HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2149 ~"" WTT.T.U-lI...!ll.UO.um...m. nr 1'0 349 .__.lIJLLaJla._..Baua .9 \j-' T ~(~J.~,A.! M _ q E. E P I TIIl~ INOF.NTUIU" Mall~ Ih1....._. ..._. nlneteenth.__---day oL-.-..-_.._...Kal"Oh....__......._.. ........._... ......^- u. 1...e7..~ bel"~ -..-.-.. .-.--.....-.--...--.....-- WUl1alll..~reegar4_and..JULJrUe_.l\'10l"eno.a. ~re8ga1'd..._.. . _.__. _. _..________. ..f I~ (""lIlt)' 01. . Unl an ............._ ....._._..... an.l Sbt~ of _.._._.......JI.t!.,t. .J'\" aey ........ ......_........._.. parll e .~. of I~ lirsl p~,t, an.t - ..........-......._... ..... _. ......._._._.._____.__._ lJ..C!.111....N .__s.~g..r.___._.___ .... ._._.__.._......_.. _ _._._._.... "_'_'___'" ............._.._ "'_'''''__ .., th<- '.......1). of r,&kc ...... . . ........... .............and Slal~ of ......_..__.... r.~()l' 1d. .......... . ,.ut._ 1. ..f Ih~ .rcond put, WITNI-:SSETIf. That I.... ",;'1 part leG 01 th<- liot put, for and in c..",.id~ral;,'" of I~ sum of -...----..--........----- __.on.._~Q.Uar._&D~._Q.~h.ftr.J.G1.JAa.bl.,_..g.o.nQ lAtr.aU, Q DO.._______.___....._...._.___._......._... --.-.Du.. in hand ~iJ by I~ sai<l rart...)'... of Ih~ ,trond part, lhe: rcc~ipt ....heffOl is h~r~b)' arkno...kdl(w. ha..'f'e ...._... r~mi>(.1. ,,'Itase.l an.1 quit.claimtd. and by I~~ pr~....," 00. "'''''' nmi'f'. rdcoas.. and quil-cbim unlo the said part Y.... of I~ SC'roOd rart and ..........._.her ... ........._......._.. ~in ..nd a..ign, fo,~,C'f", ..II I~ 'OlCht. till~, inltr~~t, claim and d~mand .hich I~ said parI. i880f th~ fint rarl ha.TIt .__..... in and h' I.... 1.,IIo....ing dH<riWd ".1..__, pic-c~._.. or ~rc~L._ of land, oaK: situate. lying and being in the CaWlty af st. Luois, State of '!lo~ld.~.,...Jo.~~.~.~;.__.__.___ . '__'__'_ _'''__'''''''_'' _.____.___..__.__._._._.._...___ . ._._ .L()~ .. QOt... B1Qot<4 . Qt.C,,~I!l.,~Q.. A.4.!l.H"-9~~.a_..'()!t. J?.J..Sl'..9~ ...8. ...8..~~dJ..n.lJlon..of.p~l.'~u.Qf......___.. ........ ._.1.he' Bi .. of_ the..SB-t.o:f.. the.. sE;i.o.:f.SeoU.ID1...9..._Tolfnah1p. 35. . Jouth ...Bange.n40. .Eas,____._ ...__ .-..-- aa .. r .00 rd.cl . :inn Put ..Book-2......page.-~O......3t......Luoi.eCountY_ReQordB.________.._...._,__..__._ -----.----.--.-.----....--------..----------------.-----.-----------.------------------------------- .-.--- ...__..._---- ..._._.._--_..__.__._..__._--_....-.__._.--._---_.~-~--~-_._._._._._..---_.__.._------. -----------"--- -------"---"-""'-'--'--' .---.------------.-.---.-.-----..---------------------.--------------.-------- ---....-...---.--.-.----.-----.---------.........-.------------------.-------------.-----.----.--- .--------- -.--.-..------....-----.---.---..-.-.----------------.------------.------...------- .n.'. _____......_..... _._...______________......_._..___.____.___..._.__.... ..._..._._...._._........__._~_._~ ,__,__,_._.___..._. .__.. ... _.._.____. ._...__._._ ( . TO ,1.-\ VE AXI> TO 1I0l.\t Ihc- q_. logrth<r ...ith all ..nd ,ingulu I~ a''l'Ult".,..nC('~ IhcolTUllln 1~I..nll:i"K ,,' in an)...i,~ .p~'I.ininK. and "I' I.... CO.I...... ,iKht. litl~. i"I~,..'1 'In.! ,bim ..haISOC:'tr nl I~ said part .1ea nf t.... rol'l part. ..ilhcr in 1:1..- l\' "Iuil)". I.> I~ ....I)" proptr ...... I.....~fit "nd I>rb.~.f 01 tht said ""rt .1.... 01 Ih<- SttOOd rart, _--....___.__..hsr._..___._._._._._ _......_...._....h~i" ..n.1 a"il(n. f"r~'~r. IN WITNESS WHE!(EO..., Ih~ ",id pari lea of Ih~ first pari ha :9'.0..._....: ~~unlo !oeL......_. on. ~h.t.."...__._._..ha...I..8. ..nd 'co,,1 ~ . Ih<- day anti )"t'~r fint ah<l\'~ writttlL Sil:nW. ..."I.-d an" ddin".1 in preSftlCe 01: ~ William Pl'eegard __.__..__ _Jy.'Pr.~.~g",r4__.l. (Seal) __._..Ja_ B01.a.Johnaon._________ ...C.o.l v.1D... JY....lUao o~.. ._(Sc:~I.) .. ?lOreIlo~ !~seg8rd ._ .._......_...(Snl.) STATE OF __ll'."_...I.QUU . ('.ount,. of___1l1ddleS8X.. I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on - I Ihis day loer<onall)" a~rw belore mt', an offic<r (1111)' aul....-.nlCO.\ h> a.lminisl<r ,"'th. an.1 tal.:t arl.:1!OwJnl!l:mmt.. _.._......_..._._..__...._.ll111aJD..Pt.sClgsrd....8.o4....1U.llunaJLA..._Rre.sg.&rd. ..hls. ..wlfe ...__....____.._._..______ 10 me ....II'I.:no...n to b~ Ih~ I'C'r.... 8 .kscribrd in .....1 ..00 n<<ut.-d t~ fortj(.)inlt in,lrumenl and ........ ....th.S1.. '. . arl.:oo..-I.-dlCw bdorco m~ that ........_.... .the1____....__.....e:uculn\ 11ll: "me: freely and volunlarily for I~ purl'O'" Ih~r~in "'Pfl'<<M. ANI> I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the: giJ.... Plol" eno 8 _ A,._!!'~_lt~a.!~_._____.._.......______.____.._...._. I.:oo...n I.) _ 10 Joe Ihe ...ir~ of I~ ...id.____.W.l111oll..~r.Q..gD.r.tl._____..._.~...__._.___.__...___..__.__ on a ~aratco and p,i1"at~ ~umirulioo. I""tn and made: b)' and Joefore rnt, s~ral..l)" and ..pari from h~r ",id hu........1. did "d:""...kdjl:e lhal s~ u<<ulcod th~ fon'goinlC l>n:d for Ihe: purpose: of r~inquishing. alienating ..nd connyil'lt ,,1\ her ri~hl. !ilk and inltr~'I. .......Ihu of do.....r. hollX",tco..d or 01 ~ral~ I'fOjIC'rly. stalut<;l)< or etjuitabk. in and I.) Ihr land, de:s<:obed I~rein, and thai she: ~llttUl(d said Dn-rl fl(~ly and ,...Iun!.uily ..nd without ..ny com- pulsion. constraint, apprtMnsion or fnr of or from hu ,aid husband. WITNESS my hand and ,,100.1 scoal. .1_1.>~.~~~_~~l__CoWIIY oL._.!i..!dd.!~.I!.~~...._._..__._.and Stale ol.Il~)I_le:r~~.l._._. Ihis.___.~~h.m..:.. _._day of_._AP.1:'.U___.____A. D. \9__~7 (Sat _______.J.,!I;!,-'._.J......JlIlll.t.u.__._..___._ U~t8ry Publlo for state of Uew Jersey Ugmo..::~~eB)~~.~::.. -.-...__ ~: t~: f. !. l J IlVo IT RUIEllBEtlF.IJ, That on Ihis...-..2.6i.h ...day of ...A.prl1..a.t.. fl ~..8. A. !l..__..A. D. \9.27 f, ~._..O..._EIJIUU)_ ___._.__._...<.'krk <>1 ~ Circuit Court in and for said County, hne: duly rn:o,rkd tI... fortgoing Quit-Claim I><<d in ~ Public R<<<wdl of said County. IN WITNESS WIIERF.OF, I ha..e httnmto sd my hand and ~ suI 01 said Court thr d"y ..net )"nr aoon .riu(l1. L~. I (Ct.C~.~8eal \ '- 'e~ ,~... ~e~'" ~O (..0 ~C, ..._____..__.._.___.._~._Q...ELDRED (SuI.) .' Clerk Cir....it Court. B7-8.~"",,-,>-. _.~ "",,- ". ~ ~~j~~g~;~~1f~*~ii~~ , .>:':;;::6~~~~~~i