER METAL LATH NAILED TO EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO BE SPECIFIED BY ARCHITECT OR G.C. (EXTERIOR FINISH BY OTHERS) ----------NOT-BY LAVSON-INDUSTRIES,_INC.-___ WOOD FRAME INSTALLATION DETAIL ALUMINUM MULLION — SEE MULLION APPROVALS FOR MULLION TYPE, SIZE AND MAX. DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITATIONS. (ALUM. 0.078" MIN. THICK) NOTE: THE LOWER PRESSURES OF SINGLE HUNG WINDOW OR MULL SHALL GOVERN . INTERIOR v v �•1 V V ^1 � yLL ' • \/ � 25 \VJ 2 1 LOCK (LATCH AND SWEEP) OPTIO 1. BOTH EXTRUDED ALUMINUM AND PLASTIC LIFT HAD LOCKS ARE QUALIFIED FOR USE ON ALL WINDOWS. 2. BOTH DIE CAST AND NYLON CAM LOCKS ARE QUAL FOR USE ON ALL WINDOWS. S. TWO (2) LOCKS ARE REQUIRED PER EACH VENT. -a 12 X 3/4- S.D.S. SEE ONAPPROVALS FLAT HEAD, PHILLIPS. LMULLIION AND MAX. (STE ELEVATION AND DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITATIONS. DP TABLES FOR QUANTITY AND FASTENER SPACING) INTERIOR NOTE: THE LOWER PRESSURES OF SIP 1/4' MAX. HUNG WINDOW OR MULL SHALL GOVEf FSHIM �# 12 S.D.S. X 1 1/4" L. Lj SEE ELEV. FOR SPACING EXTERIOR /E2 EXTERIOR GRADE PERIMETER CAULKING FRAME MULLING DETAIL NOTE: _ 1. ALL STEEL IN CONTAC - - - - - - ` ALUM. TO BE PAINTEC - - - - - 2. METAL STRUCTURES: ni A) STEEL : Fy = 36 RA (STEEL 18 GA. MIN. T PERIMETER WINDOW FRAME B) ALUMINUM : 6053- SEALANT EXTERIOR E1 (ALUM. 0.078" MIN. TI- METAL STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT DETAIL COMPOSITION TYPE 7 DETAIL � LAMINATE DESCRIPTION PRODUCT REVISED _ ; as emplyin eve%ft Fhn'rdt SAFLEX PVB by Building0o& 11 Eastman Chemical co. AccePUImt* �6D-j1190101 O)ornrn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 O 0 O o o O rn O O 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 00 O 0 a 0 Orn O 0 o 0 O O 0 � p � w 4 ` m cnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrna�rnwo�rn c c 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rnrno�rnrnrnrnrnrnrnc 0 66 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 p 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o c o c dbo DODODODOOOOODOOOOODOOOOWODOO(bO0 0 VOD0000 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 p o w 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C o O Q o O O O C o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 y o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c b � Z i �00cowcow00mCb00mqo 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 4 0 oomcocoCD 00 Cl 0 0 (n (/� m Z ���� c0000 3 o0000000000000000000< 00 co OD 00 co 00 ww w w w w w w w m c 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O y o00 o. o 06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 o cCD H z � z a M o ff '• '1W 1 . �a 00 N V N CO W N V N O (O s W a N V N CoO• W N O s N v O (D Cm O Ctl N N OAD OAD —� —' OAD OAO N J in OAo N v O cn Ul (ji CNTI CNJI CN77 I CN11 CNT UN1 CNl� CNJ7 LN71 V O V OD V V V V V V V V V p) CD O O U, Cn I W Ln CDOPPPP Ch to Ch CA al C.O OD W 00 (4 00 W O W p W O N N N N N CO Co W N CJt N CT N al(J1 N N Cn N Cl, W W W w W W cp CO cA cL) c0 cD CD O) d) 0 0 0 W W W W W W O CD O O CD I UNt CA CC71 UN, (NJ, CNTI 0 fV], UV, (n al CVO co co Im I . CD V •--� O V c4 m O 00 O m O. V W O W O ODO O p W O O 0 00 0 Cb 0 00 0 W 0 W 0 00 0 00 0 CA 0 W 0 00 0 OD 0 CA 0 W 0 CD 0 O 0 00 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 C7 0 W p 00 0 W 0 O 0 O 0 W 0 OD O O O O O Q O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V -A V p W O 00 O W O V �l W 0 00 0 W 0 OD 0 W 0 OO 0 OD 0 W 0 O 0 CA p 00 O W o OD p O p W O 00 o W 0 00 0 'O .O •OD o Cb :O 00 O au O OD O [A O O O OD O 00 o OD 0 O 0 W 0 00 0 O 0 W 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 Q O d 0 0 O o •O o 0 0 0 i o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q Q O p 0 0 0 0 0 ,,, W O CD O,,,, O p Q1 p, ' j CD 0 C7 0 O 0 CD 0 „ CD O tD ;O C7 O O O O) O O O CD p O O O p d O CD O O) p O) O O 0 d 0 CD Q CD 0 CD 0 CD 0 CD 0 O p 00 00. 0 0 0 0 Ord O O O O O O O Q O O O O O o Q O O O O i „ pppp O 0 00 O,,,, 0 OD p 00 0 „ OD Q O 0 CO 0 CO 0 „ 00 0 OD 0 O 0 w O O G OD O m O W O Q�oo O O O CA O O Q O O O 0 00 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 tb 0 00 0 O 0 O Q 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 40 O 0o O 00 O i,,, OD 0 OD 0 „ OD O 00 o CO 0 00 0 •, , CO 0 00 0 OD 0 OD 0 0 0 OD 0 OD 0 OD 0 00 0 p 0 w 0 p 0 OD 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 w 0 0 0 m 0 w 0 o 0 0 d 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Q o 0 o a o 0 o d o 0 0 0 FRAME JAMB L-7703 ( 6063-T5 ALUMINUM ) 0 2 TOM RAIL -TO ALUMINUM ) 2.000 062 VENT JAMB RAIL L-7707 ( 6063-76 ALUMINUM ) - 7 — -- GLAZING BEAD L-7711 16 ( 6063-T5 ALUMINUM ) r�050 } i FRAME JAMS TFRAME SILL O FRAME BOTTOM CORNER VENT JAMB RAIL GLAZING BEAD 191-1 L-4204 17 ( 6003-T5 ALUMINUM. TOP CORNER L 3 L-7803 + 2 A FIN FRAME JAMB 6063-T6 AL 4 L-7704 1 FRAME FIXED MEETING'RAI 6063-T6,AL 5 L-7705 1 VENT MEETING (T❑P> RAIL 6063-T6 AL 6 L-7706 i VENT BOTTOM (LATCH) RAIL 6063-T6 AL 7 L-7707 2 VENT JAMB (SIDE) RAIL 6063-T6 AL 8 L-7706 AS REQ'D. GLAZING BEAD ( 3/6' ) 6063-T5 AL 9 FS-006 AS REQ'D. FRAME ASSEMBLY SCREWS #8 X 3/4' 1 10 FS-040 AS READ. INSTALLATI❑N SCREWS #14 X 1 1/4 11 L-7531 IAS REQ'D. BULB VINYL WTS'P 1/4' DIA. BL 12 PWS-003 AS REQ'D. FIN SEAL WEATHERSTRIP .187-x.230' 13 PWS-005 AS REQ'D. FIN SEAL WEATHERSTRIP .187'x.350' 14 PWS-009 AS REQ'D. FIN SEAL WEATHERSTRIP .187'x.310' 15 HC-024-1 2 SELF ADHESIVE PILE PAD 1/4' X 11/� 16 L-7711 AS REQ'D. GLAZING BEAD/ INSULATED 6063-T5 ALI 17 L-4204 AS REQ'D. GLAZING BEAD - RADIUS 6063-T5 ALI 18 L-7723 1 SASH IALANCE CAM/GUIDE (2 X VENT) 19 L-7725 2 RIGID VINYL SASH STOP (2 X FRAME) 20 L-7727 2 BLOCK & TACKLE BALANCE BSI Balance 21 L-7539 2 VENT LIFT LATCH 6063-T5 ALL 22 L-7523 1X LATCH VENT LATCH SPRING STAINLESS S 23 X AS REQ'D. GLAZING SILIC❑NE SEE GLAZING 24 2 Laminated Glass SEE GLAZING 25 HC-057-1 2 VENT LIFT LATCH MOLDED NYLC 26 HC-058-1 2 VENT SWEEP LATCH MOLDED NYLC --27--- — -- --- 2---- -F-RAME_ _SILL_FOAM_ GASKET _SELF A_DH_E_ SI 28 HC-026-1 1 SCREEN FRAME & MESH 29 L-7730 1 PRODUCT LABEL 30 x x x x 31 SM-5504 AS REQ'D. J❑INT SEALANT SM-5504 32 X . AS REQ'D. PERIMETER ACRYLIC CAULK ❑SI P❑LYSEAI PRODUCT 1LEVIS5D U5 complping with tW Fio_n& Building Code R����1� L6-too3 I Eazrimtinn lit 'R�"-i7*s-:, 505 Deer Ridge Lane Ararat, VA 24053 LDD RC Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. I Office:276-755-9162 Fax:866-441-1054 www.deer-ridge-consulting.com Code Compliance Research Report Subject: SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray Spray -Applied Polyurethane Foam Insulation System Supplement to ESR-3375 • Alternative Assemblies using TPR2 FLOE Coating • Recognized Maximum Thickness behind Prescriptive Thermal Barrier Date: April 17, 2013 Materials: SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray Test Standards: 1. ASTM E 84 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 2. NFPA 286 Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Growth Purpose and Scope: Since the issuance of ESR-3375 by ICC Evaluation Service, two situations have occurred with affect the interpretation of that report. Namely: I i 1. SES Foam has conducted additional testing of the SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray (also identified under the trademark "Sucraseal") with the intumescent coating TPR2 F10E for use as an alternate assembly to the use of a thermal barrier; ands 2. Revisions to AC 377 Criteria for Sprl ay -Applied Foam Plastic Insulation) (Acceptance promulgated in November 2012 have changed the I requirements for the recognition of maximum thickness limitations when spray -applied foam plastic insulation is covered with a prescriptive thermal barrier. The intent of this Supplement to ESR-3375 is to provide guidance on the interpretation of that report in view of the above changes. i Summary: Based on the test data submitted and the reference documents, the thermal barrier required by IBC Section 2603 and/or IRC Section R316 maybe omitted when: • The thickness of SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray does not exceed 11.5 inches in walls and/or ceilings, and • The SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray is coated with a minimum of 14 dry mils (application rate of 80 ft2/gal) of TPR2 F10E intumescent coating. I File COPY Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. Page 2 of 4 I 2. Based on AC 377 (November 2012) Section, and the ASTM E84 testing summarized in ESR-3375, the installed thickness of SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray is not limited when separated from the interior by a prescriptive thermal barrier (i.e., 1/2-inch [minimum] gypsum wallboard). Discussion: 1. Alternative Assembly: In IBC Section 2603.10 (Special approval) and IRC Section R316.6 (Specific approval), the building code permits alternate assemblies to the use of the required thermal barrier when tested in accordance with specific tests. One such test is NFPA 286 (Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior _ Finish to Room Fire Growth) when used in combination with the acceptance criteria of IBC Section 803.1.2.1 or IRC Section R302.9.4. (NFPA 286 does not provide its own acceptance criteria, hence this is specifically defined within the building codes.) SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray was tested in accordance withiNFPA 286 with results reported in QAI Laboratories Test Report No. TJ0934, March 12, 2013 wherein the spray foam was coated with the intumescent coating TPR2 F10E. The test result successfully passed the acceptance criteria as defined in the IBC and IRC. Therefore, the thermal barrier as required in IBC Section 2603 and/or IRC Section 316 may be omitted provided the following limitations are observed: • The maximum thickness SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray in wall and ceiling assemblies is limited to 11.5 inches. I • The SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray is coated with i4 mils minimum dry film thickness (application rate of 80 ft2 per gallon) of TPR2 j1710E intumescent coating. 2. Maximum thickness: The maximum thickness that ( E 84 is four (4) inches. For thicknesses greater than Exception 4) and the IRC (R316.3, Exception) pro accordance with the Special Approval and Specific f Traditionally, small room corner tests (such as NFPA greater than 4 inches, with the spray foam covered v 1/2-inch gypsum wallboard). However, after reviewi results, ICC-ES staff recommended and the ICC-ES 377 wherein this test protocol maybe omitted. Under of the spray foam is not limited. The limitations place, ICC-ES reviewed, namely: • The spray foam product must have passed A (4) inches with maximum flame spread and s be tested in accordance with ASTM xr inches, the IBC (Section 2603.3, e for testing greater thicknesses in Iroval sections, respectively. 36) were employed to test thicknesses ;h a prescriptive thermal barrier (i.e., voluminous small room corner test oard approved a modification to AC us provision, the maximum thickness on this provision reflect the data that E84 testing at a thickness of four developed results of 25 and 450 respectively. • The spray foam product must be separated from the building interior by a prescriptive thermal barrier (1/2-inch [min.] gypsum wallboard is the only prescriptive thermal barrier listed in the building code). j The provisions described above are within AC 377, ;Section (November 2012). 505 Deer Ridge Lane • Ararat, VA 24053 • 276-755-9162 1 www.deer-ridge-consulting.com Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. Page 3 of 4 SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray has been tested in accordance with ASTM E84 with flame spread of less than 25 and smoke developed of less than 450. Therefore, SES Foam 0.5 lb Spray falls within the provisions of AC 377, Section and Imay be installed at any thickness provided it is covered with a prescriptive thermal barrier! Conclusions: I SES Foam'/2 lb Spray foam plastic insulation meets the requirements and intent of the IBC and IRC as specified and as limited in the Summary section above. Respectfully submitted, Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. Roger V. Morrison, PE, RRC i President I 505 Deer Ridge Lane Ararat, VA 24053 276-755-9162 www.deer-ridge-consulting.com Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. Reference Documents: I 1. 2009 and 2012 International Building Code: Sections 803.1.2.1; 2603. 2. 2009 and 2012 International Residential Code: Sections R302.9.4; R316. 3. QAI Laboratories Test Report No. TJ0934, March 12, 13 (NFPA 286). 4. Acceptance Criterial 377, November 2012. 505 Deer Ridge Lane • Ararat, VA 24053 • 276-755-9162 www.deer-ridge-consulting.com y� 505 Deer Ridge Lane Ararat, VA 24053 ®RC Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. office:276-755-9162 Fax: 866-441-1054 www.deer-ddge-consulting.com I Code Compliance Research Report Subject: SES Foam 1/2 lb Spray i RECEIVED Spray -Applied Polyurethane Foam Insulation System Date: July 29, 2011 MAY 0 7 Z018 S-_T huOa ccNrlty, Permitting Materials: SES Foam 1/2 lb Spray Test Standards: 1. ASTM E 84 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 2. NFPA 286 Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Growth 3. NFPA 286 as modified in AC 377, Appendix X Summary: 1. Based on the test data submitted and the reference documents, SES Foam %2 lb Spray spray polyurethane foam at a maximum thickness of 11.5 inches in walls and/or ceilings, covered with an approved or equivalent thermal barrier meetsithe requirements for use under 2006 IBC, 2006 IRC, 2009 IBC and 2009 IRC. 2. Based on the test data submitted and the reference documents, SES Foam %2 lb Spray spray polyurethane foam at a maximum thickness of 11.5 inches may be applied to all geometric construction planes in attics and crawl spaces without the prescribed protection from ignition as required in 2009 IBC Section 2603.4.1.6 or 2009 RC Sections R316.5.3 and R316.5.4 provided the following limitations are followed: 1) Entry to the attic or crawl spaces is only to service utilities and no storage is permitted. 2) There are no interconnected attic or crawl space areas. 3) Air in the attic or crawl space is not circulated to other parts of the building. 4) Attic ventilation is provided when required by IBC Section 1203.2 or IRC Section R806, except when air -impermeable insulation is permitted in unvented attics in accordance with Section R806.4 of IRC, Under -floor (crawl space) ventilation is provided when required by IBC Section l 1203.3 or IRC Section R408.1, as applicable. 5) Combustion air is provided in accordance with Sections 701 and 703 2006 IMC) and Section 701 (2009 IMC). 3. Based on the test data submitted and the reference documents, SES Foam % lb Spray spray polyurethane at a maximum thickness of 3.25 inches would not need to be covered with a thermal barrier when applied to sill plates and headers in accordance with 2009 IRC Section R316.5.11. i I File Cop i Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. I Page 2 of 4 I I Labeling Requirements: A- and B-components for SES Foam %2 lb Spray insulation must be identified with the manufacturer's name (SES Foam, LLC), address and telephone number; the name of the insulation product SES Foam %2 lb Spray); the flame spread and smoke developed indices; and the name of the third -party inspection agency. Discussion: Surface burning characteristics: The 2009 IBC and IRC (and earlier editions) require that unless otherwise allowed, foam plastic must be tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 as having a flame spread index of not more than 75 and a smoke -developed index of not more than 450. Intertek Test Reports 100432887SAT-003A (June 28, 20I11) and 100432887SAT-003B (June 28, 2011) report the following at a thickness of four (4) inches in accordance with ASTM E 84: Flame Spread Index 5 Smoke Developed Index 450 Therefore, SES Foam %2 lb Spray insulation meets the surface burning characteristics as stipulated in the IBC and IRC. i 2. Maximum thickness: The maximum thickness that can be tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 is four (4) inches. For thicknesses greater than four inches, the IBC (Section 2603.3, Exception 4) and the IRC (R316.3, Exception) prov�de for testing greater thicknesses in accordance with the Special Approval and Specific Approval sections, respectively. To this end, SES Foam %2 lb Spray has been tested in accordance with NFPA 286 and reported in Intertek Test Report No. 100432887SAT1 001, June 28, 2011. The foam plastic was tested covered with 1/2-inch gypsum wall board (an approved thermal barrier) at a thickness of 11.5 inches in the walls and ceiling. The hest assembly met the pass/fail criteria of IBC Section 803 (IRC has a similar pass/fail criteria but the IBC criteria is more stringent). Therefore, SES Foam %2 lb Spray insulation meets the IBC Special Approval and the IRC Specific Approval sections for application thicknesses up to 11.5 inches when covered with an approved thermal barrier or an approved equivalent thermal barrier. 3. Use in attics and crawl spaces: Both the IBC and,IRC provide exceptions to the thermal barrier requirement for the use of foam plastic insulation in certain attics and crawl spaces. Specifically, both model building codes provide for protecting the foam plastic from ignition through the use of coverings described as prescriptive ignition barriers (2009 IBC Section 2603.4.1.6 or 2009 IRC Sections R316.5.3 and R316.5.4). i 505 Deer Ridge Lane • Ararat, VA 24053 • 276-755-9162 • www.deer-ridge-consulting.com r Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. Page 3 of 4 I Omitting the prescriptive ignition barriers is permitted under both model building codes under the IBC Section 2603.9 Special Approval and the IRC Section R316.6 Specific Approval. However, neither the IBC or the IRC provides a specific test method for the approval of alternate materials or assemblies to prescriptive ignition barriers. i ICC Evaluation Service, in AC 377 Acceptance Criteria for Spray -Applied Foam Plastic Insulation, provides a protocol in Appendix X based on NFPA 286 to qualify alternate assemblies to those using prescriptive ignition barriersi ICC-ES accepts Appendix X test results for the purposes of issuing Evaluation Reports. Furthermore, this protocol is widely accepted within the building construction communityi as providing acceptable evidence under IBC Special Approval and IRC Specific Approval sections. Intertek Test Report No. 100432887SAT-002A, June 28, 2011 reports that SES Foam'/z lb Spray passes the AC 377, Appendix X protocol at a in thickness of 11.5 inches in the walls and ceiling. No prescriptive ignition barriers covered the foam plastic in this test; neither were there any coatings or other coverings applied (i.e., the foam plastic was left exposed for this test). Therefore, SES Foam %21b Spray meets the Special Appl oval and Specific Approval sections of the IBC and IRC respectively for use in attics and crawl spaces. The limitations as stipulated in AC 377, Appendix X apply. 4. Sill plates and headers: Based on the surface burning characteristics referenced above, SES Foam %2 lb Spray insulation meets the requirements of IRC Section R316.5.1 I for use on sill plates and headers without being covered with a thermal barrier at a maximum thickness of 3.25 inches. Conclusions: I SES Foam %21b Spray foam plastic insulation meets the requirements and intent of the IBC and IRC as specified and as limited in the Summary section above. Respectfully submitted, Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. Roger V. Morrison, PE, RRC President Reference Documents: 1. 2009 International Building Code: Sections 803.1.2.1; 2603. 2. 2009 International Residential Code: Sections R302.9.4; R316. 505 Deer Ridge Lane • Ararat, VA 24053 • 276-755-9162 • www.deer-ridge-consulting.com I Deer Ridge Consulting, Inc. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IM Intertek Test Reports No. 100432887SAT-003A (June 28,2011) and 100432887SAT-003B (June 28, 2011) (ASTM E 84) Intertek Test Report No. 100432887SAT-001, June 281,2011 (NFPA 286) Intertek Test Report No. 100432887SAT-002A, June 28, 2011 (AC 377, Appx. X) SES Foam '/z lb Spray Technical Data Sheet Acceptance Criteria1377, Appendix X i i 505 Deer Ridge Lane • Ararat, VA 24053 • 276-755-9162 • www.deer-ridge-consulting.com I i MIAMI•DADE NW-h DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION I T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315--2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) 1 WWW.miamidadLgov/ecornoml Lawson Industries, Inc. 9501 NW 90a' Street Medley, FL 33166 I . SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami —Dade County RER— Product Control Section to be used in Miami —Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). . { This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami —Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami —Dade County) and/ or the AHJ (in areas other than Miarn-i—Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense iof such testing and the A14J may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami —Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, DESCRIPTION. Series "420016200 Flange —Frame" Aluminum Fixed Window — L.NLL APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 1,4200-6200-1201� Rev C, titled "Series-4200-6200 Flange — Frame Impact Fixed Window", sheets 01 through 05 of 05, dated 02/21/12 last revised on NOV 21, 2017, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. So Ios, P. E., bearing the Miami —Dade County Product Control Section Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and Expiration date by the Miami —Dade County Product Control Section. MLSSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impae Limitations: 1. See Design Pressure (DP) VS Window sizes and glass types in 2. See glass types in sheet 3. The monolithic .lite in insulated l require tempered .glass, if used at 30 ft above the grade. 3. When an approved impact resistant mullion attached to comb entire assembly. LABELING.: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the man and following statement: "Miami —Dade County Product Control Api RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal apph change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the perfo TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date` the materials, use, and/ or manufacture of the product or process. Mi product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatic with any section of this NOA shall be cause for terminatiori and rem ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words A by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If a shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of tl This NOA revises NOA No. 174531.05 and consists of this page 1 as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Ishaq L Chanda, P. M1AMi-DADE COUNTY Resistant sheet 4. glass is oriented at exterior side and window units, lower DP will apply to ufacturer's name or logo, city, state, series, proved", unless otherwise noted herein. ration has been filed and there has been no rmance of this product. or if there has been a revision or change in suse of this NOA as an endorsement of any ally terminate this NOA. Failure to comply 3val of NOA. liami Dade County, Florida, and followed ny portion of the NOA is displayed, then it ier by the manufacturer or its distributors Building Official. id evidence pages E-1, E 2, E-3 and E-4, NOA No. 17 1212.13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: Feb a 01 v2018 fle{Dage 1 Lawson Industries, Inc. 1. Evidence submitted in previous "files A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NOA No.12-0307.06) 2. Drawing No. L4200-6200-1201, titled "Series-4200-6200 Flange Frame Impact Fixed Window", sheets 01 through 05 of 05, dated 1 02/21/12 with revision `B" dated 05/12/17, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test I 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Load - along with marked -up drawings and installatio frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane 1. No.'s BETI-12-4010 and RETI-11 3363, t Rafael Droz-Seda, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No.12-0307.06) 2. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test l 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loath along with marked -up drawings and installatioi and an elliptical arch fin -frame fixed windo Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s E ETI-09-26 09/02/09, IIETI-09-2586, dated 07/10/09, 11E 2582, dated 07/10/09, HETI-09 2580 and c Candido F. Font, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-0307.06) 3. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure along with marked -up drawings and installatio frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane I Reports No.'s HETI49 2613, dated 09/04/( B ETI-09 2585, dated 07/10/09, HETI-09 2 dated 07/10/09, all signed and sealed by Candid (Submitted underNOA No.12-0307.D6) 4. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure along with marked -up drawings and installatio: frame fixed window, prepared by Hurricane I Reports No.'s HETI.43-1778, dated 01/30/ RETI-03-1776, dated 01 /3 0/03, all. signed and (Submitted under NOA No. 03-0327.11) E-1 r FBC, TAS 201-94 ig per FBC, TAS 203-94 diagram of an arch- and a rectangular fin ngineering & Testing, Inc., Test Reports ith dated 03/05/12, signed and sealed by er FBC, TAS 201-94 ng per FBC, TAS 203-94 L diagram of a rectangular-, a circular arch- x, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & 14, dated 09/04/09, HETI49 2612, dated KTI492584, dated 07/10/09, HETI49- lated 07/10/09, all signed and sealed by 'est, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 diagram of a rectangular fin- gineering & Testing, Inc., Test ', HETI-09 2611, dated 09/04/09, 31, dated 07/10/09 and IIETI--09 2579, F. Font, P. E. est, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 diagram of a rectangular fin- dgineerig & Testing, Inc.,. Test 3, 3HETI43-1779, dated 01/30/03 and yaled by Rafael Droz--Seda., P. E. Isbaq 1. Chanda, P. E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.17-121213 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date-. February 01, 2018 Lawson Industries, Inc. B. TESTS (coNTn mm) .5. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test pi 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loadi along with marked —up drawings and installation and an elliptical- arch fin —.frame fixed windoi Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s IIETI43-17 dated : 01 /3 0/03, HETI43-1774B, dated 011301 Seda, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 03-0327.11) 6. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test, per FB( 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure 3) Water Resistance Test, per F along with marked —up drawings and installation window, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & 02-1215, dated 04/08/02 .and B:ETI- 01-1193, Hector Medina, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02-0701.01) 7. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test pe 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loadii along with marked —up drawings and installation and an elliptical arch fin —frame fixed window Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HETI-02-11! 02/12/02 and B ETI-01-1098, dated 02/11/02, E. (Submitted under NOA No. 02=070.1.01) r FBC, TAS 201-94 ig per FBC, TAS 203-94 diagram of rectangular—, a circular arch- r, prepared by Hurricane Engineering & t7, dated 01/30/03, HETI-03-1774A and B, all signed and sealed by Rafael Droz— TAS 202-94 Lest, Loading per FB-C, TAS 202-94 3C, TAS 202-94 diagram of a circular arch fin —frame fixed Testing, Inc., Test Reports No.'s HETI— [ated 04/08/02, both signed and sealed by FBC, TAS 201-94 per FBC, TAS 203-94 iagram of a rectangular—, a circular arch — prepared by Hurricane Engineering & dated 04/08/02, HETI-01-1103, dated signed and sealed by Hector Medina, P. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC,, prepared by manufacturer, dated 03/01/12, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No.12-03OZ 06) 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E130044/ 09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami —Dade Department ofRegulatory and E-2 Resources (RER). Ishaq 1. Chanda, P. E. Product Contral Examiner NOA No. 17-121213 Expiration Date: August22,2022 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 Lawson Industries, Inc. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No.16-1117.01 issued to'Kuraray America., Inc. for their "Trosifol® Ultraclear, Clear, and Color PVB Interlayers" dated 01/19/17, expiring on 07/08/19. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0916.11 issued toIKuraray America., Inc. for their "SentryGlas® (Clear and White) Interlayer" dated 06/25/15, expiring on 07/04/18. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0423.15 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex CP - Saflex and Saflex HP Composite Glass Interlayers with PET Core" dated 06/19/14, expiring on 12/11/18. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to and complying with FBC 5« Edition (2014), issued by manufacturer, dated 05/23/17, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, issued by manufacturer, dated 03/02/12, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-0307.06) 3. Laboratory compliance letter for Test .Reports No.'s HETI 09-2614, dated 09/04/09, IIETI-09-2612, dated 09/02/09, HETI-09-2586, dated 07/10/09, HETI492584, dated 07/10/09, HETI-092582, dated 07/10/09, 11I-09-2580, dated 07/10/09, HETI-09- 2613, dated 09/04/09, HETI49 2611, dated 09/04/09, HETI-09-2585, dated 07/10/09, HETI-09 2581, dated 07/10/09 and IMTI-09-2579, dated 07/10/09, all issued by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., signed and sealed by Candido F. Font, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 12-0307.06) 4. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No.'s HETI-12-4010 dated 03/05/12, HETI 11-3363, dated 03/05/12, HETI-03-1778, dated 01/30/03, HETI-03-1779, dated 01/30/03, IUETI43-1776, dated 01/30/03, HETI43-1777, dated 01/30/03, IIETI-03- 1774A, dated 01/30/03 and BMT143-1774B ,dated 01/30/03, all issued by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc., signed and- sealed liy Rafael Droz-Seda, P. E. (Submitted under NOA's No.'s 12-0307.06) G. OTHERS I. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0908:18, issued to Lawson Industries, Inc. for -their Series "4200/ 6200 Flange -Frame" Aluminum Fixed Wi71dow - L.MV1.l. ", approved on 12/11/14 and expiring on 08/22/17. 2. New Evidence submitted. A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. L420.0-62.00-1201 Rev C, titled "Series-4200-6200 Flange -Frame Impact Fixed Vlmdow", sheets 01 through 05 of 05, dated 02/21/12 last revised on NOV 21, 2017, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P. E, prepared by manufacturer,signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos.1 P. E. Note: This revision consist of editorial changes of FBC 17 (6 h Edition) code compliance. ]shaq I. Chanda, P. E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-1212.13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: February 01, 2018 E-3 Lawson Industries B. Test 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIALCERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC 2017 (6'b Edition) and "No financial interest" dated 11/17/17, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Thomas J. Sotos, P.E. 2. Statement letter dated 01 /22/18 of theeditorialdrawing changes issued by Lawson Inc, signed by Nelson Erazo, Senior design engineer. G. OTHER 1. This NOA revises # 17-0531.05, expiring 08/22/22. Isha'cl I. Chanda, P. E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 17-12M13 Expiration Date: August 22, 2022 Approval Date: February 01, 201-8 E-4 -L - WINDOW WIDTH' WINDOW WIDTH LEG HT, WINDOW WIDTH LEMED EYE BROW ELEVATION r WINDOW HEIGHT WINDOW WINDOW WIDTH WINDOW WDDTH SQUARE PICTURE WINDOW ELEVATION WINDOW HEIGHT JE HT, WINDOW WIDTH WINDOW NEIGH WINDOW WIDTH ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR ALTERNATE SHAPES AS SHOWN, CAN BE VERIFIED BY INSCRIBING PICTURE WINDOW SHAPE y WITHIN A SQUARE OR RECTANGLE. AS TYPICAL ELEVATION NOTE,- TESTED UNIT MAXIMUM GLASS AREA TESTED APPLIES TO GLASS TYPES: E, F, J, , K AND L. — SEE DESIGN LOAD CAPACITY TABLES ON SHEET 4 FOR SIZE LIMITATIONS OF EACH GLASS TYPE. General Notes: , AT CORNERS ' � �33DUC fi 12' MAX. =09v$wftft1, TYP. wing G"s Aaaep&nce No 17-12 �p Eapie�t we xu ll a. , � EXT. & INT. FALSE COLONIAL MUNTINS ARE APPLIED W/ W/ SILICONE AND ARE AVAILABLE AS OPTMNAL. WINDOWS ARE L.M. IMI - MIAIyII-DADE COUNTY APF SHUTTERS NOT REQUI 1.) THIS WINDOW SYSTEM IS DESIGNED AND TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (2014-5th Edition & 2017-6th . Edition) INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ) AND ASTM 1300-09. THIS . PRODUCT .IS. IMPA' RESISTANT. (SHUTTERS NOT REQUIRED) _2.) WOOD BUCKS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ANCHORED SO THAT THE BUILDING RESISTS THE SUPERWOSED--LOADS-IN ACCORDANCE -WITH -THE -REQUIREMENTS OF F.B.C. & TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL. 3.) ANCHORS SHOWN ABOVE ARE AS PER TEST UNITS. ANCHORS ON ALL WINDOW SIZES ARE NOT TO EXCEED THESE MAXIMUM SPACINGS ON CENTER (O.C.) . 4.) ANCHOR CONDITIONS NOT DESCRIBED IN THESE DRAWING'S ARE TO BE ENGINEERED ON A SITE SPECIFIC BASIS, UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND TO BE REVIEWED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL. 5.) WINDOWS ARE QUALIFIED FOR USE WITH SINGLE GLAZE LAMINATED GLASS TYPES, AND FOR'USE WITH DOUBLE GLAZE LAMINATED INSULATED GLASS TYPES TABULATED HEREI (SEE SHEET #3 FOR GLASS TYPES AND SHEET #4 FOR MAX. DESIGN PRESSURES). 6.) WINDOWS WITH GLASS TYPES "B, C. F, OR G" INSTALLED ABOVE 30ft. IN, THE HVHZ, .T I.G. EXTERIOR LITE SHALL BE TEMPERED TO COMPLY WITH THE SMALL MISSILE IIMPAC7 RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS (FBC-Chapter 24 Section 2411.3.3.7). 7.) FOR OPTIONAL FRAME INSTALLATION DETAILS SEE SHEETS 2 & 5. 8.) EXT. & INT. FALSE COLONIAL MUNTINS ARE ' OPTIONAL & AND ARE APPLIED W/ SIUCOP 9.) WOOD BUCKS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE MUST BE. PRESSURE TREATED AND. ANCHOR (BY OTHERS), PRIOR TO WINDOW INSTALLATION. (SEE SHEET #R FOR. DETAIL . & NOTES) 10.) APPROVAL APPLIES TO SINGLE UNITS OR SIDE BY SIDE MULLED UNITS. 11.) MULLING FIXED WINDOWS WITH OTHER TYPES OF MIAMI-DADE � COUNTY APPROVED PRO] , USING A MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED MULLION IN, BETWEEN ARE ACCFPTARIA RTTT EXT. GRADE BACK BEDDING TO BE APPLIED BEHIND WINDOW FRAME FLANGE BY INSTALLER (TYP.) EXTERIOR — EXT. GRADE PERIMETER CAULKING NOT BY 'LAWSON INDUSTRIES, TO BE APPLIED BY OTHERS (TYP.) r- FzYOt+1Zi�7��+V_�i�A CK-BEDDED W/ AN EXT. PERIMETER OF FLANGE WINDOW FRAME TO ❑VED EXTERIOR GRADE MIN. ?Ksl MIN. &ME AND THE BUCK OR NOT REQUIRED. EXT. G CAULK EXT. GRADE 2 v EXTERIOR CAULK - EXTERIOR GRADE - PERIMETER CAULKING WINDOW FRAME WIDTH 1' MIN. #14 S.M.S. W/ 1 1/4' 1/4' TAPCON W/ 1 1/4' GE DISTANC MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO WOOD. MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO CONC. (SEE ELEVATI❑N AT SHEET #1 (SEE ELEVATION AT SHEET #1 FOR MAX. FASTENER SPACING) FOR MAX. FASTENER SPACING) EXT. GRADE CAULK 1 1/8' MIN. DTST�E 'MIN.MENT% ::�rl v EX 'S INTO WOOD, OR ED CONC. FASTENERS 4' MAX. SHIM TYP EXTERIOR GRADE PERIMETER CAULKING cr cr EXTERIOR 0 EXTERIOR GRADE PERIMETER CAUL CSEE ELEVATI FOR MAX, FAS' 'a 4 1/4: MIN. MBEDMENT ;•A °: EDGE D: 4i RT WOOD BUCK NOT BY LAWS MUST SUSTAIN IMPOSED LOADS v • 1 1/4' MIN. :-4 c A EMBEDMENT 4 e a, SILICONE ADHESIVE BEDDING COMPOUND INTERIOR 10 LAMINATED GLASSO"©DC�ra ' ss � w ii u 11 ft"a%%& i Aqccpisrsw-Nmt s -4: .. F ,MPOSITION TYPE C DETAIL 3/16' . cat CO. - - - _..O U4' CO — DETAIL j erica, Inc. ® 0.70' ago' [POSITION TYPE G 5 16 " LAMINATED GLASS COMPOSITION - TYPE D ITEM GLASS DESCRIPTION j DETAIL •OA90• - - - I. S- 2 a34o' 1 1/8' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 2 0.090' TRIISIFOL PVB byr Kuraray America, Inc. 3 1/8' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 13 32" LAMINATED GLASS COMPOSITION - TYPE E ITEI( GLASS DESCRIPTION �3 DETAIL .............. A,o9o• 3/16 1 -- 0.406• 1 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 2 0,090' SAFLEX PVB bye Eastman Chemical Co. 3 1/8' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 7 16" LAMINATED GLASS COMPOSITION - TYPE H ITEM GLASS DESCRIPTION I 3 DETAIL 1 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS 3/16' I 0.090• - - - 0.460• 2 0.090' SAFLEX PVB by, Eastman Chemical Co. 3/16' :-_':_' 3 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS COMPOSITION - _. -- - - - - -j- I ITEM GLASS DESCRIPTION ?rica, Inc. -® .1/4• 677V Le, :_ ____ 1 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS 2 0.090' TR13SIFOL PVB by, Kuraray America, - 3 3/16' ANNEALED GLASS Lr V.7111V1Y 1 L rr. A, DETAIL •rica, Inc. i 3ne . LOADS LOAD CAPACITY TABLES. 3 "B, C. F. OR G" INSTALLED THE I.G. EXTERIOR LITE SHALL QITH THE SMALL MISSILE IL[PACT (FBC-2014, Section 2411.3.3.7). 5 12 PTIONS'i- 899 ----------- -ur-en s7".111 - - - - - - - 3/16• —7- -16"-LUMA-TED-GLASS-COMP-OSMON - TYP_E_d •ITEM GLASS DESCRIPTION 3 DETAIL 3/16' .Q090• 9A6 /1fi• :___ _ 2 1 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 2 0.090' SENTRYGLASS by, Kuraray America, Inc. 3 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 7 16 " LAMINATED GLASS COMPOSITION - TYPE K ITEM GLASS DESCRIPTION 3 3/16' DETAIL 1 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS 2 0.090' TROSIFOL PVB byi Kuraray America, Inc. A.090' 0.4 3/16, :=__ = __ _ 1 3 3/16' HEAT-STRENGHTENED GLASS LAMINATED - MONOLITHIC GLAZING DEPTH LAMINATED - MONOLITHIC GLAZING STOP 0 CIRCULAR WE �- LAMINATED Q MONOLITHIC 0.600'— GLAZING ------ DOW CORN' ML' SCHNEE-MI TREMCD SI 0.600' GLAZING DEPTH LAMINATED f MONOLITHIC GLASS. TYPICAL GLAZING DETAIL �R� w3Sb tine ' t co � m m h h m m mmm m m co m m W m 00 co 00 m m co com h co co N m m m N ' z ' o I COS (mD op cD mmto CO �(' OD 9i°o cp o0 (°3�� xffiCODD(a I x coX0D co X x�� I x x X�� x x x E O �C Av,E o c i � of • 70 m A CD m (o 00 CD Q� CD pppp (Two m m m m (O m CO m CO m CO m m m CO m CC) m (D m m x 00 CD co CO m (O x x m CD m CD m m x x m cD m CD e0 CD X x F O i G] G A Cr. a (°� (°� (°� c�8 (000 (°� (°� (°� c°sQ (°� (°� (°� (°� x c°b� m x (°� (°8 (°� x x (°� (� (°S x x W MCJ I � G ip � C9 W e :D CO CD (D (D CO CD (D CD (D to t(t�� (O Ct[�� (O to (D (D Cry (D �n CD �7 (D (D (D try 2 Cfl (D `cd t� ("3 t� v3 to u� "3 c� C� tO N tp t(� tp A((o 0Opp CO �CD Tc� fmD CCD tmD p(pp tL(DDw 0�pp CD coo lm0 w 0Opp CO cmO x co COOPT x x2(mO pppp ID x xm(mDco x x � C W"AE nD W T CO 8 w (D x X(D i . coo � X x X x x X X x cox x x , W O � OP D (mD CO to to ftl cO cmO CC�C0O Cog x x(°302 x x (�(mD x x x10 (°g� x x x r. nmmm D (D (D cp (1 cp (O mmmpp CD (O (D (U m (O X X mmm m m m X i x co (D (O x x x Ex LL_ I lz e:�(D T (7�~ i] mil' 01 14 a 1 M a0 N GV C+1 a m 0 IJID �O N � oD (`E bo C'� t Cb N ('� LO r C!5 N (+; m r C.4 iy u7 r (t5 N r N A LO d) r (b N M 'T cr LO I ffitBYdffiffiffiffis 83038ffif88,93ffi2ffiffi822ES$ ffi08Es 8 FB03293888a38si8(B228 t to LO • CO CO tq co m CD to m to (D to (D to tp (D CD to (D to m to CD LO co to CO to (D tq lO sn In (D CO to CO to CD L CO b CO t� (D to CD to (O LO (O to CO to CD to CO tO CD � to m t0 to CO LO LO CD m I CO Lo CO To (O to CD LO (D m m to m Lo to (D CO � m to (O to co OD h m hhhhhhhhhhhhhhr�hn co mm mmm co co co co m co co co hhhr.h^hhnhhn��hhh co Gomm hN cD commmtah mmOD I LO �hhh^n.h mmh CO hhh CO i �i8ffiP$(�ffiia�u�u�xi$P$fficdxxx��(�xxxxffiQ$ffixxxxffi$xx xffixxx(�xxxxx (`$P8Y8P3ffic�f$ cCgPxf$Q$(�$ xxx�ffit xxxx8EsI.'xxxxssxl X2xxxffixx x x x COODmmaommmmcomWwormm CD ID to (D (Dtp 0 CD (D fp cD 1p (O CD 0x x mmm O CO (D X X X X 01) (p CO co X x x x lo" (O to (D X X X mm (O 1000 D x X m (O x x ap m x x PSiB(°Sc°$ffif$�BigF$ffi�c°8i$�c°$iaxx�($P$ffixxxP$Q$�$xxxxg$(�$(°gxxP$(°$xx@xx(°�xx t(3`(d`c3(`8("3"3id(`$(s22(`8`c$("d8`c8l80`(dc`8`c8(`S2`(8`(8(ts8s8c`$`22lid`s818(8`(d"(r3c`3`2 32(c8`$82 mm CD 0D000D0D 000 CO (D fO 0DCOM 0 m 0,0P 00m co CD co (D 00 tD mm 0(D 1XI Xmmm (D CO CO X X Xx00 - co co Go co X X Xx mm (D I X CD , XXmm CO CD XX00 co xxm Cp xx V GLAZING BEAD (3/8" & 13/32" GLASS) 6063—T6 — GLAZING BEAD (7/16" GLASS) 6063—T6 — GLAZING BEAD (5/16" GLASS— INSULATED) 6063—T6 — GLAZING BEAD (7/16" GLASS — INSULATED) 6063-T6 — ASSEMBLY SCREWS — P.H. PHILLIPS GLAZING BEAD AT CIRCULAR WDWS. 6063—T5 — GLAZING GASKET SOFT PVC — GLAZING SILICONE * — GLAZING SETTING BLOCK SOFT PVC 1/8" X 1/8" X 2" -."TruSeal" Dura Seat Swiggle Spacer 1/4" BLACK 1/4' AIR SPACE QSION DETAILS .310 '040 1850�� 391 .050 TYP. 773 2 GLAZING STOP --(5/1-6—GLASS) .040 - �.250 .@50 050 TYP. 773 GLAZING STOP (7/16" GLASS) 050 .0 2 TYP. @oo INSULATED GLAZING STOP W/ 7/16" LAMINATED GLASS SEE MULLION APPROVALS FOR MULLION TYPE, SIZE AND MAX. DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITATIONS. ALUMINUM MULLION - (ALUM. 0.078" MIN. THICK) NOTE: THE LOWER PRESSURES OF THE WINDOW OR MULL SHALL GOVERN INTERIOR CIRCULAR WINDOWS OOR METER CORNERS ' 2 FRAME RADIUS JOINT FRAME END.CORN FRAME CORNER & JOINT „DETAILS SEALANT. FRAME CORNERS, OR JOINTS SEALED WITH A COLORED SEALANT AND PERIMETER OF GLAZING BEAD WITH CLEAR SILICONE PMJ)>iICV RIEvm 40.E sYith I - . I fag Ca& SEE MULLION APPROVALS FOR # 12 X 3/4' S.D.S. MULLION TYPE, SIZE AND MAX. DESIGN PRESSURE FLAT HEAD, PHILLIPS. LIMITATIONS. AT 12' Q.C. MAX. INTERIOR NOTE: THE LOWER PRESSURES OF 1/4' MAX. THE WINDOW OR MULL SHALL GOVERN 1 r' SHIM II 12 S.D.S. X 1 1/4" L. AT 12' O.C. MAX. NOTE: 1. ALL STEEL IN CONTACT WITH ALUM. TO BE PAINTED OR PLATE] 2. METAL STRUCTURES: A) STEEL : Fy — 36 KSI MIN. (STEEL 18 GA. MIN. THICK = 0.0 8) ALUMINUM :.6063—TS MIN. (ALUM. 0.078" MIN. THICK) wminnui ronuC I ---...—_ ! \ . u,n.—., —.r